Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-06-21, Page 7M1,0"N that talent will fefe,!h SU litAy W w1-- 0 1_; --I— I r �Ie I I the World back xo .. '0041 IXV yo�u 'Li -e �Vbljp 00 gateH al- UnoW it 4 tbe rnfghtle,�t talazat W their urdyo 'Opv; �tlx;ly aro guardecl. The K . L Mp., 11 Ila OOL ,.p r high be'ailiela.4? PQ you ltiaqw that ft I's who Ftaiio at Uto gatp�4 not Todent h 114XJF4ft'.N;,A'J(`1Q lf� th(pse, N�Jici Ildve A r1glits a De 144tit.41,000y eAnploYed. )v S�. ..JIf:0sQ.LCN0: Xil? olily, w0pom Aer .';a -0t 'P, p ail"theciangels of God when tile -4 to t4ey 4et ty., all y w-, ttle It May,' Only Bip ,E)� �cen wor-Iti-the Intrudvr6. Notbink., abotaln0ln 64-1 A to -our talent, og. Chb rfOUL fy sty 'er% )i% A g , r Wit 'lle Persuagibn?.' 0 -rdalise the, ble_4floweOf tite� tjj f'hich a ry 1. j (oat 44 A I g t roll t tila$ )400',m all 'q Mr Mioaio: enter,- whoso uaOeo ersuasiv. rcibgh, lumber lifted In X�olloivlla - �rei tho cloatni; 4 116tS or o P O�Vo i to A 1W t are,-wrltteifj ­bQ 41 MA; t'lions ,a, whea�c t . qq . the hill back �qmwaltafy­ -"Thla­­- -vision @14D s W44, are ej)ew.ed,- jun:tj.fied, Banc of� Jgrtl4alem was. _ + � 07- -Persua,sion as.'wpll 4 -o -s That Ln, It() Prophecy 'fIttefd't6. b tJfJQdi day: to th last at And after e,' thus r1fige 't thle,ghlyl, ab�olllftely�Alle only, C he, per� tQn, �Alf Q 1W his, Is a, others! Pt of the eij�etaateN.101 relijibia had 0,06 6@1itc a �f T SwQr they,caf celi, diefeateil; A. ter tie, and, pr(itl 1, Q ry. Is 46pn,.' and, it is, �r�, nu4AJ9n,.. that' 'WIii ever. Injuce the b Ise -ni 0 thclsq� new b. y, New 'York 74 1$4— ;iy Dr. Ta�i rrta�--�-ra a to-,Rtojp:'ji zqarq4 A pi yed to..thinitst.ano IA -1 ut few, ;aw 'g�eai;, had app�,alied'O.eforo, ools: e6a us a flils .6-60 flepre it And, And 9ne'. Is,. under t lid c ur so, (?f*. stii,' 'Its qla�e the spite4'" war4-tho,' elly- p �Jlaf, -Be d, 114 67 ArIvern to -dpp.tr�jqtioa� Jn, -lit (J' J;Jfe At Lpills, rpaj the at, arl ,an kidged es rn, M laaVa'a CbUrohL�s -eallse. fhat if wit -is, be- aro# o tht-Ir 1yorks 'I, A'f t0r'-All thorns acid Idea' 6at theIj!',b Me wqrjj.d And, I 'a ab�:.start fo, m�Qst ritif ral pro n at el or 'not -Jt 4,9 g,1N,p '14 thb, Ball, potia. g I , , . 74 72 - may, tlbiStlele,"' Wlj'f�-h llri,� :Pllnbje.ma�ti�aj of of. Ilgh Now �Illej_o�d jh wicked had J3 ilouri:*t, �tbi'llitie t, . 40cl tQ, roit, rok 0, 9. owed fi,tlb�na for i qaeiqi",mr shi, and unworthine9p. I)�Jiat wl I W,,r h Ili 4 I)etrolt, �V*ite G 71 Pr for helil-VIlif ul ' '4 that' everlastirig 'ptillightlielit, anti ; Ill' W '�nC -ent B_ow.ea�.one ot� ho of.ltillS, 71151" �A io ��lalqrn ,?. rf all Melt,wit la eXtent w were.po.. bul�tlw No. I nortj�.- 0 7:41-8 0691-4, purpoges. kill, hslli C atef: or less vriU'en4.jn h I v. li�_ Plat b q a. Ill that , , r I .,I' , I ' e, I_ 4L, 0 't qt U. tj If;,rIglht�ous R iar moulds;bf .0.0 qn I I - : XA 1 "at. 4;)d' bp C d n C�j§ Orsy that qfg, Pt6rifal 'Afl4neapollb. No, �q .'its iroutiow -let. 0 47,9-46;' 'they Were so- g'604 they ntoa"',te _UP� 'to.' lie'r gilt use 6f it,' A, now., Ila :�tate "was. tlio I Ad tiltl'nt,94 ie.Wcfrd� llusupy.", It ought 4A - , , 1 4 �:e r _. . fil"00. ds of I " ' L '% I hMZ_iiQ_- , . smo , I '. Ixxiq Lag.. L �Ot, olf. A "These, n I 6r _V.oCa UUrY �And the I , k mirth, Al r AIT 14j, tw Ire, rto� halre ��'eeia: trans M014' "'in I ­ .. I , Xv. 17�1,9, 1,1: Pry,� rn W1011dis ex� iegs'�. "S �and VIP Win, but mlin 'by' iiini thNNiXi tfeck U10 into, 1"Artileirs, . a et., , C.