Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-11, Page 4•-4 30 cell!$- waii."4014 014 a ITY,._:33,ars 1 1111.41011114TY '1;0 twig*: AMP To aiteux ihintxt.'T AOCOlitiml;i6i TO Tgx.iwy4TER 'OP biNsolitiOs Wa• PAM; ABOVK:,44i, • oTtunt, LWTIU , • ' TeINIO/C40ift ;sie lltik • 1001. i ,PRO,31 BIAllarAe. Miiitary..PriaOnr NelVille Telityli4• : . ' . • HOiS;- N. 'S'•• Jan. ,4th, 19411 " Dean „IIinttv;:••-Ii. io ' °quite*. a long ',trine since I p.0..iot..e laste•,,loinetinie in thenin teenth century was it net? • ik Sinew thenseveral Oventahave trans,' ...,„. pired -to ' relieve.. the Monotony of ' :, *tidier lie' bire.,...;,' ,Anioni. 'them •: I •;Might:I:petition • the return of the 4,•' 1004i...clad. Canadian Contingents from ''•*.the Issefof' War: '0.0 Nov.' 1st thp ' :.teepeport `49tlahei. an„ id t•t'.q..,hera, with. .iliveral hundred, Of .thein * A. tag !.43.=, ' 7 caption Was given them' by the"CliY.' and the ,gareisonforces including the , `Militia: • In the evening they ' and .we dilled tOgeOlfii in the exhibition: build. itigit. They -represented:, the Second .'battolion of the :Wyel Canadiaos and e Were the third.. .iiyvhoi- th'e 1 hii4 .0haplaill' arrived Oh Colonel Oi ter and the. reit of the tlit'in‘, there waSnO parade of the taTtroppe' for it 'was ..ut,ider,(4,00,(1. to f ,i, ve ,for "their hOrass ely ottheir . ' •arrival here. With'L ' ' , • lai,i - , 7 intii •,thirlafit day or eo it, • , . stefifor•'ited: they would land at •St. , retureli,' ire ' in was waiting on one :. • •'; lot the freight -abed on the Peep'. ImilYWherf while: the 'steamer Was • • • he other: ' Two o'clock. on, the at , • , ,. riittoti • of ' SundaY • 'Deeeniber 23rd ' they-wero-f.iyitig-iventitat,4";, thmin.,r4 • of the mothers and.. sisters end.eweet- .....,hearts end.'.01tristinati. turkeys' that' •tyere awaiting thein at bome.' Amongst •; those On bell;rd wad uiy brother Ger.. , who was with :the 'regiment at. Paardebtfig when , they made them, Ives a name; ,at 'Pretoria, the Trans: aal ,Q;spital 'when they ina,rcliedlpast Lord . and at ••London, 'the _apilel of th. Eunpire w en thoy -were revieseed by ,the,QUeen;• • , -; In Angititin the hiltorie, old city iitelltroplain and -Frenbenitt,..'• 'Wolfe ,.and • '111Ontealm,; met. ,my other .•:hrethe; Victor, returning ;from Africa Tie, „England as an invalid. On Sun- day mit the streets. of Halifax • and . •.; the corridors.of the spacious WeIling ton barracks will again echo to .the .trsed:of, conquering berries, for on that day the ilbeelyn Cetitle' will • arrive' . • -• „ With the Mounted •Rifirs and the ar.:' • 'I -Minh tell yon about ritirChriittniati. dinner..: Otirepeny dined' :,•b'y „ibittelf, IMMO: :411:'-•.corriders, • others in . their` largritt rooms. Considering that •,:ni3 female hind bioped to arrangethe tables:, or prepare the, viands, :the ..•;feitit Was a -grand' success. Of the • five companies at Wellington barracks Celt seven tables were'. Most Ataste,' arranged. There wea ', the itle• .