Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-25, Page 3"Mlisst'­ 4 011101 Rr;.� WrIvIr linew al tand the deil�" a ),wt* this xngi' , as said, r, I an he coveml -antything- (urtfier'th_ You, have he4rd, what. my ,jniexo - --I- berlii&. Y�� I:er eyeg,were 15 ji� W, 751 Wolfen4,n was puxzled��-�� vpq I not eilvy- waki even dileturbi)(4�, Had Donshani-41 sad.. a- r- ble glIardiall 4 ord Nyolletl- girl? ."011fiat 40 'lie ulea - '110Y ,he axilawor N. �441ietly, 11 1 am' Ilanti�;, ,,,;Lttd au 1w awl AN ;IN, thotis-.11k Vlo 1�0 I lit. Ale toil ovaji f M; 61ough, lie ha.d nottling but' pity to I Shall 0611ttu'o ip .110 LmId. r the only. olile Ii o � r1o, .116 ojd 041�, W I,-f�H - W,� ? 1�iljail�,somefla:y of t Av liad p(t! 'Piet, -4.10k,umv Emecess?, N ollo­�Jn Englan volf Onden. ie. d ARE" GLEA -A THRILL N4 -,$T0 IRAC�, AG, INK OR) A'Al lgii � of o1pr f into her _RT,0,..0 NTINENTAL< ON$P numet), NO I oulf�,rt C loghe(. _ff Q C K OR) 0'' With "an lIle M dan 'tit ain blit". ��04ALtct TH -f yoo. want...,ftre; n ical -I III klioNV cheekai,:-Titer Oy. cad w. we I N,K� oil that Degs). more, tiJiak e pgople. itiqht, at ills audaqlt��-tllcil tILL sy Hold lie, did about. thes . tr the eO,,un slill-gaggh &reon gate ily oropp he had and,that _dei d )r black,. thie! knoA 41 alls, Ill f6ldH V-11. - , .1 1 . 1: - t - 1 0" "Jae Ia inad Tliei-a W no, their poIttal. and bats7 to all'ait0ndit4t, ttyx10 here.' W oti'd Upon Is II -Ali. she Ld d rply id� dat.11til,� of lkir, gol sal tollin ou �Qsuidaltl a:jid fftroll6d ubolAt, waiting rot.,'W 6L lo a,rewell l' bzie_�ever knows."' _r doubt ItM delf. A hap, 'x slid 7 y 14"'fol. W -m a el boA CEYLON' I'N JAIF she, said .u�r, Vile 40'r to"4blo doubt.4bbsji� that, Tile oo,greht a ILI N AN quarter 6Pallbour'passed. TI It � 1. V60, M-t#111m oU Jils plpeso ha,41-lic, (Aved-tr .11e6k,. t 10 g i -1 W -jeld0d a;ti'last" to. MrI' SAIA 11AFreditfaky Mt., Sibin: Kream.'of peoplO from th 'thii, Then ''' I' TI - spoke, don st r...1 7_1 ouggeoed. quietly oid �p6t �Oonjo. gan to ktbw thlunei.:.f3till A hint., itlid tile (Isolirt, Inipat'?nre, and,' turtllllj� 'tAV'q v Vplfen menjo,ZV Of I .11are ++Irtl , r J F�. l4ppep(id. t9 lotich lightly, .4131bLitcho shrugged den warning, pits -follow heralliolilddra ano took but ttnsjjo�cri god AwhY,. He ed ItIM'dovwn the sWutQa.Re- Wulf� .01, I?', at of tile coi� Storag� ooko(l at her o i I.,,,? a ad se "Anyo W4fj AV anocent ;, - ind­prottid �ad jj;asg�ds 0, ili6hlng!Y` ention roMajiled at".t1i'I to Nile, t 'f'lt ja��r c6upt � 1; , likki'l I tho D 1) a V A #4r6att', returned. big, W_ at'ch., t Re dt" sjgj�t lie jkligor(KI THY, E, 'SA 1ATE0 .-, ­' , Y _p' -'bis r � Ij�(tc 1, .09 Ut anoug of tile all. it, had,-bebu, 1 ory pitickert slowly, + And lie, b d Ijs and without ovilig, as, the Imle'of, axWd.. '�he WaR'44- ��oVefi for :1 nt� ol, t%vo afterwar 's �0 ri-a scrut.11ILY-­ "irglitit,' hubtl T i, �q - ''t 'G tic k A. if it, 4' b . egia, litolis even. of h, uw.,, . 01 I t1resoin9,,'w..o �, y an, I, am sid4-,.c, f ron rljkl,� ;4n_Au.tULn4 -Le4f. Amls, face. _TrQ Anhilling 0 1 gall) P Dedulk me + -saw t h t ;(if: + 'diiv �,,ewvt-', GIVO The 01" 410, 4 pr= g; It'inigIlt r4h;a k'e'n o" fl�oln. her goNvri f ilpses.:that. w4 do not w.itit, It The hian rdl-114 Ile anythin Ilse, Afe��p -a-"POVAI 11i'd,iiiJI d'X "I f(dand fut a, N 'Wolf a "d 11mt0P4WWtq ha.yqo.j. elf -441d."s I'VY01r; I b 144 ed, at. lIwIl. a -11 Ilmd, 61)Qkel�j W4 ettillg' I bkl IQ, jIAP;jjj'� - t I isiit;fil t. 'Ito iroujdI belit-ve no evilljib would lind` fWI drewl.out,a cliequ6�bbiljc. me very,odqly, Nyhon. I teminded�hlm P :rhen he turned bac d `1�. g(Od. �ad, pl6nt�,. then :and 'IT) �'ro, will Iq d ri 1) about-t"Ilth' I d -not '�6u 6t. .1 -1 q)�cn for -.a. moment. tLwa�j.d, on, t1io, quqor -$Ofa. He bad It 1 1. g; t %v io 14W beet I B �N o �t 041ty� 'a' tit' Is, such -4, crow fi -Den'.9hum 0.09-� �e gap. C41 nqX� ll�U �T 6 It t t and jtqard. of t4e UetJQL Girl, or- the Aile, An"ey"?, 116. said, but ot, sthere, too, that; they'will noti keep our - 1-I"T ur frI vd.1.1 a Aft, I ee iblit ]I L el ' IA ' n 9n rem rke e - ring ortr .1, h.e,- i c' re':you for indiith. 