Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-05, Page 77 7 "R 0 �j -77 Jr jA 7 Preoqjop ma40 with' W be reap i ent.,P.r. repulsive the da far w M&CY wt, I y all other Ojys wore Mg, e. MA Uln1w.0 jojav ;qnq, "' U - 1,11 C�ur d tions.,; trufst, oLtj of stan'd sMi In 111111!,�ye s5lon x All Chrl presel stgnolom h44, -. beelll� XMItIng, i dWlvoror all(I P v4ir, ",41421 n. PER VULA I . . . reate oil- st revival �v 4t th t Of, all time ma:V start a ooticerted ^VIC1114 7. �1901 Over tiovement through the ink- Nwer I'VoiiGolcia Or Cv. and 1Zorgan r1s'koef alll This Christendom,, e4ch.wrlter Wa9hing(O' 0,4*4. from the Inkhorn. nea�est him Tilo lResurroomw 4f AZ12 aII0'A flgr, quota- prosperr tyL.* ar. failure 'Closi I 1�!Iplp 'teg t, way 'peculTar tqg,t, Di,� T t . heir. 4 their faith or AQU, Those. V JO ar- d .-L,j fr ei and 0 u 4 t jr. Pf gospel. Invitation,' gospel Comition. at heir �pur 14he Uitlarm A0 Made all I- trom 1 ty or, oorrup- hope, goopej; Warning, gospel Inselouc- VO � fl� ('j) I� it AV It. .119 ICIIL sea kses tIO I'll 41 . I . r6,urrvcnai)ij t, ; 000 Of D I 116hveft' 0 hell,, ' fil"w, Die! Vlie"',I�k Is alreadv 'On o�(k� goo# .1 fluenbes t 111118t pr'e( man great tIj de - ' Aill "Orqtiklat �or, the a hundre "I ., . Olac tile, Iiiii Nair or qu 4 (1 1 � t� Of' L Chicago ...... world! v s Am- afto palij, and: 1. ougand tables, and b64i4e`it t4 PILILiul ba�,prove(j be��Xld. �fi6 Pro erse r ex I aye the N,� 0. 0 mPlements with 'w'hleh t6: 41119 the books The text findlng gli borivi 4 (.,v .�<)rL js of, cavil el, 4x, 2: to. dip, I t 'tl 'Cut, but, displayed' Why. p "'A those; Wlth,,16 out. 00ti fip iMl Phe ef.r., Ayes Un - at,. through s'uch process, _se­distjrUst IvOUL onto 'PMe in an. a: UIS b U t r1SnrrP(,t .�: I'M Wascloth- for kakg'Of the binding, and ilipse have pon td bo� tjij-o�v�, a0lty* or tlk6 .0 4;wi ti. 11 wo�n M 111044, of. so jon, f nqA1 rith a, I ropg4t pIOL. r4pt 'of H, (lal. 073 7 I Z t to qR41 4jud1gizi0zft,.-ltn44fX4�-, A IM -;,Ore-pext-,§um?Iier­ n-d-,w hbut f 'by t 1jy.Iettar`-S,.`pq.0 by tfi 1-4 ri it R "rif ­Wf7hja� �J , Qdld.- (jL,�blp4eitil A011 WiW ta en, not rei) ... i . ... ... nAtatJon, more-odaeei�j "I.11 to")Il f r t; :rlame, j I Lk. -it tl,.) J.'et, in Q 7L ever ea ng - jj)e M a�ji 1 1 or kiioWing :IIIS MaWthe'l , 9, � U 8a .1-2, Pe POOM IS than. LLL M (�S their gfeat, 61) It C, uar -dra'Matic, weird dlife�rentL s bO arg -b ­ . . tj uAlie" 60d 'from WhI611', na'Y text 1*1=116- 'Elie M I - rwilalj -d G04 lipftrk� I im I ftk`61A 113, ePl�, lyrl .11 You his likes., an4')IIS by"word of mouth., otfi6 invitail,'n r6112eil 'Who -ha illu, , dislikes;, hIs'moriIs,,.gJQ&o), bAa or In-, Your lip tit e wil I of aildi"011erpoWo, ubd 4c may. 4V,; 841� )VIle-p Y n ­d "3 a� IV" laid, ILUT loarftly lis, dvel:, 76 rind. is tivalific P, lNor lct 11 8, mo4re, than atl eVOIC0 qijej %Voillt 1101131i',to, pr fo-1,% (Itirl o'l I)ul, I I .uloup re y, in;% y be anpwqr'�:7'7�4,,60., epia oifftnjwlts� ru Com_ R erle, 'or Dantop Q Oiresgjp"I.