Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-07, Page 3"low 7- T f ten b tt is- diredt,- thaw er.. 'pouring thrlinWl, 4, � go t Od Io= 17 '"C" .17' MSAAM"111� �-M for hou , i Or 'in, wftt' And, - 0 ..... ..... . (70N beiAt @Vrp__ 04 er r n'AnV_QUt PIT . . . . . . . ........ All "MIM .......... ........ .. . . . . . . . . "PI - - - -w r t trot an -ver t the %n or., xv la� � r6 f in i t .0, J are -led to I) e.4 4 t stabling In?, ns e 0 t JI! t " e u tekW$: thet 9 hot, thq -and th It at' All' 1 mwa== t a fortq e4t, 4611 ;,(It, only yl�� lm eting,, of; Ini PL,0 '�ud; qt�ekmen U014 '.ree-Pntly w" ihat it, , kept In, a, Ww a r iii- stable �14108- 0 �,hloh wag! adomq, n, and COW arluers _abll aturis Wf.)Iil 641v grow for.,,t6�turn C6VM� left out at night' *heU th* R: interesting APcOu One reason given for , tills, IF , PJRE.�* In 9 �ltlhtlll. CM r6 PS t t Are frelacieuti f roo y - or chilliA bj�.gt,� ROW Miller, 0 severe q,QrWY S. ralbS Co0w out 'jAt., 'r 6 t '' , .. pommod,, �.and. olgh 9 , are windar ville;, "PE t(k tll� 'tam ve them bY h" o sudw on *)mt weathe'r. . ga: ''t -reactIl lire Put, �qdite mu.91 trtial tepo)7�t mure, And: obe ,,, r d. &P an (MIX it, 1 1,. - to JOWIng .10 .4, Pf., �j ajinlents gen, AG NS*ARITAI w . ch, follow Or 1�easg 'aw Ry NTINEWAL ("N 1 Will be upon - the. -, a Tpft1LpNG �STO A lit ed SP RACY id, An& Which 'milk, blin in -trlinent � to I too g&d� il 4. A U` MINCto sit] 9911 do erally,- 40 from t 6res'V PY �Ijtliadla bipodr proived Ii �Qus read, W th-IIA r�A tifteeh, iba winter. givilij.' $olne contefitill6d, fo, h. to deap', duet .19 M t0o�oay. Straw -raw,, 'Mlnqlteo' JrqA'IPr 't a '.War. th, stratbil ""While, wlho� plentY; . Dn be imaae more We�e, othersi and; 4 ww"Pa­ B6o -M s" there. sun.. 1i me, �'conifortable 'tw in ,ep. them 4 4 ctober- or NW.- retent, probablYo m Of tl!( n . all ittle. durl.Mj�old, r;tinyIV61 n, IL dry dtikblv� I � - a] der6d, ll� 0 C ti few lia,it,tshe can_ iJimbe'r nlglbt "Q id b06t-knQv�n amill`0 of "the'Short- on Was s jild, -th be Some ki a thought tnv, U tang these, Xaml , , - to �se MM7 0ow- vas like.u, der Of Sliarrtliorns. Pedigree, WasA k%t%wa it- ','rain -wet in-* the -July' . . . . . . tg6ly the, to thin Cloth. al it I.LM 9 re- 0 t.1jai She r aThis ftj 11140 e 'over Is valuabile. co;w 710'. -*W1111 To Cool the water tdta� fat,. -S�6, that, .,Over t nd .4A., t.all a 6W,, with her h air r 11 Bpoe el her M, Q W i , oin as. them. spein. d. were -�:-What to 6,foire.- tier,- is nourer aany vl&lhablq liar a f 1=ed or r.uIned bY. pay 119't`09 Y , 0 n arm ed to, be lbi 'to '' eradlPite7 s6a"D @;PQd pa h,W Winter i ild upp6�ed as other, �dijree,.-,al�4 �00 tQUI lad 't 'IX d th( a, Dn than f or �'�7W- "Olvidual,' 'Werit 1411 . a a b has;yetr Prol hyelcal But" -6d iimellis of the 9 histitlate.. thelse� SUPPOS, 'ferinj of�cold'alid.,eXPOSU're s. par wof.bree It 'ttentlon it NAL .0 Would I ilie�, ComJI.POR �r �e le - 'iLnd based taRortss ty a6�, impossible If- - made warm; Ild 'in ealthfp iy breedris tnat or paro Is th an +++ breeding from 'OLTRY restr'-jillej inal V19M. j>r the bit 4k +4 h: of, Cone a.. ti WtIQ COLD: 0ORPNOE AND 40.t -or tile 'pu a face tile tremclidou.p.strali C perjnteM no, and on- down' thrOUg Dr,44nd .. St . uAr. ra tier whit, outroillilk an lit the be t + n over X C. Creelmati glunil 0 Di�Oduc- At th,' tarm�rs' meetings for the j're�rwn'a oarn4; h 6 !'lad updergond In, c Wa )re, its couri&. This 'JL"blia We It'ow, that'-wax%alth and Ing's mail yviih ar mIngled at' com. plose. line: breedluj,. an- p . last year or MQ n oilng VII& wiet6hed vi Im Of of Farmers' Jilstitutes, lifth. Just 0 smile. -M sittj)leted arrangen and. tj There were from all; "tion. Of too Warta eta comfor� di�e�. col[141101vP 'tO mgly mor!ohilie: aents" for thL serqueutli' many vixtuahle . anlin aken a dhs�ige. and. Oe ItO0 illorlto and con'dit oily In the -early afternoon Dr" re- �-d by' b(.. ble'i7better.i.sailitattl0u; 1660 tout�door Cow i of pedl)le, M. of. over 700 In C ings,'darkag P -CP were damage,, ted,' mak�' Ing, an bled liti ir ..the in breedixii "f reedoin bow advoca d twlis, 'to Jiinne�� ��n'[I'Gentl IMM hurry call OV( and greatly ea4ened' for. th 'di7y �jtfi, thritwo once,' and in Ing upaths: of.Ddeember. Aannarj W Able 'In a a flow of mil W responded -tea .-who, sltreAg food w 'm e ch 'FebriiatY. �All 0e. th this was tAll, plenty.; of Ith, Ing her Comfort A�;.166k, be C�oulated, dpon.a, no. lar' succulence, QPLV t �Jromn. reporter k i I IgW at k_. la cljm&j�'of reached A -aarl e loal to aaaress. the TT ad there WAS lnj*red by hir'stablo,life'.'Ttlere hea the Slibrthorall fr0sh Mr, and, water, a was received -by a bath. to :tj6.,66usidered in, this -from. o�she. Was punimopled have' been appointed, for it sUU few Years ago an inter. of 'a- are thilUgs -W' the-. stable, Slidrp'Was' fine - I)rreproachithlY _we� ieffing-ui, L various Iustl the.. no -Df. jane�-W'ixs ape d de -i It. becamel to'bb gen- by4ciiI �dlriilot I- of' it tremohdOU8IY dressed, 311,67M061 eyeR an ho lmve 'stUdled close LY dollars each. and A half , liourls aw M, Which 0 W tioal men w , -Ill' calf droppin. 01 could�not' ilgr"MO pj0apantI-�_wqrJn_daT�,_0 Y wom -tic She- hAd--giifirl ivertii-ed-40, U . UTP I an thought ovi praotle- tints atlj% Bile- pos ijobAdl:4 tj.I�3y. -r, waA Only. .�,Uomeo- tbw the t pinwr "I Wish 7611 to- attend my. wifei 0 Mon L&ye, flrst-�class� stoci- w Ithout, Pa iih when tbey a chalr.ju -a *ohlafi's edllcg d t - or. C, liad wri.t- i bC in very-tufortunate,: I. iscuso, "there b �rtnjq toi ouch individ; PathicO are ingi It 1"6urs are due OasI farge pi'actle- W,,bow, to piplain,0 You eta that will Vq-, uai le& to. still, closer .,brood- compared With the' Otliet SO tiol. 811 .9 . bac- began; a Besides, the tegaiiii *Ith caiye 't6n several painphletti on germ.; mpurpely, kno special- ijubje bwDt- 'o,minutes of the.,24'horurs. What Spring.?_Flle re e a . ques three ibis int nOti -eind un l Ing tho ter�a,, microbes !tUd other unpl d doi)r., was ceeV6 atte-fitIO4 and the.