Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-21, Page 7ft ;lot, 4, 41 4", A % A, '7 40! ** Vm 71 Is - 1+ 941101140i Mov, .07V�P, Ay . . . . . . . . . . T —W A,— 7 .7" ---AM)p -W7 -M,00-umn V 7 . , , Oil. J49r,,'Q i ,'X4p$w--v-qr 6 1000, know very m6ch 4bout"y 4000 VI -A-strangers- Wt-Tam-sr6ld t6 give-: anirgo % 0, u, Over*-' qrm �Wured'th4t` a A, the Verv'&� t adWIC0 you had' TUere Is lone eped1W, to Ile., Avoid, Ookp Md'd w stpry (eke rOM AnXiiiie itt'iyour I e � V . hat to do. OKI an As "Yon' w641d the fiefittleape., Go Le� us Consider, tile Matte to,. 'A� P.) whIleft Mr, $imgi - 'fir" -$190 ot co MT41 A Away before hapan'tiod y" - O?t AQ0 �ry 1-644 '�A: iellitt , & I 14.� 0 94pernA An, �Offqr �%Sti thanks,'�Take.,& litt'a, tour t a lot 'Upon Y . 9ARDMeO. j41' ff - ! :, , : A hal be ag 'gh "Way ro-m arrit e t En Vand for a wfilte.,'Stay Away. for It 0 yeoo oot- I ag e '(0yowed.. Close behind, A Oq4 daP,+, Wiled down' a1m0A flu, w Baj. Over,rather� than, dewliftbis ftlep4slilp f4 it, I filch ',,,it lilin, to Der of the seat AI L L _ L . , � ­ , . L , 'L , ON SM'I , , 'L ' ... , ­ I' or n ld "t, d6aN - hink prompt c. -or th ur but" w Ave a,, 7thliqg; tq,dd mrIt mid 0 le. sa AvIDN'08 W, 'If y 10� - IT, As pass u Por Say do j; hapo : t, ,,you must �.A t "A C,.ur qtw onvk bttl It, gppip- We,cao kqn thWL AllhigJA double Pa. r om Thq�,cho was th y L R new Sol he. I � ;L '&it eetid, and 00 noon' ent AM PUr Y'XW. C' '0�&tif 1 good niitaio�'Wtth� 'Which, he a ­��'our Interests are uia�, of^ -e -bad 'w" 4rl� IMP auOn qounds a terial ded..", tho splol-34 that a satisfa6tory Md AN r thkt 9, Over 4 qiht6h. w6ul& have led - him to, ligton �juat thpu with Ilitle-iiell,; extr ly oppo, ty to -L 41, t di 4, -',J)6en 6itg`agpd. Tfie mr-bocl eTea a eonvictign that gant, 1. am an. -ordinary; inattor-of� 11arput not.see It n tho,eamo, rilloir, ha. 0, AMA ng gener y of ry te �L - . - " I . 'UnUOU41 "w 4 to.bi [(is L of, tro fact, Englishman-, leading an oidina a Lbout Api coidnibli Sir r was ikrraougeld, very Ittf,rried. OJEW INK ec yl XEM it W6 can "travel together t!y', and OWL" '41ri joop#�d, lj�flily . bra" ress. ']BUtL afte thbL So r, tPat Ilro ur4 A a Or W: a, in net, 1p the same r��ad plain Iff, "a y he prbtested.,' pe -Aillo entered" th W 0%, -Once W hO ace 'I in 1A likely to become.eitheg, ol Wiese; time tfo� part dpmpan`;� ..has not Como' a 0�1, -1 r 'h, '11110 ObJe�004. ree� This man could-'hava no oloe-cit M 'hat tDntg endexi bmAa of yo 'A e 'in, jftjffi�r, now, or in. In 'ter. all, thou WAt4 04. Ph0r,*. 