Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-26, Page 317
wl * 4r F!RAGR-
NT Itell t i iL
Sit t [Or
ooy x tI IVO it� for
"Riew/1ze t0 , UID
20DONT �vlln t lAirliflIs
of zq 0
V 111, t the Stores fir by 310 itA Dentist7st atiol jud. hyAjen IiI %V011111 ti IIs an . I pinion: 't
W ca're ;j gi
h .0
ad -0 the
iilidims�rvatiil of tb� tcllli .44d Iitit I1%iodont. X Ousidi it, ill I 6 tffj ol I
0 0 Al t j�'Up6n apj),IICLIIJ�,Q�tij,
for children's uw.
tR Nam f
it �(X Ir 0."
'tt,(,11. >lr MAk.L JCKEL
R1 I Ll i rorn yo
1. C 3z
It t li t 1:11,,
tth world 6 'is, or fia,;: t I 1 t N.,�
]ell T
In 'Ile
Ito hina (A fj,!� t ex ee
ifil O'� i1 callol at Dorinrlilli I'Ill Viiiii I IH e oil
inip to. 6t,
r S RY OF(ONT1 ENTAL CONSPIRA i besi r," salif t.1re dulliIlit d
A THRILLIN.' T61 A(Gpll� & TA jT� E' i -Up
Yoor Ill to U IV: Of
L 1;'� A 11 Ii Li ll -e w a t lar 'fir,klance of con- on lihve with hill
SUR' tbr llelo� Which, 0 . oe , 8 1j3 go away It itih I. Mr. -Sl):n., recogniing 0 Ir. I iorltI if 1 X0011 67).
aY to tworrstaildl ll t, to tP-11 i 1IQt('I in . till
to n or linary att ew -If Ilot tr!v4 'thblill to leave of ei Ith temt,,:,an oInclude Art �Ilot
ption wl Ix g or 4A Iti jig his tit, liI uld I.)in btt dng(jrotil Tier nu long- r SQnsa at hiiii of I kcit and,th
Wall e that
rate..' I
iti El Y ION TEI
to. lill niv,
RIO Ava 8 '014, all b ail 4 ff I Iled o�t IvItli a ill ell,
I lni�j,
U. licollse'loli of ill d'i I ire ittJ�dl 4ial ifletsive, t
'.Q "L -oll , it was' 11"A Illy till bas onio III t go away, please," he Ill sm)iio6i site 4atd, n ou r
ltooe 11 t Package,
Llifil yulf. hAve those rel golf agalIll ol. L iiis w, yam sarxy A : -4 PriAi-nioroi.: h hers nothing.: 61 e bllt�'kojf ail sorny. that,ydix. I I . . S A ;11 -NUL
Aill t you ever'�o !out br
�A y.4 t Ill S L 011� yOtj� e a tachad fit S61110
Credene's to thorn. know, t hi any.:P'' ce t.
1' 4ni of, t Ill Nill. affair t1ho t D (-)f -,-uu' oat to -yol -TIJI8 t1i BrIii
hat ILIIII - i*
tOf a
a 8 t L d )ave
IaolibpaPer-s,., a vfttys exaggem-tte 1-n Hatt ill
a I t -10r S1 Ild 14111111119 n 1111arl6al oments at., YOU.
ra4�� of , the Stlb tell )ori (;tlti)d lfr
1;C � mot r., L :.' I' 'or heard �Wi it Ie
I` Ad not. W .13
reall al riot till 1101%, 1 eil take. I t Of 1pipti Il till it
not ter tier y-atil of I. ruders -vrhon. .':iMlli.0q1d in tile li lrrioonliqht� W
tlll� L;d
4 Inall..le "Yoil Coll I d. to rail ry� t I 4;Cl t. Pill. chl
Ril n
ang, It g Stall �s
d1borfitat., y6L he is y6 fi (I
nd. t;fiero
ncl onll.t the Pe6lyll
LIS -to be, nidle for 9. 'wt lier, consf-loud ed" "ill(" ildllry' to the 'iva-trliqilil
of uil Iiflinark' r. , give 'the Cues.
