Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-06-21, Page 1i7 i.jj V A, 7 t 7 TO; 'r M� WE[ V .2 ]KOW'.; ON'T"', JUNE 18t, 1901, For Contra - ]Road Wor4, ST. CURNINCI � 1,� .4, 6 Jtilile',01 TON -file h0i IL Giand 27 0 outi'dillors 0 tt.q �Uatlxaor meetin' .gr for. Mg,HAM U, h 4�' Win �Will'166 r t66'cdntracts �v IL' O'jjjpj� for 0 Turf Club 'and bal dhig, bridgep"ll ugh Clark: of the last a tPe n4th6rn MARINE - le. p h:t -w r. '"I cardihe4toviow, w Pnanim0usly FIRE�'Al . West 'W�wanogj�:011 sa�tu' AP UELPH Ont,ario. are t h e t; da�. cfilc�en Aer ihei0ofiservative. candidate,' It. ;rVe Fun(I 1,250,000 rgi: ton, _000,0 '7 1 atyne of, Stratf6o` ch'irolf's er goperej 6'1gQ't` 'a 'to 16,0 0000 �O Upil; Tfio§ 'B6. 1 o'olock in, t h to, 7 Ont h- a POP AL '19 gl�b 4 UPM, moinro lar did and'*ill m!kk it intoi. Bapkdrs our ma Ate, . . . 1. . zs,� Ur. give, the best* of aacesaf.tiv. season- ng for thd Q.the f ow A;'G,�RABIsAlr , . . , 71 k'ia resid ! 1 . ..; Vic -P COW 907 _1L (ick)VO JW ON the'lli. a4d -a f -Who,', - r* .' ' ' -Dros.' .*itchell qo llagg'il t r q88 lf, ),,Q, f e montW'.con iquous AIPM. Brok6p. C"h' Of T ler Wo'.dol, a. Lronof�i b nkij)4 business; ifiatie' So faL Co,'Pl�dt_L tatesl :- We make. collections on all point�, r' ' in in, on.Frid I Nlearly a Collins, 'i h � a d'day. closed fpr On ;I n,g t n drafts throughout Canada And the United .-7'1'bel Aalitrdem eat. of t run the seas ay­.a$t1' for P, ill 0. LUCKNOW RANCH. e who ig working I Manitoba and the^-North-WL11t Pro Yin ce-8, and all 001106- that t116 illiou, Oet 6f -maple logs'were-cut'ljr PaSto'S faUjily nP Elliobt.�- of thiV v. age, had hils left; IBANKma BusrNiun tionh, whetherfiote or.m GISMORAL cwmt,� will, have �afid.t' 81000, first-class roll' odg i tile now, part, this -week,Fr were -ok.eif near, the. wrist go th, 0 T'840ACTOD. P�lrlomptattenti n ailn! bi He was 10 Notes diR66tiate4 AD4 filrmori "sale '.Dotes Vriday pyet` 'I t a shipped *to the. Ol& cowntry.'r: r o �Aer f 'the d ay. have' Farineirs' Notes dilsodunted.afid ad" IlDg ab iding. a, ioycle -on the ou ary a .,0 bi fid r ."'Vances do o-farmers.to feed -.sibcki. We ipan to fa rass mouthilibco, bobweea AleMil- teraor; double or sing a 'tlQtej3L COUP16 �Of east of kh, aiId a nice -assOrtment to' 80lect, eillage., SALib NOTHs bought And, collected i.,.at from. one to tvvelve months, time a d at' Ian) ate. at',Chilri6h� ­ t- - ., ... . L L, � 4 1 , . and Town -;-`Hall, 6 e of'interest. :r' indpr it, hilf his fout. ascliablerit in' coming down, 0 oan small, 0jL large auto ent All rat6. moderate. I unte.on, asoond p. ease leavp_0. his t -be Id g d -caught at '&If e n arms orotber,-realesttite seoz mortgage , . pea