Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-12-07, Page 2_-F -.7 IF'# -7-77-77" 777 sit 7;777 77= z Q a t the Ville or the r vp TU .1 JV7,1,1101 0 UL lome, v r cep VP alit WpQ Q9.1apr-k A-40 40* T llaq." crinte, w e e gils, -un braced, withl Tole4j'aph pay Ilevedl this, 1, b t1*16", t Ill i Uill ha begin t -ego bitipr wimprfes' tq don' sequ'P 0 IN "' - the 6 'for lan: Ilit aJiytlIlnl;,-s�6 tqlegrilphn tot t OPS, re need Neir Yoork,Trlbu to, pirevept Jtq.spIz4r#, he Q I g colltVmPJ4tI6n' of A. gloTloas�'futare 'ed I says Nin' t1le signal, �Generdl ' -D6' wptIa- frppfi,,� explolto rr 410 Ilia., 'bi,tants."woUldj 16 the,, galWit y Of New Yoft"'."Dem., 2-19irr.MM Pord, tr 'of'' t -Stping' Mir lift tile Caug i�;. share W1 ton nk In c lying, before their united coulltries. w A by the. P.Pplinfort In' -t �OtQ .'4 14,preI gh),cie ng.'� *rq6,o,%"e'ie'd_- at Detrol.t QaP7� 6;16ny; the'6 hir el 0 �Z' a range, Rivor Col,' -war., it wplaid be t1te: �sixxr�,*A Speech llohm�u Jove plillekI l6verllwan ell- ldpnlo s, are. Aa . tk au* �t.thil, "emy -and bayq'w . rue* s'en06 611- fair Par- 'of 41, d thio T vani ar f Private, M0110 rawn I IQ f all of, �0'11ch 0*0 t on la. -unpli; 0. F,001tlon. but there to ilip. t3pokpori In. .bill" v fito� ma be expeot,04, to u a up athuslassa.' T . horiou' ter,, -,y -a todi t roduice" " go* n6- auiltepc supecoal e 'Moo Arre t®r d i :D tjwO� to ell tier, Rhodesia or*Natal, N ,,V6 W _ pa�plqnsite. 0 b , r _! Hio.-first '0,1,.�'Oot 011,4he J 611: to, thei chief 4po be,' 'Tw 01t t tilt , . ' el gh�golng I�ng, sold ho wrw 4''StudQ0, tit, 4 util )y'QtIueI4er Lord Robert Verflityr in cause th, eltizette.. lip' Caaa %vlitep 'lip i. magnalilmous.,it'generdi'toa d Plan - to the Vran�vaal. eal i#10 front. W qo* -totally gu ar� , c , yinced o me change! In, tao, t 1p' e own" trion there -­Zuld, pe, � 4 Same t e N I. r Ion Itoe red or I . o on prilla, banft, an Bills. fitiliber, o yntlets, Ji '�thcr- fbdorav blindi, owinit�. too a 'b�ll� edesstty of so younA. rer tIO1l; to leATen'the w Ole lump." c�i,vpd :thjOagfi Oak_ 'doistood t -ties. Lord X11 the temlilea'at Br fel .6fier Is uTq I )ff '' ­ ' , . ... The Officer ': W 9, gaVj . be fdk(390149 I L I i� . .... . no rciiret o1ay.9r 'tile o1rga,ulzd.tl101n,q 4 c9pr 0 to ',With the know, Q Information had sgvertt 1qqnybrqqti0n r the paqtl.bt1t,, loilge huanbelt:of mobile his, Stay in y.he- is Ae� -of inoun ed­meg, rom. Ow, . . . . . . :VnOer I L uth,' Africa �U '*a, that Jy,oii atd wAh vppglag f. AN i urn Of -ped, T EF A .8 1 J0ENq %e, sa. �iertal�ed t4y�-go�,.brave toL 1,006, Strong, fat, rau,ning, 0awn, with-c4cil Rhodeq Ouiia that"Iti6,L'it4d done, hip, (jut S6 .g Fe PAGET' _T UNSIGN A n I ThIff ED E J h9dep has, also! forma a. Claim heart� and qqr646- int 0.' late '�o ach6m� Wet and'Lother V_mr':,9 Im' 1 the;futtire Jor the. piolsit 9. . .. I , W4,iels afari P con I-;, r E.' :,plan of' d1ff6 a a tion, of affAlra, lw:, tit nayslal' T-Ohdon 'Noy,, M-m,-T4p, r.-'itt. ma.160411Y.,.4rom Liord Rob artil receitit, 7�_ 4 fix �f fL Qr "P'oRragc� qor]J�L Att c 4110- 4prUge, go so AtrIct tll%'.,t, 'thefe'As '81V mployinent ox 149, t, "9 "ary, IQ �hdpo' of 'a i NOW ;don�rpjil� �ID 2 F A' i -lb loar eon�' ri� Kr infantry'Uttalions Ill � be of High 66fistibke Mils-gon. _DJ., enroll Io.: $JQ'000,;. tbe,7 S k. Is, rrtViag at. 06L ;­IECOOerts; at Aaqtlle��.