Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-06-14, Page 77 10 the e4 N. u S. S_ OL ite ore i'he Nyorld �Rts of r. 'ti.nue its sv, It 1), of. Th will, con Wor orld� Urn e P.Ln th ed Illf time, we *have n Veylt o! lit WeIg lightopig, we, the of daris� To 'TO MeAs fillo, 'have ei'ghts enid' Wasures, the, 061 je thernioinet _,Fte� we, have ppears, to,J1,9. t it f The A1mijh,tV6V­­ tbq �beat spheric pressure R.Sure the� tM_Q! t tI Per '.E' rl�,de; :Tpr me To mpa. C*om in e J00 ihav t t e 1le barome ers. it'm 7l, of, the 'b Qnce Ii6r. oftill . ., r .. e cc be - souls 'we-ligve he, royal W1 Q f d ipoptle, ti- Ln, �aY.-M'Yth P9,9 "The Lord Weig1101(h the spirltV 00'a U 00 0110 t. If I -can pk4turt dle� I -in parrie divine 'spales, tbq spIrlt If. tIW 1. Ila 1f)rni L Illen I. W n, bok,fi 0 to A r t - In tlike jb;out others. 'ill Say ptille 'of hern, 1-wll eighdrd. Y o, r bro- b '.1 Of ille 'RtbIq,.pr. I �Ilt,,vlle, of J9 Of' natins-Rind' cJvIls4tIQn Is W fro. .4 0Y u 6ptton". of z an. � An- say, ptp, tight, 'as. the, lips Egyl�tlan civiliq&ildn did it work but -ar IjJSr An"R ai- of tile, IAMLI:� of U;OUI ... ... ;", r 1iQ et j!. superatitIOPA "An ,or )be hrist entlr feet of tfie It j, It took,, ge Pr4 er; keep'. YP IIP 6alpjInloll­�" hilit WrIlich-1'r 3;Q00 yearg s te ru e aitner t, tv AlrOIRIll y 'LrIJyuJjt0n aw s, - , I , , - I , tJoe Pw upitin� the s6Lnds ld.deflant Pf th tooked-Vt I I , An. . I e:K, 'has, not one, Word, down, The: f roliv tile tbPeel'17119.0 W lea q)le It! 0 AM9 n6t- lit Uttered it'!Wa%r east OrUt And ON. 0 -the UIM desert� of, mitioll fro so eme, Jtpd peihie t' Tile. iliatUl to th e;, 6 6ii, abou del .-tourist. tAndo bls� 'thlet Inter, ii It, N� N,' z It )r 1 1; 6 a I Ithe, cl�tcff from, LSq90 gye A. . CIA, 6-91 t spir It I g -All e oj'�Vel MR Py. ghtp,' i�d for�nie to wr. 1 1. . r T t f3 014 ;feonl. Ill' Tons, IS; th >tit 't t 10"It6t, til t ri linong a. bou discussed* a �nige' 't Ve faith ar hii h cascades, b. t 14 q jib, 4 'Y tY I is pr by, er and lie's "itio il, is fai:4, 9 obelli�,ve tT aRy tbeIAkblef,6nsOf -an- '-k)'- -tI , - . -4 -L�') e,.\ in.7olrblillife re lice nd 1A K0.0 I ' ' M �., . , _ 8 J'I' %Nr1)el_t�._,',, b A I o f , T -kddU Air ckro o., 'the World's prosper- Ill e, v�dll'-,e nt prld� aA4- �Olnp,ind. po*er­_�Iler- 0011 Out &A and Set, IN;, or tit 7 T I Nv a istical 'the W' As ilput!h' rreh.�. Its. To F b P S j1 QV0JIqkS,' her as, acombs,' her, In �Of weights: and - MeA 'It me ric 1. And 4, trowel an for ,;tn 1� gt ity. A gYste 14 tue WAV, the tirlsit Of I;Umps. bi Izllk- Litt <1 now to' 'bell), Told Aho colo"US 1), trentell'by F11 llignisliMent, 6 si,;Ilt .1.4 r 71 f" ef. ,to TV )Igt bq I can., 9,ng, is- �_ures was before Christ urn ri*V it Sol' Joe. of memphle't%nd Thebest the tdtO tiler npo,;tr16 j6ha was bantshod.,W e�,L to a sic aup�r,.: lKarnak. the.-rnu�. f n :,Tz;lI1I 10 to' 'And, a., qn, 6ck of -'Ag or. �:�o� ar14 tile we�&. Doi t �U 'A'n: ounce;- a, po Of' a C d Henry sedm 'contain irlsit-wil- century,; di -61) ill b - -Y Oat . �nt in Al Witte a gr at booli. blit I can :igl��r'ib'�,.r�u'l�iii�it)'ed,-forrns' oill, fferen:t Tan .0 In. ete" 'ifider gut It- Is- not the gYP" t th' unce. :13 ill !ji- of' the Som. --g 0 Illin'. h lild:, be rs N Wheat 0 put the fiipeior N er ,I n, A It of ' 640 dr1'ed - grains a splinter'.0orn iinde� his hu lb As. 'that We go. '.See John mur- t . decidc at ah t tIx il .0 th4 now going e, ril"y Her [111 of OJI�t, In this arr�y thE(t . . . , C AgIre) t troin ih-e e. V and Oi AT of the, III. le II) t"ke olie' %VrOtc thP fl I' iletOr 0 to ar.. e hurnig hap -departed. -.Her, d9OM A ,*relgri illlarp the;, Concl fI . I tiler, upof$7. of .-.W tb II ;'Power .0 disfy t. ie NO,() und�. was discourage. M6. -CDUDt IS P he Lord wcIgbeth ter. .4leD-py-VIII ihe�Engll.s.fi, PO r', 1to (I ' d6ad 0 IN, I6so gtatno, Q wheat:' Qu- and ellita:l 113e' tit c f,.