Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-06-14, Page 1"IF 'A 71 T� e �1.lw w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7� ........ ---------- 7. 4 -041 'VOL XXV111— 24 JUI 'h, 9 r '77777 A HOL 'NO -1-1291m.' KNOW, PAY _jj�. :Z WI 7 19 0. Die 4 ced perations wore.� coln -911- - 0 t e r4isiy)g the�, goderigh Sta h e6n, mottling f' pprp T1 V �,.Ta-m6fi_ r0N.", "N I I 'U JU 101%ru ra�ei,�,J.ulpq 200h and �28�h, "A ,1P6n'0 forget, t a atea f AR ax . .18 s- briek bui Ing on a OURA N 00E% I ffliqted of .1ate. About two eing f Campbell "street. int es. to��,e N. L � 1, _�eetin four -Y MA ADAFFICE9 HAMILTQk :� - 11 R' �irafipi�iedts' b AT died, And; on, wooaiiy: Q L.��There,.,�vili` be,"60 -'W 140 6ek, his tee old" son u e of 0i6.,,qIub. �v he� hisfor"Y :,00etiog M t EL to e., 6, 1 tb.o ' u,,hl b -in &mpri P4 P4 to Who Salta re ; .. . : . i '�T , tl -oonfidqace; 6 the :.ra,�jng, d gied b, '.of the ',=,-Tho"se'fro tpeo t ';a So paleso iior' 00411 d iid'up� U U ug*t 9 k I erve Fitil(I 000, V­�the:_ trient ' b . ei, 0 With, bf J ed doling ort: 'eoj' oys teL it -un6 e, th d 0 tk, Ve piliblic. The . .. I - t1i'', free -for. -411 'do Mina,' the: A be esdAy, ere, Alex �Ohjsholna; Tor- i e4tival ;kill 7. —A Striwbetri V wurm 'wea 0 'el( t' bQrsos.- ever O,W Q J0j-lN"ST'UA1 Barikdrs 'd �6e ;Poronlap lawn by. Ae. LiT President;' 'on, '�t6 1 given d i an "Weath' of',; the Methodist - chiareb�.L -iie�- tLjul and oQ adies, vi e .!ocli�se d0nfafid.., da� une.2.th" T�dr aahie expe r, -C a MCI ilan�ini f ttle strayiLa bd q'�[141,'ClinfQn.—Wingham Tinies. 'W do !Is r �u 'ial .. Seen. BeAs6p or ca,. hout Qaiiada and .7U the L nited, a. N,ct tollecticrio Qn ail points -i rbtii fibmellag ayrived,,' The Sentinel a He picuic will be liel in -M Audiii c—Weiltprwnateir, Manitolia-and W, L H cc 11 collei. ed which. Ori 's Grove... near thb�.Iake 'ThQ G the, Nbrl-West Prbvin 8, and, a isf,he proper, in * um,' thr ug erteral AssitiliblY of. the F Piques, erc� 1*6 3�a TU, Q l8t.' r noje aeQo� t IV 1040 e - gattlo or hors e sday,, n prompt ittentioq, t B tions, whtthe W, will hi e �Qns e c; ,are; -now...attr A BANKING oat shor on Tue chuich"of Canada '.ip t in S j D., SM n. 0 tice N6tei disounted and eille notes, :.fbr:tbe excur i nx,progr' of addi6saes dancin T tt%WA1 0 n:Wedne§daj. The follow aftbritio p: ­ I I , We ire's sinet *4 under the SUS� .'Sports,.'. MU I r9l Notes d' d a& ... cashed' scohAtpd �ic etc., place. , , . ; IL . ling ate the, delegates !frdm.: tlw rbs fWe lo�afi oVot-,'ble �r nil a for, D, ro 4,tices-mad,p to ar4-iois to feed' st,00k, abge ese go at, rj -montll� time, and at 1.0.0; Pinner Andf t6 will be.served at fromone to t#61 a ;%nd f sa Q reason abl'e, rate of interest. ipbyterY. of W A11,13- XOTh--s bought' nL(I 6' Ilected. 