*ioiood,. Atr.; 06L the�, a,6tU% Ile, malply. lised I n guardJ6g.! an' P I 'j��,Itlqku'of' t uell! Uel$a.LWept th'ilti,-2,0b Ill S�ath itiet'an6pi, linpo Of�. 'Cofiianr�JlCaj ' Jr, -Ya 11 Africa. In I 0 pf. theala 9;000 faiC Inn I Imi"Whidspig and Rev�'& de.4 r She SJjQ e0 L" h Ji6*et--� b1clan, -was houlb-bought fna6Pondeht net�6uijts -i,h wlW.ba, LoLrrd Rp))ert to !Whel!t' L Van& Use tOL Wold by one, orthe.�;on.. to" Ing by the. Gert the Authorities. would ia�c;lve qUent. PrO641-ellffigi and -t ke6apiure 000. The Ing Dew�6tsdqrp� are -ample. oeporal, Bliller. honored A D;tfWt'debj4tqh! at. Mositroal" We�t'L� $40.L000, return E nland. the qxpendi ur . J�" t*N;. 219.4tip' Most otartlizig L L L ox expres to jar Purblia-se'd woula, he'� 013!CalAu, With hero Wdrqh1p, Ther Is' an_. ovl� trot �-police ve recove�iio Over t WarL re eldentr: Occurred by SL �Wlg� Ila Proof' that dt� -he'$10,00 its- on' orlin,& that, -the. ar Ila et with6o OftWO, Boor wa'goas a' -quantity of dent -.deflirililh' and ta ner. $400 nisigned bil k of t vi& ac qw a. ilioOrtei6i 4),Qt,, but thi4v, is.ao.b. tile. ation' in 'of f1bla Df Ty '(3 reles to, Jae had been, egfpatc who, ists. lk - f iglitin'g, on- tho �Brlt. rai hea spapanc, thjd.� estate. b holl of 'tioal Weit.I the'sif-jeriloo "on Ill . 'lly eve�yWy 11611. Rdberts" d ijag.'jilgit incapable of. cajoyip ent 4 o.T ttl'3. -1surr&dd`cr �Of: B. ; t stol on f row t1b f guns Xplvo on zl�lnlojn,�Bauk'of Brit"',trooW an tF0 'ThOli'farnis would theri be"' granted trooJ�s andi*6 guns,, worp in., Sout1k, Africa. he grave- 'tfit Canada,' about boa�id&i the local. train formkg1troal, advantageou not ev*on. disabled, 6f MI 9, ternis to English as tII6 yard, Iltary. 4-6pIutatlbins Jlas. t and Akr abotkt-0. o,'cWk' each got Ing oli at Llif- bree, yeai ago est6d' two. 0 rudere'd 'a. at Dowets- r6ittlem&I, farmers'. vho. would*. fill'; stgainst, .:bp _9 Boers were able to u.33 t o, the BoqT -a leaven, ef, W t its.. n t entL parts of. tile rain. Dr, Oajaip- loewfoltitel.n., In s,of B Ib Is ills 1, 1 Ish id -1 All IbiVea,' head4tiar,, relell cloed, an padlockoo.-. Men 16. p9spessloin It wag for c Lord Wolseley tile end car, and Jyr_­JJ0PJ�ilIs Poor conWilum bell oil ULU Me. Brit have e'uhiquito e found galle tb6ir namea'._0 s up. -Dr,' eqlrn�ry,. Us Da wet kioems,",tgatll teiw AvItit, an eJabt3rate'Arlbat two or throe � be, earefuri ames'�,,S mpsoo, elgarinaer, Mdut- it is thoQ11t; wished to. Joist Dr, Ua inti., niPled the town' after'the This '15chome.. of.. Mr. Rhodesi to r6, �tp lia.ve','gotten away;L; arid, so fat., "e �n.: his inlilita-iy J b6era� had TL , . jourbal c t tl* t withdrawn. -This, strikI litaStle ''ag garded b me a, ' a and alto� here, is 4o; news, tli%t thp. captured. a rld: received Jaot: h 914, theAlono of�, - resil,. and LOUIS ag& gether 16, Other persons, -It b �raplst I p Mathels, street 'hl j 't em cannot fa in tott, bell and thinking' - to ra a wa uLQx suce 'Alberat, Ta enc6ur b BrI#E a- farewell banquet from!Iiio Col- eeen, ng, er Ape Plony A revolt, WhIc'11 Is however, ppint-olit, that 'Mr.Rhodes into con�sld ilt'Ort c4l lnil)� ertkuL4ot the War Oftiod arid-' 1101fig to.regaIn �he train At the JrA6 Itaff conuctori, Rboliester, N.'7Y. B tl t�tA . 