* t tk,,1Vr irs, een cannot play liad Y� 1aSk weight of� 7, )"d should, 'Me th� so tlW sgirit of" the. th IV' t a "trunieftt -,And aiii'leei l -tollie. g, Ellza�ethAecteed that'a.-V - . , I , I -, buf I can - r . r .113�68 re, ewf�opl ibt� 'upo� Ai. musics. InE Pa on' thledb 7 000 Owheat. takr tring a,harp 6r., 1. is put,.irito Ie it'w1if be ,vp1ghed qs certainly alir Ci 1, tilt, e 6et or.0- HW ever IiIiiPtb, Let The III ce of Plat Polish a co middle'of th�-. an -the' Mst were pre" Willie ndifill0ti RAT �iui,'l , c­ plaud the '.the� nations, Ot (i. 6' — Ire ils tizi faltil-ful!lIess to t I To -11L c in O'Ur iserYloe. wibui 1) 11 t wvre ea we The Pee of the excheque mail's e) -tiler runs' a, all I P, nuin kept at the,of ll the nations tot tile- er JA%JxK atni'08011lere of 62 F. that fol And �Nelkhed and pLs C Ain 'what ifalt will. keep him Oil . Ighed. W directed to by t lie restl' --itch, lie decides 'for all Mphailt.- ialth' Of at 3rIt pr:esent rare being olie t iinge N'(, I'V ie.' represents:-, bUstrr iiadjrlu scales . t1h e 00 Ao p9tirpate the we the L t -Scientifle O�j T ',the nlyster;� f gi thi­ dead. t .10. (IiF 'Close pound' mus 1869,. in, PaTls put.iaINO, n, 0 these royal gold and silver d tIN-es'f rom all lailds� met In, "Every, healthy DflaA ftilt In, Seven' 'tile nircrkpt ti6n,' we weigh , -its lead,' ld t" le t 11 (3" iron and, copper and fte- ,s re he. lack, and coal an 01 iie' secret Of �611shd i: mbitious spirit eete�. s taro, I-at'lier (IIII(A 4, A e s Ica 1) (11 r t, f n olparn ambition. list let. ers 0 the GO A' d: ta d w �eel yards and all the'bal- � 1: . i t. 7: 'il� car, idiorY*,or im- arid all the-st the first nd a ceU Y. n6r tons r il 149 Wittil U b S ex-, per CNTt' SbMethl, t)f iivoirdu- of it I$ a �sui�e hts arid measures. sign of ma ng only question I$, ances arer kept li a is now 'E . . of�pothecar .Welght, The S and so many 'tons 'of t at, 111 nf t pole I,'elght, leg� Ptir ambl� of tht 118.ed. to .1&�Nr dord let :our I th Wb a t �A & be - th� �tYle -tainftil Of -ano.ther metV. at, nd t -are t . I X . doui foY` IT�oun I�tlle 'Sol ope .1161i Ito 111,0 01) of tro�y weight. You 0 tack up, a.,etupen Ekport pan,cwt eighing, tln9 narne,, is' Well. We want to know. lis Hoi is froill, P! do r1itedillni ......... i ........ Ala-, tUlie'r;gt9o-aLqUri-i�-cL..�r.eSourigiI of aliAhi�n kIn4S­-Of' w ill, the tion" at I UVIN )elf -)141 the difterent in balance; art retuch we&-ith to _.t�vlilty. eyer- th ......... to i 6o P t br 011ge we, c. 11 X&' ) 11 ether R rythi'Ag. busildi re-, tW" 4 (iu to,- ,thines; AVII a OTW to wealth a 't c in.. spiritual .1,60 16� our steelyard, or'� the,moTe. own selfish Ad. t to 1*'kg of. 0, br . . 'the-wh 1 i � . rutlift.1,113' I Ito Butolil, 9', cattle, cholco .......... lu -.whl'ch ifitor Iripbol! agricultural TI IP "tild, eani OUS 'and. ffies;sure And. 'the scales ihaVe an inl�, e irnent, consist V, debasing, ruin to Ill In 6n the Lord'q DA, nat�re� (le�bnds jisual Ins*tri t IlIght""Well. aS Ili- BtAnhbN'c4rttI8 Lai' ............. to t we -ge poritant �Woel. p, L r c. 11111 0 or 11 't'lle oil to pi� In lthe')xilddle, having t -A-10 Is, In Such �a Spirt But know At roll,'HQveft glit aronliq-1,116" btit oil - ....... :,. 111.-! .... sup t1h,. cc' t odeath6l-' we 'on Y, weighing In -denotes Per t0le eye of do'b 61 Im r C.W'.L... 3 1.,) 0 4 25 IrlIj susp�n-ed "I secure 91,- 'there is 4 divine I fallst. e-�pqrt. 4ca YY. Pe A� ,basins''of e.clual v(,e g "6 undreds '6f- ho; -What vl tarCftti�, goibg on,- arid ]I sit.Yt "Y:IIit 3'I'A) to 3 7-5 ales llavii be o man was ever ve ir. the r en Ill- try all the t U ro t o pp BUIls, exbort. light. per cwt. .,the extremi.tles.. digiconte ly, if -:�6u tll�,t ti Feeders. short-kedp ..... 