Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-08-02, Page 2?Rpm" .4, Y L 171 :7:� 711:11z. I': I A sh, Whom oz 0 irtfoing confidence, ea. but" thrclugli It,. Uod's. 1, n f 1 n.1 to, go River Col�qny, oil th-6. Qeaerav Foreptt6y�Walkep apd 44ord 's. Billier fi� the gJk0qp t upv. W Worklpa&; 8ir Red, r ed Of, A lfl co pv #hl tho, object, of. re ilyl days cot,the W 6r, but 141,eqt. 0 'le r!, THE M096.k Z,06 ;,wthop, QTan, 9ve and power has lat,414410 u*'. 6ait; -there Is. some Pf Mothuoir hre b6th. Evulpr to- It I'm that, I pretie of en. , 1 61. �Ort�clg of Ifi, ....elther these in is, however, Witter OAS In, be ap:13161�� dlhd� the, land frie?),ols wW ) t 41. Yle NO W�ti if try, likply to, lted,' a 4 -it iid our t& Riper'movemept. , AV .14,64, i1itist: b0l� 0414 tha. pith 0 lo 0 rre' #a d ficulties: of thq�poiftnl favor - of 4, nobly St6b.d �. by us'- �*q, exte T,6st of %reloss TolograO t 'Voo AT I END nev, 'k I �6* been4sciertalned, tbat 91, Gerter4. bYttloitorli- that lie 111�1 f Fit rQ than a,! 11mqelf 14, civil "Tillp state, n a', fcou ort - , t4at. ready diqtItigulallipd. T� a r tbo * rlepq 'Wholi Milttatry.$eOrdtair I L. Fosiburp, and,' falnllY,"' Fouirloi the life. -y to,E)v *as" deposed for'advisIng der4to'01d .' that.. Robert - I$_ ARH VES, _­ : 11.0 , Map $tbamships Burgheirg� tco surrender.: He W h4, Ady jig. tried jo, q At Gibraltar gad,jatei to to up A ORR ........ .. .. Ijord ReNy kfil Golerupr,cof Bombay o6buig, - thp , defendant, �wllk M090 at Parys,.by Nieary and D I . 14 ly, aWet, an JU ury, to Sa 110, stat'6M.Put, persona ONE AS'SAILINP, FOR an q_Xprietis. .. mq -e e OtW* og6)M�, to �bdliit'06. future.' 'Hie. -h 'ed It elf- In' h" rpg-arldeld, as�a'mAp!,,%v1th- a anq, th t dgo' 109t n out �thls At �OQ the' ptatent put, gh t4t,� enom -patisfeet-ory .9 y NO, -the, r' noo. r. in . C f)ubllcl� -Ali., r, -he 41 -.cone Ne%i: Y6ik,' i'tily"gi§. p4niq numbeii of Ape ugukup,of 4 a. will be, t ffic!41, ttkilledit, Of' the South Air call to '66ma, from - 00 Fb#64rKs. X.41ser, WIIheIi4 &r GDOESO, Colony, foltowJpg t)wtr old, t"Vdj� R to. sees, ifty, arid'then, no irqaWh-'1vby.Br, Stear itic 4'd"h- upon scomo Post wheid, there, not by side, Tlhl�, 4 t t p. the. proper spirit, With which 1079p-, atilegessful t 0 eratio �of 1, '5RIL [ton and.] of d -b question. M the Qng run, an Vill I ISpersl0n,� ' followed y ren oe North, Oei Ll cist 1- 1 r 1 1. 1 4,6zvous .4, ter a If d aro stop es-oir 41 or w, k rapik' ino PL UQED.,- proach, the. situation, -buf ih tLily ednac R P A whom Is. Oew leil VE I A. thoe 190fooree !0,401ps. QlQT. AS'.A s,, ade lvIllig the" flual. probl. gin is Util 1111- f6L hill T WILL MAKE "0000-1UNECTO O.D nq NeW. Y Pcltoheistr6OEi�,JUIY '26—There 4re -the refugee he isi'well­ p the IV Meet 600 emns, xA ael P 'CAMP . here, of wal Tbe­1[jile4ula sailqd'for't cently '180'6asep task, tliiit on�ubfley, r4urp,, 0 el Ovolole by, a clpm� ..softhe.Judge:' 0 -,Jury- La r L ad k 616thilig w r1bixted t the bo, 0010011111 1 tsbulsr3�.