Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-02-08, Page 3T-` VI 7 q 77" Jill Will IL )a 49so '014%. b011110YA 9V f Jill Ardsil*, I ad u''Ituls true, f, the, 50*4 10 OrOX, l heall lirilill Jill e?" hip'll Do, 0 pt, tlbll"Irz�, grooL It #4 No. Yetilf"Imidys �,Mdeu to 02 'An 4,4 NY be A t' 11 1 up the' , 41JI Ig fi lib two, Ilt ere 14, Si v tell, E N, bell Wei I Ph who* ce bell Will real toPIQL bli been bere, 0 C&EANLINE-SOI-PtIt 04 h ... FURLTY' oulil ra :1 is WL, �be P" rip Ito vwws wereA the.:vlal po RQn** 0 him P LOT F " .0 R - M: P,1,0, E E vi'd�dd P* ifilng fpdrd pliiiilitreydry �Iijolll h'3 a bLl"­ t W" Ali* t Man. bil 'he tillialk 'a left MY.". ht. .�Sp to rbI!1i w �Lnil do4Qrpd Jill him"I W44 sill; Orr "ili auy lqqger. Into t, jgp4pr icarefgLY D IY L' Jiny'otber,xill t ade'ni api 1114 lcov,�6tod `W let Iii itIrgis Y U With -tile Self sel Co. witbla i4o borli. L ed out W1. jed III $X'i 0' itijail the Sect 00*0 AG heloal �revolver I It. 4, W* N iolill. fte� ImAg, on W all, . to for. devote the LONL'� a Poll by nco., Ipps, a., person a, hit for, int;Ll 9. 00. , , E Y N1 0-1 A rtlill) temple I` lighmen t of.'a q t4A * ' - . Wi Oil. 'Say he the 1 9 n' Then no' in 0. 0 that wolferima that, CblckOu.�Jl i to looVollir eut' liki tim�.�tktl* me. Lj, go 'Well Pe' A�Itio*I)Jl ol ftev he like ),]though h V g"d enoUg, haots loe- r.iiii ,TJi Gil ar u ver. te4U. by Plmllg�, Ul .4bil it, I'my ILk­ tong"; I To prPXIr' Sol' to' thrQo billings - A: "wafl vga 0&0 ilatd, . even �t at 8. Jk ik6loill til) �Uq g( qea Wer, altilly 'hintod t 71. ji- -Would ia�' g ft� jroiv �Oil or plart COMP16to hotp q light. a PI0:,1d 'I public). �t a �ht and, illought YOU, 11LEg, 4nK, t I be impsill lill oq,,full ill Aoll`c1QQS;bL,,7ho It IIIIII of; 0 an, _Qr d A . . 1� : , , , . . .. 1.1 * ­ , * I � _gllt.L '-YA d' cleared. everything, liplpr 4q�:' I - He t., talked. h 9VOILtill tu� ++,WAN� LIzzled, foir a m t, nd. pv6&,till pogar6tte Will tbej'alp'rro' A4JaVoLI "to g TED $)l It o irtr oCtilges, looko phy:� Was jiftiliol r th SC11601'..q. �FIL)LIQ'S'o during ffie. waor, talkej.r.�Q les:'01 8 to, UPOL 'the Y&U� the theii, ZQrt 0 rosild nqver, e.r lid ha& lngj�tcd - upolit ID i-, -he + �rx I PE vo '6ukh""�� -lould. not la�gtljjg oll w ot, I "W told s t o years, bel had thp p a course U-0,11, �1118� r but 0 +e qq for' it' -ea W III -tie of f1pritil go ra'. he tiidd, m9ri than, 011"0. d % Ill aA - k Lifte, t 01' bole .0(1 ly. 11 lot, tial * 3 wilre 44ye't L ponyeikooil itito any, oeriol", aulloni L to �Jf��kdt� thing.' It'.- Vil till BY. Ono I&J. a:,. I at ail' tire.. v1W wiudlllgl�li had I , , . L r 4 y, avol he the c0ixn�M t orl­ Ud go 'Let, FAIJ6418tinC inagIned 'tile (I A Illy 4iii I,' would Ik, of. her falthruLan 0 S�. 