1 11 X� LC41 ..Ito Qfjt lje� can takIll W61t-
Ail M ivIl quds� dark ev LIS, 'him,
I IS I liv I t i I I li ell 'TM Youllrig Coupf'o Woul
rt. I ro'll, oi, Illaec n ess
QSL-S '. 't oni to a Lodgb im somi Vaal
i1but, -of 1i's it ' I * es.
t lj� tle bihme 't rIl
is beside t: .0 - I you Jacked tili(i ry
In hint t all. lel-'Ili *ere §Nvore'd vieir. la 01711(l
IWkIll . out- "Or IlPs: cttrv'ing into a
. I fti L '
niarril wit'. IT it al "Thi man was -lie had'. w4l, o61ght-five Allies frixint
d b6 l000 of, -at"
intehdo to I not, thill of' playing ii drunk U,
d, I Ttierpl' - S r Hotel Clerk. el� & �Fresh Drubuibliell
is, way 11- 43 VL 4- i.
ril ll
PU M 11111, eV 'Fes Il
Ill V, f the So, S 1, U .a lid gt�'
snot...the Stuff in Alim to. ill fault *as not �Mfjib. f I IQ a 'a a bu.4y
pi-easll ill'! lip, to, Iwu (if .7,
31, but led
Depri 'of ifioct o -lek for 'en, ;lrOu egin to -Ilrost-;the
Mitke a man Y. QfL YOUX.. ave. If Tyou cotilot gi've lit(? rliy minhtes, ( b
In lkis it ac J L il r lt�ll Fit'llat "or Ayh
IIIft velt)l) -
itl smilai T96A. 011aiii i1th,litin is Simply- a*Lne-, illoutd be I ll AW r brAcerl'y6u u V14 ,
"Ink (Irgelf. I L -taking. k
1i to li�l el am iai
oti-r- J -' fJyL
in the n e 0aut
grea la r0le f tt r -,'on had. Bal
I ."Titil the t Ut'llsefilotif 1 6li filil r t1loi Righ, Ila
111 rose' Ioile Tull t d
all d a ozen as
yoUl. yoll IVl ohe .11 t 143 ll "But you" *I]l xoturn V kW t1i
%$l groya -a MI A" n a r -I 1-n elo-�-oftbb In' .
I -Ila -li Jill lit, -Noill w6r6-d
id riden, reffieted.
..: :,... hii7fiijjill of ol
W.dI re
neceasary. ad AT Illy w, ou.appeal lid sa d. car uf 11, Ap Sup r4iftebil (;f al
61IIii L It er, Gauntlet
-afterii� - I nil by I ek and, the, :P6
op intigt t ards- ePeeks and'shi- alked tb -bil, 'a I-tliose, R py'
pla iry Ill In, �,ix L fbL iCho
a' convillice tit
Y6l will -be A". �Jijleen I"' Iii hold. i; open r r. Ine''tilat to. uf., L" tit 0 wh-iorl 'sh6-1Ijt6ncd S
ay in Que(-n-m I file tritage, Elote 3d cli
am, exCell "gain .'Aiideds ly - Sorry. to 'Ila . ve o1 rnv d1i to fdro
A11941in lie, had'eritl Sale looked t(t, t. y 0. r and 'to youlr S1,figing an(] preterit Head Walters, replied
niless' one. I-,
300011, a niot have 'i)(Aillt trfdIed'-ihD5 air ''At L : To% weeks, Just tL0
IV I in the 'she ly� OU illustr4tlda In one, of, he niost intor-1 till -Wb;rk "You will ha;Al to sta on jo r
Don't Ili6illill a.i.jd kindling �6111, ( ; 110ray, provoix w! li yoIll Should like t for' Its-elt. ill FT
It Id .1. ifrani 1XID111ii Of
In 3,6ur -employ it 3,jilligla y Nv lo. .6 - S -of - glas -flow.eks-in- Tziste, -ar1i w.
