Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-26, Page 4L 14-e �:.tltled to bpv 6r of -predit At tp 4, e ltson fAce" the tpu PIT % ithwhen qjiger % 1liI�j gonius .110 am A41 % -to 0401 o00 '1. wu.ny .. � . . % OP 0''.� :0i XHich 0 � bi ill-gqtjt�jf �01� T ACCORDING TO TUR DICTATE Lis OV 0 'WIP'FRIZEABOTE ALL. began to aPp(.)ar tb % 14 t, r % '0 U'l IDEA % Fof High -6 Prices "Ift: % lit % liCo dip 04 i4 % % Zu* what od-Jo, b 6utor Globe- % Furnitur ed bi .14tej� A0 W, -it the, El. rl rop, have. nti 11 6 thalt,'the" % y yo tit, su � F � ­ % W, true, �%ppoar. tha6 "this is, 0y. I s. ON. ir I,.' is. r wgniz, ' - , - - - .11: 1. . I . X., - fifint, mptitils; .fo 4 6b Prot i1ox . ed in tbo. n. gain urer The.. flikw old: -flavor, k,,, o �,v 0 or 4sed to y PRO y W;is kc6ord-' 11ows of the, IpO. and in Nql) iA liAl L�j, rartiO1,111- t -a g 'report of-th*'Fishqrie� and- qu uro P 0,0011r,84p, 6urne'd sug4e to. 1.0 Orin: Fo�, 4, kitit �o Davison's . eb I PxV re. QuQ0 Ito d e I dv b�rk, Pow -J.. D. he' niatluA� On eqe tly -iissio'ql b 66 And tb .,;s1tr in*:, e Pu ttling �Qtx�n�e4 at old OuntrY' i QQ;Atnipoion hus; powments on' our. P -ru6fted that -dei d ppe& on, b�.� Mr Th ;)Qjj� forg. NTA�1,10'k�KQ SURVEY6 Irogs:—'10ne of'11, "b id- 11ildinig msN '.,the t 0 to t. 'open'tu OPP alth in the,: Luckn W os Offi -A FIG c es�ful froa forms is in,-,, Onivic, in . to t SE U9k-e0- PePPLIQ Ac 14, F-TH P. 06 op c qjiiM� , ":. � . vherlb, I P o1v wh�,' it 0 are, in- town. that h ful �-IP)Pfe lines x we ara leadoi. i fol"AVII101ani- f 14 IIt irient it, �hasi been, 0 compobu&,just, % a�s they: [er tc! "Of' Hqw!6�_ , -'Sea o th in ont Side". re isk, % culiogs! Etc, li3D operation' twerity, jilears, ab -d unw olosoMe .,articles 'of food.. WnIl Tikhsb Tbis, i's innually,yields. a cQmpar�tiv`.ely -large w t 'does n6 re4sIng,.0 qEW GROCERIES, 'CAN Villtige of IES pr6ii not o . ro Tkuying.,M)e 'year t I b at; that - old �'woo.d agCANNEDG -,CROCKERY. UfQ Insum c(i 1, d f f give us, back Sy to CIODS, 1896 b,'Odo wp re ished In the� d6d, da. CONFECtIONERY, id - A 6amt i 7VCw YorkAA it al Lift!' frogs' !ego piqd.7000 0 tied. ponjuch. that.it, C. f I kindsisroil YS allgalr tit Et tBool ages no, specia t5ideb6ar6; �C all i 'I . - . iving rgs, or scientific, pdtpows, d ayor; it ,Is, sin)* I p; . p 411( U -to.-date, Hall, -Furniiurol M ind see 5 it NG'L wee 'A -ARMSTRO w ers, e An. trouble to'Sho go Furniture MRS.'. IL: for, stocking., other:' at' Th N Ubtary and'it t6ight just..ss.. well m�e o W 'o -T cane 66et Anal catbh -in Tuited',St - ., I , or,toaple fOrAn lron'B d if' - . 