Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-03-29, Page 301911al I; . . I � . .. . , I . � z � 11 � , I I I . T'14T I . . V ul!tw At ( d 6 'ft U 1 t I eX bill Pt, a a ot,417 0 "M Ir K q a on Ing ra loal; 'tilt, Ire, + '117 love Afra Z0.1upwT, He was, watching liell "Woopin . ah4- you by olwanpo, u he saw tb4t a saat. her, ea' �poltenitof me to,your s(?,,,-.. as ".e".. ATH �PNO,$ -01F C90kNENTAL C )TAIW. .'.. i -. h&Ve, had him W - - chance that a p, - y th PP RY, Aye TO AC?A an, she would h ! im pit, JC6, li� ;o, w, only no Oawi, tooi 9r, ha 9,,Ocar I L .., I t !;-1 ha i alone and tie 4" iiL�;.wte'rillig - Irl tier falie".4 ZI(InO4 fanbl6d that; ce I 'Zu ,gjpqi�og oilt ov, e. es J, t, �, A �111 1, .. ; + loll -Offlo$ I' 4PW MI'L 'Nl� n'to Ill UIS 'te %41rtga' T d. �Inv.pdbl in 0 .11161111 wmo Ing; Cir .1n�aJQbtq qrawlng 0 TUat giriAs, WR o j rticul%lily," U b a, P ot, oup �k4ln PU r,.,S'a lip: dc,� ,I a pa 1 1 1 �She: ha iow .4�7-showa­ him into "Wean deg W -r A Man' 7 �lig mim are, seldQlal Og� '110t *61 �so:--Tfl _P I' , br-1,Wlillat CL, -doss. Ailsd 0 ere I,e., ka ll� cr!444. _ 1 LhdY Perin I would.. not have- 'liao at*r for ;alkw* did. i _,ttlm, P ite a Yt gham sM fpd, it., � 11yo, I . i... hillig'in, tile Wo�jd­'o toqragii fr6rh 111g,allonco, -'11761fendell ls.rlot A". goasip"i! shd lie - P, P&q -japtliling to galp by� a ), suld, " �'I, 1high t 4narked faqt, I be]Wve he,hi, genet- bc P- hav - b my.'way, theke,but. TI -the Woman. rthe present, nevorth-eleim It er;q.� She'and, Fr a of eDw pition it' 4what olinguine'dLspo are rott­ y- a -Y 4 w1riationj 46dill lie id -"let me in t to, f anoiber's' Wolfendeit. I Wh;: as lip V4W dMr. $abiri, lit UW�moomeill tly at one 44dQd 'mp �y xkryi, Intense 1, 46 lot Ask yo4,',tl Is witliq4 10: 1, PoSe, Into an. eni�pty room b.the go t I t ry ula I pop. rvai .0ve- a 'La'dy i]Qerinl be Immense. The it. of w1wirlo. lie inqulrco�- for takeg-1 shQ I I bowed I I jLrema ad,. "' ier head: oor was Odilicely be ore'�L am' lit (19 our4ge ;iL 4r. Sabin, l3lit tlI6VL at, to: clisc U 114 roan had a, 3ZIglit to ask her nt iliar Sound re cry po'Arms. wquld k,rig, row tile om, f row a 'istan ' r Vcq -tier"' arpod hlm,- thav lie han 'such �gllght. fiitdrs.: k. Vie- Rh ne� pea Ing c 'PYOR'are, still �'Q I ha.0o' that JL19' i at 1, may'. not -be f or, wySelf - Stop[ xI 8bort, and eolricoX ed. ""I defy 'discouragefiknt.;­'14� hirp nitog., You ar sho a "I I - ways. Jobkea'fixOdly- ptery A tic, e tb had h0poed'Al ure..Wl;0 Vhite fingers wpro prll 90 suppo,b,..4 a *ai4lt tilt iof against It. I loire you ' pl6tter.of grd at �tho. old days to t a US11 lat 191 n a typewriter. , lyt- Rotondo tl Mpi. ag.over the kill a mos are Ing very famil.pLr a] ariny.. would UP; XL W rn'you that:. I am yw -96nieth eart -dr to'be Shtaken off.' -a swere LASSO ik IoN no .. 6. . IS puryo.of Iiqr rieuk liijkt- tile he ArD vas, very -rapidly drajvft me' to,ov r lie re tp)tide It s t wa -back You. are. of tier, broWn 'Itair; tier ot "t IS A' good jawlillde:Aariat' 00sts' I to It. lind,tho About; rom WOW did 0orda pQ I or ��Slmple u bord once, can :y01l lilm, nd She la6t turn erland Ili oo t�ie�ty-fl 166 estI lify e 4. all ength for, ibiful, maw, but how as p 4D t6d� tile]. ight�,,joo - tiverity-flyp dollax d, is' ake-�tha 166iio: in ''for an, -is and mk� y b mop expensive round. He- w Ra stirp of himself and theo e I Bliall car _ho W, li.