� , '$� I � defst,�n of oud for .-tiliel thne, beiiig, f ii, '2*0 n OI� 1.1 r -,WOr� rJa Q bushels We& - .1 a4' d COnapelUg him', to - pay-vell _jte� hd &iirjXflg­ 'the' hjpQ gl0ricitisretwir the" cilail.ge,053, �.qlq r Iiii. �reatne Lr _Tgury 1p, finding A� man kl� f tit `h�.p4K 9t; the iler le, i6t ailit(ndonea its pqr� -I. tq ttf�'.$7 to a M P, 4C?a tit abo c,� er hb were cri. leal tetichers'-of .1 adqL-k., To, '...Our. English, �790'q B�F'God tin dAy-w Abu- t Irl I J)i-,' I de:' an�',, ipor QA2 idliE JjtfJ�q,_tjjj'ngS -4a. T r��rq word A-lic atjjt,� < ell t tit ifj te" pri't for., the 40 -Ise ',1s,,'.,one -outilaWstering. 'Pose"In thi-8. respee lo m ��s aboi fg'th:j . ngs tile ;�rartl6u hich cannot, ous PAY >J, of, aWit6n mi4ut, o! iitel t saying- "Y Power. Its F) will be, ncJ, m0r�. $4 low fjerrct�ajalp�, qiley 'Will:t 'and, so- &r- an his stewards certain suMs of aW a:!barnel)" and., the'Mble Is all . r 'the sta d t on . I .. I M T � .1 down of that 14 billAd i9dides,!that at ln. at,& trwkt and _tjma�edi Ati lt'r6aahes' sp. far up :,ne he iarable off from laq 16. re- t now w laeari, itout $,8 t]Wf t oha_-draNh more. fourtlag f tie sortae, jVrrich. the,:11 )Irk A 1' Pa tive millionO of lie - 'Is piotlt- atblaze. with epjgfaaa� su.rpriq word. 'feQ v the. w ing to l�ve noe4q,d1or' tillat must fr0laa. the wrong. "d to" dcal alty, ably Jn*eated. i 0 17c, h Utbe mipply:1A, rather small.. me 0,0 AC!Iaa� ! als6rygur idea, pq,t,. And- phrah6ology Ai�, l' gL Ilave made the of' Paul 6nd Wa�,d thq.' bit' thaJA any'word I no presented .'under, f ne' -talent W' Tjzf.,re is great deal Christ nudge',l �exeb b� 4 r. , I �� " f - * �' , at -think of. �. It I ect oil; oo;p -, 1 4 TD -U �apat;tlme� crowded,all% a I a hi:, j t;D �ach othen.,and an e thb.ot.e b gmq .1) [tin -le, and t e twqlye.gates,of it Jos. ne,NV imDt lcid�-' Priceq r glallce§ And slat V, be.414�,� in ­of�. b�t t $ #f lifil men,.tor b0piness purp*seb five 1 1, � I utbiph-7T110 suppl.,pa . '68 11 YL the pa e the ous trutr th. f a,, tlien'apIarqprl� t10 t tremend a sit sytillool of, life c fur . .at jar, �IC I it b3 W1 at twiti,--to Another 'of a g. that, Will- f Intil I to, nother last pedc:istrlanis.. '.It will of I in are Some Can I od xii s, tie jr,az, d perf hep6r Nig. Twd 'kne. What a SM41 , m aug le' are J`14,m. At 4��! "prepuod s .bride, adc)rned' for ber of Gol's - t You' think; 011d how 60111d 'lie op loade �61 good uck sold,at. the op', 'The. questioln bells Borrow will husband,'.' �eaulkflad,witli, �r6ach 4oivia. Yq capitaj.atact ril;,�tt 61JA st 1. a QViat to this Y d",th of the owiteaS16, �fian,y.6�cao �t 'blairne so loudly. ah4 gladly that t Is al'tVAys-being, asiced, all tha, tWIlng of kdii ffkg iliiong, price, an I nl-or6 wofild have- beelz Aie explacied to d6, Anythlog'7! h only of In 0119 b6 drowned with.te' musJ6. It, is 0tile down fro , . 