�- , . L' ­ � I... �. . . orliosse , L . I , ' . us -�Lo mittee form9d by, the, refugees thqux- K0 Wilh I der, Willi, Scofll�' WI.ille the ser I e I Seveia ers III a, large 940—The' Crowd ivb recently et Ing Do 1 '90 51l, 04ti For -foui loffIber% no utJoied berthed at Pi Can wIl Ill. 0", Op of burkhers ohim. 1kAv F JHE -COMP 0 K ered,., at number. to BrItts ourread a.0 There Wa 6� CA Stoned officers mpirip; the, R ehoar"the W jr-1 rfi�-W= -,J�VPACT" -allegmude, wvur V"; Viesd4y. peXt. 7or mo cm. boa no o wer A 0hip': Nuitilia 4tte 'thli Itilit, sow - been brought ..into thb, to" Ar -�,Th�e mor ng' 28.,-A coll ill te apO, Venters�- 0. . , 11 . .. . "t h;ed��nce`of the, 4ptloil'o, A ft.b dr from the Lich 'poFq In 66 stool trIlte vq�`s Ueld Aster ee Ell ttefleld, Mass.,. Jilly 26.77At thoil 'on! until tlAq, Luclaki Acm,* J'ul,y,.2.Q Ge n orp r nn rado D4tily *411 lit first dia, day afternoon by kWlOg public at-' -o. toy ln� the TOO-. MOO- tbei�* dity."L pening. of qouft -d . . 1. L I I I �­ . 6 he'r"'6".61 Mae Ing.: "and tentlon'to the "VldkfouteIn-scAnd#1, iO reitiling-liersignalel Tired, of, �hie. Weir. buig Ad e St.6ve giin' PresideA t: Schwab, of the UhItc L I I Mr. Brodrick, h -as waxn�j, lriews,ageiw e e lie two,,,oper-. ficli 10 iI At V 9 no. Ifistr cted Corporation,",. Pre Ident. '.Agreedupoll *W C"1161 of the � TP413f4al- Polle'S" G!ra;af Rein Y- - ..piea that the'loaper n,, �dlctl of. not Mes 'Steel 'r-, qt, Cape Colony, Jul '16 Is future': theJury'to, e sh?.ffor�and 1�qcietary,'NYIIIIA oft 8 of U16 dt6rej George of the .0 landed here 0`4,Wthisafterucion. He! ':-qert. Vall. Vtlre�j L a reIJJ who .14 to reoel*e:any ottl6lul ne guilty, a4d 1110 Was done. ending the Amalgamdteq, , AaWelaion, and 'Ox -1 md;111 ship,. and OpWor�h,L groinetest eli- lytng wotlitcled'in- hospital here,,S&Yo -heir Lry, blix4rilian,' of It Lnia, 'the test Vas trILd.'the ju* y�e did n6t leaO t U. H. IGO, Alle Lo�m� that. 1he Boers die, short of rifle r -n J o th , ilLt -diet, was� Xeceived w it It. - 1=0%, of 'I)Drlec�ors, of the. . Unitqd private Affair, and 0 IM alli%unition And foodstuffs And m(ta. The ver lstjite� The, ccon-�' friendly IntervIe*.,. 6en. Paden -Powell ligh of. werp in the, 'the majQtrity, Are tired eno SUN- A 0 MONTINIGHO Ohouts'cif 4pil4ugo; -which the court -ce witl probably be�resumed to- that' thT the,;Gi,aa anxiou's. for, the �e foren �eetln.gsl; Ivit. tfie", �ptlorl, ud. Ae d , " g Immed quppressod.'.The emon- morroty, witit.tij t same offfeliL Pre- sev ral times A ng t is arm a such declare f I the. �v it -Arasivas I es, that the pro-BoeO pailgilge 0 wits Nconduc Led, sent.' TUie meotirig a at Cambdeboo, the 'enemy stra however,. was.Ohp of' the the Cunaid6r':4 it ti or $or,imAII,.rovIng bandp er y� it is bellev- '11c,lowarth sent'la -Lok t tiolie Llilloi ei-. Wn. mc; r or c T . . . I ., . I MaDyL of, Whom L, I . . I , - wa e 9 Ot p6gition OV t il ve, 01.