Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-04-05, Page 51 • r, .y, • • R >• ,,Dating the; Spring'; and. Summer Months ul 6;4111 be Open every:might for Convenience.of Customers, •1 i*' • der •E �r c'am:e - .$.�.� � ; � ..:, �,� �� �•..:.�...�"...�... w •.�.. .... ast elea�r��, erne, •borne neww� �• � e� , . p 11 • he•.•�.n •frau to acids r d as the values , ,re 'exceptlonall•yr o CARPETS , Y be 'needed, Perhaps a pair or two ofnew Curtain .., may A look our stock: gh • .Henip:Carpet at 1 • c, X5c and 25c. per yard . •Union Car pet at 25, 35, 40 and 50c ' per: yard.' All�wool Carpet at 75, 85, an:d $1,,06 per yar;1!. ;Tapestry Carpet at 35.50°and •75c per yard,'' Best English. Brussels„Carpet at $.1,'4E 01.25 per yd A;lsd.Stair. Carpet in .Hemp:, Union and•. Tapestry. • LACK: - CURTAIN'S Bettervalues have •Bever ; been shown 'nl Lace`, Curtains, in, this. :store than this spring. Th'e whole.secret is that the'V "were.•bouglbt at, the, right time, These:• are prices and q.ualities• to suit' almost any pocketbook or taste, But at ',the' four :.popular prices $1, $1.25, 1.7.) .and,f2.00,`you -will find onr values hard.to beat. r ABOUT EASTER GLOVES • For your Faster Costume.a pair of New Ki,4 • Cloves will be needed Whether l t; be 'a Black Glove or a Colored Glove wanted. , You are likely to ;gets the desired shade and size here.' The •stock compr• ises the best values in. the market to” ,:sell at $1 1,25 p er. pair.. Every pair guaranteed, a • This testimonial" is ` from MESSRS I1 ; CARCILL& SON,- CARCILL •ONT' f wlnmti :'firlint 1121, r eH nry` Cargi71, M P., is the: -=senior member m g fT 1. 1 1':s1n'rF: or Joit ' 13't i~r , C;crtcui.l; '0RT.; 1VI.4.:4o i,.14, 1899: • -• Manufacturers Thar"oid •Ceinent; • THOHOLD, ONT. Dina Sine It"is a pleasure to us 'to inform you that the concrete flbore'• ` 70 z 100 fb,,,A iiichee thick,, put ri "onr, ',bahle , v.,th dour Thorold •Cement r5, ..kr-a.4A :.- a3�•Aa ;% ;.sY.st.:.: a: • mss"i•Lk.,.741„. ipai9D a'ipiu a.(r «..c.,.� .N :• �,�-yc•' T :.. r-.�.:,,.:,. "" .' • • V.V( therefore cheeirfull recoinnnend it to.ani, farmers whohave in view the putting in' of Lenient. floors, err•, etc `; " Yours''truly,' CAnGXLL, SON: Thorold ,Cotnerit is sold. 6y• a • r :TRIOS LAWRENCE.lLUCKMIIOW• - 1Tliickin R Brack 1,ead Bhu 13,31:inS1'owderd Barley, Pot Ilri(k. 13aa,ns • + morns 1;rtoliel A 1;i atit' .. pffo9 tfrctibt)nr• rtnned (N,Yad•b, woos. N:nreolati+' r �rn,tttin'orl .n•)iwn mond•. (otrr, rite. is�the: place to make your'seleotxons in v , GLASS.WARE, C.ROC/EIiIES & P ROVIsIONa 1 'haye;i i Mock t ie f flowing • •ry Dried Apple , *Ut.1eg r' lu,trac^ts• r0ilroliVe. F Oil,. )wet„ "•. 