11 o� 'ho' ell ta thO Wring,' toi f the fOrPt­ Ahere� w as. 11 Is X4 L�` fa -'at spall cl �nov., a jjodL �ln, Ulgh. L - 't % , JLI d t f wll�ln tile �I�fo, turn e gob One 0 &Y y dif o r,, plill diolibbi4tp 'fled pi ok a 12 1 46 did. 1 4- + +,t: V d or y -ba a AKI'xor ,I, Inspection o footilgill his W to of durLoq' it' to, with a gO.Aeel.. hL ar8fi WiLtIllAL BrItIs wa,4, o d el t,6 Lt Zip d crulgerr to "blith 14, wep 4 Y'llill 'ago scrod knoWledgilk a d effort to. ga n VI ddy 341" n tjoislilp, all very serr OUSP Put Sol W.e( MU P�o a retire Ll �11,Thls -W 114 abl A nl; y Usil (0q, 'aIdL' gJavejy . [ at, i_ioC;tj� W is Wal -ot 01 '.r oui, 11�act C Lilroundiiii F �J +er st .1. ill hug*0 hO enailk�d' illat, .1 8 out 1, 111 re ii to g j4pire [eJICC ko �Dt:al�j � t '.6 " ng . . & young A'ILill W Ith A b'r Wt d e r. 'With! a 61! , h " I d ' He ii m il$ -ed i It ror�l ?­ '. . il6mimUlli _that a'qtio4tI&d,"oheqaId Volver- thq. e td t -is gteeiitly, )�Iilttle . I . o Kt- o I!Arjoi bast ftll� of Sol 110, frara.T19 I 0a. red a'Girt '61 111R. 'repor Id t!� Itr' 'is 16" knew'hW, t -lo'. a , nd. d down jh'.�Z,orfolk tOlt is .,m,, -1,L i-ijanaglid. to,lsecur 'blo�. hrV. set, fArth ore N -J. Your ina t Irioad tzl iu�, it , gne tuld6ti"11. .. , i I . t.ko.3 11p !nL.* P.-igi �ntll,­sli Could c;r:d`[sltk'TW-, Ne StI.11. Iilm�t 61, 111pil Ined bojit, �OdQtlj jIg. Sly) Gen Was, Atli Mantel RtL Oa tbol pib,11i speak dlgrfreWdl -a ile.ter'boi6uglll I 1�16n that,the i, Rig. .1fe "Malin.0 .'but I -am. a raid of itis - Bwk Ini an iAg.htfuj tink'i bill b;g V ax6n u. L th to any' 04 Of TACW" . - d that 139 . i -e Lr ion'iio IeU a, lffli6le, ePuil" f, d, -,orl a.t aiii C �Tgo at W"J 1:1 k, y lollig as. his, t1ilhe 'been t6 06 F-u*d Lt %l vopy do B lolifzly, Aval all 119po'that your. 1111f the M0.13 dallY A at R o 'of. nit yl�rltih i ve, e;in 11111 Ii e,r inted -1. opould lip w. Mill a WPM44JU Use I vor u . . I 4;� i)qv.er W�althr, i -W,;-br 09 pro,r-o! OW r d TUIP caoatlt, SAW Wolfende-ii, Ljot�'bq, (ICAUny urbl V a al' jtpla6 I-JUXUXI Yom aid 6traing, VLPOn tj Jill toii, to wol-0 of d loil reading. 'aI) t Je th'before y viere dry' tM411 'the fita be. oil a, n III lleli�h bolLue Of il-the 194, ni 11 1 .1 UlAnott V SdY(llur.pr6s- Put the,"gun- et ai wh,c 1, 'he fic y Volle-136%rd Ra4lldtt -n' �evo ver ilo.Xt d(>VV_lh 6Vt lb wl. once. here brLe III lier, jolim 'lKePt, hoc-orl 9,11a perfectly bare, Im or. W, Rider.. ,"cry. will[A-10 the' r6pilitatil �f bsin.g the ne ratlier Etrange not led h 4t Ha _W h a d . I I I S�ibliii E -Of to re tflat he library, Was StWIPA and' LL, athig 'k% BIlCyQ, phe .' had got 6 my :13urope -itted , tip for 11"' - a, mal' omme. an; & Trl , �v t4tlloo 0 Me. Lost 'bs wortl %40, young ifil W." 