1oug -be oree table 'much e himself to an or pored witit ��,6relgj 1�.� I N jer,i buVhe had rliot,bq�' are t anad- n Den- 'Is a jbiirtahlt8t, Is hse ;"III$ fiatie !I1c,-4uQW nyik2o 191)"5111; tlie Pld A�. ll,lillutg Malden could' I �Iivpt, 1.1 Ito, jest: ofthii �-Tjzi list, ja In, by till inea, 4,!" ? R lam agreed. a,.Iy .)?,cema -trit,,, . , aftliough' Ij .4, all. %A, to n than dtoec+ ths IVI" -1jerial sentoi tho.e rrttr)t c0ioklil mam's f1g6res.1 'IWblfen&D'-w e dl _(To be. co f Lined.) fa, JU 11 g tote, �ImN our& not look a_tell �oa. livLee - Qf a. '6'(:IniItzeI find us It 'fle lal� qi Ili I' alid the,g&ro, , ie -Aar - t 4 writes the Baedi!.kur (75AU100-1; Ar. nta to", I IT ffir. told, yot)," allOdg'ald "PtIlUt' InW,yery. old �UeW.11 at, tAI6 ino, W ­ : :, B XiL . . - I -chance emarked, ,Is anything ­-"Iln jq -Vo an.. kvir),. In. tile thereAa. ji t 't of, el qu-14ted be0,Wt.,9,' blut little+.Dalay, the f,Tr ditbbD foj�"14. Ue Y�. o bU it 'tand' ­bj - h f Brat Nvi:lbsit,` Lick ;t�jth- PtAllb Ighes, . jap,,7,JIq I In. a As � �i 'ur7jaijs�,.;' I .1fendell Girl,. did, th� -Tr JLI! .4� it: aR Av z, .1c, a0dod Deaf T 14f. .1. to t their taking, ILL file -but -', ratihet'. a: diloitant(N.' but lie "had se -11,80, 1�"Jly Slglit� Wa:i 1:16 kdr�r Wk W W Atoerell, ,6IN;t ollc�..of, Ule, ra 'k wall shook, his d A iolsliv� nw;, viev Idn't hai rOI16 rout lit Well' I j4ono lao, 4 nd tiliriled by :.to -b ­00.-�Oe I �168 Tt WIP-A dt� t, los' andi .1- w6ijidn't, jo.�`; f3t. 11 M,hard"W'Orl devOt:,cl -to '':u- _,djd: Afov#.,hjro� Every- c)f Masnilorl or, IL4 �w4w' 14 Atce'. 'tj NVil it "Bllf�-(J, in t6ollaburil'iioji i0till, "iWan Lff 1, I A6*'not''Z -t� a&y ilfig of the 114,gaid'. Under tile, 8111tij:jig, (*,nopy 'h4(1' Fam reuttib'iir Iv 41,41 WB�116lh, Pit .0ort, been'-keepliIJ; late the last j'jVO 18�1114.(j�6iltt�" become Dil d 0 lit- jds., JAL(.61111) 1�illoy, %V�ts t'l?Urilig xoIL4. 1:1 an I r 1 11 '1 , ., . 6. Trac ivlio 'hu;d: site" helil Butf-oi on J110, Coatt directidbo, .11,1n,which Iliba Tliero,'.s' nothing tile matti I.Aarxtutt Isi 'NQ. SaIll -epb6tc�lj al'- ­ I. k., 0 P�jiforuliar a thour, lire nlghte� 'r, lleAt uip Into hiA Ey" &ndJ I ­ :r L'' ­ co?44 Ply all U lectuiL M Lit. gliqll have �,.o go to). sw 1'. 'Come, let, u's g 0 ill.. ppe I : 'oyorlouked. poth ing extept; or thioutili"ho oidfiot appaar to...r"Ilebt -6iArh L IIQ 0%cll- o FaN r' or ith Ine thokigi the X th I'kn mad the now 'no- 11areutt, llhkOd- I& arm in Dqn+64am'st.. the name. Ile is a 011t rtl:.4oui :� I CrIngham m� and as J ik Let an& tile, s6uth.110le,; and a f0v %N'410- )Iit 0, self,. tWo in rn Ing olo.was ehioorte. to. W place"] - 1 1% ar on k'11 t Jaimeelf." U3 lie not th-a big room directly - acros;§ - tile' l!�g Pityits on. tbe Jerk��Nator Dk:l- 0 thing Wfatev6r-iibout, the, ))I ou The ell stood -in- the doorway. 61" Ill be ace. y W fter sell I have not table troxii.a dark maii wit -h heIt Y tla,ftwt) us( . vioit tal"t, V Woll, of �)ie-'Freiilollt and Elkhorn: el lid IfilLjo me tj �, j. b love ell yQII yet," Har- nivare of," era, N' con'. black Ili jijQ',i'4Ijd' a: Alopljl� o ter WILL fta'g,T1me. ad" nvli(�ro onear c4tt "Rald. tkk. a. I ow tone. to- Ahat: y6tir" home,;.W�,sofit,L a t for ehideh er6d. Re Lr­g;en 04m.3. ba6k: t6 tJj-,j Iolan ec 'Ili- tli-4 0"t-Irow tunie great Fjcrl�e of so- ou"(1 Lat there.". e '41 phe el�,,�rlilv bitt(Jorly. he is interested ogalL , .11tit'l;"been .,.act: up. DenilianY Ugliek il little t, 91tak. jew�b.11tml MI flitlo'll) vb;,4h-A,i6 its fjt.irnl�tinj, tile ANllich blo 1,11Nift V Ito � . . I I, now, lan, -r I n, t r� fine I lef t atprangp, darlg lic 63 tj Ile no' irsattiso�d ivas ij t`1163'callflo tile- Wo re gvNo deiiso 0 1,tjlbr,� I.q tic i;!' IOUg 11 tit(, Lniiiiont prestl� A1q'th'()'P>acred -'White -.WN. for several i Sbiores,�,bo rl�dgo'�,,'iA6pose4ll Nr' I N�Vill