� or- inechan- e -d, by, a; joke b 4 VPr , , 4rUstle -or Pr UtIA, wood warin -a . spel, r the ad loal life, 0�' I &V I, voinin zil-la *hat L A tj�jf_ 6D,1:j" Q 76 -;3-g- in v a ..a' a. lid Tj 'N I Duch dIVIrie �lfieams a"*% F" eklel.: -The, best. jnaQ�': to Ajjy-'ztidn'b ett, r in.. in �Wbttlnlillg, an vision,' thJ9, prophet', 41flaraoter IS, i and Sthrted TINICLO 616r tile seen t ILI ook he pref�rs abovb lylth pra:r,'er, a I followed I fie by' PfhYcr L. TIj6 of WeL 'Q e-A'p-t1astir'l�' 'I WM all, others.' , ' L . ,� L ' . . .1 ; I th ut angels 1 7'1 deot�oyljlg fmr Qh the . -'9. ..'N.Wer III N: 14id Ovee d" of, d" book IV an each Ith/ Sor: good: or evil! over,again and, 't.1 a YwCFrd t 'InInly frj.VQlL6US way 10 tloniD part..of J,1 rlday, ali -'e. i"Air;kf1j, a, 'Ot 140'0.q u text lie A: no A�-I. sees, LL' b" braharn LI jjQqj -cannot- -,).e alIbwLred In a A� merciful our ItUL0 a ligel ;-It will', ip eak." pt�rt with' An' n early life read from the..,table b of ijd4.r orn.. alne"a Ag'e', I'lljoll,wad C'U.110d three,dti: tact and 1!�A And I ys accor e fQr,, the. I nk 'in j,eW -Was made It, or, If pettl$fily torn.�Upi..I�Jjl 'voi at f 116, wr.o.tq, An essay its scattered, f raimen ts; speak Aptiol­.. ' ).'UrY �j I�it jP 00 M61-rillig,bil dle Ill. ro. to 0. Ik' COW', raM-,or,,a; roebuoic,' bh't Jtfterw�rd' It remalfted w I : Against Clir t ka er -tit" "wen hole. Of t jlo�. %v Old'e%' time il' 11146ric6ol-him: The i L ou, t Of 'thg. bpi eek. t n6W it 18�1,trla, e Out Of mkai Qr same Clirlstia n,-lirioks ca m e In'arra"S reach of. where you sit Itoi his e WAS CALIed an, 11101prn, 6banged,bls, n May uig ',thdt Y" ing t d U R I sio a f Merq- ir OU 2 88 tOL, l. - lard' t 71, to of' 'gee, AIR but t o -d ay I speak ..of th e po he bells In opf; soul e to,.:' social Influ-' VjS.e; L Read - b6oks, lipetr i ey e4in' ". a C tIle earliest the, s a ain of'peayer -on so 0 16M thePefor han d theie of t1lo nngol tJI6 RonLif bakerig, be a :gP.L now, W48'' say, nkstaid.. And' Made film )Ijid' p e have ; , . �L MQf? ard �ji wl0g.'-.wfth, M0§40 of - light- - i1a, In L. cen of the power 9. 'the-'B1b'q' add' Oh; t frietid of' ft. flying �kngop6 th toiub b, of 114 �ib;ivery of'v� of the I power as in parezithes Which. IlIzOdej- -saW I� calth, hile 'pass, -tot the.s0�1 d 0. d VIC, R vision of the 'power 6f writer's in'khorn by 'hi.9'side. t a'h� af-L 5 7 tc, be set. a. other -ange fAi 8abba I I" S j)oken of nmy for 9010 or evil.'In" t' an&- It J.., chiming.. Read "history., . that text he Inkstil Werp. dest OaYH, "When �oamj) jjn�tb the k roy ng alligels., Al,Lrk' TO LESS�V 'URINK $'ALUI 'Upon to r may -afid W1191 Yet a rk,?' coutijij, to u n 4 black of- how wrongdollig,jill tilne.comes to �4CII. bad' WiIat Its' -It t to or'red liqW'd, III a fo,rt�r' defe�tt rind, dIalighter wea t th'a 01. tj brIfid. tbe Bible ca Pol esg,. an rightebusness' to,.Vle-tory. Pon " in.. his Id vull 3�0 .0, UrT !an rnor a or a...battleaxe . or- a matI6 sub� !oons,­ 6o�clu t nery,. a ga'fn�ay, A. ransom Qf'ldw, that hari&'7 It to IVAs a -de OU, may see st SW�Ord- God I a no L,4j. and rjfljdj�L t'll., MORIOn, "'k6�,mistalfe,lf s9lbe- tha, a werld s6 t 'L time -when c t� t anarchy has no-'rIght-.11., iasten ahi,Ljtr.