11! W 11-L J., Wirghain'. 148.' UPC any-tillie4 dur-- or lArg6 amounts. ou second iefre A Ile, Hma , , �. " L ­ IL ill � 'a* T Weit, M., A , 'Angus v!id iggadd pa,3'jMijlo4 at all' mortgage -oil or tAllui (10trAe. aec�. Ve�t Dii k t .:gq$. we 3eingsub al a shmenta call' be' had t wi Ing, fie'during tfi6day.�� ity wid oa first chattel mortgages on i K' I v Me ay A Dp .7 incipal -point4 in U�nitlda� 1�tjd.l ther pr, il&jI P" stockan(l linpler a d --now, 1400 feet,- and the.- pu le:'gener' Kincardine, Job Fa e 'no Copl,'and -c6inforta6le—eiXcep rl crops. deep� �Al-old TJnit6d:'Si;at have a imilutlt:of funds to, advitnew n VV llite6hore r, rk Head .4.11YL are iii�ited t6 �tcotid. nio3rt�agos f roin 5. per cenc to�6,lper D als(y ut dor wav at PA G. c'to 25c. -164 according to the d 'a see' 'Wliri n,f`rtiier',,vis6es t cent,, h r1ite i§ grIi gin (I IlAlit3rund sizl-'of ibo loan required. Sri. on.d one at Hep%i. Ross, !E ;ru�sels Jo n sidry, 8,91 A tihg of LU61inow ,, L. M''the jefkfling� tbe publicrth6. benefit Ot what he hi Ro tf' ut current nito. froui� W gatia I eron, I - Te6gwaie�,!­ W Plim Of Wiih(Iraw.,4. dinn,Firb Insurance, mnpanies e9eet 1jiurallbo mi all'61asseg of pinperty n N�o!'42 81 i I I held in."die' discvered as w%Xnemis bf prev H'!:Cli�rp A big d eltria ad 16 t' c"ottotilhoop'.'' Cran (if til,,: N�holt oi 'We 6ilipathize;:three.lea, tug fitivik, ly daltiy, 9took or Mu a desire. or, -lgi llt)i� mubject to ar 'd -h r 11.411 On, Tuet,,da�, 25th.. -inst. full, l -fl i es f roupi'�, annov i n g o Bes. whoover in tiio' witlidr will r p.m. -A qqteridarrO o. rtliir to -Excurslion. Td Thw'Ko,dell. F rni l5a'and �5e, Val do offlee honri; it e f roi;� 10 a; m,. to 44 10. A. iqon,, oU,H611and.' w Yr. Di M o.'r T.hU ..0 GE01-.-A :�IDDAL d couple. Of 911 IN SI"ROk It -M A NA It., ()Vfjls :'j ieh'ixle zreaieb,,abo Pus t,O'e d rsdav, J uie 20ph,:js �the::� at e T C 1� N 0 W tenef6i, castor oil, and, Wi' the M, is,spepL ing a w week' armers' excit r- _ forthe�86uth Bruce F'' �arentsj 'Mr,'and Mrs 8 tee 'Soe on r ."g loves in in Silk and 00 8- Sta, .w u e al.. si6lipo-the,M6delviarm-, On 'MEDICAL '10CAL' t api�ted his,� at MdrOidn'. bt'fhe i8t�,*c' I l� .,; �affbt v$. 5 c and 3 c once'ssiQu of- Ojit[�ejy�'jhjt� ahlm"4 80 YeLwill'bei to ers g4c turnir k i6d for, two da rpd.. Wit I I I wit� Accoue or.