Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-06-14, Page 4�7 -91 adto give lessoup on Iva%% Mee sRow James Walker, DAO OuPtOn, All Pt �At her hame pn.. TRNPIBZ�tTy, TO, UTTER #PB TO AAGUf G�org its T63HE PIOTAT 'lieu %% all smai� 694� u c TO 01F 0014801EXCR WE PRIZE ABOVE A t; -INT R9, a . . 1.� P . I I.. Tfi,�-Iolliowing -is he, --6090, of % East We h4ve. woll 0; 6, for, t1le 0, 'S An Ash ld; 10 ttc,tes� Leod Waft�r an iog4ily., W 4, V ry, ar q 0 On sion.::tab,46� in 01 Pali -d' f or. nbo etar a d;' D.' G, M64 f6 ni:' 66 eft Cobbler rockerIi lfardwoQ, owe a.yqVqPAu;e,i lapt Y04 T-9 in r d Sur of Luelplow, m:� o I ak,-zelmand bir'ch. M 1. h vingdton hH Lo.iqkhart. droom suites' 0 U -iwr ..CT ntry t iat Be ro by Mi h6s. Reid', i'll in ak, ash, H P: -'A at t MoDiarmi % usi crip 0 'Porin 2,—' 'd- b nb�s 89.91 0 athe Lucltliow P �t. MOP, Iagin Wi4gham,'. We, bildin Howi Dk; Culross,;Gtc,� ` Cement �s. th4t the increas Idw, Mqln- I g: ..�qpposi e Went, 0-� Form 1—John,Lockliprb, A d ve a 'tfie,:11 t -five inouthe t er k. f0l, Cin Drain Is boutiollitugs or o hO. walk's, Sawbrq kfid,'Tm this. ye4r. 64pip t 6t w b ;pIecial "atteriti !�ongiiiocr foi. the, Village, of Lu4�.'owv % h coinjtlred� w h. isB-.�I�onth, of!'Ka kNDIESI, f :;,:No. 7 for thi NEV 'GROCERIF.-S' :f0if, eq -year,'..pr a gain''P 3 t per eitnAn IPS), ,0Un.$,y.o R C -00 District Agent for Xe�v 'y Life cent. Thi�Jie I ges I t i . n, . the records . Leo&'afid, D U AN, NED.; P CROCKE ork Il. MqLeod, W GaC k 511 C0.0ki �0 NERY, FLOUR of the depar. ment" and �:evi A NFECTIO McKay EtCL? ARPSTRONG,� mpipr..-y of :3 H tc. continued pr of the Oniar'io L Irwin r, ATS tXoKay, Irwi!i,- W QL- Erwin, h: and se6 and 6f:thd' Ii )uu� of outsIde M_ MoPonal tn investOd" li,er"l in, U�i. i thing new d:, up-to-dte. Call. i TH4.0'HER �Op t d Jr J Bater S. Finlay, y Violin, IPARTMEN L'Beaton, .1V1 Me anis.' :No tro iteaq on, orpr isea. nbre to liq 900 Culture,, Thorough ter. mi McDarlaild, I ']Fffil&y t i ll i'�, br�tfcbiis. B lipoij1ple 0 n t ass, grmny a ut t.he Oat. HINLOSS. F BlAinii0iii. Jr—R TiabiS( b handle nothing It fe r Em Wimr, Ig Our:. SPC�OL. L �: MinstiouS.. D' XcKen- i 0 S. 0 , 4" opi?l Str �Holyrood 'Ms. eiiii.e., G Mbl)6"101 in exehange'f -��gp d 40was IP ; 4 10 Pot d C� b 'D C yo. e 10apticiluet in "the T, utter E�gs ULUd P iftl IMPUt 1011,L ex TiiP118 PiePS y 27ih, i,401, aS�a d0ur-e :t e ANOV B n. Sr Ft 2--.T-R Fiah�: '�s called i R.Wicholao w his assessment, a %: peal of Wm;.