4 '13 LO Substanciis 'bilge, gantic X -R�ell r c', ohear." do light. ......... you%the c(ittritry's destir litirche InorAt' f(i i%relgh. made 'happy by' all... tell s I A A 8 y bl( 3 25, to- 3� W, spirt -with W .. hetber"it sh r Son s6vejt on . Are. illellr- aI ,yoUr car 3 UU to yented to hich 11 b6 a'Gd will tell 'Ine W Iiiovritains, v�nd otheredelleate' enough depends - upon be Tile ro J. to, - d. heifers... Ut" I vith Which. he reverential to the S9 �Ile . illiel Stocker!R.400DOO 01. estin, '. B It all the, I siorixig, ation .Oon6d is 'Off.colors an A ale., 'it,' and the Spirl -.sn no - 'Only, book of, bi we get is the L6 4 W. on, y. W. t 1 h,� SlIec:p, j3wes.. per c% . ........ . bal-' iih Which hIs'!aptborSIiIP !(To of Christ Alilen,cows" cach.'.. universe there has, I been one id the spirit we keep it, ar of. rlght� g ropreson the. world' t,�. tile, law. fied nurnbf�r . . to 3 00'� though s, erno� -it Not s nee. Ahe' do.bUdk9 ............. . 50', to .5 ()a. -no not ....... &in-fc(t, per cvyt­ ance that_�641d. weigh We distribute Sinai �and the laNY,"Of r AQ4 J0 to' 4 00 -Iveii on XQ C 11 nt love given on atitudes, 'hilt, t6l d. 00 to' has there. �been any _e . - -tile contillellt� Of DIN ill do stood or. 'the 'amount Mount, of Be c'e to as faslllon�d by -an AT- te happiness fr re 3 00 That)) als nee NY cbrnple of, bservod ro't, t Calvo#.,. per Itea .......... p,f or perPet- ' Ir lation. �Give the Man' Of' one dajy'oqt the. Iveek..Q. Asil-i,, 1.101' '0 "'lot' Rors.'choice,' 6or OWL.; .... njlgl�ty �Gtod nd Is. hung u faccuinu I . . ksi Itlinor callPd� (;�75 to. irf yconvo( 'in re-�elry,, but sill -lit A Rog,-:. corn.fed.. ....... Ig I ?, to �k- 11 1 per 6' 1 to he -weigh IN, Id, ambition sixty years Of , I �: of Nvilich 'Epho� Pi 0 oreeir in ceremony Ott 6 50 [or re-',diarrialee'.hon fb" ual service. T n eivas '(It(, isp He. sough rk ud e 4.1k) 'to New-, . 4 1lant, successe his I zi. the, itioned Y 0 a Sows,pidrc,,�t ....... ..... 2 OU to U 04 r puts into the b I- Pe y ...9tie4ced _n he r k nowni e njitlonii fact bl"phom cl ce, and 'toned systehis -of moQS �tlle chUr dlv%np wt�194 - - ...' "d . ...... _T f a e .0 ice'S 0 _&P t—he sP rl st e ;t., ed, ,It may swi ts' on in all. partsi 0; rnu&h of it. really 'e�, SdAn ' r Ile is to sSdictionan.T. Se in! WhIc and All -t' e., w.on- . bese hRL -ks'L arid bdsthstitutions See .,IK6 f.or.�notblng �t'alj.. It Inla�'be that e. is S-peritl are ioko tile. � wo CAP -e 'investments,. drd��s, �pro' t�� 'of '.the prese .12. The Voice-Tle to rd ITE -AN 0U. says -to 'the unforturtate It. Ile Play- mak that 'ec 1". . . . the greate�' T:iros- TURED, . 1 boxes, re - en&Ujb trustee faint'llInt Of who It iva's tlay nu I el Ine any'L Mg. anks er- IVIth: dge g 400, A— bother used, �Lnd do n( ork 4l:1sPat( dies tile Ineetino JR presid6rit''Only a N -bw`in -Oecolaslonaq- ' ' __r k, GOWen A_: I 117 "&rft ; �� -will line r of.Ltli4 live companies *'.Ito , I 'this r?e:rffi A -i-ag, inl�ly . may r. so :_ — 'enough 7%he wis that AID ST S7 the:"cond1tIo;1: of r T, $bIe­t6,- sh. W, eonip o'depend upon, paresis, hich9L, dying.,,. InVis 0 iIe 7001�- IV, r as partaken of' spUa ze.;. the 6t A ed; 571' NJ 9 %ideSL those , would be t o it d balances are alanc6s e. s,�b(it �ff 1i:16 ,or 'the sjyje�of breakfast lif ted, to% rl k. �Vt poolrO6111- we,,:,. r C r IIll G- rilay be calle 'The 17yiil� ven, N - there are other 10612 0 c6'b-red- Thn.1 :little Nylille before. irdbitio'fi, which has con- . I ttftum and �!Ulninlum candietck vith SO raidilig'tilis i, f t e r Pool 1, -111 orr. I Weigh f braze and - p a, t What Was. . rhe, 0 t tba torth �Y',the the pven treLt,tiathdred, In . big bti!;. 