'W Was b.�wadq . Joe down i19, alit well Otc "Ai IlDstos" 'A About and I n%*9u' su and to. CoVy 6ut. the: a 'he lillrolild, rAther' htypNt was L&dSr 'Derfilikham i3j&i ' *'yl� r 3e ti Goove -She' at deal." 'have had this' an to Rot �a, -Girl clemes". o, - -, olk, pbo I 't 'et.-. govile. 10 as requI id willell, '8�ll.ald.jevep eapecting 0 9 wol 9LY0 Q Zre.�w WbLat, you, a lal .. tr4lo 00, lo,08111 fair torm."Latr -lift 10 111 that Elmo i) one "'Refined., Itly 110 kn So oer I!, plati f said. alA tO "are , n& .. I said earnas -lag Tou rl ly, the. fatal "Os"Its'to d lx� her own, for be �16 digotosurie.0 it up an w a rec for a It kelliellie. thiat doet.11Y tO be. bout t." flie, pub], he will gly4E Itpi., f i I ve, r, hund years wj unli Ig 4jon the Would folio ad pulllid, -up u ofwa` 4] borderk ,It is n 6eir awful' lie h . . . L 1. . I `-: , are, payin t, re ly on your aoMunt," he �Wli t hill migier6ble ;�6jk for. t b 6r.?i.q Wagon slie rom'aded s 'be!4 11 bul I It mulS diver to t a Y04 Oil ot,0 11 t)l Sreally! Most amusig'L aiLy tha ng Pell' I a'�!ufed her. 111*9 at �O fear O� betrayal. him. It 11301 -dent., 4i3d SteaM L eni , Re Ath a C W i the 'God Ined ought t t 3-A ilil w. I n60'0�k sor In t if i6d be is D=,% you nee how torr �htl SCO The rol :kour fitther I pi beliliell not 'util Illng'-tO, he WOTked was' iliqlaglill: to t: Me aHe JVOW S. 'to "You., muls, hak" Aiil; uo' before 9OItI9 lit that fr all 11 she continue in NN d ;d Pis I - as gum" my unlop a if airl t,po - - � . - fla al FPQOIK�l 6 faCt6 I aM ted with Iron f j, to 'him prea I , 6OU y OU, Jurladlo.t.joilli '.In ;iiuttel ixnd w .1 Of T<Jjol� to M4 deal It t h U9 1;3on w hen be plloA lJol lellil da -Y.- 110 w �"ll do lh3, ff t. t 'a qiilte, an Inj ed ght dild dol lie have -we ]LOOM waitt, You to tell dCiallico bet V thervAge., Come, id *0 antiol any. Mr. at JI --I ikel for, W W -maps, a of adjoisted 011ill ohis iollifty ho"O IF itilorwitr wi�; 12Or Goes. hoULIL O,&ter thp.ljou�. e ad A.'abuitt t . d t III bountr. t to GrogaO must remel pleasall r gol YOU 'not be -at all only -at d title bit. drm to! U;,491hoss. I A Doi seetill to, avwlii�ih thlingal. ekab as Iteformeris' Yoe ilevv tWon bad t6rms -st IxtIonim. and -COP7..all ol *ilw 'reflai a' he purposeleSS ;t1dTilk 'itillt t 114 Me it to IAZ& the ooel perso liddrell I n,j;T%e4t joid-'to'bi YOU and, d ,Tege lingL 00 WIIa'tL':aaakefi ment'-wAre 11". see It Is w. Tim, He auffered her. staled thotig no otle clqe wfts 'G�al UP" White Strixii good many IWQP,e- SMI whini work th,%t t The. There Oreil"t. -- , I I ih ' cor' Man-'!. 