Lucknow Sentinel, 1901-01-04, Page 3!;�.7 & A. 4PI qp= � IN i 5 2 ol _'a TV7 ru �i, J, haVO JAO be A* w. and' lo.forenitilit place 41, plN tjj()jjgiItN� lbe ANEONRI I Oust 111m. . . . . . . . lit flat 1 wi� Itigin VIA Will, lie v ito, ma o;oven tit(- Jkl1qit. 1 ' " . -Al, 111"01.1 Out) I, 1.9V0011i atternpon, "J'Ito tilue.-wil, There 'wiw 11 ling ;0I A. m4went, TH '4U pit jitorivis. 4- 4o )i4d1x4,-n. cop Wil t itq) d ] :. . W -JuA q. C!o not wlijlk on cme of the...41ro renlilm ber*, trm;u MA .�riprr f4i, ayya3 0 fil C ho�v, pro. jittl4t to, r�ui have, Urne j A!* W0I IvIth tier e I., yllo ."Insider thin. till.;,dtiloy litoo, b4m; bil t t116 imifirch Nell 40 remalaij. 'Ir a, is AVAINST P R:,j A� IN, Wiltte4uilkb grace nut drI upgj. We Nave d T)NIX were -s (I Of uss�d the Ilerit"4139 Iad; for tile prcsez Itt alIls, ItLiti; I' t papplo f, 1ttLTlg,,lq the eafo It, *, 'L 110 P'to 111. Wown" led rate,., loSt all ber, atLi.&Ctivejjf f9ff ee" prino� of )VIck". !tp-Oo , be I ng., ygil, WW AU 4 W, Wit %A] t. Fitt' a" 154 C�(j JI(I 'later lie w lie was IiWe to 'eq 714411 401ilt.. for, _7 lof Of lit I f Th t I kit 0 W JLOLtj�j­ any qqrr�- V) 0, 4ft � lyolit routt. V 11"Itill. S SrL*ur,... torn , " "i ;a'n(IL feel ttic� to lit '-Itp i CIA�&PTEA. -9ndoiti remarked oqil�lj)-J�;. a iitir bright' ey 11- V, �(T,. WT- 'Of her �oft fingers w-Itliout. z, 0' i sho- wl lii CQIXI_ln`0IIt1nX' QA. paft. 'A' Qlam ` t; SpOitidinj. tili-iii, tole _IP o I p y W ,(lVgj, 1 1'�, :Wolf, ASW .*ere inoraa� 'j,ft, ue, I giX Wn' -4-be, iiiiiA.9404 _jat ei� time-, -ByPitilig NWA of fairly k aIi)' U precise lial) .6 lij Cime L " , . 1. ' "I f :.W6 .61:y gow. to me;"' li.6�Raldt eitition, for an pier, W V�tfj T06 III I I I , the V, i, -DoWt, -Ou "N' tbal:. to V. and 0. �t rI ir -par not to LnOr� 14.1 Lo. - I I L 111 ag me till$ IM -111 I 'I . 0, Y( fair, an ii, e ��I, IIIIit ti, a 'iv e'r-II 0;; in.-itillozLHO before il hip 'NI ng In xxit, vwl, df6 Iand- ow'Dell no S t r at es; I c. 7(ju �ZjujtL ti free Wploqk i1ext, tatirnIng, he hiiA, If day, jiol;ioI qy44pAI. tea ?Ii, May I litive par -erhaps, lie had �. CPU. I h' ek dyer�,&Xs. y t" t to, a -1 & it iviesitl6n., g 1141 lie a')aan %V I Oro A be X �Na aTo T)i<) Wine falfit' hot the .* 4d I' Ainio, il.,tifuatiii, 1wifiding rIgUTo' , hren" ey ww oaxerally, Call h tie )e of HOI ti IV, I , L " Al A - L,f d'ving 19, JAR it , IfIc -ItnevIr Ver ; �P L Pt g.1ye tllizig -Of - the. iif_,pateb,taw�'al ril!er your'liarrIage", alia vio oc�l two, PoWle, �d �,tale �IliI In ia olie'ttp., 14 '1 lit' tliLs aft arldiaQviltic- Li 'for it a"I In *d1l t1tat, It i�duld JlOtL�(]Q. to N"I I hj,,04�(, . bo;il-i it 91 torested. if. artler Lstb "dillinping'room. Ill, "b II4VrY 1% 1114tt I - t fJ `P9181.1- . I relp. -at holit if 11 614;v cortairi the.4tishlbon. of fo­idayo` W kjl(),A�tj I 'APO] (6N -ay. flow igreatl rt, , t ILL cl �a'­documeqt, sidnedi �by Iwo - ft bo, was- 0" 1111 p6t, it as., jnauring'.