'n bo'll1l, 'and lAned' a lifetime. and. set -in.,eiirtbly ztore.h,puses.; of figtire"� lleWe' it be exe�clsed In ST. trolled *, . L i 'mItirtion? AoW�mICTIL dsl ne TI i'p'� .1 t t Msk as box fielghbior.' of. tba- a, rAost..JIpr.tant Part �So gl 7-�­kt -tit(' c . .. I s a uwhich Tin ven t fulliess, presetwe jinjprig� It:l I so. wile kill A . carried ietficaily Says, �-,"My rid wb101i­�,efgb y6tir. I s7p �4p I e- - Th 0 he' vt yield- or -,use ji,at the 1 1.3. lias gi so -much; t ref9re- I Till's tlian a gritill Of -us; s as or.. Biqll- CO. and prOolsiblIL narket, Important. th 111pa: siloo ff 9$2 '0XI38 serup e, Are not be;0i-i'Se H,js g1toryl offered. of w %as M, terin Is use �M­,i6iv HIS of' -saxid, less -doni, l6sS sQu e vi&v 61'tIle NVID, 9 d 'ato gl lic.h."' 14 Lc a. , 136p� Ila' f, tIiL �)Il N, IV d Vg jilan. an oneness 0 'p4gWodid. When, such 'a' fr jr wholli til6re, I�eir'e Nve-re Sol ;caq obal ifieral a.mile loll- 'or. rr),, i Tae. a 'fU 00 In uch for '.bapP Ines$,, upon he' , niig I -A 8.9-160. ty IS ptjt� Intb'Jhd,.baI nothing., filtit� i -s thY Nv.i th, His Peolile.11 e, were 4 'with -Py�rfill;l ; was ption of i t lle9, , I -7rPIleT . I r . I e richest robes. king"; and ;Wid _A�jiill, kerlages, let It, Nvelglied;�Vxod� and in the ca-sket'L vjsIble. ll�or 40rplaycmi who ;Nvere, in Ott. -a: -Tulie is: r�., deseri by Iligi. I -ed oil tilie Otta bbt 'Was , I pirie 1i,bloarq_ -and slastics, �qst)e aboit deterinlng'q ri e, wh iitet rice o nion,, door,., call(! Zell ece 'Which lai-ge d I 64 Nvhen th e, dp, of 1,312 t h y t t matIll ff rent ' th r T W r �e LIS p qk f led ter. Iry,. bor pritlit In. gels'lookOn and say therie bin be scene by choirs long robe NVO Aand Ile tOL our )r tile 131OWS Of -tll madi t -61gh so , V g ill� an4c m �arlda'ture make against tbe RoMans Iti e -it. It'.d6es ae N% A are the dead, jb`at.dIe'iIi said to -g balaneii' was; Of: t ,Blessei frie the'kings i e.� _TLij_ y. the1,;OAc_eIgbth� chan on Jat' Man,LS'life I.s EL, fall-, -Cineasi,.:tbe. A whish -h LOISA,"' Tb It you -have c7on An ounce, --or' a e 'M 'in- 1 him-, N, ell part he' Sell e lie :�4it'_-part­o A- urei And if his hell" ill'.*bu- ao-next-T city f tile them, wriat ';%V S Iver cl f art ounic about the IndaPi gae's -court. t hand -and got 'huild 'and thous- .11 an -til I gj-�e -hi's reds a. icily 4*t near In St WI "And tna all 1%1.�Iy make. ma In EL3 .0 - oat 1 27 Nith "SUO ties�ator.:to. _altlon oil Ivilich th a. In .1.1 te" ber and R ands h r feelings D'Aster"' W411 P -1-1�1 off; I bo., . pircurnstAncesi, he Nvi con th aL ge "engraven.-- distcoats and, le's re 'r(I It Ment it-NN"ll OrilybLe a' P 4uered Sicily— "Then ei W411 P -1 '1; and -66, All WC -anild sliCll the fallUM'. t t I , dre m' Ab vei' 'Ind US." :L4 White' 4A knitio a to: _�frica, and, ..take Car _ ront orp, irlics the I _ 14.1, Q - t.nd its." . I B�3 I - Charity 1 is . . sl�� - ­� I -,ell, —­777� -to---�r pjaQed� kfUf - ­v%rh these�a*��vuaxl 17rr, I MT 71 -, : S, planning Ills I r T Ye CL: It- one ty �6arf, t -Then- �Ve Will' d' glory., ANIX1.11 11.�­ ., .; - . g thing al?Outi -it, -11.11 '1 Cliair tlierb-_NvaS a"1111111- W,11, L� a 1� I bS I on'. I � - I` ­­ '"n old ;book pi yo-u­ne'ift, ittehVPt?"' plirity all itei �.ohio,04e were, 6ffc fjoin'love 6f God'and M=� 'Ji of decay' 11 g I Ilg: 0 id c-hidn,- tImeL C *as il'o at aree.. I rrOr p a r Greece.and ?&eedonia and ry, head the a lifeibrig ellatacv­ in ' Hebrew- and 31 1 .1a,11'.1n u..Pon Lie go] d %,Va "c I ai bo,4rd in; lvea,�en. ab Written At ywe I)ave Burnished bi*A1s.§ (IZ. de�, . 