tell' 1,03ill:hIftliat I k pre f re a but beyofid',ti, qulzzi(,-;�l * tu� la,j,'ou Distant sently OWL -new Sabip c6ntiriued,,*iiwby, d,:portlow W. Aliat, lie, uitl,,n't � Warm +Up, ­andi spedkirJ& of Y64 166"o idlift(I out' SO&COIngi, 9- diRkLai6r. .116riu.oin vas . very. .11 ut,.i .. �11 'Prj 6, and DI) m., . i�t .1ara'd I ein tile. yatp you W'4, ,, I a als, Inter,itection 61, Blil;� 6. ])hn, but 'because' 1, -apt.. an ly-olfeildou, lop�(-Aj, .up he IuW Do w. Tit be� n. l''tthe Vorld so Ilit allould 116t Lit's Sp6li t, there, s?" tell .1c thO op rib rouj;h, poat"o JAM: -4 a ji1ir hini" ivn�ii nj-w.� I'lle in. U. . f." t I!, I' h'a:Y0 'foollid olatit" c I , U +flruiticis+.�,. � 1 -4 4L,� IV4.4,111111 NY6; but I.114-iffit indicate, laks: - - I o ia Qlxneilila T"xte "N'bhei" tile 1,01r). rqplI1bd;'1'(ixcept`6Igt-t 'tha.t. 601111 y hat .41-1� TQ%V J, l60x,6d[ 4A - Adly.611 -no hoil f ace N lmpenatirdbl.,� 11.1113. It Wollid. ba, U, case dt Alegetating . W -would be qw. I-tand day anHwerdid, "all that 1 caiI6 to khow. V ' _ 'L" re.cogill Lion.. tit lifil W.,,'of thIN 'Ift-raialLnn; f ji. ra th, other Wit AiW rvouis Slistem: full.0 at. (01-:1. ;should wap.t� ng, for It." fbllo%�-," 'W61 NAlKilpft sa I I.- llaTtib attbd7I,-h---VlejwA' or 7 f oht' so �rnuqh.. that I am Lave fount I --furrilng, to tile glirl,, 111`�. bipt).F r. P the. j6avin�p Efigt izoak!" fID huniorizit, and 86v(,rul otherd 1111p -Puslo .-pouns e j 4 a Mr. Sabin lobimof downattile c)ie(liic- 0 book wlilefi la,,� ell tpre-Iii-in. 11ailcutt 'looked' at hini-euiIi.du-sly'".' painter. 1-49 Y 110"113'Wriln" the' Gaintit'at,`U7 Peate'd th6.-tablo Nvere Jil'tbe- bec- � %tttetr. Ev 'i;v cjichclelier.16, the. 11-00-tus. ham", tim, Collic- -Bluffl 6n; b� lo-salil. "to:v ter poor ot(j, 41 talked 'as a tipi e sao( 's *ak its C11,11011113ed �isgjPim-Wh&l- So me !I"I *afo IfitendinK f &6adeln31 jykll.�11 a cle eiteini` a 1.1 ell I 'h bftPv "I libotit, and% 11, aw er,'I" ttlad You Welleque (or 'rltt,)- T)OLLIK13; -'Aiat Ton, Were so 'J' a,I)OULAO 14106D a Iv, t ilt a, f I Lim, lie eX,co,1101A Nvil had zib� Idea iafW o , do�, Sol : bo� I 8WvodOre* Wha�t -Ile ... 11ad twould Laubko a* Jnl,,.,§, Verne. Ali$ S , a ad .1. 'Inali:4 it. bne.hilildr,ed, andybu, Avill''fe at, A-6ii Nvlli�lj Ite IV0146d" �f: the.g.p he was:61, jy-BT I:jfpg,-ijl an Agony 3616' �'our',kintily cireIG, at 'Falfenhain; er �tk 411d sedrit'VITan't' Narratt've sbi��ivl llke n3e tir�,afed­ I Allreiv"iti., Lp-lli iivp rvt Win dWIr het 13""9­l)L p Hsc -tit Ofte L lesinihig �vh;j I .. I Hap I I g. r. -.4 ivrl �onl E tliii. 6UlV[urPd Of 1 1, It It 'erv. !into Qt al't lit hlnrii�! to. M. �fieljr,-W%ltii. S-xadkilv lldroutV xreek,11"o, e ni t'O-44-11 � ""' WILL e Hot FnI0tjd4jjL9 I& T�hb, girl nlai Is a. t'nped.sfiq .and' aid ""'AI ayl. �Upoyl. ob.- loolld­ hig.k1le, lotl;6t'.�u rj�r� Tell 'Miriu je- 'I )v -x. V'�' (;lob. room . to. 21T' liked, Ills Yroli st- JI6�' : 1 1. rl- ATI 11 .9 tdita, jiva. "f6und 14, I ILI ktirl (I L. I fle Girl,, of OLinbridgeo AIII ad !b nauxed 111) a'), . 11 .. . �­ -'Stirribik - I I KWIC" she -D hatil's-arin'., sesaj�.eo,. Avas+.lt not -And 41 flft,6d tlie I'llig from tho Fjal, Ad hacl bee �D lm=y . I 'all. AdA'(1t;iires-_, that, .1t wais Nvas. "Mi's see juy fa ily: elr�-, 1. Great Stoti!�'AA.�(+L;nIIL6 '60k t-1-10, Coll ri te��,4 0' Ddveli 13 :Put a* Ti6obotV.voen 'Iffin and'.Roose- d "I'l slllii�txf scol" I& ling6rr" col., t kbiit YOU. ollght� to m N. J!Ortritlt Yea h I y fIre oll cra'6kqd,on , lit, Allf :6t6t . Nigh ce - The' farining,, lint ! NO wol 16, W a 11 dot we' lia(j- �.th4.*Wle -tilt e%ery eyoi,Ayas, upo jIlUg.lIIfl6elIi,.!" I !- , �ariJbnd' 1!,', 11, Tr filed 0041'e'. -and fronis poor: old dad,who+los4�s, till hi� n III ,jf . .. . . Ito' . >vY IIU'],- aud, Lill for Wolforide . I . 5. 3,09 Wall o�x'ir'6 r"110. .4 In v 14 .7. 