1jr no] t h a �jfae I -o- tell re Ve 61atJt,r6h, , I I ., I " * , 0 1 tdbernacle� or G6tl 's hll Itiq Lkf)n:,vt tile figure. `nle,firlst. .611 ialent? I you that 'Why (10 . not nici, ole r go'tQ i4lad up, in the '131b Taberacle witlL m, U�1111* i's, ,W vNr,1&'pla&ed 'talent �AS! iAbout $7,200"..So 't . hat prayerN -eetln�,g lels� climax -.40d with nivii., an otht.r rpligl0tis ;,of new one �d peroration, "And tha. spirit and the an ex,piesslon God :,shall; t1ifey,;wei I wIM tell yox .when o another .,.So perpetual communion" with the '10gj of text ic. We Of. the m re. forelkiii', ullitt And the pew Ape dull, they a fii�y come, sta&,. or goPl it and, weile qu :p d le't, film t t Implieg.1 tbat,tifisiei *bo have men. R f r�61aa tile Ls. . � . ��; : . 1.11. . th say'eome, -an at him that mug ddnnot stabol"It.. 33ut when *6 risk )lla'are per. bhrre h:-Thoblestling of,jts will' hhe �e4st.. la V bill ts athirst- come." . HaVe it i on. 'the d'iSh Jil zi very 1 .6 . Te bit $8.75,6 $9.2t$ Whk-'p'ople do�.n�t go t C rch we al�gk I . . .1 ��oiippolves A: greaf q�al . 0 v 91va, onto blin thit-iS, at'Mra.1; of *1 lit' n I nizar - t ced It se, w.hc) - :a�e hIgbJy,,-gAf tea or a mislebLding, cludgiiQla.` PPIntof your pen, have It on the ti.p. Cod. Dw.911 witli ticeln�Qoij in. tilt founain: of the Nvater of life' per cwfs'.. Idol Ill You'r' tialelif an opportunity, to OT4 Your' Ortgue. - MonosOlablea., are: inoot. e�peeial ONVells Nvitli'llis -lose oif tbe,curs4p Of istin, e .16 cir ej�alt- B* th Lin .1 resource, mannel ahave la�g6 flias:nbia . set 6 i0oa mightlier, than poly. )lit- td,,..offJ6Iai, positl�n -,Dr�w4de.rea'0hIn5.' k7 . I. r � , Byllables; aind' th&t i0flow6ri, -cliff ui�'iag ' 11s 11 lit ."I ple? One person. db,, g nd re tbilis water- hn�0 beflon, more or. lbsK 7Fn irdVer 'is the., m)glht,eAt_ yqr I ... . . word - .."come, of ..e.. Kingston; LItina(l* 12: -At to-day'sses- their eloq IN1411, accompilsi an,�, treiit- lM1DnQMYII;WbI0.., S 4, 111piL awy ',ill t 'as 1DPp0rturiity.,' We at anxioliq. t� h ndbr6d'� the' understanding. Jim r li.'more thari na hakespeare' say -9 - bf teara-" the, nd the ffiltail C]401�gCd y. BoArd-1-iG20 -I)o;K aiheIr ..wealth, uen6e, thei it JSL r1i. thi . Burdt bellag Odd, isea Abut wh dhArcters, "Phia'opeaks! eff�,Ctii -of , foriner trou:bla, be It jeB cq tlle'fl(.A!11. :7it,.-be embI 10 the �rigjat- ht. The censiis oyed�,; n '.as level- %been ta.1cen, of lovely;" old, d 7 wor stabs.' one <)tie . of them- niakes a mistake': and h p6niar a, and ever�'. ' d We 'd aNVAy jhaj I,fA,.N:e , beell Often j] in JA i!)Ilr,*.bl��ji(-4]i)ie0s',?,It lea, Fli IN, 0 018011 Of Illin foiks*.,; Mlost:61f uq, If Nve have not such Jiniy.say of others, 'they 'speaU Wor 'bef6ie' I y reJ AN76od'stt)ck. ',liln6 11 -4f tile meet- ,er- ay' "Wlia t. an aIyful olsaster-l'- ds �b ,I, foll �Ahrtt oveicoirlieth, Thep affliction, of tile 041111111ties o r, ,.t 1.1 a, libTe, a' noir, have in w1ilch 0 ', A' a rli§e ont,6r ill, Ing. 6r the one in oui;, own, bou�e, Are �. of iiaini and, mAsic .. re act 0 bqrch-, biiii,nci NVere'; offer - our such ia, We vwe-nt nd life.' Mister one ' of th6$e-,c w nit tearff,�shatl :I* tqJ(rjlg..tI thi lilt defiletlit oir b- ItY to useful, pu,poses,,, we 1,qajebrVLt0 jpt!d away,, o s� gr omjjj�jtIoD,, or ed for sale, Aon proJect,b ' ;a, nor reniern 'inaketh a, lio. It is dif- 'we'�'.s ak'ot to- those '61d peo'-p'le.with AM our trou- word tie of: thiclaw.