1 1. Ala on north of tile Orange the., Juillor, Conqtltutl6nal Club.. agreed to'.'. back �tp CAnada,1*UlI- car 'H6 'w-"-- itrijok. bytheot't I W a 'With tile burghers agpod olsb imminAent. daeager. Th� 3 wbrked tary sltu�,Ltl in y� ufid&sULnd theii v0 n ck�li trairl,'. wftich wad 'according to the. ntast,;reli. deal,: and a CjjpL .0t, Ol; xtraditIO Tiley t kunifrs 11.1 rance W, a gri ti -killed ?re - I W yet t qrrly.o in Wlnd&ot--Uonday-; went' t Dr..'X�ml&ll had WOrO at de�erves evry tribiate ..ColOily %ble latbrLMation thlit'the.61tutatibt in feel n inat CO 0AY is, !4d' a, 1i d hgerous. iiromisind, Xrag,.?�n 6 press Xrbltraw, -�.a 'ouce.laiidiid' reformor ire ell o nop., t to, as the H IF, All) 1A -09- W E LCO X E U,. -ye Oug hing, in it Lg'not Ukely.that t snppn�rt of 0orman and -being, witneSso4i' f)iqg---.-t' a; �hitnge� Y, llWill Meartily, p4nion,. and haunted, if by.. li pro ptl d after all. is. not. to be Greet6d* at' -out" on the of the Vfitiro *111 'trolt., bay Ing diinks� nd Commatid--. . in South tern I of train 410 bi'll. :-Theh,.they� anie. to, �De-' flont went, asked 'in' each" car.' If tl taken at Dewetador* as thlo Is' Sys no lo'gier -at 'and. London. 1, and tactica Of tho bralresulan had-seQ n - thAi lick, ..6ut,:the moi Africa BrItIsl n, Dr,, Hbpkins, and' Bri.tlqlf army; t fi7jd, h,. be6a.demorirato'd- - a t, .44% blow. to Briti§tt, PreatiAe 14pudon,,Nov., 29,-Tn -nip"st .,% 1 1. finally was-1old"'b one tha I ef ect of the.. �ne� '.Parliament next %v6ek -wore" noticed'b W.. H, yretch-', meet y y Gen ed and depressing we qppl) t 16, Brat seen a -ma bei none tho 16M abrl6us. ail�er; 661. Lot— j%t, - an :exceedingly Ill 3* Va k nard, yvlio suspeqted.! that it irds' 4 Jump froni -ilip t rain. Dr, 1, oers,11hy n e, tou. S. 'full, d t )b.pr espatch, foll6virs- teri coilterfelt inkey, He, Succeeded' Ili- ampbell saw a, gent. nada7s York. Dock�. 2. -Third Asiflstanf itt ISL� reported froankMwiftsdoirp first -ront n landed -at South- attempt in -wade� tok, Conceal, te, sb6d' the traln! to be Ste tr4&edy at Once, and Wiill tfirsie'compa ril�s of ta, at. a thi i Z'thf gsia�rfaofi', bonsia title adop-' r to -find hIG young friend g ilefid teYing,- word' to bet6tivell Nile'' etar�L �'Qf tite Timis,, V. riLdl.- tJdgL:of, two duiptn, this citremp1tritation �felt. at and Gill;, wbo,�Oat' thom ander arreot.1 e,of Sytriplat1by w sent to, this- c-ity a copy. -of, a be thi? tradks.'DcceasQd, was 34 ig[mflt'�Of 'tho,� (;tit 1,61a Batteky a6id rieardd'the , lth,Mr,, de 'atcli . 'bon they' were taken, t�-'jiollce L As 1he HA I ti6n ofa, vot op I row -U sill detfictimenis of, tli�, Gloucestershire, Be. Kra;ger by the Frenol' Chamber of nited��gtatei-. 0on rS.of age, and only I ) quay rowd headqu­rt6r&, Sinipson,- told Captaid G;Went. b 2 L Inghland L1jht','1nfantr.y side,'thei'o' Deputies. 11ollig,' a LordnzQ - iir South lie- a bartender Inerat[Ve, prae- 'The morning 0apers'ai'' uoSph -RI 'that JlOL* I tice. arif 'IrL - clicers were e, un-; married. I'lle had, a oualy.,.1 flw of about,400 W1 n the, Canadidtia- %v ere recoghlied aUlMOUl§ Ilf declaring litgr,� Africa,� says 'that,, 600; lilen, he 150 orn6ll and blilldren 6ontemplateL ;vInd sAved $500 had taken a favorlte� men.