Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-26, Page 17
T" 26th, 11901 .,70.1 XXVIII-- 17 LUO N OW.. ONT M FRDAY., A WHOLE NO:, 1
set a4a —The n'igh
If 01104,1061�� inations ir, Wed6e��da
106*� on' 16,velq4 a9 -
rgain rppe. I as ay 'ea (3
In pu rQli' od.,before. to- -mig 6 'pworth I tit �.L
ba lot. W, the.
move or . 'a t a J no 2 jkloG' 101SURA_ CE T '�8 45 a Iii. d�part- will FOACI
Will :b,� sold
Cai idid no*; 'd
jai rs bd�id.,,,-App 1 a
cpvinet'ob. uly 26d, at., 8 0 a tea
next, bott
.25.9'i 00 ominign-gerferal! elec-:, who urpoise,wrain., I
Vv —In t�& list D ir o J
po led' T' 104
otea were
John: R Ch I
he general election Of A 896 t�6e total' either. di L L
�4.e S 10, 000 0: A t Me' John ,R. Clarke
vo epo of' tb ot�ii. a
I ! rociy
1535 000 4--LeavQ your -0,-dqr witil W.',,Con- ten PIF do. aAY *ce
4,T I 9 ... , �111 will -give -bi's:. -p6patior
�e Qr., spring suit. Got a
iED� �89
o more, stylish will St6:.d -ii -d 'fie 1 to
ABLI�l ovetcherok worsted. 4 do it �vnerai ban,ldiiq bits I
ale St.1i iUfj;- and W iness; is -sue
-da and I the better wearing go6d8';_nadq,: Tile impdrt(d C'Jycl.4
WeL kal
nw. drafts throilghout Cana United
tateti, %kt pollectionii:6n. all 44.* A, lar'g'Q,, number 'of wild 'ged�b Ilp)yodesdale' 6wncd Y. and 'Bonnie ill
U RANCH, Veot�rdSiates,Miniota,,, �tyl
including. N
0 d n Lu6k-
the N rth-West,Provih6es, and all �collt joing nor, i. e %�Ill stand for, n_g nri, �e- 'On flock
JD�S, �tions whethe� ro:t
1 �k BA� B u e or. Acq9un have, now t.
NT6tliodN' -Churplil" -o' Frid iy
ast vVeek w, birely ab6ve theL a are Hnuse, T
i'the'' y
V�it o n the ecture p at, orni
loa�'#,; 14 ou e'or' oingi, E AR ICLE: list re
varAces in'a d 'tii:farmi�rs to feed, stock. M. rin.ers on d bl Ti rs, G h u i T
o notes
poptqd Stall of rare
..ikt from oae�t.o twelvainontbs� t1me,hnd a lar,,e ca on
SAL Norkr-,,�- bo ug a 0 evening May. 3M. 'Mr. Clarke pal nottilk e, topw t wn buildings. le
Notes discou nt6d'and ad, at . ab SL I :ut, CURT
reason rate'of interest. r load of ,
lll�rates`moderato We small 'or lai d,ce riba . ere s., and ... quarter -On �another . -:.the' -ontind) exc�lleuce, Adrnis�.ion 25 ents
117178ASS " d' j) 'Y tl othOr- -real estat6'sec-
it able 4mofints oil, seb6fid Poloti.ah woni i I 6t
Y W .-- b 1oubd' h e f, cri apolili�s in. Caiiad: i6ld ih li barrel pqckage D.LC,,Ta 1 ill d 4' ;ptiory childret'i'110 cen3,..