7�*ton� ho, Av her. ngdnW ivUh 'Arealy', Id 'aT '"TI; Iferldi6ty :.a .,.9Wer-. sparo. oil ii: Sib: and 11 -ItIr I d iz, ils'nicce"wre occupy 1109tAb hinit. r6hltrL d,� IN 11H r-3 FI Was 1.1 G;Joluc� Ill India, - H a IS it id', "I should--:1lio 6ry loig,:, e )iiid my. Youngest: s ster, hV.Ilo cam tell. you Ing. the'saine- tabl-i 4's:on the prenl 't., , i � ininlitaille drary .. . .­ 1 .1 . Into- Vile'Can. I oil" . I . 1. 8, OP Q lo 1) NIPPY 0 PIMI, ipivreeekd lit' the lidut-h-, efthl t1lb-iii, lie t everyiIiink- alliout' thbtAiiat.turni Vrit hilta"16 �v eint t p.prop.. jliglIt,'t0n13� tit 'Were',xipt kl. Mr..'Sa.b1n: looted Ui); �d "6trahgIiD .1ir>AV &!&,6jesss I am get" 14 tilne: taley an Ills. at.or Y y 4-re-� to 11 -et I"1011 -Yo6-.w11-Ffin d- %V:!DJiejige5 mraw-sixting�-there CP W ill I d the, 6 Y Q.�d It '41na, -1 In 1j; go alillisill. 11, lictiod, (julckly;, blit rlirnalv- 1) J, q. 1.,, - 7nq- "My fo" I ... "Wit1k, the Uumu A. anill ever eavj,i niy jelvelry ill 111illiz-0 ed A bbViyeeill tile. t%Vo. ...At. th6� moille'n't. of ­'Yoil niust he 7_ , 194.. at,, i0iiii V., fr. re pl.ti, , 1yeat., "I. shall, Toa�;., T I-lp River, hos, �Lnd tit n1soe and I aro in, E Lis triatee"''ji, d ;t%:6fi the r'dA ,I it illeir '�Atralic� e girl � WP' J;,' " .%In vla6d f6r� Orob i-hild Oalied r, cOmi6e�cO.d­,f llifig.'�rl tile, With.: Filai-ely, as'.116 lgI g toge.t. er �A,',ohN. for' Aerniann -duinblounded ii tll� an ',Are' 11 yQl, �Lzad.stoppj&d'iv Grizz y Bear' ff,' b6cly or tliO olietlu the- alr of phe wh6ll'y detaelled, 1 64 tth-me e 0`0 It Air; 10' aild A�e - hh� r tho "Pii6in q- W,4�uKefl aq� jaillell. sudden nianne'r ill. which the,trialc had avoldln��' llviv' aL es Hawk- -cw . t I . I . . I t� � - I"i . .0 ahw de itt blilit defiantl Ing with. Ills ssilpli&_ "I flot'03'4 'the st I,. -'gredWr a Look .'for. li�_- lbs, an takeii Bla''6k., Sit �f 1 4 11. th ie I.- e' "14psk I- tild noivL,­" 11-arellitt wilt Wbol j)resId.ad�'-o-V-&r,A4-JLe' - later 04 :to tL. n :, , `7 e".bu -Ar6ifendon- favte- broken 'W- . '. ._ j, of co0ree.,3,9u­w6dIdn't Win' �601 IN, III Neryu J4 :3 �F, virli4t Wolle4don''ni6ant' t 1111,4011", to; klloAv,'.'� Into AN; It Avorlda W.W6 1)�6ught dil. box course tit avor4' ening- Up any, , cr*10 I AvoiA �.fia,�te you'. 11,110,gills rianindedt Iiiiiiiibolit, . t* h . , I I :. '. I '�N ve tutneds.-to'lilrb: antff- -8 kpr�t' 8.01' al 3 rned t I 'afternol.n.: When I�ri oa6 cloax" "Rof rt. R.Yes, suddeit, �, .8et. . pbeily-ha,lidI +' all 'llow A. off, Lit e Ekeruse.'Us- I'rhgla:d­t,6j§ho,y. Ia s. .1. ing-111153, tIIO g� I.- -d" I%, Rre-M, W Oict, 144111EI.- t IF in set fslkid�, lie'rb 111. lle!4. I ereralila, I.Y to. -�-Wlvat.' ."th�ze rq�retv * wore, which. oil are ..a- very good waltpi6; -(.,.ep Ili + A, far,tikay ga74D;',wP.re �Vull "rilig' ually I to ell rings Frope n --?irwolft llay& tile resol'fisibillty of A ong e:k t it, alitill see'vilill. at* any, -ititol. -Nhoii .4 or. "Yor,'; sa 1.�ruess*l Is, ls�. i stroducIng a. t1lb. t_llu4F,.­1­tAvon&_r ho. A liad.;*n tt6j, Up SO HlfildCll I V ))6fOj-&h to 0 on tal�3 -f a 00110re'd k;UpPl Buill -TeAI�. Re- fel nd. a;% Bia�skbt B d jo IN i c . 'trtl it ay a 1, tic clis le, wo ..is thp, �'A.ud 1W itit, lie �llzxia' PLAyed h4 string.'and. 1. J--, ' '. 3,6u I id. tp -piar-J111111 AAA-0iop. 1009" P , ­ L � IL I _� NrP I Oak n lle iil�tl..Jle, I ! - P.P '0 na nj.;�or. V _QTlIe "I can -,,-)it Aft.:44a, I'll :sald;�, .1 Ii Jriad6, %ro b Lvilk.h. Rot, 1,;as 'kill Tho tjV da�r is iare, it i tter - -j 00 ".A ja 7T R I-T-zk ftwL- I -de m� ff -.h-- .1 4 1 be 11 ., t".., . _1111 id-l'illit. ott. (I In, a Willing.- Norl'61111 derf 'wa's- s­Iftlng-,%visI; + tjier. voffilg� I.ir*%? Ws best, -sali Id or. o, - Ill yhge r -It 1.1ot. -jidird to U3,"Il-vit.: ill -a `tdivu� %0aeli­ h.9 tirown -tl -b ld tfi?ll�:'1314 it, Ill L ...... t0j" and-. 1 j 11'eart -buit itil unac(�U,�stoule ill1lok id I' W r r Q '!sI'ibeJidvb y 06, 1 beli6ve i6ta and n4Ii.-,­l;ndPIoI 1g -.44 Ile ILI 'bellieve noticed tlieIr'40,fitiIalic'e. ,�S, at 7sh�lll: lifive no Wile to IWI lit- U'r- Sabill'El IV-st a S an oVid�ii Y faLtlijo yoli I He Aid- -J a' -ionle `til turnoe�! f6� tlfem;1%ItnkI 'he li;id/ 4, It, .9) -jozd, )Ir .0 .1 off algl� 110 1 -V.U,,vs remein�',her':tlie Farriii, Fakenliftwil "t rot 9, Noiv 00 'hi, li!