Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-02-08, Page 4• 4l
t now atiati Brow many 4't• II- Ex. --J< McLeod, 9
Sen Ent -.,Es T1' mid, M P.P.cherr
'0>: qQN .
QT83$', LIHiti;T1U
,iinoknow+ yob:, 8th 1801'.
The tbh of May is were to be made
a perpetual holiday in. honor of the
Victorian eras •
Sir,Frank Smith's will leaves proper=
ty,to the sin., ..t of $1,22.0,00.0 The
Government wily get $65,00.0 in silo,
cessionduties . •t
What 'Will our Government do about
• the Sunday question at Pan-Ameri-
can?` If they' ` are to. eil `ibis they
• should have an un derstanding as. to
closing on Sunday, and the time to
;; reach an understanding is neve.
Canadians fully appreciate the 'kind-
ness shown by President McKinley
and thousands; of .neighborlypeople
throughout„the United States in show-
ing honor,to their dead queen. Such
graceful' courtesies will notsoon be
J McL€an0R R,oberte'on, W 11 ,AIe-
Lean, F Thompson *Moody W T
McLean,? M Moore J 1 ruing,
Gogd'=W. McClure, A• Newton iS
Mallough, M M(;Olure, lyi Glraham. '
Creech, ' •
Jun Eilt,' Fx=E Stddal!, *Sarin:,
geour, E McLean, 1) Greham, , N•
Moody,•M Grid -tam
Good—W Jpturston,. B•
Scrimgeour, M Yule, Max McLean,.'A
Pntinore, L Sher.•rilr, L 'Sohnston, M
McLean, A Gaundy, E .Fowey,•
•Absent; -M Murchison; L Paterson
No on•ro11"44,, Aver -39.
Form 111, .jun , G. Maclntolih, E.
Graham, E. l:,ittell. ]'uipi I11, ,jun,,
A p'[acIntyre,• nit 14,1acIntoali•,. A,
Lockhart. Perin' I, A, 'MacDonald,
!l, IlacDiarmid, Sadie MacLeod+
' 'C'$ALOTTE CnowsTQN'i'Trasher
:When Kitchener catches ' General
DeWet, which' event will bappen: one
;of these- fine days, "there , should be a
short,. abitrptreckoning with that mur
dereefer bis crime of tort_'uring- and,
slaying the ' burgher 'peace, 'delegates.
'If, the 'facts. prove. to be ;those given'
Out to the;public'a few feetof strong
rope',and . a trill, strong tree • ought to
• be .his portion. G'i ilization detnsnds'
that-spch,:ontragea `b•' `etetnly av ed.
LUCBNO1 PIIBLIC SVHOOL son, John -Regan. . Sr•34.-Stella
No, of births, deal and .marriages
regiiitered'in the• township of Ashfield
for 1900 as follows': --,births 58, deaths
40, marriages 26..
Ashfield Council meets on Saturday,
February '23rd' instead of 'February
1Cth as previovsly '.announced, 'on
count of Divisidn 'Court• being held ii
Dungannon on that day. • •
• 'Last week Mrs. Cayler'the .District
organizer -tor. the Woman's ..: Mission
Society, visited th'e Methodist churchet3
of this township and, on' .Monday or
ganized hn' Auxillary' of the • above
society, A large nunber of ladies
were enrolled,withgood' prospects
additions • in the near ' future. The
first meeting ofgthe society will be held
din Z. on' church'', the third Friday in
The 'standing of pupils in S. S
No. 7, 'Ashfield: ---Sr -4 Mary Mn=
Donald, 'Dollena . McKenzie, May Ho
gan, Maggie Hogan, Jennie Gilmore
John McDonald Jr, 4j -Nellie Hic
Key-, Florence McDonald;;:' Bessie
You've tried almost'every4
t.hiitg. for it, haven'=t 'you?
unci we pr.esunle, yeti are
about di-coliraged. NO*
vvhat tit., you'•t`hink of our
tdei of breathing in 'the'
ni:dicing, bringing it right
.:up. to the diseased part ?-
It looks reasonable,, doesn't it i And
it's successial, top.,
When inhale Vapo-Cresolerie
your breathing .becomes eahy, the
wheezing. ceases, ..and You; drop': to
$leep;' For:.;.croup• arid whooping-
cough,it's a ginck cure,. M •iti.