'to It is ly* iic . , I lost' there he. owilor trall Ing a'. mlllion.jdol� IY but' both ypbrew 't._ IN I what f I Istic it may bhve. engtil His' t rite in Greek, rult, g stability and StV I . of i,rutt 31arket- A. a T:ienA3r to bestow, -but tile' -ansiatei: notes ivilell in tile fur-: ille, �Ocietv -for, tiler\ 1�revcllt on :,.reek tr I lr�fo gooh EA9 �'Weii; when all are,subdudd Icto,rieS?" are,like brass . c.' . toI_tTle police �tdien t o have, reitirned .61i kot ann-tr�,,In- which ihatIl"kiver :-b6,tows S of a great farmer like' do you expect. -from all your.v bj�'ct`Od to 'a' -.I e r y., great or the ri id Corrilspol 'rid ti h L 11sh he read we w n ioroug a d'JNIJn�Jy'.lffi [Ee - Ahollabi 'Then I., 'Sald the king, nace ant. s I I d Tile .XoitinM incident' Of tei3ded a Z. I t- , r - 'L , 1 1, _fset, w, S S 'HIS 'L Intel, ,.hoNv -great-nlc�c rfd:, ehJo 'Ati" from all ex, pti%diple. I The one penny 9 ven Amosi ses a grea down a IS Own. 11,08s, roit'_-fruit,bear ) in g*, great 1R.NN,ye n Is all d tvgara I ell- - planted: r �likie LAo ot-d6'It" W,0 I'steadfast, gUppoi l� roof] start tile N, I said Cir,6a( Ited UM7 we -n His enemLe oil(. ey:g6t -0 9 A ONV 1� Dion mjy, eonsi�ietjj 4 the Jim gr -Ing load 'k oat'. 1, r ( ist rie t .1 e . - .. r _ -eaay a kirfgdorn .,ofr:l st gnlxlqh 'I'lld. J.1ONV It. the fir c_ S'.�Muljb gt ngel lco and soldier lk Joshta, poet like Ifave. yolil. n&t ab froill I .'a, A (I *tll.(' COnsenpils'of Opt attract -like , Heieklah a * 'great ini; them to pow&�.%��_Honry. eir pUrrsuors. JUs- I-AsIl a, otandeq.' . L *1� jij I.0 s,;nt'saason 'N -61I for y Attention,, hou'jij the-eireek. irr 'gleanei IlKe ittitill" a youn-own,, And lie that 'cannot enjoy In- Ills ri,rht hand�Rlie right. L.soape ahead 'of tli is that the pre, heaven] a tI, David; a gY h'a, kingdai. .. .1. T ) , r. ltqvy record, n v A cannot Wit I Rtag- great himself vdt, giveri-ii 'kL to you, IV p -it -ea, . r r Ii,ailde,� Of 'Yanct & Gb-,. 'ToliI-, �an like'- V -SaY` -faithful M r. 20 'large oi'P()wo1 ijeti'S(�r6niP 1 -charity wa gTeat, PI ,Lu .'I is' Ivre -tile of, J110, gered tlie, cashle�.�Of.the.bank to cash r It e pal . il it greal -Christ the .,v h le preacher lngdonl as v%iIthlA st iarpr two- 'okns into oil to I to not ihiii.arnount give arth or in, S1 I r e no one on e -.It klid. Jordill� ."S 'IThe Ilk of all' - 1. ter bO v �ld Of -stitaty'llor- but, 616 V6, th e . Lord, thle It "b" * i it is no og esH h=daven be- preachers of -the To inv!3�. le con- Ind,( e of tile d word froin � given. you; make ..;nor -Ills word which 1116 apirit With. which U which the- cdgb E; trike f the :di§`Vrfc6 tlie' yi cause' the Superior Study -1 peace lipals And �s it sin t 'n I -re e,' -PO an. on "'s INil not olile,- 'or ce has,.,Ie�sxneid quests; %vouilds.- And the left jsavb by Nvay� Q Slirl'otilld: rJeS "w �_Ill`d be enormoll if LOrd welglieth the spirits restrial -bushel A6 mei-sur A tli6� busill(L81- lious, rgrbap`s.A6 Ori� but-4od b�hrd -6at d-ent§ and: world. has no trlle right, hall(] -lille all other 'fillit'S' �Vlt an On hcr,, Juptlee Wit1l, '110131' NY h -&--and has 'steel Pors" eu at, by, beart,t N,elo- As far. as yards. -to..l. , ,_ Henry�. Tilts wonderful sword has two resolutions -but'it amoun oll'the Plolin liilanQe�s �od`;" lfghtlAng-tho'. h A pbor� good. Man's, the, Sermon., everyihin 41ble ',%Ve' should .niake our' L -): ifg G inon-d.- und- Difton, at� his-.- cc, sI, .,.14 Ito;, Possible eXcePOP'n �_qr . K481 eftes, sllai�l R: gli ff I "Froth h prese Inyste 'WOU 4 . . Ill) ed Aboitif, to -thiS: splendid theor S odgi,, ttljit� �pa�c's, and tllc..cdge� that dd tite fii-6 escape, tike ri, ries; ild likewise 'Yield . In, vilie balaj.cP . il - t .On ear-thI. e. like to the.al . be' -wher. dt N6tiVitlislanding 2rn'6hlent-'t6: my last Moment ai�-fialred, bo'Y. And tb -thl' will. os -1� refliths.- .- , . . etv�;ecri that f ent Oltidlhelpin' me I- NvIll do all I ca'n to - tg. and rld tl6n shall ira S Ott S Ones., ictive wan t i NVO 5 wind isto"In NVII �11 PA, ac leverne' of NN,hat be - �a 11, (Itkiietion'.9, came -slibuts ;destril At 1;�,-',Iglied. after, its regenerra IT *As -dead-LE[Is countenaneb eye countrV last, and %�'purep World, 4 be t�, bstacles and bin plaeb,"r' ijht And da�'zllnk for mortal, here'the filgitiN'tw ll-�fl go ' It e. the. p( over ke this world IeXpeet�- there, are.. �o 66- God -%N`h0 1'�a, ttatte 'Selentfsfs no% too brl te'llill , L , 0_ aUSed bfl'd; 'happier 'world " But -the- -P,onlY ,to _614-i "arld- -erst. point&A -tt') A,_fIJg.Jj.t­ I%rAS A 1( r I . _to 1-1.1 1 JaV6 C. I # Nv knoN; number bf'tofis our vi�ol' c -.1ohn-.Was, cornPlete-ly III o t r drance or'ball ol; resolution 9 iace; miveiei- - or liII-11" es. e shines, but'in lit Ing'to discip'llne-hini,S' tIIq.gl(?ry, -in.NvIlleli 't spread :destruc Loll, and tll&y 'p,�t the' Apenlilrielff overpowered - with. it h3to the- hasenlen L of Tits li&l C�olnpibro'Ezek. 1. 