- Id' -e health in a (low and Lialry: is- miik�giving and- Outtl Ing amd d I boom � dropped�.Out. Ji was , thrift v k lie w6p a, charmilig. nterraptd -el been. -is-' things. Moreover, 8� He' was I6tructions, haI to;� of. 3he ad "That ditplegy of sur'blus food Wth Mill an ugilt and popular ,ung Ill I -tly.:,open lincl a.. vi�ofnan,j followidg IP was oe,, tile . J:1616�ates;by thq�lsuperr-. to U deiktand thew thatoverY, iq�r 'best - tOldir an,, socially so begaA P a COW W :full Irat'Ons' I indirect produet.ofi,uarve oWWII ad Id 'It tea 9OWII loud 10 -1 lie As. 6atink You. t thtnk� did not, � lie in a t:y,, -ol, �rl, e dl&qe. of, milk, sleek, tile qther dalrY., Wit quq;lf-draft in her eirtle. cc itM ribbons, Wiikild inte ent: 110'Ot �glvjng" fuil'.flDW Ili. h no Urplufl. fbod ns- frightfully oVirwor6d of tunibleil .14 at-.: tjl�, ieclueal Cliange.0 lint of yatemet* tile e . , as 'nq mo, BiW-sh w. y: of Uilitetidily, Into the�-. room. '' She tU ed'. W=e and olly, eye brlj�ht, their 0 -times the exquisite machiner p' vill6lal Minister, of Agri COW Some drunk. Her: ro Ville, po.d1kreer -as I got aw P ry.,,, aiid therl D hopelessly an'd n d6ill-ably, throii'- e1e�cloe Juake allother, d such w.8 co sof i1r, iias in confusion, her ade, Y. elx r, It discussed' at fair,as to. fU hyrtlirift-of the first. lbryo, life,-. an liar ner% ie "Bacon 'Hog , was doln. of'. even wen so� but' shoilir the'heo�l� III sense Jane wished allb. could Ate'M..away blond i, itiligs,. The wis hig -out' the pedigree; entlrelYi�' t'hat r there w in In' ee'd a-certdia,itmOunt Of rest S40 il"As friglIt.filIfy flushed, arod Ilr of oir m0e niiihifesting, 'broader vas no hi6r. J16� twho ',ibis.. toursp�-lo .'alrez . , .:, Ur�� a from everything Jetile wiser nes favored,*,a. COW oUtr t and should, 'be- of,,doore In Ja,nul /J.ar 10_ovemen llvIIig,.CqnkViJsitIY- itt hip pressure ag,ejes hoge bem �of bir66dj ti " F1 to which, is wqttl w, are Ilk amd a gopi I itEieff "A better.class syel -so 'a' many give �t;r. rOhUstne solls, chief en1AII, jale 'this fa,11 tha, a, ever, Individual ChairAc-, �&I?Y I olujilk'. Calf n was it., typij for And W6inaij'. or tho.'ilew, d ft'rls d' jAng o-fter6d1forri gree� ow,' he ;IiAg -aluma ar cold PtoMgQ before. Tll� 116iifilt t* oF,the . 1. :' do,- the Other ICS ..Shorthorn a school '61, Live k takeTi Jn- put fier Into that,.Qf the c "Are yrdlk,rthe'doctOr rax Stolc cow., bred thickly. es 'tha�t,for tJoint, an(I'tbe a :d y in uxle, to ie tile' n I communica-. 6, stat Ili, Deceinber!Iind Ja' the in ser- o I' " r oaa 'in is, 1�ein � br6 with ta or of pasture, iambling. to Dr to boholdfra nuary., I d itn.,� 'Dr. ane did''not look at nirst tjIn;i:tlIe, bheon br6edA I po tions. its were of moJner1t,-acc0t.0 -led !its face mart house, husband,-'whO had. bui jt6tio'n:-,,io diine,at bf.'th6rQiighbred'a1nJals g 6jlt. ilidt Was� wh10's 1111 s Individual m; d Tile, POO influl6nees'; and, In r "to �tllc tllb`,.numbors� is OL mot the needed, n al)- in his lIa,hds,, . but wont Ove I horlthotti - t* 4D, tile, ncwqpaper-�.woiyian, a f," tind we receivill en,- T'th6 barnyaFil 'th�' man that dis inctiOu, 0 in p oulil; have�a g. c6ws thd,,t,WO: 0 as gale taking tier � hand, said registered )ai�d -Wifil' ir6d that caught lun -trou, there , , i I p6.qt f j.Nve tlia� a - orhaw and, vinoii jai-, lie (.0mr Code to b Pointinoilt ior'lvilf, Set kc. eotdr.' :YOU, quirles froin 4-.11. eral��-Slz6d- a- jn�tj�,Jjtable life orth on lier in �.It but�'Iia r 'no Ptroo tern6on � and then .110 -feeling very well, Xour,lius�, In, �efe,reiice. the pair ble'la tile. Stable, t th StOf r, with it fair d 6f morliing-c and f 1 1 that a' Cow- Ill Comfortablia, of', r6un nis r cut: If Coding ihould� 'Veutliatl6n. .,St.e ps C. 6r banel tells `th.6,.