� t th c- With thb. atinost seerce tif thel, Boer% Crown Throws' Do ed tjmt' idl no'm' reeineut as -'Oude �Ie feat 1aagered, had A rough at, I emarUabie i)[iiit' has, 6v'.e C I . I a L MO 'Iran .1aellned tthIdk that hanclo 0 Orre4 Ili a. pourt of Jtigtiql�- 'ioeted betwken Messro., MorgAn and/,, Th� Judgii's Remar a. progress To - are little Yetter,', tliv6i 4gplei; tdOes. Begfillilag wit earI16? dramitio 6ndlog boy ?", front More.. is An -the Gau'nttetll- J ard, 'in orderino. the� jtiry� w a set;Cicirmofit� waA mad;� ;Lfid, the that vessel- he d,6 a th8 hikybor, ikka-Boer, rqa will hiiv6. b BoeO-� Raid Repulsed. ens, ; een% icoment �of .'thd'c" the'niessages Se '(Wt t %V om�.' or 1out CA 'July, d qa:t�� a Wrdict':of icolulttal,. Or' d b s�een O� t days. possible brin "Ifi. come Lni a few to Town, pact of peneq *111 ,said a, rom now.. tempt has been made by the, Mrs. The conference �eo�,erday -rejj�. ftlj3­� c ol'a per;axe il I M �� t inechia ill harp liand-to-:14ancl, da�s, lye bAvio Ustenea 10 zpmt an(! admIr4tloD,of,the Beer 'as London; July, 28.-63m el Be Pretoria. After., r e time,agot a,f- orld Says thei bast eptlon, and t. inot A Ilitch or have' !f1jitting tho Boers were' driven' AA.Indlvtduwl. , He said -. "Tliby Off palliful.'recital �of'one of. the'004est. tention, Wag meet I a concesilibus c Past WOL doi not with gsq", drawix Mclntelae tkageleso ever presented to a jury. break: uqitll' uaLr bo'e;i ortlipErt teriblk. misted. ., 1� ito 'theL - Ing in eo,by Ooth sides. The'!tvritio, -in intrigue in the Balkans. I)eniale A b;4utifili.1 gi-r-1, just - budding' � into'I, in'clovk, when.the cope tor,0.1) t1he,Ku- j6hink thidt t he� ti6e, Is reiiia6te when, 6. ood, illl be.iibout as,'fol P' -and herl 'eiltila. lanpounc6d th it Ig,u orsti t I *he Ebim and. Britcofi will 6ettle*ppace-� UuAra i More or less Official w -,?,nll6oa, shot, d6lwit, -The' nAlls recog=4 as pji 6ut of, 6 Nor ere diven. to w0 brother has liben -accus -� 'of 11. e V g, ed ll� July 'ist wift. be ccin� cordially Work, $taf- slmllar�` 606isdtlons :from Im �ion-untolh 'Or . .. . : � , h the 8rdL Cr his 1L I me, gocod of oufk At� e. The. Goernment has.qndea�-' Aftek this 1 Ito' gether L' for. -'the fords have reilladed the'grol Quipen"s R6:tne..und St. and, 'to all titiuod 4a 4tiell. oavej poso�lbly, Where nb t1io nla-' to pr9fe' t Isociatibiv. has of- oried hq�t,�the,girl,wao 11he'r' 'In gliai a..]�,Qer ilsoners'Aini). tho Aindl-gama , t 'Nal r., Referil' -ding. th %ppearmice every.body has been. anx- to Lord: 31 a spoeech'ji# t fected atran, o pirpye, tliiit Mopten -6 is essag e III, dhall, ho� said edt the` g, jorgantza oni, Grois6l the. ineslgliIg Jae Gull that its effect d' - -Pretoria, July',28,-C61. rxarrett-ha�g..Jnos pegb'e-loAring -and uhambitloup The - Atn`�:llga�ma�ted, Association tli,ct 1VqrQ R lh toi, gito aI obj'ept, lesson: In t the, 'had a." guedessful', - shirinwh n6dr. liftle.�Otatii in h�rope. �Wlll r(e.,de lrom.tts demb.nd t1r, culty, and finit%cl W government -in E�oath Afriga..He for "all The:, value o St �q the �two fro4Q jbap� -,p 25* bel -06mp�Uiy sign *tlici �oale ord ,ul , M1.1ner, to whom the f 'these, entals' ay, be C t UO' gaid' Judged f millg. 7 teqt 191totild, c,,ase. 0SL an Overlaf and number- Of rent a 'Speech ietiontly deliV 'Company wi pay" 'Then ;tf�g, debt, 4 ered br'thco Croiv�n n PAnce. of �Ion- rtltuoe,,�exactly, hit W nail onAho gra 'the tenegrd, -reliortedl% iii ..union or ilonr WltII I ve*. is 136ers to ritimbei tho -it agand fltishlng'- IleacL Once gi -under" From uly�l to July 22' "ot Bo'eis captured, -'wouhdedo or' newspapers yeel olits- IN] III thdt of I the lit terday. en 1 the'. "and. the, 11t be koveid -ren er-Mg--wft a W -rest- th v L1)uu.