�41nl LIII;�ajjjst all. I "I Y -ttIarf. at lie roust 09 Neappoln t It In P08$IbijeL'tb I ilpr in ultl,ya e, Ily 2 wi�rds Pilo close, a; Get t6 - toll y . C title cath. IlCatloii,§�' ' '� 6 1 1 1�11 - - "Ibete p 14, - "T lea tl��,110%v okirlosItY almon, 'a Blit af'., tiu� 'kin,711 w, -i T tin, it Was Ca e I' I ll"llo.: Won mtiro�.t tail titat 1­1�­v­*ii,-:#Atv Wiij, 11 7113g. a'bulky -C a; -hiss" k VO take" PfLrVoular, rtott�o of a '01 wh at, P1 it's, elitertaiijing "'IlgoL yolk-;. th, man.".- f low ett aL I -last week II Nvaa, Scarcely INN, i 8 M-9, 'Irob tile. tie towed I' ("if Lt gien4eraj lq� iere 4re t UTZ tile. I )ft air 0!��q iql'i PrPtilienmers. Bliv he, did See, 41110 111.4 Mann ,-­`-,­ZiT(�1o5,LC1, .. Sflj t 'a tlo t able, lit 0 to- of 'lot" IAY It 'the �j Wle nuoti careilbiSsly Aoria ­00,000� od, - w on in vkm "', 0 � told,t1ja 1, a ads 0 'fit 'A I fro :At fro al -Pa4ses, - il'ild, .110, len iii I,- t ti I'll od th. Dells- "Ot6AI fro 9,001 to bi very,�jioq or hip co e LiTe 0trilifilvd.! p6w,awf ilipt tit,oll ce, )I or, was keatlesi and, �6n,,i Ito "UPW. 41 'e, Aly, t 'Ills enAlam , re'.14flI contindaii.91 �effolt WWI. (10 will, a ..The,4 this, Story t�OI D po' r' - U.. iI horleat d. ack I - etur#od .to goling D, be, ve, y alla I k 1 .1 . !, I 'y "That. man, man, tit> rill she paid. Lilt may t. - Ing bretimil: h. a r01614S, t 'Lly. tin Dinforta4le, *�)A:brlijg�jhg it b exe titilged h1ii back t.lie,con,versexacin Ito . 14W ', -0-11 the' -pi. OLL CILIJ, Co e %vitil ordk ry. �jast pigiit, file belle. mic and *ait, II'llilo'l k�o tb , niaine � to tI, b �Of til C&I-Ise ;thiiI not Jim tile, N ti bib, somo� remark 'frorb, le in at lionle;, yol6co LI'llij, r requw e ypq VeSit End' ..gar `GroI chi br1I shiall. it e -PrIlicesi .Uq. of 4 .1 fal ( Ingea. 1�liva aveit'looked �9n, t ", .1 . trifle inbi it ill Aier might I, eojf)g hali-table, as 66 p` ed r So 1*1. Nvolfertden.' r1eJc).,'I)Pd, �makeilll&way,easlbrjo� fjtffi� B6t 119 -toiler in ont otAille, lilirgeSt ban -wa$�� Oka. Out honest 8m� if there itogo for 4.0 -011ib APOLisid6red -In tije-. �frljlr$. of tjIjs n- ano -,out.ht&4 4% Ao, 0I hebe t I 710-t Or YOII,IN' -ir 1. )vould' Y, was Itolt, f 'an no' 'It after' .0 lIng"01I B��t,llq,ppo .0,90 bi, tlicii1v to tp. or J. I meo. rhe orIL.jltDQjj!t irol �6, jib lborhobd of:, )6t"llitelle a k -cIiinja Out *Ifiltionri-a' �Jo�t ill �ite(j 'w -the or hilit tib-cisk yod'both tioll Jiuld, "I , ' D HO Ivaig, ijbdet' alld. j6SPr as lit, xxio-1101I 0 �'Oil- lnll�d tv at an o knovKwhlethb,r ielil . id d , it . othin . g, a 'say' Your wo r d.9 slillpty oomething'. od -sliglitest'. 