0 "on aloo0i 0 from the 1.,�vuadry­ erh�,ti* ).Ass In s' It* soi .1yarld ;or t 0, P Ir Strop_ t A to be. a vague, fooliling of ho 11ti agreiaL *Itil you -1 f Ite 8 Suppos 0 woillo thx% teeth. site Said, li WO1 alone, no word to 'a 't (34.4ries t hAing a:j,.,?und he: gir people In loot of tits YOU Urq Th-- Ybung' k Mark r t-0 grow There a" ft.griat mnyL 'd re- (I the' �h rnynr ell no. Who to r 'ItI he 10 r A haj;j6.,rd With. reforeliOl t0i Still - d r�llte�rri that ed hi Jh,5 'JE Valli --en Ireli, upw 044, box labi it IS Wue I -t to go tlie. afgcoverer hesit'at, ion.. paveli an.. of. *0 V6 desire poilbtraW alkOf hl led -to 111tili pw aiiY '�ra Of fen dold SOML45 thU ig. ohid tll&t �R 11'ement moan the 60 J<ld- or: not", that V d, oi ni , is-ecirets.' Any, rk 1xddrq9s iteCitl sea At -I. ljdllo,�e:'tbat I CiLla rc*61. dj . . , , illitess rly fal.110 to ils billi �Rli dare tho lother fiatteirl; uttei tAAiffe Who uns, It Blatherw briligli L ever t lewellyn ( � Ceornor. If �be.,.", 61'ared U'r; 111glatio, ilon e6rt: and r, '.-Shecto r Upon. By hie, til y4g' Ituest, ldinake h.ny luiTyreliq 'nk YOU h Indeled at d Collect IT I despai -to tillaril'. re6l6fbordug winiMv �, I .01r) train Into' tilC h(I not rpP.IY. I gilded 'III �a cait-ria pcS�A�bi SOmOttmes n ted, engag6di.iorda 101 the ge for,ber,� at! ;od V ItOf ined" -h olonf,tioed ends, With & , Nbt On of -�Vvl alre ciatior, Of.' i3d speel Vht6L 110 mg hat: 0 Ist"OU: tier' *aq ,'Most amu� A ahopeless tanglo t tllwr, I" , r'ini( Pill -eil ad a ;li Lad In 'nee 1ll.t4q 3st tail Of 1 13 War.L. IjtV �abeolute indol Wilwell kill, t -as Willi- ii vi They, aro' all Just l d he, *,Volreuden peakel Pal6ulations IOvQr'.1ii Ce W.h0b, s, ry go. "Mr, tilion e-* 9f -lid'Altilil Oi liurel � �Ooid r% arrly tlic.,flre. bi he 06 W Itil amaz lln still, sm possibly to fillin womieKag Nobody 6001d . .4. ou. toi asyth U� t of. tbo wkado winged 'to, dolng sl Fill'oWiers,-he. Iced 6entLI an do h ad, Y" qu, lr,�69 It th ;i ' �hex %,a. elf- V the add Sted 66 , ' , L oule or W Of' t em- we 6ro.,.,ii r YL frifilit­i1nell of. eiii d, h!Ch g I ftn iidl his .0. r on ask t211 he w td h. t to�ihb driver., AUjIng -had 'bedoing trem:u.)c t jn� the tall bV lieth ru 119- -Ia 'there 'was idea, to . got DelaVers" &0 as-- RA In te7 tre hiq arrilvd, ell', to W the nQ fL lial.11. aild '&Sk hIM OTAU -ij,. rEndl tOD' k or- ldl6w-�thmt ieXCepl lal Stls slulle Seer Y013119 Cot1iilly, niany t MOS 11boyl on etary., w r Man Orn - eilli c P toll; In ber own r U. It the CWLSWA llot,, go, �n h the dosed volfela 8 W .6l to Ii ax 0 - -0, " 1111 , Sitat load -Cft the�prese '15 V-wi llwtook.,a OTioo. t Was a 11 -aa conge mexcuse-slivy't,110 Ifludident, he pt Where- the I tnd Matt for'sho (In ;Ilev gLcId'a.