11 .. el y tictive TEACHER OV tag '000,000, -witli,ii Re ie -it possesses.. bw . , Piano; Organ iven- a close o 1, n's 'b' ouThe old brp w4 sugar, Ww.�a,lway av' gross we'a . 1, . .1 11 0 a f ii -I I re told, oico'cultur,,Th .4ed'Otock fwi 4 orou, nttei F jjj: �.W.Q apsor 11'ringiJY� and.;Counter-.%'* -Bass a e, retailert fti that. under of 'Produce.. 8.* shades �ond.. curtain poles., - n $504000 and to,ih of n9t, V�48 full. of,,bu an scope; tOok fearsopio. shapes n0 tha- 4100,00 ekc aftge�jr_ le;s h' the or goo 8. ut, I! Pupils prepared fdia' C�sojka- 6iry' exan�lnations,\ lAildren, showed,th.6,J,r, appreciation, by, Our, stock- stdyh,: w tealing;. whezeas'therlIi is % e are told' i % f t e temp. CF, s comp4to�and r -child teiii the" ae re is. CIO 0 r, d mance '101i, As depaitedfroin 5 -in is -an itl.:I(see �hag%`b6conIib espec a eing �h tl�e V hfg, is br re- pure sident.'o '-,the, "ug�;__Viee dj?p, oserit da " Saga'' 0 a white sugarW the pr 7. e An the r t �l ilge Free Staw'.. the hnor oniT naV einpiy one indw over,: . :!pnfair, W all the suginea er d have �arduiA sliduld be fo'rbidden te tLlt be, evei t6' 0 U, will QALLS ATTENDI TO; NICUI ith hh' Ju& if w� w Mum 91 44 WA OJU, -great c a to,. some other heAs n are. a.vowe -to revel in'bld. o6�ese it,re4ugli by - MA e t b �tchoner pts tb on pe mu room an y d d 6 Wh "d ain.b4ore �O. -high part,of the: ritigh h Id -dot' ha�e p o0b All 'if (h�y. Won't ill., 7 I,' sugar i-ts a Coajdjtj6jj,_ 61P y rr4l in -SA E -I ge'en 3fitke�,,Tliillw Lirck 6d'nQ V,.it6l�co -W'se. L le [led, is peope b I r r is coun as A U 4111T Idst, hi t e cdrner,of oi,-�h: of FYI" 'I ted.' t Phi g e se. that a 1: esg, nan holds 000. Thd_l od h h OugO In g0o repair with ..do I in h SEALE D TtsfiE d RS -will be �receivc&foi the building and-g-m.plet, T water and-6very,cbpv� 3 ton_of.' o.brick urnh- -u bew p4d s tire tkely of,tho df congregation of Christ d. .1o.cn -era ty­P461-K-ru Tenderti--will--b,--re _V P _1 u 1281 11 le I . � ;I... . 1911t6st: llousehol that it, Was cit aoctors told Ine &t ��ny.tirnq, pq wh weal th other e 'rgpitirlia:g, aw we e, bono 0 11jy a orejgn.,j%u duties I At! d0y 6f the 114VO to 6 Ut t tender ot.ne.c.emktr� a Jull. And wolf.as:­ b'.,c' 4 accepted.' Pja,1-1iyW fth'61'2%day. The lowest or if] d ukfatds can bc seen at,,the English, ild t affected pilrts.re- Which tbjn�accompirjying this �staje.. of it W, 1: ta 9n b :4orted stockof bi6y,cle andribs. 