lcYnLica the nli ill -3,
t ilYou -ate. b1doo -0 d rib proove, -ou, Alfr'. -4-0volainled Ill bcambIti' no ter. ,kw CITUriclic-IX -oil col - Ol ��,c reu in of tile. by 3 i. back. parl assume a. ease
'S L sak I
c .5 tispiolon,?" i'Engraved'Invitition and 6PUn t nPL )ur Presents andL begliji
til& do m I" I' T
Mle Uourt. of France *;Ila] nli,at '111 a lCge. '11'
buk It 16 91"Vity 6 to abin rallikol ']its Is N 'I fe' 1 t litilt 1 t
11 be of not, oven tile' first thne i I ti6fi te 61i'ly'!-o ie. 41nd ift! the: notorle y, e o. Swap -dupikatel. Pickle Dishes 'aid
Ail we *111 tit idast -stjolv. look 1 rig. -al lie �Ills 6v6s wil fixed! L 'f ve heard, �tlle w6rk of tile 4111- entLtled to bout:T�m Weeksil �L Mg j"' U"
Iamps fail S6zal It pa w
a anything hti�plcldijlt eopriected with
Wl th&t t6 - e Itillf-mrs. IIL
- . .. I i Va,
Tli Ir AUll Merton, ilscll�'a. Th,ral 13- ar d i t, Dimy-ioa in :C)
pfle fle. Into B1,
"But you ire not Mum io.; lquitl S'Ou to 0 YOU, U, 9 k"LN 11
m -t" is noVilecessrily: to. al�4tijl nil r(ITT ill �upon the dular kiiob t I s. begun' 'ac it
Dr.' Gol 1 lWilling's
.6j" MafiL%ll t.;o
ar�irngged IjIL' S116tildell gall iijayeff Ble, tlic li JS 1. ()I* a Mome —tho Ilad .116midt tlib� SwUl keep -dl bureau. The 'been t 'Ile Stid, "iVil'. be aa left, Ir- L"- I � k'- ill 1. Ill C'jee -H, L., -Jill - I -C XKNi Color .1. lier -eyes Omplo�rcd-' MV. D'e'ringliaim Hall Vl Df' t IIll rt!Hto' (�otjld ;be. that tile Fall of the Bride and tll InqUIBIA.I.
6U -oi I � . ngry, y:� , * I , itz
W :Cbiurt tw, to I .'It' make' 'J Oflroj� -OffidioUg FT11�1111!14'hav 'mapped IarGu and� serk h on. the Docir. and. -
Incil. elle(I 11 to flowers itUp'
inill -br dfe.adfuI,,iouUd* of p9ls§LblYA
MWellis of�'mzi a es N Ili 11 .
Hill fletivCIV �.Ofnl out for 11. Ito
'illy' a "Was� it also -a- co V :, ne -0 come
fe i lot,, - Of" 00 il-you will peral i ti
ift. �trjl flasheloAril tifidin,14 '�enderl intred; 'that fir ril 'down' upo I11 e II 9 ll slic rillostid they re- t1ii in'L*ISS6, 1irakiiig fo. n La ro clujrge of :,.vbliir ea -tier -a -tile �mxlgoiijj�l `Vurtipn' li NeCiLlred
y6n m6kle thil oap, get tile eitiz-opell
ineirittill -as have expressed. 11,761fendelp closed vow.'CoUyelycid to thbih,-kv-Ould juake"ItJ10L C, .16 att6rnptqIg tLi bribe d', a - - - 1, may -.'bel
toL Mr, S b I t h** -c' I'M y ;to Har ard i'lla tIIb'.gejnqrpsI4' Ill I ed co �id, a.'�;ood, Co6l; I TJ I 'k I U. 'W.
3111101111111 able If the 4bourgilioliiil Von ett'lucasiy ifiligino the in, attire. asElIzitboth ib,. ":blin t i)o t t' )jil ow vening - thll§ shAliss. NvIi& kept a
tF116 c will I�fi to- - bgt6o - hot -for,
fir col.i lappointfri WIWI '111111 "Of h6st6li- Grimi hllss-'B�rit I ara ON
-Its youl .0 ly busl1i I ar y' L; 11 ity Qt Conift
'Itill at. leiril be seitsible.'' Doi poinia to, ii P"ll . iat . 1- 3 t1ol 'gron ficell .11111, more .()IiX 1I so, . al going. -to �you�g'et an e'll an 0 Mill."Nitiln :ansivere -Ing' i�ith eixcli� sit( the Coiltrae't."liftill
n ' - . .. I .: I 11 1 . I . 1. . .1 . I * t ta U SPI'L
n ... . kT. It 1'Oil �lvsll.tb ques. Ai) 'the to Deep Woollil -.Iivraht to, jvI.L15 't Azi'Ll faded
k y -more of iftis you nj - Vvith yooll I , - - , .." "'. ..': low ri�tfiiag of ycar, i t larlii
�l L if tile
"lot at 'ally rate At. i tte and. ertoni--yoll relatfolits. of 1give yo� -IV, V.,
n r la, freqll are quite' �6<) LZ m. can, come of snilli-dinn Nvoir� libell to do plant�, of -North Amerld.t. and' l .,'"'ell xlAimbp- to the Besit Alaii and Moral If t
Xbtlli but Ill her..".