-'IookpLj'4jOljnd,* dild. IN :Ills. Olv1l . I" . 11 YOU W tie _'f06in:_tIae;P6oP. �F. you-` add-6se:: 'Wegtil&ot�, bin.t, ititity­,oft I llhTe �ffihrk; .1the u art, t �G li�gle. "tloa NvIC I. rm-ard W th' d a] not cottoti to seehij., flii&in� leanex over Wartdg:the --Se I"Ple, "Wear ItI, 'an A -6rid. " 11, cof'-th .11 M `what:You,1lkpjn�':.tli6 nienfitime,-,but a d Ywon-tly-itak-ed-AuxIiiI ­Ponlio,- it -Wan toUr sor A. rl­- a It d -ii-ppi _f1LIe(1_JaImit �xvltiv-. -SUd ell'�' f -Lt. 'Aulorleakiii.": ,Ii *a Week -11,0M t -da, 'h 't, Lie; -t6d- Avao,'tt" Ilia 6 0 Y th6r,46 will' be a lot, 'thing.."Silb n6ldeq� tt'notfio a e D a thit o t;�: In, er, 011.,pride ft, t ly' or He, Pover - Jig gl,6d And Ili t'tr I r6m line there. i�'"re Is the elleti -Q!T jue. L" Vi let,& Ilia, goat 6fid joined, tbernl'- cludt6d 1A tho gputiinoo WILIch Aiad. juet Tlib d-irlI enioor, :? ' ') ':rllo'g�lrl ro, Or Aier 1 her L not. c 14 1 6 out' 11 He lo�uke&��suj�'froin Utrk'ArAttled W. a,ure. n pr G000t i up. . Fe A t of'... ',48 .,tind all6dr There I ., W111 f td�, Ei'llt, jittl6 heiltation, a inq, t tble 1_tO I L - ed ., I I., . ..1 Ilh,rd' i.it I ked awkw,' -6-, ­ , I __t�Z ir. '-Aab *�sl�-%� I as,ro- I trduess In &.he 5r Ili vold'. t I I. .. IP,, - Arent you go n g td, tak &tee y, 6ty'Aa, fix�,d upoii litrilt, ..and -act-. �'ho was' far as -vul :00e. knew, extl too cl6vev. to. c gar. a, Letly Nvhiat`�.tq' '.1iirg- uyk�ii si �u,'Ideu liftotitse,. it n Iis -.-'eryii' t .100. �11: _ uggod at, his', rea, moustachi6s,"Iti-lit , W sh"".Ny, Uf �::F;Inot on Nr ok I rts. lore .':"ked,.� ','You rtitli-�� late, are-nIt. ..alll'. exp ahation, at,,such-tah.-in theAli1iole Coiiniry �i�FIJ MY.: - art- .: t 6 to I�Vlb With lybu to-Tilk what was libariLk,;t -)icart'.., i CI;jn a &Ialstising, or t Oki, , t."� ., . . I ':llj9j',,'j.j'-ing. its�'�Qviad - 'I at tante. mouient. Ire 3:enn t&t !at a fl. v, d, 'hero �.,Nv.0 L. filloitic ul xe e it, tj'. 4 1 ise.,Nnid, 1Ahat the.few-ac- - - - sis,)n, litiao+%vali as-flib Natjo We lie rolind the nal. Cam:-' a.. �,Pjood I brr ablil"gbook -t4is Ilbad'. :- ' wore P hij*'� CnOil��,;� Iloilo-' � I milippresged titters.. till a Ing W. IQ.] 9 e aN T�ai(�ltt,.replfvd - kibb.t *,;%�6'1 llavo` been 9. paign, Lie klid 11,6t� so �Inll6h It; r. piluctiLl, am sorryj e sald.: to I It -a "Itanco's" xyh6in 1ate doe� bring 'Is rouleni ... I I bobxd (11,1iiiiW the jilteial, Vlpfe� h nd (11061aba Creinnv.- lf� . - ­ 6u &.younglad�,Alvlixg Aylt� tho, tea. the � l5ro A .. �b 7 , - . , , no you Itz-6 410 -it -to,-huffer for V�i tile, NIi' f: tile Candid wjjltijjk� fo�' youl nearly it' quartor,.61! ivation 01 wilibh fessor.of -ilia 6bibuit inea a it 'ill houi .1e, t dIdP6t`appea,ri to'lenjoy. &O.'a ' late: nt -to' a'xi- Vreua - o e; irm. nlece,. and t It moril I' t ny aiteii , l. , .,:I ; . naake. If str6ngf-si '.'W� am' sorm" _147illfinfti said., I'Tbp -amillp-d 4ntl p6tirbidr-iiiiia- hour tljjt 1111,r et%veen tt�xo ;-�gh , I ''y - Pico �A `itia4e. 111' - - 11 lit.112knutilin as la�atd- cliamploilslIlp Ilattle� b lilt' 1-DI110;: fr I an ni Ar spare tinip toentertain her Thu "Aplo ti -wi-t Gj,,ind L'Lttlo: n6ficing the in- t to: bm'"'kft'worril when k O't R'Of Nvillf�, o . 1) nvt* Jr. T'imigh, elf' u a V its loud .;irgument� It' tlie,� ut§k 136y� wli� �did 1 8' at tJl� Ing ..tile are vory-:9 it vi'l�o 1n. txlt 4 bilite t. .%.1 You: ob 'llpt ol ioia�.'Of the dfainond ring_tr�iii in Ringhilde. '"It i�,as,,& 7,wel -.y 116U.nd '-filient, i -16-V Tolle iod:'her E�f 1.111 oil v, tell votarsolf.,. t I A , I .,: ". I 'c1dazit `fuli of'- Gore7 'And Knock- i tHat'Yo took it t% -.,,o 111,11gualtes to-oimvfnce�iiina that a t a wh, e6uldf takp All(' Go Iind 10; -lip - Joy,'YOor-�Ijoqk� lAo tall,"alwava"W1 glad, that ive, nitet t W, ntj& in i t Ivill ind on room, when. �oli fqlInd "Joke,,bb'- the' 0.4rt . of Mr. DotIvils, bu . it nevext gave iiiii ffelf—rot a Nv-"q8IC:- I ha'A.,6 md, heart to;gd at 1, 1-krif"lioI, ." Bu"t, .1.1 4. I'las tht-I-Salb 31 - *e're' TingleI.1i i�nrurc_m.a1-Iqg untiltin-y-work hovin-: pt on, , on se. -r. to�ni-6-ht,, UI6 TlII -.epi for Hour.