a b' 0 f In Order of Foresterg:�..togeth wms- thrown to the �nkity and%n f Are sorry; to MITIES' pr nadi. and the irst.chattel mqrt a It learn. gage, - ve, of or bicycle*,. And ts and crops, -'United States.. stock and implemen amQu4t of funds to' Tennislbal, formerly Dr. Ellibt� :set PI': S We have a larg6 death -of Kill. -Bon br4thren of the, 0anidiaii Order at-=, a-vanos" b d' fie 1 0: ilokenj f� Luck pl sh Church 6ke and lie i$'pro'lgres"sin 6 pet. I . .0 MV first mortgages fir "ten6d s6rvicidd"in.06, in QUE ftait�aeiit-.` ben om, a, per dent. to n g as we as t, The rate is graded.. according to� the a 8unday. I as of'.11.06 �rtdlupwarali, received -quality and iliz.�. of this onrequire(jr. na-could be ekilecte PER d A and at current -rates from Wia representilict leading, Englis LES sit It 'and Chu&, A':meeti 6xeelleiat�;! - Ag�r - '.deli,vd red' to n os8 the 'in by' ih R ateof.depo t6 date'of vVithdra, d tan'Fire � in effect insurAnce:o -in 111 0 16ty _e� eV.LjMr Owen. lie 1104 ia the t 'WA d o fural .8* ci .; CRASH The, depositoe is� 'not subject to any dela &I I classes, of prdoirty I fhn in4fre Withdrawal of thi.*hole or =16 at. -Teeswa. or, Sto6k or. Mutual p6nipaill eli as. desir4d. Towaj-iihil, on. Saturday, 4dy on,of-the 'de'lioslt,'L, 'OuebMce,houis Juric' 2'9t L re f.rom 10 ..a. in; to 4 p. in. INEN STRIPESL lev Ir er tho� aulspicew of, the, hidwspf P.-Iti the C E 'T q mqn A,Stra*bor will be --held LAWNS ton o eeswat'�rL rb gret� MALL,:, - X flilf attendanile srequ �ed strwfiew"ry ire'stift ath6lio "CKiss" JOHN P.ROKTI: AG NT. qB0 A...' .:MA by' KNOW' N A'R. isf, j3 A'.'associatiop, 013 ist Parsonage' Lawn on. earn t lat'l Alexj�: X U PP1110fr-Od Of. j a grali -picnic )t e in r AEDICAL this villa 0, who hasi,b6 Tkursday �veziingj une 21tb. A d' WHITE ill 6eh Id. in: Tho' 'pm 9 3c,,geriousl y , It. -TENNANT. HYSIC rE1W J U y �, S�, LOCAL. j S* ion's rov,6; To6-iwater 1, t 0 4' lb - - L.'_ Y pqpq some tiulOjS 6t. -ill VjfvL:.. r 'Program will, give. On rgeo urgery. An S ps in, 8 visi .0 eric ovorj.- Ili Wagrocery stordl., 0016�. hours. V d atra grries, croam W. -ja a froni-Tto,12 from 2'to. 5 n rbm ri�illb.w g, p. in stric n wit t Sig, 1, Ueorge 7 o 91 p,,m. cake, elj� aa..'A. fe#,st:. OL Ul and Mrs'. SL It 'be: i: rc PEW44tic, 9trd e, o n' as . . I . i -- 'baseball in Will a asti,and, 'Elgin. ateh X'. IF fita dauble Q son, 9 d n Ti, ete s gle- 2 66 A'L aCe etvieei. am an d y .-PI jKcD, GORDON M a in ilds'in, -30 centq..� -4�geon.. -land. Accoucher---l-Upstairi ;",W.jn­., A: ''All the, daffit do! '6re- ee g frien tile dd adkenzib T ek6sidoncq Ross Atli village.' water. -th� new 9�olia�lly invited ligid, oi! 