�'Mont- 6i At quild, 1i 6rahato 3 i. Ft toLtho- dair. Ap MY N W/ �gqmqry again 911-10ts 2.20, Mi teod, R'B r6ur,� 8, 9 M, L .16, 9nd Uange,Nor th Darha Nicholson, . Miller. n go Lessons in KeLUz e, d 7 T L. .. . - :­ , . �Fune L t on motio A MbK6nzie, H Fis�4,'.B. 'he, ed,� and t ie 'T Road was eqnsidred $trget al D an :'d' I of �K nAnpD, X:MqK 1111wilwi op of d t . i , miss S.S. .0 Mus arm t (4 general.. bupili6s R MbK GILUS attendco N1911t Or ay. UY Council then me -Sr 4— innob, 10 No. 8 Ior'May: d, MRS P._ F, 3— IMA or ot t f. loah �rome an 1 06, H Mbpuki2ey,:T Moffitt. Jr.— ary -M Caesar, 'A ing f the boa S' -the P n it .1 T. S. co ne uIros �Lockhart, -_j 0 ;H74 P t*erou Kinlo 8 ID P- Ceinsibti, W, L- khJ 't M L POW 8 Its .At Con, E. posit6:thp.3ed'and 4th,66nceusiotia Of R A113611 0 Ship 'was -prose W MeX a', go6a Houge,an Lot, situate oil tdil e OtS. bulioss, toiw�b Kinno R.Carter` XI e ounj1L'4&�r1(j'_%,S11 L and Dblhi-st -A U NY , as- VeD To oAeiid.�. vB T.. aer.,.. T L Phi lip* M Johs D., ciue. enzie that the �p L. over 6kul L 3 1 , od's I., etiti66' be -laid on ..ce se ip.good,,repair.wlt .,an o I V 'co von ery nd soft�water­ T, a �11'il cutross d6u, J�MeGrqgor; L nien lif' Is oil VgAlt sore To'- many wo ss :and ill1ealtir. and 9lvab,�" ha:s having.; 1)ur-rr t1, I - - ' . . . h 3i6�ebdiugs as u rose ratepayers are ��`Gordon, F F, Iietce' First-elbs u ay or, ot iielinegs, iwealqiQ et6ratold me A May. �q. d! Ilookeiid L, -Taylor. 0 atempt t e lightebt: oifsahold A hil the -Fg6d Th6d6c oil the likopprty. 'j.'tbat the boho'would, f�at it Xjg : , . . 't i P cDonald,. I �j� T, em'.. wall it oaneer a] h.4d..at any line. ed -by �Pt 2_-�.X Orr ho �re A Ila pMigues c6nded by Don Id gg AutioIS f Waske se -h- Many 6 e xilt'olit &t'Ct*th(, W. mp o1ps -ap6o.mp'any-ln.g",,.t lSr State GfI inoved b lr,the 1kiii Bylaw o., aolC�;of L t Mebonald. t1int L me Ft aji(l Fitrin. tic us ess xn� gt. 1lie. MfJ , - z;, 'd a : �18 'sy t hi if, It Nv,6" this that C 9b C �ieclbio -are k** governin� be, J". llwi Am Go waXiAg,, Wiliness, dizziness', sin 1P9 y aFs.sluc-0 Ki . -1 , Ilk: - sine and it.,18 t 1:0� J 'McGregor I'mr.tM, feelillgi palpitatiaxt.'61 the hegrtI; sbort�-' ivell u 'in yonr f It" bh, oss o swded..drink 'in 1. Switi�r, W Taildr.,.- Jr­� now, pre usdit... g, great confidvnce A app�tii6,! I ' '' L .0 n fleed,. U FQR'$A es 8 mpdic 1� t t HO RXMDIUT� L n 6; real ine I wil ecomm.end i. ca hp;ndg itet, I adache, dal!k 61rcles ciauso'2 -be 6true outy, 1" A B M Im'.vu -foi- all, M Rc�_J, Al�_NIAN.. e be not Ayu ou 1)toi _er_AO;,qyqS,..,p i�. tlie� d 6x.36, 1 _#q� Wo.