- cmg wvu lie.'asscelatl shll not- expessed 'A aercigs the. gea,tcoL I tsecivered" I ek, that 9 ol ttemp a -4 ei­ - A over,,tr `�T,�O- tieie'rl teoug-.:nationa][F�nfatlons. I'l 1110 tin to ob, a U 3o tits. e e;eyer-tv nd� MV16y, only awa� - the Steel Co pqny to e �, "AL. happy, v alt men'. _.Voyag Go4-byo.' - ettveo ere, le.coantr reforr(QU, of c6urse, union as, Ita r iIe 6�e6ch *a to Stool "Company; '.ill t Iterday'that he Q antit 'Ell aiiiW,tin or mew i this t A.Lus, wekb Also found; -,thei a Prince has probably by Aime' d*ldeslfe'to -Join lthe�Amal- c eastu I, On 6, as werQ So ti the thought 5. T1 d a dot' e And �clidllenge to,Austri. vheii fhoy, a 0141 nand Itv. It X\eiv -YUrk gainat d 6 r' .6t I EL a .81. to SWposied 'that,� these. wefO loted, 6 n �calle to�'ordek-;Ibg his. father and ter ag6o! tion' h R) er-In-law, ng letor -to di it the 'ertort. to ioni Stores. Uel 'f"It L I" V Pitts urgo, y 28. -Mr ' Williams,. Ronry Paget has received in 64 (1, in�lttary, ceSU.3 W-111 be, taken on ina Y. tl I ated As- coumiunl6at6L ivith oU'Lg Ma th, her a g - ails ug A6L liell 0111 P a ew,dut ef. aste: UP -by, ri.Mio sent�back.� T tall steel fit' which hawe.loug been, held -tits mornidg e tY d io papers, South AfrJc6.'IIe, r ThespeL I Justify all the suispl, idJrIter ed W1 fiikiio� , , ked if ­the A der Geneial. Rllled.:� AtistrIA of anti: es gus. or'. th iesgets In Xne.. South- African -Cons u a -6herished--by. nit oi�tructjQl),L. ---guesswor -weru- ly. k No terms - Iron 'roof 0 proof 9, And. er th ngff, y t 6red . 1.' i e1v a por -oii Frida; de w mond", July War -Office mandaut Spruyt w4s killed Krolucke, 26 amid will'be:held to'constitut6l possibly e�-m, ithout the. MO coss heof theLlilillitary coiiv6ntlon en --ech puborwh6s.the f6liloWing sof'cisual- while,eudea general l3k vorlug co cr full OV'the e A lift. -between thoi,two'.9tates over tion of the 61 tr Impul.4 a I . . L UDGE S,': 1?m1olfrig.: ties, to the SoOh All idelberg. 4e� , - . L. : , Ization. . 1� , It: WillLcertainly a e from We tivo,' e, 114 ­ .1 1 , . . &to th Is, ea' 11 n Ir 11 tive:Committee' of t o', corga. 7 1- rned-�'here-t1lat'.aL meeting A Dlvlslbh�, 4t-YereenIgn9j. :on y 16 i 1eEtrv6igein,nt,.between y 8 8 e"t-Majdor Wil- shot by butglars It has..'4 een .7uly 11f- 161 Ult,clicimer for IndlA.'L , - '. % of,'iliie, 1�icbntivii ILB-oax*d �ha's- b, And''Austri 'which lb no� of ..the is of" the I ffair, a,'xid. 'third; ij, t bfo in res o ropqn family- fron! th6. a Chalmorito, Ccofistable@, 'tondon-' j1 exclude All other�membei uly, 29. -The Cape: Tovin most 6latibing featu f Eu CIlled' for� Tuesday. It is belle e(I �4780,Harry John Sproul and 1j260 Xid, C6 re,ithe end of -'the week ent of the Stand n-, -international politleig, and it explains to .6corregoon d, tvh PIUL 5 pro -that 'thf, shot was fired Sythes killed ;' :r,680.� L. T. firLming­ the have been inillki will. be all ready t.4 ku'ri#g4im coluall -h whkh the by"Iier�Athtr, Rbbeit s. Fosburz. the extretde difficulty W9 10 r a f6rinulght ln'16n woundd - danger Up cut Triple Alll�noe'was last ronewed.