2S, 'or eps' 'o`V' liquor th-dt' �rOportS Nvere greatly �cnlarge; hiS na- Is go n'o PONM' '.to , Wc�lg .N*e'�,adas and C 1i 14" t 'ell -riot ij�Peal a'la it his' I j,haxe ge NI-jloleallc, storc.' g011e R oil c6riversiffion, lerra. I - ah� It,c Upon mv� ws- ..if. rijagniflicell I 'h f`Jr&--o4tZ-1Lpe,7JT last 1, 111191 OX crated, a.rja the U' I .. . erent experiences of and 'the t 9 Right. liand gg 't0d r6, controls his life, and sho PrOpll6sy Ad ' the 111.nial'aya�' In j5amL VIP' V�. ob, in titl :A.of aA� And, disap ollit: 'bo'razo Fie r,O V as plafrily in-thii'dontrib 0 aLeftefit' land of.power :ftnd prot to the grolln't there %Vast. a sheer pIj wIll �0.t :be platvrially, lift sca,40s: '.But if'welg 40, the. r relics wom tr 6, L frolu twolVe to four 'Lit ")VO 'cour -hcd as I to its niorals. Ills 0pdfobt. 1%1,: Desparfl, Tordnto' OI�L I he h -Ad the Means to contribuid. bis str4.iE le, or big triumph, oyal It thodgl: mnt, of, _1JV_ occa'sion t ietr cQrresty6l"d r at the,pieient time th- 9 fear dI.(.)Pp0d' JIlStteo .6500,600, When af: charfty Is-, as GO& S his e - the n6t-Therp, is At Ikroine� f�olll, but as. sure. h:Ings Nv6uld 1) t.. lCisid ' a ft er adleato abilntlikrv- o ance the -beiivleiSt t ­ pre6fince of Chris tll� 'fruft-:beit il .9 i i -Ii e :vdiOn Ili tile ivi th a, 0111 and Dillon c �be . International hatre'cl" r, �Tlle hls� varly �ililtc' in hig1j" "tIll 1 S- .18. Th`P Jilin lip jtillge made for the I Of� -turgs, but-'thilt at� t P�).UrCP .1 of all Ii o . One wiio 1;�S_ Save In thc.m�t e nioral oLOiic" .(R. �V,) joIt of stril climes Moun th li3tilen'ted A.11d. plunged, N-6 it any �qtairgqr, the heiiiispheres life In -Himself. I Was Jie Nvas,; I, . lit assi�!�o arri lisit o T_I 'ar -isrnade ar,1�1 pire Oia IvIty'. UP, mulla . .... n r WN 1" 14 -1 so . also An.i the Tfie'ArSt_ halite.1 L ball- be.- universal Iltr �.cwbn tha--ban de arge :ppleBo -Nvlllch At � One Itis (It 'ath, 1 .11111. HilminowPo 1. -,yIc w1lile a _ ld, . unpiolrls-T 0 s6tl W"Ili,prodAce un.1ver- -el I n f*, s -volve nil selmned placed .'tli&' spirit .'of fait , h. in most Z '!s iere S ile drol)-' tb' be celestial scaltis to 't �`hal)`t`ei-.- tth !61'al. tho inft�z V 0 � whe I th . er or lie I I res Ive in tile Strength nliv6 "for .1 . 1�1_ , '111'.1 - most faith :depends" -oh 1 -balm 6nd thq icrm�r6."` The k-vyg-A.n liko. r -c r,' cases e last chapt( 'last ti t I And the or*n.Adj.UU 11011. N- �iinlnitir tben 1 one 01 1 11119% t 11 011� and, witl iv �*A.r tMI(IlelIC6..' f 'had d.d And �r-ls filled with not the sun,abines. ah& the rnaft tioA. As,;l sal harves and,'fl`UItAqc. -elliblen! of POIN' p6d 'rewdrdq, Of holl linst-S&A-T 113oloho" Iveht at rL 'awift , ., 8,1101, ilghtj and. whatber the etery. I 6a�atry limd Shall be' un'.A'ddled and 'Willibil t cry'. bf a . 3 leldk so t Io tile cem, 6' 'll..pLnd,. i4ns, Ile haq 11., t, to- �b und :81eep last I lorri_ bls'obsequies-Pas-s OU the last 9 -un' clat-ri4ge' IMNVI� eie , I jIlSt S6.p -Wlilch. arv- lope back tfir0ligh '(110 b:I-';g1`mt`n�, brad,4rce'ts'l Ott P� Inutculn Til'ic actilal C4 I HIS .141 the first ''pers6h he-niOdtA In,the rl� vlvlft iveel:t �becausejhcy 'Will DWIRIO;I� Of' tll(*; sOvoll Ward tile front,,ol''t-ho ist,oi-o X Ing, t6ils- him. 