Vapo•Cr soleus is sold by druggists t veryWhere
tluze,Va drta..bottI ' of
�..iesotlen.SicComplete, •$t,.5k.
extra supplies of <:reiplgtte 25 cams and 5o cett.
Illustrated booklet containing pi,)siciat telt
monists tree unea re1ue... Vnro-t Ott. of a�it;Gc
zso Fulton st.,'iv oat, 'U S.d, , i
Farm' for `:Sale o pco ange
Being the east half of lot 2, in the: 8th (Ion,
(Eastern Division, of Ashfieid.l containing
1.4% -Itles1::c1 '01:1;:11:10y.10(..ta:o7005:, t7140.1)P..:":
Our new ,Unsigns for fall :and7 Xmas
and artiaticness: Just one. look
at our
That desfreable property fornierly
?wned by the -late Richard Treleaven,
in the' villageof Dungannon:. Upon
the property le 'situatel ined brick
house 201E80 and kitcheu 18x24. Geed
woodshed ;and stable in =connection.
Raid and soft' water, Tlie rot consists
or one half acre' 'of land: Possessinn
may be had at any'rtime. ' Apply ,to
George Stothers, Dungannen, or at
Sentinel office; '
means a sale for us,
ON Sr'
A...first class frame house 26 x 36, two
tory high, with [done foundation, mad kitohen
with lot. folleaTe on Victoria street, I ueknow.
The place le nicely located and the lot eon'.
tains alarge quantity pfall kind's' of fruit;with
both' hard and Boit water, and' good etable.
The place IA; .,For furthei
Luoknow WO:
ez. have the :strongest 'line in tile
Drawing R,00m, and Hall
tuie, LadieS' .Writing 'Desks, and
Book OW*, Parlor ...and Muble
MOulding, Fancy Art and Bamboo
Gonda, Bed Rboin SUlts,Extensr.tin
„. Tables', Centre Tablee„ add .Side
',Mahogany:,. also a_full linn of
• Conches, Fancy Stndent's
Chairs,,Parlor Suites 'and. odd
pieces. .
Special attention is,pa,id to 'Undertak-
ing and' Embalming.
' Bass Harmony arid. 0ounfer
examinations. '
Barnaby,,,Nora Hogan, John;Iender-
Honer I oU For di}innee?!
J Murdoch, : M
Habiick,. L Treleaven,` L Henderson.
Good g!McIntosh, A McOlure
Little, -E ' Thompson, C 'Bennett, J
Barber, L, Taylor.
Fair ---J `Bennetts .A. Fleming,' W
McCoy, L-Webster,:I Joynt.
Tiiir-,41 Moody, N Stewart.
,Gre,,he, Fleming, L Graham and
Good..t Boland, Gordon, E
Johnston,,John Reid, R 'McKinnon,
E. Brown, W Ohlbeiser.
Sy. Pt Irving, •IL Camp
en' J. Mitchell, 'M ZRIMOrtian: E
.non G 8,tewart,•C Geddes,
Towle, John Murdoch,; Bertha Hen-
derson, ,Tames Johnstone, John Phil.
lips:,Jr, ,3 Ada Mckenzie, Lesley
Ritchie; Chester'Ritcbie, James Phil-
ips; Effie: Johnstone, Ewart Mc:Keitb.