rity "d �oll first chattel inqrtgaoe� ve, 0,
�stock andjinpl�rnent§ and jinpofted. Clydesda'
United Siatesi wa ng boots lic6d: podigree'.:,o
he, le
rate'N ;,raaqd acc6rahig t6 the A
toned- rilarge Valiety of Styles itaWon le ?oot )�ail, bz� I
We have aLlai.[, Ladies'.':
�e Itin I OUnt Qf funTes to aiiv�nce
&Vinkg D 6PC'rtIi1'6j1t rst mortgages rot n,5'pereen 'to 6 and,.btA lid "r owne
I) i t
cent at J,' G' 1%f4doch Co?s. -Speci Mr. James Modiitt'Af Tees�vater. The meetin� foi- the pu P�osd of orga n- -P! fit f :A
a', I t nd size of�he lo� 1,
qua I y a als'ht
f 'the,
_W i3r6senf t e leadfii� o 1)ki -ILt citrrent- ere h a es rrbul �Inglish �iiild -horse starts �oq bi8.'io`dhds oa tile' -6C, 7�
In $2' pee pair, 1, or
'of de )q n 'VOL Coinpaiities aud:.can
sit of wit surance
s Wi c t - lVr6e t ii nd will I)eJn Lu kr With the.-adven
a :orrint,'sedsork was beff J`
effect1hintra;ioe Lon, all classes bf.pkq�terty In L4hQ-..Wi gbam ag C d
Tho'dep 'lot.. eve in- of th'i . lye!k, k
tb6 ivithdrawai- of,, Chu -wholit ,1 Alutuil-C6t4anieB.aB &slked. fy
P . 0 It . o;us e k' d W man's: A1js§ioftery'-8o6ieC ilb 4 1 6 uesoLay',
0 a. in. to Satut-da d T
tion of tile depo h urs are frbm 10 qfolng it 0 86&8011, h'
rs wro 61eldil:'
be in Brussels Taesday axid" %�ed. .1. L;� L ,
a3 :2. 1, and 226d.,
Qgjg SPROA AUP 'X, 18 op Hoa -Prop m Allin, Vi
OW''' nes ity, a, W
C ha a lbarber.
resen e
'r. "M h W'jft e C tain
cuitis. �Vill: be loop t' d Afbot` I)ay . w xc, ab isbod, .E LdWrhoa; ;flp.
e' In U L'_
. 7 -Tl:(#- s W 'Coronaah p i n g, i ive'
rament in,18,85,' Cunt odk
by the Ontario Go �c' ec
he'Pulilic eL
LOC4&L ITEMS. V ANT, Pt T -T )r S. I o I A.N ass
d'-,acc-ounts of the.� 6;cd1leljC�tedi,,v- s iih ool
�A 'ell J1L0l)ona a, I'd e
':N' k6kehz h 't -d llig ]A
urgeou and u'rgery 'Vance of the, rican ldren on th4L.Arst, Friday in Id' latest 6sign*� 'in thig� d -0elo -kt,h a' D� 6k n e,,
r.,� . lov�- f6i �OVL E:1110t's grocery sioru. -,,:
to ;.,froin '2 o a �ield eud during the last wintdr� The obiedt is to �. e io., iridkodidn wr 60 will, lir.v
in, R ad .M P p
M Vo er
Op.] I : 1. ..
a Str t Many of trees 'th -'imprqv6riiont "A00 ong eam .�and. A-
-:�Tto I a 'is it; q' . of.
s u 0 so,
Go j,�
a d oda.';.. ghharibg,��_. v QiIILL)l ril-sul- Th sp.
-a hud.. 0 ot bs t, a citiz'en f Luck 'ill
:JLF, -M sic r� �v
geol and d rotlqdstheie. yp,�, so geb:` your y6td§ hu 'rwi in erest.. c ren.)n u li S, noW,WL
d. ions o
mises. e
7 d ib -b d .01 e. lfo
paid for -butte -4hd4dixi sodye PUL xhibit
c eane d P. :Pro, .a y s
ineg at $1,,00;
h '0:25 iqs,being e x ',Ta va u e
n Ellicit.t, ? eamed: upil bofor U pre
J�h &
opu, ar
.0 a.Y 15th, and P
lint6era 'w i'l I go. 1 il t� Oddrellowd, dt 'C ittitich
bish must bq
BA� s; at 5' c,' 356 and -The Luo'know is attm. E woOth Leag P
A, 0 tv �t -London in Jurie, next, at t h
t e corset Add L I
Opf ft,- I ' L . 11 .. *'),,
YL est. tend "IDivifte service J e Engis.