- surre -bd at. 5.20 Jqoy. adelt veution of any kind .*,1 1. be'aillalv- ng to hot erna cirganizations, 'anti, vkir -of. ties 0 were ..y -popular. s. roqpya ur,loq ed �and he,- met 'with 31athels,,, who q- iond atk' r,..L is:, s open With. an 6ffIcbr'*avinLt the regime. - tTiP iveat to See tile &t 'Tas a 'Mew Of various 111riLt t. L ed to ph no ai qnge ritielv' 42 shouted ashore. The f ..w inilw4s ut ot work, and. )lad �gre6d to: L oUnde -latter lillcluded.Milljor dL The' Of ic of , estern ACeOMPJ.nyL him.- They at J nalen.' The cciiitingent'100ked Parla,,Nov. The opp6d -it un and Fell, L the solution of linee, Iree �6f phrge, the�- Boo Wit-I&or, to.'96t' tbe money lianged -I)Igby.. of 'the, ysiqu , Q t ­ L '' ' c of the Captdin Y liave'offciied to �tralls$pblrt ovL�r'thefr -fit, re r, Ili) HIMULF Ueut.` C GlogceateiZrdJJIIL and b6lng'.the subject general'- com, swpatb� with Mr'.: Ki6ger, In: t7le 0 save diSdount; "and. wo�to � try nji;. of the �',Jrlsfi alfies migrants. fin their'- ami es and t A chang�dlnt 'A allghtji)_ L ' termi ;as:,:the. resohitl6v� Q got. tile 'ro c y. 'are . vald seen side by sidii�-*ith T en in men, though _;jee� household _Jh o nier e r Iflowpir, tile terda3 Xatli' W 6.6 We,j some B r"of the, Chanibbr' of.Deplitle c4n,, mono title;, J*vo een,,1.560, atibili-g. -A,cofuma of 0 t arm y., Mr. Xruger remained r;qboratod ha story. Sp wa,97 S' i i d tAtt'hur A00 '-sta,de4patchbit� frow# Xltelxener Aflber� DeWct. 949 supplelods u 6'. e o Co. -ad, Ubout,4 pson'. ir is .. but' ed in, . . 'Ge 'I np�r s.. td ]lie... and Wit ;r1g, - W Ve 2- n' te� did-n6tsucceed-In-i-eachl Aetteril.-an v1soris and.�reo&Iyin and a last'caugh'i him., mp­ short ly, nft, JL; odock. this a r giransifli. 'Col.� Otter said the I . I f ter-: I time. to effect the; rellef. b Gen! Chad.' e avlor. ont it ns w t a.summary �OIL o. a, rear Jhied--thiw f Hil, X, " , " 1. b -Xilox of-the-*Vanq _noon.� -refer-red-Lto�4itiIng, be nd it LeYdo thc'u�ual wlIltsiry, -escort, Ila ild D lie fact It e VER it gu�' during the, twel�e in ntlW.camp I entered, D tqdc�rpo,� which, ng, tB I ia, tol. have b -especially. oquoldbibig- t 1 It c. F OrGUEVO AT H.E.A. S' A 'e by fakirs, ttawa. Bad' case of sill - had ni3yer ilniites.. Air. avand I k and woundeq being left''In'. the that�90 rvii-w IsiAted t6i, leavee Knox, I aiid een evacuiated, 75 F oun rMaiden t Or and, So st.tight 'on per o6ht. of them TheAnto -a on arl, efore been udd6 :fi ve miles north of Betlllllie�l ovdurre 1: hi thfak,i Will. Knox Pursued; the..ein r ire. �-t6-inokro* b lie be d bbe ii. I ye�ter*"y A er, Pitcher kbPGrW fllblj2..Smfthfie1dth&t y opee t ell- Ir �An TI a. hardest fighting was at V r� la onfirins" ill.., llliljmekJol�, Kit nooll. I tell rthu P�Ambler o tire n"'variety. ner�w;ill' haut. d(-j.Nvil f r W. eir., iiI'g6CQdKor ogne. successful[ eagglg6.' debe tile t. dalligeli- mg. has given final judjj� 0 ri-fil;o itelle��ed. Ila d of ills bartender, OL A10 U111zell, Ydatbrday. ' near.," vaalbahk. as, to df the Can Jeader by �Telaya' "n and lie, c,lq a. -revolver s t throti 'It: th, Ste ianst.fn no Joa th VrYburg ddpe. C61'66y_ Nov. .36.,- men� 'cbrit IV 