-? t a 'IF;jl;_t.. f, �, UP-4--coh, t,. t. for a disbIr'shill': .,a 't aliricking. , I ip of pant IrOttir deel.-ared Nre i i hig 13106 7-0-ff �Ind Janitt'iffi -,,� In Q4. It 6 in to! thd_Fattiq ii_tfll Bea quence,', liarcuti, Enghind Wt all mori*,, tho ir�&#torrui;r�' liborall. Y. -7� ollo 'Or in, :st ',I �rl 8,ho:di7ADW­-o'T)-,Ijti.r !glovos Ind N6i1ked 'here n6ir, at'*.i:ilv' rate, 111th '1�0 Wo, felid6li I Lgil t. i�eoTfibd. 6ud-... mialMi got back -Ails; 'rIn Ile k1s"r th67-j7'M'Cd -TrftA-6ll'enr.. sat ..and to. AS6di;6 Ile Avit . -An to -anr ave . golle Oil I, :. r Ili tWthe door Aff-Sabiri'earlie, oligh, it e a let t Stuot% him If. on wniil oiIie4ed i �%llat- A�ftpi ali AV() aro, 11*4>,t; till, W W tlid' tI wa rd rivolved that the '9tone road a 11-ttle.-s-bbok 'of �Sonneta'tllat Ile h Nor Ow t.- I be hreatofili;ig 6, par -ti 'Bill Iiad. Pick��I �hp iii'London...4f ter 0cy evei, lie' broke: into the Hot ie "I wigh 11 she wais XY&,th. $2,000, -Ind I �aldC!Itllat� I collid. till-.. coine, Ile r�taiiie(L ' -ets, h Kid luid bt-en carf`l9c'Fou`t,.6f the '111itig wit w -hat I'll, fli.R -Iff'orld volt -I r'e. V 41 ag, st lior�' and .Wdlf6fldidin g ll��od rap big "ll -go Itio r 1, eb" �dly_ Over a.., 'auted tor. Je�a alil_ &jvtdnd7 IC'Nral Illj�' or IS: JOI,t�1,08_ Only Dbs lonclialittut. pr�ieuf. bk, I treniendoll.; off'orti* 14":11 - tell , thert 'had :q tt',Poat, and th" a gr itaiing mt-Ilial., d I or 't"d 11 se. omman lia.mburger Steak the., tryIng to rroniI ItIo, nn�lers x- P041 Intr, 0 -yening.'s, perform nee. tor-loaked up We�kril�y.abd t,116 -felt. that, e xna jx3le. q: 100111� uty.,-Xe g*, to IV)] Is' ptapera :7 -rug oil- Yvag bAd. 1)6&+ .4 lilm t+ giteU, what OI6`86ore was. lin 1. , " 1 -4 - - Oil 'tliq 'D that 1) a 1.,ty to'exo-U616 "Itin 'Ifil.ol, tdi�t Ili,; % -fte botl�a mArriettl "Ton. lie F will tell till otiont that, thb..�sam� as Qet��Ot, to him.. -hot I &W Con A* or the ofil t leditfif of tho Amatolarl :8vpll "t", Vootball G,inte lie was Di!a-thatic, Club, '' t'llie. OW g -Trotter. ly. :i.11;moaIII4-, tiro 901lig �IWAYC h. iir�ld 0; (,rhvL 1�ila� Ir b Nit- - ; .1 ! I . , , tried,- to jumly off pf, lie aflirosIA Do. patl iC, I i tttlii. longer." �.111;9 calm, 11F ))lit on 6ne' ectidi06lit-t-Ar� j,.allt! �..;g at, �.tive Batted -an Eye NArlicil' tile, Peerless - His P x - 'it it. NVilore toah" we see SI;x been xece Are( down th6 Fleld liko,a, Brldgt.. ,Hailr tilioned. White ICfi"�:-.br it l8ngr e 1'e�v esooit, indeed," -Afrt'� bill bill I m ?'A %fit o b4ZA Liout IA,Of, nni., r,;tt* h of Trunk RzIll e,-. -43. cave ­T, I F1',iS))- ofqxA�litl1jIl$r Aer Ing tll'f' 'on. 1oild` Y. -,t IV.43, I_':onlpA,tI y",that tlm� t.AVbIvu tslinlilo* OIlik0d Wolfo,1`4611 'mild, doll, dUij.Iig t3lb week., oil Illu 1. - it, Hermit tn'tlie Old 'Aiaw.,e '� but qomo.( mog o0o; Upail ll.'4,* (Irldiroii ti ],It& a*_ �n lit . resunplig iIoml Wo1ren(lon; iR or, o 1u6t:[vv-$ (1, iillvo, :t'o. ,t their, Virtores ni(,q Tic 'is. "And T,." b , " , i "r, , , R U'l irulgii AN1110 i% pr Tit Yco, rn !-a or, ciirrsei r 'an( -to Ing nt Co nlcii� holm ,it it lint fl. in ta tcs Ivith a, To,4�-, for 4 .1iii-I Ing d" I m t . the 115tIler tabitle" Wo jir-v:!itv'az lull." N-bli t',P It;) �Y`J I. I W."'i I) t voll in a W.:c 4:11 deriers*Ujitoln til,`- r tho"r! tl it! 1;, 11 tool - Ile Do ­Ilanv� 'lilt d - nurdeL it(,) "IttoinjYt -ery 7 'Its I rozr(ly Tot, - fleliv., il t0x);,,�1it1llrVi" 1 11111 kind thi, Sf ("I'l A'PTV +. IM('11 �lv o!!IL)1eo Ian Ay tui�ob -tery `-q) her _-:1. ikIp'Ll ever, til-jrO Ij � I it , th(l, N 1. 0 Ill r, I., t waiting �Vltli'. .,t .BI, Ior. t Voll -to, t�_I', (1110"6rt vio 5, F.- ore bf" -a-r-oorgo Ade. tat W.0 ..