Sr 1 --Emma J,ohnston, Everett; fen.
derson, Bridget:Hogan, Tena, Mac: j�1 p
Innis, Jr 2L -Emerson Ager,' Ales j1 .fl J
l3arnaby:..'• Sr Pt 2 -Gordon' -Ritchie,
George ;:Phillips:: Pt ; 1 -.Kenneth
Campbell;' Susan.. Cook, Itussel-Ritchie, ,
Fr ad Grundy having pur-
chased the entire Butter, Egg
and :Farm .Produce ;"Business
from. Messrs..; ,GolIan &. Ag-
new, he is now, p*,epai ed a.. to
give clyoli, the highest cash
figures for all'', your ,produce
amt ---when - rou-wish-oto T uy
clover, timothy, „mina, turnip
seed,: oatmeal, '.cornmeal, ham,
bacon,. 'lard,.cheese,:;salt,' fresh
and;potted meats,.
all` and see the old gen-
v. Mrs, George' Carter epent, lase.,'Nfvelak
viSiting friends Ashfield •
Mies kiggcelleloirlson. has returned
free -A.:. a pcnIcinged visit with friend'e nn
fobs, and looks hale : and hearty ah
art for 8
I 'S 1,01111 IfERifE
!Its VoOition of ,.your Ncrycs
Is prepared to give•lessons on'
.Lesons in
Voca an Instrumental
- To many- wothen life Is one rifund
of 'sieltness,. Weakness and ill health
To attempt the lightest' houselibl
duties fatigues them, • Many of the
symptoms accompanying-thie'state-of
decline are :. feelinenf tiredness on
waking, faintness; diziness, .,Mnking
feeling, palpitation of the:heart, Short.:
nese of breath, loss Of appitite, cold
hands and feet, headache. dark circles
under:.the eyes,:_paln:in„the back and
side ank all the otherlacomnaniments
ora rundown and. weakened,constitu-
All these, syinptems :and conditions
defectiveccirculation of the 15163id.
with.'a wasting away- of the neFve
feeding the ;system with
ise La
9AVELAN.Di. Ohio,
kay 23rd, 1909.
I had on My upper jaw. The: doctorstold
that it lives, a 'dancer and that the.,bone yonld
have to be cut out 'and the affected parts re-
mOved.b v the It Wes this thnt 14047
ened rine and ,thane me *et the !•Soak' and
well eVei since; _and it is three years Since I
need it.. Having great confidence: in .,yotir
medicine I willtrecommend it to those need.
lisle and Ilarmon
aro taught by
leclindimeineqs thfr student's of the'
:Srleciali-arrangetnentit be. niSde to aid .••
eelleit,, advantages the.' ilepartment
Ohltit'.1ittge and -Well-Rept'. fteattlk•
Situated on the. tgr. av.s1 'road. °netball:Mile
nortir,-othe-Village Of 'Iiiolough: Being
clay loam; t 42 'notes, aleared, gotiA orchard.
acres orAtairdwOod; maPle !and 'beech; and
'Mere is'n'stnalltiwelling house; and barn:26X
50'and stable: underneath, Will be soldtheap
ApPlY to T., .TOdd,I.St, Helees. or to the pro-
Batty; D Dodds,: ‘. Morrison W
McKinnon. '
Moedy, W. Henderson,' W
Webster;.4, McLean.
°tit' young .people are taking Scl-
'..e.ritage Of :the splendid ...sleighing,
nbosen, gliden:Swiftly in. the direction
of Teerivratt..r. They stopped. et ,.Jno.
Horn, `W; tInston, Misner,
No on *Ayer -4
•TENPEES: Will *be teettiiedloY the under-
signed' up to February 5th '1901,- for twenty-
fi'Ve 'nor& Of good 'sound • green •body • Wood,
beech and mitple,fonr•feet long, to be..dgiier-
ed at the, Liicknow Public' School. '
Yoll Strike it tile bE the disease
andlay a solid foundation on Which
to build.' Scion theweiKlit increases
the sulked cheeks and flattened busts
fill out,,:the °Yes get- bright, and the
thrill of renewed health and stength
Vibrates.. through ihe 'system, price
(Successors to Harry' DaYs)
LucKrtcrw' ONT.