� to. e en 1�, pqw-. verned?, Read books. of b.,1ut f "It Is the'p. ..:ihat' has Pr&clsely go faStL U,;Y t 0 shivered the dead cc er. No, my-frIend, the , �nd, Jgr t 0 -3 6 WhatAb? the' in- Wit and' hum batileakip dulled and th . 6tu r la I b 1 Mor, tb4t.you *er.i 0' last .4 14Y ex leave a dry peh? healthfulnes� -lag . r rd.Ahq;� hed 'again to�. roll;�(l awayjis t'fin it L I' , of, 4 jo�n� ed, a' sheet OfL.P41) 4 Op" r.rej L, gh ter. t I ilen'd t1pey bilb er, an eaves Read'b' . 111, Seabbard,- th 0;Q lit! d lgoll­tbat you may text Compuay, 0 Ull� It under -th6 rk NVIX) should r L. atthew Henry'Saysi was- Av.,ay 1.11" Stone, ut, or! --is 'the ]�- X 10 bile expresses no opinion. It how apOreclate mvegtib Lord—je tviDell t114 Oil Of 1 3UO. but� 1,,,.3 or, gives', no warning. pie sritbas ln� e compared tb Stoutly "if t"n e palaces f i;aM Ill th ey t ottile of e, gence., It is , L I it ll; mere vllite -sold 1-21c� j1101 il. 4tt f;,u Y. .,With 91. full: in' khorn ve Yly I stpa or puroiII4 tile., ji(juld whIch' the eternit or III y# L rol C away., li)urrj6e�j�j M -�havl�nig calt f4? All. nations, 4gda., 800 of 'g� -,'e- ..it G% 6ut-Ok-111C Anks tli nd- in wis and talk That day Wns td,lijave all tbO' nexv 'the work. iK6rjL.jnd may b� -far'off tho: propeAles and 701,t there YFJth the I but it I� 'helpful to tbL,, jmI( plri ts of alL. the think -of.,ItS romini in (joll e . p-( T d WitIrWhich�ai.beorAriftl6n.6f jn� ages' e accompany Tenny As Dr. Obt,ainoll r son on his le or. b0neitt I' ' ' Igh declared WIhnIUI,]1tI6j�. L ., epeni ence a that XX tll�b 01. ihe arl a - WaS 'casIor'. 0 or* a Magna -Or :a Springtime, witen nillep At be, body tj Ound, not to alk I 9.r IIQ clothes 9 he falls upon* his sea ']'� - trpa the , coast., of - New, 113 and, the itt tY Wah. pIcned,".has,­be6n keot- In knees in 'the meadows, cry ng to his th, to 4G 1,26 llteiary� ca. on board, 'ell ` AS er., C museum or na pa the slilli -as. w ent;4literesitL n caPit, I tional 16111 hold Cin;t, a an 4himself gra VQ .-,Vds I acented Jho clover on the 1 but -for tbe', in as t' Smell It rplus 1"00. LuAla.l.�i p:Vrt the jjon4; . the' boiu.ndjj�y 16111 . 6 t(j tile, Oad at Lr ve i!lae. With,! Trajan New, Rngla�d hills so we - U, ' ­ line 'fl-Awe'en th a �bld d6natructio mid f all -Whether, As. Of, 0](1, Mad Le oil t or, t�e�d ! P L" III s triur'zip''hal March, o' 0 ation 'L Still r'stafiI with, tli� s S Ill g, wa f tb� the n6i . 4. . .1 ` ll -m -on, Str 'Joads sles; I,e$, tie t lat aGodfrey t ttLiJaldng of. M-iisileni, or 4 of of.wIng of world's c6n..L I 'A did, not, f k low., What to (10 Ci4ir a to ,e Inhale the a Substance ave" �Iore`r.hed the 6rAsli, of the white lilids'Of'. Infer W. 