Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-26, Page 5• • • )uringr the. S tn •- z P g and. Si mmei : Months. Our. Store, 'will be Open every night, for C ,,... onveuenco of I.* ew Curtain. S.omething;'entirely new in the hire of Cur tains. 6t,ri bbe seen at :this *store. this _week, Called the .''Bon•no Fanne," ' ' It is, -made of B3retonne Net with a deep pointed'; frill° at both. -.ends. One. curtain, only His used: for ;each wind.owv. They sell; at $3.75 each a ,. •_. Pretty Mercerised Satin Shirt., Waists ^. •: We have, just received a .new lot of ` the latest creatjons in,131k •Mercrised Satin, Shirt ?Waists.. The designs are very pretty. Besides the waist is cheaper, wears better, and looks ,nearly as well as a genuine satin They .sell at 1, $1,25; $2.00, .25 and -$2.50' each. 'Hosier' El• s in former seasons we are making • a Big Bed for ' the stocking trade . The markets have been hunted for the very best' values .to • c .fir,"l.., ,.x'.a.• • set at -the most populat prices, and♦' we are:, pleased, to 'inform oureustomers that we have. been: sueeessfuLin securing all our popular lines at old prices.* ,94 • A I g.) 4LF'ADLRS , . Four. specials.in Cashmere at 25; 35, 4,0 4 45 eents. Doman Fast,. lack Cotton' Hose' to sell . The Ekrerfast.`Stainless German 'Hosiery. . ey • , The Muleskin Hosiery for boys andgirls,. ' Infahts Cashmere, s>`icks and stockings New .Dress Assessories '.. r • o �e and Trimmings. . Shirred .and Tucl ed ':Silks and Satins . tor 'coll'ars, yokes:,, sleeves,. and fronts in cream and 'white at $1.50,. • ' set 3% oistar Belts. 35c each, Gilt and Black Combinatioi:s in Passamin- ries to sell at 7,121 35 and250c per yard_.. ,h ' Print" Wrappers.,. Don't worry yourself about snaking and fitting'your•.new wrappers, " We can a very mace cune for S1•• or X1,,25." They.:are ' well made i \ icely°trimined and :good fitters,- ,„ tters,' New .d Gloves . THE Es1$41.E: -- is 'tae earn .o ,i z it. Blue '-Grey'. und:ressnd ''Kid' Glove,:' •with two ; Dome Fastners. self points. "rile„ are Emil' Pewney .ez Co's make .ln.1 every pair guaran- teed. Sizes 6, 6+G ,,;and fig, Price $1;'25.' Corsets. Sixty pairs .all -steel; filled Corsets,` ;extra , t a-_,_:�-=trimmed `::and :_good fitting. fal ; are •rare'vatue. at .50c. • ak armee- • Co -O ger tine Po to -leek n -Go-of rantfor Ont , use 324 barrels., of n they constructlon of -a amni'oth Piggery. S' , BRANT1r ORD PI GER '11 111;..buildin,, 11 t 192. X 10 feet J inches' this'll' cables, 1.a feet :t I... li x 9 inches : thick„ ° Office, 1,-.,1,:x1-420- feet -, -r 0_ •a '1: ,.3 feet x' a incite-,'thick::.inches gravel and . 1t4,,ora6-2J33-74-1-1,0 Capacity,..1 r a , 1oatl5'pis. t i i arrcl`-rlrn:(' ja1, 'w��cl;s �ziiri: iucir- -.� 2, mei . j4' days yardgs'grilvol 4 yards .stele, •: 1 Tear els'-Tliorold'Cc anent. . ' 'flioroltl Coria It is sold by c • Mos LAYdRENC .,LUCKNOW • • • $ 44++++++4+++: SOMETHING, SPECIAL ,ME$'S,`S;HOES` We�are agents for Percival' &•Senez lines Of 12en'g. Boy's and. Youth's solid leather shoes.at a mediuni"°price Insole. Slip sole. •Counter... All goods manufactured by thein are $ made of solid leather. One. reason $, why,they wear and`keep•:thei,: appear - T mice `so well.' $ We 'have ' them at prices ranoi'ng from S2• oto $3 per ` pair. All,: prices stamped on sole and every shoe being sold. -at a close :margin, 'Those.. who wear them:.•once Sisk for them again 4 :Give thein atrial :and be convinced t fiat, they are the best riled + ':`4 iutr priced shoe on the. market, `+ Repairing neatly and promptly done ++ r�„ie;,�ca F- ES • • 44°4 P; ^' hat Touches" cLE0' STEN OF ealK and, Impure Blood lamer �an Kine Diseases, • Feng ale Co n.plaints, Ask. lir itgisb r write directi'ttl it. •. Mculodt',GODrairati,;Ont. Sold' b Das ,,& Bert R cknov. 'AI'1 A•PItIP BY Aran .done •f Steamships ]J EJ T • Z S 0 A . NEWTON ;.. Honor' graduntc .in dentistry,'' Toronto Dental College l Doctor of Detital Sur Ge y, Toronto iU Int niverRity. All tutidein plaits' ()potation arefnlneHK in,kvOtTp nehip/ glliddrn A11in'sblock,npstairs• I'• vst Ppet' e•very Thous Dominion site ofSteamshius at1ergooW ' 60N'1'1Lt,, ,Atrtk:t MONEY To PATENT•GoottId'eat :. map'bo secnropdd bar our aid. Address, SNE PAtENT RECORD, RaItimore. o.e Try our Golden Blend Ceylon Tea .Try our English I-Iop Tea ; • , Try our 25c Japan Tea Try our Pickles ,in quart .,}ars ,Try our Coffee, Sea1,.Brand Try ,our .25c Coffee .'ry our Paradise Curr-antsi reclean Try our Extra, Selected Raising Try our California Evaporated ti Peaches ry bur Maple. Syrup in bottles ry our Choice Prunes NEST END .i;a-RoC E Z We have; a laige� Stock' sof. Furniture'' including ;• • Bedroom. Suits , Parlor -Suites xtension Tables Sideboards Half Raoks ', dining Room Chairs Irani iChairs . •:Fanoy•Rockers Window Shades , Outtain'Poles eicttire Frames • & Pictured ni rtaki •1: De'par`ture .t inlilete iii every.ltn ' EMBA'LM°I:NCa etre; Calls';ttrrt ri'ed tai dv,or .dight. �ry} a_ IYi�' .A'4/li lf'tr� 1. W17V 0911 1c �1'� tr'