Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-26, Page 8• 4. t •;has leen 'fully Oa; Experimental Parma that the timely use of Fungicides and.n' senticides �gilL morRe .t,an repay the labor and eitpenses• 'entailed in their•,use 'and 'their • hes been strongly recommended L, t.e Department of Agricul- ture. ' The chemieals: which. are ' 'used;as' as fungicides, are.s!il- ' ph ob,,;.pper and.formoline; • Suip a e, of 'copper is: used for spraying fruit trees..to kill fun, •"•gus • growth.' on both trees and fruri: Formalin , is used on Seed to -"lire -e4 smut • Paris green a;n t. hellebore „are what-. ' are ;commonly deed as insecti cines. We have 'these chetah' -.dais and can, furnish the :latest directions for their use. LOCHEI D: DRUCCIST' `. <3LUC KNOW :ONT A 0 U. W 7honextui r eetrngof,the A• 0 [3' W Lucknow'Lodge No 137, 'will be held on Monday nvenin•April 29th.' As •, important will bb•transacted p e :eve r bre he should ou13 t .make it his ,duty duty to attend • The •delegate to the Grand ,Lodge. will give an interesting account of the late sessson held ,n Hamilton. A large turn out is expected: o'Marrled In the West very-pl'eaei e t s:-ta�sl lace' n , • Ioliougall"Orphana a and Horne, Morley;:`• Alta;, on ;;March' 8,`viz;,"•the marriage of •Mr. A • E: Kent; of Irinis- fail, ,Alta , (an ex -member` of .the Orphanage' staff), and,, Miss M J. Wellwood,—'eldest= daiightci -ao£ M•rs; .Wellwood, •,;St.'': Helens, Ont. Miss Wellwood• had; rendered - •acceptable 'service -►n Bed :Deer Industrial.Scbool -,and•Mcliougall Orphanage'for • nearly ` four years;. having -had'`charge of -'the, aaiwmg , `departriient :in each : school. ;Before comin ,'to the :,Northwest;~ Miss • Wellwood was : connected :with Carlton Street Methodist Church 'as'an '-active iiiiember o the`'leagrie 'anet a•primary; teacher in the Sunday school. N. Wellwood, of. Toronto Conference;,' ,Rev .S.' D. Wellwood, ofthe; .Congre. gational , Church, ; Michigan;: and Mr. - 1t.• Wellwdod; recently: in the' Indian work, British :Colu-mliia,,'are''uncles` of the hilae Tfie cerernony was per formed. '. 'at '7.30 p, m: by Rev.' It. Steinhauer, B A , in : presence: of the staff and children. .:.Grand.ma•' Mc— Dougall being the only invited guest The•' bride ' 'was given' away by Mr:, J. W. Niddrie, principal ' ofthe inti— titution, and attended Canty by her.: maid=of-honor, : a little . Indian .girl, ' Mabel Dixon, who had roceivedspecial, .'care from Miss. Wellwood' ', .during. painful illness. .The .happy'couple •--Ick k`their-tleparture on eleven o'clock train for their fritore •home, near innia- . • fail, followed the good wishes of r cargAreit woe.? cdgantic International Race In 'Which' Eircaisr, Nation 1C-RePreiN ,tge ted. , ;OViing to the 'sn'ecees the recent expeditions in search, of, the • North Pole: all nations are alert: In''all " parts 'of - the World' saimitists 'have • arisen to the emergency, and now with peditions are being fitted :thiti) and )vilr unlimtted means have been plac'acl,a6 the disposal of the `explorelr hi other lands ' has placed unlimiced. 2110t,tha 4 • the disposal of Admiral . airs of Nevv York is willing ...to spend dollars to -enable'. VivelYn.•13 Dalti•wiiav to Plant the stara and•stripes at the ••firet ;•expedition. is, 'prepared to' '‘ pond -tivien that much if "nec'essarY te accomplish his purpose SUlllSATit NGS• ANK) LO •iN,CO.,. , Uadoubtedly• ,the greatest factor i4 • . • ' the World's raper;fur. the Pole 'is. the .' I have beard sumo, people say that, expedition of . Qaptain j''1114 Bernier, .they' rnvost(' t {n . tht- 1%erananrr,t� of Quebel,.a' Canadiaa. by'• birtti, who siftock of the,. Suri'.:Sayfag's' rrrrcl Lon has offered his 'ser vices; to . his Krug and Canada .gr tuitously,. The cap - taigas Plan!, are •unquestionably the: best that have been conceived;.. They, have beenendorsed and approved by