4 6f 0, OGUI scaricelY look - little . na st 't, ing tilt rgot,my &III -64:01a J. WWI ff�Q",. Wahbopid to, S Ow You W a a COLD - Just, any e 'flad few 'friends U ed Ila ze.fliect'T It;, IIIIII Ills , pre-o6oiiIjiitIoxI: at 011 y` 1)0. it lininuteior (ful-11,PtaI lie Seempd.,tQ if It' It t thing through ill ast becaple ,.ni 12"110410si alone, -aiio� hlq ;C Pr: ijl� i Ively . ea 'moattdr. it "Llid as he. walked' sl6ol, I lititteatI .�hbo iotaketi at. her nithilite Ai�lf 'all or VVID .1vao in, le Ir V Y 'along P'Cca' Den 'Haroutt "ekeliptilged MILLI curlo.lisly After , one,or V.16sti 'dwk- h6ur, mnshia, -bahlr'ddb�ed jp dilly, for lie aid n , ishath, and to. wrwk yell rpr ot,evelix 'ask me D m. waited Imildtlent];V.. him was -a lm6metttl MY address. He'tqok' tile. W11, s-SUance, ward pausea" to jiviliell a-114, Ivids,:q. 11 110 -ucarvol We� to * be natio Youri. vi OfO Denshiam boo k1jew whol A III*. for jaa,ee. g1lanee in gliaroing,tit"'(64dilli Ling time 9pok-esin i d.lils. That is WJ�&Jh to. pa' I. q. GItiod'jajorp. -au even g? not me' to; ca.114', 'they 16 way. As . it n _�tter 'of As, ha -d. lea,'riit I, very. I lttip_��Jio� t xe. bank dirlea, -Iqentjy far it 69- -ePOIIYi that" perhapS 'he So tar a.I EL[Idt,iii out �Vhoi 11111KC91ist 41 1 . Salary. does an.. isrw, :1 �Wltll! tile of Ill' -WiPSIall Or. '!At the tj do aud!'all itbaut thbm," lie13 we arn a -little -8 secre. ary, r a a 111111:1 diub, i II,AI was prol?ab)y, go!ng to jb Cile day, 'thp t a r0I Wbom, Yom 8Aw-1 6 1 'ahall'tiot res tion whIch, lie .`J;ad. -More,,.'. ut be. was rLT, t. until I lia've Alon, it.."' Irani ng tile, k from Mr B evert'lie"I'S88 be -looked '111t th 'fact he wasiat thati'moinelit a6iva. a In., It he: aptili,,, th'i theatrO,".--palp nd'. yo ard that lie iaglzed foT obt di Como to hsname, �and. toI Nall ingo raomAl tters agaluSt. . Ili, 'ka-Ir 0 it- there, w a any- trtte tai �Oult, I 'of Rot" Ponducte(l, the tr4p. tale 00gol -1lipon-tibia' a u vice-pres d--e,-n,t, ot the WWI tho� d0ar o,sald qn etl gst but" fie", t 1:16 no with ViNasham be, t don't and �tlle ispectfuilly ajkqa�fara r' rV hich 116 le I Ow I'll"mPiartant a Witt', knY I, may.. f ja - ba' f Ir ho::1011114 "there. w th it the .&me, ou tell me il�t !4 Me bribe iihich; fie. had 6iifer Be 0' Ilieftoas Mitch. ''they ttme ..as "I'Vilbit Matter with -yo' .6not alnuslilg, Pill 'Was 176 was. to, be Ima ed, lite. said, q led U, You ILI still ri Of am quiLto as mucjj,:j.f ot iething 6ni.