-, words, W pe' bratioe of. former aluill, re-' :Is ff I-.,- piloVe '�thiii full-'plenitud oing rhore"to', dehlb, and. th�s an() 480, 6611-ored.' 8 -.7 -Se tc, "Do a er� pan)�tuaFevzll) ;me-thin�i. for, �giatjttitde to .'God. Thiey IVAli ' d fl,ftt, Nvas bid,, but I I - by their'49.obtlaing;wdids, by:'their (hope- Be worda t I one - 'lot of sup, 0 . *One of tho' p%4Ihj,any fuAlier than toAaiaketbelx% 'fliqulf- o. thliJR;'6t-&n ilie, Y ',*"nwhUf6 we.have no� time: -it -all.. to 'preset bailityieha ifie kreater." . No,. abonallfcnt,�e AM lilarider brought - 'help If, you-cannidt &cf-an2k.t at deceitful., tile. boxets, i soldt, which aeoniider.,*hat, peoplo" fulries8. of pirit, an, ftiexpres�slble' hJn'9:.,eIsd, go. 8 are doing -Around- and !feel- is try. or.'a iffebody morv.di6atli-Thiq JB4 Ample proof,tht :'and 'lives of than. thie I.. canhot 'see bdNi beaVen cobld ma"ke o � ' Alrij, that this We. t PI t,'� S' no 12,-�- k -i Oleesof led.. the r one, ta e.nt', not real ar, or W hen. Botnej�ody . 98 - 0 traffic It! stroing drink,_ "d �:teri. pe ople of one talent Are ad., them any lovelier, �th i Abey alie askedt hat IsAhe. eternit� and not io time'. -Benson.' efti,iTolin had often, prVe , f�ctoi,i�s b were.�'Bu rat oi Willia, d.'f or the It o Jay 'I q4rdq t therie Are �ey,�eptlons.!Tb6re, "see M 'Wilberforce' dw t r,eganerdti6in. of tile Romqp!l world 280 Imppritant JaArl *11ii:, tin taI-, 'D�zt �dea.h cannot' bo" deStroyed.,by a $1��.ghter Ili family : wh,6se 0?" the power- !of� thel bielmig, slinpFly.no, art jil�r 'o ia,4'i sub 016'. . 9c.; 646,� sold. - is -the,onq ase,',tht , advantage, death (barth), laa had ftoped t -t 1, 1 4�qst bid, ;ifath�r is impait� %td 'the r�6ther �Y'mpthy," And there' Are 10,06000, lla� qrdei`to� Its idfe I& opportunity Is' �Conceziirat:Q,! n. A thqt� ifffied..to� Clarls.t. But 'years ,before he., apa June i2.�-Al 'the., Claeeoe-* 's.' -The age -b y years� peo, e who have. th�' same. "qualifiett-' �Jaattst'ba 4 rosurkeetion.' Pitssed away wrote tilt . j 1 3 leosciri::hc; blad se I ao- a 86' 1 boxes*.; la, �.Qub�ulou pais rd '114 c ease personality;. while, n :iiriother Lva YS I'mrove man is, dividea, among �ten inia4vi 'the4 they. only "knew ..it. Syrripathy,' Ali- title moiic�.nf u I n as were; fffie_ clth-�� Apostles. 110 1? wer-0- on IJ99 whit ad 11486 4t sl� t Y, a 8,11111.1 Sid _this* and the're are a� eat inkuy dl 111 !�:anno re Q i r-le-c-M-fonfa: .-,Now; *�stt lVe Nvant to oard,� agre'eAble ol'd olks, anae o t1a in foil-' be .Aj: k ereft paent, or the. u1i61 to'-A"hat qermqnAs to, wa ea people of onl get -7 t Anjilacier -d-everi-you-n-e-the M.- , .. thai tliet Wet �bankru�, 1 n, pne, talent, to, appreciAtion 46�f cir. hea thL. to s6iVes, and they become unt 4 eli 'ese ty.. Only A few, peoPle"'have ffve' lily In -t an-Norilatiable mart. �Whl to I du "blts.'�an wondor%bow-, v�hen t hare0ter, .7 . ou .: Can tit.' offered. Sli scild:at- 90 a so."D ;-0 asitalents�-or-tenitalentg;-wh�.ie--MHjiQilI Toronto iva� le, ast, ad bave one., My ahcrrt text b 71 toek 11A.rii6t V. P�opl� can' laugh or, n an go ory the bereavement Port par� v�w or.., It a suffering. 'thtr' In !'that Another tl�i6y �'dl�- Y pathy'!, it ydfiAiaire ia�f.tia j67 tie as-. -i-The 4' do ediunf ...... 