Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-03-08, Page 8r16C 166_� ft "Ii� 77 71 . �:� i �, �: � " 1 " I-, i 16 W-5 b 'n 'k -'r 4* -1 4 �,� 47iW* Mvg% I ft FUL Colikk 1-h a* lNq, (IQ WP, :r All a f�k- (hfo, ftf t AMON �ft an. 1.6, t ra t., ifolyrood' a o-io id_w f4iip.,c q IF ?MNIF N IWO �eO by. 0p, 1)qletjal� t Oplept o 7 ROY evening which: 'WAS, other agreed, t i"Thaer, ual, me Armors of the F 4 MCI tilars of, tha, iop., gin Eli By t4o wq-r, r, ThQs-- - ' ' I . .. ­ I I -olyrobd- c ther lta v ry��bqst., -is 9 n it; troxiblei itope 44 l rit therof ter a, 0330 j' . i ' r P . the rilgh�.tb claim to' noQAL J a I ... - .. 1.�:r. I., - IL ooligli R�aa,yu feel w .a. ev Bing, of, F04 ucwas butter maker "We.-iteri % WA.per t e�, a ternoon 066 aeasily #r'ed `tqt i Ontario a'apl�ndjd: an ss -in tpo.A e, .04 9 iee wire, and bOst�, gal*An just What is f POW out thirty.hVe 'q ' Owe, h ghout, Anb y _ppq net -and iihep b 1P.. as otto Veloift rare Ili W % being ks, 4. 110yro'dd, -neak fut r Atwth b A Liver�' Oil' :M*�oti6g,lo,,rovi6u�'y6ari;�t�eie in the are, h h e pe inizedr bk� the' Q 411mbor q peot esallon As thq p4 -in, ­ l I f. ' - �L , , . .. a ea out; pibably xpoz 'Will tell how".'it is -InenL� med ioliet,!- Proy sion'for '.expapsi an4 contraction evory'. way i, Oil % 'meet With andr,h6air-t ;o- dard'iel of c I tyr he ladY.dale ti cti aj�te4 e and -sa a- - grew arrb,, doing n Modd "of, Guelph. A iensile sfrep& in '13 ry' and is eapee B Jelly. valuable, in .9 wprk for thd.ir country - in; The' Proaidefit,� P, kcKen' or head's q6tionoXod Mr.' U. grip'ater f w i n6cogs 4fL, Cod, L: I is z�e th t0 j -d j, eiV own. pmqticib. w., m t nary Idquirein, -:an eq at'::- to 9�uisl effibient . ..... % _jdwjaJ.S1Qn., Piro - Aver U a! I poi§jble % �A -- a Ip k io 0!jjpAt'le "-of. .34ijar add6ok b are ion of, Cod werl 1 1.4 Its very riefly 'on cionce, % end gidegiole Wa kerville, *ho a fence - mo* pt ata i�ijkio enterfai. h' ngly kng� w a Cy.: t orm end be taken' b�, the a �cn. i he Water. i6pply f t e U C 6,41b a , .f con' th d emoostiating lip W,-itw 61 Iced % C e finger nit -the is] od '30, is sliontl L 2 at t ti t )at -C Shpwi�- U� ':,A, fence .0 i '' 1 -j' r . . perflintag6 t C ;a 0 r . , iraetice.� Miss Maddock,'has! aln 'MOIL go iver Oil th� tl�. wank larger -.o teft arks Water that Ap - ' : " . " r i P pleasing'.1 pere6ph and-. i�: a Im , Ag -IT-mil iAj ury tiir�ed rai n 8't it i'S 4bsofiitely..L f 'e odk advertised, lsilonpi It is bany be contaminate ce % pure but which ereLC up, in", "1Z out o'ce. -not�! I . 1, r way tals of. hersubject'w'ith 'k -ing e� . . -'! I . - Mat 'tig, luii b. y' forei$n. lieiti L nto the xpert:�to e r, e rds. whicli after all,jErr WL�s 0, nat truction On ce greit es % Fr in t e, oxital or Iorhaps''eveiv N6 t eri al cons :25 the PPNng4hat aiipplie the wp UO * L .. f % eeollomy-, c L toT.JrLEr W t .0 r §KAL –BOTTLES y gc,rm 0, expression, thai'noy.ople.co-dio' a. n en E UkDE. 