� urgerr -Ol -we h �o. D: TodA ENNANT P H �Y ST C I Jk N K n osse e as 0 y ffice oure 0 .IjeX �A Strawberry Social Will 136�fiela recomm, n.b i �to� f poin 4 on. b $1.25; 'Ripley, -'$1.45,: U.to 12 il.tn,; fro�n Wto'op,in. An e., g�roiiu - SL Chriqt',g churol, a_ -re-; t t..Owing 'idi e rain will .7: to 9 P,4) Al. Mur ocll'� speip &W We tak e, plekattro Ill Ki d 011"t d .used t Alber ..!Wqdnes.dav XUU6 -26., a. m. and ;re- in Totpnto t is week �Or,t The'y are' nghti- GORDON M.: t on 011. !7 Mob leaV Ldekb6*."L tit 6.20, :Special trat ng M M -6.p. ality�right-i��St7le­ 8 -ed, c rniogleav 7qu r 1 nAiial Woetl at t e,, are, cor ii A new� bj Will Meet at Guelph Au lly price., ting:ofohe -Vehire. at 0 �c 00 ,lip .9 d io Ross s i I�eninglr ll ti IP07B sto T4e .',mee ing..'o. the SoVereig.n. 11' C:0', Liber&' I'. ASSOP Will bd ',etil odd: t Re"V, IV.' K' Treleavenj �pf. Teviot-,� ra, y. r iition "Grand. Lod-gb� df the "Lo T irasolt ya Orange� td 'June -%I .,LEC.AL hela: gt; at'�Qlgtnis ne "gome. desi-reable libes.wiih. flue RRQW., GARROW.' on- e in to Edffli� r1it' MeIv lave be' 'h Id ec UnL ay jo § ancy handles ab Vb.kj'ngS, L &ad jL I k 6 at on i o c oc p;,m. or th el et'o GNors Solicitors, vuit6d -Winnip �ji',Mdy _aig b-, hi :1 officers an "other-pur pbse§., Alsq,`the it ow dlik (vA U d L of t I VI ages ��uterd,. also A�`n-'.apprdn- JUly., ED geledtion ir,'.Gwr g'e' # b' A AIA pf, a,,dandidate ins be bo n Few,, y ti� Win., :,-4McMttlIiai U' dk, P., L roqd.i�,6' 'Fris'lGieen W.'united in niarriake-to Miss Web..., a in orbu Hblt & Cam, now.-. for -potatdev*..etc��.aii s er- dauyhter iy t�t6rmin-' aiiln; Gqdevicti)-'. Oth r,.r Robert ob' ster,, 1 1 � ... I . , . . Roo .'diattict-149 -or yqurl6attlb: -Y. will. ()it d- idi- f ode 17a n6 _C r -In ee -Taylor!s, - where-� f �N.ota your 1. 0' tilmtairs in Alliix'g ni,mr..Ulo�k., i6 ', from this s n ator f Cru doell'to shfield'! e ties ay o .,of A:i 0 F N ., : .... d' AME Solicitt 61M -at G�'�ijlli Court '8herwood w, ak,ihe resI Once ot C; tuitasusnpi, r ce over neeikw be cheerfully supplied..� to" naphts.'- The eeremoniy' was per are requested niet:16 ii ball t G.1 be that: Sunday neit,L �30., In e. n- -It 0 LUOKkOW' and, N .16th, at 10 dby'. tile 'Rev. Iliter ViSit e in Gbddrich on: f WTO ri nd grjjCe,'.�as �Vqll 'as t e rtloe, Di-` qse4c . 9 - al ose�0 atten ing 'M Yule:L Pat rsofi,'B. Yulp" Me SU -the MOB 0 vine mi-ith the.-brethern" th 1i 67 s1low an of'. a appy young coup e. apparent eor n Lean,. IV 86r! - tp�gebur', D Gtimilham N )"-The' pq'o' 16:6 ;Br eaelii will. liold Wa§4 r Moody d"I p Popp ation�;Si, e! own ladepe�den'b Oedet. Let OLD �-LIGNI e bride, oipient of many r"LODGE I fice th t t heir annuig demons r ion on 11'ridai �f I(Inearditle* -is- Vi falling ',off 0 `bI it ef U11, and" bdautifixi -gif j$'Ll' er posst e'ari On fa -the . L .1 -.