` d- Thmag, ]AIon CurtJs 1729 t I D6WU. do. "Mail advlces 'it ''Is: According to pirbsen't indication the 1 ng 1 cholsoa &nd s mmand-A.ug. mat o : an' inolu Cathedro , '.9. Mityre; .1,469 Unles port ed'In Pr4toriatitat'LokcI Witehl�; ItAly will be, a.:de trial has proceeded -som I*, and. 4 tlewt'move b ro 1,458 Cot rUln, ',,The est at ae'rel .roceed, tb England, whdre'he. prinoely� hohu6s.� of .great paing On the. aIllarce uniting 'the Whitt 'in th6,folivin f aded enerL Will give. ulo,flls--co Y, wolrj �pplroij lfred I and p tried,with e Monteriegro and eien as- B, on" d't(n]ned. aintr kiVO noonjU4 thell'.1takilig' 13tilgaFla' And a, de*a'l with. the Sultan' part of the - Government and ..the de - WO tive-supyerai n 'tector td',Oviii eno rher(i haS4 b on a des re to u d dr' a�cozmrriaad In,, Indiaf r At a -Dl000l'lsexpeet� banlim, a ebuntry long coveted by A , dQ -:answ - . obt' 74ond In ior to us III proof 'a' d ..so- A, d On, n and"ifiAti'Slil �ftndon Wiilr3 .' atural ponse as la ago. Sbph a,'.of Bavara, Bou d r.e-th6l HoUSO Of. 06mli2cons to:'Suco' eed,,him, In, South Al�lea." tr ; w quefice� of the of,, evidence ha's beeii introduced And n usDIX which 0 tilng.0f, th6, Biltigh, Wbundi­ 6 IN WALLS acquistion: of And Horzego�-. admitted without Jec ion. ALARMING -see on ly, G mi agged dn Trai The IR chondriae.:, ra, o course, 9 �VUWO]iotela Mr. -Brodriek R h 0 de"s'' a po lit'havia, been excluded,. tinder the LOhdo J I y scare 4whleh'.. ted that'. Ia. rft .0 Ay'to his 286---Cedil'11thooles', who, a part'of t h and reason by an- grtrict rule (if 'I think, , I ilogy X, Itch 'lord' 6oier*,first telegra0h6d: is staying quietly at the Burlington is 69 to lie res`C, Aaoording�to :(ju-gh my to you. that U t q6o to S, New' it 801 hav, pocllondj'�Ld�� :that. �oio6esli ItAly Is. plAying a AA' dhe'to the 'Chief (51"Police, *ho has 3e Brook yn Rx ehas had'Its eou`n� made 60 communication ' to. becomin A lacinlirmed Ili is I Ind thit; -prosectition, thit'L the, Boer ers asAo the,shootiag '11o'brcitight'' with IAM: from 86ath gerns, grim tinles3 she has Some sort Stood beh ROBBED, �O ALL'HER J E WE CRY jorr art- ie ' Ili: Jaul's, Cathedral,. Wt 'VIAlitootitein, :as it' is vefry 4ullIIk!D- ALrica,h '0 n chef,'his is poultry,.. of An ubdoeist Ing with ItuasIA. the,6uri,; e has tried- the With vionZ, ��i 28.-Italiam railroads' and pulilld been'stakleil, �y own, cow, and he lilres. Wholyy -AM'th hav to do his- dut' :� single eye: effdbt, as, oe�en U the, anci his in ria-, the expert, an cut disapprove of ., the at- (Not What they'L produce. L MIER, to aseeita Ing. �,h�, frufli.. in thal. the. 33o�r . leadoili %6eJtIeS;, the h :Putation rdr'Incaurity',,% And those. ave no control � over, The'Kibg held ' i,,p'ecial. mieet'lli. g �ollapse� N 0 U -t.: vamt edifice is :who travell/on: them are Just OA mub� Ul , of the ficilith Tbo, ehormo, Tur... Brodrick Stated that the IjPrl-�y Cbtoilftl last Tuesday to TH in of br I Igands Were the dght to - t6j� Test NOW,,- Mrs FbrdmAn." And Gent16 he;,' liald lat& ieclfA.ved he'4611ow ' ing qw is to, 04 )z,., Ii As ' b 6 egi, inaae that 'h'c eji�. in Rhodes. - This 1�t6rly. e- inen,.' a. motic slegram: iq am selidtlig 'pqpy of Sri ated by 'Radicals,.