Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-14, Page 8ex:;:,* C'a:r�:?S'��PYakt,,�F.y,•srnM'�!*�M+�;^ '�.p�YwY�.r :-xr .... n IfAve7ou.begun' �ou., r.jfBp rd ion' 1 It is time, that you'bad. .What are rpt You going to 'give your friends. es Christmasgifts this 'season; We.•ci to •help you inselecting, for out stock is r , stat complete and is one o&rthe- :finest llis etr;<wa Clhrh trne;o.t:<,tfe and npveltiea •5 •a ahs• . .1r3'.-tW ..•:r..nx.�.. FQt; LADii$?; p. , FOR GEINTLEMEN. • Vr ToriXT CASES ' COLL'AIti• AND -J' wi r.Oes$s: ,';CUFF b'•O.XES: GLOVE 18•][6x:. ' TIE : Bo ` s. , BRU8 tie CIQAR ()Asia .'PERFUMMEs : PIPEs liMInnoR$ Bemis • Xmas • lards Calendars. Books ra `Books Bibles Hymn Bo. ,o T' jer Fancy China,, V�aee: Epergnes, Flower Tubes,. Jardinierea,`Toys, Do11a,'•Sleds,, Games, Picture Books. Don't leave your shopping off till the.' last minute. and then be caught . in the 'rush and have to piok up something in a hurry.. LOOHEA,D'S`'DRUG STO.4E. N[ABQUARIEWS FOR 10I1DY ,,.&OOOS.. CKIiOW' ONT. r. •LII THE PERSECUTED ` CHINESE CHRISTIANS b094i4-• 't17 .,'14oncit"ed' 'Idtaws with 4'; 4r.0••• dur;'oilu the ;laked '(Heights un- I ,rbighs and i'egh: were be:ateii, �• Into a jelly " In ripen conrt'tlio wag s..t tato 'asked him, 'are lou It Christian?'' Mr' :Tung i eplieRl:; The, ' iiisgiet--�� trate again ordered Win to. be ,beaten, `after Which, he "again demanded, you u Christian?' ,'Yep' was the reply. lie was. a ai;u lit atoll i�nd .deli re- handed to the 1•rison where ho was kept.. f, r some weeksthe n ggistrate in the. tneantui t trying to. :exhort moneyrom ilii i.. b. rah ': 'reatlhient,• £ w., Yha: t istrn` r.Goods., We„have just received a largo' assort- iment, of.'Ebony :and'Silver .novel, ties suitable' for Cliristnias;; pro, eats, y • ,Also :a full line of l3•acelo'F, Lorgnette ;.C}unn4 '” Stick .Pin ' kit o,aclic �.: ..;,eras. -r, 4A. ....fir assisted bythe American Consul, • John Fowlerr ,tthe�,'' were released,. but during•, these .terrible. ar,e ks'thw gate'. ..no•sign of yielding or denying their..: , .` `Lord', and ••bZaater. ,• Rev J; E.. Shoemaker, S,£ ',Mingpo writes,,''!1;' cannot :close without a,• a Crib nte'-'. of ,praise. :ftir �:the wyou. Ohristiane are facing -the crisis. They know their ,[beg' are ill the:",balaiice, d. la driving them clrIse t.: Goc . If 'death aod,sufi.'ring tome I•am sure: it will open the .gate'for' Many a'true .imartyr-to enter into eternrilsjoy, .The. prumises,of the.,vord Panino; to,• t'kese people, rinw,.a'a Lever before. end 1tr Ips them: andhelps es all 'to .bs faithful unto .death.'! Such' are but specimenia of the' experiences in China; to -day, Lind the .Church wail he puri- hed With this baptism 'of .fi. e.