'By" 'be yoi o ed, by oiggiijo- matter, foal oi Ei QRE YOU BUY. il, at quite �knage.enjterjnk brou the a % drA i I BE h �;alwayai elcome gh.- easily and1he. will b a di4Aijee -from i�ell anir 0' Sol athe ordinary w6tild'build --addiess OCHEA back to H6)yrood. �_The last e 0QAal Mcl�efli:ou, flow the, top six, f, t e, we I rfb,, of f 'h c p7eo,�l He'. of Cho valu elemnt, and %R XT with, ve i't Y to trud education which pr( n hor was not iperly.arched over wit a in& le, .-thi but,,. 0 h - d koo t bib abli' to 0 0. 0 ff d er, ,tbap _ANJQQAR roper y tte o6v tbi as ell- 'and pointed it -fd W d 'any, f �rei a iwpq.ssi e'for U 'bl .,Out ign puo-� opple, regent that '.they wight "the ok ide And' Two:-Seotlon Hands Killed on:the Q.T. atter p to nter flow R8AW.&3r "M� Llistlov�el easily. *611'educaied i -'the faj�w �if woul t. h while,'Ooing, t -things' of the,. Sthe t e,water, be placed 0. ad in loi�r so Ila me -A. terkilil ech 4-t— p, acc Ach the, at that 'Ithey,,LW6 d a] 96 make; tied of the beat' ul ay af oernoon, on, rs al Pip +-+ d c �aoinjalk could Jrink at, any time And- Fit, oiiiitaA 'Siatard 't int it'*ould pay, OW 6ir litle iu.r.e. ad RVA thii ap 6 _,Gran�d Trunk th milk pria`te'� -the,b t. t on we bet.wpou. T, T.� T T T.T T- �J T T T T T T T T O:4pof A b on and: in'lpojii d -kel: �en- d An - Listo - Ph win 'tbr Pr rore.-pughin . g 'r &,'hand car &'th.6L r4id SUOU). e dblto haveithe,#a ot a at 7.� gle at c is I I e: man f ge PIP a W 0 a,blibdiag-,anowstorin which ajo, ed intothe, ouse , r o convenia!ic high school' tea64 a d a -MR d S pets to rva, strirda, of tfie1adiii of the %'far e are: �A%� ib in alwAy.s: in :Pbsitio, w� i�fic C outone 'hai'had oiceptlongl.,in soussion (I M_ SOL anglikull YQ ri I'Due d f6 me .�iiew I)At na� bax the am k.'and lgy�i h he terb s to ana t ted-,dAiLF-Y-Mali-i-ipl&inod--ih�6-sy�teni nor,, th-0-men 'L. tee d e- ce om.tb* on L ]in Ne I endorsod. the. .'Briissos. we iorive., crodd 11ality 0, cen t..§ Wish each to' ave. ver ecb,4jr in his-itables'an' nor,, w. ih hef follow out'. a q a0y career 1.00 per y 4 speeft I I GOD, section foreman, and S WRSL,. then - introduced might:1w�e: b 6tuees or'a-Pit sjnd'�' W Wil d, :by Mr: XP:Nefl. :demolished' 48Z . a tected T, he indeatt, )u a ba m.,:c t t. an atnuel a hbeir Y te fill Mr.Mel4cill is &,fin,e, r Yoe of the W an oave a nice intekea4vg�,,Addreeid. 