6n7t wol 'About: rpt. W Va bit ahead for, ti, r ,,,fTO a' kad other it ddw go doorway td: hand. soale- all Vq,-� a !it yet V ghf. you, v .06 gap-sw­ A'At MAYO 027 '��Fr tu"", i ��i L- hid- t no or" 72�7­ —1,13 15"4542UM 10A Pupt" ". Ow"Gurtipw across 'Felix looked. t. -him kmnl$.,�� I What Is it T". r 4 feet.', Mt. Ree.v.e.ii was force he refe 96tbd, "NO;� Dbitsham 00bliged, to Ake -the best. of;`Ahe thef pAivement.',nig foot Wag alre Pw, at once tliat M wan rqc- TLW, lad a fact -kn : .'fi 'L , y ..y Ogjklzed': and �ftt �;Ujy; a -bright-, r.90 that I kno Lei bfqyiDlld't4 ow, -wholle"Ilod"rA., this,' 19 t-67 olas- jig-'t.oi the, ighoping a, t turnfollow w ou MA mark'.' nor big .6h,- W6Lteftdejj had in�,er hint, been eyes . ild hi 4remblin W. L ? Ist llp� 1001ced at - drid - another'L' Stea4* gt* 4or,th4,3Jonce,,Tjt&t la qdlto�puff;qlent ardutt' nodded. =t In y t g well. T'he cllf �eit was a',bu&ess, for miidan, Ariall. p, t me a*.A. i Von who� flAOL, al. apr.0 P �,t f rom. ou� of, fly. It went tljjo�L we, and t tie Quence' bell until Sibliffig MfSrn.1'.-wgs he. sonly;.�aSk9.0' nallam- 4rew A islitigre Car roin f �'f6kinibiie. IgIL a itice. �drt of fell -to d t LA ttered 'to. fQ . pal 'N MaMA Xg ' L .:klithom.- QW *oil. for facto. AA. youir sugibstIO6'� his pocket, "d -be it; t appeared� t am:� ephb. ho.% do I emit, 19, tuty or. t rk :om I . 2* - ll�t I OeIeCtjiCL IdIt put Under the 01dig CA e to Iiiies de grJut,the - L t, M �MLk but to he In I -�ered the- wtV,11,,.y6u,, ad, better; ;.11"Wid uplirardp. Thb blow 6d' ­"What y be t 4ii6ken, In -the On. bay ptemnoe I .'th RTIL­� W Ifte FrInce9w n.ski. �desired e D hollorof his, compiapy At any time tha th have f ADM but, -for ''tryini 'to d0?" Mmluitn­� W 4 t 11 e '"To L k He h '0111y person, t sence;'Darknesa f I 16a �oa on�18, -bjw iroi e'are 06 blind And k01g­lie&ded,' evening, bet n twelVel And, twp. h re 4es the e, T eep a vow;", ti man on ..ot, Orient NRA wholly -unprepared for something seat..reolled' In 6, . IOW, ea J=IlkolffiE '1 1. 1 all" You:EijgllBh Peciple"f! "A �,4�d for �o7iftht, by. Jova. a was , af; 1,11 ­ I t brondest sonted In .116iiial I of tho-6 �irtf' find" h " Uall Ing Is Word§ 0 Cie ;Nqui doom6aj to- fail.- Whemovet old 3,64.edmethingot �.Ilo ma-n'a-dhar-; �Anied, 'T't Dyfirly g Her 'Alaj'esty I ft' ­ag * I reutt. excla e, Mills, mbJect paralyzed nto in y ey ha, y hand 4atust him I Why, do ACieii: Whp�i'sort of, a 9tit, '6"Y' ensh OU sup� .D And, repol'aced t�;� an So. too _Oil He w SUMMOU it -pollibeman -be sup -with him lond %hi§ - and audience. snal I ed - or. sA* milythIng,law'', �l shall t this a public rosta:uraut after in nb waiting no run AWAT OULSeej Harcutt," 'he said, "I Am Co gTUQug­ th-6 -case, o:. a +the 'Queen- in -the- [Ifty, lung OAo..Ofiteo thii uplifted arm fta tim ell nigh; �a an jL&Wij age Over He: assared him,' t w, as naturally a iron -he man' boind to�. tak.. t =68 of .- T I L L' . who Wdlfeu da. biletta,ted. �.'T jje� foil"I Only allIto �'afterwardq, who r6f!#ed �b; I Attacked was the next, to beii 1: Is �6u' Willfende got''this card" b�- a4, dcci- "T"hat'BL'Jilet. noth at You t tot obtain tj of.: V Ire- gat'.dOwn �Oli the peat bk the side itild' 'indi,ing away'. whi not listen. and I 'eeortain& know v - re Ing All Balk ve j(Djg A'.1ittle- I wr( n your pronunw� smany a4ern, J&-jiguages, but fils� stl&k .0f.th man who,�haA ilared st,'him .'to ZiOthei 'wQr.d'Il jhbjces�r hoSW. fie -h to presel.2 cjatlon� au' tie echo ,Wai; Correct.