The:follthving was' receiVed froth the sem.
. I suffered for. nearly 'four years fiom tits'
anct alranst it the same. hour daily,• out
which no onq could Waken mei Until I awoke
of mybelf,.Weak and Wearied after the lapee
or heart ten te twelve: nOurs' time, during
which time rives Whhlly'uticonscions., .1 was
of my surroundingb took no notiee; of , any-
thing, nutil,in the ,good. providence of God, a
friend insisted on bringing J..1‘1, McLeod to
a• niitiute'e time. .1 began .te gain rapidly
after thia in:health and soundness .of Mind.
fiOURT.strtEtrociri., NO 50„. LtICIEl;
now. 'Meets e'VerY first and third Mon
i.ay Of ; efery month in. the Orange ' Hall
Viaititiglirethrenare,cordially ;invited.",
:The undersigned Offers for shle ten acres .of
ground, three quarters ' of 0 mile north of
oneett; good Stable, orchard -and plesty of
king water. There also a: *pod lime kiln
•, Kincardine ti fert.y:ttererk...
90 cent of thette wrote- 'fop ,
ressothible rates.
:.For fitrther,partiettlaritraPply,to
')V good House and Lot, 'situated bn
large. hOuse in good rePair.Witlt•ceilar,
on the'yroperty... Toss,ess:On may be.
had'at any tirno, Apply to
his address'•40:loade ',sone, very entlitus
aitie and patriotiC remarks ib refer
eneeto the: life' and decease of our la
enjoyed a present,
particulars later. .
g.tippe in this yicitt4y
' Miss Pentland of bun.gann,On is the
guest'of Sid
,Mr. F. 3Ohnsion,liis been up fidin
PfaYtOn fa, the, past week or so tragtuk.
Ott' ;Siii)bath lakt the 'absence
Whaley Whn was. preachinii
BelgraVe, owing to the resigna'tion
tir 15; 100, 1.1A and 249 Eteres, lots
Good lin
with ood te' ar.ffri cheap On ."
tt'ilth large trade.. live .4.1i040,1arg.
millet if money to -, loan at Ti 3;4
NOTICE fa. hereby given that any. perion
inned cutting Or taking timber from lot
cAncenelon 2.p 1021614 (owned by Mrs Mcrher-
,Sort,) Without the coneent Of the undersigned
. The follo*Ing is the report ef K. 8,
Einloss, for „the month of' Jane
ary, Forth' V, M, McLeod, DeMoLeod
Fertii IV, fun McIrityie, '1V, Mac.
Desirable Farm for Sale.
with hard and noft Water: 0lie' pionontty,
all ne'etied downy and *itt
(hi r'y or lock fakiii, ;For furthet*Particilat
Box 10r; LufAst,6w •
in der' nIkti-e-d' l l'Ititiath for Service at lot
41 7,,.,r1cCitel,,rii,tefisotis,,ler:sii;;. 11(61170.1r )18 01: thorcuglibted
Vet:titiiiry" CAUSTIC BALSAM
kid iiofte.dy
,• Allure toot :projitItty akhiniit lositeyr .014t
Wilfer Mort gsges A,;06;
very 0/ vetetihary' ,ptanticn
nkriiied,. /not no tit 1,1,100 y bottle
704. pot ,Jitilt1;bt', all ' rItuggifitH and'
career to. admit' `.notiiiiig.,.to "its' oolpmtis that "Ifottla• offend. .tho, moral
etTkilLINA ri 001 140W:141, f(mt,ttrec,(36natto.ted b• -,ti J. „E.
f'.;41 '1 A bit A1,f Alit•krupli a,",)5(1 Ina41 frcini, ail parts 0,f,
fact,' (ilk Plike'. PrOBIP 13 1,0 Coin otp 4,tid or
Second &Baba at' yold=noit. ofrioo rot. $2„b() ber yoar No "i; tho' time .td