• The recital eif'.these things; justify 9the appeal that was 'iasued;a,.month ago fur a week of ' prayer. iii behalf of China; prayer, that persecutedmissioit aries.:and. native ' Christians 'Might:be sustained, and that open daor7, an`ri 1argt;r and wore i..suCcessful _ -eitlr tv for. the evangelize tion of [limit inighcbe• :tho result of this terrible ,crisis The week is Itast, but. -the needfor prayer remains., ,The loving sympathy • nF,,ill_ Te The Zdttor of The Sentinel Your . readers will ; rejoice to koow. )that. the. Chinese,Christians now'pas$- in through the' fir f persecution,. �ea o per , are showin 'a fortitude . worth - .tif the fir Y__;.. Christians. of,olden tiiies. T ii e: tri s of .the disciples of- Chrisr-in the .Be- man amphitheatre ,,were not more 'cruel, nor were :they more; heroically endured thong. the trials of 'native cis= stelestoday: ,Whatever doubts. may' have existed as to'the . quality of: the work:being';;done':by Missionaries' in. ChinaOhina as noir' itin : her book of. martyrs; ,:and lvrg .,• . they--are-�doinivfor—the nineteenth centnry church "What the" early mar= `tyre" did,forthe church of the first '=century. •'The work progressed •so rapidly .in China during the recent .years, so many concerts were gathered that siniturallyi doubts • were, ex- cited •r as ,to the genuineness, of the work and as tovhethar if pers era tions, came, they would stand the test. The persecutions 'did .come and they '&7 -stand: 'Oracp; is given in. their ' time of. need. This is :good 'news to many who have been giving and' pray- ing for missions in China,; and whose n r to a : have bel a 'era telop the, .:church :in that. county. Ther,` can new feel assured that theirr! ' efforts:and sacrifices •were not in :vain. They have a . part • in •this, noble testi- mony to. the 'power of thi Gospe *Bich oas i.,be placed along .side of the - roll oi:msr•tyrs recorded•in. the" I • t , chapter of Hebrews. ' Tbere••were enrolled in the different Proteatant:Missions in• China,' at the' beginning ' ,of' these. 'trosibles ' 99281 comtiinnicaiits, and about one. quarter of a million .adherentr ';There were , besides 2745' foreign', . 'Pdistiionaries, �. 5206.natise.aaborers, and'the. number were eller increasing.' • Ther almost universal ' testimony of dueisonarieg before the' outbreak was that •, never before were .the' prospects so brgh , NOW. iiiste,adof the expected `lacteal e, .. ermine the great testing time with: the eneonreging; teatimony;.thet,tbe church is able la stand in the evil"sway. �' Tn -. Some ces•es in the provinces of Shanty r ing and Chili,' the mangled bodies of :'thesd lowly .followers of'0hrist, =:h'ave ,been,'thrown into the smoking ruins of their humble babies. • • Miss C. R. Hawes; a faitetul' eonarQ, who narrowly eeca1 �. • tbe;I. followed .'b nick, the . eitentelod; es, w_Ii --a r • who.dtsire• •tbe'. ` evangelization 'cif "t be wprld is usked,..especiiily at`tliis,t?me; Ih; P. Mnc$.A.Y.' Confederation Life .Bldg. • • Toronto ]"n :tVatches; site. can. .supply anyone,.. Lac]ieg'i'Gold' Filled •.,'Patches fit- , ted with. Walt hain.or;Ehiu: Move.. • menta, and at, a moderate price ; ,: • For Gentleinen' see ou : speeia1�':inpVe • meat, 'setrenteeii'' jeweled adjusted,. ': fully guaranteed•in every respect There is a. limit :'to these