- ei�nt woug o'reel . .. , . a ' I qa' Y: succeeded. ChLaeSb�' so eft ropi2p.,up, and stood bqslde'. him. peo, it 3�0u- I shall compelled'ito ledvi you, d* Jmci� ever# pfoye, -formldaifila Nbolle': lookcia v6ry., fia 06, 'b low in ed blo "'Wol". k at It's.. any, 'ded My - W 't t I upon -his he -man, 0 that, mrhen -t6hitil W4.Rsovo d hts.ha:nd 'Lot hig e fI diisco, eFest pe:� wh m iou, *eni,Tor didn't 'seem to :4011l."the jother'o.arm. . - . - . I he asked gq"s a.. a ,,arious egi, *11! ot 0w,khomr; abot it to-, bj Care, go lont, -see' YOU'are plei.Ving iviiist 4gainst. Papa cAPL�bl of' vindertaking. dlIftedit-al 14 row., I- should at YQ W*U InalCe SO- - any bluin erg I Y A =cl Ou task owi to th,6 1. 1 . � M., . L . d t t ,ering Elow did joft.'mv�nng It Harcutt watched obav 0 to escape?" he Mtn disappear ma q hen :go4ce, of tio' k mtstak'eti 0 1 a irl dooir 'ajid 'then ad!dod, curiously. r your good IL.Spoa never- seem f W the: liloadv my, 6nly to �7tjooulitl the,,open ke4 A ljjtIe.VjAY &.16 b 'o.n. I 4i;ilt jil'-flie game. .:'Are 19 A* Oil!; atiythiag'�. Wo&iterh as r6gardsi. ex,� TbevOwasa rd6h tllln to�seqare him of lil.11igh6d-�-& dryl."bitt6ri little Wolfenden shook' him off. wai g th 0 pave. softly, t5`1 bA me�pe.. J lent. sweAK* '11146m. at L OU'lig ad 1 'exactly that, MISS ATS, 1)"t It �to� ifite la allude, 64 by fibit 0 W" kiii' rng �'Becaued'1... Id'. directly io ih a firfit � Idea too wait about'itirlill. . Weil .6t -1 appiloollAo 11 4ixpe,64 'huother- attAckj not -it I I is I the,. tw hb ' swered. �'Ib WAS,.t" ' 'he sald,, ca 'them from tho'cairlage.doo Jijilly,; "I Shall thi; tjj�n to Ingham a se6�� I. cbqii IOfdnglxih,. and lij Ow ad to on Or no.it.�. 1,iilipploap., a you otilmo out llo* Int6.t epgointselonare;, tli'oa,gLh' 'a.-p6wertitt Swerad. "I Some shrubs IA. It 'he would At f6uilh:� O�t' ROM6 time ago that oiie Gag fit behind ba good en, jj to ret*mmend to k W&S jjot,SW�Ift...' ,t,he..igArd8UL yon ot , thbjn­.gO le x shrugged his shouldiirs� ftth�i� likes Itbrwin, aud -.1 WantJalm Z&tICd,. wt,6 %14 n, ca der; and least- be ur'6 aadiess. me 6ckiae one :at the .,Is ih6 mLft�ck sp b AfteK7a�dd P inethl an, I 'blundojing 'Ad 'wLottld hAvel gabiled 96 o aVo.L ft' feeling t w 101tad, made e;,,,t rempmber,". he salci., or. me. would be alte to'. udoidifie, :W'W rapg Y Me _m foir his z0d Intb3lia.-gar- came ou r6." . .. ... the L ftA.. .Land. AAt, fij ay-, 'I tbm. andtr�uble.' He'lit., a'ejg;a'jr.e'1tq have a favor ask',of Wm*. In' repi I 'd wAlked a;w to Y I rece Ved' W01 on "Arid "what'. am U Y y . sp I ,ap fringed the �E ml�trtd d mb��Iimenc . 