� )Ught, L -%i to' 1� pe to move', " p a cap his love. Tiply, she the rld ow t6, the 1, . , , - Do, leave me som if it, erei bra;OeKL you:. to e3i:act, So tre� said, vNIPII9ut p:plgafettes," Ole this �ws ho '.Indifferent 'wit,14 thebist, -grace a'man�, r2e f.af�ten tild. end back ofeL ordmay tbeL give u inwJen 9, cefirtlug. he.rJiead- This is 60 r L _his co eea'o le loft chotus'of -kll lj� of �,fq iie SlloWri In fig - How e hJ& reifth; it w( ... L ollatis work. nf hok whose life hap li,' it th' r�' her heart beal to liLm, � for, tile Whoir tile i Is o -can' �Iie felt b quick"Y'. under. dl�sdppoiqtihorlts. No!. I have retired = n , I offer," Mr. Sabin: saW palm-, frightfully moilot dence hrille 0 UrQ inding 1plet -to ly. .-what Qermhhy 'desire". More 161.6 is V�rc for forty to fifty 'iee and ed put the ond (B) through the'100P its Sheath of'drooping black f to' in the" mine, IS, !low 'Jig from than anyth aily -doll't.. know Ivolfendeft groat ktage;. Ing 'eW in y,­foj' a 'b�gl Oil YL a p, ve upixtion, Or .0 and.lpti'll tile end (A.) 'tilitil 1116 the 1 "si , opq ie, feturrig ar. Liid. It lid�, 'taken cred, do quiet- alwhys; you knowi. arld4n a..rfilld way­,� ha . adle. There is Pe'rll&PS I no .0 nd ll�Lve prithrel: o to, E ngh nAw "'I aim' giving you," "silo adl -1c I d:6 ' y dIs;a;Jiij:oear­­' hein tp. lie, ci e exclalmed"' an'co yet ..,knowt 'I was In connection, v&rii laso,- Nil tit It 33t beneath C to., li�e my -d wolf ly; 1!no,hope. ReMerilrbock" ttlt'. but' :1 1. t�turjlbd to the literary. umbi-' sit hr, VS, ore trfec�. Blanche!" oill. heo cut of 9 UM Wa Onto go 11W&�."' t1n Is, ition -thah'id tl ti Wit !doing h Oo�pot . rit. y, ad ion d (A and -the endlesig - ie is le, me was. Y,,W at ere 'ie -hope which: Ver tong' b%_ the li;e", that ac,,tly. Oilited "to- olie, Oedi �lto Iler, plete.'.1n orUer to &lVeJLtlie rope rift, P Ica part of lie So,it6 I -Mlj;ht ask you lie. -said griLvelj; Spe tfie�,fdvoii whloh�-*6u -lildlY op, caniv to. sq�- L unfitted 4noth-�.r,` and With bW Otilloo,thly-covei tlie'lo� _rcfUSed­t ali,? 110' -ga�tilm� "d- MAW -7 bt -0 Sho,Stood',.Up e* frotai h6r e from that prorn',e - to.grant m6... own! at. . �y h ttfier%: in the"I Tes; bell fA 66; - parti,cu"I aTo" 0 rope AbetratorY of Allison, -ii In figure 4. -new S r %�# at.' I' comnit�hco;d the. worki �'L: Ste� bu. ind0lfiaIA6. Softening Which �seems. to "If Vou, lo6og half:liis eff1QIel]ia eret. show e -m Se,L etal w1itide'ropes are I moved oti�llnk,by linIC-1- Y have nq>t, QoMo' fD ;k( per,.rade at the.moinent',o, f y , ioldingL grateful Xfeej I�War& 'f ort6. in'this &ftjow� Sugg. r aurlpil'un asi look d otind. for Some alt,�Vo--,weeks d, whforged i9ei. cha n. may gr�y, - *6marr's very:-person4Ilty.':He ficsitatet'60Lok at -y -les. of rope, a .14 t seloot taleonb md elielv ar grease exaggeration, ithypower t b e c d with muttAIA' lw4thou . had not. Jeast it e hat you afth6u o. grqn %v, U61i Booraiii, t - t fidsel ood' or �r6iidffrfqlly Ilap gh be`.Iiad In 1 V 'Two hat; ork :the Wlt:to keep it,to.li If,,: Ills StIck'' and' ed to -h4n' a I to, makb them pliable were hero," lie assured he py., k Nv Ynld; be tile e I toted wl I me He was iground'will not Improve-, in r '.Ilf�thne. Witt riclotliRsUnto d Hot- face luird�tied* till i . I � I W6= need' not fmiv he whi�pered, Azod,steadfl)St[ into tile fire. U ilh& of Aliodtilr"mp, apensive -tot. LIS wo�ial d -and A,,Ilnqp. or hemt� rop6,, bUt..Lthe re.