1 75' to The, most off dUA -the a meAps.: , at f�Mlly bears -all �the-'peevislan,eqs and kxportl CowelL. ....... .0 .,4 i* Isi '. - I W to o and, a t own. pioked -world to zriakq,.An,ac�dilae b a tf to `dq knything e se,, g Cattle. d- or of seni -with- '4. 19 to UPP.easdzixbl�. beha,vl an'd a th Bilitphers",cattlei dhoicb fal of' ouir'selves. Our rrienas -valite CrY 'YvIth thp.m., That I way Y, but.:a siVeHng. b �k:`..' cattle. -fRjr-... ibutrikeral 375 to, .30 'Christ -did hen. hii. went out to' -flab 125- to or- U'S w . , �. I . . j oo, enemies .,do cows ....... ......... Atind-ot. complaint. It, ybu.�,ho`uld ask 360, IT6 fl'�d' out, what are worth rtior-1 ciatea nome. 1,A Bethaay� and' the .. ...... 3 OQ '14. her %-hal h at4 or her 11)ills. exvort�. heavy., per aw .43 4 fitre' talents tol&thelr sa'd y. and man�al.IY ,Is almost mPoS:- t isters -story He er export. ligbC,per cwt.,, a 'to' 3 one tal�]iat Id' �tnqwer t a witla'theial' 'Oh,', 6t�liivate that id to 4.75v b16 We� "are qasure 4obr­ 25 t: tie': Feeders. rt -Re apt to,; ryi 1 0 a lis, � o lig t.. ............ 325. to she bas Ab tijenL &V. all. -Dreatly Irrils" 'talent of s�ym�ath�l selv a by' - fhsla atoun'd but this., t14, '" , "'t nt': 41b, ft not fair,: as- they mAj'be viry bril" AfterAbi resurrection .4ay :.�andL all 12 50 .,to lilod,helfem ........ for%E;4t.,,anA treat' the Childighness"of. ull, very r ICU 254) to 'the 6id* g well as she- r i is. made up; resurrecte 11ailt, o� i4ry good �ot beavji -d.,, bodies U.. t eaiv the iiihild' -owe. 3 SA 4 Oct cwt. 7 th 100, '40o lo, n,g 'Open, [Attabigralin-fed, per cwt ...... 4,50" to. ;5 WL I,b,' that-cAri, tell', our I , exac, buUM, .,* nd�. . C.; 'do. bucks ............... : ....... AFry bad.", lnde�d:, there iire no.: launa'sn' ot.the' y6ang :.S*he 4%.- no' mu;. Jolped ta. r4lasorneld th t mo.r.41 gates-: wht�zl ere art: '50 BY, not be'. -b-." be "d JJiiafitaV!weJVbt, there� it,- may a some an All lk� do Spripir, 2 dre a cainlaqt 61c ih 06 -to-, pl4no IhAhe house a ay I ........... swilng.. a ol -or golf be- Elogs" Choice- vle� cwt_.; ... 7 00 to- :�,atandird"by which.-,;�6 cdo mca�81 redebriaed Yn 00"s, per E61 of .1 que,t mallet Orq. t e.'glCe 130 'T 6 75 'to 000 o'Jour,exAct so th �Ulj U, -to DAia in 'reviiew he eei Ot white. thro4`q,. I coisi. fbd.,.,.: ins gnu p. f Elo light' 1,01 -bosts'Onssirig 'be ore the. 91�. yer .1hardest;'thin-g- "td- 1s -7W. .:calci , I * lai see 'wbatli;he cah doevvit'll a� thf.rik . the ElogIN 50' Lo be, no '.ei -he *!all. a at, per ewo ...... stature 6r,' .ft. But wift, King 'will, m di Islons., OV6,Ah 'differe�t v Sows per ewt ........................ 4, 00 to 450 no othbk broorh an*d a br. W1 till Ii 'ft si, dfiision will ............ 2 W. to 0 W t Sho Is' the-Persont- PL Pass the hold. Implemen. a. ftlig on a 0 us', f we'say�� ' tha we have.,'' aL a L f pal:len�e_aird earth - Who , *er6 - as V,odI ritlar, cets. !1,� her re '�t. What is d find one 616 it,'an And,'useful as� they -w If d, T.