Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-11, Page 8• • el them free from lice An animal infect - ba with lice will neverthriiii no mat-. • .ter how Well yen, may. feed it., No' fernier peecl. silo* his *table . end: his 'stock to lie. troubled "With lige when there are ee Many .prepaiationa: which 611;0 LIAP 'best Icnovin 0.14es in Meek. "seet,giller,:Little's Sheep awl Cattle Wish, and several Others, , These are eatilY lifted and there is no danger •of injdring' thi animal, in so. doing., The powdero.are More easily arplied and• are ..qUite as iiffective 'as .the yvashes ann cause, the animal 'less dia. carry a full line' of medieines used in the 'stable: ',Lochead's • Condition Pewder,ia giving the best of Sitisfai- 'thin and you will do well to. get' it if in needoof Something of the ',kind for your stook, ' order throughOutr, the; oyeniht Was, ardspproptitte remarks, 'as the 'pr.... gotten, recitations. aud'a.,dialogue en, titled' -"In want of. a. Be,rva,..t," ,The •rePeatfd appiatier, Vocal solo?! were mr: Kee, duett McKay. were heartily eittv,fid; : het beintifut poen), , okan ;')vaii inside CO .Nlinirte With ex - .pression and prithos: • Mr. Jaines ;me - the• ' Conceit: ' The thanks of • the chili. ten. were conveyed •to.,Mili.:;:kee, who., had.So kifidli assisted in the training. the children' :and Miiie'. MeN`abb 'to CHNOW Kerrin, of Mitchell:. and!im.:gond4y, evrining.a leer, nye' Will he 'Oven .the, at.8. Silver,obileirti0n et door. Sheldon's New- Boob the fatuous author. of ills ,Steps,'' never fails " to. exciie the' interest of by *r. , Sheldon,. thet,,tuivanUeii ',sheets indicate a very stieng hook in- deed, one of -thrilling, interest to the ilieirghtful-reider, one in ,with of genial life, et domestic unhappiness, .of the broader:woman problem,of 607 .Ciat,reforin at Abe, vitals of society— ire laid bater,with'criltured delicacy', ',flinching truth, 1;hei,,,Canadiair,rights, belie been secareti'by The' lishitig'Company, Toronto; but' tni the for,some.,tinie, the. publishers:401 'run it as 0 'serial in' the: Presby4tiau Re- , vie!, beginning With the. ,,isene of. the 3rd inst. thrift enablin the -readers ef paper', -to heve meet interest-, Other of , those 'Spiry events which e we earts' at as one% took place at the home of Mr. latehlan Mc- Lean, Lucknow, , when his daughter hill Was not.able to :hold alT the pee.: stitediiik ll'etilu could , snit, :lie leant! N the hill. ,'The -prograin was .'interest- iiig from ,istiir0 ,to 'and wag en; • • 11001111b 000 Grundy G.J'olinston, • MIS.. ,j A1404011, ' 54.441.iiirk;:,p'Iflinclsay, le ,11 bi was presented with a hamisame gold of :S. 8, go. Itiploes 'deePly regret' and love; which Wefeel :for, Yon, as:- a teacher. • While you•havifieen among nets ,have heen such, that We trust hope • 'tbit.t. your -Character arid ours' will be suCh, that Mar parents Will ho manY; 'many- thanks ,..for the :great pr ins ,piti have taken!in. teaching, us, and what yon hrtie taught ut 'Will not Go▪ d'nut loog spare' you .and help to iVe suoh lives, ,that at, last tve may All Meet in our Xeavenly 'EOM% As a Slight token of. OUr love far you; • we present'you this. ring arid hope thit.you "May Ire: long .spared to:Wear it, and' vvhatever yOur lot in life may be,7.welOpe;it may :be full of :Suwalki°. and prosperity. .;yire also Wish. yon very Merry'Christmas and HapPy Signed.Ou behalf 'Of the pirpils•Of S. Ajmer Ackert, . *ant tO,Sell• before . that 'date; :T.:. , pe.,, better, and elfeaper.. air; bezit,04,1 all'Aitne, --epasInotie-tqnclAshOrt•-lived;.hut constant, and lasting: Our .-.New Year's' Resolutions are. up. tp., ese. .torices 'night eatise you, to think quality , is' vapishing, Niith DIED. Gowti►SIn $inloes ..on Sato ihy, January 5th, '1901. William D. Gollan, ed. 26 'years, "6 months and 17 days. I,' 4.. MODILBDRD—In Ltiaknow, on. Wedneessday," • ,lanuary',th, 1901, Gathariu MoDRarmid relict ,of the late Donald .