'the Me hodik tions t a, t M111 behiall J. G. Xitrd6ch &Co's stor6,� ch, to Mvisons -at Chuvcih 'foft Ond McGee,, o f Bayfiold; 'is a groua6 Th ursday le.vaiiiii -th of The LEGA The� or Old Light Will 120 juiSr Wbster's.'L- A,goo,4:priog'r'A-m-.'Lj-8 prom-' drth Huron Qo t W & GItRO'V.� I . I , I - r Lodge,'�,.. of 'this. VI age, wi tl win Olie, 8f, Whitb N 0 ys, Dwine servied',in--iiLbod age L aggl in v1 kihk this' vidnity. 4ey Ato n, Good'we haven b God ori c It, Ont 'GkRtn' T y pa Sun eeting -in, Windhg�i Ir. Oral qj. , :. ii4s. - ot. neit, L June 23d, in the; M"'e't* A Spe,dal'Bakgain' hodist - 6ft. Tuesday'laet it was'. "nab imousl el t'L of Aser Mr.4oiiath a got Thbm.l, I , .6* u ofleri Ano of"harvest; 001 SdIi0itor, conveiyan,cer".1 C. W -n W 'Camplot6'L L W pion wi , e 9 0 e,ca , .1, '_1 , f ill b preae'll 0 �andie :MUS1 A. M, &L C 0 &i .1.0 IC, t AR A I S T B R. in own on, lhursd4v last. eoided toz". 6biate the, 12,th- glVo,yoti. con srap oul. EL of tL le'Rev. A.: :in- -Lbek d Offlc9: ed to -them by tbe:�&stor, I new block.' e:,stack.'is:bbia 'What y no* is year, 'an as the .0 U. it waub ,5 f Allialg g or loe" you *a'nt G. ��qtnrbn will—. meet - _Pu t t), 11 -a" 6'_*irlacit; 0 - es a ni it t, has half.past, ten. adrl�ed to comii, to . Aick-ho w i -odg6., roorn D K, Goid on;. 6f"i4is, vill�ge goes To sAtw commi The. ra D march, to -tire s; b(ydy,.,- h* and 'h* in. .AJOUey. to loan. in' er -a.. It re. A A fi L b g 0;( wit Out "Yin ry tile. tion. I ou!t e - 2th 6f �f s i -and a ed" b b 'I ast weak' greAtly hPlilbol 06, o,' h' )range ish- red d 'from PIF . . I L o F RON CANI foe M alm a e the large.,it, -le' d On, un brin� —_flu b6is of No. 3'C inpa f -Thip mem' n havoi i.e. 01 ily 0. Omagemen ever seen 6 es ern e are Arof S001 ET-IkS a6ent the 8 Oat'e' n of Pronto, 0.. 't, volufltee'rg returned l 'a in P' a t titaria� 1bjs exp OLD 0�06E home fr.o'M gxtend�d holi- old elo,ty. t 'at eric aut iorines'are en. tole� a anib -0 'on Saftil"day I f�s t* 0 specia prohibiting, he, ru wilt 'be, lull fro�m w qXcurs P iraiiii d forcin a P. A.. *Ingh 63 ay, ni ell —Mr. 'and Al 8, -family ling -ht large of 4xidl P41204 a rance'thiopigh'. a a] a ne, er Opeak I1Y 0 -thO` 'Kir -will be left. Jludy- and August, to .-thb-'slaughter . ouse", G. 'is `ig 'Ar�in�: 'apd 120thing All the. m iends Ziawbod '��a kd months of J ic -in h in& e.,, t, e. un 46d -altho�gh they-2suill3re S­undo4o jy, o ur. k NIGHT -_ . .. 