-.ho.rn, '01 rh' V'. X§ -'Eu 1111a. qu never, t h6AM _P f As sb_-0, canie� down tfib, ;6table, with, sanitatl6itt 'freh, Ingress lie! fel'i'bet.tbr, W t... estlou.,O. iaxut! U eci SUL iome e that -ti 1, b 1.1a4--th �y 'IJ6,�vvd t6 tier, fbilo e jiscRolo aln-4it il��ny' Of fa,4, th,�-_Jror sOO'ni a arintli 'w, tioner, ti dw. e 11, come up Ii. Should. -the :sunlight. in all StA� t out !Jano full on th onj Are a vv, a g f t b lill 11 �!T- nor, ght-Tu much. -b -PnOY requent.. does, n -lie able and entoring - -,the knK _Q 'Just �crb§" of, �6ur. igetirigs _arati dutY her; Tile force of tile blow 0 agger - _c_om'Pa_x_i8oI1­_ e ch _.rIstICS- b- ed on. �. 7 gr 0 hog tiMfill- hi6re, desirabl apxtt 4-� g9rav e by" such �olxl erature. ,.,Lir iojiii� uncover( and installt but advioin �farmers totakc u was'-evex _p .,girl pliYBIcian . or a tii- in longth; C4 k inth. -duct hr-' ging. ir, nto thp ibut-'. istr! e bluslief c 'fedt away 0 'In 'oIiering Bile zigned­tQ 'thd -busl with. the a,'Ot ,)I -dar �agnlflcent­sa U re ing his A pork'pro-!, 611 abl.6 . editor' i 's - stt�ble'.of'the Pas jan St., I.incl "of course are'already,1 ather. or as t. Is I d1sa bl,� fio, 4 NT .61 01 ga van- Sh cve bech fliti011s nd'aal actkes on the In I ar� r table,, �and 01i Slot S. 'Won. cc llaY0 h siclan" d n P 51, , 0 , U es- it 6 Would 11, 1 mus� get tile theo;r of a raise, hjid 0,11,t oth,2r,,ext s: -P Nx on di ress I III ,td. tell. lier that lh�p, rrJU1d,,r':Lhor Id stack gr r k*et a, better artriold.thr Y chal Stahl a col s r 6ti 1iiiiiine hy6�6- *110 'dftM 'Dr J e Ur Be of 1,0;hL weali, . -in 11 rq ne t this: iV. 14he, woqld no , bi In ier ming. 0" . rrw it' lemied Aone hertofore. -We* 114vel not ai- 119)[1116 1' A 'of le "All lJount c tile barn, eb fast; IVT w'Yes iiine, it regili'ded tile for, tlJlrk4, pork,. an n away - air" a d' fee ua, 0, Ills., h, I markeC, novir true of th� I is re n -o' us-bioug j� 9po sibla. Ill . a jhj� f I " r; taki join fully quegtion,o . ......... .,Now use clon a degree the and makes it, possible 0. and. for th6 stable d k V�Pitll t li'tve ClIe. tw. in Mil ;of t,r the '61 of flutt 'Just;. *the. Suspicion. market 90 16119' good Wcllydev�ldj;�d� join- witif D.r, the Ame�icaiis in their. scle, how a.Avoinan.* 1p corn. with WIliell, In. males. tbA 1QIn:9hqUId tiie to rature C als feeding of x�aln'tdin 'bill ndv6t Ixtt�ud, its they gree to to lier go., and with indl- of,. a, e, and h4d tranklyA icon theref6re d"little; Ilot'60 degr mar aZd dein*andsl to fecid" itheLl-'1106. 11 _bo_ iry"Iffin- 'lit tjlo%�O'f er� M USt b , 'It ­ r ­ as ',:Fisk t . t'6 t116 duties -IT po�_irb(�fud , nor. as I t. 