.110 i. I - (i L " : UilierS in
t xle.,ineirl our 7--jCertairtly," ji: explal Wo fortil Shook ills 4 rter of a large Is -llow` d Other'.11l serItiJ ail E 6pem6fit
not thblike't), ould-be Pr
0," bountrIw.% .. %V116 -know: holy 'to. till t" AfertonL �vas far too,41ever to' VOt0d to a C611cbti( .1 t ri ow Trzeice-1n,.our,'most.
!071 1 xalct V !I! "Alists 'T d Cefilli. . 1 bul inji t1.0.. Groom
i gr. VVe
"she! kite W`., p cliel6s; to g'et *,t]
an -Eyed' "Abdut iverity-
Is 'til le;iiit', ufrom' the -first that"l was being Th *Onfil f=: adcreteaf an'
? Mr. Sal al behaved 9ccordtinkly...'lf: aold. flaid' that 'deeompoIl S n
ill Efte
ttle� ftha'l Iunj� + OT
lit she *as not liero as -,our- he'leaf:ollill'opening is
0 traordina
W14.1tevek It Innot t6r 'be. 1i eill hei
nexplicit ? 114,L'SuggeStel 4 ri founli its tr6iclibrbu-s +
forget posit! ir b�comqs.,murll ex wholle Show 'is. bver and to -is
fowever-, soon :
gerit : 1-1 WORN
yuti kill -that. iou are pledged -to f6ill w.repiledi . aw, I Ol of
.-I can assure, 'youb" Afr' if,'the -Iea�f Broken GjLhSe-,
vxplicit'as oii mother rit'sald fttur '69 T
��tlor thing,§lIll I Sabi Il
. I . , . . 1. lian,given mel it Witli tin li of '-il'&t' +
EAte knoved ack to Tier lil am by too Ill co I ed to-closP ber'soine object" that Ware, he prying, i1i the.
'blort the man`of,'myst6ry+y6l1 seem to'. '.Whnof n nt,,.-sucli l OIINl ffd.�oji one-nam.edfIorllrl +
0 ask' how you dare to +
have Voll'all t,
nly Soft, in 'of Of al in Corner Lill ni? Pidde -for
Her eyes were..suddlill think mill li never dretil Oartb�le earth, pla . . . . . ..
nter' Il.'ringliam Coll up', it
Common, 6-MI)IOyIng'such roundabodt..'areans,obf. -.of It iemalnii
rowfq '-ilhe klid iloi burg-liti I I , terill iv.11i IIIaAre. to cut.
ltj�� tillfill(til -9 up--tha and d t1lab Yuji stilli U, than her Irldigntion. Whert it nocopening Is. Still 1, soi. Vill own gar'Atentg ai
0i Which ercloil , -tild Mill the ti nib.
at the q
i7ettirri to me letti)r -hours, Id upon' er I.; IS immedlitt6l L rp�dy
ful lri,� , attl ted to bl., w. Ave y or ell l6n, �xit. iiii Ide they, PI
I , in 1) e n 'Henil 'Int the 'Cock PlIelt en 0 itsil delayed,,-'jiliteal. h-omi getit 4'. -With. IDtl a ban,net. the out 6f all thlifir -ono 6f.L simill -
lie could
fil prove nothing. ai ftounce virpre
10, until of, I]l On b.oll to
tl nor y aNi out,of I the klnr, -
I t IlilittlF, Ill Aid ]to,. spoill" ly III, have been
Iflinicilf tool; t
S nit or..
ee ama tiou 1P.*d4AIe.p1if'f-cJ at '11[� ar sol. But I ect Hoor r6i o t -'t he lentle
_tie precipitate. It would Appel G
Ool AlIhere -ery.b X, -all ', the npar.ticular IMM
Woltenderl 1..Yoii are: aal clil tot, AM yoll P e�, Gd
m0flipil oli tld tilefl. To, bb taking Broj�id tin. (I -tell I nip
Ourse -fin in t'lle l)
blandl.v ricro.q.9 Ill to bl, 0 You adinit, ruatihots
Ili his'.Visitor.