'I�a L of gt� 'P Wqt'h arcfilcl, lU $15.t;0 lt.fon� li're6 d. whild'i the 114rpild w n erd Thd,i� 'thoilg1l L I Grey pens io L hich tbe hd'lcebe.rgs,' 01�, re f.6cet e wIth it , . , V10, On' 5h, 'a'way t.11(' T" t'Ok`,from the' u '�UaSted.Anv t d- Oat Aifiie ihai Ahe en, S61d at $9.5Q to $1jo tion n'Scrolls. which, If put-toge o Mo orn toUll)Lerance ^ad �M. Cortes IA. thg,halli.of :Of, new And 11 - : 1IM .1 liat d e.tand VII rD th,by. II4V6 IfL14III ? I arlid'more :exploslv vbea�e"' I ge-'erroiz obsew=ras. More', widely Aeast;�t g 0 inen t4ko II Pr, would 1, MA.. or , vatch the. j �s tb Aar gil nWLdi7p the. roprid 116rsci I.. pans of l9i. mAtt; lia. ioitl v. _,ature of ib In' wea —A be lesc�p�j -�eath'be,:4�al�p6d j . oj Tile. world., iel. With' hihL' JLL prover problein nd PrACtJ 04 1 10 but -cin,tA.- tiv� I gel-bo+j mtroit ly. of: 'morkl,, ther-'stari. or -the lnj� o. and 0, .. ­ red. cloveri tbe ds�­ apel. have kirposes,, I Spot e:9 ., lil` 1, 1 �Vternal ji rurAS, r At 11 'i 111. .9, e, do as b?0bd,'%,d w. e Are many sjlots',,04� asibn Of ',!the, ivri0r?'� :� it asked\, - 0. I a7i, ial WC, 'it' 'te f.9 lit *1 11 1' - Firm' n. tV1 per 0� he be d 'in rnibute ?`but AOw e wl !11, 1, 1' nbe.] tt, ol 39-A iTalfiy �#ien.t Dprodln,oi'A�jjot 0 r A d. eds -bo 7, 8 per The w6r I lit I'Al bel,; 'tImO Y entl ed �cl On I h Is pure-, iamllca' raiiii(Alt ,r fiord dar ..to IP�al� ess Wd e'i whitil till if l:P domestic: Tpe Ihlc rmo, �.1 s W Td lo bn,� n t I ' R �( "1 tOL- pei V4 �r IC) eA;ery, Orowe 101,e.grAce; fewer..rdrtrespes ano: ble I r -for flieSolar I I -t6__dL L th an 7 f UOU affee T'hi-ore . ., L llltu� dba I -ELM :sick po l6r- 'ta� save, 'Oh I atbi �.L!!:��­­J.1�- '-4- ­ -- i0 ;cqIzLnrn of -.tj--- - _I ty -f "'ra es­and�, the -e gur e UOP or, condoilence or, etsation A,rlstot,16 Lnd,Plxtoand� --and-, nau er+' Add. -P art the pit MILIG r aul RIchter7 n ;.re weie :4 1WS sdipuld come. the tells t '.e o e a; anfiouhco�.s tba and 'Hazlift 4o* L �ftchois:':a the f -IlemAll- Li d' it ludd Tal- tile enja .01 �ly, - ' W 'i (le.jmrture, tb leyra'fici- and thew - says Ile, buisi'de. rhirk-iatq;. Burke ,ind�'Edtvard Irv- Pear'. er-atten- Iles 'til -e 9 A. ghA t tjje S' 'Wh1cWsob and a ttoro,lll3 t�h. Ing,, �vbtle� C6 mal �lj lcoepers ",did slvi�ka IN, 0 r ce music, for 'us Ran.�. tAe Iva :e of phe , f es aid—' r6l'uLL It' Ihat., a 'del dead Mein Th prdw d e e, Awriol.-Alozart'a. d MendeP�Ohn%c Sei6X Y' � -st "by rjl� I. allareasd Onle of '-the s what In,, and'' we Watch. C61tinittis Pr, ess - the in ii hit's, been b, rvar s fegacy for. r 4*6 or ilo'I'l er tY. and �all '011,.' foj- tb`, 0. t,stafid '6. 