'su rior u0 idua m a ungme r s.; r ., deli-". b ion -far PC, �ter bodi' 6 Or the ii;r w )i,a sanita _6tallchion.:g Ulz ln�.s -of rigid ed her o rp, Condition. 'alid.' Iof fttlon. e m lieell g-� afer, tlie� otdinaeY. I ' Tull oomethiii s I I ago el esU gialn4, Tor list lier 'praG LoRi Cate 6rgatilgatioTi of a, woi ilfe: running 3'011. W ill. ,iQ,pr0fcs§l6nJvI ahbuld (Jo nbt will, oil. ult'itiol, In., t 19, jj'� - w4lLadeych5i) d 'S tills cow orts - a inmen fid ipad; or. needs, a te1L_whV about and killin t womm noto th6 I ill r� th VJLr;* vifficien't' to Justify to the baton 1. W comforts liti, L5� U)i d crib W galore.. , I foreover; wan a in the barn,:o ionardolli g 'on-. ve P -ribs -til One nOw frt.9- t fellow, prdC.titl6rieri", 'pad [uoll hs fiillreadv- bedn,,done by.. r f I ors I h F e dndl.,Wift - r .0 b' many .0 CO love 11. 1 11 t arge windows-;` fbT jier heat -t .;TAile dreiiin; tto �Wi in, c14?all -all d dr37 in Nlijw� Dr." Janop �'Wa, e swog'�br World� o aban: on tlat girl rcpQ.rter.r JoQked-i.our prog more vQJqtllat-.J Dr. lung -power,� all I. ties,' stables it"Was g faces - at the ba to n , c 1and bf� Churebes. nnd wily, was 116 1,)1 iUrC.J1 and him so t our fall -141:1's vlgo�r/Jind.oildiir w6e. ating: flues, tile barn,, a and er Ili er not ,at present do Tile three 9- I,Dr. es TI that'. Vh 'all * hor Th breeder :6ften buckets :for.. ddellixow JDr. I -dii or, eli(,.e 'the'' bett n( Crass Jig ff. b�i'famllies- Ir, . the8 are ChUrdfie.4 theatres'a John adv So pr6jes; animls I useum - EW, Can usual! .01 iiides. To Q� lt�l of tile :iiine :,vent f,' th6re.were onger jilf is in 'ei; Y. W .. I -e the o a e b t 611 liest. pren) hie cii6ilaist, I th iller,Vil ag women - 0 �4ind. theltidges.g�ai' .1119, undetri.reas. iu7t, 'stiibleo; t ie better the e hich Wits Cnd6UJ; fort, to pllll_he� sliowd in a:f aT, by me:ius of, ilA lie kile low of mt wae not truci a' q 6 ion 13nngL to �J,njmLls that, gr,(,�At' eXtcht'� darliger o. i tlle� f I �bw isight6d frO lords, f hie tjJPS_ two nlbdjCal.eXpPrt-q so, "a U C thC dication carr.Titig su7p: brei�djng­ .3 con,5e�xlelitlry%larr ly pbvi- "bullal".by,1 the white together and losulng,of -walls I and the t lRI higs, of their .0 ot' f indilig (IlGemseJ 06me-shaped cUPO as ng etoll Other Nvll 'health boax(Is r. alt am f fing- j fl torage.fot arm a at flion S111111111 I net, d 'b VMth- cilurchee. Th&s 'are e rea the, P YL LIU l')w acourtesy whic t-bestt�-f-r-wonlc r ill, Siibj(�Ct of"Cojd.� s, u e p ;T1 I VhO. Jouin JS follo ea4ft b-, winter f Dr.' Jane' qU:1CtlY,.f air wd rich -tones roW, a1w. rfe &ad be.discus'sc& 06 �lr own t that a eo h , - de&eased� It 1 S no. l -prod rl c you I n u.q t �., j) 6 prc�- closing' 0 referre(i to,.th $rtiiubles n-Ja6lestle harmony over di. rs lo� liaL spruhg'tq�,,1116 f t .&Way. It A - 111161. breeding:. i;ub;o6t1 to 'Iting to t "a:, e1w eperi4ene goo war pract co-, Oil Lng krol],t a rferc.� to: -'discuss this quc�tioili tin does' not an&, va 0 all( lie every these' he] to, re-. - -1&il to kg tile bell 'violently t _�Mien, lookirig ,the 1rho girt'report�r h N smore d In :BtaPI breaA tile', monoto'llY O'� -andLic lres. d , -ou- th6,­peasant6!