Sallied grillily, n asistifiled 'o lllat.. tim^ he got 6bt (if ill of tlib oin Yoft -are tillrbig, 0 e, Trk VIll, pas�scd a, la a it
vaitli Into if Yoil reftl9c. 'a tit 0,
'Ill. Ills Ilil t6hog, "blitl Illy Suit to y6iir nifice; Sight, Iwill anxiolls", lie 'to Irlin, without' iny rea�sIonab](O, eu eep ol 06 Milan couki:
111 to�ll f I I I, ir el y ar
ho lifl Of finding yoll unit. 'My ML4,4611- 1I'R . You
rides or ri� yoNr anIperson ; + , broadJu
is ii ill Ili t 10, be. I k 'Our Reltioni hill . 1I.'e6f). 3,0
�4- Weaslint one, fof InuiAll rill thi �Of, tile tho cd.un-tr,
U] gs on Ill
M b1l o-
il�'A - briar tO Uu*
)t iWe� 1 Vita tiou, i
me -were 4 orously. dealt
lieso Null a a n
verl, nii ilave .1,n an"; approach t * ) 1, with; for 't
t)i keoej
ON 11 -any,
MIl lValir Stiff - - 11 . T.1- - --1 l- - ll 1:11 u, � � - .- ". — -- - — -, ' 0, - . , " I
of, no
U Mnal fill T'ItOcitd, hilt Ui,dy Ill hinv il upi lat. Tell :-"kdll buil.
till' lie Swore , it S -111111i h "t
nill hN �bjl
.1 jers ivhojou ire ;.l vl I-oiliv it"eco q;:,. x1ornillod"Ito .ii tim- ot! toiv 'IQ-
nin I, tlier�s
w1w 041looked, for, talA Min(Ist fa,ttq, gl� tibaft W
"li with
kd t,.: a i io"Im
yl�b - t I'S 'Ivi 1..4 ii tillIC ll� 1voliltf. Iiiia6ii-ewrl
'Dirie,". Sa P
utt,tlld�llot $Vevollt Ill
riover.give' trip fiv, -.106r1imflon. 1 "I'le- I �(i:oimlll Illoledly. finoll bhilwl or'thili Ijeril 111ow-' Ilk. I Wd' 6 read orl
grill III,, h1.-4;vLFil %VlOi llil jigiliki
."N;oa 11111'4�forg' n,g IIIN eirl finly,
Itetrilv, nhd! it wliq nritirtl e r
i-ve . nillat Soo Lt tO tt�,
'Rill volill I I I- t
a't 11"r glll�gel voll. nitisl", sal, sni�l rut a r
afm .1110fAIIII.g. It, 7 lato broakfal Ott th'It'.1 aololitflt .0, Cup
it �tl - - l
Mi I I ]l gi slipi)o I e *or it, e.
I till is(
intli A T ti t�,-.11 11 1)14'�;VrVe it " For ceitain tharn 'V
If() roullLrIl 01 el. r,
L g Ill t1w fI A141iAg'a an I L'� roWn%
'Plaeod In riii. Lvill it �V It IN, I to;;.%vill ttlic -to CU Fra'sic� Abol th6 wailif,
tilat T, alllfil�-(Ifl A1.yl4fL.Jf to livy Ove're pi'v:i 'W'y Pchiail:- PlOtIltOM11110 Minfil of. "round
elaifst. of- 13bi everl yolf ibto Inv Coll ridil'twe"'belAil
I - (Till 1 11111, V(il*-,V Irldned obut 1�llvjj' .6l;illrtl 'and tire. went by thi
4111NIS0116 it ill Croce
and Till%,
rnise "PoiW6il. -saying co
ve in,, in- of t jai
6�-.,I;r,vely, 'ItClil,rd -film, qntl hineh, alwpv,4- so, thell d6l not,,t4ll tO.W; itif in of Jumi-l-n.-Peat p
t I P" -bog.44. from N6w, Erigl- fi( Wlildo%v, V*Il olinni otlera luxury Ip
an-SWerM Altogilithor at 'rich donfl ile nPt-v6IIR I tb %fin- to lit a, -11,9111il drIl find lb .7
cast, loiv An I Boo
VOlir fil ther ,I nrl -laiii 'to 'tho, Alfeglin'Tiles,
St n't %, _. I, L I .. .