-Xmaa turkey With . Cranberry settee and also the lemons • English piddin en, rim e. wee the prisionIu t e early part Of the"centtiry 'just. gone by:Mel, vilie Island Was a minietureSt. Helena? for it was het'e th:at the P,reoch prioqiiers; of war .were`..kept. The' ineetiption on the cernsr stone reado„ ss hit w ' 40Thie peison .,w4s•ineoi.e•cl by order of ohe Right fina Si J 13,•,Warrep, K.•B, Vice-Admial Of the 'White, 'Commander in -Chief. tato; • on• the• NA or.. American station, nod ender the • , rection of (hint; Juo 1‘.1C,Keller, RL Navy, tient, for.prisonero ••of wee.ete., Who. laid the totincialioti.,:btone the 1st day of Sept. 1808.; • * E. F. Onf,un "..- ' • 311,A.R.A MOUNT' • „ • , 'The -holiday season. • hies Proved 'a 'ii40\54..althooah the •snow is scarce. :Elliejteept aPetas; plentiful ':. • • -1:". • . ..Mr. Tetei, McNay' end family spent e.feW days with friends in Seeforth. , .... Mrs;: 'Corrie,. of .Michigan, visited 'friends here last week. , Mr. and Mrs; John Spindler spent: Christmas With friends at Londes- borough. .. Miss' Cassie McIntosh is at the old homestead again after spending a 'few . menthe at Itipley,.. ,..Mr. Arthur . Spiudltikp Duluth, 'net'. ,coMpanied, by his 3ittle'boy? is spend- ing a week or two ivithfriende in -Ash.' It, D. Lane, 'of Kinlottgli,:,:itpent , . . , .ChristinatisVith his friends here: ., S. L. • •"ittiended the • concert at. )Ioly'roo . i week. 'Wm. and ;Jelin Johnstone are 'of( .• . , . . on etrip to Seaforth. Mr. Grant. Murray :and %hie sister. visited friende at .., Klinco.rdine. last • , Miss Jean MoIetosht•''. who has ,tetight shocessfUlly: for the :Pest.. two and a halfyears in .S. S.,1slo,,1:0, Ash- field, is now preparing: to attend. the •Normal School in London, . 'Igiii Mc- Intosh has beenlierY iiiceeOftil, in her labors in. :the ,ichoolrotaif.; ' Seven scholars have passed honorably in the Entrance and Leaving: examine:trona; and -one' the Pc. •I "IlIiitricillation` Three times . the .pupils • have .acknow- ledged ,their appreciation Of her labors by preseeting to her at the annual: ex- aminations,. an addreits and tokens of their ateem.ii-The-gtio-31**heq:,of-the- t,e01)le Of the•seetiOn, we are Satisfied is ditended, .to Slise - McIntosh. end If' spared to 'cOmPlete her !formai School° ; ceurse, will he i „most: fircifinient 'and' snceessftil'teaCher, • • ' huts'. and candies. Beer and wine• - was -also; abundant, and had its usual • ' • •• . ' 'f ' , effect. When. the' 4610nel.••and . , •-• . .. . • . •, - .., • . .. , . , te •, .., .othe, 'officers . paused by • ,toaste -and' • ' 'nheet •t made the'eernidora,ring.... ' Th.: 40#1,44 P0i4liaiiii.t4jat, 'Ohtele • sr. Tacks. had :their dinners'. senieNnhat • :canner. then.. we did se the '.offitersi, . ,. 'could inspect the.' inea„Iitab 'each plate: ,All seemed. to be happy eitcept one .1)0 Who received a telegritm:arinounc, Indthe death Of his father; He loft . in tho"aftendottar,Afon ,•hillipineln'TO, .rotite. fr • • • 3 py the 'heading you:• see 1 Sin new at tile-Milltary_Prison.•,..