1� - vicinity they are securely muzzled,�" pj 'S B, T 9 E VE RY 11H Ulis)Wr wes Gordon 86n alir th�- bard� 0i or'bdf6re thi filli.moo' 'i th' good deal rom the heit" it coilplel'of PI a 0 a�, t C i tha W.10 may come., * Mato And celay 04'ab Ftliendi,tiike ii�iic f for ll 4 ag fills in lamb. tl whpd6i4l, re c mic-11iiii Hav,iliobli street, at dayp a this. village; and had been ki pla; s- ..for! T lQ91 . I o. I I I re r '_v�ith th qu "tl, Ilied- and dieas�d -Tueadliy�ovonjj Irn Cale I- luarge, ffle'. ' " ' * ' L , shoirt,time'-betb ',spent a. �easa ... i FY T 1W hp, I lit 't" egsrs.. Will avis6n, 136 Seleml all-metabors ari.c' retivelpted, to' ebster,' the f0k. am :�Ivas sipparently 46 AI i b `9 r6 a 0'Fi., ve. ad Olib".. Davi S'and Sy y:6r4er Chief 0 he Frost 'a. Spent''' r.'' quacil�o ageifts'jli�LLuckno*,16t.t atraage� eithe*r,tu . , , I A, Wi I an rd to the lag Aln. Thos.-Gollan,;:6f-the 2nd 6 a 0 Jr. UCK-NOW 'g ljpleita�oiif.: sla u-' :&Pd We Ope see The- DL-U�or CaUndi I X n buchosk of Kido-ss, received f CtUrLi, lield tfieir..ai ion3.;brou hb to jtj I stj ` ce adli a_badkieoa the tnttLal�. all . Oro , t ursued foi several 'd .11 . - ti g are tu. b T ­ h lit P Chosen f ead froal'one:Lof hii'li'' 'o t o,: row. October .7. .0 n.Thurs- ccurse im.inental, Philmollby Tfieigml, urday dAst, Me '�rd ".. ' , L . , , . " , omachine'r' on. Sa .et.i 1i; and, to'October,,,14, -day lAstj wbile the teAm t uos ay evenings 0. and-Econonifes lios;bocti on the: largdst! And be". 'Sopial Visit. of lead Air. a6d A -grantod th'O"la lt"was 6 Of I C iverie� ever held bAbout-, �evefitr flr' ThvLtucknow'brass �and win"gham Epworih',--,Le*a'gue of, the -1ar 4o 6f1sinloss- r -:�,'by tgo," are- visiting friondtl in isitor y Though',.-tiiel Tt�eswatef. Alethodi t invited now andRialoraq.. s y1sited. lit IV! r.. inod the proco nand 'Alech dist Chi Church SSion,from the stat�i U p�aid x soci&l RSON, Ri6corder. ro . an ill' osi1)� PATTE cl� W Tatir , i'. �, , It., t 0-1—n Ell) e a —tto I a . �aal -far .8_ week e mr.us air. 4 a It haS­ nreturyieIrIt6t�o loaded With binders mo*eiis, 'reap rs, Ja a. 4-Ploavant. time. vo Vi'll Sp as, e'k in 0 ent .'rakes, -efc., spent b fe iv days.' cWthe Uit forL S�l pq�se e main I I. y year. ..down th e visitors v C: FW (y W unc, m A d , c'a':graqb: Black H att eetL wag -it gold a' -exe 7he W-farbon co orse,: r h n n W6 re t Afro, K. J., dap accompank by 'bee ps rs to 10 spo ce vo times, no 0 own c0u A I' far the r �8. 0, loc, I'd 'Now: it 1 pdL instrumental muiic;,spei%c6� ei& Oq� 'T 4 l . I ei&gv6i�p St �ch6o! fiotisO, r A shoet, time. on orpriso c no me 11. A. MALdowsox ' 1 0 Luc no 0 a catt fourteen o rde b' ..Oc li(j�en row Webiter. takin to a, -a g part ountifut '�rep�# of� LV 'bl Grand million ushol6, less ih lack in. 