-YoI mind. h- abol -it Mrs. lifticeilk e.rv- You tba t the- f&W Ucquailitanoeiiiiwillia Qu IAV0 son felt, th'at- $2,500 a Year as lin&d there; Imore, Later�AtNIlAin the"' f , , ' Tborpe-SAtc)1ejI qjja m:an t anytIjIpg',yiO1I III te t Inquired, ieadally 11;4`6�-gliol� the 11 tb aSk.of,ma?"' reappeam. 40P, 111113: needs. Tbe inual, Iful -and -of iSaSlie.lad -clin. d A. PHISON ()H.Ljj�. WhIethet tb�y knrj*w. "anytling. olf u beaut come door nge. - her In-, "mula lie mooke i�� followed, In k You it favor I! 90W"'�fdr.& soft pletunta-colared, fidiS. long hri' rlt.11fult selliv d er FAN tOI tripfrood 1t1i s4blo,,afid 1 11111 01 seeniled *6 Must. But thaf! COI haii h Ls all. The min,ap- $1io, smilect'at Iiini­encour4gIrjgI�.r. ended by- riortliestin oes It.ecentily a-ra sed to',$3,j) im Oft the" lIa0ze:bofor&' 110 4 a to! ; iny lielo out lier'lliands' towterd litii w tbat he w. nstiliets. ask I Ith a I PkIsoner, �r,14dr Oven oo q4re.la copy, -f4ho Said; "and get delightful i9ralle. -t year. N tj. amorivinced Was Ptn[li on the letter a� uniulteh. f 'dtb'y �Pthoi rld of your. woo-betrome fdco. T epee hall' blt with6lilt -4V� 1 that he 4% a p6miliddge. all Ought onto Wreto iedly awk 6 tl ��tc I m Wit is anything-withli 14to tj the, Aini; .0 clook rot; i.n. to, kxlo*, th'at 'It aased �bf '-antl Ish.q, fix: a 'fit of re,jitlesnoI - bli, � f I I ' - lo� P1104, 6rkan me; boths, of. .-As lian -1po I�have -left birsiness," ail W"t t got-regarI wl 9101 "hit no .1 oi�i a rub of ill t -soon to Oil and, tj_.ng. Li..tilaidox1r, t'' them: for, yaj, a46 a you the of. Portralt for.-no:�t,;y Do iWJW -011ed lit Englani d rtval.lt-.� � I . ott 1:11le my gowin ? Tg tit , I rove . orer too W want," be. said, '!tb p4lni. �yicidr 64, the, dlilect"'i h d in intiraliti6tero to 'h it oll, look cha�kn,jjng,JI Ile -A e d� nil In vo rik. �In the � bourse OJI !i r usbafid, mwiiitl nother-mbetl " d MPI H&rQutt,. Was,'. I laid; bieftd- � . ; W4 8� r is., ask,, t -and. �Iia know ' I Brow Vaur erlitig' Irb' d Sdon veK­kt ti6n: w; ss a,'triastor stioket.'To "have Mr., .b w#h' &t WolfeIii. e 6% aliwaks., we' egg(§d�� fora, hearin; dl 00um. After. a sizadtiollial tHal Bkb NVoI&ndPjti..be' Denj§lia:m pallit lier'plibtuiii6 wan,jiint 4r my smartest Clothes rea tiest. -for Waft: 0mvieted. elidose :tha' mill Withadit at that mom whilm."I livi 901 to`�iee I exu entrance the tjjreo�.'lfi�lj ilookdd "I , ind''ient to p'ristin at, L - � � ; my pa verlin tl� -a i a41me another. ent, he -height ar n n34py r "and, th Of -, WI fillends,fI She declared. !Tlis of salar.k. The diii eft6r� 4 Pi il.nalllien,V& Ilrcutt:Il the efforts - filimuft * .. . I e- ambition.'