'iplrdoi�e d and ro- Alrip( to home -by t yn'and fDeWet, ho" retired t -Inus. U( 071 f4 eke.'' 10 C -a to 1.)y� Ittt, bi. elie6d,.by'a cl ly tll�LflreA�'g fl; I[,, , t 'Ker: falle - d -n r f to wife V :w" ."thi� bAilsm against British Officers -Col. froiii'fi6re, lie' bellt I ug am bele t b' of. the 'affair yet." Otter eviisively Oeclarqd.' all �th-_i ritbibut details as a e calling Iiisi hAt,, the R b British leni'e resisted;' Put were 'drivew off. ea Me.. ta . CtIA'S he e en. 0 erts �also re -, qklr-. Q'IL 66illo_ met. e ­r G alid ports . _.�i - A111118, 0 1110 took 'him aongj­a�pf fit in Alid. U iian ill tier m1ah 611 Nov- 7th a s 40king ..eagerly for-- 14 C6 Pwc- arlior in-th pill Ill iop!' -Indsor 'ga ere dislodged war, -being !to Three hundkWd me' in danada.soo' h hVicinity of' u1j) '(in tell lae lVer in the losing- ol A�*h Idea_and Ong':whick pleased IV BVeral m6n. Iap,py- ndre H t� the ac- -his imee, amilton fisla clea mittee. On 'Alf ed.2%1i 'Ivirdi- Th red. tie.coun- th3imen gratly,­.j,�ts thE,,pi�ntaticon_ r r Indr 114LD I ta t I eil wak P f. r.'enideut by er 'b6fore .1 -was prei tilat t &everc,. ry."lletween ge - -ii;id Vahi of maple ere hd-beeil a .,f,- acfoiwa�ded tlirough , acPO fill e.ral miscalculato.,'I'as-A th liturds on ill Xit'. oil, Friday -evening lie Ji a JveraI apturing J. -j, Bee �%*x;x'b�..Cahildiart ladles,, to lie. 0. e tinle 1vt rff� and'.. it Q, ;tI6. and worn., as souv6slIrs.. illeripeu6 bp- GnO-r- 'tommolit I it I izert 11I.Cith 'ida. Once b.3. Out lflt�.dpsi in,-�tofie.' vety-, laiS hquiber" -of dt th fjie6. Tile lilielit'60[b�c, It er t ittmOngst th3 heap of,telegrams ws 'IV to ivaa' k' t 0 6 A' long Intefided' o iaffib�t thc� liad. wrli- ivor nil ei m;,x.Imm Of U victors -e!) :it poem I . : ... ; . Jorce.;' U, tit Pitt list one- reading, titled: '�Fare;vcll 'Pand delaS-,'.:ind he final] an exeur�lon t6 :Beer I were,capsing ypo., d dau lifrai Well be tia 4,very,V.-f,,,q 7ff-M A: r i i i Wei"i w 8 jeagua Forfii�ed_ Ili& to every - Camadlan, oil boaid from 1 110 the Ic Tli� y �1%1-0't Ch1bag6,-','. 29i -T' Canadian inot-har*3'an p6l'n-ted'out that tilose.-fit' d4illing, ,I. Ire. could o0041 f �fr. Win: -IVeJr frianivailli, rongue-, or done. Canada. he -American ary­ Be 1;In fildp;, liftil to,� render. � will or! 1 1 ptce gan- solVille hasten ilielt- Own retuid and th t for of I the Ba e' strif -Americ' I the claiind of, tild Vrofuse Ili' e ot er refuge e, Vol - an peep e expresslaas, Of gratif I- and ammatitioll, to Pr C'DInPL lei in ban: South African Tper _-,Abi,their' gym, unteeil4 t� the. fleld.,'.,, the�y return t-11012911 Ills rnotft�rli:;, sister )farie;_'who Is ndw in, 'tire Wntreai'', -tIon deslgddd' to'urge h, other of flcer_%are 'th h by pro, "f Iza C tit t1keory ill -it 'he 1orriner j�r6si ;D"tter and: t; JOIning..th f bpre'he Ald h(ldres k� frauds'. darin welccisfi� ind. father's d6o�vuiajr,- Th .._patb:y and ib6lr� rrvotical charity, by.tlio P3oP!e Of tip-lillotliet OUlltr-y. tO tima. N'this, W trtivi n, evory J the bank, hear6ast w�le6nlo awr Itch Government T 16rie. will gradua, y �Ie ilrrow6d.- 05impson .)iktdf qper4t eiff rr- ffl oigaLn1zdd:,1aSt' Saturday aited the I IftY , '100a organizationm Calladians, this a f terno6tt on.'rcAeliiii �w lori, -36.