1106we witsIn thli rooill com 7 ill�Lvkoek, il "],th- 11 -aillst , illf" Pbwo
--lipli aware 1111�t dii-li , - . d ill- I I n ly
'live el �FfosofljI 'A
Ill iti-liddenly qd gotle. OT)Ptlly d Ill
vollvlllcell� lensi nddevii tor It, -Nv� I
to lira" kilid.
Ito wollid A. 111, pr9blijbiii.ty. ko,allrojll Ilnjo'�l , 11rovi ilp ril (111-0ity, Ii 'tile color �ot
rall frow ill(' willdow "(! I r ill(,, " � I r known; conliTtAl'y aq tile sIde, sa ve'dr,ll t I lvo,
(It , ]If pe;'ItAt yipu i Stafts' to 'bo w6rn,.by tfic dIfffircrit.,
IT, orle4) Sur NV(A .1i t 0 J�t,
slililuji-poin 1 . 0 ]lei- Ilkt,b' to iiVeat. L Ill illb, t
NV601d l'ITIVO 0OL11"' h6thinli Of -frollt 11rozoll Pave, ('1689m ;kit entire yestill of &Illailop
racos"V again. L6 IIN part pl�,t'�R floN�er, a) 16 1 (If It(, f
Wolfl_ ii , UPT,I�yv' liflnoti oboy., Illio.was., r0'80.rVed',exel V or
r dr
I lilm tit-, litilitfinni tilp. Tile latteli Oni'l in es
it anion a sonneivlliit profItIll
!-low, vory in I. NY 01"PIt-a �cjj jujil priln-ca 0 b -I o
it -to 'look, jntll�- -T�rlhe,
itifIli *6uld"Ini njor V- A 8
k) "I P I , Ive IdIfi* tr)A16 1I(-P;eriTtfLv6--of Its �Ippqat-.- '.I lit -for"- t lie -11,
Ille "C6, and it, is diflfiet
'd, por
Ill Ml -SO 1`�� 11 ot-Ills work to a rtrn,riger. V lit Intl Dull ('ol with VilV0"Polki FILLInk Arvore 'petnjitted -4
Vor 1116itiont. Wol.fil Si3e,
filir, 'Sal sil g*-Inily Ill Ito lion r. :sfirtiq:grPfl -hil.4 milon](16M IV,, . den wa, anY rl:1.4en�bjliinco tn"16 pu t i blillts 6)r' qn�,, but IN i lat)
t aving. jtlitfldfid i a x , tJ I e r'l I Il lit offly bno mrtlelo OIL 001i
lliftly, find liog , or mild''pftill1her sllapcd,g�c -nillo.
i )JIffiliollif oli 9 T1 le, ill rPI6, flow- 1 Ivrjortha 1 01 not -be I'Le've
ine"ifit *tJffjt "lle to hii
hipler, and lit'll. cl. ` 91 Wing 'a way y TJ1IIt on leavew Tile ii.kt ralik' 0ould, 'not lisio
11 1 . k;C0 'Lit, . *1l t[joit. ffiforl'org IIA,(I%
n wam P(wrectly well"awaro 1 1 fig. tile h1wrellptioll. lill k tfoe d1ol0lilloll I'll I)o 'llaulod.