- _tqr, vio ekt;ng mpanim� s :Ouo, ar nor more.t an �k­all the othot Aceb hen w ri �Y�ou at'oi�� high, with stone, fuundation, itd k te an to, .:.bu.y.. �Ide of'a iundown ii�nd:weiakieried con tiW7 withlot, for Otdo. on'Victorin strodt, Utickilow. On inotidii o :K sak f roill, lobated-,,and� tho'lot cqn-.. tw� ut� f q9yer 11 Z:t, turnip IV* y e d timot The The place" Is U Cc *T—' 'I J% tion. ochc for i �L LIU III b� first d.. 0 n r oIa.+Wak6n­llje" aw -0 X . w a Wa5tin the* "of t a18i,7 d 6* dit z 0 6nA, ofted nii e s.,: -,at �tbe third 'time an.. papse Pye "by ie�', ii� retired) froin. litrming. Mr;_1 rb Awhe -n�r at It i P itl; n oi inybelfo.w or trom ten twelyt) oUrk time; Oak and f -dos. pring Kaake, 'sec6 ded,, by d.�.to thp.,Cirou e be�. inattucte a e move the-sy 6m with th :.C! d.'to -iske'All and,fimily h. St 1Ny" y IP'6 ...... -which time -1w Aofty #er than six- atten ou"illted, no fe, tee ded to and i hr -sale �or E30hange :proper steps suld "give. all, proper, notic'o. lar To*ji..�' -and Iiio, -n d6ctois without -any beriefit got, tc ed, often'xindonseiolloL 'tb WARD'S n liottee, of �ny- e ired by the Municipal Act, to �on_ Jacies Tigertt' principal'of D -,Call Alia;- see DR. qu Inif of ioi-2,; in ih gtl�.don.. 120 '61,610 the th pa'ee�&, Y. &W. thing Unt 11 fen ed�*;iim- teb 0.8&661-�atiend d "yte.Lood to Exeter �ing j. A 106neres.L Thc f arm is f Orly we e 116 tookme �toof -cliltivatiou --k�vith barn- -40X insisted 6u brib� closing up of that. portion of th orsI! convention t e oiit�of tlicl lit'i"Ilialf good ot. 111d hich lies opposit week We i ent e j. hppointed: pr t' rapidly .60 and 4tabl.6- nndcrne'IilthL.. ;eAo,to 13,and X �.new 9 cry and e p ro t'ine � I'I)egall' 0 ghl" half f rim� liquo 'I f wat6r..'Tl�e in heititY,1111(l c . - If., milid. after th thi-saa qr.nqxbAerin_ 14 6uge. 2i, P d Mrs. - 50.ac�.e- arta in part, lit:ite can. retrain'on 114. FoT flirtber -ha'ving.'soldAi&- which-b in a: daiigor6t�i 6onditi6n an eit We. ropt of nay' an0he -ba R uhade for- public travel, and for the 'Prop by in :Dungannon E.'. MAPIN to Mrs and, lay a so.',11djoundation -qn N�hlch er r ply at', SENT12. JEiI Office or wil iaffi lij bt Ivereases', ddle, Ompsoq,.:O n 'Th ur 1001K.... to. bixild'. A14od `;th P 0 s.,pud,flattenea .- ust8 y here 04�L 'r-hur. a -J.,' - - --It. � , ­ -I' _"L__," . 