- enough: nohas bi�on a Ii b sa no to the dderflY I would strongly. advla a or ot, loe. ntha 1:01lail - 6 minutes Alton; frh,, IL . . go aivay. ;,go,od ingso. It ig,rbugh', my, dbiir be you .v'ou I (I ca OdUlde they lidard tile, soulid'of M�J. -with -air of man, . lititsit -fra*s 'too er, ot es onl�, bet line I ij6,th sUpI daeful-4here you ang -up 2 ail Shake to come d known. bin's stick. ach 4' himself, -from- la-b6i'tin�.leas- even if You li d t inekited'wItIth i $Iie. lelined. towards et t,e,,, t,� jgler%is one,; thlrik':� of It, a noi why. f L 6xper IT, When ]not 7 an ain, 6 tlidqglit, fie looke�, up- noose. Shown in or 1� off j.6ur dcpi461on- Thlb" hole and is'no't'L,.' to .. r lo . n you sljould;ijay. that I an S�lie' s aii d,; to-iles I-Vith it Sial e lipifeco le 'ab. fig- -01 Very, pen6tratin g -t to time you very br Ided ei art of, throwing.- ii., ]aria, arn �'Ltnen: t cah- - or w1hic)l Wei: have w6rk6d At itire Th ri tell him. am rItIng. a lAls heart g1tte a: great leap,, - but 'Sevel d even 'cot- not, b6o, reduced to. rule' No, twd "Oh know what endid 11ope, on, he -e�6ntrcljl�d � himself. 'Iz -critical,papor oil of th6 Juto'a: AV' isyou 'P6 do It, idike. 8bb did, riot look. ill). there wa§' iio th ra,D away I M y ton' tM or rs. e -uropean- I 'had.. te"li 'lie- wiU, say4'that eery v tuaw4ing.L llr6 ithualasill'i nlco:rooms, ad, introdileil to Ili. C., L a d clothesline. Go Will of er YOU foe, Paw 'how, much was �rm.t.ted, to World for a .1, you 'dark CQJ came 'ir�tb her,' him lie' ceme to, have evexi letters'of n farL mdb�, it f0i 01 ' idn't, evj4fi L.leave At fa 61) 1 L 4 of I t1i ROMP, ,mgke � a, -very n(J.:. �yotli k0due he gave me a ri-cat,deal of valuable. It :10' ljr.a4tice.� He will. be 4ulfe �61ieekl,; anf] faded *a*ay. Mi., Sabin . . , I ill. I.? L. W Int Pei c anse for her, I W message for -oil ell,% never orL' two sho". a str , I t V d There one 9how you..Jlow,heo.�thro'W4 he -'d Itei �yV.U,'1U1kPJV, W11YJ V -but Wh that.he dido; but, tMk Iler'faCfe Wd stra d' all ross DIS SZYle at,.. villay,"', she Said W' tit oa �womon ately each 0 r, -and'. n le, couri�e: n6xt. co .0 you wee scircely tlea h irec. 1W. hands; her, lips touched L le two,folloWing. str&-nds :T e froifi,thb very L lijul rh 't L he' nientl6ned -your lills- tain �toL be entire y d 'a. Iffbient; tl,* looklng� at' 'llim, It over U Lord "Wolfend o,. 56' uaoful:� i C4 1 liad;khis6d Cior.dInt, slio*rkI in IF gure aad.WcO e' 'ter * h row lo'batitMr-ItAm6 aa,behig �tfibgj6atbst lI.V;' 'four fl d I d Qu''ar .1. I -lei �Istbod. 