- 990 ere o ertiags aye. - what It Is, -what use. shall Nve,%.rnaket be is long a$ beaven,. �ln4eL ach L .,weather ias ri Their kenitli. �he `piiopl�, find. h, 1oll of, a, 0, t oli r them. f U. -T le 'T riv&r(J ilo*, it is'damp'andr� :-Sh ':I' la a rough wb i.cla They, wer as: hil��ble -,as 'Lhek -,were I f bat 'fhek' IkaVe - Q only one ta e� - :gra-Uatb 'ilit6 i0fted'or, 9pulenti, lady ' NQ61te -'ire :par- . . . . . . . . . . fdo... as tbe man Spoken of -An the, it they" iit4 great In discolored, lwhich 'jetxacts, Ironi brlghtest-domesticitY: S -he �fg aj herolne, ear la, and how. mgl her: value,'Irbere -iii no ill'anirir ex-, -But, if all', 'of tha� t slie _n�ay Monkei"kin. the 0 dissolute t4liy bide it., 4 a ink -and magnl�,- ..0 gh a.. presetl n) ll' R receive h- rp, as ne:. talent. rought- illdii I' iie .1 for opor, an, th6 jharkibt ener s6olding: and, depr6cid- f1cent talents were all -used for,t iury he, 1t, oijh,.fo�_uap.biefore th-D Ullalaged. 's c�n Ita, dull tion.. taleit x patiqlice 'Piid'dr' woiId'1ii;.betierrnefit. - As they' halt paigi, Afid 'Corresqnqe� -is he, K.Ing on 'th -,,few be'for'e;,,t late Passed to vtitlirn'. iu more. ll.� Clhirl�tisih's 14 left more -'-goo, a ­k�e i' .. . I -jaij. The' outlook� I Waa� raarkdt.: Local d write., at tha head a h i 21 .4 -1 t I c trial d t ian ilranY, re to. n 011Pter IV.. were �prols r ars al!e�zdttinjg e qerm6n4'-0n, patler ' ice throne. ttL bLigh0r. atid 0 19do-llae eartfi Would bc t titsk afrom tile'- a sinalll lots but tepreached tO-da :itit the s. me think of. the eWyers� Got Stio kI.;jharh meia t no,fal' "Whitt 1.4 your ;one cu%niow- _an.0A ta nts _A'T Prbl"_CA.he, And ;Tip,t a re enfe.;nt6d:�Ro�iwn *orld, but for �,Vislied Iap unwashed 0 is this la ciri-y that Is Jt' a -cheerful look?. one,". I j5tand',and,'%vat 'There 'is man 'a -a a - bey ofivis'xon -�Je:sbejj�j to 11; UA, -1fietrQ Polija W.061 0 a hd Ny`barevej�, yo' n business . rse ldolia, froiiapi a look to. -it in�mi Con J.. C. ybose after, division, i�ntit the. largest,, 0 belnOov.creb ilia Ime with ecstag3i-and tile a' slow will likely ftgm: a; chlae'rful heart, I ua so. or Bolne� t as ih SECONW-GR is 'Or' force td 'Or' All i5oinals. In sight'.%, rt' ',vojce of Him, 111d, . .. ifffei ey It, is no.i tl�AL. 71 ADECHEES h loh fgpinise. a c, 'is, . t onei a 'It be �ettidg biorlsiaerbultil t f Inane-.Bmile we some. lm'fs hot the the tha E., Ir V at . s hundred :0 thoug&nol; to at I thixt..,liad NO C Jo's r9m. ftich' 'is, an Irtita ork. othOr innpank - oi; . Plan, th ��rg unid cl . a 0 reve WL -d:' tD`,1`0�1111; viliftlity of Qneof. Cft� fry *Voida,'.1t jlhust� be *Itfiln' one, -terf thousand, o a rol Called a, rn�er,lt A;beat" t, o' ne, arger 6. Hie s ii--:�Chrlgt Is tile It o u ii., to 17c' for f ,,a oiner" a ght that it has - e�e, - In: nthan! the - oter divisidrig. it i�.Jil ne� in, stocks" 'a, at d "rea-, no, bit JA t 0.0 -thlng� lie ipe of men 2inytWng' o n2all. s" 10, or exXras., cheei, 'anid" 'Lot' irout,4. i) Vh6- riev.er did n I t. fs nal lislied, 'Tli'w rnerc who are accustomed' t ,onable;hoiii. afi . d refurns. itult support 'their' fatnilies' and � -,give righteous Ri i iircip n' buttei I o-never,.gaVe. "I d in ani into' the-liel for, Ma 1 -rile to, lock up.* I' thy t. t, a�ei3� *hatever'Ot theJr.limite a a 'local qllika lree tr0al, .- W116 is! li'Oft1der.. of 'De- c-'heok' for $2�6,`000 ln.:all, ,but upon a, CAWZUI Cohn Could - �aparle of. pblifer�y- of A suit tenahte . I I -tile gribulture, eet And Z in the :�Jiz4_slckness�a d: 'ith'Alle ad- Ahe _._gjIv&tidri.'