Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-03-29, Page 8VTTWrF%p"W, X � �V�i, _7V 7477%,. Z % "40 7 A f 4 oil -1111111 141111 :7 _7- 7 V *41-'14* 0 01 1 -ilio, X 6 % 4 't 'i ji r,: J _44�4x_,=Q M., SZ, aw;r," . . . . . . . . . . . . F Y ­ X% - 'S TH Johlvl� tall, Italie, George 1'r list, 11 W eo 43 0 -,rjp N: q 0 �T IT..., NY 9 R p ay �and -ratt d 84 Opp �l alco,m; Peter, % to 0 0, T'hu hea "0 a at h heir' -an, h .P. w, pt ,u ilt'4& 61 S .,or nop, -j 46 d fniel li- elit �s( p llUXD KE 1?1�18.- 114,11 00 ,Ito appearance -1-o 0 th ri thay.;You, want 101611(y the W I r! af4tibion has decreed- etalt ta ItJ culture t the Or"t for prin 9 wsoii�'Wm, 1�aibour III, �an -arj� iso" d rnf"rl tf e: Oil 's n. is Z."'' �. il Or uor ut re tile leading st-itl nc stimul lng� ktn( A -met? Msociation.', ion Onen CXf6 -Mr, Ale!,[ Ay 0 :1 V�ill foi-ril .11 feitu'ro of, % sY4 Ion inn -the.� fii�phf and 'To'm -jor a so,ray'.ing, appara 1K. ey of 'Ki U` ta ,eet- tlie, irg6tit.n P T reprep rtbig t ie� V IQ e IV is ove thlit would ring. have 6 n a be,,Ay WWO rit - -. h Y a or W in' r, J o h 6' no. d , isoredit to Ay c ty store. a Ge ati:�itd Fir is- exto am'ong'tb� 1-60iii& Cd. tnerica n im Pe plo:st�ong' Welcome-� en�jl A bf nd!k These Pills- �rti -gporantced to, a' to, every ad yis)t of Hrvey, III d. T 0. our a 9 ej on opening 0A 'wee aim r 'dr, ci$ed: the Coub.611,40 a 41 . . .. . 0. - — . 1. " I If I' f6r pligin � You' view to a . days., st r money back if:y�bu: �re.mot satits-. -The inqAts' elling 'a Ro d Grli.d.e.r� fied. ll that we i1sik i that th� 440es. Th fair ouOU.g o day an ri of ;�oxt week, % Y Machines !Was forth ' , 11 F Call and,- insO tner Soraying: -.them,;oqual to seV6 onsiderat b� th6ir.respee % ec,t oftrAY1., kill fiUA, 6ive' - * L , . % )le c M SMITH. of t6a, h,igA. priced, widely 'On niotlon"bf John a d ti a Remember bsentativo' cDona the name hd. &ice,. 1�60fioaals XcDoba.ld and' D X 7 -Iron F IS box, five.for c d t6':1urtber, consider' 0.00 rp , -before matter'. The,C6undfl then adj9urnotl to meet. liold again on,-Monda May 27,th,'.to y f, ue i ion: 77 a Court o via arid, dnekal:bugi. A LOCHEAR amilton W��tb, h '.T T 7-++#,+ 4 +++++++ enau GEo. G. MompAxi, Clerk., We, ha"ve, _s'tcute'd the a 40 L KNOW ONT "(C of-the'.1tabililton Wat6h + Pa. ll + HUMTAii Com r bavfd.comp ete li, ne'' E RY 0, P -L ING 'K NL robiq an -:Oilkor sprin bliAs of thei;6 OS- ''C�'QVXC]Lt go+ stock.. -The,, 1(amAt6ii in, pany 'he best watcheiI�-on + e,.oxt6d IT ner.,''D Mill" + .-I& e _th, Y­ neil Met "48 journmeilit. 777' COU �per ad* ase, V!.eqk., th ege o 96est of. AU is. B. arrish It e,privil f arit 'on offering *oua, watdi mbers all,pees6rl e o f yp Wore or Y, ome P hDad.and sholders,ibovo,an in 'an TH 1. a. t, *;1L, I k6aId d YQIU �a rice. UKAAY &SA109DRY RPRIL. 4rH-:AKD-'6T0,*' eeti' L �oea d �s fgI 'a d +1 . p pproba e p. g 4ving e Albert oni'Mon ay and"hakp to _pnna the ollowi usInesa "Weis'transacted 9g, I t en T h before 'rettir -but ur ewelry ii iirtment'., -pl% ,ggt a7epid il flOd. .1 e'd kb i i ter iri in Q ovii e riousq&ct 1. , . : , -.1lif -, , 4ic tion, 'fr 0 1D ko E 'WL --w -14 d be , 6 inh6im r6 p6t4i nship of BIL 12 " t foillo'*ea'besidest -'slight cold, Stocked' with thie latest inia' bott, are. d' b' is t was, move Th Fee ;4torms fiaVo Wedding% -au'd- EDgali dmOnt U eIQg1ti&pb':-wiFes in sever7, y.erp ate, �, p-to-dAte W6ve.ties,- .0 -AND'YOUTHS"CLOT 'I N G.