-, , M Gral Fair L 7:81 -A X , . .. . : I'/ . j. - �f . I L , iain 'A-* Patterson. -June 21. -shows eemingloas d �,ort, I lgin ' ' '. IL - - i " � en ine joins w F. riep, J6hustoff, M Xelton, W Jhnston; Ieir Wan, :.ja. WiSbilL 11, b M. e,-c.0aledobiah games�.wi C� , : 6u: . an( f "Jilly w ng P 6' Max cLean.. G X e Of I Audre. io j o r�' Wli§DAYNIGY Kine' rdine an ay neXt, eat.thc.expeiis6 "k-keepiri 'o 1'i!ip'py,mkrriddj b held in a g Thd-la ebt�. gringg �angemen I years, f : f ET ri `V E RV, T E th f 6, -oti, �br-. before tl oin the stablo'� when y SECOND DEPARTMONT, le" f nil' Jil: the ou can's rio Will be ever teen in Western Obta j,.�6knoW,o i -A fir t-claaa, w. iniloh, -cow f t ii ze . ing,.one a il up -to" Ex --- M llabi�k, .0 MoKeyl- �ic itall, HaVelo�k street, ocure 'bem Yl f oil up Woollen' Miils ntho.12th of Jul 'I 'A I Y n HAUU -m.., tg'hoits�..pokes,�-66 n6*6 p ng- County Lod! g'e's W t This -is the s"Ison 'of -t o year es- AAAC sq, e.-:- er _pP 74 t9 S "on-, thof es keIntoeb, J M orut er ifirv! S f i* ii -7r aL - , i he L' UfO44 h yo:decido& ctal T:1� cu� t, L-'Pgs um at t 0 A i ... d ee� wo6 tho Bruce: and Nord '�'Miss Ethel Wheeler has returned, MeL oo I d is, also the,ti ;�hen Ae e to�co e ra' e ore; an sp fl) d b t li- ion In d iso� E Little I 0.0.0afo r .0 Y 0 proppe ore are equal' to fr6ma' two,.,Weeks' 'Sit' with� friondi L'Ta�jon E Thompsori�.C-Benlpett'l T rom. intoni t -Iladep6ndeu.t� 0 der f ores.t fir si6 ttalinsare'ejelleefed f e genta U C [C N W' a Ash field,' eloaven. LucklIDW' mersto JU Coll [I i 1, In iiKjncardin� an,4,N i6rb e. no many, bOU' at�, , , , " ; Tri rt 451 will end pall adian The, L%�ie' Aid. - and Leagim. ofj Y., woolle�i tidil 9 in'the'c6untiy- now, And vin -in tile English* church sJr:,. 'EX V, Huston, Cott rc i,will-servo on t 161 o Wes doing '-Wo ri� the-� ow. 'Brown '��uuday, qnd.16th.at Ill t Bruce one Jol'inston, 'VIL Bry'ait E and 3rd �hd Motliodis Ch I e The antipa ineeting of the .%VL98t �U on July 2th. a4'% rk -th mb6ls are 'toque t6djo` mee --at firs ol jn�. 4 11 . Lar' PC I.O.oldfellows Hall. Mrs. Robedson -and reliable ek.now mills. Par- nUge Ret6im, AgsrooiAion wi -,bd"-h6I& -ViBitdts`:I�c�rdw* " , I _�ruc'q- f -1 - - - 4&lptt few dayslast �veek "tb�6 0 Boland, lS M.alloug4� leminig neguest cordially inyii�d. mtrs come frotit� far Slid, near; Vecail4 brethbrn in t le, towp hall car ine, orK I - . . ohnstOn. mpvell of upay inj, Pon L bpee. in Kin they ave, drahant' R. McKinnon J of' fid Miss (,a ure imp ION Thursday J tine 20-tli, ai one O'elook 43 k-utchii6ol A i 1 : . Air�. �Thb frost