•As there e're .Ottly fire•'wardere, a • sergeant and L of. Ohe R. 0. R. have , to. do patrol duty • one' day and tight in Ott41(week., When :•X :Iva", in thapriian'on Suoday, there *ere 'eight inigonere7foUr ofthe.Ca• two el the Garibian .- one Royal Engineer and one Of the :4rro: Modical Corps. • 06.6.*,;(4, in ' for six menthe, boo for168'daySt ono for 56 days, two for 21:dais.; two for dale and One for 168 houre, „There hata.been 3260 wittance to date, thent'he wheu. tihe R, N. A. tkinadieri;,is stationed at naval prii4Cii, are 'else*. in-. -etircerated:here. ,Witen:ihe:fleeb-goos angle Beruiudae in the tali they take, .thein prisner. with thitUti The; prreiit.etOne atipt .donSiins, , "•,41'4,1, ' • 88 :NO, irthalkon The ft:Me-Wing is the: ieport;of , . , No. 8, for Weis:Moth Of December:„ FOrm-,-L:,•••MeFat,-.P.I4c10.1io• , , • 4th . Formi--8r7.-A Taylor, R •Mc•••„ Kinnon,..1 Ore,' A McBUrEey, L Mof- fat. ,Switzer, 'Johnston. 3rd'' Poito7,-N •Orr, W . • , , . Lockhart; 1 Cooley, C Carter,. J „Ceop- ley' , 1K MCKenxio, M Johrr A. Cameron. 2nd • Form—Bs ,Mo,D4,,,•3*.i., L McKinnon, R Moffat,' .J McKinnon, E *Gregor, • hart,:: J McGregor; p Carter'. end geid (ties), M Uordoci, •W' Iloaktridge; .0 Gordon, - R.-1Teylor. Pt--.1-•8r—A J witzer.' • MbPe. th. Mentherft an pre- DAliutnes •uf ke.e,“o!is meeting read •er-d, 'appto ed. . Choones were isqed:fOt a large '.ftiodunt. of !?,,I The 80114P18 &one. teok •oearly $1000. All these accounts wilt appear in the Financial Statement' which° Will 'he posted up in 12 cunspitione plaees inthe•Tow'uehip; and wilt a1s bo on hand...et-t)e' illumination on Drio. Fielny's School „.finuse W. S'.10THER:4, Tp (1, r1;, - Tor twen.ty-fpur yearo Vitio-presolene has been extenshkiy used for all 'forms of throat and' bronchial troubles. All Druggiati; . . 'Desirable .Farm for Sale. - 'I'lle,Subecriber off. 113 for Hale thitt very do; siratile,farui propertY situated (m the gravel road; .sonth of the Village et :1.,Aletinovone and one-half miles, heing south half of lot No, 42 E. D. Township of Ashfield; comprising 100 :aores. • ThO •property -hi' watered by -a never4ailingsprink.f has large. orchard ,if choido fruit trees ; 'acres.of 'fine hardwood bush, and five acres -of softwood and cedar. The buiklings consist. ct ,a large bank Jutru with shed 60 x '60 any( brick dwelling house' with'hard and soft water.. The • property hi alt Heeded dirsn„.and Will make' an excellent' dairy or steak farm: For further no,rtictilata. apply on, the 'PremiSes or addrese • •4 fJOR 'MURDOCH; • • •••••• Box 105, Lucknowi. Being the eas,t, half 'clf it 2 i'xx the 8th Oen •41 (Bastero :OiNisioni • 9f. elitield, containing' 100 acres. 'the farm is fairly welt fenced and in a good state of cultivation, with ),arn,4er 00 and etable underneath, A. • new story and a half frame house, au I. inentY of water, The Place ui'l• be sokrcheap, or will take a suitahje be acre farm in part pay, and the balance can.' remain ea mortgage if oesired. For tUrtheir• particulars apply at Sn.writsEp offlow or tQ.