110 IS , Oiled, t s, laind ter *W 6t, er.. af va, e, I see So n 1ja d' of 'E900 0 e, 0 the' b L Off from Insl fulfill! �m bg6llsl lnkho;�, in, ..L.At ther que.ru at or risen. I is by gly It) dolliand I�dtL it tell onj y Paid, over for the,'found4ng,,oe f the' at a9sasIna- 118 'aad, or Anointing and 'foot] tyetl� to sclen'de 'd cutton *hIch'it .'Would- be I;a,,RqyTi' crimei of ff sis I'lle drlihe�,, tha�j Ilea, ng tEeY' may in' his being gard atof* OfL, iorror te lind. the.hand avid -effibraolt-1ell its Woes,' that I tougl. -li9at. Wilk!e Of . . or" . I I And t1kat wr.6 lllr,frkilom', thD at the 1 their pi6tUt'ps. Oh' the bookst: Thank 11'ell o 11��e vd rl e no f hells�war. begln:niji�J were - �'exactlk the erit III over. Ilim." Th4, rei§ur-' 0 ru'ral S An, s 'I Ili- d) "Lq jLP it.,can r%" yi, b more., Go4 or th boo 'k�d` th anyo be 'of t)j e -k ,Of t1l' witli 'blo6 that .9 w-- jl��hprrl eyerj.. ng Itself III !1 ness- at , * or8l. May the Spr . . . V -No. 2 hard,�7q- ch,19 Pkiernai,­1 bl' hemipg� b ei d a of. j6.qjI,31 s 'a 00 er, y, r divine iii-iPirailbil. Oe.:heavens, Pushing Uf theedge. 7: Say! 6 L,) gT lix. �q 45; A e iy project"are the Du A -as Much berlailij, -.Vjs�,o , t ,, 1, e. t broth. Saored let be*.III n a bad 'nen -."'who.: havd, f N f,`f'ig1I No. 3 -lit)"ithern. book 1.4 0 'this Affe e.,o gr- well o, NAM ib'e pbbfIoher,':but' *lost' A: store Fort, isnS,r. -&j w t., tire soinetimes: th figh t in oha 011: O-Usehold gods," but t6 e �VOij an rl ed �t,4 or ion el"ed at. 84a..'abd' to. the one: and 6� atl: W6?Yie:: fhe� auth M( or. T it vi�hlicb: tijefe dwells 'w, P 99 m IF 6 r t p -who setteth, il` 0 from, his kikit-;ifid The. ss as iii our 6�rjj'! 1 't" h only one-� G of 1.6 Sol- r se ,is much Ad"ellne t 6 e6 Itary "Sh H On T Y 19 'Polson 8P in 'J�tOe&.Fort' INI-tilialin -pip,011t.of-It soilae tha�� caused Wou'l-ol, 'that the nietelf-ill' y' ':duI)­.jhd 1'raottiel"; or -parents on the '�AoeTjljjjjj 6 6 l-,. - . . Angel of, or. f e Morl oi- 'roW -but, th ey. fa,11(9 to, c tIV ye rs,,. at fr St. �;eapon-bf a h on- Vfje. '.too Pirloe droI I text take. the 'IA ..Tlie coutit.,fy fi. the! flig --116ff -mar. LuA, is am -encours,-gosjliet-� f-br ]p of pen. -flin nd 1aing uN -rer of. t 10IVn. �'ivlth rom, t1l'ol- 'hq 'hian etu g It Plllejl r e on quote(, o ' armors 'is I..' fa.ttIi,e*,.j;n3,,s t.lfe ngel ile geades WhQ are� CIIMbing thoi ate6ps. -& c Pel�-bnsllel js'.121 shch fol k-r9W 1,6jrd 6 for ete thdt lhk� coxild. tell u 2 Adip bal,i clani On: d L carvers at lass are of tAnniii afid,sfiit d nu lowest -'roffhd f tbe p&dl�jon; ;Mere 'to' go te-II: from. prl ;e ge .01; human "strte skilful more. ;D'rnate any., a-antlidi disciples f oin no: rate a 'ILI be SO 6acted �bift Tioeone 4.1 n 'ed wVar in'the ri tat He"wtis that t,h,l,- 41W obell 00 ever,,.bu, iin- a y ndg,� the ri r rs't keen s blailils for t4 een vltrlol,'.but�:ip� j!f , �t ;:but if or W rom -his.-Inks and' oliiibkly With. f4ar an<! -kroa�t t to. Jfa,vi! I I f: !� hyperr- f Almijjity .17 per. e �old;- bing dis* "Ito �gsbloiiied And -n�aje461encL- t bf* Nvhleli was' InkstaAd-, Qut steads It. 