'bid the' 9 it was 1h.',tho pr were given d froo e cream, ca�ke, e cc; wa YAL ORAMIE LODGE —A ]a... s be. -h. I riought, lave s, ;one Of�, LO than it�wai a� �ear:' s takentup�a 0Jr hl' I oceiSlOn ic t e socia meetins ever held in ' ' h : d' h fi6l68t ". ' of rAtv i n' a s e a . on, Edition oil. r at greed'id ro-caso ib, ree of cliarge or I 'y ouse an d tib the tj'he f rinne e ree ory. by t trig ere w ofo h iftl:be to half .128,-' HOLDS. .�TA '.jtt0tTLA1ft, tons 4 the League and wa� thoroug 1110 4 the' led 6' IL ' 111 Orange Hill, Petor's ch upp v a now abipy Cilit urc tobm,aad' thel -West on Nue, 0 t� B CanipbMt atidet* Dr u ' kbow. clil�rths Ue le card, have'delbided y the' v8it.ors,'nd Opal members Tu6wlay evening. Pof B !ba, tt 18th. viii 03, good.to return 0 6, d ker, ]a RCh and eVery, month, L Y16th o pu up A,inuo i l4robill belL than. file al'i . ko- Ddzrso night on th6 aocoud Ttissili6i byenin or Son P�A on F0djyr 14'it, it h on Au. nd ""2 jol, f where e pi;osont one, tintf tho; ho Iting brethrelik coral' and Sept.- '16 Ally, inill, 0 the m Ofl Vedne0ay-44tin Bud vitod to oetingoi has -secure a good sitjjat4oj,. pedtivel�, Ueu�' f uld lRaMing the d1j2 looscima, ; J� 1. ' ' " ' L PAVr 'A top Of trio cowoe 80't lat it Cl�li be djS�. k Wot men" oti M( uring j,fie ebj 488 - e of I b.L � L $9'8' loYork d olyr6od,:.was the k n an, 14ginay. hb wee il 0 d"of WInghalil, tS �ii�ctly hoard la'all p4r�s of schdol y . were gue at the $30;. sc(lno ofa plea ant event,. the occasi dinouton on haVe een on age ing g,, bVerytlil - --- - - - ria-, P6 f a'The, c � 11 . , 'to rais' eek. �_.Try Ply , , , - '0 - - bei I of sobtion, t 10 .01 0 her daughter. in �shn' Pa:r4o W e. ng tho all of. .1. anean Campbe arge an,, a of. tioll S., t store* on,, a Am now. lieg"Inning a stiffor les. �Ji L. 40. 'F .Listiaw,bl, phdo Meet .,.treetll' occu.., 110 'a by Aj�. ia tjelia ck. cetemouy,, ww per- spet� ew :dg `g: 't tee when �Iy pie y ow -boult lot 'dioill. suf Tl ghn. Whon, th6 hor.ses roac'h List The.build IN MMAORIAM o. wel oft' week tho g�ogt of Alies., las, a, two.v��tory Afty, fee( in 10 1 . . ro cc of tlic, ives all rion eogth HE TY N' .1 ; 1` 11 1 ' ' ' '" 11 ti I 60 eam Y., procured and ssav6s -the' 26h: and 21lth of* Jul' they. .9 M A R'S early two t �oustindl, p6op o at-� Pi d t ds I and-twbixty,four feet misery e Animals as ell bave'liad work en, THR'QUEEN u, to th, Ul lie oatl Tha, 'bride 'wo dressed in , w Or- its an Ut eq Matt" Welgll go �-,,an. 22,, 1,901 loli� picnic in Griffirl'A as the q6'nstarit,dro d"" i t to 'th t�107 touqed 6 ti Ad­ia cohiloction '40 go o afttr tho geov w4th I al �vpil mid eeath ther .18 bdfl�' two, h I ndr.dd ton on .1 on '�old �purs 0 a� brid' And e, near"kiittair I .. 0 1. - U the., jjljlkj'j.jg., es, 0 each 990., COL. A4 1B, CALDINELL 4 lrge e6tigli I ?