- + Uzi seconded by K.eake,Ahat tho damai;id the'T e ;.*hile. in: oiir �epaiiing,branch. tc. + ever e,guara VIE) e _-'k b e allthdrized to hori� and goderich w O+ W e- this 49easw) o an I places-,, twedn'. the b6st irl t'. get fiia# the petj Le ve -besidis doing barm 6 -buildirigs.ond- work. tioij.!, toL, the islati gi 'Partine; ti. and in, notie, have We suc.cee(. e 6tt. asking -L-that'. no chaiii ' U 90 e wind mifil Opt, eY'op withL 'in'section the Muhidi al test Your and �fit madq 61' a d.YQi:tths0i Clothiug'.',,"- 8'eb what we mye. bef46.` ou'. uy-, r bot,91. I n 'y ain t� given im 91 'S. -0. 1897.� kaa�e, vostigs, 0 4 �enhi��%v et Rw y + e t '6 L olbperance peop e, i1eye, - 1 00. most domplictct T, 1 Give us k M AT PAT ERNSiit ints T L. lowing acc& -b`6 -'Th..,, ,Law. oul��Stoc e e. o r TprI.L es M, t, o ee -be.."cbrivine, I 'Pri and. U ve-troug ., .: -large 6ssor Men - vas a,, rence, ngt, fl, - f tied. -.Cin ol�L 'bi 9; Alex e- are right, Creceiv a t, t 0& Ant .R WE a. a.. jr0e' on eac size or 60 cell r eiie cot H AR STROWO + 6. 6. days 'Work oin TO th, gidd linA W 8vill 'aive yqu 86 iwin handed irt his rb: t on J, filgn ay.�40V( Y id lning last.: as- caret 'k A' ation. a er T ired h M conded by,,,:D. M.61DIQuald ,has, 6en, VlSl l"Ir. K -sake' se w, Erwin M.iss.Slitokidton. W.; 00" NNE L.. �thjAjhe- resi.gilation 6f f, +.' f d ' . : - ; . : : . .I .. I . " I , IL , . '. L _ . . . I . . .1 11 %J I . � iond,4 here or a ew, . sys. aid hip. Miss Lbittie, IsiLick. + ateciepted: a dillat� he' be. Pierce + p 7--r-r T of 6�."5% for. lary n&'SuDdles and that Aaron," tze i e ap t6d 1T.,'Plei q is still very sick. I poin C aretaker for, -tb& balariee� of -the �year jA, b mos.- Fierce Who. as. e.eu very a�4 h. und. ti.t._Le gkrile rqtes.�L.q�qied, n ell, ter-ug-Able.-io be..aio' -AoY.qd.'bY_7Kai�­ �iecond6il- by J. e, John Kilpatrick, purchiised 2 )1 Win. Matthow.. Ilk clause No 4 McDonald,: that, iIf khd fedin, TOW t'o P3 'here' RL allowing" Pa i S. ar uu 'or, 0 p re tnd thg: .9 IAA_tg_ -be stroA �o_u ALLe struck. out' 4nd"'the. O'bli4ble toperfot�q. PA wing: lose" t d e follo' r e bo-�'A duty, every;:pers -At the reside'rice h . brid6's father, on 1 Wednepday. M t 0 rp our argain -son or. Y'& sil -han of 'Toronto,. to'Katie We w, Id" draw tentioli. to B' alile -b Mr.,Jaines 20th Rev. A.: gap'Xav, ei&�. in pei fficient and Alvin Stitut 'WALL 'PAPER 04 our, at daughiet'O Mr tebte Xurdooh,i6f ''Ood -*h in1is stead to. at- -he r. 0 - W' i 11 libl, -a i.46re al ihe,- olesale I now, The 90aso J t 'here this we6k ap d 4t.1h f. ii is a nios �tend line 04inted. W i a ­�nth', and W6 re rea'd Mellis Gaiteir o an s uttdh o0ts �1, t. at such�ti app tbox—MoDiDiALD At'the". residdloo of tbb We f bb er on w6dueNdayVA ch for To� io�r price, sum as, thQ.pathma�ter iig/tfie Mr., John Alexander 'thoSe' to -by by ReN McKaYjL NVE ay periog *pp6rst etc.'' Call. d sUituit itatute,.Iabor bf -the v Cox to Sarah. -if daughter of Bodis'. S'll 11, 'see if-th6kolg a`flytLh.'jng ..you an 0" do tis spri��, r.Saiiniel'Me nald'all,of,Hinl s' D'd. so. *e I ehavor y u wehave so., m".eo -,tools,iffid imple- and there with, such' Wain, 1n to atisfy 0 a e ti g to �g W-' hdve-Jusf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . be -6: t, b IR Of t '8_1311thmastbr­f6i Ue me e ev AI/G 'Hart -is, koll. [of papdrs an. fbi O bpy totw�iik.t The owner of a,w4goh. I, elsowliete. Y,()U: wolf to lia,tite our H 'todled L Ulan. t6t. -dr'e "the same 0:prices, are the ' Dthm'!