* whoi. mean to pro- 'this' case be akc-n 'from the -, Jut.* to in-, timei; gone by weA t tourists ;�, , thkk,� 11:130' fee e .'dnd� 150 � Ile t so 6 Rabkg shoot tt,etI agairist his continualiceAn t 6, duty.'t6 say'to. umber. of very and ;it becoTes my' on is- p eved". to Delarey;":, pl,iiy council 'afti nd`by eoach 't6b ' O@t 61W 'is gli'*i wont wIZ' tra. U It, g, 0 lid, held a WC our wounded er the decepti alaxwink Ilkli- -opinion Of the court it ;-',I i416 In'the MT. Brocirtek. further stated th! A. Lotter From M' Genial you,' the badItti-infested high of the whiI6 Which 'they, allegoi he',prao�ised onthe. rbadli. of Aho has toot fuOnislidd I o the Eullvio ver'- lie. P�60t Suffl.016nt 'to., sustain 'a peninsu a. its v ly,tuw-, -illy, �iews' Story%of tho,'PrQ:7 lwpbrlay/a�d Cape INfinisters over't the al'hu I' the DL th fqatry e ow 'It':V 'agalri�;t the defend- Th I 6st Italian e sh((w ng. , % I nf, OQ B. akd' n e if, rs d withdrawal of 70,0 rald.. diet ot.'gui abandon- cAigt;gk&'blo,, 6, of subsidence fftea, and the ant, and; therefore,' ttinciet' the'. j(olen t of 0 1 Pta lea" reCtiorl 6fAhe court, In-th. - e .,,b Ba'varltq­ married t 11%e, koil tory) ioll the eati;caral-' In lines of CoWt6un Called Krug"er 0 Count robtire oi- Robert' 11oSboull!M; 1. ..for orringi iind.clangliterofDuko was -built irer. very, go6a Mon 'between 1, In Jilly, I P, P'retorla,atld thelLdototh: i ; -M IfN killing' his, tettl . . L 1. gerl I G-KNAD IAN' WELCOME- klyat Tlio�,qdore .'of Bavilrla, who is, the 'architcot , kUhristopher, Wren i26iiihoririd;an'd,,Inaocar&te.* in" TRE 1W U qazeite -"iiotuip -s'tha:t 'oil p . . , I I so" a I s, an It - 11b; 1p Ono Ude6rdingl"' nWe -deailh Kruger '011 'July -verdict', of ncit'.'gWlty. and. ',��,bo s t Ottawa July 28',"Tho foremler LLS. *00kileld, S&d.-'tb6 4UeSJJOA 6 Pro�* Uel Ch llo�,q dqst. brother' bf,,th late E, m- 06's6 i litu left'%undistdilbe -0t, Co - unt vdh. B. the Imperial, Iu igh-t-h-atin uf­- -YId-Ii*­ --clent oA gurgle icurdlat-synt ur,qqgLye-d &_kAtet, he'oth r :day' on f4ped. Kitiger",througli Txarbsmal,' '.-Of I y stratuin t, Rade-Pawell, Zuu.rfontelq, defendant,'b�oke AlhW loud, appiduso, M-11110 frvellhig. t water for -the trobpS.In �ou h Attic path '.to 'Pkestolient 0 whIch-tho *,it- ilmmdiatel� quelled the lin betw"n.,Mlli '.'Lnd. 'Genoa at thO b0ttol 1;110� san�; Won, AM 16; rooblying'earefur atten- the eiman. Minister at The Ua * ­ d' 6116L tL tII4 MOM been t IS. tn 9"0. a copy by. lith fingdr'and �om- it lier mal w ' er( appe i tioti, Four-' tl' Kruger riqlilted d do dtg were desp, riting' 3,ou W tQ the: otiihoilii droldb(I by,., led on Jnno'17� a sin 'fi, short n6te to tei3der my man4169 thool slieriff to ybe that the 'eds bq­ Ild" 9ftgg'0d, itild blin 4 ud In addItiori, a bum�, Xpre Ilia ho �fl - by it( lber bf r0filge'e"dentists h4VO'beMen- repr6sointattvo. 