1 0 g6�*. "to do fan mrA1kbd',.q16wI to th cornell� Of 4ifiri the -6d da Wing etter-, 9116nAlre and'&- lbiteeir fol-� iow.?" .. ' ' . '. L I . L . . P. " L * ' ; �5. he 'Street, OE4i he t6 back and, ':)Ele hbfiltated.,; Slid'i-joked up In -to V-6rtldn4, 111M, -.A;ug Rair M d t�h bI ca, A (-t hen, some ow, '-Pro NW e-swlfily,� bonle' WS!:ffiebo rA, f*-neitre L e' ' i fa � n t -con m. �T 16iidn- h c b ;F2 L, 00, HI L.Ust theli. Will 'on JjI6­qbQjdd6j,..tfio:�(;Ij'I W st touch 00h �rlblaori strip 'of. Ar*Ageit, r�e. of the t a dn Jier, and she �whlqeed�., fatmity- with �.tfje, plainly alit p6selble- 694tAtilwAd him, 4s: eppoatfnay , I I '.-- 1, ' ' 7 . " L and'v6pli"his coa.t. (A,:' - the 24sit­iik., 'at his 'Mdo.... The, gub Ej tha An . 7.,.re . aeon to �tqp 6,016ee. tdiolilgh, expoetlh �'hiiii h it im-He its &71 yeuX.- par on Like .46.insplirkti6n 1, "AYone-hart stioasked quickly., Wolfooden d , mi, 1(3rd,% lie mAn-g aafoll 'the ic�aftraj� tinderstood n -,JL C0jjy IS'all - �'Of �COUM Ile nWolfbuilen'-was �urOlhg Await, MYL h.. a and -yet yolt� "but'were -YOU 9 0. Cover —f people t,ob 'of 'the tirit exPectilIg-a National, olir proff Ion Aatb aed In'. - �t.. wn It -Admit that, an. your%atzention ow... e am, Concern Were. bets IS' Ped us' ed-, lad in way. up 'th h M*-:fwd0 � . I . yI!!, , . . . Stale & d the a The man' Coughed dlsc�e el 1114lie.'firotit Of, vvare�. mY �guas 'the Mwe. a thom . Den-�,. t qieti, ma '*Ill not� docAlvb -that- -shab "ftet�i� -ot"? no, augh-- hesitated iia; V and t. F my,.as ing you t, iere, CIgW t e re, rp, o e he da. rd.' Ioingr.- t Ew am tte tulgifit never, hdvP ink Iro is do. in. strict Ms If" e lian -ect Ele doluk! d was port lj� hil PfE, 0 not con he a)ngw6roA::L a' h 'a ft'a the diretio6f; ,,th fie� . t! iltilh0i. 7110whollfi:dflair, had sQhrely. , d. vegll knew �.e leir 'At' - the etto Man, and', yoU htIm nr hefor inc,.oar filen, wool h ert .me t �mrcll, it hig YL b eqry a. , , ,: wais prbbaL i fi� _ifi, la y U ily un lill made I re Y t It and. he, U, 111,ofenklukr* would doubt.' a fillor gr id -hoke -dersiand that,' my US r 1�stir6d. reMhrked,,'� motioning to, ie ounglady arrir.c. 90 througi Vith I. "to We lia"ve, bee, ly 0 Sany� n co ago, my lordi and asked'46r $qu.,, the -�,m= i6i -fall' t -h-ner.-A lf.yiou do -not' your. a er,L. has, 4t was Mildo' er plftoa n. joU hrou. OU 'fool 11, with.: time,' a, S ud *e.�' Tj fuI I t( an]' L e ifeL, if�up=�lufqrmed her.th tild v0u0ncs6'or want. f ---advoir faIre, promistid to I pop d n, lic- be home shortly iihd A -To, b fe(iI that. w.q.'m- ay -r 6-asonabij eipe�ct. u4dert, r. . Lord Illolren a 4.4 . f I '.Save' the. ralFfin' �hat., Ul qux forgkv shoul Ore. decided * to' th'i 't, ation h'e don't' *alt.John9on,L,rWtlierlm adenflyi, Ads Added, C pri Ziiceu�' If inifted t Felik. fftopliqxl 'him.- 400 ­siay lilk, I may, I hat th0blit PT 0-hificlim. had SE THP, th JuLL 6 A aind In -direct t. f-mit me! to 'young, -Y LO Mat $'A' (3110le tweeu'- tZ­me-young�-=-n, tter French axtrA I il tera-tion-ot Sk- "Arei-yon Inad, -Selby ful;V; "'as If :-yo tj"ht f�PKM6­ rued, the -me' d tA ' 'L , ' 4,.'' , . . - e- -d0uJ*cI41m4odi incred Ay may -YOu­ai'e--a -fool-, b, gA*C%d u lenIL 3 -y -of nq. th w 'em. '�You.'Were�bcit-�eipectin�,.Iier, then, Tho qilesiloh-, whether h or- ch, Dnt;.y6u­­*'liI 67CduRD m6, Chi V. rendex1n the. verge In If7'1 obe, b4f� tested - afiil jro� 11'am not ddj littl F. eSson- ly. �ggv6 -j lingon' to-,:%dtirsiaiind gyagc;'L in a'. 