4way. from )lei,. breathless. pp- t 'H L. L' . O -P, the inq a 'is: 6 here"': moTep,. o. i'Le b Ill qV0111 actor.;4 'Bab it' I + e I 41d not-:­roply than- Vc 6ft.e just, dead bed.: 'with the 6xcitement. of 'tit ing.'iiuthority� � upon, 1lidge ly` at, one, Ill 6 perl. U JUUL trtotiall- F- did., not rep 'I- wa)s boxrnd'to� look for L thouglit. It. would perhas, se ell w livery; but It aa knolir, is., n - 9- iting.-, Ill, 'L ' scriptlo I 'QMJ give of hotlfip�s, tlie,g wonlo��nieiit ith w474 ese IW. J- h- tit I b- gg. I I k re- -ifeed �,c6rdihg,. Arrange tb r it -zist Six TWO 1146W . thil- -be vise, I-fianclod,; 'too;-'-�,o kt,­bOL 11 1 -- I L alLshe.7lidd th thi othedriuking of strorik . ........ on iwuen hbo Sloe -hia. orte.. was grliiq ..anrl P ud.',' under Insect ifir6w. ng. - J got -this one. st nwind t6 �16r own �heek nderi6PQ -Il6 silent'. There things In Scarlet.,; outside iiiest, dy 1)00ftg� c6rifiectidii the �.Souxld, Of Al V. NJth this.'i0tich he, Scarce was e"r more 'bx cer in. Ils t ;pl fleleno," he said, 'jy -under4tood, Sh. wat6bed 'lilm' witli. Sabln's".6tick gr d more fidnly Strdrige;:* :phe was b'a:*ftd scarcely -Wll1tcL k wprliti; there with,�: ,. r by tlubt 'you ..have� Allotired yourself:to a"thocking: smile plati'lig � tier 1pg--� distind:C; she.sinbothed--lier toL laugli o, e we 'love4nakift'g the -lips ''A too of it seriously of a good deal harder,. it his side- 'If h t' eastill.she murriluivd, here is. h po�lflve fear, v�as' lit her-,eyps. TI re., 'L L OlUie near, Ills ef. tilitt"', young Man P� inust' confess -AtiLlid Slid F[flif, "'Why y6ii-are he' 4rank 'bordiaky, the ia�b� ger' LhL V1114, lit c6nne sN,_0 th'ht,to remember al%vA-yst' ry would' Shoot that ctibn nes with, Whicili she libLd welcomed ber.: w y�ou- woii1d ia7e, 3ocUrred world In:'Wdch, I to have thought "r - iwas gone.. it, XNIV� r V1.9ito Zhii` looked at 11101' tion Of ecIng srou.; ..r -,wit I ri tI .T nev�e -arns V! too L I s;Alie old 'nilstrudV was t dre t night asked i6iokly. iijkbt ti am e ra stress. o my �owji t- 4'W Ily 7?V, lie A Handful, ,; * sIles. oi-n Once mor'd be:wds't ie man V. She, sbrugg*ed J u ders outside, '6he: Said' coldly. ter. sbo V to -be foa�red'and dre . aded abovl� all there .,in an - antoroonlo a t Tit. 1CVWite.%,3 of iiLg.,f I be blIld 7 --not: IgIV elt II@C4r0q1y FL tchi n g alof '"�nt;ended to n - 16� Ili*, er. di I tj room, gazing steadfastly ^t it 'tioralit, 'd t1-wvre:-- one -it toge, ior. Ile. was -wdtcliin 9 ]let Nlr.-, gined, She.. ef- It is nly necessary,L he sai to, Lord �Voltiinderi- hould not have, I m. nairowly, and: slie'niddo. brave 1, were -top say that . 1, -Iri4 said; "that Iff, SLbln,.woUld'hivP c 0 SpotL: it. zing fire before her. for to 139.7� Ili 47the oom, f or. led of grii;y ashes rbgzijn ter bomposur Ji-IJI&I yuf or me d there r little PIILL "t t6n4i vo marry h matrwelh, 'But do She Said,. 'about � en, m utes, * All (io tthat reliir�ined­of' the sea y I -IS, '14 need' to., garry,-. an"VIJILI I ig. ay Shand .,a a., at anb-� 'all d'-ditro' to' Inter- "1 (10 no"k, bw;�7W "i� lie Should not," led packet hesitatingly;,011t1lat'. my-,Iiu W I UULt. on hand, fhave. litch she li'&& plac6d vvithin the-zlitArs it I'-a-very-painf that. Alod6ndep htild, ".'I consider ver ere T fat, ail Jectfor all ol should be teresting le�jT;. Pl,dCe I f! us,btit Wwfear that Ills 6. 