0, Tapestr at cents and Up..L both, 6VAtWoodi, er riblk d rmer Wh' progre- well-educated d intth, lisioh,;& d -in In. acteria, c east ying 'them- as. ben�o in Stantly ainjuriOUSIL n d in' JOL up-to-date every way I and rn will 11 V assOr killed: The' third. man. though 6., lucid W06%� li io woii.on;the fa and ti--ke his I ..and, we a e arget p 4jqe. Style: showed,, bj:,disease germsMay, t was the Both wed abo.U'L' emain t .the ho in a on.L ublic­ilslif" d ami ies, eave a oymy fession. I men wit -credit to himself; wqM,,wkrrie And. I L , . ­ L ' f r me.in-ma4y R - , L� � :, " ' h d w b(At 'ood. has'd6cided insis . on the greatest Kidd; Coro er w, and those asiociated:-with,,him in' th t at an inque s necessary, ind has ocaby tdi a g h at wo cleanliness- of eYerything About '.the pod,cause. -We conlo adv a J, h of giwple�'disinfectauts- t back a sin. - b,G NNELL .'serious' ili nbss 'in -a housq, g. pd, T T T 'T T 'T, T. T�T'T T 11 T, + :'hsVo' good ver -AUCT N, T -T T H E ELECTnIc it nRAIlLoW 8 Ways 4++ the' UffL a eit iRrn. Stock, an mp emen6v, 5i Ing lot na ine Which -is the Ibin Plenty 0'k`,sU lutete;at destroyet', of, cteria.', To Aurch-'afid 0 11tariwNectric, Railwa of )n 12,- Carrick, % ..the roperty t'L h illustrate her sub sh7e tola�a P issued y �bee A' pamp e as.recentl March I lth. 41 ..h orle the'expeotoratilbri of a o6naump. at ThfV Btu A e I t, 'L, oe Ho 'gividg, tin Stock, the Oope rby of, Nelson' tiv '..pa ie t rom, e n was: removed f 4 conditio no under' which the charter 9, 1 R'.. I,_ LD. R. Ki wall of the rd'om'�'Where 'tile 0ationt WAS,isluepl,an o a 19 h' inior,mat and Ina Eis hWd:l u are. ave cpyi5riiid: :Six Woutbi befo14 tin xotid t, Cred n rt6n Council a ffi­S 66 Walke Aied, ' ' I took �&_Iwpleine it on ihbn.-.-4he­matter had dr' the, -his - de ore -places', an -shlidl not- e --- i0d tip, t 011 b are .7e �proo6r t passed a, repo, U kontuy �i � �j c''t. 0 e6. Visher,-' 16t,2 �on 6, i I -vas �Ihen made a -able., Uarrick,' March 19th. Ifiviti ng the no 'I par ilea men. ionFOA the bring the germ to life, and then give' 06 " : ' , n, Township., liVon ter to hbld 'a' etng,4t Walker - ch at me prds. Edom '..bar' g W I� and, Implements, the LV 7A gUlUea pi 'soon after ly'4; eL all -the ci ies ore 1: I fter� ton. T eVirovin6lil Bda�d rsotr lot 33 boo 9 . , hiclijery ecea h Wo regret S�4N t u Pro] died -df ion MPtion'. In: sjoaking of. ieto seY, have, not seen ;fi . I I . 7 . . . h. t to take the to ruins, no city ,t a sis t wasor 29 It S' Cal -20i bu i ied, ebap. I ver80D8 baVjjJ'­'cJ!i1n1s twZynansis st t -account thd thle iBacteria that were' henefiel . al she arm Stock, tho otrea�uk, .0 any. their confide' wed the necessity of,, those F roperty' sho engaged t v at bedameL thj.D. Money in owns hm�been dio6oirered., 'The., robbers: Col?nt) F 131-tice ye�. dairy, work' 1 �04 5 'March ( din . I tlie(l� oft or fthtlut, the"..24r, e oiscribed, But not -4 wee .0f. and u4ithe beneficial 'Bi 'teri U00, are re(inestect to I byLoriat, Q late yqt� 21 st.� end �a; detailed..stateient of the'' ex� so -tola . id k -be called. L e-, bordipr of wi. c* e d n c'-. s oin pro uo,ing d the - best. flavdiure Firm Stoc the: pro execfltor (if the nditures 't uld. cheeBe V, the first tlay 4f Ilky 'and, �undeir pe 6,: date WO be v Boss,Gfey-Va M 1. 