7 Feenls th th I kh M Tb th-it o;, n. hild; the�6 noun, b -of thb an.. , . ur&t . o:, at Ant path w hjiy'who,ha,-,1o, 4esir�;j to kijl. )jIm.. k,.,r 'Mjj*IaM- fjr­E: I 6W. 7 ana*erdd 11, 6ed; ro ji.kn .1 Y ,ni the L ollefit Y(XMg* a row!" e. regarded qui nrope. ap 13ut n6iri. yet. tj e ;�etta:. was a,- flit 0 ghi who Ived. 1. rs of ie ge; w 'OU Canudt bgTfoed b9bleqj' b6th: ybn- and.. 101i and:'all ag 'a urope. aj�d A 'I "Of con ise, I locl-ijif qYlUM'. A Jere. Wed "16okling�if- it- larewd 'It d.rpve .off fit tho, tilue; of y., 1101dw *�strptchad'olij o. WoIF gibilia, Whbth#r,br not 13 sep.Md lnt� hf1rom 6 tl 9�'!14iadiug 110 and n, a Woltenden t., 11-9 'not -b�lt,terj, mted. it. -bqmole�s. children without 'rel tites DO it as �.a mas t excellent ren.�4� -herl Iliv t you: 60 bf tl lng., an , a, mas Fly porfroiTlianeix was iot:z4t i; I 1 11 rl 0- ral &M011g Wl,��­ are ear.6d for.,- v, q1tor ho, -often ith Y, III live been en . ong d' eWill yxerildoo-tci to. le, ;dee n:m 6AW6, to'06`foOdllng� had: ik-en-1-a was. A'ndoubt6dlvi :a ;otiitly fi�id "fli one hat rf�mEh-:6' nothing* bat. a gres t.. fancy ..to, it.. the lv tribute'to the'good feeling f6ibt found Of f6ot to noWbetter Vian't S Pe. iiiightf, You will, llvd"to w shi &64, am . exceed ngIy­Sdrr-*, or oorruptf6ri axis y eat, be weet tu p o e. great" ,,,n, spu liat you had. let 'Z61bi gaid abjecfiy. dy. a 6-h t IL birthday -of t f t1i Aj�'T rl, hfln"landeril fuA as th,-) tforrrua'6f. Yorl%k- ille �qdl aBeforo -heaven, IL g1rL p, -ilfiL,4sion wi-lii asked for pites of 4he &tem and T will sn7, 3:6u, alipparAnee 10eid. me. '14 et; shird or 'tb 't - L' � he 46M cofrupt4a. of the J.4ligfidge ak6'­'te4 wIth' Murl dro9sed, my. l6rdS, and. lf.!Fod VV Pei pato,41 ijith`�e flash- Wolfeliden wag: pliciii, Wims tfia.t�.aL -Mit.-Inei-t-o ;i�y Stiro'blie lo -OM of %h.D &untry it was Murl4l'� birthday Notts; N)*Okeu., Chl: Shb;A p mu Xiii -kiangf ft� ftbriou iind no6&lq9§ liecis bhlli,�iiireez to her.' t r "N . felt She Li had turn- e wliloh had - 4morung ' up. I lady.*There is p obdbly-eomb *17h�6, '.thtitr r, lemLih: is A— 'biah lei aii hMakeJ11., - L . I the �aamit 'if m*e q tt, ShAu Taltiag -C U-- fu fait -chAlls". nin .;tion with, the a t ro 11411jowar ovor,)Iia it Wa' arhidst, tile. grCY4 ri r" Wolfe tObib Sheirl, Jeu- her. ap6n 6.6 ent.,411il) Itat the, stody door. follwD -Shon JL7118 Dlood "Th web6zil -Mat1fj1 she, ung dubg teh. w -w'- v"c A..mec ng aTid' supper toptle.. itid c6aand travel, So' Plehsadt' )i�lby,'! it, tiald. "I niver,th6iiglit th 4t!� guade.) .9 1 la, th-,"iDutch t-dintuAr, the,&- dr tI veins... ie �earth ic ,.a tionary,: to the Dutcli dic, io' his a t, nary.. and vrotiid,llav o ' h t rough up were t famokeO a 'again 'befieath He' yop e n- dd;. AM smile ;in 1W, 1eet. He opened �he:itu&v d6or,'apil losed' Yet Muriel n6dd tha 4dic But H urnsil, dullped'in' itie iii�vitble wfilakdy afiY longer -light been' cjdulorii*�:In, ",t1lo, Rettfta head 'little hearted tvakiiin. elbY'WalteElf0i but r h14.tion has g' Ch IgheT. 