< • William Riddle, ' . Crewe 13.0w. • FOR AL:•-• • That" deiretible Property; :feititerly nwned,hy the late .1.11ohard. Tr010aV01:4,, in the village of, Itungatip`op,'.' • 'Upon the property is sitnete.' a•.." good hriek, house 20x30 and kitchen 18x2,1. 'Good' woodshed and, stable in connection; gct:'(1•,'•8•Od soft Water,- The lot consists of One half acre of land., Possession :may he1ta,d at any time. : -Appl# tci George„..Stothers, PunKaphon, or at „Sentinel offico., " , •o0u4'AN.uo0..'..:Fo.,k,$ALE A ,firetclass frame Muse 26 x 36, two Story' high, with stone foundation, and kitchen with lot,. for hide on Victoria .street, ricknovn, The pace is nicely locatedand the lot 'een• taint') a large quautity of all kinds Of fruitovith both hard •and Soft waterrpnd good stable. The ' place will be sold cheap. For further particulars apf,ly to . • • ' 3,/,...PLLOucOkD. now P. ,0: Public Notice. . , found cutting or taking timber from lot 12, 07UR'.,:iiiiii,YES .. ,. • NOTICE is hereby giyen that any person - concession 2, Kinloss (owned bf Mrs MoPher- I I son() without ,the consent of the undersigned .. , will be prosecuted,. • ` 4 JOHN GRAHAM, , ... • , 1408 . Luoknow, 13,0. , Boar for Service! The Unde,rsigned,willlieeP for serviceit lot. 47,. Concession '1', Kinloss, his thercughbied. Berkshire Boar f• Royal Tom.7 ' • ' ' , TERMS; , ,Pn'-Ped.4,4ect'-'atidither'partionlars.npplk,to- I.40 GRAHAM, laneknovr.'“ Annual Meetin • • ,Thti ".Aitntial-.1)1,t4:11teg of the..itilosiMraiich Ag*tiltural S- 'niety, will in the Coun 'ttpivti Hall,- 'LlichneW.,,nu •WeduesdaY, the. 9th' :nay of; Jitt,itary 1901,:at one o'ul',c.k p.iu. A full attendance ortnembeigi'14:•.requestod; ' •.' - Dated this 28th'clay-of .Docember 1900, ' ""1%.',A.-MA.14.0O1VISON;'Oecit ' • . -.-, It's a terrible -thin, isn't ;• o,.. .' cOtii.h, ' that • hara struggle' ...it' ?...,:: Soitiehoiv, that etvftil. .,f• '.•••.,:-,..,. fOr,, air; , Can never be ::foe-, •141114116.5,.•,.,_,;,.:,• gotten. . ..13e. -4n -little" fore- handed and. prevent it. Keep .1.7,•aptoreiolend in the IlliuSe, everting. It goes right to the 'throat, " jttat... where .the croup lieSti:, 11 them breathe:in the vapor during the and•Whenit be, Oliilareii:ctapt:Ikgellc.o,ciltts tlielet irritatiOe.subii'des; the ugh fir.iublO, is proVented. • It peer tails to 'cure whooping: congli:12. ...V.,•,,e-cto,-)tit•ii e-tt tiy AiretseA..eveiyVokeie. kva*Crei.-..".•i;ci, ttschltlinto he Vapoeacir and ' _/...wr.9.,mtkb..16.7.,......d..ilast allfe-tir.k..art'd a •bettle,cif : Aetoleme,,,r1r=tplme..est5"; eitra varrdlieA of 'Crew?' /exit 2az4 .56c4=41.... 11,14ntazufri booklet contain- inevir,a4iii.ptuue 14i.i arZtfreve atte,A telneu. Vaeo- c4str...isi C6,„, '4* E'•:.4:at •et„ New, ',ark, 't.;..§..7.X.' Its a Condition of 11',outn. try,o,s riat Litliei 1Ihtke, Yo.gr Life ,of.riensitie,or A. 