'has- dest�. I&nd -from' a 'fountain' ja noty. 94p es.7,.word. fe ro oeauty to bil, list, salaciousness as dippe7d ',tht '11(juld '�f of destroying T* . I, n ' of-ilqkth'. -but'Lbl�ssdd. b�d'dbd for �k4j (ten -ounce' Ala ry� U, Vhe the. family' record"' Wljis j, L!ujit's-0i h, thik ttit or's .'Ihlwtand-' in a, taI-il, oil Activ-0 eina L It'd cljoico to BX - n' the' 13T%le beftweeb 16000 .'our Bible, 8 live oliol Ll,,,S.foo . .. , i a - on ifid b n urse t �!a of nStudies Iwhlo�fi 'are 'de'dlcat�oi* to ier tra. 1,11nb6 TesidiAents 'not. S 'L'—and ,no 'otl G lifee, t�'d toe rh co s br !,it "f 'I or I - ;, good �ureolntelll- book that "ws 6,,r I in<yn g Of Q1 t9 I out t _sa:�b f -a manIr leaves printed jn�IMJ.4�f (,.I. M t 0 kil I Ijeq'jA in TI)i e,,%,hjg1lq - .-Who iflI ran as �tb, e aller�ftci�nt,yeaii e book;"-. -.vhi h Into'Christ'-ai7d. His djs� ny f a.iIr $5,25*'t Common to pur 'They,\ d Aloses be%��- - I wav-- In - birthday ior mortuark -Ils�rtlon ... a re ;tlxe Inkstands -gan anoj� hnislied"then 'the. tjm� c being 09N�,ofpd tn Several 'ex, ra',, $5 t a s. 'roni out of which will. bo di,j)i5er'. :the re- kvill com6- wheh 4 1. the. I IN* I eaj)p ­� U gokx to Ulloloe er' e $4�75, o', ho -se larke ELfigbIS yin, froin, b e evII pill -Jitik�tand the-, child'diris out 'd n 'Worl ptjQn q -r eity�wjll sto ,rp..N -hnd a A, I.: Vi, r d P' 4114 the lnkli: rits. ary, letters.- that ne,- always - 4no n T-11 red� tiorse - OU.6aima �ollstlil pribes let s.,vis on will With their siv rds seen I '',ze 0VftIlge.IJqatIop W -11I.- have their Inother'of -3 06 Ithe learnifig t6 wilte, And f -or it lly. O'V ci ILIj11-jX­4M -n-rn To y1l, - And tb e black IF, qj)� t6 e of P�r� re dt show, s �on, taken­tfitj - I�tj Or orn, �hqrse '.of famine, and -the o,f'AIpjI:o.- :�Pol n Is the wrinl6ed.,band'Is gradually,fo: n40 t o pale, horse tt. rget ;rRong Ann be' stabledo th� have -been eille(I bOL the of, death' IvIll., U - ata - ting. I'tSL 0��njn e. an jal and teportorl I ePtor -'%q,.4i;T C Ave within recent se Of, 'Prosperity and L peacoi not- The'vi A P d �e Who b .. filth bar' .11. �Bellevvd mounted y. Kink of XI'li. bf­YOU r, own� a i)f tile ri�w I s set 'The, thick 'ink' on the i)rIn'tOls� roller Is 'ht 06 Ostf H 1) d 0 Uft up. th6hies : - g§'. will tll6ug 111ii,st-slifely be'rilistijc- ut lea pe . k -A - ) - it . d 'Seeg5 L 2 1b, , �000 'd ffer.eut froM-'Ahe' Ink ln1b 'Which 'the .'the. great �,,&rlljy with *banners 1), 1 1. I Understand or Write' ojte'rj� -to. tll'e In I h I �an'd .. WrILt d ft, to till Old- un er dlp� -his pen'ah'd, Throilgh, Ahe c6nVicting, , co' 'Comproh(mi-I tliefr, Irlard. ni lfvihLg! , A -letter.. elet6 avj .()f,. i�jljcjl -tag. 't , of linsqed-all'an larripplack and 'of IP th� 'ITteenal I - d made ng' Power 2. Tli r,,Ip Pote'r -john ireTIt. ded 'janctifyi s hern 6an a us, who, I?Irft: . May: a I :.Sk -ontinen't ikwittli1iLm n C, Are Amid the Activities of 'Iffei' and to &Y bo' 111 jj`g or 'burnflig,, Dut'th' 1'14- a March I"n thlit elled f 1-jull4lit 62,000 repor D11,000, :A . m A,Q(J()' once: )a 11§1 bld �for' that r a th HgLtl,, thou, x�. 