1cOm1MM Tar. anite 'Aid dift., it did ot or I 4pio inirlo.,' .� hiicutt, would , lidie" cho�nt, V�., vagiiel n In to 'be x6f many ta!%- Z%Tflk 1w wilo, .11 tat*od 'RoandiLl., and told them stor r The., man b3k hiq Side .9444. erjef ttL &ugu ' age,ol BeI91111316 --ojW: of Supr' -teLV­IU,earnegt, OAAPTER 11�4 whan not -tied .6 jitt e- &the,6�, of Is told of nitjnjet�jrqn F;ng� h" tx� eqce I of I op, f1blia V land. wbo� Is' is'ald to haia had' an honor I L n the I good �-fash�)ae . d'v M '", i � "ea. tefit iwi g6f;4.' and-Volfiihdeti, `SvWhat 11 didpl- he - Said almost fi,�6io- At ill Ruselan. Aml)asgad6r's, ba� c�mn mid4stalid his, tqqdidd tite geu6al,'corl-v6is gelically, !11',mrao for j�;d: L to 'do.. '. 1, Llilk�d qX?Q!81CJJdZi CC r mig:14 not -one. of then) t ejndn- 'At present It pro, Should have'dolib who �ad. fle-fired- in 'the 24 -Mal �.w ugly ng. - Curio re re -compauio"n, b6th: fail& eo;. And- wit fe* '= reguI1Lti&ig.-4dd deor-ces pr n -In imper-w4. churchyard 110wed any gUrIl Sabin, and hIsL in' Was. saroundc& by a- low, xaraaet; with ba �JLT-�z IW. &s.Mr. I rt'a lem- up in man- proe6ad h L' wall -With a tjo an( I are; -Strhild n bd taij, - 'on' being Aard in jloVbj.. seen 'him., b 0 turned WioAhe ilefitte to be �-Iode. -Th6y','stood to.�. if. 'walk - aloRg itelt reqiiiipq nice; ofore In. Kqy life. -I 'West iforiUble dlubF, liso JW war d4t. Har''. I eing thAE� bbL�I�r res ret fred & .060W no -1. may added pro, 9, Q)y, y, u A Pfew 7bivo cutt's. prival hap,- , Wo es, or ra ler one Inn. 'hidhIgIng. In llcvc� See Iiiiii, �ag' Away followed Denshaftl,jf gU , Age I . = y" of -160. 'fe4t; 6f. the', uWgh'. 'd wonAluel .40thng 1101Y8.4 Vol said pra . ae grea, it I tly IV alid' angoui� The, ..'Renwal or .00mel ad,* 0 M'd rk4 aft W06 fdri0ge tfilild which; to yolli. proqoselon 0ontlitued iki th�e;qiilrne Ordri French, I It �V'd I I O�I d Jig spokM. jfj' g JIM 0n( , flay� alp mirilA 'I, d ser ce.at- ifd6*­n on' Y6 k W to 'the to had happened, Th4 ad pr W' there 'a. r*0a4Ihg -the tu�f:ni vi .90n the Pall -M I some >ne PP ray 0.. ybu Eac i. -in, a' Alf ferent mal�ller; lic ibio country, Mug itbotit'au -effigagemon L-VepiO'nt.--and . JeS' jL8 r eV ig&me p r le -Cr��Vesy �e 'efinght it tot t'" tir�r­ dwe ta -AakX-j j!jjA h re'fetUd-nal :brk. Vvillol.1 ii�ini,;t api)ear that YOU, 'may' never see Jilm: filter-. 