'Useless Burden. • :To inany woinen life .;s• one roiled of siekneSe; weakness and 111 hetilth. To; attempttlie, ;lightest" household duties fatigues them. Many. of ,the. -EiYifcij3i,oiiiiEf,it'O-ei:irriiikinyilietlfih State -of decline are : a feeling' of tir:edn.esk.cin Waking,faintness,• ditehie6s;.' sinking pohdletiOn of the .heert Short- ness of breath.. :loss of • appitite cold. ands and -feet; •headtiche„ dark Circles r:tOider tlikeyea; pain' iri; the back •and 'side an.k. all. the other accompaniments . , . . , • pie rundowu ancl••wettliened'constitu- °.':•••413 these syniptprosand conditions ereeiniPly.the result cf_a poorquality and defective circulation Of thO,blood: With °. a wasting. 'away ,.:of' tlie noivo BY fOeding the system.witli.. -- ouo AND NERVE ?ILS Yon, strike.•at the; root. of: the disease and lay,- a. sold foundation on Whieh to build. ..81:),On the Weight increasee, the Sullten cheeks and •flattened busts fill, •ont,4the .eyes get bright an'd the thrill • of renewed' health and .stength. vibrittou through the system-.-,-, Price. 50 cents per hoar.' • ' • • ; ,• FORSALEBY • . N.:BERRY &SON. kSucoeistirs, to .1IiirrY Days) 1.,-upTiNow • • -• -.. ONT. • • $UDATE8 BLOW. •••• -•••••••"" • Our neiv,dosigns for fall and Xmas pre taost striking,io their 'UovejtY and artistioness., Just.edue', look •at our •• , ROPY , r eisal ter ts' 14. Wi3 haver the' etr ugest ;line ie.. the - market, of thcsogoods. as follows.: 'Drawing. ti.Q00, and '';'4a,11' Faro i,• . ; tore; Ladies' Writing ,I..)Oska,. and, Book cesps,', Pit dor, and lgtigilc :Cabinets, • Pfettire and Regra, Moulding, Pitney Art and 13ehabeo Goods,: Bed ittio rn Snits,Exteiision - Tables, .Centre °Zabiese aud'ide- lioards ,in Oak, Ash, , Elm and Mahogany ; also . it full • line ',*vf tiphalster.ed goi:i(U, ha. , Couches, Faridy Qhairt., Student's. Chairs., ; Parlor Suites 'and oda • 0.0005.. . Special attention. le paid fo Dedertak- , ing and Embelming. ••• . ThicterNor kEnitbaiiiner. . • , CALLS ATIE.1,7l.D1,"ll). 10 OM,. an .bitY; , • ise Lad • • Or•syotAxii Ohio • . • • . • • sMay 23rAL.1900: M. Metoeed's Laboratory, ,, • r." Goderich •Ontario " • : .4 4 Inas- Sut.-7:rour Iquid inedicine, Soak inittSwhb," haa cured entirely of thp,.'sore I had on MyuPner•jaw..,;The doctors told,•,,xne that it was a caner and,that. the • p000 would have t� be cut out And tho' affeeted parts ii•-••• moyed,b1: the kmf ,It was this that fright- ened, me% and „Merle ino get the "Soak and: Stvab."' .I-listrdonly three pint bottles. MO , well ever. since, and it is three. years since I: used it., laving:. groat confidendrin. your medicine 1 will reconatnencl it to those in need,. MRS: j., HARMAN. • ---f-T-Th-tfolliaiing wasrecdivecl from ,tho. same; • lady ten years ago: , .1 suffered for nearlY.,foirr years from fits; .and almost at the saute, hour daily, out • cf, 'Which' no one could Waketi'..nie; nada awoke of rnY,tiltilf, Weak and ;wearied after the lapse or 'fromten to twelve hours'..time,` during *bleb time I WaS•Whelly unconscious. 1 waa attended•to and consulted no fewerthan six- teen doet6re•witliont any benefit atidnO relief got to be absentminded, ,efteri tiiiebtitelenif• of', eurrohndinge, 'took n0. notice of • any- thing, until,In ate geod.providete'of . friend insistea on °bringing J.J. 