'St he extorted, Irbrq�, ig iner d lili8onage, Luc� d it n6vi, on oi after 20tk. e re':': 6, loeli�'g- Of one ini-aii(i marle Inc. et t 0, Ic d' epk Swab." Tu�eij(,jlytfiieoj)jJt,l Ous upes, 66% people of the Tr ans W 4av6 -son�o' a faintribss, - diz�i 8 Ing sj foolingj:paj�ija' ' inking `wheels ;ivh16WTw 11�6 all( it is r a o le at tiotiof -vhe he4rt, short- in,, c�nfi pitcp i edito 'e, 6 s nab. use( I av Notic6d to n n6ss of breat oseinneed.f. b, i.1.0 SEA eet,'. eiMAche or m,:reii bandg'and -ic ire 6,§ SON heel ttc I) (I eniiinol_i.' i h f . at in inq e. b'dc'k and e o under the e� ed.: accomplaninien s o w nsh'ip cf Y6 'fix' a side ank.-aii twother; So' Th6 A CLIety Pie"a' Inh lorse h )West ae't e i rund6wn, and weakene-d I o AXTEh,tb give: ��ion. IT], e f6' UTICE'isberej)y t 'All.t-he f roiii. the 9 .. ani i ady Viul5toms And itions itliAlice 04t YQ' cliq S Ale, x e Ire 611hpl'the..xesult" cf a, 8�ffevod fo f POQ'r,q'ua ity -oln fit. crsons alinbt at the . hCook :�ii iN e ciren ation. of the blb6di:, g,. an it i A- llt)� of 1111prnr-j-11, d h f the nerve. woke rites t'which ii8 An defdati r was i n, .(9997 gon itY o 9 40e,� on,,' e'st forces- tho� 2 h Ishort ot t day i)f -no, ice. lvekli� syqten�. With g. th )rt,aic -TTIE ROPE P T Y. 0. .1' 'AtOwled (;0li8IIIV!Ij �jl(i e tivile, (1111 l'ont, t F tI itl�tt', oll, US A TRIAL !e 91T iny s It rrou it (I i p, tt),)k It o 'it o I1j. I ri i no t 1jeil. WA'RD'8.� ' ' . . o efitand T Ill j, hi ;tll'(LI tj MP)3: LLI 'after t time. 'I TT NO E* Iilg,'1113 t 11 e good 1 lro v id l'that All", exiletitor it e ;till d f y linto 'Ilmd to this dtiy j, Ifave I,ilit, IIII(I :illy Ill ore tits,* il�wird,ot;jy �, .the v 11) g OEDICREE )rou st the disekse t:R E kikb at the, AS :�o h' fi F n oundati6nd "Illy OYA�, AL 9; ,foa-jed 0, 3,; d f AR increases -6. sulkoij &6 A�t*tjlc tillijI "Ptince Alexan -d -bY his s Ana flattned u rAl -ib H, tb xi. 'DAM; "jifatioa -Boi�utytl (56�1 01. get: rig d",the ly.fj. . C -thrill; of rt3h-eWed*:-he4ltli` w ry 8IRE 1)" "Darnley" t'('2 2 27, Vol. I.- . -)I U" IIL '�l �vibia.eSL thr h -the 'Syst6m.-, prj�e,� fo r -7 - - - - - - - - - - )r._GliL: 'DAM� "Bell by i"Youn-g liva�ttie"` (T042), 'Vol. 1 IRE � OP::C;,-R-. F RIM PR. Prom: d 1. a'� �,VOR AtEr :By he for6g6i 219 pl, ROYAL %AI;9xA2% btyl_') din 'produce 'A G b& in .. I IDAYS & 8 ftoui:' tb6'04oicest an n the* Stud Fi nsura his br'ab' ilonei, �part froin his'i6d'Via rtdy-*-,-haV in, T)ur- by'fire in th-G, ii1q. llvit t 16 .11, I 6oll-LI, Itn1l, f sid�k cif the vbry boitpgity, jK7 8.dfi]i1iy.­lz WOK , , , , , 1�a e -.ttand : ' (it r for, itttttd� -S.t. T n ge righ, 'rowii .061bur-, th 6! e -b has and lez.: ntiie Butte�tE -'lj*tl the lot arrn. 'Produce' B* ust'"U68 Dood %Vil) wa� first at Bishoptoiij.beati�g I'Roval'G� thal pr orjr at. the", oper b qw., In 169. at the Stalljon'S from SrS' Gollan, CA Pr' Srtb.'an,6 bad t1le Fyvi( -6 pa rti t -t Pr`=iur� high.. ewo is� very,. or liale In 6d to 'tit of -Luclz`iJ.i)w 1',) 6 U od hillill Mr artii,fi You,.' 