61 thr.Boer u469rdntrattol. wa.9 not refooNiV� 14 for all' that you'hjj�o orloite I El, alis. t - e bi a. h thre0 T , ell dr and rundergr dund gaged and Jtcofior Atevvart Fcod6urg,' tile Li n. Or it, olllprtr� tilen t 0 robobed "I all Ing t P development of the force with, -w- q 'A Brussels deapatoh to The Stand' then OTd(v,'dd, to sta tho ahtabl.� jewe Ilery the Ptibiles's riL C *hose, orgiinlzati6n .1 1 am .IWlb ard states that of 1yov- whiolo the'foreman. of thLe jury' W had ari e -*its 'n 't, 77 %iR 6�vlrx tills that�, 6o, aXectition in a the' L t :it 'Will NO Vi -51t I ritjee� -good offices tile Canadian 'tr �'Viirdldt V- AIE yored it 11Y. 3 Is ral iebel Afrikanders in Cape' f asked �'Wliat Is Liot eturL -July* 2 -T] .0 our hill the it Wa on. Lohdonj lie latest, pe� coVtiotgbrit ' It" been 'adatid Y 6 wat4 "Not GiAlity.'O 0 a p s own rd tIJ6 rlVer, whilia ollfy�hiw 6reA�6d great 0:icit6ment In lee - that Citoate, s an� witfi tlle.excel- th �6i t of Milith, -add In. h. fe%v 'or thas Baer circles, thlard, rumor, to the 'Off 'Judge stoy thwwf(,t� co k.c4thedral lsgrave� ;Wd Mi. Kruger's' 1011t nlitOflal &f J�Allclk�if is form6d eitm thn -in woi of of, every effort, s tor. I . y iDliclanget th . Americari. noliassador, had goilo M, I - Pxpr6gstd, hi:4 thitnks U) tIv.8;ljd:ry-m, u; foOnd 6 Y d Ioi t1to eX-prbsI;--. toe it, Will be a, valtialble a�ddltlon to" our f the, robbers.. entoula,90.gn. severa, 136fland to Act, as 4-n Int&rmediary for 'Jr1d4tj0flLl- pt)Ttsidorit'd on -di duo 0. th6' Rub - TIL Of ItO obir inai- e 0 a eta 'fo ArA rl6d to Pritipo Albett, thlo htlr�-apriar­ Milo' adviabri§ zhiiico the 0011110A be on -Great Brit 'in, And the Ed fqtrm,gth,`I 'llave learribmd. Iti 'B�t ' hA �could ' noWi, at the requefft; (>t and' to ap, cALsWdurIngts 0. fall. or ai r son-, niL rtrid tbat General getAor Without..on ndfi liott. Air fro )U!�g %Va ",p the wiyrtli. f' A , Youn Voi)eIr t. t6 the Crowti. of BrIgitti C F4 l000n oaft chaOged '' front dusiody"' 6 rie u.lbo- hu i r 71oi7a dool JIv­ to tJIo tjtfooi f loey" dild to cli'm riesortin;,to All IS d id Mut tfieT-0f9t.e,.trufy lierAlOrd sister to it 1 1' aid i Westmo' CO.' Justl1jd In' oide r doni as towo ivera onj ko ilvegir p a Attractiv6 young ivruian� who r a -be a ot ax Tfie Iloo 6611-LITIpat to 0 0 Bavaria,, is a of: ,th-0. lion Lrue'tiall by Oust to It ttending to'his bualliesa In'Loh! ekl, inethods o5f� ret Uation. ad t' d eoki)g. WclPrjSJIig, AS it dO6 great 'er, A thol ru �d, 68 by - iv undl her, Mi. agr., used to -yoting. ma It as Bev- n liandrods of goo ht given ,U Orn tho "I, Ir �lloule court, Geillerafissiono,li dddre6sed to Lord.", OUT 8, in en so to sl 'L�6 t1l, Ilan< 61 vor� J(Itcl1ener­A ifotest;4allit th21 Ox�e OQinnot: �pla;*6 I orb every dita or Our groat.� con -o' limer t tr spilling q# an a. befote e cou t'room, rlso, to' ver dAdlig t otion, of relid) Cape, Town, RaiiiyUllk to Oral niffiiiie on and Ili nuro- Duke South. frleA -fer' ltnXbJLqd, Count 11 'Coil artabu tary- Ion tS. I appeal� by the Mayor, 'that ati Im'perl6i cor f111AF: sothe EnglLs ple With r6prol 'to b6cation. of:,Uder, J�eaders- of FA]Inbg�gh f a V61tintoer ItIfIbs) a _p§ I an . As ellief bf 'Cho of 101006 Sef JIOPOL-It JVJjl tSj)jf' 'it b.13d '� fcoruieIrty. r6iring