the 'Giogr+aphical• Society of-Que'bee, the Colonial'.Isssti•tute of .X;oudon,` England,,' the Doiniiiion and,Pro.vincia1: Governrnents,,,ond have received the, coininen[latiori et: such 'anthoritres in arctic researolt. as Sir Qlements, Mark-,. hang,. Dr; .13ell of the- Dorninioii su•r,' vey. J'. W,' '.Tyrell, chairman of the conimittee on: Polar. research of:Tor,' onto, and .he'late Dr. '0.',M,; -Dawson, of the Geographical Survey., -7.'he ',strongest testimony that ,'•.can' •be brought to boar iii favor of Captain Bernier's "expedition .is-tlit .fact that dansll in ecwr this oia.; tore wlirle'those-of his competitors art?. in`direct-oppasition to`;nature. • Inview cf the great .interest; anani fested,by Catladians in the' Canadian Puler Expedition,'it has been decided by thecommittee in 'charge' of .the. Esl,'edrtion,'of whom Itis Excellency. the Earl. of 'Minto is'Patron,' Lord Stratboona and Mou� , , nt. Royal dent, Sir Clements Ma 'ahem, 1dtYice President;' and 'Hon. ]`t.. Dobell, M;P;, 2nd'v'ice-President\and Chair. man to % timed'iatel a: a 1` -the y pp a e Canadian Public for assistance' n the shape of 'a • popular subscriptio�to ppment the su ' .le .:. u veit ..•b be fi g Y: Do nmitln. Govefinment. • Subscription lists have been: opened in all the tanks and 'newapape,r offices .in Canada,- and it la earnestly :request' e• a'e,pecessa' 'funds be supplied 'with as' •little, dela r as possible;'.. you ar•"e, thereforeasked to suUsaribe. now,r and-any:amount _eel sposecl' to: contribute' will be most acceptable Fulfils' will be clasited as received in' the ;Bank of, Montreal,' Qttaw;e,` and • ever:y.'susum; received will he duly ac- knowledged,. c knowled ed; and the name Of 'the sub Scriber «'ill, be recorded "in the' official records of the undertaking.. Subscriptions maybe ; sent . to the nearest .bank or Nevi+spaper .Office, ;or, may be nailed" direct to • the 'Polar Expedition Committee, , 117 Bank Street, Ottawa fO'',138-171/0106, TJ en honorable career Of poMe• sixteen yeare; :Is' about te retire 'front the- field, and. its affalrii'aits to be taken .over!and of' London. 'The properties held eh by %the pnrchasers, 'and 'has been ascertained that the ehareholderahae been'ealled for' May 28.1ii. confirm the Sara' Of assets. le4t-Gt4in- mentvretUrns; the..; total iiavestme:nt of Itlare,ii`' and :Bruce,. Conipany stoCk being $18P,000. The direc-, ,C4aderich;'T)ord Strathecina and Mount and 'econainy it has !men' ',found that %the volume of'bUsinoss is not sufficient to afford:a 'reasonable, 'return in these days of 'small Profits'. • Seedie,g- wSs' in (01 hlast last, Week .Thurstla last scree would • have !been . Mrs: James • McDonald who' lost- a. valuable ,Cow a 'short,' time, Was .pre. bet ii much better. -now, , • Cii►irpanyn•of Torozatp that their incnev wa; rocked up, andthat they cou)d not get it •v• hen they wanted it, . 1. am ploas.ed to say suc1., is not the .ease,: and the company. has., teen wronge( by such.talk„: 1 hail had the plea9ute, of holding;cni«a; th'ourrand d'o;ars ($1Q01)):' Perananent Stook' in theaheye, Lonkt. pang', for whielr I received fi' per; cent, The interest has • been Fpaid me half•• yearly; • ri,lving” other: uae fOr raioney, I, told; lJr,, F1enae,rsurr that P. would like hila tci' sell tny, stoclt. ' did net tell hire until the 23rd day ^ of , ,April and before nine:a,w. April 34th my obeijuo-for $1000 was in My hand." This. I: oonaicrer is ,io]t, ri$ quickly rs could get iteut of any Bank, I'liaveM watched with interest the •pvggress3 of, thks"Qompany, and feel that theyate worthy def the bin -hest praise for s. the careful management and the kind and:. courteous,manner.ti, Which' they treat• their investors through their inspector.':. Mr:,ITenderson, whom I' have proven to be• a thoroughly: reliable business: man and 'also their local agent, Mr;`, 'Alexa der of, Ripley, 'whorn. k.I have known •for+sour • .. a time, To ;those. wish- ing investment Z would- •say 'look through the plans of•the Sun .Saving's and Loan Co. Yours sincerely, .W. j: ARNOLD;Xinlouob. KINLOjJQH' The; rains of the a aat ' . p .N eek.