%,. by lice' The eoiitriiolf��.j6r tho� k r a, M' (if I I . �, r I A n d �%v 11's ary o 6nikld 'at- -1 , 1 Str ay, or; L�c tart of job i ' 6 'r Me. 0 T to b ith ii ford, 6elad0y Of Mdknow' iting, of. rlvatjeig� who —A' will 'h ' 'M'r. W 11460 e " 1.eld I Vill 0 q, rs Rr or thoroughly odgo inde' t 0 - rid or �Ir. Alcx,� 1 ra pen( oil r I (if ot;,esteks tj '' OL 11, ' Itha fo eta o already, cloqod- f aLuckno%# in Or acho,o( this vill'age, .hld iect, hl�d Pill, b d les 0 oxperto g�ldo Ca rfo" 6i niekt legat"holidit �D f, l0h,j& Iv in 11ft1l, on tho: 2n& fid' 4th-TueqdAy of' Y, IS os ytetion,, h 'Alorri. rom 'eqn 6ntries In, -crldf .6 , b, o-rk utlilb, six to a6vefit of 'der.offiony the The building i b two, fe o"b month, aft 7.30 o'clod1c, io I. 17": , fter tho 'Visiting Brethren 06r,dially in�lted, IVAlls tbi, 'year 01IT" Oil 1 .1 otchilltd, ath ineet. raised OCola. 8 to ebtlipan), sat -do�vll- to A, lyoujltif�ui re- Vedubsday Juno And 66i y for a h6lid Is ostein d 6th, "s All A half ANK Ontario ween' '70. and .80 A got) pro- ellief Ranger, .'of' itiftoin i6r. so io proselit. p - st an , a Very ocial.sle tit are Aek P was �brass band anofa lar g:fiuin� gr 01 .01 A g I qvs will a]' 'I jacks" feet OPAft ailbutid'. an 'ng;, in tlle� the wfiold'bui fil.lali tilorc:i4 8LI1`0 'to Jig 001!' 100 ITen t 'while* 0 sv ber of our citikons attended the Cith- served, fro 6 :to 20 g 0 Mi ni, ldinl,�, whil& some tog �oj. or,*, no , A prime oxtremdli,4a�'j the' gr6atot part of the, A 0 U n ea 111tair oil Tfidad . . i i . , , -9, pie. id:' a r 4' � ceAs;, Aild len 15,conc�e. used a th 06, 'y I i0or d. afteactlion will,b6 of tha. -t ag to lift th flo r' 148 t. \V:l 8peot oil illo lmvn� the on th,6 buildi f, tjr�r ­ e. or ineeting It of tha.48'th. Irl '0 boi U Q K N 0 W a r lo' �V&ld fainous, 6 ln& L (I - f tho 'Thog.. blAlle an �agod . lad0m, in f ! lid W1,10 I llq-, great y 'Taking'60 ill,e.,st6nd. foo' 0 ",Solt res" abVic's 0 %vill. be lield ad�lu to b� tbe� Wiltin, inusio Anel;nt, till C68fut Of Out 01 w Unted, workmen; 'As ifield, diqd' VbIfy"suddo ill lilay frqo;,d the * nly tit the horne" of,.'�fnq ��iudbto In the, "Odd nron Park 4ii(I 1 i�ot unday-' 'n�g)16.. )ast HOW, jDn' �0100k. �of lie litl �mid AV rIL0,4, �Vo nol' econd fail g 1"afff and (,h ored rtjlol'aj�j f' t rx *As aceow d A gd6d peog'iam W �Withouf, I ngii 0 ill be, el I to, t1lb badh Month "t lit A large cro, M 1616 fllio tiicktiow, nl�d 4hap to�'tho J)�il Ing rurs RY m,6r �4 hing ' . ot , i Or eXtO I nd a Coil At d VIS40 go to 'PrOM tilb haAV 8truc ursloa tA tek ACO r tU 13* tip CA I e a g 0 t b 61 111 0(4tl t 6 6 1 Y is S'Ojvfy II& "Th' gbort if, to, Oral, 111 M66ts, Of urd.hool oard and fortftb _r6wd§ o .6, f (Y requi-ed 116ight aY (110 on )oi. NV'0(j.d th i6o'