. A y,quiz one- arteous, aughl, flush.,of some Of j. em. crusty old HeM P. eauro' 0 _Veslde--� I. do ndt.'al�YI bave, 'an .66dgbr re or oaraw The girt JOI oneith, I had 4D ntot w bbAle e, r light. Undly. o tit Tanced �W, hero, -Delbis ani Lt� trili I' d her 163".6',virer br"' * -1 k IL IlH. d and escort I Caine. mado ad ,cramle, Into her' cheeks ' heir.1briurleS.Aid' no ta 1 -TIpo'Wain ' ' It ILI been made "to �qieclu h �_t V don She talked i 0. roposi ton.' a will be able to'.' tell Io%v&-LDenasha her' th, -who is: h Di3he lobi t wors ppor You, really ILI It in u ,; y6u, - Wolfe'lideI Who �a'-re cla dd11eafijflg 9 nd'durizig itii cont(li"ll "ine to, er lnforniatl�u' )�Iing: Struck ',with hl laut "4ro'Y'Ou Sure. and' all r', entin recelving,a good iihIar Ldli r not 'to tin rt FOIfQddeI aii­ d, Y16t, h LO f6r1hb pa�ltlon you occop 6 myjSill! it-lls: Jhff�rdat. iThe 'Of I listilo at -t Y -4ow' e, eams to my Professional in-* I think a ; e 'r nsilybrpd. e t ID V tellehq at P4 -a year ar t4k' 115'arghtI a subtle c jq tari holilral, 10.9. m A q ftim We. knb* You have bedu Y. in ujcb: the. tb usen o w. pro S-tblics i.n. *6 1 portrait - of nr t10. althful Gervallit. dnd iciret -h - 1, knew ILIA. a1% to .- 1:1 'a:i Ave X -4--f 1110-.14textb dainty as..'much als. grWI 6ppis.. woman n, an Q - 1'el _-Palcl, you hat __ndin. a tonunrum* wh4ch a is Or- M, n 0 and 1, nenoi:- Iyet; t1joia IDe (Waj&nod�.6n Sainte'. good, er Of' aj.1'. a line of' "S'ationt even of ni as t pour, r sort 61. way, hits'not bee ham;­aoI hink fee t per- ...... ro.wn, are, e 0, orp,, ly.0 'a sa L,d irs. ;Thor j),le-Satchell laug of obligh'tions -to- he conidere "Lo k b- eb -rta gratitud om -his feet. WbIllon,'-He had u1i'o kiir,, 1, adinit tb it wo, time f e' softly- 8IJ& dU ensha riltj 'lot beflOviJi'th 'he 'had st - it till' ttile pray 4k �bilkgll nOt'a g oak d'.: P or r Vnans�vcfred yet 411,601 I'hav Voss,. hal the. WILI aro� till': three Ln th r -free',ac , ei aI - boll(t. Shall �wa8o tile "MO, e to hier' P13 vi e will Pu 1, p ;Pa ter,of tit( nionly or hearit, hfese', W afte'd to ViLlik' St.,. fillsillonable liort'ralt�� ;*6vbr dotib .. foribla'friehid's sake. Sit erpriMons. wealth bVt that h, to. g e t ii.e. r o r JA ) LiIir�11.4 ted.. but 'tbat, Ml I a ara her l4d ti, of 'dollars It te it' was Ilf� 1ve passed t 44-, At- all, .,He Harcuef- d k himself �V�1161 I brough., m ;I D6018,jaith - begiin,toI 1*9 �,ppa:d: lids naoic or to utereStoo this and m, c If ": � .1 .. . hts b e:e that Is ile'ces- amiled quietl�­. . itil, ountsi havei par\t go , . women -car I' gu", and -she looked upon, :bIq an 8AJ Ir ally. c 111tudiii: our'hing br t If t brip :not �nirldo. -And givimi 116: skild, IINVe res Its III 'Ile rcriit�ed q nearly aPPr0I a You Ir it, u I) ItY- Hq:ni t dir AY Ing the was.; OnJY *,a- matte r a ;,gt lea t '981011-41 Ito e,asixnany e int6rlostE4 in - k ildr -not Ithe 'th, ADt iI bp Yours �and-:De e acepted, �W girl ,,rt trhalt t,wOj 1 k �brm.,' or. iiheiv. Mid"ho, co.i Id V6rY Oeeijly' heirie, is' f a lier III no: ress du "Ivill &caYeelyl aIntetestol"' or" If' illo, Per y IsiMficclY­ hliiio flattdreci �'j your prayer' - Tliorille- 11101104SIble o!'poll, bae- anot4er -jjjjI i1:h,6'ci1-6jj r.s. resollped to. s ever, itoVoi YOU B and not be 6tibetlyd r on Lich mens Instances 11 l.P.Y his req of'gainj�g. tn,�, V0,414 deiightfu formiliVotil re e IWDUenlden'ttre on"ItIp, 41 a I h !a b1b. n"bit"t Harii� er ..no to ooe.; find �d yet e I W en y -supilboo-A Vb-dl- find 'lie 'Mild' Joan) urno or' To., abruptl 110I OK tte Carr age�* atiql6gizIno' for t a�me ave Its 'square; -116r r lerildn(jr wia­not na of Cullen, mit...; y, ivI,thdr6Iy.. he' w-lished Ilifffitiationsi - of,. course, 'but or a stop' �'j e -,a, pleas. ' ' 'I. . ' ' I - presic ted tied. "If gQwn that -noticed' t1t; KIrst n ri-two ven D6iLSILajn 'd like or" sIty ou jilco,. 9 an onq t'o: -tier. on im way to, his de k' TI 011 .1petl lt tion 'lit Lit 'Lt, thougli, I I10-P.-lused rill P a tile Let'_Iis� form PAY Ile dis t1jo IS-.jorj Ould -think 'fie StiQil 'WItIl tier Lis iam, wf n the car;j pertlu�lo 'tha IjanQo so a ofar -y !ill li'Qur'. 11 t ail 0 'Said Irect info I* to go n See in 6d Uld haV0 ii:* near] �d the -ell Ills, r na loll 0 was. fin-'! t01:�tlIe-.iV"IUIt:."� ille wait this I � . 1. not el Concrfied.,"'A Pat.edt, nd, aie Semetor b6 to;m get. 'is e.. . 1 7 .. .. , am ing. -mail -rd :noi t, 'that IS ion hot.. proton ged nibsence, )left tl�Ie bh-k 'an(] did re tI, Ili i;t�eo argent. as ou equ r o6OUrse.. 1: It, p ea%ed lj,!ri,. tlengr ing all his t as he'hecotints for I ::do .9, )Jim ng.: bit lanced; 41 rs linvei o'aS I to bV liO'set-', bout,mk. tie' to QL`11141�1011. fie dislNd. jjoI Sat as h 'You wilf find- III,' !,to how ZL!ld*, tile - _r6 . 1. Lt Short s /Ing- itiq idly. Into tli6 Wes . e Of e (IOCS -not ning �thbso' p I 'the idd-not desp our aInstantly t rq er. OJI 6". " " n ' its, ag its very faiii a W;7 le iiii �Iai do lidt wAht any :1 .'tile 1.1itoklitt.. Qf �6trrRe A Y_ -solin wit, ;Lm,, Wol on en reetors, WOilb-ftlinnioned t., WASWC-rod adeillbe�.. -.�Ion her tirrst I -ad -,ex"'t i - * f - 11 ti �t 91111904 fir nay; Of d di I I ell at, lil E0111,0 strang( tit EStip ', . I was n ce,­ ay, fur' FOi!�erpric,o., e]Y.