`ha .Ye delayed the/seeding,'a few' days more: Mr. and ribs.;: Curd and'. Mr. Y, . F. Menger were, the guests •of• Mrs Dreg- ;ny last"w`Eel.' -' Miss Mina Dreanh y as gone to "visit' friends, in North Bays ' ' 14Irs; Lane:, and. Miss, : Rutherford` • • • • • F • COLI,.APSE N-0 ,PRE I'E3.R • TURES ;BREAKING, OF v;, .Vli h: is :oui leader, is • ' rade`material, ■�•� �' kti1Cl, 1tiS .GO late piinciP9,IS._e .; meat. ,stab• it t'y, dol ftb 1i y It is u 'wheelwcirtil eve y ti °a•, 0. Y de, of str'i tly hi I - structeI on up -to'. ore perfect : ad,just_ dud ease of xunrti��Y, ask9 i fog it. , h Other bicycl(s'tAt ';o 'ex ,prices. 'ut. i■■rages iiipYee•e0 •O0d6utia,;Pli ro Nila,a • trgiaorjo o f Ye i mosee r e ■•fru m i o■i it i■°o + . •• � TAINS ±.,' - We have a 0.bed�'assorl.len r I' lace curtains, zing-: having t , spring: b �, paced •our orders earl .W , e•: t .. ; . b,.. p N.G Y. c o� t n� before theadVande in rices, eA what:We ale 's.dlhn',Fzt .?:61 7 3i $1.0.0 .and uP te'.§1.50-per pair. • Loridon---atter spending her .Eieter WednesdaY af"..,rtrayer Meet ,ng.. SUNDAY Morning Prayer at 14a.M. Snnday School at 3 'P.m. Everang Prayer at 7 p.m. Holy Communion .first Sd ay 'of every 11E4 NI 14, ten eurtaii0.• patterns , The: ladies . Were u el plelt and lorinet,iri our 'opening 4lispl week. When you. wan,.. tlAeni.--.111 4 - Hamilton • We have sedured the agency' for t'ais district of the Hamilton Wateh. . Company,, or Lancaster, 1 -Pa,; aircl : hive' a complete line Of ,thesp goods • the market, and,therefore • we have the privilege of offerii4you rt_Watch... Ifavino. purehased tli'a lloot andShoe stock of J-.Olur Pettit at '..rate•on 'rho Dollar-, and have added a, large quantity of new (Poods which •we lia.ve bdught.yat • ith.4.. bottom . . , . We are .io•cv-prepizred to.give you. extra values' and have conimcinced it, 60 ',bay's' • eleariiicr Sale clurino. Wl-iieli ttikra0 WO Will sell at.,areatly reduced. pribes. ' • . • , ,., We invite yjou. to' inspect ,. ciur Stock, 'obtain . our c•prices and • secure .st crish•price paid for eugo. 'and .eggs taken in. excliann.e for Foots:St Sheer% „ • 'Out Jewalrf‘Departmeht alwa:ys 'be found "tcrbe well Niredding and -Engagement Rings; ilverpfate, tip -to -date 'Novelties,' in,, While in °air 'repairing branCh .'In .Opti-eal' 'fleriartreent we test your' eyes and' fie you with glaises that•will aid the cure' of the motit.com'Plicated eye trouble.. • Give us a call, inspect our stock and be conyineed that our ,priees C. ARMSTRONG, THE OE Public 'Notice', .s . wkgst mtko,TAmbsti. healthy- trees.. We have a -full. line.of /nut. to Jun Pt 5.101aliel Wilson; Gladys Thbinps'en, Patna Agar, ! meat ,o f eeeeriherise plants including bedding', basket plants .antitialri cte„ Write to us Itt: :mica fol, catalogue. -Mace your, orderA cally And'eeelire the, varitits you want. ' A(1(11.418:1, tot. 4116; •StOVVatt, Beruniller, Ont. A. ,firtak-clam" n:,wly calved cow and calf; Vow in good' order and a •tteed For further .parti,culaf s apply to, • • • • • Pring • • • 0 • of our Millinery •': Of ita perlectien and cot -noises, 'a• !!•")assertmenta•tliat wc,iild do credit ; to larger Maces that TAlakTIOW, • • ,A goodly asaartynent O.f rash- °. trimmings of, all' kinds ilwah; • eneed milliners are prepared to o • have "'Your, circler executed- • a. et • -0 • • 0 0 Jteeio. of the Village. of ,fmelelow, 04::- • f(,?1, the ogistructihrt of soni, :i5,4100 square feet. amount of contract, p:,,y,tfitl,ei dr:01114 tire, 44 rri me, y r. fail in tit. 1,4,1Forirtal,ee " NOTICE. • BLOgk Win. fly. Principal, will. positively give the Town of Wing.- lutm full:c0lIV80 of thorough