'MCLeed' to. .tritr house, , He took ree:Out Of the rit in 'half 'inintite'le time. 'I. begeru' te'`gaiti -rapidly after thiSlifIrealth and, soundness of mind,: and to thisditY.Ii-have nbt had Any,,ntore fits; Yonrs etc.70, Kingebridge, Ont. SOLD,BY to..Sonf. :LUO,ItN 0 W. 100 tiores, W,R.Mtl,theSO11., Pli; to . • . *A. P•aramoupt. ' J. 1). hiici?4,A B. a AONTARIO LARD SURVEYOR S64FORTH --Engineer for 1Vinghtini, -Seaford') „ tiowtok, aultoss, E'tct Cement Side,. walk, Sewers an TOwnship Oritine will be giyQp.peal :atteittinit. .; • , .:M4.A •;• ernAoupti' Piano, Or,gen,., Violin , • o Bass Ifermony and Countet PupilsprePat:ed for Conserithry. exanitnationg.„, Al:C.E-7:Opi-Al dtiA; 14. Mi6.6 Vt.lith 6:MU • • prepared to give lessons on r • . :p44N9 AND , pROAN ,,•.! • • ..ieAt her lonie On ..Qampbea Sic, • - ..LUb.1170 01 C‘i-- TAUGHT • , Lessons. in ••••• 'Vocal and..., lnstrun?.9ntal, , Harmony . a?'e taug14 by KINCARDIOE. HIC SCHOOL.. 1Fit - Sept! 4. Thiebeautiiiil lakeside town ••oifera led .indhcernerkts: to • the )A11.41.141, • of 1.10 stif-011,.• idn.tkling district's te prePar for theirexaniin- •atione at:rtkliagli School.- • ' o ..Special arettnkeinents• will be Made.: to Aid • • . 'these students whO'are deficidittityttiedepart-- - ' ,ilarents. etto, rely Upon, the School.- Beard'••• •-aintStaff;r•kednag,-tbe.'viat.---w,llinflnenees: apt- . I. 41 riN4laYdvencli'illtialgle71inr'latb19ipi.a:. • • Tonuding their children in. gi'WhOlesoMe dna- fid exercises are eneouragi'd: '" • • .0n itlt large' and welidtept Cainfins health- . • The Staff of §ihtsis ,peca . * " prepared to n, date depart.ineti4titl..tizi41, O -eXatultiatitine, • • • 40hdarffine nigh SclitiOltintssed, forty,:tieven candidates. aftlie recent..ir;:..:aminations..:Qiie; 90 per' edit' t •••i• •...': ' 'for Junior - Leaving .,• • ••. ' Good boardingdlenses tu.ty.•be: secured. it redatinable rates. "•„ ••••.`Voi...further.,Paitiptilars.aPply to 3. W. PitlIFtilt. • , • . • QRA:10.1q; • 'PON.NBYANC1NG, Leaser_i etd,%nently ' ex- Agent for We Wittiooal Tire Assur .1ince Cii.;_of Ireland,.1,.'titindett •1822•, Capital •.• • Sterling: "41so ,agt•nt for 'the,told',.• feliable •Sttir Nurseries, • Hatre go Years'ex.,.-, • pi:rhino& in filait,-;-.Orniuttental,-/tiut-floitrerliffr. shrubli. Parties•Wantleg an y tjiing in the Mmt'e line, Irwin be pleased at aoy.iiiiie to give fuit infurinatiou Whether theY.'' wa tit ti, purehaee now pr nt a:fliture date: • ••• • •, • . .:„ Office: Town'. T.uesdays"i'l'httralitys 11i14.41'- 4•.1.1t1111i41M-'"'' Important to Hreeders 'and Horsdnen. • 181QC. CASHPRICES., Eureka • Vdeduary CAUSTIC BALSAM 6 6 a 4.ThAif011hwing is the report for tis' S. NO. 6, Kinloss for4..4eaember;— Term V—Detui, Wr'y , Leod, W MacKcnzie. Form MoKiniitny 8',McDonald; McDonald: 8,. Metharmid., • MacTiityre,' ,Mcepd, ' Porta .