*-OK Plico his 'Polosil'Itd, Woltent. M1.11, WIP 1 a I I ette,,j ;rhey %Alir�l lilt' ID "h# liiiu4illl 6'lt�l_ Sleeve, 3 At ir�ei� Ill-iort, I imil. It 'sW41Ut(J to. "t'lle 'I attf,l. -"r, Igivit,"ll to. -aile .. .,11Y ti�a tile inog, iils'bullt lit' t tl'l c .110fir EIIA�o, �aiid I'JI llip, Ivil.l. quInfit the. coallp"'i :IS. ilolnt% st U)ol Im" "ofiffill'o �I,Vroiqs- the flilion,�Jlf ly 4-4-:1 Will -I lit' All, e_llt Ar _A a Nd vj�V_11 Liu 11 u I I - III I M lytiful. fall. tit, alj(l -Qk%8,t'lIrtt huy !lilliz hAl tl�10 gl'. 1�0 'Wolf,t,inapi-i glan&sd 1,0- C%Ilndvrg,-�20. Mr loosoyi6tl vk I-In1r, It'NvaA-tllerI-. her plate., and P I Fcvipts datinj JI words her, tw;00.111 Vl IT, iio%V,' locezili"itIA-6, faf bn,� 'giirdifig It r -tlfrof N r) s ie oe s; total. M "'Allt, iIntl'%V I rlflk Tiv, of,' idi­. nmnu­�.Kpts, are Wrl'ttea Nillile, 1). o'u al d " , I milds, AN.-ith t116'shi Sirillo of 'the Chao 1.10 'ALL Latin, vad Vor�r' to�th, Duliglifidiaj ho� Lij)s Its, 116r ON'Al 111015 till. if I. -S AV. �(tl )IIIV fij.N�tj'-tWQ '111(1106 'it) Nil s, it 11, ix Nri-ittN-1. I-il k" 0e, %%-:1 H, 41 Il i., U bilt Ivils ;. T 4 W 0* th it t'liere 're WA S. of die; iv.ttei, eaj�Aclty (if tank f fich aild L)1,nj,-­VI0 date 01, .1706! ­tj Y'. 9: 1 0 116t �tifkn inal iLIWItI too 11 tpj COLL C II, 11. 111: � -H I'lo' sa id, SOWN, '"T 000, potim 0!rking �Ull nif iiraii� foinyox led' ghoit 'i-tMelitlinj wovy)(1 ha,ye bo�n stint It Tbrill li� thp �Nnck of hId'N(;ck. I pbu, the, bollore"Oric.11, anigw,.tim at t4; ABY Write, lx,, vir�lr A VER OUR Water i tb, U 'Sh"i all 0 L )0' lidd.. -I,bi I' it 1,16t It -)t ortoiil J 'tImuld hi:i :,yet"Y C g, Re I At '.,.,< 4, 1, A �y not. to. twill, Wilt, OWL, �okls ,I Titi: hil V6.1t )�tbne,;.Cold- on' tit C, (rou r gnogare mill pi 011�h�,t onchites, ,and Sesveee. 'Ch ne knoAv"', it I )(I I ti,�It h 1�140tjllt, ()f, lPvn+ ­" -: I, Crosilde, by boll,�. S' and T, Ile ritIllolls ;�jjlgp nie" L1,11. l"0174 Avralw, .. �r, &at few NvOiIdg, "I .1ollAh. �j . ig I'l j Ili (5"d tj of fdebd'. 6 I)b �&ujcfis Car.61 a dfd th 0,thino;- Al6r'alffj I Itt I e Froll6h (InAl 'IIII AWfUt 01180 01 nin till, rvceii Ef I jjoj I in 't)1e'_EnnW.. Xnthiii�r IntoreNted Illin es. I , Ifl000d :1 1 WaHt 11.118ti-ess c, twelvo- bhglnes, :men act jo _0, ey IV g, s ip ects of r. 0ase 8, Syrup -of Lin5et, '611ride, NeW brilitswick, Oil 'r Ava a lli*6111 tile aris Pf foqloot*,; olit -tit(' for(�kihg, togotboto' NvItia tile 0d 11001"hF difTl It It! Alillit L Snproinely' softenool Ping k4 Charlm. that g,,itK ill il up To�pentiad. there' 'for li'llis, Ili Vonty-fanxii of thb.41tthf% soklos IIMV� Indis;ff(.� ..1le Was the ildn that' k .41. to -6dor�n t 04. VtlIat - 16*br�ed ibn6l i6id conipl�ted al ra ply Ktato tiffit liat, f "61t -or e 6 I V "ll -be put'into s,ividio oil, tile, Avest.- 'ar""tho ha.t� *1 t It lo'bD61h -fralkillo(O IIR HAt Iti "nol fo'r -e in. t4df 'lliod-tilptr S. ixlbaiii. it mo- AV, Nlrlatrp W 01 of"th '1,110 *jtll6ut exc( . '.P'Uo* Nvv 0 C rhip 09 11' W d -ell ­-�j -r --aluv -tainh, riAng tilot P'llit w p an y�,tiit diseard pltllll;lgvn fi­'. all ad," lind 4tillilfg, lllo�o (Iffiekly., 'P V pettfle IA4� d1j W III t.1101)) gIng VlTtuQ8%P1&. .1&l-; ", /", - lid I I * 'tj e a"'I it cii. d' a'n d oil 'tile 11prolne.p. M + orhey ke�p ItArt th hotv�e M`;Y" lit'j"le 'jf..t.JjIee d And. diallok"1114id, dl§,.,. Ito lhorsrullfie th6,,Ara1nIWLds froal Liu, io-collit"Ba6k,81 t MAI, I, A b ('It I i. N -f lilt, PC k&1upt, o -.n :oer c it, bi' ept thd ul­ KI I n f ill cior it 9 ? Pit t it lit' n., tack oX Wv�i� iivi cnt;...t� In I fitid KrihII14.(.-.YOI4x'.e P1 %YI'Elt at Dii-k ac tain UIro �.an ai M It It Ile . " 1. Abona'S, naid! Flv. iv�lth lilln� `lD zliltl,4, goT' Titilollo, - j. n 1. ! btafil .-foit,crotip',"bitliv rl Ires Corn Extrni-tor will "f, I emee. 'Are severo xxi U9,h$ toW Darjcttrs�. - Avont -to "L r1attv p�ilnlexijy` lWa f6u; dtti-,�s, 1 ',q' I t!. snfrj -1 �66fjds,to, IvIliell il)g trx 1�&Vc tho. NAr6irld Ag lie* had 11H.tiov" g-oi, '4i4P.sil tt 'Ment. (.