tuov 0- ,,ments.'so first_ come first served;; # .H .ARMSTRONG, �IRMST 0 THE'J'EWELER... '. ,t+ ot+• aa t+va%:ie • •' ] lite,'' 1.11x11 lei, ti ' '.sax' 'f die �, l'lis' is.: the last :Ino><itla' of 'tbe s y � , century,T9 .cl ;se`;the century with a good, 'months; bnsiiles5 14 :.:.;. � • . i � �,, i t' .i t 111 , 11u1' :ambition':. t•°the men e111emibet,wo•'are clearing Q;_1. Vie.. r of 1' v o til hl . `h a .. n � is s to e ..,�,_:at bI t,Ut r' res_ •,fhe ladv'�vhn 4.,. :,.s.�.. ,.w.. �..,, i. _. -'*•. >».. ...".::- .� .-s,-:r a. �..- ._, _.... �"w, x •.1_.. '-' Torre i' 113 L • 1 .. .. c� `.:?, " t >.3: r.l.r • . a.,;,...;: a • buying' Jacket�, s w e'h� ave o� ni o : tr stlaC ,int 1 oin hea:not'Wish. f0 carry •a 1Y Cloah:ina,,Fuis_t..Ladies J.a,ckets orer�,. .e. tealize.•.the t.. ' � tc� .still t.he1>z is:.. etd;re th'e'seasoi 1s'toii fir ,:ad v�incG 1.c;>, „ k month it is goods at. bottom- prices'. • RELIGIOUS, SERVICES.' ST. PETER' C URCH': SiJN UAY.. Morning Prayur at 1t"u,In. F i bilig Fru,vtr, at 7 j:,.m, _,Every third Snittl'ay be mouth Snndav Schon., so'vii•e•,at '3 p.in., in place of, usual, Mon:ling I'r,\er • 1-inly Ct in nur;ivn :first Sunday •s f every ,month. • Bible Class '•aid •choir pra tice }tied ne.day evening at 7:30 p.rn':: " • •• —Where to buy 'year • Xmas pre - sante io° at Berry &.S'on's Drug Store. They have an :immense stock 'of holi- day gifts,. dressing cases; • collar .''and` cuff se'tts,---:glove and .handkerchief cases,. immense 7variety of photograph• albling,'bandsom'e mirrors; work boxes; purses, 'elegant Xmas perfumes, bibles, Prayer' books,. hymn books, Presby- terian boo of praise, aiinuals,'•Sunday at.Home, 'Leisure, Hours, Boys' Own, Girls' Own, .;Chatterbox, -British' Workman,: Band of ': Hope Review, big variety; of Poet's. and, Mipcellan•. eons +books, . lots',of. games,-': Crokanole and earns boards, iuirnense variety in toys.' O�fiihose'dollies tvllata varies ty 1• Plenty' • of sleighs; ' eh'il'dren's ;picture, books:in big. variety. . Tt'1i al-. most impossible • to: tell you . of all the lines we. have in stock. • Coma.' and see for yourselves, matters. not wheth-` er ou. buy_. or not • ties will gladly . show you through our'stbck",: - Special discount.allowed for .Xmas treegooda. G. W Berry, & Son, ' IYruggi'sts and dealers.'in bookii.and;faocy.koods. Charniing gifts' and plenty of them are ready and waiting; for your „, n; spection:. To. look through our- fine 'assort>ment.is a past -time to price the "goods.laa. pleasure,;' fo_ .possess.. them, is a privilege. Conie:•and see tho best for Christmas in. the .new; ;the 'novel; and the beautiful It is a stock 'to please the !fumy , and'.save, themoney- of all;:whd tonne: ' •• Whatever your ,wants may be, We can meet them with. most' desirable, and satisfactory* se1ee, tions.r__Our attractive`1jo]iday display :,waits your itis ction, . Wewillglad' yo.'al:`-ad” 1 'welcome 1 n . leased . to 9 S .. Pleased show you. our",goods • Berry S son, Druggists, etc age a' good look arround before ‘seing .your :Xmas:' presents. advise you to .look through Son's Drug Store. They•have ' e record. 