�Dimid; aged 62 years, 2 months and . days, + _ 7 ,. 'RELIGIOUS. SER IcEstr, • Miming Prager at 11 • 'Every third Sunday in the nronth Sioiday ilchool *service at 3 p.m. in place of usual *corning Prayer. • Bible Clapir and .Choir practice y nesday evening at 7.30 p.m. • Honsits Hell, fort December, METHODIST • CHURCH., Biev•A Harp's, Pastor. ' SUNDAY. SU11001,,dtALLY DAY, • 10 A.u••••:-SundaySChool"'praYernieetillg. 9.101r.w.—Sutiday SchoolAnd Bible Class, SECON6 EDITION ap, YEAR AT' YOUR POST OFFICF. • ow ..that,,Christinas and:thing,' have' resuMed there! • usual IceOrse vie would 1., call' attention tO a few facts r'e'- ' our)steck: • oft oil )(bee A PROGRESSIVE AND POPULAR PAPEI. year. 'It is essentially- a, neWspaPer for 'the liorne While.,dis-' Sense of self:respecting people. . tenedien Ainerican and English stdck grails markets, with and ,ans*ers daily relativeilo all' diseases Of :ariiiriala, ,Centains, de .valnaple. home instruction for the farmer ued steak Owner. : -COMPLETE' CANADIAN NEWS,I.liteldkrapli.atid.reail frodr all pa; id' • Canada, particular' attontieo being naid 8$/c,stern Ontario, • facLlociked very pretty in a dress of *bite organdie with, lace and ,satin Itimmirigovhihr*Isirldaricit McLean dreis of , white ,ninslinover pale blue groom was supported 'by nebhew, Mt Ronald McKinnOtil of Kinloss. l'he ceremony, Which Wks; Witnessed abont"Pity of. the imniediate friends and relatiVeS "of the bride and &both was performed by •the bricle'S pastor, 14i: E.' S.Ictennin of South Kin-, loss, The ceremony apd Congratu:. drew to the dining rootri. where the the most s,PetizingliandS, The'.1atide was the reeipient of tas,ny useful and *:• ornanceritax presents , showing 'the eiteem in Which idle was held,. ;After a kinds Of harmless' amusementS, the , proSieteus-lournoY over 'the sea of matrithonial bliss, • • Chairman, gOiCatizit: *Although the tiehool wee Cror'cled the Seri ClaSs—Ex:—RLyonti, 1.),, amp - 0, Hedley. ..Goqd—W •Northcott, 'and fir .iteVent een .every res. Batte. Snellgrove, NeWton H McDonald. Fair ...LL Oni 1.01113,•ayerage att. 51i" JILLARIISTRO Skating Horse IlreRing anti. 10Pnlyig, nand eto. . * POLITICS— olitics it ig Conservative, but Oonservatisiii. has !levet ., • ',prevented it from doing justice to 'or. %upholding. men • of ,both In fact, the Free Press is. tl.e illOst complete amt. tirl-to:ditto MOGI. wrist ut. TO'clistO ; froin 8 to 12. pages through', the week, and4.16 tinges on: Second Edition at, yeur pcist °flies tor $2,60•ber..yeii:r.-.' NOW is the time "to. The following.are the market quota. • Wheat t. • 63c to 85c Barley, J 4i 4 437c to 38e. 1 The Lon n Free PresePtg. Oo Ltd, London Oa 'Baker :& Confeotion6r. • Ian; 3 Matures'. . tenon, ,tiL ,Scrimgeour, .11 The', annual nseeting Of the ParamOun jaututFyilth, 141,01. at One o'cloals lot, the .,striyed unto the premises of the tindersigne, ed the' ,of Deoemtier; a bay inateti blind in• ona eye: Catisr can have her by the 'Cornet of 'Gough' and Delhi:streets. • Milk' W. 11, Joift•Tiri tti of, choice Confectionery, Canned c.464ds Itairsige;Cdreants; 'Dates, 'Figs, whicli will be sold et close NO. L. -Pastry Flour prepared specially ter the hob,- .• .aitf trade; in t'Werity-fiiro and fifty • ALL linins••01,‘ • FRESH Thanking thp people Of Lucknow and Vicinity for their,liberal,patrenale" pored's, new year, weuld still ask tor a, fair Blare ot your trade" . i ." ''' '-MCKit4Z1.6 INC!' Graduate Of New V-ork, Philadelphia, and Torouto,polfegiia, voll he in 'Lupknow, Thursday,. Jan 31 itty 00 A :Rooms in' entif,O, place his valuable servicei, ' Examination free, 811Plier'' .Cottons, Mirr • • •