-dafjy. f amil lee f r0al liar 4and hhy,-, ho ped, the'' 'mA1­. gr to* this subject.- and fliese g1jit on ceritClit, gortS Of4 a intmly-11YOU 'mw t I tin d 4 Into ILI I I churc as 41be cat ll*L, i,,IJt.,C6MC WI a d fami arie-yoiirse bl66d..,Tl0Y Se '.r. -and t Cy --.%r6 presil P, Ith 4 the her gf)Wn, 14 Af*wIth. draw loot the.ilul 1 0 11 With pa h -take. it a a r g. and'. you shou titill ted, 'to. the a(lical a seems b6st f 1.1 legitated,' but -the I Salts -nose mt 'Toii� the tted - for th-Ar purp.DsOa i b1i e.. ;ed �3,irried p a under liel Iiited YPlITI Still. D Ja lay velago percenthge of''thalto hulls have. t.,,,over by ade published jftforipatjp�i on tile. sUbJeCt k deep ancl -1. enulne' h3tercst t��,of_the n 6unt r to seq L.b "W'�th'�.Poores n uer- please bu 5iild be Of -'e nil Tile method 'anu iidt, on any faraily, Store., .( -. - - - - . . . -61plbg involved A an' extrep(� ''d 4;an In roo e it I to.'ClIll 'a doe Or referred" to one �point. e of COW%, Irl ey or.d.ere... Ill f ho I in plant "M r., A, cimotructloti of ouch'a , . S-uth, of. tile. sonli beelfatift t1j;a reporter and thcre�. Ws av- in particular wit I not be In it stable.� it f enighe let lit Of tile. bolt be practicable for what -should uad[a, play, III ng 'did sc.) illitt'.1VIlliq gen- -the When we1ts- I as lie t 0 f. lie (Irtinken.- se. , 96' - U) define t -offices,' upon, rl e.of tile, breeder@ of, J he.. other terrifie's rain, Tag� Ciiiiallian farmer. of iea IV Is not t and S � held'by ex-ti-onie ot. the ..school, it -ha, COIL. - NOW.- a sembI6 in uellili at' the time oral do over he - ig to% be true it, would' 001-ced wh�jteri than . hn"was at tilat nionlPit &iU- i -'tile Pr6v tile �douftti os, 'Imex aird ot I T -her, flome, AS "It C. -hof, I)eWe , 1. .1 - �W, _ L, 0:� L Or Il0 ie - vorre t h, 1�nf' -we _J4, -demand, 00, 1�itk down at 6t re.you 11--d Ile to a show made JaQO ' be a aothe'. an ei:pert will orj)ofs sh��lj Vi a's a - I h6pe h6fdA. afCnot like t vo, ted., I't . g bit, 91 J, tills, topi7l, we re or 1. nits, - YOU ,or tllatbd I., trhisb6ri, het head 9WAIM. W&�,narj gthsod Ills arm, rage -illant there �ivals. A .9004 show allinial is mlo ble thfid gbod_sa in . ilt"" Lalih "I be- Dr. -t have a st , 0 - , P t CO 'it. frqak, . Otherwise 'It. - would, be' Tell lijuito a difficult P�O�!F I'm knocked 6 !or:I prac 1, - d 11 F,upposed io' d4n%04 'Iem quizzlO.J.11Y.-I meere- tok-draW the� III Weener, z for -to t h I, t6 h� �Lllu . astr0l, lleT6 -111- 90 I Otiation. a ribr6eder T� Tho bclt�rpng and:'a sinar, Then you had hAter� hilri'v; 1. hat, Is Aesdkv- t. 41l'illitigs, equal, or gurilidii mothip'r Indkistiv t Ari tapro; at e, 'in, b I if 4!,of a fellow P k� , I tv;�o PC-, �ucs is 40,ble I �van' showfl. Wish. to,save.the atteiltle,ii; t1ilan'.1t re-llm Ing o more,-, on 'Hon.. Milil0te 45, p of ..kg row Is lot Lill W.0 N, went I p, shout _VojulltyS, �ajslfig and -di6re br jeos,';worthle otP 66de d fore Winm Vo (!Q. and fore sthat, 'or, ion thing 'for rhi� best b"r, TO" ce may w i — the other] it st t rnn Young WGmIk%f:La'S 6por to abhnal,'.'a:nd uil�ay r, roaq thl, salef tbe,repotter ( 1. L lves and, whkii t r ducO A. J b Bile , had,.'