-' aia to main q-11 I 661ne fbiI a %I d Pr i I -cf(, hisbe �Istlnctly Of. ('Jef� I I C"I tion IV 0 iij I (I lic, 1) 1, ungruntel IjAm 11 1 ic. and--, r4 -see. of a]": 'Lit - is "nitiot never o � ('11 tit on, I Arp the uw!ierstow tre:. ILV so fs I noPerlifi P6. y&;Ir t ffollow fr 13' t Ili and tit(. wI crude. and donel tore at':tfla,�-Ptiupld d" till r3t cclu(Ib' in. othei, IjI$tIt. IT6 tri l't t to either of:-.YOLI f I ktillia P e. wromy. t�Ask 11 mse f. one, ..Of w 7 Jr stisti I j)lacj�. jj,� I(Y/" Iva omd wn I C( ilo .1 1 ady ailio bonliam. " � hiinlI a.n .0 ell ed man It theinj 'tit] Ili$* qo6firtion, qu, a a �as hat EXo. as. d.zI .10 IY. but It was. LITIPertilKliabld .116 119 'a . adeffnl�o -'ac- Ask In iiiiently amol to ku'law... tile �a T'renciiii o rthouglIt sa�rtlI [aire of all IS,USSr,tIIo LI6 bilraing, said, nee Wit thern tflat lie j4j, tto,di 6 - . . C wei''btith-cUd There.1h.nd. il'sPc!Lkinp-to.tlie,.inii.ioa worlian or th(Ai'bst- B sefit f6r"to -s,,t till r 'eltlipt 'I -Ile scaico.jy rOwn IIII vevw. an tbroir' any Ijklit upon tjI6 'ory omG coni. at' shAit: slee-s I -are OV'Ide'lltlyr ProopIo;of'_6' legart, . to or IviI fil'st'Jo-t1l house -title otl Y. ra. e tmilitae t if It'had been ijugges: '­Volniewhere... er Ila, A -in t 0 oif tJ26 i$6001,000.1 -i ureeit l'. taken a sinifiliti, find oibx4aln aric Hall t From Sabin IlLs -Ilnaglfi,-Atioll� y RaItil 13' Avii)r6 olSal Don Xam a v d there' -is it es.; L it' row, I it, ieIiiiiii We Be�,mlidwa britte pr6v or r I o suppose led C C WW 11,11,ifieI ]its I larers Starte may I I title a p- 4-althell. that lib' h,6 - a - plan led .you I g or Net. we o4ltni on, tihg, woe�i 1,!. think We V.*aft�atitod, " IL il��atal nate or'liad Sit but'a,:6, -7 �M!Lii It JiI611116 at the Enl� Indeed tit 'ibd -a Sh-n le. to. G of rn wGII not. hrive, h (RI It eyGn, to.' IV 4t do., Ix you VA'dan. It' d td. b06n rest- IH Ing CIO .17 V -WeamilI r t Helf esilir sLr, r Nor q uh I IS - -b 1 a- JoUdeS -Inb to re- Ill th t of1 in ;1le fid fold,"llflamol "Aft, h m* vei- a I .� r .1 nendorse .-Dibrisham's -thaT dirtlive a I al5ollit I the Y.,. Slippage. 0 Inany worst y6i, 6an. Ci,o LS, n infor4ulticIll '01 N 0I tb'6t, f ve -,Mo ten W8 of no for kemal . 611 lie "I Or o a d tx.xb r ili yer, lid n '*6dfIiYnf.lon never llotfixil b i�r as, eertil tn ly �vlor, 'th6' �Zlftgo hen InSe )119 1101 oer III to- a" bt. re4hc�a "Tt­sh�lf I Ift, 4nd, 11iivel. , sornii., ttiiihel�.-bf .,Irl with *110m ho lieve , r , elliall 9 it re't- t they ifrr him. thrice."; t�outt better Lot it's l t ion :�Put ini "In fact I may� K -Ay that illoll1j,. riind, r meet....I fli-a Aglall .0 talat time, wl"11.11M'Sofl�y," WIP-6,141 Iinve -'Amor arrio dit deL-inlielii. Th o Sup'per nit tit' Fort Toic f.eSt,._ S1Mo;.:tlmq, - �'Wo' Can Can toll yo, A 0010,U). Uvel"ti h( m 6,a a, name old W he -girl Lq�7r 1 X"LIP'Lited. too bg Via IjIg eltItdt, f einn-nonce in 1, '.mo ilf- lial), 1. tot do 6r. 