- of-- .,that. ;t large pr (,xtreilieW.0011. f6r*a,_rd--in _11le .-end _'OtL a . fillif-k-et.4 Prices .. we , rev church and"111 liiany-ilifillorible ellreles Id ' t, d carb� �R jjils­bperl-re� 11-tience of such, a Irraclmlatfo)�. mo hers Who took goo I" ps, abo 166k4. back upod the 0 is r 1111 t linc, '116p' 19. . (I ei v a d- a t - 31 (i.r it r. cl�t imari, I41's, ''word' ag y. in t tit . hild by and precept, e d "bo- lligil0i ill tll.�l'l�eglnning o t. lie week, . Drophe6tas oC tlii� 'boolk ig all, a otil, -14e' hA§` for. -39 ttia-clecl-Ine §;ided jorAceig arq,,- his bell accom.19isbed."' lk-gAni'lig end-, its blu t bui 'thrdujhoUt,'4-Ia'a' town. C :U4 been. re % fer anti 90 $tgeting tfie'�trt on 'the road heerr 'Yogi 1:6 -as a lean uP-� hill a of Sa .6hool r6d lion it; the zie.4sls CatchIJag.,._jaut i;ctaprful Idol; bbafh s eticileio Christ here Allows twit Jqg t s:l votisistelit Chris'. I . I . ''t. Tbis,wi;ek, . brihight,a inju-If in d rmoon's g.jesfit Mr. T. A, Ruddick ill 'Ask., him for ha� listerking olagg 'of y . oung , im- -e s nuiv a -,fm cibnfl-� fa excePt ustr pt lo �rdany, -sacrif -te P-1 no ajid A ticli q � a d I who ice " a:n af e a) h � a 'a, M, - v nn .o4 -T. 0 taill. etc.- -prr, In Oe' �i4lte t'.Wrxp of Xe w t'o J:k O.t �Clalm i- - lias'l to theiNvitent fid he 'will h . flier mak� -state an infahibit4m ii1ortals, wonad Ata, lie lias., Viclp. tril- atce t he -BIbI.P. The supply. b3 h s t which, Is now b(Ailig,diistijb ne I n� t ess. or. that 'they I ofhomes-; less.. . Here/ is.. tW i(infiii.1 ing �fjllltl for 'themsel�es' �it 'tt'd 11411.til Tit il 1.4,3 LJ:l night.. Ili ihell' lilt) 11V ar inn.. e t -the' gogpel.rWho pn nigg&Lj:my n' ll'onbi; lo- big inr thd_� ;b L 1 '96 salvation 'in Ulf a Lit VOUgh Visage, we', iSa�nicit. help Mit.- end priea�fied t I01: A -pitlar td Churcai�,cif 00d; ti, oo od so - adLe u'; It ar,battle viiat tepting houses, souls wild Jor (JUIte M a icelde f. inot r long 8 liirf,. ..PLf' . truth and In- laid actjona,, abd, floNis over oln tji(ygp -hat 'a no TaUlt suiree, 'yet', But- t [if I. - f�_ dill-ing- tile if' sitrblg�idi has ur )c rac� P. s -!or, nil wh ( -1, t so, defailped U4 I. I �Ybar-� did nothin6'but' �v 11811.111 .) n molip (r any t' ('1117 te.grity dnd all 6u riluch' fefed With 9, tience thill it ig no one A L 11 a that lt'bo It h( tv the 10jeat., yes, atirla, it OUP tc cArno , �11)ful. Mason to'aj� 14; fulness ' betjy'e6 n Avith tla r n that I , illost parts 'that features Were not'suft�d'tor, who bitted of 8brqied *God 7, A-Tia't id, o;1b talent of h0zlestY otnil the j1qsh- And . 11, tg- Yslclgncim� �e - `,bli6 0. its all ttieIr liv resiai li(N!.*' Is vvere -jilll�fnt to five ft,4 tj fajtht�llsr as whose ehcopl, V 7hejdw iay� ia�vor but ;n�e atipeftedd: Jyf:'�ilnt 0 t t he ivO r ld, - tif 10 f 10011. fst!jj"t fit elle tfli lidvo, i6k, ope�ators bf the money ni 4'rlt' 4 lici jpliiit The Rftdl -(or that ioo� In U ell 1110, wX)r retreitt,'. tile f6rchd And that tit is of, the � filiq Pe 1p. oi e cl6f '.'boom" a .,then uIllp. J11 t1fieAree, obabiv booti Nailed 1W qo1fie e-, na 44,1 flri o tbr. ond." pr I . , be ft-akeapereart; :but ft �cheerfill t) Il 1, t the 'de paid hin:11d, tfint. (Ili ThuA- 6 a"C' the oil(, man. survivor , trilth t 'Y u th Inherit M1 'Jn, that -man v foil slljoia-v&.per Ished'Ail the­!