-giVelt all appou lil�, offophilig; Your IT I&I h)j to"'g" tfila oel 7posam -ten -Intgrit think'that arkts., itm arrn-gi,ng f6r a geri to produce ee S. - ed you f be hr d *0. hsoainly the nilrh for Innd U 4-hillig a Your opill- i'le"lilligi, ().,I, tile Mr, Miller spoke ery 119111Y Of tile t I., I y ection �wltlf . 1- W eich0d, o pee ily..iffid V 4 moe,-Ings,. but the,, flumber Alitn's, lVoreseiolia? chreer re tentar, t, ------ Sc6t9h-.Sho'rtbdi.I- -.wd-S e I'MTTIler" 'IV d- -atten Th' 609h1X-,CUr inents f1`0111 'a wO' Reil ecessitY of brevdifig int rearing s cLe, negs 9 e Junst of ir jo jull.w easi pre 'if -Dr. In Allc-'st thiit V011- She ovv esult, Is. Dr. J.11,60, to j 009 A 41 by Chase, s Ointment i,nd I' #P has ne. 9110. be' llmitdil I n'lid the cat, ke C riagi, r -i'equallit '.i rer�vlth 'all p6wer c Zs6l) formed,- 06 t OP een (lone tInd Is iie I n g d ip believes, tile, I t theroL.Is t Y vlolq otin(ige arcitind wttnidi�r, to d6uj1t-- ln�uiitTY­ tendency t(y dd�elop tile filthat,after all 1, Dit formo Lli�rge UM 10, Pounte t6 p rolllorto,�,tl 6 s otrptgth - hud it - seem# wonder JIbece thoh to 8oluethil etion .*off T)Ofiltry mat, lung difflo llt� �Iid, cnoldbli- foot. tow I Instru :�j of�,�ihvestlg&t on and re jilt 'odl- e,,�ear ,I ia the- v to liqll(Isoma, Dr. Arlits, took- IIgor e. !in t f 11kh tf. d NvIll a1§0 .66 valclans'.ard, still.,hell)' at I was ableto ht -4 ere ob- the.,.ph, oil will th (1,%,riltig wjnte� fair; dild .1" ielj&;�e and, cure one . of 'the vefe crisis, I purchased, a,bOX hfn rt Idea " 4- els.olutruen j.but I' ha 4aln. PLI 07 ' ' I fihn niUrnli ii4l. InforTnittloll of 0 t, ;n f4v� n udairi'mal Ilylld I t1ill , iopful, to thai.'vetcNilll 0,111 Ina ommoll m6s, had tried. Oiling Iii,tho hLiall, 114,110.9 A1119111T, J F3!fLonld be ma, roil Which men and Wdllaeu �:jr�ktous rain Winter afflictions,16 I iitii& or,.nolaltll $n Iti as 1 Putely, It'. 6ould,. ts 41'4YS tP tile f c. ca edh3b, and to a I or I Tloelf, by inches, btit;G!.y N -C to da t6ro pprtailliblip � tb th blooding. puq tlic-hAtidS 11,1111- pliO20edi, wl h rty 6 subJed1j, OntArjo da�ryuien Dose, to little'mili-x? it. 00. ill gine how gret rl -bb9tinA n "Is 1111chl-Ile y and. It . . ':'Pleasure t6 Ills NoW`L and O -Y- : ... 8,ter Iletenbd- with 80 much In;_n. n . _� , ' " - , L- " ­ " I- I careers Lt Loolvi eivNldi*AK��tlA-�-Id� are Wag�ai suililnee ndl-that Jflkt aWa n recorainqn 4y k d� suf9 Ca so -that thii In I r0 't 'o itotois Still: Di.,John 9101114 all,�ofessloluil d `nfne�y app'r�cfdte the follM ed' me', g 'ffoln .1119 un(er ou hisL dusky- ptid dr at 111A,,side, -Dr. Jaw". W -n of three ien cptirat an w experia 1411, , I alk- I Womil Wk� p Love nild v .11. t -in lixittlifA 1,601 like od a lilper, C 'in -'tile Biloc ftW Ory one Juan' . lsartlele-, Valli, and dang 6, diffe hihitIt 'carqoor?. ilin 'I ty -Iii liandle 80U as ternal swellih ' )t., IliliW I, -day t lie bell Of' flandsonle -dis )Ute OLd. fac tha lyst! ',on t*ly 'P. toast doubt haDr.' no usetb t, man Ao nnd hava nc �hd.:r ffIC Ill, tlJ6 Jill. _tj III(I I't ll�oujd g,petitlincilt r keeps tile PI t "o ijit irapidly-Alitilgin 6judid alone 1 86 w,,1s, proinp ho - doctor F; o ere uptown. - lot, 'kho dOOI� 'I liandlo Vy, t116 , better pkes'6riblIfig. 