- gw%rtLTl teed Lad ciffr'to lget. of, repl.toll t.#e QPel AitbOug fL i6b o_ �teatlow dired.... itel Y. C self- �.,bo his JiCak and lopi I oni. �aiitl no (3o4n .98� hd i t 'lindoollue -WQml reckot'heir' 1rOd III avO good f el �'jteld I a too :Or i6methiag sur that hhd to pill UP Id'not MLI only T)eringh t heufs on tO.:tII0 I�qljould Vke'YOu� W. 1pi'al. lot: -or, *,ard nef itement, rib it'd tilli, im Ow Uni hao 03:0811 As hav, Uncle I ... .. ....... but if tot -any ro sort Delivers L aj,Wlf. Wol ei vLdmira arp. f n don, - I w at ter he W _1it or he' and Gil -be 1). easalut for, eltherr Of :us.,., e Lot be..' under Is: rl nV9ftirl to r.� 01, life Mill e'ren' Is t 'fral 111fol hold 1) ftV r On . '0 - iii-06-UntN 'd to not eoillfl , Senroe 7 hoher­head-�� tl U lialli , Ater ieringlintin altered e till or bL .. '�P , 'or NOITO� InL on6e lie OlIld We don got and. _won er lid Rbfindd.- In :It". of oOtli to 'a E, ran d" Will X C1 sal.11. 01 he' 87 i'loi and, IV' fallitit. at a v tAi U t ndd there, Anfl you mus illain �lliprlght mg, :M itr.,, only Hurt hiel Tixne� irc 9; YO - U. On- pa a 'nature. en t liVaS Lq lib Slim he was s%ised .',S- L 1. ver,, a' t"; ow mn n nor Owl' Wt, Olt 11-araside in a moluell ever, t 4d ur 7hilli re, gbol 14 la.y bel has :Jttre 4111 A 4 IrleudlY last week to t"ale _iii th reagair., T,,be good-bye;­Itheu rol Aiii d eveher 'It par, ..you W, don �11�pljj� 'that he th* l C �Jt !�Dtterl intorestel ft Color VC look adVil -M my lboked at lanL? W -T;4 a Inn n 0 Ol aild -tel I M thli'llil hali q, and a cort,11? Ill. Oflent: Pity, W ar ifin, ov and III - '..ol in, 1. Liti n In -her 6 s mald Lias be r t an d office w very Fr), that r EJ alid. he ww Od beolik,'61ittAdIng proii(LL clear yo 'n al. Mile bther File n11114 anit took b7 ill al I; the I -time. you, IMP onle I all It n phr iri If to 1�) to'L it J'�viljlejl Coll altogether wbuld' brea.1c," LAV e. Wgr, with or.db fl.�j 11 be Npo t1e, ter to ttrain ol , - 'p� hyk� ""Of '(me 'd no 1,4Y11liptoms, Chle. f Uns;ttb. b ti But,.rn Ir Jili een I notlang wrong ith -r ff to tijo.t,�fe_ were no no Who MY. ht*el. upatidnr lver&-takei t ile 'YA, t lie� J Wi1ft" h'if the, Ped f. an am afmill le -Calh 9 Li It .'Tn ol f In delusion 'yearned P)r, R�)Vrnera r alivivays gave till upw. D djajAde tile rlp,,,Ifqq him at�t lo -12 a . I., lard F 1116�19 ". . I " to Won tar Pll of Joe. b na 1�-an t astSblby'�' jell n remarked. sno r 11 t LA'. W., UIA v oe Suspect Up 1Lnd ge, fell; -1 ('11" in X v I Ills by, ..:tfiat you'd bet hurry ;rticu al c tures-�,d4,'OOONC)i due... In 'p. t to e4i tr, like a.