1. D '�lkeii �cheek b 4urcbaqe!aud dponing.up a rda �o the s 0 b di idti g rou. dressmaker,. dang6. q An e, out 'the eyew-get, r�F AP I , L. ' * ' , Mo;vq4 b�L ask aab wiek for Thesqal6u,'. ilgwk;: ber' 0 ' th f rne,,vea"health iiiid' Steng -TO RENT -'-es -thr Soon dbd. by.'J,' -7z her gratid-da 'g4 bugh, tIA6, Skstqm., Pri vibrit. '�s o McDonald the ug acc6mpanied!�by t 011� aoiers t6 -rent ion ser ie tS per OX -pad, an h v z:- tor. husband in oitnd,,-.r.thr.i)e;,�(jttiaite'rii. :of, a,wile h f of 6 -E 13y" oy ,cost, f wij& safe buinoy analgod, Success.. r, OR SAL %tviion, W. B to or percentag chara anfa to M tood, stable,' orcharti. andi There is also a 99'0(1 im ood state ok d Ien6e buil Iden sad gloom'was,pause Fire for O i5bo s�!; . . . I .. : spring wate ORO the, on( For f supp orld A citizen's of this 'vicinity 4 (lam. on the pr4 qtlou arm P iin 13eli West- �ONT_ �,hy tire, itt tho olt! Nationtil iind off, eu v r e 11 1 to JAMES, SAUXIIERS I'Eid 'tippe M P. L ' L . I e t, lditi ase Of ary LUCICNo1v pit re S14AW. j3L CK T:Iu&n�w ft. 'Rithaids,' NYswanosh, �*hiqu:,tbok place, on' fri� 'Deeds Agrei-, line, conceasion. bridge aTmero U 0 Afetc, j neat y -rep�i , ring c . uive'rt,"10th laid Ii I on� A&y�-qf.J&StL *eek at the �6i&ncq of' WN014AM, 'ONT t '11deis fb�. gale. ine, ng.' her 4au hter Mrs'.J n on,. eric q. ot, J1 50c 'G Wo h, repairi h s G d Notimt''T 4 Tiles( Town 1 ullivan,'Frind' a!,, will, , rkmow nA 9 Office, H6 11., 'AtIoAna, .1i Ini... Ii.lie'd6c6ased N'vas in hei�ubual bealth Win, In vn J(IY '0 and Sittrd �4 P�T.tt L,U11 UILIULOU Jacob" Miller., two i eye, gra -frame kite ow -A d d' iier-�r�rn4lns��Were- brought f to God& to _y in two.)4ra es. t beot A. Tho hoiii8e. is heat6d by A ClAre I_ 'on 4, $10,'PH(miry-Coun- Co L 'he roul(" i, y6u�.ovo.n injoroot and till rich to her, late-feisidence, lbt 16' n L _6 ater Sai L. . � � � , b C. 8h, ing. cone ... - I T, 11- J�, ltiglqf. on your' how4eti- And -bfirtig, t wood lurnaco. and. loth-hatd and 1folt w 111116 . . I triside 61ty willrbe ho V.Va'* s " 6 thtj A'econd atado %0111iii bettq for ont- !W. a Iding. This* -pro oil teei, 81 ;1 H Hakkb CoAn'il leb!, I 3,'WP4Waw shi tri Sab ath, slid Pi . PLI I L. . 1 .0 q 0 1 t'. , , figUr re as t 0 owfifir 14 w' liu6A thatiibo A aC it r6kRopablb --61 gg h 13 Xe6plfig:, A -i 111410, buil, nit, -A 'D, M4 it fees,$1001 91 doeirblig ofleAvifig town. iot,further par, 0;, in I 11on'dAywere inifieirecl ook- -in lAnds 010 actuil of choice ful JAIIIIES GATiNt, SM0 tille", .1, have, over 4 1 John �aclj il, fees $10, D' non cemetery, betn�- 606'ttOa thitildr Teivman6h1p,.:Sh6rthandJ orcia 48'. 1qlr1'0aIJ*, infr)0, !