3. Tjl,(lv It ...whom postal correspO e'dito'rIal and t rIjj.pen§ &re re o, . f It'd It m not ore , -litte -a w Cly-tbe prInter,.v t nM.'fgdalene,4 ll�- VENGEANO-E.OF A G�ft T H .9 ove, sp thatit ye can -manage. They t %Ve�- p -down and Sweep by,- reCtirivol.' Th sales - Ith� inlo roller J' Pon. U BAN�D r a mpressos re. o, 460MIng of the � letter, . Voolertakd no' he - y I fig t,hou angel th� qn 'A POU1610y, IV' t, of New Covenant' IVI)s Ulp fine Allien, -.III 'k+eat thing In life jkritholit Jh�jt a vi 0�. gheets.,' Whetd. Ong Ivj . ..N 0 w 5,000" men, re . ad a ne , tea s�a It 11 pa JOT bit th tht Inkhorn Or the worid'.q" wrapp iold counsel;' "'Young- eople P er, 'evandelisation-,! ' "Tbe Mountal fOr.. actf on., change lis, and -1 od I -.T t1jough ihroll' of.,'�pjnlon Im a:rd-` t. t tlie hills shal break --forth Into a ng- I PT de- Ir di' ...... leg -W1f-b1i;T If 7 7 d Jd*L§h' 1n.,4titn' .0 - Weir .,eo'uns' chfneil -IS, ere�.t`�d amon-- and lid Oj� t rJor �sfiali T 10 first d (4 tile do (hei 66d. 'fie,L t no Illy.4,6ur,jr Ihb n nlider the -re W 11 mAl<e their -last days e 'fifthrant. Ign V, Whic)l ra Ili .0 iMent them by aSt fiv orfj'- Allall nip ; eoi;e lip the, fir,"fre4 di) PI ��;Z r� r1rE'f"- will lie b an'd 'it It I 11P the myrtle tree ha :bd 'to week—t'lle, n y one d a 'far 4 .11)at j 1,00 —neiv �apei� ib�d; th fhr,a -- I -Iast� Ifii , � f),] , . g C..ord *as Called 'bv �Iro,;Ilql Ifle -ei 111.1t, - pLze e, was alw 'rejuvenebe6ki6e, to those. - alloWed to -be t af -.0itl at be 9j reotjyj 4,1 t o 8di a ,ar off:" d—thol1likl: onl ilie ter Imhiu dar' wt print6 Y On Afdh�Ays'and' Chr - istlail hr� bf tile ily journey.* Thurs tbbath,. trie Xot 'until A 1ru iilay,uf it A­J-L�j to Onle c. qorrespondlice Is jiot,, ol.t- thd Judgment 11 Crime. t 4 le week Wol-5 the',first AtL once. day, When tile forees' vil IiAp of 0, beWL* fiffid6d toL The ' ne'w'sijapor, ch a�ejn-"­ At l5j� Srt6l. A&*lZ0.4, Danlel' Alloijojiti C iristlail 100 1. 01 I! Y, '56 flqenced the world, sbail e If 11 11bettious. -..prof� , , I In '-'6verV L pining tvjth the- 0legrilphy b Ar6d eS.4111-9 d6r bettPr, n4id Idifigs or 'all 1ho' nblghjjibr�hoodi. 'Vilt piontIlati't and, an noun ced,,i* ivi 11 1�e kno*n. the, w;jP1 a Sol I'd i2, 100 hal, part .111 slJoAver o,'f the hiodeen ndw8papee, eValige of o IttaellIN our0d, est rovo Ving t fifitle woritf, sto, own rN :4 od leary. is toubed t6 1r> I t9d. printing ofos And qtilck��i fliqb a:Iong] ),LAlv�L (Jad � that lI'A shiii'll, of 0 tKId the b (,m l, I - I I p fir I paper-, for attempting f6"IfluPtler, 61ebttld Wires' can ra * one of Ill.,; the VeCAUSO we'reaa and children' by to .1 'e t.0 SYM th t d work of , the 'bathe it, aside in -proe(,ss.. of N, L- Y Afir hOUrl"And never,see -it AgAjn giladual,.'si; fil- r stanp� A ' ihe lrvatlon.;, TIlo'r ()f 01krist if; .1, ry 30rdolf t;xt Pii.