-o ered-U, -5o
c,per p,
IHAS rogram is -:The. n6wesit' 'a be'
I:s, Ablicitorg; e I P , ... . Us
A IEAJ'(' extra. good va, ue. We hav'Q '4- corset ven.o,c ou.. 4 0 the Lu'cknow, o.r,
day.,next. 4e*:hvarnb'er 0 'the -Or*det.
Herb. CA'rundy atrijed'Ji0me, worth 65c we sit. at -48c: Methodist ljtiiobll�
6'�ie� �e'e our, X6
E , 6 -
hile6li at., AV teiiju of.
P rap
Officii -C in Art TWusiftis'ai,1 & 'G Come to
Iiii, e t th r., wit i viaiti ]L
-Ca I k. and_10�per �rd :And
as 0 .9.pRep?S
'ouv,st6re-10'r to r a Ot t.,9" cr 1 11 Wl day, emiing.-. I tj r th
frdr�-'Tor6 to �on Wed stivi oge e I' bretler -
in, Al Y. . .7
th'e,Ibq99`r6 at 101 $0. and
f, 'th g ear'
A16 i z, ttlq 0 N� Iv. —Only t30 edting ilfficers
jA 'of the. pu�lic el :br e: d6suin 61. es 12 ;Ina
Litt cardie was'in ttie' villag6,oa Sat rday scho6l. teac ior's in', Onii th r
. fiLvorable eports � earing on the 25c
u rio'L 111�6 Ma;les'; r"
Y, r b do'
ix,�pdy 0 e' Chu 6h f-TAll. Ve
office per yar
0 9
-in 0ddfeIlb*9.,Lar*e— cordially invite for
has.: the,� best %6c 6ls
!a h' d,� to
w rk'bf fhe"diffeiefit'departin6 t
IT. qeo. urgess an d son of Aiftr,�cadi,p
ro& ut 'e ti6p"t..year ere, give
u b thore: CIO attend a dter hich
Woodstpckj� viiitibg fri6nds. in'the nt. of -the OC IETI Es.
arris; s.�
br, oil.. Pros., Rev. A ** G Hi Pro
ea6hers are inen. the 'officers were . eleciied.. CA M ER
:AWLI.W. E- f
—Parties, hay ng new . ()fir doll tiblitig,. Hou e;�claanlntr
with,te wr�iig 'catial engrving e- to an ptibli& thilob. Ij t
A J' Little has been, ap- aoiliti , ce tci'tho: is a tea., Ohs ��A
b I hi%ver'-p6ichased 't e, busi �ess, of M 11 Miss 'ittle
ptiffited' C4j*rk -of ihe ucknow Di -vis- tbef000n,Le�n same y,
9 arb6r; 2nd �Vip( Emel
6 -wh,6r' -ey, ax n Ing spent.eig t, 'Adibertsdrl6� rd Vii
flid6,'. e th '3 cc Prep. Migs'Uwbol
i av
on to to. this Wilson.-. h,
t paintif
-IT Ua to Beck, o Saltford exp6ets a,
IL Jo W1-11:bo Ac"cepted at ace value for, ub, 7ea:r e
L" "'TS 1�, v.1"Ity niv 6AY NIGI f, Harris;.A th Vice. Pr,oi., .)�owat&Arm-
b k, die b droht6 am.,prepare( to
on ok":hefore tho 'full 'umon., in the arid i ". T Ystaonq-..Sec.,' Miss'�- alla,8o ry;�.:- rea%,
A , . tife, byev;election -i n. W est:. hu ion o ve to scrIP49C, JO wOr r T
a ioc street,
ave k' I
I . . . - guarantee 'first ;cila9is wodt-, -in e ersoft
F ARR)o. e Vo on. assezament roI12- "Y" T lin I ildre4, Choir Leader, H
by,june 5tlf.� r I
J.tjAAl6'J1J(J1tlJ11461; t r,
'At t1o'(11tary, plirti'eulixr.- %0rd4*�Vs,pro`m'pt'Iy-Ate' �ggle,�
'Voisliipiwi u, s are salliny in T r t 111very ybulig filan, 2 veaii of age in
o onto a 10 11" Artnst�ong- Org4dist,* M iss,
C1, .. I.. . .1 'T ic
bi lar- t6vviipr 'c66nuy'is drititled to a-Vove G-4ddes, 1 Loagu . e , -ruee a every
-W .k beirt I lay.