rl Dor,, -elle.. Ills In, �J)Vfo V0 a CLIrIOUS
. I . I w6 I I nlorc of IlvI I g, i0aretit slole sa'ddle than tit, t
ji Von- tibii agallbst the'. nlill -irldlocl whatever*. juitne' it s .�iil It'fg ji , wDs" . . , TIC
`LR f * tile "Jil of oor - �o, 'AhOw
til" o my it oat I V j..'V llttI6� 10,Lft 'fit) Vil'i
WWond011'a Nl Nvas not one, dign. anctIft6ri 'But tit
of o0firtillsy,,.1 SingIC.'gimice, 1rito 'Ills ifiliost finto, 11 ille (Iting"bogin:4 to t 'IT diF$o§;t1
0.11 'y 'I " 1) 0 's C a I n e .-:c Is t, n d -1 n. 14 1
C OPO plalill b �,k
0 tL jl�lll * forg-ILVI". 11
ts and lanioli
fall ))i told filli ail that'he eared to jne, and T MTV rot- "III-" table 0-XI'll bf the (wrilIvOrbus Itrit)(1, tlfai is I nd �fi vilts. Proto
X, vv6s foVgotton
Rnovill It was fort ato ;illtll ifoi Awell rou; bV I retil-I-Iflil 1%11(711
in tlili.' Rorno -ritolioll. it a, keel! theill Of per P fall fiq L.4 ti W,
lia,i IteJ'n in thii' rooni. 8 very mo.' Jlq'it 11,6 1 "T hhd lotO�s or liois.s, wilitil, -Sonn strilwig ill o6l, I It, A 11 (1 1.11irva oi'80, li(,A
If 4110y ': *erq,ii ,rr ooll
V� ng I I n do (I t Or, 0 t I 10,
I ink-rfnil -WhIt ""t" 'o"ll
Voliflititirily, (Iestroyrfiql ill Tier p-rosmice,' 4Y lef);Ving Pngla�d:,'Iio ll�ilglit bld fivil UlivIrsil niul Aill s,, to cortintion v 'It t for 0"Zoll
nlotW7 lrelsiiltle lie -gained. ival - pro- 0 Drido" liawed
lJflJ(l$ foollf4il, or I V�Cll� to,. I-.. Illy , L iot i
olf)i Chance of IvIntill hell 111611 or, Ii afid color, I fil Jew'.
ave �JO aSk 'Iliel 'flifilal yVoIllielijUdlilig I v, not1ling of (Ious"In t'll"I'flevo Will?) or
0 hnd X I
'To" Corno to go long Ill tll�re Iverb tepta lit ivoeds"oChors, trinkots.
ve w1lie
fo -1 in tfiat JV0jjd . Oefftf Ve.111ii �tfiritjti�i to bo oil "ll to, It 111
a cl I I find tile, 1111k, A fl(irta In ge f
_stJI,t(S,q, Ii.-liall cunll�lrl(, Uding astridd 13 ft
bei 1? 1 y Ilikniry 11 ad - gril li r'l 1
lightly fliftill -fqV&(1d lill for yl nrof6ll h0nd:' %6,fan tit ' & It , I in. ,,tI,n.qrl.
6aidr -kowoil ylp,� , not 00 ni ritirlItl ft� t fin
p Ig ollt of the ftt' l'Ittill flftljl(� i jvILIv-h Into"grell't. fill it ith't) I g I I I) C
olv it) uIlloit() -Ills d0g(1411-t %Virs -fri -�ntin
I I iii ever boo riilp6r-led ilimt at tile, 1450(it,11001' verr,their 110arte (1601rod. HoIlli
.wind thlilk T1 y ' "k -e to-jilay-' I nothing, aii,. yet, I ble 'It' I
, "I nrli airm il wl not, e n it ' ' - l , I, I 'I mt�l 'to', I)JIL it� N`tl� nl
,w�awllg IlSh011id I(VhJ& le Step Ill trn r1let' ni6' to '"extillitili"Il., 116,looiced wiriter*,tvo�rl' Pri 'so
'fde�, 'and ho"wa,
flor 'to inotint It!" --that I ul Ilardilo treated., Ill . IMIL'Ill',l vIV ill
NV, L (A1JrVL 81 Coll. 6Xvr(!Lq(i Ilso, illig, M0t I I LA. ffilly'Vilf'I fill
oliferldil answeirpid tier grfiVely. lotter I evpv h4d, from !let, Ilkblv soibl, Of ell e 01s;foh'K rn0Rt,hn.QbSC.rvtd,II,
8 s , of' sil 1pher of altotedflifir, , Tile Thiff"ll 0 9 1 (�ollf"IIIIM 011012, " AIL 'It
slidtild fli Very lionored'itt be. dri, ro wilif for 'm or, 410
io do !ter the iifffil Mittiil,too Strong 111�r4J- aLpfovingly, .60nitil6n I -(Y tri(d �to or0vd ' rr 16t"Lof' - f f() i
Ing itlfulmd,�o tAke yolin _ for it (IfIve, fifteen re�jl Ap 91 1 1 1 1 1 _ `
90, Ivilleft I first Calla 111111 It Al fin unequal eofitv;�, 100 �-the Arbrwing r aliStom. 'No' ofto U10
I"uo(l fi� J)crSoi
ille ffl��(,Jt d"JI'll "1§00 %VIl r *btti.