13 .61ily:a few Rocoffils. ago.: Ei4to-watefied..' great invalid a V mwill ser� e 1 nii3 yoU. am tip mind IN: not - y It',liSed to 1 0 th at ''tb6� ZA ; i y some' r ogrow s ial le:,Aehai�. hav tes." gh -to I t, go ng to. She o§mlled 'updn to 1 r P eCe went, -flutter' I �Idisemw th 1 0 matter at - 'all kng tip le, rf6ver been thesamp man since that, our' It n, -You muSt choly siil you yes tiCa:IL bro�, nghtIs -�-Dek.lnghaw snly should not 1 C.11i rn�6y. A gentle, yet meta; o e her 11pa., A� oro -of h. h6bb Mr t� - Z If wor&-'At "all Iden With litm ;Would oil slntt1i Ciro with t 0 M tliwt' I probabi d' not., Of "You 'seen; Lin ly, coulti. but: I slibiri fe t Amit kn6w good ,deal chapter of. her life was. floating away. -not,. b6 at �.ill reliable for refereii66Y* any - ar lovio. as yo.:..'. lj�g peop 0 conce.,Vc I must t, fidu 9,o, 4N toli. markid qul abolit I tendon. ret h jittlb-trerablingstrips "N6t�all t fie;assent- have tha, 9, lair"dady.: hope-. iter titan v, n of that, 'etly., me. What' It Lid slow y. -a..-mompn' n, -odd light, dlen,med, Jessly,destroy6d'; hei" �dlslntogra- 1.1, k,," n6tfilng. ]But t I �n' bjolight"L La4y- Dering ra In. her, Oyoa She wa� very, Palo. Wolf-- Slortsb -of free,. Inatd. 'Some ',virould b very usef6l' to ..a' m an or i eyebrows. ove a i f lls'�ace alid his towai,dp lipt. d&M heii There, w rL subtle -the tilAn, a kind iwd bla' collntrY:.� ell,.;Ahat has y Y, 9 Many mo -the majorltvi".of colirse, worse- the tone of, w thini; worth earsi et it' As oply tile follyI4 of 'a TO a girl,'-tli6. Story of. little foolish.. tion, hiCh I Walli iormi y; per laps e ny part1cular,'Inf9r' a- ven'the gori6 wroxiM wit I you You don't I( f a 'threat'; 116.'ju t iLys,'veteined to me. it. )ok concoinsI thetp, note of "Lutl' dyting- for. 1. .6 ed;, th (�I.an� shw3oNv...o, of -tllb meW hbti�d �.x ha fancied, - effecV, afid'followed., it, Some up. f withdrew tier a from ter tlelshipe., It would. Rave,hri-Immohoe liaean..*hai I'gay, Clon6taiy -1k Of thdt Same ace, 'to d cot -tL#.'the..Ircfn, ars",could:'-have tin I amouti.t; of timb to get tbist succinctly,.,, bloot or you .'wo.t�l 0,.,Lady �rtot'a 'he declared. ­"'l R.W - not asking' You She Ib-oked*aWay.frorn hill '!There ii; nothittg;wrong `,t )tit 'mq*," s i, still agi- Ming..." ,Ctingle njo� t t d a .ke hero to�tday.'! v 'you , have' ypur full lie -is 60 an'who -hAd',eV2r -for' a e great' hIng went lxa�d cause to ictir6hell lidrself Aare of 'woma.U'S wl ho an'seTed,-' you 'call More,, :11"e're '.-are. diffic-ultibs," round In 'It& Seat, a * : . . "-,!-genM �-ar�Ango liusbad- t v a' me, love my coun ry.an my Mirre as tier' fingers, fl6NV;Ovcr 4 t oon resuffid h os �a n ex'raordinary i&a- as t6w the -av sbmo reasona 4e. -aild, i6y 'order. f: I -do ,suggest' A *a-youraj 1p" . - ablri 'ad married so many ye rs t �`not t. The doo.r bivned, value 6t*.his'.owrt'x'rsedr6hes,,ihd�h6�is' 1pd these, all�ongroosslkl y? If. titirik Jt,SoL (jaSi. I -tel I I ontered. Re leaned on Ills Stick; stand­� as.of t those days Slid king. solf � . . th y r territewb6r. am a tWoi ail; and slidiftited.byll.fe, -lost someone t1idt lie novOr'leaves, ieT in. tig. on the: t as alre-.sat the're , -,valtIng for the sh'ould bieak'in'and ateal big