�obd before th* 'We no, of rovoltion; It 1 11.4, y are fiCit to. Judgd'.thdt. tie Are parted woman il'ililod t I Irlic, jvj fit mPrehsloh, *n� Slit, r,ge.j. u , L4S(, vilift Hie ln�horn fl:brn',� its'. in'lludride. No vnIuMe, . ay. is fuund guilty .011 th(i, t'Ohib attentod tjl(� to fiVo In tll,r, T In, 1�ie- , milkes Stich I clift, Nvi.tij kiel's y1slono So let 'thL-' if ngdl -of 111"it [lot ljt.1rq,.liI sat upon th sUjIltr oveA o'its e people as t -dally; n6W§. fal kindness' appear the 'kit at I rs IiV41 ivit t Y it n of And. 06 wIIjIo "th. t the I r rq '(,hLnI'l)I.I lilt the Wd homeatead..� Ot Wfl'&t We put away 6f thkr otljA ermore upon the. 0 for 4ur shelf and once In ro, J 'll the ftWhIlb refer to -that hils as 610's' had been,Avell red 1�lid cztrod fo�, tile lld foeLudo re- A, t. 154fid tro tW4 Uttle, loo�ys wila by, m se %te olilldrolIL' by Ii filridn'ricintal roll i, oil flir! J)art cothmerclat iiian '0, lqkltkn Isf i,rino 'Or. the, to 'arid tbd, �hbur: of yol r db-. �Vbat' the' world: is no.%v olding, dir-�has' weed: s136' .-to Ou� �effare as the y of rhin W, More sulmilt to b�,.tjjctn�(�dlto by, IW 1-11011- or&rs In isterfty has, " -it'd. '"d CrilelfifA, and bur- I n the subji,,ct of s dood.,tre 0 be a day to do AVIth ta Sonal lInAl2,1 there: wilt n YL _day, t dirlb0lidal OrupllX on ; tll(,,' -part of !and that 110'ro,wl again "Accord- t In N6vemb,!j, if' to' 91,'t Whn'yotf dip froin the InIthorn hdh M*6thlng' Wtlj 6rjjnj,h� or rootj t Ire I centittry' prcvlou�g. Th.0 i�jj- I n �, nA I L I Messlige. thtit tfljL� t J)"Ott" X) d -will lh�flllc�coi tem* lnl�jylt rill, ureft. 10 11( oral gin6ers whO the rail trlilns, T a �g(l- eternal �destin e is I'ash of Y., Thf, 'r an re cc IDDr e, Of the, JIVO n. IvIth Illyll IV it nIvns 0oll IV Mini ftaft tuhninglInto wil(T 8pptkjj*t 'PiPtdIS -Wpo now cil tfirnipl to ti. . to 0 W bpil�o r i t )III t. th, �11 IV Wh n6 "0", and *iih a� InUeh fnlo "t ( pan (in the pen Tt ono-flmo, Woo allnOot t to. b" 1) 1 ol -I biRt vi if 4iii ffom the' T. kintv4, *tjoir ed r: oL u n iffe. on tbo*.he"t Utpoot ujdr�q Who, nMv 11111'01! flid. h6.45t$, thol' r umt,"i h!frll n 11 there I sr a. yd�ng:'min,st Hed. fn� blisl. I 4101�1.14 140- IN, -Overn the ratlofis,i,t TIQw , be Lili 11) h6rn8'.,t;I1t:nO%V fl�od, Lila wo!rl a "r. NVUI 0 I(n, �Jtrtkfi. I toe Ft, or ttl 1. 1, ogoods or t 14 or to I (win Ifbrink or to t,A '0116 line at ff�oj 'Wb�t' t rittfi, MItunlr, t t. awo-6M boln, 'n, n till- t fTll hl� life, not, I ' t I I A aat il Isthat fault,* Cliff(]. ln� flat Ink, 8 110 ruh (lilt of 'Pilts, JL!' I * - - St'., 11 no thdr&, arld. It 110 dl�, 6t pn oponoti F)eL "t' ivIlch will e7iabln 111,11 tj)' an i'll, et IyM r sIthe 111r, to" t 56U IS of, the. IIU tit 1ntt ard" die r�sp�hi UpOft bill (leg or Jjj6�� "I b1ol Aw, �h." 'At, nn" tlw t hor iivtor "nearly 'all 0 611W110 ftfl thl'tigq' 1If;,qAI0i` to' the pe4bple,, t 11, th, w -all, horriblt- 4jillt1l, oaen11til �djo to 1c:sr read dc- �,Mtkeil, 4a d �to tA: . , vqjg ol, and, thit orrotlrdd' ewvO-r- tadeloie� do a or, r eiral, d"I I t t tut dDod 06w, th4b to Thx�okh lit by fir6,, lljollhtj Ing 000, be 0 0 -v t a h r r d ----------- ----- -- oe' he In 1P 0 M alre e sp 9 wit co 'M7