1f sh, anned oil :castor l'ish,dried... ... i)ranges.,. ` in fielote • " Os, Algal ., Gingers' liorii t cili+ i reds` a �obey Pipes fiik PickleTitlito Peetline Licorice, ': - . Peas,oailned l.inle,rnie. ` P+pp ,. T,nntons i 61,11Jfir: • i.awpp , ft9ce' Lard iicex'lon# Ntntehe Vac e, Mince lit out" '41%1 t. tiiit;tt :4alirnt n Nt;tearrtiff.,� '� ieroire% rnrriePowder. w '•Cti:atortl. en`r,n, rretitn` il,rtn.) - ". I,ftra'twcf/1n•e6d 'r'etlp (1/coattii .1 A0101i14, ogsr »• 4l at4:e a ,i y r t, rr p .l, F10Ii,i+ ai�iaays''on Ba • nd' • sada'. Stu/ch is Strawberrie'r:'oanntd Sulihera • Tapioca Tow atneH catiiie .. +> ;< Tea s Tabadeoae• V'etivieei'i Vinrrars' 1vos1il•.car(1 a . vvri his%Cr sfii «yao(rrt}•wat h,• W h iti :i; hirn(w.cetp i tG.st r'nl,rp Ofifrtiex'Se IF v!atFr filltp: 1(711'771 S•<Qf'P: (7477y & p;' • Tenet: 'et ' ++t ++++++++++.: R: HIES CASH SHOE STORE READQU ARTERS FOR ITWEAR. r We have prepared.,, for spring ' trade T. by adding to our stock'• nearly $2000.00 °oaf sCanelectada stock from " the ;best makers in Men's,, Wori"ien'sand Children's fine shoes :we; have, OMB choice goods at r,easonable..prices. . n 'Ia Men's Plow Shoes..•we halve ex tra,' values• at $1, $1.:25,.. $1.3'51, $1.50,.$1.q5 $1.90, :$2.25,' and .$2.75: Call and napect ou`r stock before buying elsewhere. Ordered work at d repairing neatly and, prornptlr done. .MATH ES 4f tt+t++ +•+++,` ( VNNf' 0000 *;NN' Try our Golden Blend Ceylon,Tea Try our English 'idop Tea ° .Try -our- 25c Japan Tea Try our Pickles in .quart jars Try .our Coffee;, Seal Brand Try. out 25c• Coffee' Try our -Paradise, Currants) recleaned Tr-v.-our:Extra-Selected Raisins Try our California Evaporated. Peaches • 'Try our Map►e'Syrupin bottles.; Try our Choice: Prune • WEST E.L\TCI C~ --i oQ • Thati Touches The $pot 1 weak and [r.ju.re Blo��d y Liver and ,Kidneys Diseases•• Female 'Com._ tai nt s• - As1 Druggistor write direct .to 7, M. McLeod; GOiQ8RI073, Ont. > Sold :by Days '& . ,Berry, Lu know.. iuttp A TRIP By TEL` 1Ia : ne ` Of Ste it am�hips a• rL Dominion yr_ 1 � ine of Steat;rls�lps • fivi -- ie, $;T1!i'ti, AO • 2J;ENT"_"Sfr. C A,NEWTON IJortnr' graduate in dentistry, Toronto -'Delta' fr•olleEe't and Doctgr of Dental • Star- r gt+ry,'i'Ardiito University; All modern plane (if of/ ration and' caro(ttl7+aar in elerkmanabip, Oitc:ain All in stiln'c)e;ttpstairs, :o 1�';S.-=Will *felt Zvipley Avery Thursd; •• tteriiao r, .. To PATENT Good Ideas & %nay bo secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD: Oattlmora Mol We have' a large Stock' of Furniture including $edroom Sults ' Parlor Suites .Egtensidt .tables ' Sideboards Hall, Racks • 1n!n Rt0 -�1T1 Q Chairs Hall Chairs Fancy Rockers. fl�indoAr Shades Curtain Poles .• ., oes Picture. Prar es .4 Pictures , Ott_ ud evta1xn a t•s eainMete in even 'tine. �.f EMBALMING .n specialty: Calls atter ded' ;o day' or 'night; ►tate&'nit roq,r'to vwaq ".rxwl