�sollx s show ill pe, aps iq,W.L1ltIhQ:% ff,�r 11 'ha I his- plThe hvUly WhINI i It vo, of the: ogurse, wnuld. -nd &IL�� the 0 is there not thin. '60, y ush d4 hio Was I startol it. and ahrr kilo C blinteGg ,ghdj. ver, you A e 4-6 jXPITE ba,1`6 rill, n ad Y 'S' Tin d' CI t 0 (J�Ite believes y is a%at is P11 ;0: Feb.: tied nd rl :Work... son J*Y� d'here,, has she when O�c?-W. I be. It Of lall the iDl t 6. sho and If You - had e r returned tO tl spliompot.1; with himself 1),)ubt, there N lo. III— of, 4JUll it batlLt.17,t 0rhatr 11 go ly tte If h% e C alitild mcl on o3miery W. JVIj wr ing yoll III )n r,DUIIU Or h linvin. fopild her, out ed lie,. oP611 opo sell -or �at lar c 6n4sldel lie In'ticalt1l idea r fill "(at f ,p*,'Ilg guaril 'ubled 'very little," he'webt 9113 fI -Iii inSt D IIII t na in Elli jloggg� kI "S -tr6 dd* n' Ini u n f 0 r t u, -1i a-, W' 0ximn hat: hO. 1 0 maLloy Iji ., tile, pbr r 0 aLf raid tha t lie I.i wariic.� bol A Real rh4unli n Rich am ,had,pasep qathor. goieni.4'as ellgeeing thinK ),our fit Itta EIG., of Oil briror tl(),. of Su am V ad bo u Ia, a' 11"i bill she' had not - "teal ok" III FOfted -066PIO suggwted that, hImSelf d Y. Ste4 W trio : t69, get 'tli-bo t 'lid'! is incot.-Ill gh , �r4lel , ; - P ,, ibe- Most Im' Pl IND., ry sll�611, WI �11;a er1 �Aety for port'ant part of vvOr young A.� frie a dcli, -a "r 'fear' tilt' t�. is Ila 'k b eal 'a eki6 601arold. Ceper of -a "r, indeed. is. Copying ni met 'dom% an J. tho.1sweetiliNlit .1 09, t , :. ,%,Volf Was ',You- od6il. frulf. Ho�, t, CL chap�' Jbild Ululej3, bib haticl I tj Ingliam, bad Y he R-efix to, 611 g foc. 'Admil rat '0 T ilfenden was But outside t e' housla e"n It thO'NO" 'In �W4 111i Inothar bil 11 a plol Cheap 4. ton -4. too her in -4j:q iiii ot-it d eorstil" no giuspici)ons tit 11' F ro!g and 'PuNji"ait 1 11 ow IS: I . . 1. , ... any Shirt' Ont-. sho.brid tkr 100;6,4 t pa�per bag did q)llt~ liaLfreniough"toibear. S'SjUds In , to i,y6ur- tti&t jh'ia lbras We& Vilden was. The J�orror am 'ery 66l be, sal WaSL talking, -UnI a e 61 foIt guSplialon'. 06' , i'o this Phul th,,p COUr0`99 Snd 10 Ltis-lifel I)ttfe Dlacheanbl. the 9 On t6,0theli Side. P.Odd, Tol to, On A ni" t of what had:p So 2 a u -last - nigh rai Ing Clothe m vel,4tridill ivittinss letelist tell, me lt bb''t It' ndid 4(, liad.be tlif) YOU old t lining feC the onil sud, ,of ti, sort 0 V Jake Dol Kidtil4ay Ir M6 fJIoqdffr. f My - 'DU, be n in girl f/ iiiii 'rovn-. tki-tig 86 the' - V swc ii t 6t. a. r is has' joble.-ne W.01uld �r rheuiall tljat�� 111 '0 . w1W % - �lloh I., �C-Jbhr is tint," the �Oullt y dejuslon."Holy lilk , d oljt�, f roan wil tom, of the -jadgt 6iftta6kilnilr the man 0 tLm go, 013 Iuigt- 0'( rrlv 'It Is twO: wu,13 ill the bot of PA it ut tom ri6flued Dmy-�. -giel sufrerer. he pjAls seemed.. IL -0 flever lung paillons had 9 Ith ti QXa6tIy,.telIl;. If' hid, know it d In It clioapleist 'me A Bat' none in Rot to He hmg 'en 'Plepi Stop. 