otyi S per a rr at,
6.1 110 C F
'Vock - andr
mers' wag- c A 0
litide X16t d :eigli't'
yon� ir. kanh6,qd F r' qy evenitig-a-p,
4itchise., A, t
Retpoft 0
—S, I' t .4-over'l(jok"eid -you, s'de lie coil 0
crorm prizi?s 'win�.1v-.6flored" for. _he)%d�noro ba a tery., c 'rdial wof 'ae is ekt�hded t
X 'VY " , , . . . : .. I I I I . � A'- reportt'. big - been 'iq cirdul tian
whoo, id�,) of
"that all
your name is'add.eO'.
q(i the.,best 1�outfiW'. in t , J
es 'son
ep roth. '11
oil -d to -son
e 'd(i 41 oi,t Al iiy 2 1 Clio' A d utation gloo.n and.
I day Qvocni p
: 0 . B rgQe �wa ed'upoii Mr." Dzcki Giffici: -Xi 1 9 iadtbieen' WESTii0dii
ILtl. f)Ljt in' -�_Te(kwa er, ounci ha.5 dqoidk gen.,
e pp"318; U
vra I pa§sengot. iticetit" of �G T. V b 't
'�I, I o k Iti.
p 'i ii w)n 26,000,: square lkilled Jii th Vli '&e.
vi.4itorg cortiiijIv, nave '1361d'.* tKis, so
ge-. n the 'EiJitor'� Luckfto'w SeAtine"I.
rah 'lad to 'saj,'-djere. is. no.44' I
Pvt. Toebtatolast week t r m4ke,* at
w the report* as his brother- Ate; 1); W
ments no U . - , I ,
0440.�,. ..t�ct)rd6r,' t —M lef b ith. them for e llu ' exc f a
r. An d Mrs.: Spileat it':ma�, ilroprise some of
your read
or im J us reCeLve a uttop rolu
ltis�t week' foV'a three nidnth§"�visib to s,ioil, to� thd Ontario Agricultural Coll -t
1,00 yeart�
0 jai g lob. at 0
o Che
:tile I)o, nd'Britisb olumb le at, des o earn thatil.1tist
DO people mo�ed- ironQt i4'.§iafes into,
e e-t� lixt-Mekande'r Gill'6t;
IV M t 1j: w6l I
U&�;d',,Nol]12 -n ClAlt f aim js� '0' Nfanftoba and tile., Qafi6d1Ari'-,T*;or'th.
tilliv Steele , 6f ta ill, I ie alth'. Air. Sohn
t � *ir 6ffle6 _1�9,00 1,5;�
J, E� MoAp
h1q. at 8 4�'�J()QJC ni`, Il e.w'wil
d pa nyI, I 2t r irilixe
Ine . 00 'evory j'.riilay-evon an a, idmbotof-1I.C'
11. 1 - _ 0 An a, our n
sold a., Young thorouidi'br6d' bull, in .8,�eoiit Man�get-ofth0mm�uakm�.- no itic , , - .
e ther_.AteAdy__sfrbabi, fee
P 9V% �f �fi 6d. I I mitla coveribgs acee t 6 owr;r
infdfff7�lfiO . . � at . igno.',31i-ese
't e
i(vited. Rober� rri U'U'liftechurdl iltori ill'thi -e hats been Y'ranted h States fl6 -M0 British' Oolu mbia
18 Villag
, cc, areift tlld� nat ai col'ots,:�*
J ni§us e' 66ioki wa I a1hree Wontlis'Ie f.Alis �c )�qgt_l ' ear__�am6u__ajind &La'bogtj 61,1--conve,
J n
Isox, iho ce' nu_or _LL oh
kv=e __� �y —A
77. The'_31'(o'v'ing--,Picturcg -presen 'k lid t
ItP,Atl pid -� 9i q, her'sbadeg. We,
lists to tho ce'nRus eoftlml��'�ofldr`o Y to qtteijge� �6 S rs and, Sbr!pes into
th ta
us , , 4 .