-Vhe Bocr-s�m- WIT Up Afthel Tik [icy. an Ili, boniinlon, B. i o ov d0*11, to'h -fely ditsti As The , Hag . us are goner, ItIt'vb bu 'tier a-,. . wol- 6 O!n -$I ii is thought that broo IS haf.11 $1'00-:�$ Addison , Road. ;etatioa, from patfilz6rs 'tit k' ding,oydr,thti having these 6lijeet I� view' have ally dls�ppolt6d_azid d Will. �ilia divIsion-of :bLIls. The police 6enis6lfisi. of tile best disgiace to the'family led bitirpti)'t -ate evera. a Oath mpton. e3dsted for: a ' I .a G' Ohleflir ihg theL borne .a gold Jii6dfilist ov. are. 20 of them In" the art, --hmded P all&, sayp - A�.. Herald dos WeGill, -A�peiic"Ls� There eruger as changed his A: i ability among this Holland fI illsAif I t it 1 band's a id Wpa r izim nd, o where, colamas Of- Inbliated'-wen can.,' r"it E. 'Clar ]let. aY, ilof 'staff off I- patch. fibin. a ir.81 clud' r4ons', think,that- fOVOW 0 rand Rapids,, Mci,, di in the lii� core n prescut,Atl' Ing Lord' Antwerp:,:' '_`�ome pe' bright6ot," '6f , th V younger poets bf ,C�ifiada Be- had lnity7* of 'ra." t JZL he.Dutdi-Gov6rillfient itself has been -put th,-& of 44ed' them by t6fiffig t1i' Lad in Ob cago. repiresenting ill C-olordal in Tho,'nationaI Office, and to r6layb h bail goaz' f-- Illy', books id atl( he instrumental ke, I -him away, organiztion'or I Lady, 9ttat in oping F, ganiz- e":. il-birl.141'" 7MUrtl _U _011 Ron" 0 v ngs'� Bi. 9w a e�_ t*nkez­a'nd �-fi)ln , Idul 71, 16cia,'roiam.606 Teitton�-, buf1dIng;..NijI; Mty Chiplalit, Mo shall', c ' him: The the-,qane COM -aA4- I Y' . . . ArdiCt.' The.'algn.q.�L a,hisfory of'trAilsportatl6n 172 Wkelthigt6n Street, bL ic Hnkub,�, 0, AM nd' th73 Qui�efl'a 0*a Rule. nnounce that, tile iffirste-:1 As tll,3 a­tl6�-.diatp. plans of 31r., a a gro UM and' the, 'or %);A,. a TO Attack' hi oil) of � the tion the* adop, ru p n t"re 01"tile j?re8t(Jonf wh it ' tita olec- pd. tv tion- of Off band of th� S�_O' .3 own. A l6qril and directi*& Tu-ifd,3 Played London, Dec. front writtoon. o.'riveri mean Pracw' kn. and ly" that ro, 8 from, 'the [dally'stated, 'the.-6bjecj-6 of the, Xtra gtiaids, tho' concluolon. 4fil,,tt Natlobal- Anth,za �agae ell Ott _: ffg the bir lever I ba focr him,not] 1� poll'tIcal...1 e. rju '011' tit' - 'fit] the. to Col. Ottor',all un ge and'. tit inbei of "ributrd �b(3 a I ,� nd n it, Doers uhd-'m -Wm mwldi�nta'VI[Joetl it poiteci. Burstall, 'Lawl Lord. K hn qrth, is tl.�Ivll ct ar to 'Some: 6frective (hoOr d, enthusla�§tjcally. 014 rS f Ight, � near tletf<)fiteln. between tile oil t arid Britisch, der' Gen:' Pa �,as 9 fill C Ott Utl,OU, tire tbese-�-Tb, promote. and' !Vol. om. did f Alzubrid, and Lle'utg: Swift, ",rui, qget, town,rds oven rig 0 ffed from Bloeiiffoiltciu,'uiidei d-.ite 6f ri Ps Rluth: -Apread Int6rmatirAn 11 Lafferty, Tczanl�!.'0axp2nter 966oftd. - day,. cloo�A ti upon the Boers!' f Africa o-�d th J -litto0l'on'of atta NOV- - 30th, "'a fell * 0*s7 In! te United .,e,brated: hslhete an men,h, recei; ,De Wet's ,'rear 'n 'not I.0 Pro;dure peace or thlb%reoub lea or � i� ition Ith tho J f _000, In. State'l; as to t.bociiages, mostre9rdtal . . 