�iorffl 1-H t fiftlAller Iff-d and n fedta an od' Ound a1l tate., n, t h nie 0 a that more. trying to Ve 't a life" 11 tit P �r'. to ;, . I& � did kitig- 'Aim a., ,,Tper4ale Inijuenc;' If1�ly talent U, better plaoe to the ar ';trsecut&d �iid tried',, wg Ian -be . YoUt, 0 _;c souls who .11 ar^, ' , . th ' 1, bits 66, lfef�,or 'to eW#tited WIthout'ecimplairit lloll t' or he �z es trhere �'t kj dtJe InOtgnity and allfis6t - tho'so Ivho tllv- Mr(l,' b(,ft)i*(, tilt, *PI be 'a bundted�peoplia -ou P .. , ! IlIgIl, _ . il e d1nar3 lat it, t(i Mork, Lillie )loil peopie With 0111Y L Or tquipmei foe bod3f and 1lowil ile'MPnibl;L_),ro of ra u ki h 6' 011'will m.dt - � this. jveek � lortwhohl 'ln.any IS otAfnary pndpwiv�Oit 6't Intellect Yet thil' tho oft1l.j. tZlell(s to' eXCIfe' wonel . Ic. iu� VIIIA&Ve, no tight to apealo. It wo �osag \I,. s tile, Ik�r , " little aj�a electrlf3� the devoted. till ly.pitr fi.aoiri'g thm'r 541 t li e 6y li Ad, i I jie n t- And. to I chui-ch In glorv. it, wn,,.) ti It Tho -1-lilt -till, a] and;spirltual adhievemetat., A.s , $a of Ill -fill 611 Ill 41 n bi6eft'.,1htr0ud0ced to Uerh. thL0- us, Y, , ., I -egt of ail th� diviglon till, l"S illWtter foot 1 (1 g'' tj!e that!''! ifiot so. f,'th� farg Ze�er iftfroduded to you., oil bq, b U1110 P); j� cial dx-' 'ilfgb t a 0 onrL4111red o f J110 t 'top tf�erh:­n iwMv filter o u.t 0 ffoin all laridsrand rbm f 'Aho Or th, Y. 109'-presen� as before the King, on, the 0 On hd In tile mill1i Ahey have to st6p you m, in rlcvl�%Vl' IV6�jd throne of of (161 n1lill tillif I"ITUI) Infilw, (."ILt1�01pt, ill llg i�wdt the- 1#4teq tham 're gtiet�t nu , . YqUr ay., y(ju,-hLvd a right. tP Ili- ft flot:t,'J, lil, Mfj6'gritj-' ndWon(lerfUl bf tliAl lialtlit"i and helb, Thefi f6'0l.k­wItj! a 1`00th I ; .1 t I t" - filo 'r ilt p. O�t j'), I I I I n V ft tAft God ,holy -l'otl:t NVII'l.t. th 0�� MY li'hoth- n .1 re t jJJ t. I )lit 'to 'Jill) I fi, 11 1 1Y.V Mlo tZ rp I. goda 'aff0dr th, I Peotllie L . I fpl�l I t lil t , ;p inli.q t j116. reqPle, Iv ft h if oil it fl -11 t (,Otis 110^ MCI *Ail(l� , 1% 4 r,V h -r thlf�! Ill dpring wh6j you are and Nvh. 'tbii , f V;,*or tpn' t'll t It; I lit, tetall Wd t 111 t tb6 VfetbrY thoy r itthi kialin'd ,Of, your c1lin, I�� filodii, nd thf-A ntit ' la,jit � L. , t 1J.'l tjjjt'JL jl�' tn 11 n - 1*,r, - Jbie. tight jcInd. O.Ou ar6 of fntli lendidl . . i. . I I I) f, eot'lldi Mough tilt, -gilt, cir(d f -a wonlah; 80-cliLlUb MDpolled. to,you tllatOdu6iat to -M n (I t; -on. witi, Mr 61, foe-, 0 �jl lylicit th'at 'Iftakee, CuN yoll, all* r f'Lelit" j ..t i't I. Tf - NI -4t �T 'to, a Ifli, ill Ill I I il Nv I-; 1�7 Ihot t1w by tit(, to you'r soul, Abat ba. 6.11 rlglA 1111d rc, or nLI T(%,qs I;UtL jlj0j'e tho, (111 Ill tQ11,01 i NvIt 'to gt�6 v XMI, to 1,4 0 n 1i Vr ollittlod to A ga I h, .1s,y6ut on n ho11.40 It ifor. Ootl, )3fl ],*J, t1joll, t-116 111f oIM, So lit, t o� t rtn't the r thfa it, gtilig lit, M, �,que bf ft, Ave ll lth't ,I,' tg oftt r& sty -Of Satire fift9l, I, of goo(I tl��l6 task ot, th A�nd oe Lto. ld.lielo' L-6 n ro L t, ( (4C) "by, y n b�Irt I.V, 1 1 �� (jn)Pjrl;'�' I � its ril�t as' ord?)r iti, o(I forp ereoilig VOA�I&j t t o.0 t m le tM, if