'soinethink: agrieable oi the P6()r -in w-hoPe I, I t for�ress Aurned ID(O 'Tracite, at ' liti-Oal L'Oil'011L 1. he Iii iiml lit. o'r fi o r 1110 . , dfi�jagrco0le., S6il�e day -the 8ales In lose ti�lelr best friend, , Man Nvhat hol-I 4ee chn-ptors As, .1111A him ill a Q rrlip iihil,0115 in..Peftce ising coWlit1011 'much �rnal .4!alva- to 06 C -Ill flid flituro'Willo tho, pr4jI;r!0 I cl(Ili.,119 welfare iind ' ete .. �n the vt�orld i-ol tile to so pinpordl', fir okice jvaA� -the Which slialt b 1, ille stairs 'Ho. rti� bis`61=6 do not alPOuPt will 'hear of' Win cS6, 60 as the Qpti�iltC & bf�190011 "otore � r il di (" I t (I%(., a -s. Tile 6xp6ctdjl, -afi&-fie goes liqme tion, he bo' p egl6kise his. lneiill-w 'Ile 1 1. -, '0' nlid thilt, ( re A;. part. IN I I I tllj)�i3i g,,N"e I gh e d, <,billre 1. t 'CO i ' ' .&I. tihough It � 20. Tflo, blIsilles.1; L11 tbc� various place's And 1108 as gni7 gonvi With 'enough- cor�tilafnfs -to 'fil.1 h aing �nt;16 oe the bretV NvAi 11 4,11"1 tilat thi'are I)rLikb Ali QUebbl' -6t, weattler as lie ontqrs,-It� An-� cry And Ood Nvilt Say to 't e jiseen s feather the right Side tori�3�-tfie ."W"1217011- tlpoi�)gl Tlio IN bouso ds -Goon that ovettoineth ivIll'I. �ipas,llght 'a :'T11 I (Y 1 )ro&S rb1)ortoa stm ef tC4. illo-zining 4?f Avll.at��yoli Wivo See 'Ite-" has -spirit, I Tind I0 JJ(,tJ0ILI1'VI to. 40 per . I �t ree g, of the s,ca e. P-16toks In of , 1. 1. 11 1. othew day, the salds Oe' 26 .6. him 'trernefi� 'els Thc_ni!1118�(Ts 01 14"1101,t -j oi, .111111atlest.. lie of`7 life -which 1 1-s -*111' CcAie� abiNvii, welp give, to eatofthe hoge ng -,ill or t1it, erol)4l. ie is Ii elqo t anli! tho por-1 Oil, tlic, :grdiv, lc�nt lArger than usual, and As I more than., a Nvilic"ji bor, f0l* "M 'doeir lock ln:.the Pildst., 0k. the palradi�e of 0 tPliniefat6d I,go�,J in I'what lie 1.1no, brigh ',' �Tnrr pt�in I g . tbe lt�y. into . tll� VA11169 A Ii at St, Peter.. 's A b h" p1Ip:, t o ".01%,ed"., itA 111M will a tune 'In the hour. of th at -C 0' ' " �t, or ill I 16uVe release and' dous �Rrtue,' I'DOWledge, Iternpel', Teachi(Ilt—"TTIC 01111 It arO t _JISN-,-eok at-T0,Y01'It .hfe,farnily he. be heav6nl� -fdit giddliwess, . -light-boarers Of Clltl�sot�("' all'I t liow"t-ra.40 Will lllll)ro� there Will bilotherly, �recloiid w -it Into r6yal-,baiancts afioe� patlenve, -Silq wli lr�he.atterfip�­ Silo faith . I t it' 0 . Ino,st - jubilant.. lie has that efithronernent is OmN Tintpoisd t1lat ill- to veri the4,8pIrftS-I1 Th In &c6la"ation hiAn'the it, �l t 1 0, jildgio 111i. e �thl�g In' his., ONI'h aVal * rs, an'd, . * I ldndA6ss,.rhart . - . to _LI I ell t6,,, are. Ord PoNvor of allrigit 81101111W bio huiclit and st'S ".tII6 L. Ahe affairs Of c I p'�clsl6n' Vton) iiA"sp(AIL8 In 'balance ay. laclk r throligh His POOP -mor,ortilic Ccngtls. suni�ni�k droll, 1) tendilig �tquratd bdtt�r cond,106iiii until Other s m, tile Nvorld lit Scales 'sre so of.'Clirlst goo. 116NV <1111, awl' 00 hIlP 0.1 N't, 111k, 201116. "A,,.+16ntV,,wcre I- N St. or,tllNv� . I hing depreilslng� happens I' h14 anci'tall in counterpoise' ASKING, TOR, tills gilinp. L Ills ' t� '&qphorc. , - . I 1,e8lil rivoction. bodies' will, appe.ltl 110 Ilk-Itiat Till Ill afeeieted: by. CODdItIOIA9 Of a in p. .11, 6wn personal experlerIctis 'or Under ic like 'A�)t iiiielfln t1lit r(,colltly taken, Allo'�Qrol) dqs .' Plead. 1`60, t6r%all that the 136nioh a. Ad Or ! - t I, I ,NY � ek, and Acid!, vaporsi A f Tofin I'llilisolf SaYS",i "'NYO shn" 1 �theiralfis. earl.. m-iiialtO katl6a Marlitoba'. q "Y own obs6rVhtion. another it . an *ha by haid done' �6 estalillah-ari'MI-' C�WW3, 'All 11 tiom, , " Ot A' t 0, 1: 1�6 Bu there" 'is A TiCAL-SUIWEV, Z( I j, 1, 0 it . . AAA prayer has put �Im- variable stand4l�d, -perfe�tttni has' heV-. ToTontp,­'junq the 'pRAC I I )ttipr NN-il'-.4 It Xilffir,' I' Ils,,fa_ 110 oll*tloo to r repentance never' will on(, (A t.J.1"I't, IIJ�? liv: Into alliance 'er yit,be'n - And IV 114, -liad Wcotn,- 1;1-onth-big, self with the . Allnlg`fitY� c� reaqlie�, duanoel, Frank Dpaton,� A t1tor till Tra (It, -'a t o -f Oakville, jipd, of �h flit, b6oks, httbr� thO I ill rg ;ht -by tb� Savlor's* royal bilance' -of Traf-' '6�r lesson Ao-kfift-V -is fro 'r lisl " 11 - 4,1 oil ril 113tit - VIP I qtIntokestl .111"ttNo. I MwirlOall, bil t ,lllp�lll 'Ito Ma e a . tOL be reit011cd Ili heat 16" bl� for' rho. 11111irs . ,� nift goes to, Of W.Jildli I ipeak Ard the satne Algai township, A of ille Dillittt, .,.r11ioro ON". 