1). -th W( '189 it, airi ca8h, )08811e(11 dfid bar hi: and a nurnber I .6*1111t: ..:First. cla-m h e as Prenj�iqm.' firr .'for �a t'repff and 00er 6triall fr6its.. A18i) I ith 20.and 91 ;dT, o_ Ou -Cr OT T! iMot Mus 1� t Marybill 'C 1�e nil ant" t 1.8 AA It" ls()'� B 7 in 1-894,,.gecond at kil63a`rn6ck, a�'Glasqo --a n d- -th f rA ' " I ' Xt�'t 'tilt, Paj-le- ALSAM L_.,Lat* �bp.loy�l Shbi�!at_ D_aAjjjgko,j. jr�__ 6� 1-04M I. 1i Undo, 'Yol"IL"I. too, 150 -ItIrd, 20f), d d4b 1 lottl I ast kilbrido, �In: 106, qqivc Paisley, and gocou at't y6t '8 to P IN"Ill(MY, f o 1,,� MR, & ers 'and6r" is,is;oll kn(jV�'rj &I �fjrl� and '$!IiE-�--Eig 11ret ."Prince Alex I .. and 'p6ti Mea (�'cnff f'tl L' all. amers o ie preS( Also It gq( breodint� horses' -ritday, bf.,; xtopk,L taki at t116 i t6 15oq �Bui 4 jilitig8 t(, he 8o)(1 �l L'ertlivi I , �t� - - 011vi YIN 1);Acksilliti'l S . . I or fol� (Ilt 0 importhtit,shows tlitlougliou� tlje..country;,' Whe f) 0 n a fino t afta fhevo4ftdr 'gainei . g balid,ftpli- lj6j&,�,j ttlid,tifl, - 4 cjjara.PjfjJnsfljf) at,'tf e (IiIi rjE� got) 'j ik!VjjJcNA f(,I. It 08" ".. If( lit 1) 111'14 4 &I'Merl" iq ' 1jvsttjujx,1jtvjri.t�w --I - ell "rinrin of"AJbilin" a old 'IS 64din"t i�c 1) 91W epe 117 1% ', W I it c, ff I ()f, I,"- C". R'64 041itir Slihigr,8 (if f1kht djoalf A W) It th A�, S,. Shoiv at ]Dundee iil'189.0, at. d 3, vial ja� thitle" livt. villl�4(. j ffjoljl�y C(; �)(;all itt "11;t file (617S); first at Glasgow� Z�Inburgh,' atid. theJ., )je�t 421plo 4f 01)(ItItI54 U)JU. at I Will" A01i(-1), "Sliour. fl 48C 1 , 1 . . . . I �7 ". J)L)tlw�� at,,] it VP , . (�Ily 96 and- � 6�Wor Cup at tfi�-' "oneww,r tlenai W11 iillfj(!� edllji)l�o V1,124. , , fi Ill, Of, seev),jri()� IIJAL , ndfle treat, 'I"Orld at y IN aji(l the X &.1. Show�,I%Chdinbutgl T fi - 1 94. it) ev pla ha 4a4, Kii, 6! J f g* I t M 'N rnOdk and second at Edinbutidi for' Ow best, groIiIp ;)f filv, J A, Uti itlb 12, 1 o h1lies �ih$fted seeohd aVK!1n)aI:.n6ck,a rist at�61;asimjw �f;q . 1) 1) 1 t I e 't %�'o y. tl,la e. 18 tit ill fioftieI III', oil drrn fo r - , I. � �.15�, r " 14. 1 . 