-Grace p/leoIlitessfi,-;.: .1' Graham, 'E9rhtialtn, ',Porte Ma:cIntyre, Intyre, titth'7 „Iiiirhart,- Nina Mac: Inteah, Perm AMedIntrish., 1404 'We Pik .84di6 Mn'et4e.od.. „. .CHEWE' Mr Mrs; E ctansten of ,•111-iinitobe are voliting friepda here week.. •''• Mr . „ Sherelecrl.:of the :410 th! eon,. '4' thig. Open; graridokild re n and foist grendchildren,:tirCortd. bore, ' A 'little ''child o Wth 8heritood's of the 7th cOti...had. the .rti odor tuno7.to, :get is eboulder diaIoatd We et' glad to h.6ai"it is doi wefl - '..'The' 0/Etta uf.'eetink, held. on. Monday nighi was wcll attendcdr 'Tbeire ha ben sea:redly ..-ani•tileigh. fug -bore %hie ntr, ' - , • The oII �unih ifritit••• ietifthetl 6: 1 R I1P tire etia• lit..,' .; .10 -ch on' s 3Totontot _ Ton ift EGOS Hp ; 7n" -Skinner, • we .are .prepayect . . o pay cash ; fpr butfer and eggs. Your ,pa,tropage,-, jet! ,solicited. • GOLLAN i" Luckpow • ••Ont ctiREs..:'C'FFECTIED, WITtIQUT, AN. :OPERATION. r;TilE MOST--ItEr•d' 71-1111,1-ind•Stidcessfri I -AtithOrfiy,40 the treatrizent•of /Opt u r wittront4n . If* whe makes a.specialty Ofone deParpoent theist eertain/Y rtioreexperleutted'and capable than • *hate b.e,viii* Many frynx In thefire,l'' .titop, wasting time did trio/ley in. 11/3t4414/4 efforts elsewhere, but go to 'one Whosellfe.Long•atuey has taught him --wbet tn do; • Have you 0,6ebild orl(s.flohoo enough tOifitterlryyou In adoptillg some change, f t bet t4,r-', v4,114. vi.r Intend to ipevoren, rin w •ta the bout frne-r."., next week may be too late," ,444,17 NO DESP,01117: 1)7 iirA be deterred front iseilribtirny a4vke,• twanse after having been treitterl by Marl), VOW) falli:41.1m cafe ,yfoi„ you have •isK0m4A dfuY).fintritoi. 71.J,103 le the very tiro y oti should make orticktotin lhc 1A1..• Whim 1 fake 4'.entiet: eiert my whole' Mind, energfroargislifil Vikerfeet s ell?.434irropectiVe f•orly tnoileref)esidetstIon • . swl bring to hear el11. ft all that selente,horiesty knawledgetod experience will nkrort111111111, kithiving that the tigeti9rm nI these,r4tter fail b'fbring the! r) oat revlard In de,(1' time, 'PI fE (1'1,1'1/A3' YOU pd be (ar PnEawar)fn iv floodlit! way able ix) triage yourself pronerly.attended t4-40mnd pot keep you from consulting fipeefallet. A ffvfrAr, 1,8 triticZ, and ,tlils'alot(4 may,prove very, videolde•-••• .Inifyour caas_-11.A.,ad' dates' eiroully and udr your' friends -0'd' tide visit..., f9t.tui two stamp for•o w cable /*enter ••,41th..fuller ihtermialOn. elA% • VARICOCELN rfalantupture or- the PnreltUrn) men 4111 !Afro. frwil Ili le terribleafillef tion Ili norne v•fayo-thate 1. fib otho v) milt) Is heir that r,o.cfitripletelY Pont/1'10m for the duties (or pL•AArelyoti 114) fog yittkiA,a011014. tint ofetifittliaokbry 41 11,44c tit Kit* wohm and more oimelleariA• vantcoan (repo:TO or ronr.tosikA,velne e;1 the ilttlfa, •rht/1.; leumfel, yim allitt ind isiirlemotioilli tres*.f.. 81,1 letters of eilolry,kOOlAttillng 0101/1P, Will imri Pr414410: , FOR SALE •'The undersigned offers for male. toll acres 'of, 'grolind, %three mputiters cof it mile' north of Imektmat ..ytation; 'cOtitaining 