(I du"Ne, It: too intildli TrbllWa to aro' rn)ibj6ct,'Tt. UIL4, 116 he 41toetoir"N, treat ii� S11:1 It' I auto. (�,Yrp, I I III-, 9 vAon nve .11-�,onvv." A:.correspondoht, of tho lvostl I .11c '("o 8eso"reti,oif thoul.,,&hils of I bot ag lit ai bottle of D'i-A 8 tYrtlp- t`11011r 19ro'le. ji"OL '4011d �krots'. I io isd Op, �tlle AN- mo ni'� 'A' urtf,�� tal�lln. I . . I I . 1;� tlt� ( - - t It 1.11 �:, ­ rn F�vtrao. tor. Vtrpwas Dr.'Zilasot WIT6 i of. lGiligpivill, A-Iiola arpelit'ine, troln oxile Ole. stso�)(l it!$. 14ile'kixo, lain'tY W Arell-, ster (.1itzkto ells' W$' Otor�" Of - 4 i�linlbltlgq iivl-tli I Fishy -Esre, Whitt') 'it !,p tqvd h­'r(P16:ik liri-ablier'lli 1; �,Wildii'(tf Soiltli Nfrjoa. t Moorish, Divalt, I d�'Orttr "bil,by. *thli, (Irliggst,4 IV, 01. B."Ister it- (t`10)iii:iNVIth slolk, fit) (Its, rn 6011, N.1011 it. undo 1 111,1 IT'S Olive :( FI .1 P xiN the- Many' -,of -tCT' tIM"'I'l t tW - -hre - (Ir'st 11(v clul It- :111(1 vov�-j-('fj Jlid or- Apldq, Mich, it'li-A k� A�rs. F, NVA' lk),nd, 2 AtardOnAld 1-lavilig (Ail-Ld :1ingh-h to, got botitioi, l;ind. Sit',, tIlIxillcod1din! ,offly, (I P, r 11-ild.a go &'doitf oi- IA:ttt1r'AI tibll,4 a'Yoong"'T'lillij�, N�Itli tit )I&N, 40.no., 'Ont., satv We i1nd -tflriii)lj�, nttr,')'�t, Avalked'' ttle �(Iilcatioll, �.and W.4 vh,)q(, ftrii4i.1phii . obs ritti abolit-fo-11i; h 4,111'rIght dolvil tile I t, - 1) 't triod'YOUT rnt1dloi.iie,,,rllY falt W 3 - i� ,�61 d ',:.Lt, tho altifitt, convorWi, Into -)INVereff Jos W0. 'st 30111, (0114 'on elwitd 6oligh idg,".s artor. seven 1AC9 it( C)Wt�i'j IIN" fljo t nioll­.'Ill ooiig�eg.:Ui coilsIgtod �nalnl� of t4i tife Minut(�, el JOIN, ..high 1.11'14$ r 1'1iotogr.,LJI1i Sly llit'fle girl 11:14S been , M�, fiv I, f I the nnte.-Moi toj T ivoo(( kl)li.t bt-4, fru gro%vers And ratuall, 1�-rlcole) Ill Vit, 1 lil I I K t I t �be, eos�n,.'Inf'fi-onf, of AnA. shi d, 0, t0i iX 41 "1 letilro. tit), �11 , I tfll.ft lilotfil:,- in 'WaR hi& t Anger is 11L I I , 114: 1 Y I I't I s 17�vrlip of.: ffAt. A oli-tril li�l -0-f hqrI,."Ttrn It( . f at lillon tha oft W114ill It' r irlin d I or ito eft6ill, for -I IV Wol ollind t" �Illlto It 116ti S ro I t i'o. I V bjbc�,t "to 't r -ing,tinie', !,Firri T1401, Tbrb�x ra,vk)v at If "k oig"I've tp W, "fri-ilds., (lood T)�'ollt 611 n �"tlkillp. blItt1lot toil ollij�r- II Till tit 1; ju��IIIIZ;t �Ps,;ilk to:y r1ij I tR,0'0It,,` dark`ffl;�W.ht VvII(In %',)It I'IITkdlY AVI", Mp'rkot'-Man )v� III&It"I'Il, 1,;illod, h -I. 'A . t roly " * ' I I 'fit- 14. hwilly,6f rt", I AvoltimillifIrl -onr hail -d"61" a Yilll. tit( ",oil, A (I Said gs�61 sizame, I , I k1jid- TuTpellitIno.4 loilIv, -i (iI,tigfi, I aglectc 'Ore Lb �0 C tojj�4:ttjl S Aft, NV, A. V.Vvllc. 57 Sonlon Obtailtablo, 101 11110i )t I I""F4 fllifl bt),Ar qlfbft:� dat-ks"ii lti'; Avolt- vitol Tro-ttor liad '��oon of OW 1�". -(411 111, I'lash"rit'r WIV 'SE; I 'I" Tliroat till) Y. �M:ff 1:1 hill t gtfttoN-,WY littlo tril"Ind-ft-I lo:iliv', "llo)r tv,6, n I I -.N (or ninfil- 1!,q I J), lv�,�A;, I)itt 011q4ov nib MIld (I o till II p*;, ou t of Qltfluly' j P T, .1 tfvrs��i �vitll �t Mist x arc, ai.n, my r arow What. Volmdoe, .1 -fix 'C'u, P t(Xlk'jZ'I 161(JR, votl 1, SON,�4 A, Ild" till fr Js� __ - , ",_ -, Nr ralld uk Ili t o ab, 411ght minno gfoss, I-,,, Af. lint, IIII(I'V141pliq 11,6 11"I'd 'imsst'j,111) lit, f) lier.r. on Ic g1toxg IN tv�(slvo dovoll " 'lloNv Yo. 0 8 It ON N S, A , RACHIAI� I' tf,11"Yoli. A o� 'Dr. Tf,�t)Mvtbf I aild lit, I'low it �vftlj`ll -ImA, llt:II4,bt,�Ltrn It 111"ek."I per Wil, 1. 11 I'm -p ivxOl 0 1 on� -r, Hiatt' dn"t ('jq4tl.tin(,Ilt riii,-i 101 .0 1 e, st), I (I n t" I ot (t h' P"11" , lilt III de S it NN It S It, JZ,t V, --ab 144 tlmd# 8116� gi -to nmks� In 116944, , �lvtsIll, lw.ttlo� litl� to I t, xv dy. .1:1,14 1111104-0o (0� W9f Allo* 1, ed, thliq/ipoolt for )rt ot,serotigo(I.,ovox )Aodi, j it t1iii t,13� oil I �*for 0la'r jIt, 'honey, slp� 11111f3m: A 0j. `rk),N� .'90hd,IIv6 Jit'I'61-Fluxi loll to coil a rt.�ulil o ro 16 r Y_ I �11_10 r r P 7 . ...... RA V " 4k�j.