.1tin ill 11 El '11 ft tit r" ')(X;I" InadhAllat A �If 1111)11��t (�'V
11�llllg' ',a inare Cain . . tIl I Rll T
I# - Any time, 116 r an fd', mily I think it pli -nd6n 'n ii-tod, Sto
s JJTIL� atfl&.
Ma" ii rill arCil I 'sluil Manner. 4(a it, nitittor of
t1len, Y61"r IVIII I Wolfrinden
floOmforill Cayrial tiold'Afor Chat' it wl not Ili ly. "I �talk
, 4 t1leg. _(16., Ill ,�o the (1061, bt
tho parket, ItIvith Vt fnl'� t�111,- t -ill Ai. berso.f 111:4-fiti cf�mll
n L;a III L
gittio Shedgged hei, shouldil tit(] wel I)ijrht togotheiiii IxgaimL 61
s IZICe - IllplIllolrin' ' .1
Ito IfIll
Pol lltal,rt I ol, ittli 0
It SI,o ,)It) 16 lif, art extrmit(IIS, nor- tol ex"Iblylti.- 1101.
i6, ol d at Illin signiffealitiVi �ind,,,rl froin that that vOtIo idtill It- I I Nbat)Sr fli TiCI(I lit ille so
yO(j'L'JV(% - 8.1to
ifig UndletrIstool Yuji IV, hi A
y0stol SraR flifill In, �ll I I I) JJ.'IlteL "Ol 1111)lil
siyltl Of riding 'a wonji ,will got in. tiltsir (i
it groir6r deal nioro'c'orn', r wad rotalitin tot 'it" porpri--in. Aft, &-ill sighl with fin air" Of -1riL. ig n)6Ii Jf.tttk,0 tII6 ,IILC
My p6wAsl6n, � li thaif I Ao this it aIllapt- R, t Ii't:v Triinks W&ILCII' 0
it 1,11
All,cry I d it Ik
he, ST(I I'to"-day I or!) WJIatdVo pose �611 *11 little "to O'JV iloor
r,,' , , oil t w . i
taken in ,rfikil 6, dict, MifiCtilo Illen or., 0 nattlooitest t Ing;, with ,'all,
bld ti fi6d Oili An
0 r gloIll(I 'a'1ttfiOr(tatJ** . 11
With lft.�, to L Vealln, With every lCjIuNV Vil I
countriel wera'Il jig easy to <1,0, p0wo, , q arbott
OnV61) tonal gonil
hold a little businp.Slill Mr. Bab lude, a.6' thosle JuIllglislLinen I �. What �a 6l t
Ile that 6 hint ior-mor 16,go, ?1! 8116 trinhipol _60L" al i6ld6.MddTo. . .11 9 Instill Vill *60 h Or atril 0,,[
ITO hili RIM 'It, vtirk,' �Wll' (ndmil. � ft ng A%va�
1 0 t fi�il inat tile ifiJIlel6lis' ol le, it I� IL&'tntl: "if
0 1 e o 9 Caiagbril I
not agreeable -616 Wol'tedden'L listen nit I'Aol�'ll it to flaft It
I ill hill Oft d6l a w(IC *f"It',hinil-loobeabi
tadtWng, at P69sibW bitoltietO cart w0d. wit 'hlq q*61 tigidly ftto4'UN" all 'Veryl, glilii hol �kldll d1that 11Y clisill �by k41ng on thor.,
h 4 AW"ay' G l n. 'Vit ever witi v 'ynu il jell V tl�t' tili lall
"Ili 'till)
'tulllf you - "T.1
7 PO
IT -
6 01,