1 1. �, d Goti' and(conduct -ot the. w�� greetings- 'and -r6rig. atufatiops.:11 poll next dAY at da , -P.6ei-s how� =gliaxd on OV., 27.th,:or two- th re"111111-11o,, "but for lts,'owll and, there-. �3'- r4inark-ably .'ever.' . Xth reiriforconiqffts, Tile ene)rny retreted... Ive 'had, 011-s-1. r 0hCre H6 e a bUg SQntlibdnt;,, fine corldition e. a 10 _rpc Wm a dt-jOprai�le;httck klll�d,aind si,.t w46jl�dedl A,�qordlqg'to ramva' p, on unc ig1rftg-, -and, a-proIxiff"Ityate The:­4nn -.w ere 'd UU-3 lor, the l9regovir, p4rposes, arld we�e 3cepulsed with �any to aid tb6. widows, OTPhaDs, and crip'-; platform, and. were, Inspected. bi"the DOW�t U sithCona" 'heavy lo,,�s. wthdreW Ili a ri.qrtliefte miles il6rth; of. Dethulle.4 I N UT IL t 8, an( S, thsit, tfic notified, t& in pareult.%, uar,dd,-- b into tk6 f -0 'F: iliq Cahadlans, iftarchotil'to ro,;s oVer t Is to -the t.tJ Th�. dltspiaj'red gretit' el a Once by -the, dl.rect�ore- 'The first lIfAhtf R, etipled --ift6ir '064ition., sout mounted Boers.took 4 its, of the Scot 'Several 11 fies Of' 4Vork:wlII be- Albaded by the bsn' Lst'lle "from ublics.' L.,. , ., I .. -; 1 1. Ofil'o 11no �'The �011trlo re., Ddbli,ii, N soldiers Of these rep staff officers arid Lord St �r y d,rection. 'Ge "Odget# hdving rdie War C . a lillc� Along the crowd6d st oe t nng of 0 told, wild 'tlf­ barracks,' Jueeting With- riitrk; taing: 6f th-i tx, 'IS N�-%V, wl� rt lI rig. IP11% quar bralichids. roUte. Dec unner T. le r, tilt.) the 'on R. Braitinh, ratter.); no�w tile -'elin rg(y,,IDf for& -Church op ION, Atthe barracki'they .VP te4 forlzLlly .Are, to- trael, ldotlite nd, the th UwU n obsoure do(, o ice lVdgii;tvit6 41i 'fl rganize Waxmf�st recepIt­ V ff, Ic Bartett t by -tile, ]KItith0herIA' Report. nrcorn� 8�)uth,,Afrfca' jvl�h,,11)11 Vlol� BzA7- Bartl t tina,3�� 1XIkiJ' Of Abe in do L, r rd Grey and Others dn behalf 6f ndono !)be. _,�Lord KWAwft ek b Jbo�llt 0 erts aAge, I �emptloh' Collintittee. Tit lorg 29,-�-Wblle t c clmrts tha.mar Oftle-c- ma; ii ..In, ruslifne, 'bushit,-9 .111 Dublin, lite -London,. Nov, Can- I ZPg at)(4 ivill re wwq - , he reports a-dians leavejor Lke' 01.'on Dec.cm- "Bottle de� fy�ica 'lot 4 tit least. Nearly, s'ja of' Will, an -on Of 'dApe'6DIony` are. rp6 U I 1� art40f the �condltl caied �iCirt f6"w, � rber 10th,,' itilairy1316i 'the Vi, 280f and Ile DId us oY6 Lae hof regarlic 66niewhai. un Paget engaged I'll had nec6ss&rll:�, COL Otter."an ICinadlatis were Joen: Mid Sr oil No ie, is liftle dispositiO�n d-tho "a 2._Ite ire Of.thei I)II fwas �kn, 'to; 7lnterle*ed tit itch6irIgt;0� Is 11 n barracks, 20th, n the. eftemy. back" Capg To,.A� ii, Dec', tell i-ido i6scatb vi egen Tly'fig at' tile 11141VIffifflig ldrof4tO(l in th�L'� q* of ,th r,"g it do - expressed great fit Detroit .,X, " , oral, Sitation, pleaAa-re -fit" Rietfoittela. Lie C-WI.VoYd was Stelienba30r, Cipsi to an ad- lett*e�no flotIbi.th, t th aT6 member of lJ4rt Of QfJh6 I'!' 1wrillieki. Lady V6 oflll� Oaf clk-xtj� pireg�llted, to 'Irlin ;:by the - lead'. the, Stock of, ill (I t more renuirklible. �bbcausd 'thij, vird'-d"d sto:en from tb.§Ir general ea deodtlahAd'Zon h Af� he Thofii0i". - - , 'Apa oT r6lhforcl�it'*aftlis and e re , oun e i Wd al6o. had five,inotl eralof the-Arikander Build, Mr, X.. NaIlaned b wrote the- 'Gui&da arrived at tile Same hour'.at mroll Of the ]Dominion N(Ary.. over iLlIed and' flf�y: w6unded. ,Lyttl6ttf Merrinitin, f6rraer.Tre"utor 'of C �J%natura of daily. fight at Nititif.W PO In jklIgil", i 801: The Dbillillion ld6.ajiarj7s46w, a different Station, wItteli jl�iqde * V, IS bt )f, an Im rig the.