1, .4. (4j' W Wont' 1901 theli Chrigiitn ery' er; as we I as 10 preveAtAis, naines- intl and ba C iin, B 116 e 'T. Pt With much. Appreiated. As the': PraiNin-c6ira- Standing were'"to poii9hi, J e 1,.,, 41 the Mai6h 26th.. 71 JMTtiCnlj`Lr9J1i -itlily aster AL:1 ation of rlilY18, nintil 0 per itljtt,�nen: of theit lie the meoff i B64�4.86 in up the d FarM..SWOkL;. the �O (5) Traffic . wife .,to ge0e t have given bed'' 8. AV UL. ifid injuri y tOus ones. She dei criW ied, of secUrin' tipe to build the Ad Glilii,,, loi',35j, edn �'Culrosa, '.Muroh and the Edowites were to be, latteii I is Aft tj 9, ato jy iq sikid difte astbutizing proce as knd "her ad�ireg4 Lh(i 'JJi8tj`iJ)Ute,, tile will Probably b `34- 10 ecessa P thrda, _ell the partfe.4 0 ap V destroyed, Obad 181 ea, propeeded. -batern Division)i -Ashfield' for any, part -1�y P( ijulLurm' Alp to a nong roe Claim )lot organize , A Woiiiiaa's Istituto� ant f,t uirias 1ave been, Wad 'fied at he was a ZrMed that iiiq strong! V� fcitl �0 by q6Aain' Tlironto.capit Friday Mrch 16 1 ughfare, .5 . 1) 1-11 ed at tile tijjle�� Iro in ng old.fueniturei the pr6j�iortj .1 1 ., . . . ; Or %eiir Successful, in -jetti et greati 'tio I .­ the I art Of Itt , : adil6s to Armies,of ca els in. - Si e, . v )f* P10 ilts a6at 'this charter'. tiem -were &go gi e heir nam6s-aia aW, qilillori' Lubknoyr n4 OL 6toC4 in., Lfi*r Jew�lery,,, NLOV61tie. ay Mir' p oye,. conv6ying fir a c e* J6HN Ptfnvis, Auctiono6r e Omni r&'of *6 i�ould like, therefore %VP n in0 sale they,�are :prepsred try" it. urd' ch 9th 'Ab two o'clock E lo b, 1, 'to L I ythA'ng,would. be- better than ounc d there were now bnro,11ed J�n d i'a tha 11 1 T .19 ice in Bi o re he VaratS`Of di a passes 6 Persia, and Atbia a a aving more -7 F.rai. wa . ysLare bacowing. In' Pu la r 0 !ETHODIST 'C'NuRCH... ini. �A� the t*M t6ad 'the' 'to -Petra. �'thence ar electric duce, niy thu h ch ore po The 8dMonlies to the :Medfterran 'an A G Harrms, pastor,.,, necessary 'tin w ber to fo any Feb.., ;24thL, has dowpletely ceakipd.� Petra wi h CALL AND i10 Will not' "be in ening, t ns ht in the Me, yea ra I tij county'. - Mr. f moat endless vdribty of c eve ok Neill theii spo a on "Ci6rn%and Clover is ory.qVthe; t .6 'd 11AV&*a ill have ter giving ashort all 6 ore they, wi Spit over adug ilvilile'l b f NoxaY, ilf dwo the_escen- nthlbIF:'.1bo.uhtry. Owid k I r. , - is g to the' out df the "rook, cEp 06 ruins 064 r ' mpg n.: Pcom ding, Aese' crops as the dents 9�f Esau- mbo minhAbiivd., the with. Ing naini elf 0 (At ng e, ui, ..cement w6rlis that.are,-be' started out a si I "' h inha�iiaiit, 2. te ng a aiflatla cifthe fAriiier'd propp eiiding �y 4vountry exti be Dead'So bub lit; Datlitt I' erity. m. an e ec tie oad runni ted b�' i�rou�', kinds,:df, pr a as td tb6 Blat u f, n a f ,TacobL row ne four '' L with an audle oftho Red aniniii 'iis 1011 At tfie event