-:' ete and: th ��Sunday Soho ;JSM afi&,ealn of horses accompanied by'an t 1 Aiid bl�os. with 0 v I ses 111'31hara6h)#4?a q '96if i , a: go d.tg�a 'ei, 1�ox -that, w�ilf%old p�v 1, tbonsigteiitvith qtita il E 00" 046"o not ess than. odeL yard Of. -gravel -or 'wHEK RiGAT ERVICE49. 4 1 � . L 1 e, agu. With! imp einen .. 9thek t that "'be XohdaY 8 P-51--IJ6 .10C i A bo diroct4d'to. it�ay bolpoi;sessed ii i -7 anALT, L C 0 �1 13.81.10 LUCKH,0W' brii Ivalen wo P igi, Shall, be, eqi t1q, 't Mali" N one.haff day's Of 'one', TI PROF D r.NW'EN J.N Fit MOUS of, ill e' OIjg:' '.a, TH Eight houeg diligent Wbrk'. (exclusive t, 61; TOAPNTO rnin-A! '�'. G0613S'.. ARTIST e m g i an Coming 0'' -SVNDA�Y. 5 H R A 'By �w work -1 R v thing Pr1ayer at' 7 p. In, was passed appol tilig�,:PqhmaStOLV COM klter3t thira\'Sunaay in tte moih §..d,,y [ 1 strid 'South .8* potiridkeepers and fe6de at Si chool:qdrvidol at �P p.m. in place of ense ruc NllornW P WINGHAM. ONT. follows: 101 ommutworl fitst. un(illy Of eliery, 0 T ' Shop V�eep6rs . .1 ' - t 6 ..; r K rincipa Y4 41.,k;- HOUSI!, 41y� 0, Bible., Oluaq and &hoiropkaotie' Wed and d1i 6thbms4fiterested pogitj�elk giVo in, t O� Wi' Sep Tavl­or I)g I'' in itirvis, 'Geo. applicitiori tot Moomso fori. tbe Aale of a full cou6se, Of GIVPS TitAT Thos gelDon 'I W Liquor,- in, the. Mcons6 Diiitrlot of .80 th C NO "A -1�jcjjlt6sh, -4olYn -Crltio, Abbott Ta bu t le 04 6 4 - orcourt firse day f1i"Ally n�kej -will be receivLd )jy TRAI �A jor, Geb, Rossjr-, Donald John thi� hTING I ighei tit) to t,d:, of Ladipi" ti.hd onderd �4 rh 0 Wit, Kennedy, 6� Afurray,., Robert Phil- A�boiirt-6f Reviiiiou to enttirfaln"�nd 16, PracAvithtnetiq, Eirst" Day: Aprib 1.9 lot, JA'n 'termine-thoappetils from the rittepayers St. 'In lip'tt-kiatrlek. Gij! $h rtbd id, b6niniorelal, siding, ozi thii, eaqt bi(l--, of �Hovtjldcic. street, App'ioant,,; w 1118,A, rt -styles, Fit J., d peftman Alpi 0 1, len'gth, all (1, to 911 all %N001 0Y namt.9 of. t goOff whe*n MaltlnZ' I lore, Be ur6 to V j g'11 t, �5,hok 11,00, 4 t beld at il tel Rn (I See 'hj a :,Buoh applic 'on, will bo %,ny Applibati6n from .6, 1 on'len to' 'earn their 'Al x-06X0,67'Ie 0eo Nfpponal . d DbrLI. 'haniber, tucknow, at r yo# ng, wen a I 'ge I - 'party- under the.Aot.orfo not livii;g4 'Putbiday, the y o Mti yl)u ivh�t the `�st ald, UoX inh' n, Johri. Cr6bam, Et- Nd d, f -ApTH 00 1 how cengvv� mu4 be, Accom, n I 0 preimisk not ' . % Mardli "ith, 101. -a cortificate �,qigned by a majority of 'to, v ht an 6foodon of the 0k ki" I Lockhait, Atex -AleXerizie, Rode. e ;�JJL Ajor ag Epll�ain Ta*ylon, Willia"In, L As8elr-A1)1,'v in the 'pplling uI4 Olt Iv 11 all' iviljoh tjlu, prelp§eq in,t, are onn, e Tj OtIe4bied For TItustrtc Oirc'1114�a -ainio other Villago-Matet olei norMation, Y call or ad(jrem 4>L ' . ' 'I, (lent Wh I n said roll i Intl I'd I Vision, n 0 following. are the matket,q�iota- 'Ia d, Itobi kdGilliva 01 ri r'y a'& o L' w` Ont DA Y, A Nf�t,�bl 11th".11jolt. W ':Renry A Me n.6ns �Or ton, ti '64c to 64o P 11,1, Conlby, A ex e620 to 0c, Ufthtb t4b6l young' to ta#d maluo 9! eollgh dild by ftrdd i5t et6tip, Ivildop Langfor ar ey whooping, doug It', MILP, Onn ih�y. Istotithd It, Ot, THURSDAY 6t A vA —7-777=7