'q ajl(] If c�a jlPr �L'�' _a�n I T aor xig truth Wild" Ile's 0, iiies 'ti SIAPP I PJ10111iii. tn6t. I.Ir re ro" *'00 Y the IL "to' 1'eq Ifl r4 ao0 P`or b tin itiurtia., willing arpu'w a P, si�i her bf you. go to the' t lea ed .(T b A' g U who wns iio� 141181low Ia it rliKfui ? Siq arb to the 'S E 'You war niCIO S -L nbut So 'Nv,() II %6 st ordbj 'WV:L ainid Was pol i t e ly o,t ti. Olt at tit' t ort 111 i t o r', jp o k t I think, rioti iV -Wi,- lit'r, nI'Bat 116 tho ai:ad.Was, Pro., IVILO (6 11 4, d I I I 1)rotiglif 0 Say triefI t aring iii: ow of;, ok le ORkERS gtivol rot, If itb I, io L ho-- Clniea to vitilailt Ifilki4ittl6p is' il -WaIs talking- all t Pllt It iteNlial')IiI j3Wj:oL"n. th t lic VI '41 ytiI ' t e r. me n pri ego lie 10II 1Milo iI t Phys"' 'Colved: !m Im lit, Olit When.lhe* d not Mrs. .1*1to - g ild Y IonIg"t -Was Ca`SY tlalf I I 1 04 th`6 Bbdy W64kens' 'a ad le'li th6 niiost fwo m it no t Ical 8461k Th uAity -III L PXo filVie foo&Se4i�kg � r 1; , "-- �­ I) s' et lag had Ah dA 1-ptit �pp�rl; d o 4 1 r r, I t k it [,Sit gon a out. aB ILI e"Weak voUi a' I or 'L 0 lope -thjit, yo )to uildslfiehi Up troitt heow 1, lis, �.y TA t'o, fit(- itI o ls t n 1911 t*. over 'Ile lA'Lb rl� L I . , t�; . r Vo 9,11 ebb* S'And h1un iz�o C4 to first the . I tjl.-�' C th,� "Yoll may, th'iWC. 60 111 WaW so d be CAV., ilk 'ab ic 1&-, .111 (1 , fjtjVj�, �' 'D. L o0 ir Intl Y no eup or IIIo r'a .0 . 10(tu oorate I ul,., All ut . tile afib It sk Ijkl tTile ?" for tt� IV 10, Ows Wj�jte d 1- 13 T116 IS' ' oon 5at' x4d .1d I , , , r ' , 99 1 fl� C.doi jai% I the "girl. tire. Still, -4 ,tot SW N, cAttitibill , JMft t 1i Yr. , ooUtterly- stupid ri to itud, �:04e' att�� pods SOI Olt th" ly (A 0 lotlitstO, b b th(S �rdqldlred, lift "or tfiev� would It I YOU Would "11,L6 wilitten m 4or ki, v)ro'no 03&6.. ju.Sf W B mbilwayj off yoUri, of bOtj ru 0, giles''ta. litako utl I rToll Wqtl iin reApii4c ity What they lilibk in �to t tt you wer& 4L kI 1ad Alcell A il'jp", �jVoifati4fe Al ' L "' . H till, re them. jjr� T rvo, load. to ta I ta Jiro tb no IV mti Ilito 0 I'S 11 S t it filly C ttfidl tb tp'' $oil ttic M"i 11 otl r ko tog anI go 1"' AVoXll(l jIfIll obil, Wheri You 1111 Vo I .v6d onig is to vIiielli P , t6vot 1, hilro yotl Will waW.Wr 114. " to� Y Oj oYii)tr M1 ILa ko no0i ing for, gx�i it to, I it it otfiqi. wt[ c IeI rMi iW on t mally yearq tit. 0 t U jh,j 114� tTI(V not o nook to. too II tr .6 art y, &,a I t wl t 11. t, t1to toll 6 vory �,116 bv tV 1, i14 oV )01 l, sic" .41 t r 4,06. I r