'Wialoou pkewi,118, IhL h three min t "Whir, t I paoor,, and after -ji, jft� ligdbrk, Md'vdil 'Yet liiik lived a . �m -ce ..,Wry an the an r OL chaPla� ' A -or 4,w6bigif el I AM hs 116 - by at tin order t, Lb 'flor -ty116L- thegb'p6ople, !4 :d ivme�. CUit -.h li,",nOt mr�tg Ottract6t) As an artist WU;PtjY--gt--Ln. the v the'efx hingaugo Of o t. t icectTl foljowWjg Intel bdgidle, p;m. Aw, giu-M-bil A0`tlle.eXjg4DdI4oS Of is treme and rare- behitky,.of bi� 91rL alt . t.4 I aodum I p a Flo Ale;-tuxt-dri; t gift Ith It or f ri Sti-vioe Wkhd 'entimentii, an' [too:. d ore -Tar- rhl foe allik .. . , - .. . I L 6mocal. I h rd,. a.. oloil t'k-,ar6se- Ol of '-Cu�ldsltT,, It is 'Mlid-fLin &oOq dl�itlturiu Ll[LE a tnfmdroveoff 1 le 1i4in'hitildd a st*rLiV iaii7 Wol-forldim i�itde effort -to itt %vere we. Ffiefich W lis to., In figwlgo 0 u cIngly thtore.,4*0 th'air Til-ob- therd �q far aillierfor OU always Wei At was OUt­O th-o', p1l to tj r& d hicky. beast, Firoth'It"tIldy ull, -anYona who I fit I keeping, w. Ith 4 - and t(lea . than IS hb pxelp in ' W6 be abl-6 tbrg4ather coin ie and: nize 'this,fadt! at' ridA Ill. Wtid thrri,blp, ut- his lanigungif w to tha L a Aw pr6bably­ O.-wilatoliblilng that fits, look, It and life eonlpnh1oh,-..,- ga of w. f f . nnded blux' to me t h e, br a r 0111 (1 'iled Into, 60. cab Wbo lie td grav�o tiftei thei I' :itt or: faSI1I(itl;1 ad,ij� 60k y(3u fb toll me indro abobt 111i -)llt�' i(lontidal I wit -!data ed ;,pilortunc: pLi,j.qed jV11 Tli'e'ro- I's' 'no doubt tlit s, ad's� ly, perhaps' n� little sur F WOME ij.� Ing . . I 0S Over tile, r U OW tll(' 'j"I -mings, no'LI6 14 not,glmrays, tho'�ffianTwIld jv;I'64 j4dy, I 43rco and alps�r acvust� to pure Dutch, w1aft, 0 fITA Sale'. JgL file h6ir''Pkullar 11161 1W "101,14sets N th trick who; Seme the liod�e jillantl )11,. a 1110 ctill- diovio'�orf,. � and �y len, njgo�ft dmig tb tals& ti of t alect �0*fon( With a or! I or- utf-,He waA, it ffbtI6 sur- od foF le tL M 'll.0'ross t1lo. ave. -by ctlllln�g �It` - langildg6 v Mon,& Ut 10 pris Ae, Pa suffiel idg 4totative f6i hiciiC. arcottF. iSt' 11'11diid filliq A Iltoratute of Jtq ryous woffiefli y, _glad. oricii464' mr"';Oleeft or;'.h moment-- time to; 'th(3' p6rt q,'nov hard -n .f be *v q) I s tg un& AA a" riefillit Ot much CO'liti t nofTe% I, I t,4, Fnid to I OM tire, Tiellien the'oOn doorwa,� tbe map'- leanhip; I I isior I nq workl,4 li;0#o� boon and the ont(j ommu- trolom 416i -tho in Of jftOSh li IF nd healthul me; ter y pe home, Doisir.46 164t I -est., iban tonque.' lbbs.t. *oibou likyt OnIfy, los6 trijj�j ould 'i 6 it to hio "I sitall Ivalkl" pfosnioa Oint'r Si&ild be a'lludlng, t hOvc .010, 6$, g � lid mye alldte 4 fifty i, an, r a po. j, flgt*lrdriri� but rjso suftet (�ho ns, 'Vilmigh, It vvould� if You JVIjY.. an his. way 0 that Unconiftic;il and -.gralcfuf ffoul satiobs t'ko �k&'PL to 111 Y rd, illied, CRPi0hA.'Gb1l00' Of Y(M Made thilt-,litflO lftcn]P� to- lqj�,Gslon'lwhloh awr It wit's funiv'as r6catit'lY,as 18�JZ rabgcineilts dtiobdo&' vlylt.g ad&d 'richly to- hit) stoolc d4r;[ng:.hor tAtsffag� th�fiijgli.th, fl1ni'll'ildrik 'Mnscionce began t f blood and ,,ex�A -got but on e ni Iondo�t, � Wll�n lie sur4lor-robw at,*. the. ."Mi fi�n"' a. shokt 0 hygt�onl.L - nip. 'te for tli� pooplo of INandOrs. Ilb� �[OiO th, nb%v tiketr P Ila% ahflgo., ,nlIxuA1Rment,. it I tht . 3 mrs .