�, 100jar)0 an&NO.Acre8i Iota ticulars. Tchilo onold, Cound na it* T Powrl lug, etci,. peepai�ng -1�ru'cb, Q6uncil foefiL $10, 'Jorm, Or r ves A ox 900onal g incii and -Worfieh, to Ilitron afiol ARliflold fo d, by-', a ' largo 4umb of. L bliti L. �, y $.1 oa,.f n t1l it' wo8hip4. 006d lAtids -molmarmidjo salary $50, friends. The�,6ereailed hugband ."atid with ko oNvn iviugt ith HIlo)I) (dWell_: th Aloo 1000diblackHrid V ily $60 fam, L fn'�,onnoctioqii) (loinq it go()(l L I -,so, Jor �nd -,.6444iiAbg` see.don to�..f have . o sincere. S�inpithy of �itgmjf Housd,: f6f ale ing good , JAIginess fok. D' V giiie �,Jieap. A hotcl,dol a 'par sa n ev., general wtote f lixy $50'_' the -cor,amuni.y.in'thbir sorr.ow. I Goo, G' "le cheap. N so, it w, livt,,viIIago­`Al,(o a O'vodt' k -sake 86bonded by Me. "R. F douducfed4. tl 1 -0 eir fiqla4ed reoidenef I10 y INDIV11i),DUAL 1244�IWVI' With largo tiklide, ilt.. Vitro A large And w amonnt of tol'oncy to,'Ioati at 5 aq, iestv �1( Ir ffered,, Of �bb di , . . I, I I Victoria street fit Lucknow, is�o !,�Keiizio a I amouli b Ir' ' ' ­ I I : 11 , I - I , - , N ckl Otou rs a (I Z 0 ftirther: liarticillitf 8 ap P y to)' Is 11 0 le 10011 reaoion1l", torms; The -house is it' -sit 7 A� UOU ZZ1114, first-class condition ind'h I '�kgent, I '. The grounds all, 'Henry. a dirisio a) tt..j,th llar(r'and� "oft - wator, I II , I fixotl lip wfth� I its,. 0 la� e 11-tLe y aw.74,. ever ree O'S U, LLIYAN' I contaii ns A goo( - stable' and livisions - u, $too" 9' apportioned, to,, thb,,'diffeibut road w6li Anplilled wit 4 rin kti' ca ST HE LtN.S IV! P., I, , I.' Donald a d' 'ai: n t PW., 10111 Alri. �.R. K_ and'Mrs, dav id Tdddl I=' outbuildings4 'it is a-Ataiiable 'rest' o o k, Wll�(;IlWi ProPorty ..,,Fbr a dence pild"a'ityllhe 'watit! I' home should, goo. it;, For f f 11236"Donild iiiij, a toinfortable M6DonaiA'al Aivisi sr �omo. on 8at'&day oven -4 urthe I Ivi :"Vol: A410 in thevilla"i; of I'ticlummr, lot 44 Part culars 'si Sit Witil I � . . _ _.- - ­ I (I or A .411 wiiroughl)y Atr(,, Apply to his b after.. a wee .a a r, pai ing, 0 6t,lc in rop Iringi i In woodshed 411d,bal-11, ttls�' ii niiiii1wr of fruit 0 Well a narnisii i&ker &LEX. Itoss ildsidtf $7 6A thd'-Clerk 'At lribn& In' Toronto, 14'."' t10 advertige for tenders for the placing it.jull a�d Mo Alid othee stilall. renewing. old '' r . I . I . 