_ce o
T Is , I � . — I .�'. I .
LOF4�"," --:.Iiud r t4i I -kt wilt ffd
b jE,
6 fi-om, all,;points bj4a& i'.mcDevit�,�:of- thi
oat an d 0 e r,. nn t e
-3 'RV in n
to a a.
-01 _428, "ArolAko - ttVo. Wttl',All 71 3to�.,Patdt'ii Ch'uf6h'o4.'Vh1disday'I at, r4oter of wA1I'g40&y6u d6sl
tnontl)ty nie,�'tfijg in t1io. Orarige 1-101 in ()nt�rio. indicai� th4t, the f�tl wh* ai. t t1o: a! 'R 1. 1 � I cha
1 most (if t inn f a -mers, - is a great im-
i agei agains e, 1013 - eg �is
U low� oll the Ae�(I�T n6t up to 16 sta�dard' a3; r � 'i we are., sure you will-, like, t o colot
e h'
6ie�':nt, this was
oa and " Lvel'y 11141164 has"witilored in. cornpa�ative safety, Agsocieti on, which wbos , prov inent'ort -what Wft`� '016 blistoift in..
Witig, to th r6a. MOO, not
W y *hen it i's first'
�re 'it Q Id. orueatla�, L�vtinin�, the . C to' d 4' e rather,un-, onl'
former ..years: w, fen �ou Coinvidi C
Division Couit,,here on Wedne di'''7 r lAns
-rut res yteriali Synod bf, If 0,111- 40tiled co4dibion of thd wo0qlcr �trid. put on, but it
0 at6dJU 11 tli�oqh the. 1�
dgWent reseitobd, has boo*ti'viinde. thwird,," 'A
U ic,34so` Tile pictur pre 0 ted
e thilgrate&in/thousa,rids sort the paper. ou wil save mon b
nt ilcon'h I London: ittin Kit x ad 38, Qy Y'.
it A witt IV 11c"
dri Y to Ver� 0. eamngL
trafford) bri, Alou aY,' April act I alfparti000 feature �kjfl. 'the
aktled aatief
wbV6,of tjl�o 1li,_,ii6,4b class, but ow g to buyin tiaii� firs6bl'
1ra ory ags stock"
t t ii. the act that
moverneit a
—A - poultyy. ai —An g� -t
a mi ua e
ee th6s
Impot an. bil .
Inbst of
'For 84614wo �goqd milolt ebwa b b ct,which is 6 telh ov�dtj�k- triciey theyL �omftii4 -into
as�� c1bar I they,,
wore, not,
'Apply to Jamr8` 13, od p.oultr' - k 'Would' othp.rWii ceu;_.t uto -all
-doluiribia iind'other,
oov and two, ci%We� by', y depefs is e n.
-tf� Can�dii:in;.parts are- to U1.11 D L
24. VYIEM0910. NVestei t ;13g
n rs*, pre*6 tL gp�' tfi as en ire-
afiefo tile fir,Lt 00 (loin'L "r
n a o4se ornselves;
of p0ljar�ting the lie the' rbbste
Canad fans and paopM f roni
t -it
18,0 N a
i TIP 1�,, �1 &j. 1"ts'vy" -�hcb, �raliibiti�n pitp6rj df Afay
Itfeal Witijess,� now'fayp' t'll obtained t
re -ii CA
. V� , I . t6ifin okkow 6NT:
9 `2�1' 1 UQ1
the Iffbi niore -arid. �'ettee. eggs' jiLill be
satisfiled tvib.h the, even! 1�) t 1 They still are, Jh,itlilh a A
. ...... nadiail in sebtinien-tand,spirit.-'.
Goyeentiloft 0%vninship, of a "Made
liquoi I ild consdquent y more twon'e'
1, Al. I i 'CA Tlie,ba,latico ovb oo�ilo�sed, of' GeV,
1, D iV E, L' i ra. ic. by 06
Is w ion the. .... .. L Stiltga
JV. Da ri s,! N:or`ol�'Qgi1tlJS', $'
- I" t 'CL —Th of ti6�' ol.. ea y rus 6d to. til L
j�yo. tIT'SL cloth' rlrV6fl Ci()rn loaps, 0 wcde.� and, y
I'minflLrl' 0: F, u ing go, o' 60- 0 yoling dit-niiillail wlla�goera to T6co 0 a ..