'It's fairly drizzling, totheir establishn en't and the tales' and'' e • of, fairy' .. e used •to' read •aGOuf oi.tment of:holiday goods, ea'' of the iplendor Aird:' "sttsrl, Rile steik' ' take 'a canspeil a . you Bili he -"treated tin forget it ert will be 'given art gistmss Ev, e. : A , 1` lie'' .praid ted r . timooDIST, CHURCH. Rev' A tik Hawrls, Paster. , SABBATH.� •. 10 t. xi• [latera la- a" torrid-our,S�rerilzbh.,• 2:45 am.--. Sun;'iay School and Bible Class• _:; .` 7 1 .M.-- ••"Arpusementt'•" W,.EEK NIGHT SERVICES. :' 'Monday .8 P:bt. -I casae, ,..• Wednesday 8 s u Prayer Meeting. SEATS FREE ALI,;`.. VELCCME, VIllae g. ar get .Th following the.m'tL t iota tions for this week's • • • Wheat, , .• , , . . 62c,to 68e Yeas, .. ., : .59c to 60c : •Baxley, ....880 to 38c Oats, . ; . : , ` .25c ta;:25c Baker.. & : Confectioner. Has just received a large assortment ;et c1Foice•Confectionery, CannedGolds; • •Raisigs, Currants, D;ates,•Pigs, ;Peels; Nuts; etc:'which,: wilt: be sold at close • L. Pastrf flour. • ptepared:specially'for''the boli= day trade, in'T"ienty=fivo' and.'•Fifty Cent Sacks: : ALZ , K,f.N 1.)E' -UF..-.,""`• • -BREAD; BUAMD' CAKE Y._ FRESS'DAIL/Y b At„ '.Y.Yc4}.■o°n■.■.■■'.i!:19.�'.'6M1r.'.'a• YYiti"�:'{�'.■■ti■''n�■„',- ' ; ;GOND gar slump; These cutting._.Goods'are as-''. keen, au•:the Artie blast but' as lasing , as"the ;--)pyramids- ' of'. Egypt • : zi e a r me -„Daher �}. x 11 nt .n 'ortllnl - . l e y e.. ,h. t.: a x,es�an_e ce e • gp t_y fo s c c wxl. of useful and:. and satisfactory_ f iii y:YPr/016�fn. 'Thesegoods are t, i h priced but heir, quality is',excellent.: ou can . cement instead - of 'cut 'friendship by -lift of one of aur,Carvin•0 IN Setas: TAYLOR_ - HA_RDWAltE .. Wi wird 'J'iltiP■P■VLY■w.•. W. .w... W. W1P..Y■weiiYie.%W.Y'.. wirc■ee. .oma.- 11 is . Amenmainlprammailiwircomellt If_ not1 a read .with : �u , � s.a:' �T' rm•��Foot�rear will be a case of necessity.T'e. }lave o lines in Plain Felt C•on "res for •: and women. Also Felt;'lined leather shoes,• �... Overs o, es, 00,rd ia� over s' hoes Qversto - • in.s:-and an endless'of- varlet :: a:•n .� . I, .ens -Sox, an_, d Rgbbers • Don't fo get' . STUB PROOF and ,King.. halit v' �a •y--dti N-e--1coki-n _for-. R ube-rte . e -- g best the ?market affords Thanking the t3ebple iif Ltioknow acid vicinity for their liberal patronage' inthe past, and in wishing you a-prob-' per-• i erirr"`WO1tIti i tiil"usk`for a fair share of your trade:" Eta :•,,McK ZIE. A. MORTGAGE S L Of Valuable *Pr'onerty. milimemereitr Th'e will be offered for'•' ale byPublic Auction a't the Cain House, on Thurday T)s- •cemiber 30th' 1900, ata thebout reef, ono o'clock. pp.m.the`fnllotving property in tho Village of Lwkhow, 'he Co-unty of Brice, i':rovince nf,(Sn}arin, beftetr cog posed of •Lot No. 2G2, in the said 'illate of`Luejtnow. • TB1q15 and particulars tinte:af saleor on applicatfo T. H. Li:MO- MBE,. " r r Made known at n,to• 189Dii,auu,Bw, Lanaoc, bot kiONkY , o PATENT ood•ldea: Our aid. onay �Adrdt("e . • THE PATENT RECORD, 7, s.,tirriors. M0+ • 1 adAn idea t erotoet pout Picot, th`eo may. bring you; Keaith. k Write JOHN wEULEitstrati co. Pategt' Attot: e w� aehingtob, D, c, r{1r thea �ifir:1 y _rite Ota IiRr Of tR0hu a4ced ,la'reaN^w.4 Iwo .Nil ' --_ r .m�....vw.........,. ,.