papers., You' am yo * ung,;, keenlY'at 'both of tlwtn. i caller, wlioge'generOgity -had. set. her 'Ild ot ille, 4 licit 'pretend 'to ,He "ust be lrlo,46�6 leas tn tre, n`UI ',and' mpoo f fli6rd,4 and thts'-r000nt, is-1too closely 8y, - forc I . I if be gapabld, oftly:,'of IL rep d ea r Lor (len,11. pa -1�� 16 a me-- o your anecatofs will..Illig. you fir -here. C6.11,0.dnd join. lir, in imQvement 'of fee RIGWGRADE I-pGgatictilly, -!'tlils S 'tile worst f preolsolY.fobr o'clock c waq g6arded f4 a to ta e you ere In, 11, th AWNAY", YOUL'arel a. woman, arid the *31iow.; the -60c)ound of. t -B5 i.�. never, coolly. tile Iiiand out his knoVVlQdge. way hm C" in tile hail' 'With s to and 6ne. of, t1id;k'deparS a4 Dorlhgham oing _to' )Uake Itself relto!o lie rLdde(I;'169kliig, ill ther ronill lvc tere just,g 'fl a V' r.,: 'tb her forell6a . arld 'Rat 'thinking -ationed outsido;,'� d --------- st igeowipg. el1rnUttless be lit , he Mr,. birf -r 'thong ohdv6 61ir coffee oga" lie, Aon;. ve lie wit 'or ittc -d L 'After it] N T infinii),ce 6f loifellil Lady Dori '.and gr�et- all --6 wilder&d her4- WhitteNV oSl. A -4ex, a na hbrtb� ty'­ have rlty't cy,cro�sed't'h little hall, M34. _ Nlf. leanL the Ijve. h dd him grael What! coul&�ohc say? it 'he C:EY you I f r6m JI( upon Ills ring- lattily en4eil;cll the', dlifing-N)oIll, Ilelexie:was U"Ohderful stick: for Mo. wag not. -the' old rear' of am., h mid, ",that- the woman is vvilling. 1, .0 riiiiiing her .cot rep ZAP] v 6 1 'him t!ler Ntl it,- and then bent tow 0 Lady Was ?-,reep roiio er Attlit !9, AbsblUtely,"P`Ufe-�'. I:dD n6t undefstaxid-what it all'tire'ans., Ia :him: 10.11 110.1h 14. an eli,� el I Or nr. siie- qlc6nie to aLn' iI -0p, allp )I U-:)Ef 11Q,,tyliLs -1s Wink" BLA' MIXED. -watOjng el('Sely,� Up'Ifee aie or- weritips, Aing I slit) dedlxed. T lor rotim. a trng- d 11 L this 1, VIP r. I cant'; CK, `GREIE.N.,.� -first tit tre.wo thd lie 'erried him 'r. sfi'bi it tthe nei in a1Irbd,L . , . , I . :, ed thinit' belitri 1-a qjI er C� in, r -(-a ailly beauty, paiit fromits dlstlne�ly witildlit lny of Ills lisul , 11 . '11) N I m poiVbtCesS. I will rf nuiric, I .6f 0 . 6 u ti arli tal 0'ss- lie di d 'not, -n . lie "I burnt y -let ;Tf t1illiking twtlfa Adm*rdl's- libra,rS*, woniA Sa if ell -W190, waO not the nilaii.to be in P rS undel-sti'lild r -i eonlo,t6 teal, Ito -eame-A' -Aittle upon PROFIt IN,A)MVIZICS. VA I RMS. Me )III ild, to it; or to.undo Its'Signif I- of!thwe Nv tillin lie otool up.. da� heii I Cod" k bu8band's wo�k; ho,, in fact fqr -titerill wn§ '110 fi)l't tilat j)n. the'eVeL eof� *to- nnotin �you d t 1411 6S ills. -y pt ustick, illo dull greoll: 'Stone -of NeW. Zedand 'is Entering :Uinoon th the vfi� irposti whi6h -sotllethiut� Rpriollm for; hifil t6 U> title-<- one Jdel !11 0 tak,6 WhIch fltshed brightly"In iylo,firo-� itidustr.Y-on a Large Scale. lOny�yesterday my s6n� began. t uld slirylv, ell] - 110 16oked'al.. her right, yet 116,11 gilt. W. 11killseIr Ilk(; ,�ravc 111aft Otto used "I arn begliming to ditrive I amd'liat6rest id, i ' h i c sathd 11111tig.' ]I niot 0( . 