'two dweliitui. lopoker; strible, ,,rwchard, and Plec„ty spring water, ••,T)rere atio ookl lc; kiln. the prembiee) , 11141.1::61 14 in a good itfaito .rt.f dative:Out aird.Will Ite cad cheap ti trt if required, For f lir thertniffieulare al)t)ly to . • 4.A.NIES:SArtNliEltS,_,„ • ' • Iducknotv,:•(), 'Boars for Serfice... ,viii 1<eei? for to.rvi.",,i; heil; 12. fioeceileion 10, gravel road, A slifield,f threu thoroughbi'edkboarrl, LWO V111'104}111%34 tend nt'411iireV ' • . • 4406 .* • JA,14111,1 Win Letter*'. xivellff sildre**4.4 I, Y. Egan, sof."... t4t), 1'or9ruo, unt,i WING I f A M, *Q1.1,eo're8, f ot61, Nr()riday afte.r.r1(4911.' Cif 1 1,1.5V(Ifl't , • Ilie8day 'all day till 7 1.).. •:1,11(1 H Iliffr • dttg8 , . - • . ' TUNC41\ Iti.)1 WOI ft y eVetting "till- n()()11, -()rift ;awl (4)(.40,11' d4yki. (giJy, .A1p,r111 :tr'y 1l'itli,and I 7a1, 04181.11f-, rrr ho Wants a .Parin., 11" 1 hnv,6vpr 1600 acid's or elution larni.latids for rude, In. 60, 75, 100;130 and• 200 itorel,. lots J.( hitiot,i,a, kineordloo, 11 tr „ , oth soul Attldlold 'flood lands g00II1;411, 1)0 r4)141 011641) eaFty L"ropt 1A NO 14'g4Y1111 hirtf`if,8111R11- 141101),(11W(111 • in) ;i11$11)1.14 4 gO(111 /143t1t114 414 rill' 30114 I4li117411). .4,1()IN good 1wA1114.r1n tot ifooltit of to onsy. to forth :if. fi per coot, Vor •1'ori,tt• rf IV (tlars tO . • ,t, ••• . . • ,r o • and A f peetly • Ourbs rlints .0 O int '(1,4vtiryil'ill'a 't1 PK( f41:::81::{ewte:iiii:111141:1o16allc-til'ith.t:tIm:t'Pe1181.(1118! ment in dietitian:us iliseasetit'!. It Cam be:used ' in •,everr case,of.,-yeteriiirtrY. praCtiav Where ; .11z;.iliCatienk and hligton(1,,I,41.41,,,—, lerihed: •, Potfle • eold guaTaiiteed to give sbertftietion. 'Price 7tie per bottle. tioid by, nil d'f•uggiste enAl . ,country storekeepers. .',3'il•Pured by THE MIRE A: V 1411'131tINAI1V AID1.0.11\1111') '0()MliA.NY Landon , ••• . , FO. R., AIL.E,. ,: A• good Ifon"Sti and Lot, •situatod on, ., tho corndr, of aollih and ,Dellii streets., .f.ile lot; do h titi n s o fi O. tfi i rtl act'(', *good •larp•,e hone in 'good Fepair :witli•cpliar, - hard find ,epft water and overy . pyon.- • long°, ., Eirst...e.lits's stabld and ou lions ' oit-t lie- 0 tiendetY : --1),1:10S:,3ion -may ilif ' hall lit tiny ti.ine. ApPly to • .; ' •• • . - ' *; ''': Ill fts; W . 1.1..,..i.o,tiNSTO'S; . ...., . .thrini.14011. :St: .. .130AR ..POR- SERVICE. riii. Fl"eftl'1,:ift,31(1N1.4.1) \VI 144ilVii11, t 1vt, 17; Coo 13, ''kVoitt.'" ti,1111 thormedlluell etiiirtiln. ' • . porty'd Chester W1114,- 11,44 " This animal \rnm 1/144. ., ((4)0 of, lin' Utiott (4(40(4 49(44! bil2e(lo'rs fil ' . "11",ftAll'i• : l'iviligrot, mid -• • ' • •.',11•11.W.A8 M t, ' I„ At. 11&b4. .., . , A, f.,f,t,i 61' 260, acres, TIM fin) le '4,A.mt a Tintk„- . 1,my it) thqit..ctiom...tvitivatifitt. le,ltrr thity'ror" ' .... . ..... - 10440K Ifl Pm. • I i ootl . bull dry t,-1• alit! orel ardt • '..: . . 4,-(7----i."Apply t(T,r•iit.. (1,1L18.,1 , . ..' . ., ' . ..•1 ,- 4,•, . .. 1;t, t ' ,`,4 - v 7 II I • 3 . • . 4... 14 •