'Dr. 'T110 -room Sllo',011- into I pile'R. 'It linent. s&ved:Tne iroti -a veri-dAnger.. I ol�ofil6d,,hnd r. ifpne,.�Ptill woakit-ani�, to tho agriCultural IIIII'lle' It, the dalryincii of.-tho nor'thr Olutineut� Iri,all. eases ol Shwn upfithirs t. Irl �I operation and many,, ter'ed . Wit$ I darkened. -on t -out., filitellitiery novf at -least 'Of Af;elf . it w6rld4ide kepUta�' Ous, ALUJI-pallifu wtiltb totteke AR artia, ;-,00'. wll with otn, P�ri Of tif6f' yeiirs,of suffering. It"Is,'With diviin, atuld, WfOr6s� of 911koli pit Work,torniorly. 1-qzjUlred d beti6r �unddi Uarantee to cure, any 08 t stablh`Jjr,,0 �jjeo. ttheir qb.*$ in tjoij, ', and, I *Ith.' alirl'thp:61i P dot plaisure and 'wlth�'Jl� thAU* a g4littation 686,of P estimon gro 5 0 0., ul heirt that :1 give this No. will lie Ineri with, Iniat'lliticl y C iebetter. V, or'years 't he' f r sk ��g onto n turn mottbr t W. by f.At' y o that Drw Cha,80'11 Old ofitce, with Ita-hag- me saY t N.t t '16' opinibfl�ebt th a, n., as 1111nu �, (. lJOW has d6'n#,- so,much fb� TO, bilt 1 -bung pers0n, lie half, de I OW flift nit , t, -V . fronli'the cOW-tbAt, ti no m�lttbv lilo* intense gard oxpre djaI�.aAndi itrd,fi4� ou�ftre VM HIM- .4 4le OUt W untold, Were was ie raent Story lubderm etk at' � erfebt ilb,�rty to( �118 l H NvIth th(L"'lle ke Intbilded &te �lp gotten td th Ur OAths or Ifitrd6nlng p led,, btAck',11k vil, f ba, tot th'�be-' it. is it career, co, no y6u Peb'flt of iniscry'. mo � - V . ml)mrod of 'eight It per( tbetlTnisnial a n16vt y to s ryo As Thli 1061! Is ed. oa t for I' r )r' hstitution-, b(oasew In, CiLl ori im,en, Cali, do tile work, We i6, make-thqui do' Oldbr 0 . "ike this t" ooh,�, doct widli alobe notit f. otheir.g.similarli, 'afflifit i6re' vigoroliSq. exhlb t On re ma Gient .'invited to in DrDr* Chate's, jp�t,6 went,.to ahe required. 300a ly :11-40 31ft(tilty U _tnJ6 Jobt,- n. n" 0, r at,, power to6Lk heT11*6 in,the fi J�61ftihs rerdedy, This.*, own von%," Y out, di tons of as ware eaa�1180 Mr.. uprall ilin of dowo gave lip, in for nnit it lial(af- pot quoted b halt, It 'kr tin I 0itill Cn ts'. ls�p Mid the bd I lblilli Oliltn6nt, sk Y lit le- n t'J)6Wr llvlo 18,Jvoll`Ain6wn througfr6lit''011itmtIO lit _111ght" 0 Ofo'Vo _,J,, b�o'j6 haNC r Iij voibd rose- a b rd t d4riiebt ininiAor of tile U r 8pInstpy le& lier ir lln�sola PP well- think ,of, t e it ere 1, 4'f parrot',eir; one tilat'lias befi'l vo t i0d anw ahil " . I I 'bJjlQ_ shrle filffil ot-lit, -up to SO fitimbAr 'of *qrkora. 'frt Ill Coll 1110 ISL 6 to 0 e 'j$rter CkInsecon, Xr cpnt, Rev"' DuPrall" M t MING r-1 fljjj'�k One In ing, 1i cow Ili) over night coun- it tjrd Panic tip th(S otid 011f to. lh,�, a Cold, comfoi tsaeswas -tioubled or �pro r t Window, Ilig 1. lit, %vlfl� At Ali, 1, nd, wore lflft�c jj3 C ;One jtcj�lag and Vo6dihk PfIdA, for, I de tot" slid wbot, r'( tor ) itlP9 tO ox%r.bine '6f, keepin , 9 , An- to the tot tor ye s, a by. OnA Illn it 41 6 d IV' r 00� e rtile lou t door, to NO( 00, h h h b