y 10 :mbums.;catlid local cclips" 6o reliq ­a6tivel despatch, v4�dl rom R hoziostly- and� I Londoni' JulY 25:. -In & i , ' L plro.. it lf As 6no.or.the fetures -6t the riot seg- famUles'- Who'.at con -6 time tmb�cboii� dUt.y'L After Months sery InL ay OVerL special h Mort this thorhIr It Waft tile. tr4m'Pret6riLi,'TWie.r gr�dj - Wdfk L Of 810 1 sovoroi�� Sir Gen. lCitefienclO , IfAs' polrited' i)o ii fook ill 6-n of I ermatty, And L flum- PATH, reEipotiident gives t1io,'Posit'l t'le oOubilitglng� tind'.proomp'nisity ov��t annoiffidolnen't G, �Ivlto retain TOL -ON-b bu Of 6,66t; tho.proison, (6turb�id, a ito of the. colorly - makes,. any reductIclu r 0.� by ChIbf L Of 'lcollee lch�16�n, Royal piirogativ", Welludirig. uA ded �Ing north $YOFk thftXaliddlans the Otfebt that the' W1 avi, h 1611 a footing of oqtial.�' Ile Tells t tons gr -,'of Doers Lis follow to, our' Ill' In this good InkI thatl6f mating it of slip ess, strength very diffl6ult, and inoqt Un- to 11`VL Wdloburg lize, By this move a. proull'it,obt allarq, 1, trusf had b6ph 80�tLto� III) esterdtl�,b,,�7 itY.-With, the, roigninp;' houa6,s,.,-,Of -fit$ cRIC tittle6a. 6f t� the loro Lmm 'd8lrab tbbmineneod, be- Chief YV, Ao�;th Of this I-1 1 -1. totho -:1Ar6 acatf6ml ttirolig,llo�it t1fo V;6 oir P, a frica, n.1 to 6a�- oil 'Can' (lit * Awl "Id t1irs, orning T' of a Closo ai?d ptibilt. atee. . 0 . scow, -Vdy� - boullb but an augur Oegisto buLe Into Slilillil' r mrdtiiltn� $omo ate-, edFATALA L FROM A )ZOOR robcovoem W :lag (I to adoopt atnItqq Gr 11110�vo 00101"A -at 'fill Qlfllll.,� it0 !Y few, :.I atu, . o it ra oigncid) n. radonl wollid- be r from Ills 48 an( U Around Jvoili-6g(own, nd ettlkned to co k I '1 14 able to fNit of' it 1ple;,, Vita- 13"rill. n -it F3 -GoIl(,fal SUL It n-obably t object or 1()lt(�.,10 ILfld to (I IL Coll ptqbtil arY.11 i'. 'itilh ost, F1 Is. I &I pit f t 16,8 Ary d(clarnol'tlia f 110. wC;cl . . . I I I t etipply" not. b' n It Is., rvIi0-rt('(J aniong -ily Cmirlbel "o"a tretoil' ! -011; Ioy ),Ito kill to bo, burled L1 Ali, toyn's i1ritlittivitiLs lottnm Tiols. t6 ULL, tho ?0 b Rjllorlol� b&�it (in- ni k,* "to bd III IL fol, ort, tll I - '0., rl� "I r t Ite L , , "t blitIgl�jr�, lIo In Nolit, tr(, N, V York, IJOII 0/ bIf co, of I-111ro, oil Fri- I surt I ,try In tho t,ir�t,otjoll .,of 8, kakuni's c0iin- I(I rCr);YtIJJu4 to Infl"L116,0P aIn." I�Jistiap% t1i, "Story n&onlr; lit An Kln� try, alil- 611) to. tiAtoll , . " , a 11"am"IfIr tllftt 4611 ill (To' It prolJorly IIII' niakfiz�,' CL 6 t II t4l(I t I" rvfly ofin rbY ttVJ'TI t, I'llon, foolt 111,4 balall(,O, 11 bo" 81, do�v �11V(ltl UIN n r D'o I bo. rt 0411,86 ho wa"; Kell t I nT lot t llit N.(, 1.), oi* Ill. �.f "bIr - n 0 L t. h th %v in iftpr i ""to 1 61 tl 'tht di 6 11& 01 Uvi), Wrte.m. ITo ala6 tpbol u'48 _C1JI(,rL (if tile _r, 6ftT.t or the P'L'toon; Mly Ol r fti fnjqrllr�il IMN ClIdL d. XI tell ('rl 7 O'6f,6PIC Po V14 doubt d op: (I IV thn� �Wost,. dom liot 1, !eaIjiY-1 ill 'wd illow 40 liftd -t itq% ivill W ffl6rc, Ill rig' Atotit III , 't fi t6 Olt, 11 asoibebht, 0dilleral did td;*X., blow to Ul ,11 Ut tdAtbii, gt I t..... .... ... L p L 0 1 r