on Saturday, night last. . pt. -tend 0 p ants 6 ti" 'thL Lees�,&- Dougl 9 aiid know f th -Qt4Qm OVO icerg.,an ul.,, 0' 'cle d ga,r r SitieS 7 'fruit :0 e U 1 S6 0 daiiiaged doni stuiT�-'bu the Y�111, y tow�j burdock and' vill 'treA' them square. diiddelko OW mes R1314.: Toorim--John, eiopr has'n t Wen,dgmagod. SU pu I 'thr I ough all right.' can' U most e.9 UC 0 IV, Frosu rn�y,consicler necessary A 1, s'T I e in. g v. TIRD DL., V R T4 Ann* Dod�l kill them itl The'. Misses 8 O'Clo n. w ei in idin are in� I Dbrj�� Lobs �.9 t)en t A ve meeAs" every iTriday.eVenjill" a ck in M law W. and -Mrs: G., rrv,Ieft-L9,n_ !tit AY. oll� "arleaddy' ths,-occadOli Brown,L inergya licamptnent, 'No., 4 McLean, 6 McLeod' Yhon. st 'lto'., spend'a' few months E id d la a.t., t �la gn e and ortA Vniveriiity, The, SeAtir -o g thd M&ftlago 'd6rsori RAN LO OL V.ing la lag ote r-., M J I GE 6 Duluth W,:.Hmnaerion Mrsrang9me t W I the ru f 'd NOrthco t r tinc� an' D8 LAR Ha Hs., FairL. 9 -7- C widow of Chhrl6g Kehney bf Branig.. O.Kinnon R lolifiston, AVcL in,)nttily meetings in iho Orange ions, W'111,be'rdceived �by , - 1 1. .. I 1;� . . 1. . . oil &'�i e ursion ip,Sarnia On eday! 428, Hoi, REGIt lateg Geor' - Ii Appi is erry, Emma, street,' 1ticknow4 on the 9CW1, Tfio fio, lu P per., Abseut ... Al 0 Igj he Secretary -up'to Monday evening .ton, The 31' qall, Poart, Edi Sinith, Bi�dia fo erTuesdaybv,6ning of' orkoh- and - dvery' m c1ribbib, ho�i g6nd good to to urn uq I )egroi night, bn the second Tueadiiy 'CYL6niiig foe meto th M rs. know F �ersliip 0 e, Luc ire Clatjt� 'Alabel J-1arris, OK3 21th Yhen a train lea at- 011 jai, G idlinaton j) A Ll ftg. .'All briathieft eoralally in. ) And i ire. "Sulkh and -11 Job at6n, i3arber W JO nt: jr 8con- V(ted t% the il"etingfi. nia a p. in.,, through to ney o e oc jeour", YG4e§t.'W MOW& G' oa-�-O W. , Mr6,,'0eo;­ Do giasi d Mroi� Janhos 'or' Vety �oadttfujlyl- for ..'t tj L�Mogsrq',James Bryan and, W'. 11 f h.,anL Ttevott itre attekdinq tile par] h o 1�ryad, attdnd6d tho%0 unty W TildeiLVinf ocd soiOni and �Iprppaied luncheon O%A -Court ill 'Walkertod. - this'' w6oic, as this School of Wfethod ia,; NVAlkortoh:: sew,konj M 'Canipbel per cc ir jr L . . , . f t"i,evey ury.mull., I F . 1.11 1. L M r' ov f yve, 'If iiold wi thin tibn day YLoft,cau, b6y MCCIU L'Hoirn.e. The ai pe on -t 0 last ciankhteri %06w, UTAU present, )ehltot, or pa' b r, - -H' MdDonald,L T);e ha ve 6 g 'full sized 711-3 octaV6 piAll H We NL MORIAN hCOLAIP& you 0 -in goo (Dr.) Bruc6lol dily of Wing1jam. 6jito. On A Arn bbi .9 r r b Lt tg, 0 1 , , olinst prepariqg foe I -aric �e Y, fi14oi� 41 ilitoit-0 disur. Ab