13 .coll t At Kil -year-old dArl 1806,, 'he UT a. vag Orst. and- totond� af tdiiibargfr f' F ma6ock for"two s, -an Yesarlini*­i a d 11 rsL J IND, fourth, at xilillarIio6, as g ri )y. /b, M t) )ell,l',B ho' %N`V, LoI tion, Olit, in ig.4. As lie 'w J.o d first ii� Glitsgi: 0�rlii wa P: 1� A Ply for y k 13 019VI n WIN r PI Ill; Put. wrriv-1, 1,;IlIll �'i f!' 11111 erryt robrad Darha fo 1q on: I�Prince of Wafps" ouL f the -"b�rtileY" Sale, en a ack" (8100), 'ritirtli, f. J. Ica DAM"11iii, AaW 'illa:�ton,' b uty" is 'a inarcr of 'VerY supetior, I�Kpji' '01 )j;df-tJ arm Toil fIf En(i, ATSJNeflow�j, rl a OV f,' ,�ch,ojjg -d �A­', , I" .0 qua i and wtnii�r of numorops pri6s, jaw f4 0�8, 0 OffirdIA711" tIl�, tWO eat0i'l 'till' 'JAY J) �,42 tj 111(1(Lof J(1`j,." y Jim in _yC'ar (j1d, Qrle. ()f JIL L Saj 4and -wher�� s 14 it , lie wdq vcr� qu 'Ho'llge t� ot f6il PA 4 (:;Art I'm viri, Of( I leskin6, worcsoeond'!ptize at AlaiS11ilf, Ind �Aif th dt the l'j. I fill J, farm Nfaltj)� 4 It P1"erniuY`h,'Ph`st �at Killtmr, il-firl , M, wal l" 'Li yati, it noo r, e Uard 4tJ+M(jL :, 1c, IA Ill.. A �tfjj,N. Ill, at tf ' L T I lo it, 111drYelthle 'A �I Shoiv in 1,89 tqe wowlmlj�-,J. A 1141o'y , j,"'I alld 1 at,"Abtrdeon in '1804."and " i f_ I �M "j "'Vor ab'Gld.4gdw Sli�w, and 40c6nd 010101 .1114;14" I I W:11 Beauty" w. ese "Dai,uloy who.�(, narna is k* 111irt.1 aier It ", of "All ftck,� �s 06 by the cliaropioi:I ho 1�4 11 whorcivef­bjydosd�j -',Ol- ad,inlrod, a�d w all, .... . ... ill ol't 0j"o if' es Ilf'okoPL: if it! lyr6j)etty iiny,t frj (4 I'll t) ll , ti 116w, mates c&p6al. Or tilt -arty PIlLy a r6p dm 0, to t f 1(j r as b�dodcrsItnd pri .0 Lt ied lioth Ing, GAr1bAlif—Ilis, grand dairn, ­414tto' V for" I . ... -, . :; 'I 1 1, 1 11 .. '. , ;0 L 'woo first'. vri� �las r Sho ?;I..If ry"W" me IIJ -ity and a 'Ar§t qu.al 1),004n. 7e af 010 Ite, yr kolf lqmw C6 7 1 1 u 1% nwn�iIous other"S., Shei is dAni of '7' 7 l7-7 ­ n ty Show -wbon, young, ant Ci 0 Ilow. .1 1 � . FOR $A L 8 1lfrr;i WWI �p t. .. "I'L Y ff I I "d rtiil ri d".1, waq-, go JIff 1JOU'l r1reiriorty, !ff 'I'll(, vfjjn�l� ),v Owl 10 offvi'lq known stallions "Lord tirskiiia.", Iin'd 11tibrd C�loliiin: r,ll) j'?).Vj �f,� �Vjjf S b RIP ifit'I'll jIjjtjjLt(,I, fte famo�ig old hor OL ' "Tirno, 61)-ty" (�76)t, wimfw"of Of(i violkilek IS vo-ollOwd 'I JJJ,tf (Ff ol, Ott I of 74 and 187.5, as w(, )r1tiltillimi, Oflas(io* Prem' ijl"ft4rjrst1jr* '', t L r) (j, jjj,(�K- b" stild -A it J�ftr4a' I, l"'ji (Ill I is, V� birti in of) I ef,h' 114" N'lld 1A 1,1`111)? I'f,y %�jj.j Ill. j",jjAj%" "'if,fl Hflljj)(" 1,11jIt", , , 'i , I , pill fV jJf laite'), yo,"Ir. � [(a Waif ;Uonth it I't-fr" �/ "W; V 016n Sold kiv, j jtYijjW(JL ItaJ4 Olt \v;;t0 toil. It A,'rwr poffed to -A, uAtea Iw lj'inin; oD "I lJeeillfint *teet, 1wily r fj�jr, li'l, 11 L , 11 _add ex 11 , , VIA, I 1 11, , 4 nint"10.1 't 1000, n&t, my -fil al.� ,4 St to f troll, tvilf1w t)rj( "' L . ' .1 14�Ot- .4 fiv,' P & X W,KA . , y Ot 4 . ...... . . . ... - -- --------- io�` 17 Li