'ail. anti neweppe 110 talked. the the b t6rri anger III �td. for theiI ltbo 'k Inadb up 1 d le ea (Julet aild B.Itiall "lCaTTI rr'le wliat hapf u der -the care Of a - Sweeping 'away a. ous tot 'the but ' this 6 114 e mnited. on ls� a. I" dc d r(- i "YOU 110 libi and ol Onc who Ilad:1 ti ne. 0.. r oriv,wit-li those. roulix, leadng t for so a Uowd Cl tbe Ignollielin 0a;*Ct il nIng IT), tTIpr (inlookierK. III 'Alness., . im of Ch hBe- -e �erlelil Batil"y thlP hat y the MOMOY e d111I tion6rig, 'Lai. lirst re-�. 0ixe Of le, 9 patent - M InCS,' b6t ho I lie M -al' 'unea te Ile' nlm thet think ;that q t rhollo tiho r ttjr. Is gone 011 I" Cildio lief; dai %Vl onintoLtid, tworevol a lit, 'd by n but t as adMlr.%I'.,In oc thm.solind of. dv�y­ P In 1).ol t oftifid I haill-not qltQet from' set Softly. I oerti -onaliter -Z him UoWn'. ri nly' r" he 11 -illy. She IT, I hur, led down. An MY' ll�lidssing g0liliVill )r, Ott t, At live f! the -vanti lul- 1' . . . . . . . . . . . gin i a ? .4ujrcd the blt,4 r, e -0 onb in W, so Iq . tro r is iiipart .1 so in'tualk el it re- qql rty u r iO 'frivak to use atare t �iJrd trti,plptli eeall i A t Ilincilkil C0V never flu T 'S M`iGO W. volver Ilis hand. lose ni re. ant'i , I Iii till sly, persistent so iUt 01"Ill F!c1clil .................... . Ing to 'If oil wiJil a inner. lei Iv r (3bl -of Poll ro hold, 'all and. see for (I latp-he story Ovitio, oi. Int n, as e no 0 d the .04 le., rInuto behind serve t In big nelgil,b 6t td Iliden dro.990 taph I., 11 one t to ad,th ' 3 Li*011 lind I d Mi4clalle,of heRP um. the PrOvLnob geherld Yo, le inav 0 thia KkKix- lovikit. be. hm, done t t) le i,liini -L�Dodd'j iW wit br eg 'the 14K 3 lllo� ivy 09APT L 6f' the' ns X1, .; otne, ­ he to, ITP01 il t eo V 't�o thill f Sttid that Re fUckeribig auld v. Bliatherlillill go' cloyerr ile L re'. The Tempt Jig 0 lioull, and W1letl4,_ Chtilbeimal all to Vins6lis tho W1 tvilloi-Nir I f on) to See Li W niteniCnt. al 'Over k. 1)'� Not 'DBIII)PO n ofio of tr hO ll _.the y were o .11 131 , L -0 . W - - F-oiltrad, . tL 806 0.6 it R60.611) and, P46, Vflfa�v­ 1� I'S Cd 'Physiciads Afted, All Lct 0110e mounded. 14ig ibi and A h beott I ac "Syp'l 's 0 olfcliddii NN nciy_ - , . d U tider -Xid 1, C rn).) to. rib, Il rixlr, ------ y,.,, and las iulf P W� 0 , u 11C l PIMI Irton so Vy, Th,. !