Wili; j,e tile best.. race, ever. seoit in , � ( rdr, ifiade lb st- r., at. rG !, 11. al i , - e appy no Oobout.',ono third' ih6 re ular'. price h p�,%rt ine' of'liarvest., too s, -w to THE', U 'loft 0 L Oil Vin Ila' 9 Diod Jan. M qxanixne: 0 o 4 urBol v L ea.. pa ar y� Intereatink,, , me and d'will 'make a tbur 'of -BUffaloo I . I i-IOURTH I)HPAUT99NT �Thy Ordhestrw of.11le Luaknow je -a' SpIpudid �. assortniollb . of! scyihej, roitAn obtern. Stittdil DIX-ti -Campberi- 'E' living _BRQ.� COL, A. 1% CXLDVV.11-1l1rL ..'at L' . , . . redit wil fio gi6n if required. k doillie Of th� �W p -b take to,:, A C� 'Ila y I o' r;' U$i0a I 'Society `-I Clio datfi;�Iio'pi'amc�at onnyb��&k�on: k rhing to, 0 1, 0. V. tWedooAday. .1 me vill� 6[ld f A ill lf� T n( ep n \n oponaelit;. t 0' 'k .%V 0 -Odilfall 'Armistro g, G od -K Undy, V- 11611, on the '-)nd' f -,A,,,G, Elliot Of ving Ihn 80o is in tid �041 I ad' r and 40% Tticodiily o" 9 Lu, I C19 .1 �PUBLIC SCH . 0 610601c, � ., - 1- Gord jk (i tit , Oil G-3itifthl-8013, J Pattersbij' emb month, ak 7.30 ad 6 b -I �L� k o�'*n&.y, nexi, 'Wl cr�� Vr' Somer. 'Griand Libera' latill L rethrenr 960411Y iiivit,.(I. t WeCk,pur.cha7We a very i e ac inted §uporin on )Ve 0 'I'D6 LI gy, 0 ville has, beall_'app�91` i� C in all; D, Quest D.N�LAWRL ,. � jRcfi� f6r, kii Sidd Aait' of Choi lidmiem olepartobn�t of Liberals 'ide t - 1" 'Will h P ro nee A0060 1 -0 04AO A� 0 -pulp *06rks L� tbfi A 04 A A 10 9 arg ineet. n inn, �The Itor, 1!, Hall,, of NVi'ghkd�j, In Jjajj�i A ab 8 0 0 ok-A. Ek ... G 'A,O i, 1pouglasi Boyd A.Trreleav�jp,',D Pooldsi '4,Pat� U W, -:pr�ached tw'o v6y Able and appyedidtiye Set of is ;o0mineneffig. f . ollowing speak In 0A 111gf X. 11. N th ohuhlikiely'tu'-bo iii 00 11- 0 rowbi U a X N Poor terson; Nr ijdii;,,8dn, j AV, B, r 4e ain : - - , f, jont., -06�d_L "Nrorilso l .pass by.,, iffeeii' it' Incient Order, of 06, 0 1' g to 13'rus: Ugoa. in CanAdA oil which tlie-lihad, 6f 'ton,, x"Nv, See I /Ito i i J 6'h r n t E,< "r id,- Camerolll. to .13atbor �Vo k 8619 todg6jia e i V r Ifiodian, outx in., 10L ictO64 ap . 'a 'I dociA6 to Poo, den, M of, T 110, v - tile year. in, av `:Dee Ak A"t stX� W ln�ft of fA - , , lRocon I ies, ar6 ilwa-iting: th0 ac- Tr�e f E 11iot announced to of 0(')'..0ra'tpgo witik d 61 last filelre,ofi Jtly 12th this' 0 Pt X, d A Of. thet' �jj - Or' .10 h Government, 'J Irvibo, NV -Al6doly A" xo on, each nionth 1, -Reid B.-Malloujili 11ae6d, .0. Tre- Al ) , r to.. . W . - eavou i 0 t a 0 Mx 113 1 1 1 , 11 t f! tuAllow And' Will fat tile dole, I awps will be' Udt )ttillu, " P It fatidnAn/ offier ..And Ali ft'( b' rogi8tration can, vo iq ilk,