'of korti0w,'I'de 01, Ile Showell It() Signs 6fL lie, '10, - mOrnin'g, lie' spent. lielp twelItl 11111111t,N4 a 'fies, f The wh6fe of thig- . me," Ito said slo lid w6uld ilo In reve lie gaid, th' will I(! It into Into tha in�, which, -foi. it considei%able tlwe.� t roduil i t I NVI novelist,,; are Wro' fbIlowed Ili. dalffornia, lielpng him reilly he studying hs, now bedix. (I' the'L n gilt, and ill see oil rr,ir �pofsoi "L w be o try, a. glass of this L.609i at my for Ile ag nl�t r I fliat, lid tfou I into, NOV: Zodji�nd. - Vlvd 1J bleh lie' nd s' noti, o n co( he sald Itcla re 'toes anow.,Oil fly" 401t 1.4 onlY.1110 art. of illgl 0 g zind a tic -It. xoff - rtf . right I faVin. of the lkfessri', Xat�ianj at, t19- �V has a. tiot And mt to. that.thundrod, of tlic for is; lie, two - 14S 1.<j6 not fly' d "Vol] a,, Judg(" n,71(IL I'am rather said, sniifti 6 Oda S lql th. h iiiind itht and �youit 1Vh.1 I NVIAtfor Park,,� klort dist�nnop 1 19, (Ill tier ilmo I%tv I*otid or -It, Yatl rp lot 9.( iLl let. is flie it'al-I t :simill, gaviet� ,.Now, 4do' yod 'under!, froinAd6kland.! steps of� tilt)]). s t ' go -saind. Wh t I dustty'j f kom the -nesting of the to,th It im Still More; 'r :m6n I iv �rl -M - -C. in t tod') till it' was 'ovet 110"Vi,oulil be quite cro be Con u birds ti; i16- dyOrik -and -e no Idea ot .-golng4t, pllltf� ']y ' ffiff Only lhile lie will dodIWAoWn aild qdvl take' VadefilolgeII6, Some: fll 116 -shook his Ijead Itilble, roofil lit - thb fi�u�d, and I ain ,Not so Ippal till 110,11111316V d, "I wdould. h6t, do �h'at, It I we r L� S*01117 ilintlrl�-of this plutnea,-�.ard darried aupp6n Vitil tile ere, t13dbin aid-, �Vollcso� thia establishment. :not .901,019 to. I(A Lord Wolfondeft send the.theolight Of )low, long we still have g -a' w6old 'not thank I L nadult lls' FortoW "youLto be,dt. ged The mail. ger'otates, that tn'We Call thi) diraiM7 to IIV.e 1 onie r0gket.A 6110's outh lls, 'a - nine tile to Alil ver lit cli: o; a tf obvo�.� mattef of contio, lint the prospect: of, heLre on an idle orrand'" bout tile samo,airtoun lit All, tt_Would W h L �� 1�1 '.L, WAInd "W!h. ))lit ,Avould L it b6 an idle -or:- out(,, Parent".& urot Oon# ISI of.' lit tell t(on is, a A eep, lit that shouhl he' 'voiw, If you., let Is nioro terrible still i. Lucky 'i * co 'I - hose'luen, MO. those omen �Oio. live' tI'd 06 r lVatind of his vatilti.t." thdo lit, � r tiiing " Vb1ftfidtill raild?".'-shb be, o, job iC big liat- th' t loll d6fignmes'about ti-, Co. 0, thdn,� thei 9 fr'ahk weith me: I shodiki 'llatd to To- drV,ior working':'ovorti, 1]6tl'4' of grft and then d1c.It hi tbat'i h ter rbgrin ny7­1� as ifooded by -a sheol)6 'birds, b6cilmdL dlvidel�l 'priSing qf S,ou %011 f%.Vet fie, ma" for' lit rim; Tell me V?wAbil10, of m6-. level, monotbi NAti-liuy.thilig you dskc The, 'L Ck iotis pliln of advnLTicvt­ invetmentS, o. a'bout to"" annd npa Mearig. Is illy, husbax* mont, �fr. it sald; "I Will- IN,,; old age., when, one :tiik(-, 4 to �Vljoftf I roiboter-Now' yolice nioil tha old, they are .,;;abIn sal ti Ton, anderstand Relbtici Will. you at-CAV18bit(I id lookii askan6c at id. Y. of, -ally that �yotlr. -Ma 4,90 t tin -p��,;a and I"will furnish the o\ lid fea- tit(, vntr�rs-tllat lg­wli.�Lt orio,has. to llii'd for Wit, 1plied oxer.