hgSeSSiOn ifie perossA6,countr would' -find '-d'tible h 0 Isa 34.. Of In 010"Optilial: lini� �ve gutt, Y c ded no I e w o. y, th Soao dwelti more full tee perfect sa fact' radd, that it would 6v� 0 Y'� on 06 fulflilts G16d said; "I will A�t Make (1 8 ,a ll,ei Whbia L the cars ag6,, and Formosa 'y eirclose attention to e n r J 'A whAi wds said want of proPhocie a utte r d hu'd ea of A r, -Po le: inL eviden ed ib , thd . y.' �erdL' there' to RMSTR in er 46; So we find G."' -A ?P. got -their oil.. at ONQ: ;Operation years beforer,Edonti,'readh�d the ienith' Jevis scattered imong all 1'ati 6d, Wlearn 0 Edo pi?ooje; Pong,,,a E.LER6 ST, P, R iomeihing and _they'Were n i e, -oil ETEW&gNU C make p� enty, o e, Of _N, tell', 'of, mdr�eg �% varffi,�,tc-d'ay claitn' io.`be_d6seended direAi4n. d' lllpiiiniL n latidn zek V.. in that. L glory, io4 ndi the "Trahmip' �qatioh- Pfoblewis, put 1 rig, ting 1; !1 utter ruin. -Ti ��bi�lutely desert-: frota.EhAil�' in tonoludin acase with t. rayor at i'teoTo�ontoi Ont'' Jap 1'8 0,6. grat '614irtiesa ed, an' d th; Houbp aud L6 e coun ry as a vast, frig ,&ay referred: to flieL'6113'af evidolico�Jn� t"for Salo .9S a fit] Ow fshowing, the -Way, in, which the, ful de 1'�Ag 'to. b6:MAdq' these of. the L V fjohn Battl lekll(yw- on Thorp 4, �Djnt.: TrAffic..k9sociatidn' fixed: the rates 6 Ob� To 'inspired by* (3od'. No'ione lit r ut, ent 6,wotib We used ri,'tbo edn. ta e ai t c �p' froty ('r� ofevo k I h is a l rA N itieveh, God 86ict -Thou Shalt, 'be, Obal hAVW 'wadei,subh ole'At f -dine anti 40fit, 6at the t" Wic- lti`� WoUl OtraOti0n:'Of the, "Sod" Cdnali,�h p'wa''e'dS 6 bear ' j�gmbg inst Vie ances of unjust i 3',11.' After flotiiishib' edicciond. We also 'feel tl r 6 Claa-g stilt, h 'NO a, 9 ie follvA wooll urtineL h nei, 1flVJiX;i1)�Jj .0 '6 tw 00 bar e a 07 of 2 o"na. Ian inoveh,"was Itailwily. %o con, tie A, `aettiagL, our prillioity will 1)c, froth B on presen -enjo t116 attle-1state fit Tbofold;. againskCansAian _; I ­ Y' ljold 4f sli shipp6rs, and -in the' fewu ndked years before 'Christ, she ments,, �o 0 hegJeCt1iJ'g of 4pltl de'alratis 1) e , av , in", r flirt d e hovo.po fiesitotion in gay t-6 encenifon -in of' tha' n'of- ReVigio' bf ticulars,'It")y to o1rd, One suddenly disappeated it ongulf d.,Vy, and dtonal" e on otta&. 6an on 986 of this an earthquake' red p kiiO _�Orn W ic , arked 'if an(I le. fparti'ul 'ttficrwardsl em agoa ie 412 evee al no fitre tie 'proud all promises, g4rdiiig tr, I . glor"bus re ours- U h* 14 y dould', g,3t, t e C'untry all recent -years they, bl5nte, inadei by God to " filhik ia air 4 o pros dig, �gi and'. bringing to"light pa&oei toyan, 'A' Peah I 4m -46d DaA! 4nd a A nd fliat fll no R, np ti h Win 4old for, the motpontfiry 2na ov udkinovt, tiVp,- of: his iddi gi�', 'T a 61%4 g anger, y AtUhIngtoil" pp Ill It of two hunifte'l. 1t1V61rN ver NTLI! fill 1h nd 00