­ . : * ln �%;I nder %t- I �arel Mbi fib he fik 111m. urie .11ecl k& I ": ., - Alike t the, �hr`xibl Ile All ui�rei I j."; :L �;,Ii in,., of 11L of T.P. n A. v man, I latdoic, t her e W nue u 'as to 3'. r, tioJI Dr, vio kid s omilise 't 0 t g 0 f T, . a 0-1 Ca :: A Tig ran r lI Vito int, aseh forill Is t bid dO r w th �tortoli, 'W J1P,ytXr own ous Iflil O -d- 0 11k rj�, L11 t in ta '�� r ".Weven And A V r itial I fu) =o ittli -,I, ku don lif e a:Mbe, o6y. I., ea -.nph Ajetvb,-t tier W)tII -fiat nS in, .11 - ii,vl beei, 0 In and -� I' -- It t,� on(li 0 vl cars a iod-na I can 11 1 6x-, I"th-It. .. . . I for lifs., of .,RoI tn 0'. hd ov0r Illy ack, SW11119 I'll !it th6 Windo'lli It' r Bralt U!\AndrA, po)vu. ftly hA tv,cllro for iff- Rpine, - The, pain w" a -,is ­ 'll t6ndltil tilly 9, th6b!�h P there W1, 'in d r. ife. 1. 114 � -h 13 the. 'the- yoiung it, eolded t4' Dud ii Dr 'altill 11006 Wall ledidIn g; it ait t1tneq--- -IJI His. fbrelleR . S r t J, d 1014; orn k1diWY1; hwas not bills till 'Jeturd gi% Taws 'rlolkl�s, Tili days f rorn ft Ow. and fe'r to' the OubJec CA IWO i1sess Is The QiwenI n work. Thoil Whjlt.�Il jlo�dld bot once re light fitlid I' OA the Do- ti(jils can ­ nj�hli 404n W of th"i till"(1 fl) do itin 11, aad.100k" Of *,n 1111t.1t,,dessert llad ill tit 116 0 T, allolgethot 'all k ut.111,6l tI, iLos phy- I'! ask". The odhid ejLfet will W,6 u -Id lGe of Vanijil t116 - 611 - 'iirn 110 pass, t in ibilelk, dam d h011: li Sevee led, at Your till tAter, eenserv, tUI,,fg his: OWU finit o a.' L .* 0 dvel liol upget-mo relief. sw6ed vok 11 l6lo: 116. to tAQ standing Or titif heAd, Ill a go haIn Ord6r ored L §ilij ander til" 'ey w *oke'� lip T u by a �! t oL Itien lir nwea�r � 1AI'llito P,41 he 111 1114 rathok a. e. MAI ointil TI Sim la; tuo Indi 4and foun one a A. BdhIlJ%L d 06like Viy CI I have fbil 6tlo� F ti SOull . L - 'a streipt,'. rap.,to,.try I'm s Iiq Pahl iO� Ills lon' or, . egg LJ6�1" 'it In thd'171130111, and 3 rl ng, �Tlla r1irsley, rlllsi an, .1 J,VI he r .. sali three, Ot, fol,r liourG W he F11041c Wet V do., an(,­SuL� �ono b6, ?13b.Upew 't A, - and great hwid On ,I tithly .s tillno roquir t% the.V, t�n, U itoron Pays )(1 nii, 0 l- 6ad baa�n �r 10. In I bi�Mmn to f 661 bad 0090 ndorAmn hori 6uP;)pl'tllj9 brsl Ia clear 11 a eml� ,liplict.�n in llotlqp, oil only one "lli �ita r 13' 1 'tilt 4rS Vef f(5rl 'tf, better after -J� `Lri� Who G6jtlJ'3jU- O� no. Wrts t1till , , 'foubwod blid cilh Or Ul 3ir At litil 'I Mr I in illg � p4rtV 't" b thilit � yoavq. no a inan on. 0 .at tit able, 0 On otl -be' 'turo I :Jarge ought Ue givon e�0, owed pie UsIitnot, T I iiii - a, 01I t never, lThe Ill it of ed NY th yoi( Id the IZ1110 I - I (" Ll t' nlipidint Ill,66tt ilif of: 0 or n liil tj 11 ninn b, stoli., Ill "bepn 'T It ni 00 V -g Or- T4tJLrl togn livill 'vc -Y an ftO4 . , lit -�i tiven Z04 o t 01 to pOVIlept.nric ir lqgn f,"yr vor 4 memr. In MY coij 11. o r 0. 11 0, r VII T V,4 taw he ap treat bis my" ...... ...... ... ... ... .. . . ..... ... I