�Vciro shwing; 'fflffprQht rdaii6kill wIIY' I' Hapertitt Ioo�pd at'them, W(tto'llIng. t�roto ell'antl wm�" tal anted, though oD aft t!_to:_, O.m thb4onspep f Q, or He hb wrote In tile Floillish twigUo, in, iv On ard� dl� atild I �. had do1W nfl, tnofe good tbad I d , bt'i%66�t W, 9h6uld in 1114 Threp, that ih6m disappear Ith fr keatly due too-& -Weaketted condition erek'bi red' fill'tO MY ara�tlltudo 6bilAftiett witati, j� 111s, doineWlIat ix) -far. as uni d6fiternod, 1gi, forohedd,. Own opou , �Oidor that.the inight readi for of thd b Ila be quied'iftor *or&- r 11 Mid the Dutoli fof� 1,,'Iander.4 had become. so and krrwAotly' 'taktfi�­ tarp of. wind,, was 4 d1h liero tire 6thefg bbAldo g who ow ,. 1114ttick Inn ft fOe'3h4'Woiitierf tit otie bAb4it &bout: ha*a qulfit ifit that, the ere tin- ­mild-6tit(lbor exetclo, brenthtiE 016 mid stibtw tu r. � go bad &0z Inin inon -tlidn tliey edti tmy,j olvo WbIg-car. corr,i not been., 46tiod, a new As ke,, had iil*,g only victim,' nor IN It Ile to ro.11411161r.-Motlidt. tongue, Wof.,pureir frosh ir, and uAltig 1)ji. M' M'to Iron, HN� lt -witit 1� �vd ta, and ehim to Rt,* pA and, foe, Nervd,''Pood to f0'FmL "hew Writee- Put rega- Md , in 01alif wM'Stfthding tlid ie it i,tVrY* to, haM7 lilt peril 'of lils life. 110 boars 1110ri 4fr4 -the, deplqted ner�, Dr., Chnim's Denqha ' lie 7 ly ljj$i. side f6e, tile fligt.,P b, 0,11'4 I ed. r bloo J,nla 169- Othtirs, tolloiVeiti the wa o of Conm� lla 'Did dL )its in n h rhed' k a 0%,en the inb you'aong li, C10111MOS but'. even b -,O* the n,n st til�% Wilat jely ngq Ito tile Mutt 1, cont(I ttot':wnj% tW, mory a wo of -It take;s time' to . th6 ,awr bblor, Itito N"Jfohclen noildoil, ew. It it Millillig. tie bad di 1,64n b in abeg, afllIr tho'sh t,t �V- r eo;w . A bf66d, rbato" Mn6a's Nery I haviet and, C Ofn P g monotonolist'r r W tl)id I IlbrarY a 8' life whiah t1lo -eV6 o_jF a, ejjrjotl$r jo t d tie ,mle 7 '1 set fwth ro eells.'"d 4100e*, the j�let'oty reetoro4 t Nlil h' It, I( " ;Z�� 60, V n, on op"a, a."' hc� bo h *bodlly.'Otgana bat, P6 9 � gifo" *Ith buoynot.:otope and tLn unwo: I M we t 6Tlao world 6 -ht I'd 00 cloetric ligilt,yS thq'young� th.dy atut' fic 76 )n r in 'My ood�and 'heilf, sueu ad plade, �,VTICQ You! MCI Yon h*biit'6d gtoornllY, aginary" papa d ivfate. b6t1i anx.x -Moll llra`,�D "rye thofi6 h Oatr I r fl4j164; . ..... )t lvaq , thb, AW; with long to fitul'out wher6 t1lb Y, 11 Its an nbrVilv which bo, otruck."Ine. lt�,�Vas gj� film we Urn Voth to U antl oto He, WVe#. qn1to kneiv 96at. fit- fly an ul( not IfVory badly .01(]L"" hi-outt, MI, autpris(i ChAstuldel pro Oil Prop'06tL 6 do hovol, ",Ok, It *:jlljqj joid Ilini tio. l6olt p,nrt with, jt'jo�- Itg kold'.' tod, i,ftm I Henry,- I' ne* 11're. khALJR4, t(i:"i, if'Sfore4tbt tie, 1) a so 6utsf Lie 'Ildto for, ha arriett kL6U4� t Mte 'Wil. &. I)OV, r of tile. w1jo, liri.til lt,.he 11ro, hoi; W6 tit Wllth� more ordIna'.rLy c�rlsl.ty , tl t as: be ar0i We c4tn't 9d Ikeu. t LIN ati al,, aek t ur a, With youkc` L