1 0 ,2 and 21.jil the WitIker Huryq, inst north 14214-4. i Lucknow, lot goojd to the fr le �,iq'oundii' Auble lioiis� iiiml bidy I ., 0 on loth aide hard is d. ate. 0.00d 00in f(I )i tho st e��atld Iwo; IN olrow� 0' acooln odhtl b '4100 n this. Uinity An Ifard alitt sof twiI,wr ittiolei 0 qu�i itirtbor ttioll'altsapplIt"o .6tg'' na qbkobinron, ing, aolounl@ ).i yet large w0odgbed. A oil g'rmleti ,Vllioll, Wo �Vlll, 8611 af AA.Q N10MUSON Illit)Ortant to Bree A. 8,T bwe6w Qkiy Ok fihd HOIY'r4od $100,i C 0 . Wllee� - - " T;,I'11 t outlipf Grey, �rrg. Mill rbo e riiiII. Tn' a prieos;': N20' t; old W duri* 9, 11:1 wag, st his pp fop cilR i or on t!,&�y, tv NVIII l;ei4,',',1rdt I' raa<;6nabl �AU B i: it een Roly!rood and,Xinlouili $100, The� S. ordeeto, H�e tilS )roporty a . Tid for Attie A rellabl bet* ��a in ent of 'th e Lord'.4,86pper i'llfornittIl'otl 4p.yto' 11, betweeti -Xiwlough stid "Black 11 80 'M -S'ald. pect Was observed', iry Presbyterial, "%V- J, o,robred -Dutho' s r AID low, tit, T remedy f 6 $100, To *0 0 a ard t 101owe8t.� I V re h r ",here' abbwth tiiornir�g 'Ift4t Jn,. on . Motifty". Uni5; 2.46h, the C u ch on J41�, 'to gj�o iJJ4t'lSpW.. Crurbo Solin to I . .. �. I :., t .,jUsk1fANT * spayins.. and Itev. *Mr. TAcLean of Blyth volid k 4" JIqdt%,rAlglJ swee O.O.F (Iflirift fo� si%lil'tw,� thorough ny I. etci,i� "any tender, no6 naeossarily ctc.Jn..hoFdd1i brod I , "' -, and L V in it JI;001 VWll be r (tuAod pHipiki&tory -service on liriday btill 14 TiloiltI18 old tilt" Oth(kr a holfer 18 ln,,,ttJ,,q jr,,Ir pol.titr1l,trl, stililly tt� Av 0,U1,.vs1lIatNVooI),,No "-)o -hirt J last. ',4.1 otor,:,Rev, :4,, M,. -h0i, Meeflievory.fliAt amt Vor 'n jbooptod,�Carricd, morning. and g ra o' m oot again on' "One I pA1110'. let wIll'ob At- Wfonined t loty of i�ontli in Ow '(Jr4lll I very A6060tablY 6ft Whaky _i6ael'i,od, I k8ni-ItIvink, I J(�0141811.` TlOb%, MAU itiv, n1l A bla Jun;, 244.10 s Sunday triorn' y"111,11 061110an" , "­. . I I XohdAf me P, It v 1"', 01, (Is (.vorYbottl V r scien A trig, Do l(I.0 it ReK." lvcaft� be, ItOL the, ey me f (injing, tov,, Mr.. in every as )ractlec: U'll � k e o. voteititiary -, - 0 t'Applicilitiong 'To -Ront;,. t1f, s no), bottl'e, 'Th�Nlowing is the report of S, 8. Give O&AIRIAL loS, 0 m t�in. '44f 14 to give. oil Slt.'ray f A NtVq ffiru),, 1,11, I1()71k'( grilos p6tit "sit kill ktit�hl gl,vl/ rwvIl- �Vtn)tt cf T (Irtig lstii�;W( N -Kin 8, two 'y o' W, VW618 c 'IMoll, stittion., 75c I �Ilp 1.1b. I),er Olass P turdAy an N k IWPaiekl Iiiy- ling Awol!� vivlte itlrqltlatl�ofi II� to ILA 4", �St r- - ` �, G'oo(l.TrWtit1'fltt' � - - 111.1 -1-1-11- , 1,'� upy '640 -16 'CAN 401A 9 Mar(,5�u McLco& Sund6yWltll ti1w bi� 'r ft ill 1,16 s1AtA1)ly Jt1I:plV to 21; QAu4 A z, 4M j,