'of I , . . . '19.ttei hhL, 'I
e ,
m*now t odp MAO en(l(�nt ()r(le'r L. 8 our great �rth. A U g lln� T9Q_P3 instetid ofinto W. &it -
0 ea a 6 eat
is;, 11 If:'' ti,good,ass6rtmont to 'lip lleid'-fft ll� n a 'A '611
Ir le4cstvra est'i and by' inaustry, and p r '�y tiff L a.L vevy L*11ful,tuliat I
VOID, �ood itt Ile'tis' 1 0
L Tdoad ertiooti) 'and nominateld. per cent of the whole and. ti� " L ' f'
.0 Y, one o otir'
qtvility poveran
(Yf . gfoALt
twtufns the dosert.ptac� in *ie1Como-addition,t0'Jh6 country
efte'llill thelim M), .1011'j,' V: at-Arl&, %k, C I. 016'�64t Raifiovdys appeal
ted- with % , . L .. ., I .
able pttioes'� , 4addit" why not -be gree s by its literature And,
r init 7,30 Wqloeke
V1,14I&Ing Bto,otfw(�n �Ikwdiftlly Tlii I Y A116, comlfig
to V it, d., - . 'A
itof Clio'. 00
d -i oithave 'a gol'd., -
I TV, 'Wlfl�avn 0611ips, (Nd '68 brilogs 6� I illo 146gigl�tuep, )llado,tr LCMA 6 tile pictures to edfitintisi, 1,
tt .4 yeav tl 6 ilorth Ift
v ii A. -x, 16 'L I ' , .
0 10
-al -da, -ilringin" "'y i V eff L
. 'I] tf.f I�L�Jjlgt,r, Rile. F'K(i !'years,'z!Ierk of tho Di�oision Court ithd sente'd1o'.11iin %oh' 'I visits hi r-6, of A i a lot pe'eiiebt lhe�: Wegi&n St9,t0j!qq 10
en to
io ljom6 '_Ij�dt.hd is X 11y''6nd, iou I -to.`w 0 a oltti�ts 1,
con '4&ftroty t*3 11'1111
;"Town Treasurer tit, N�alkdrtou died oil '01itar �itlorablo�: Ar. (I )e Was tile oil sello (I good§, s6bhri inip�lcnlonfs part of t-11 orld
U. L . I I I. I I I . L , ' . .
'arid:' sider
w`itb:'tbo" coil J L sctt�,�Vs sboul( migra 6,
'n nttone�, L i'l .' c or lon I �. 1,
A W - of try, Ip 'o b16*'cash.
,Into Ono li a n
1�. 0 W -Nearly ttlo, pr'irie tow ',oj less
P. "e r file Caniidd 1)
_x r' Ci
'Tho ; ; ". 110wove, it
It. of Arib lw:� 21,006 people 019 liove , omers f rom
Anciblit O'doll (if
G, or' the gr1ven tn at no to 11,
NtPA la, mason'i kne,, s'pirii IevoI§'.iitkd', q tile 6. is powerfulk count�'r
Spring. 1�o it d 1116 Staies brought last ycilr�'inoro than
:XnIt1!;1 : I . . I Ing t&:t
Il ft9s6rtmobVtlat �.Ktd, b0f, compl to itIlodi;
stone hat�11101*A'Ali 1110' co';bufflk "' . a I Vie'
4 01. 111; Xhillip I C of ct
0 W
ii mud
a iui lion (Iollars i'ri
It' irt,
f rich J. 8� additio to
i2A ; or L" a
Do G, �Yaylor l�, 1.1AI&Il'oeh & CoAta, a prepar 41,10Aftes, P4tuplilets, literattfro d
I"t,14 and Aveond the witints of flibir CuSj6 ' fSL in thij AS'
[I IM, L t stock afid othernixtbriaL. I 6onf
PMf., E(twaia, �bdluoi 'prmol Ire
line *It'll a L
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