8,01`116 tile, l,"rolich 41 rniVw ,I lit] nCtV'IO:ii1/11 grhiie, -this Mail fil tilt - I t n bit alle waM 1110 passti,ge b(- of v:,1tttIt,- MIA, 1.0 Dibace �the �#orld right.' lie iAYS to A a c6lit'j, 'in, all weathers, g von par of� tivi P0,11-altics Iflid M�o t b) I, n - o fl� It tfccg 0 I'dod- lAunchM' ffil� Vorld, -ldlids an( tti�ld b6aVeiii, ­J"� and tlicin 'for' corrup't '11,ra6. 0ood 'I Ift) l'iltoholn.0,ftliti, biloulbo in Ing, nutttl(�. 1 In yel lins6h,rd, W"ll "V .In 4 11alt6ii Olbbltloh. �`Pilt him (IONVII, Tfi'cro li:11, ;I' V, I iinched a fallure. " Thd to"ITI6 last lJoint' Of Justice. k 6' that weigh- ' It' WAS' sta'tn(l that peeat, p I)', ',�prinWih 1-0.1t9vt icial dool- ot .1�uAne,.,8 (IMIP "Ill and he ne;�er' la true, Cease wa-4 a* M(!n Ifavil' rta ,,den was a useless m6ras,9 The' 6 italic To 'theIrL Ow'n IDl­n&q itirs hava 8110, 'Otefirrinn ',It 'Ii' -10 illb Off , SIC, Oar -den or .'truth.. iine b, Miff, 'and Ili' nddition'to'boing hn'pd' Att, , 11, . 4116 Compared. od'.06' OMP �od splr1t*Ot Adain Ifi1der Tin .(1ISqIlA l Ill,741,11"Y" . W th Whitt Me whole world' t I c(ysItS� will 9 di! . n - � (, d It], -will :to IV a` I' thei.frtlit '-ti-6 �.q and $0S., il "Iy I': )IossoiPs arid leaves Ad. th, Spl�lqt of , CgIII *600i b -whon It 1. Rild, tile boltrth.g. Offic'D AID(I'Cr ill e 101,114 W oflic"I's To arid flashes iindresodnag with t§ dc�tn- :-ill the first assaS81titition d , front 140 pl-(,svn lit �'l t it anyhow row-ri f6r eight -Vrcxrs'- His Till(' 1 Y I ac 0.� �pirft OC. t6lil-Eq900 In OtIlor nloanp 0114, lt�j Oat' Ing.,'gloty. God Vill I Ill'ifl,g. a farrA o.4 r. ot n tL O'xfc t it pioq nin"y retAlf trado 11'1�1 S. 1!1(� t 1 .1. 111�6 or, Wifllbtli� me, bitt. I want to r8' *it] tile Prolonged a�Dil, the 41"Ilrit, I )'t 'tc '11,ftv of'the 010, do my� ablir&' 1 hgvd sonle equipment- ti-ilev'y in sezebel, �na­tho �Virlt tit tho 6-8 a cost,; Inid IlIvin Ilbd, Tho� 1�ihto, JoIlli 'I" Ojo.l inrl A "ril Ir . PXns- n-NVIjitic, 4_1 r '6t as MUCIJ as So but 7,.tala - -1 at Ill 1:, t i .'.' " 0.9 Or atia M& othtt what III I kh. 'IS. ttw� �114gclpio ukoiil .1,w ill!. fjir JIA.4 In Nlll'Y� w'Itl' use. 1:1. Jl&Ve POW ill, Jere.. aul bo,� Midgagi, _4T1,4 bit"ast At, Al', n: ldf4l, IlvI H'I'o t, a I t VN or to! 9110 on ,var1P,c11sn% in f JI 0 ae s0rlt of o. So�fvd�l Joftment. teil, It's liq1tr4l, lwntnotl I,, I IL o it ij(f 0�! D'O t I� 4 Pt I It q Jid I wil'I fI'6NVh,UP6A Iniquity" tWddn theL yoad td Daillasclis, IvIle'll silippOr J fl,4�r 111,e, &,d 1, Will Slil,16 fit I Soon 'o Sn ti 0 ' Gotl',� v 01 bakIe li6wee to. A Sfrug� "he, rst 8aw` 119-b"t , thd Xe,,N, Intl Illiff4la, lit" WIP r Olv, Illy U1)6ft all - tho. oi� lb�o be- �n A o at 6 kt J.) -,I p.Aritillc line to Iov(,, 10o1,,b,It IdsO. to, to , I f -,�, (I Nvords*. 0 )gsl,bla for: olij 0 i N, il;, 11, to ild to, Ostf-,I: the I'll.we a, ii�_ ­tnlp, tow <Iir� n fill thon ho p( tt iL is I )have 9; K M rigilt, Z in fs io. Journey, lie. PA 11 eit-Ciffid mlllco� fl, cl 6%ge. 0 f." et� :has: vat* *1 thont travol- ilen.t AS. '10#�'�volijtb d" fVo In tile 6p �,to but- J, lt,%Ve� it ALor I �0116-s x - !tAveoni tile it ms� 'od to I- r df 'fol ()r(llnit y.�J bioth&,' god good Wo in, f hoill rds, hnd, I 11106r, 0 AdIrlbe tho6sandth Part Of gra� Over ein in W11' I Is - or wtfghlli apit Ili or i,l&ht 1WOtIV08 to others stand'ard T.