•,,,,,,, y a,iw Double and ,Sin la Berlin Woo1g' g Ze 'or .001 A ida1ttsio Wool ph � , ri ti , ,5lippet Soles,' Brilliant Cottons,' 'Handkerchief' laces and insertions, Parc' .work 'Itiiil ons :Art` Linens 7)enims •and:.Silks, and Art 'Embrt d• ery Silks in all 'shadeTab ITH 2 $2.$2 $2 $2'-$2 $2 "$2 $2 SECOND EDITION AT YOUR POST OFFICE. e Londo Fee A' PROGRESSIVE AND POPULAR TA . ' Pif;OL , ESSBNTIAT;LY A NEWSPt:PElt__The•pree Prose i fifty-first 3n o« . rr i t sfi • ear; . 'It is essential).. 3le fil hist.; y y ;a neu,•strepei' for••°tette keine' circle- • ,?bile ills.' ; tipguished for enterprise; care •has been taken, from the beginning of its career to admit-nothingto' its•.Colunins that woolfl ''o,ffGna the' 'WOW " sense of` self-respecting people, Canadian EET'OI T—Are tail and` up•to-date rontairiint, all thQ, est ," ' HE American and English live stock andgrain' 'r ' THE .MAR narks:ts,Ith the most up•to-date•news. VETERINARY `COL M 'A 't'cw and �),cu a1 feature conducted ~ ' . ' :Hodgins, V.. 8,, Honor • kraduate 0. V' C. `�trtic! d by eery es a Saturday dealing with ill classes of Vetcrin i' ' appear every , and answers daily relative lo, all disease if13 ►'`clo animals, a also' questions: •eq of anlme,fs, titer ..,Contains ' valuaple•hotne instruction' for the: farinsr an° t• r .� s ocrk otynerr; • : ,S--Acomplete history 'of the •doii!gs• al FO'Ii.ETGN. NEVV g lrtovai t1ie..lctiew . world in the latest and ulr-to•date despatches'" ° n COMPLETE •CAI\TA'D1AN NI'WS—By: telegraph y' ,;. y , el.�rafrlr and'tiiail trdni x1.1 pitttsto . ' ' Canada particular attention being,r'a't.d.to AA`t't r t •' f. . , s tl n OtYtnrlo.• ., ,. ' : •: SP6RTING NEWS—Is. hill and .complete 'tdith:.:lmateur S,rorts—Base Ball, Cricket, `� • aaria lo'fa'9sibnal'. r c , 7aacrotise, Golf,33ott�'liti •l:'e7�tBall,." . , • Skating, 7 `orae Racing, Trotting"and 7.tiitni n g' tc. hockey;' , qr Hind }3a11, etc, .. 7N POLl`1tOS-Tn Politics it Is Conservative„•but it5�°(;ri a . t'.: prevented it from coin justiceib,i v.itlhoi has arves' Q is to or 'trpleolrifng, men, of ilotlr art; w,ho'cdo right:. -It is the'Organ of the r ople,,irr�er Qct; parties' , mal es,the j'nblic well.}Xeing'its $r8t ' . yr of p''i y, gird Gorrsidel`atic�n. In.'faet or'o -'gee 'ress,is'tr.eimpst complete a;nd t"ir to tTixro i porgy we o , 'ftdrir'8 to 12 rages • through 'tire rarest, st ot. $attic'clay,�-itis'bright''andreadable r news for Ord and 1•fr sages ,ort: Second Edition' at, your bat o is fo '' t,, d .s' the ,e .. . L5 !,l” e r S.9b rier'ycar y`ebw '`is the t'd 0''ti sabecrIbe, ' L ' t t»0� Thos ionlou,„ ` _ � dee �r�s� �`tgti London$ Ont.•. u. • •