* Lf 0 co-oveniting,with -FagL ill. the politac ( Ar 19 not 'OV or, 'public a Offl.cial titi. 0 Ile the stafemnt, that �Thc'Duke-of`.Conniught's ffieiviagp-6f Doers Attack, in- o tile dtsLov4erY t ­ Detroit )ego, niblin, Md :at OXford. He ob.:. MoreoTerj ivil -6eb Inatinced the war In mati at, Tr elonate, eh',* 6 .14cat, wAS e(I'lleated welcoffie'. ISL f the b4ick- but,'tII6 ill In160i of the bill Oxhislineci Sputh: 'AfrlM. its one o has donlanijed., 20;000 appre6lated, efft 1 L alluals"', n -British tjaillied the' Greck ln(xtml ac No Durliani, Na6ij bee, Z -Gen.' Boyc The by the Petrolt fi6li te pr thpt he ba h1w,retdrited to-ftilismitli. � Orangd with tile date of Jan poeln In Tr6.tter'g�e'rodidt'rec6g- A:,- prlio .4 askpo f5r 8,000 t Of the Value, of*'Canitillawser he saLd; were ao bhc6urdg(-,d the. In 1879 lie wellt _ 4 t�t 0 left Vio'doub 4.1�pplaee' the 'b, ColofiY frbir. -V�ide and 8tan- worst . Ole ino n f44. 6d b6th - Side s,. and h)JlIdIjJJgL 46m S Wpre 'in( sfti .1 River- cr6A I L udon, ffi!JIt:JLry starldpoltit. v6i WAS'attacked,go. were bound fatal- to �tho at. -Fqries, a interests the baJIL rAX) Is most comfortable, The 6f f toots �ar 'of tile 'coitntry,- lie' e Boers firing oil the thniate peace: mtfletfO eThe accoffirnodatfrin tthp,,b Age )ticapaditatO The Yiluartered. most fr0m small.. kopjee�" role 13titiall Xen-singt6n pa'a"OL rd tP&t rl ttilrp cli d ielther be ineft kilfled'and Bev MI. wound' V1410 Visited atior. toriii it Painful latetf.''t d r6f'liub. Pirigifiailve e , gi ina 'Sit, John WOUICT Jttt4ind' thd WOr" lename on I I n sthu6h* as some 0'' gi n. Of I the '0�6ruwll 11811 L"Alte Ila, Works Iatei4 f tile. (I "litirghers have ter Cbngro.m,i shoil t 'constriv(3 of "Tile "Tile, and thie , tile 86111 It! IOMPSOft-stayed thr;Lro the nigh t be Id :bdv s.,Li( re -tragic deAih at Wlrldso-e� actuallY, Visited their farms,.,slit the �jhat the' 06119�qss. wits by ple na.fives to Xtikhhfg, arid, th0ft',idne -L poijticg�e, I notr4 wils. tit(' 'f I tat tit Paled to ill fLwAy-.-�Thc-, b66rs� are now, do �qll ot toe even Afrik lip. he )f, t was Ore. t t<l-niglit' having �dcdllhc .8 a!! lii�l ing-, Int ffeebooter 4 er thaal'bef 45 .:, I C041910tlollqt marple(I ltbrll r ariet yet -to hillft(le t I:n, un. lie Oro, Mid or adtiolls holdifng`,'t��W�l r�r (�.'l rtl I I fig sthe ooly-. tho, %(,nIqI �i)t A It ....... ion u t To; ho r Pic o his IN'l tJ1(Tsf)t., tn'd oty I ireltmarl zburgI +� - I Lord Roberts �a daughter speech, moloy tflo.7 bill.q. n. L) �T t !rille( f ho 0110 ;y ll.jn(lo 01 sik, k, abd ilia, I! jo, horo dov.ery4 n 0� 8 tar t 111191, d I a. nn f Ila itbrl -the, of' syrrionsk to, w100I 1-0141ift __L, i tl.kat It' aroat (1, tit ills of -the t6 All VmInded'nt -tl' teirnftpt. tho, olitI)tpit fni�,rq rid6fteo,'81i E. Tolid iti lip, Wit, 'ir., don (s. u14, % fill r ro' ror� 1 � 19'flti, op , I Afterw td %U t4 J)"I 11 tll,d tl`yJflJ4­t0 W jJ( t) , ". IP h P > tiI000 Of the b1fle Ito a Sa! c I t prb t Is nted n d mqrs r from k A Oonv orth me, Kn pro - in by . . ....... ... L