� eight'months. T' ail a 84 -n gontiy nue, understant'It. NV.i b PRIV uCd06SliY­ 'liq06ur, lie 1!1, toll bur, 6wn dogeftera- 'gab' r e �Vo Mr. I Lrj U late itXy lie 1 Perfedtly I bought some :theV8 rtil"60M $�1.75 to $0. wlihotit it till be, elfilom" litilped. away, nd �Ilelclic tlon,'� the dropping &wny- bf 'our enet� tile tf tot dressit do llot'� kyl that t-, have con- tile, tvo told yod truth:, several-y6ars ago pii that 8'ame'liaSli;, , ill tilt) decline of I. �h, oji& '"sibility," igho 40wo L, L I Lc� ' on limously, hntxto,got some, SOL fOl' ill red llurpt's. -Th6se w6r6 tactics fortin-twof word irl(l,S itTlew"-Od. -.rf I. inaloo, tip illy mind whidit, silo Old pot understart(i. Was he' t07 it, it) paper-loit. 0. hlln01f, ri(lom mefided me hVii,xlo. (lbUht love 166 Vithdir to ureme thil JbZubittloh of mw, T up-his,mInd thtittlid l(ttte. Vidiii, Oach. lro4dy,mat t� nd but yo6tv love Itleks. tho Rui)r gamo, 66ult! -be �pltxycd without' her 11 "yo IkLild ; that 11 p� ISall,�`As for toucl� Ilia I wil'i nklmit 11i 1, Ilk e I littlo f'What that Vtolfeliil6i, arid I'detart llenri., agc� III droa tbl� quetfipt6d. rtobbery of whioll you o Wit sharn� of' t a dtity, tlio� m'.1doi flory I Mint you, wol "'You Admit, it� t b yall iv.6lt Ili, ostrich.aOds ilie. litboit or tiluni ;-no* of, -ned td'find Wolterideii1t; -lig it �Must seem to,,men. telling 'nie wh'en I 1 1 k t& She till I 'I notling, ourilf,,alono, ka at; L 'yoqi, n lie kernel of' life be-, assuxe ritind mo cod not, to" -She 16oke I path t it yu ateyes fi.Ved upoon *11o: AV Mill wlth� a; amilbi half' Oda, Ilia[ ttv� n forget! It will not, be to tt i 1�feli_ heOhatevd;r abou "To t i3st Is, afier all, 6iily batural. Tllc� Gladys, Vordy says li� lf f6ivlo, alld ate, reared,' �Vithmitf day.' nor, t6-tVL0r0wv,,tlAt I sliall.de liftnibr6ti h(I others -v "Let Me rLmoeniber,'! she, said study of the papiSrg oil'. whioll our tit'gltt n ills serious 'fittle,aliout them. Tofo%;t',luPn are like 'tile; room arid, to, you have--wil" was It? ar6 �ontent (l, so. lofig� an see, that hugbdn(I has biorl, S thd a fell Mr. Sa� Q.11, 11( aen�t �hinoll choice,. t1lat I - 'M s6nit th'6. difference r E .6, Mrdhk� we, rd 8V ItleuM e .1l; reoLona e te�t W Of M I say� will, firld r<JI.Mme I and� Cllnrt�jo.u. 6 h ll:t 0 t4o� (IMPI nbfik: 166kiRl -U" P"" old age May so6ni'somptliftig of a rest, 116 on! th6.S1deboard*' and ',13chedletinle, )311t, lie �� youe m Whet* ha*6' yi*l 'h(M Ith r I I.'' � ge my,uncle by-- j-.-byo ' pr ace Uy. �&&k, li6ly,ib W'ot' the 'Qom�b blow SAM, t 06 to it tinto 00 talk y041 jilwayR t. tagt � porm 'Vou prothised to, divide wt r -C M., I h nett value, ho, rb keeping'oiier.�thi R '0ilJOSil 11b arV' a9 91, N Iquour, thmkii;0 satdoOl -silo gal(t �Ig)M�L*', Lhd iou "I strppmo th t' I ftJJQ4tL believd yon Sabin aw6re Softly' *dn.dbt,,dld you expect me to -night,? a IgWd inibal I r 'd 1 004 1 ber. A. -ho said lit "NO I'm not pVot- Ing11 Ott rang tot think that W WV6. Ur Sabin; it y(mi y 6x olalm. otne, 'It 'that Y61X fly#, 0, 6thet., "I'm, teepIn 9 kind,o' huffr ivh�6iq Igot tmagh *011,� �'Au (Jught 121, 011athi � "I dm tot' Ing A repll��l th _to )[iL w$, prd fdr WtfnCor bowl,, presit"'my lt,(*gT htat,,n6*, tv r into, Wo lXY -5L