Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-30, Page 8• • Atwaye.look better and; will * do' more work than :horses which are not healthy, 'A horse with a rough .coarse coat,. a poor: appe- tite with perhaps a slight cough,. ► p easil 'Y be nob healthy, but • can, made' so • You ask, iltow i ' By. ,diving it a' tablespoonful of Loc-. heads ,Condition Powder thorn i t oc.?z nr ealir,i)s-, • alongg did:usual 'nuPi y o • t. 4!k!wa.9lFY "Malco1;.w; . . Names 'of oh rtflgee: 'enti heti ; 'y t o•• tation'to send ce0amissionerti.; to next. •General Asaei 1Iy werri announced, Dr, Murray 1' torted: in. re Century F kind expressed; regret ,that only, few congregations: put, in final • report :anti', :urged -till:to,:ii,tuti-s-in•l.rets,iine-.,heft,re1st FDecembec. The.sretalt'uf'Ass.mbly on,devol•ip ;. Manual'' for aids °to,'docial wor§hip wal• considered and on. Motion, the •re- '•mit was,' disapproved R,einitson •appoiott) eat of Sabath $ehool S.eereitaryiind extendcd_powers, hay ,.....u.a oats:, The Condition' . Powder "is prepay d: from ,th purest: materials, and •has ma equal as a Blood Pnnrifier, appetizer and tonic, It`aacts ` uiokly• •geueral t � , giving '.the ;lior se a.' glossy cook, a loose hide and an -improved appearance. Every ver farmer should'. • ,.. have a package: of thig powder' in • his•stab'1e, ready ,a t give when a horse may- need It. We 'have. such .;confidence in its proovini; ' :"as good as .we Fay'. that -we guar- antee' each and every package. Largoo,Package >25 eents., Five for One Dollar. L'O EAi _ Ohetnist'& Druggist, • t.Uf7KNONT.OW ... ' '�, PREsairrl:'it.1 , or ' M LITLAND $ at Winnha►n, Novet.ui•er 190,', y4" .Rev W. ;1. • M1.elefat, ,r, lir MLL"viir i a CI?► k'. pt`i)"14 111 Minutes 'it hixt .artd " intf.r.reeleg ineetinn4 "-v'erti rerlfl inr.l gnstaii eJ, E dere co'a mts�i•ni v were receiv,e;d, • Tari f .111iwin as far a p;ie-.-iatcd ore r `P iv "r' tor the •e 'suing• re a � "ttt t b1 . e + d�. 5 , n . ears to attend' 'Meetings of`Presb b yyy Ana :."S sod:: of •H milton::<and: d y �,. • London- N. Mihai; •• Kincardine; . D C. Ross;" •Brussels.Jolin M.. Beattie;. Pine River;' Jamea•Baird, rueknow;,' W. Dawson, South ' Kinloss;` • John Elliott; 'Dungannon and Port. Albert Edwin 'Doan, Molesworth; Francis MacDonald, Huron; H: W oda, ,•Sty Heine and East. Ashfield; `.Hugh'Cham T'° bers,; Ashael'd; Franci Lewis,`Eadies and- $Itievale, . Ii D. "Henderson, - Whitechurch and.Langside; A. 'Turn-: bull,' Walton; D.`Murchison, Ripley ''and• `Bernie; .A: Findlater; Beltnere' • mee'ing'.. Session records Of \V.roueter weelattested:a:a carefully and'earrect- k i 1,y ep,. a �' sicier a ' Thee a•esb t >; trh _ } ,�' Y 9 F titioa'froin tlie;'Sessioun of•Dungannon, '•. ,.tnernbers . of 'Allis session witre• ' ` ; i Iliout J reline beard � viz. � palsesra: .�. , , a , Dufti, ' bMalioiigh and the :Moderator; ltov. R. Fairbairn, It was On motion. ucianiuiously agreed to" appoint two' 'assessors ,tri and the .Dungennon con;.. gregationin having an election of three ;'new' elders'.. Mr, Miner and Mr. Robb. Lockhart,.' elders of St.. :Helens,. were'' appointed ase!•sors' ins terms f .'tri otic `,' t --*I�ezt-u}eettng,4#Preslty-rery- W tll.l,n. YI ♦ , lav r! Y1v": Wtniltt�m J4tuu'lry 15th, 1901, tt l a.ut . 'JoIIN iMAGN.AIIp, • w .G.Nt h „'a' • I;u.know, Nov. '�-i.ti► 1900 N • • CUPiD'S PRANKS' {hnity \ ..rld V:.,u lav t 1,; (1,l McLENXAX Ih1 N 1'1;:1,. •Avery pretry wr I tin), took place it ,ht, ].'ir t :Presbyter'iatr. eiturc 'cin' Saturday evening at' 8''o'clocic when M. J. A'Ic ennati'' local inane er.''of the city -yards ;•for the--Ganndian, Pay ,cifit__Luinber Com. Ttd Port`_Moosiy., was united in;:insrriage CoTc�►n.anda.V; . Hunter," daughter of Mrs. \V.. J.': Ptt-: • • 'nlOT. A. DIV0/10E,:, • T - Milier, Orioe i. Teaohetx 2n Tiiv • carton 'Is a. s1fran1lst •n 'l►et.ru!tt ;"News: -Judge l;ohnert his.Iilurning granted.a 111voic i Cleer(it' on: tite wound of desertion to .Ellet}. ;11i11er 'froni Thos, ° H. ;Miller. The 'IIr a l.t,x.were married' in. 187G in Glir- t ,.','•One; ire..1 my 189.5, they separated. .There tire„si,x children, rtLL)giri!,'in age" froil>. l ro G, This 'tourni' ,141r„ Miller and, her'. ol<l�e`s�t. ,riaup,hter told. the' :peeulur story;; .that '. tNd ei' the.r divorce -"t few i topth : nftNr� 14liliri' theittselYea. `leer, went hatch 1,6ffy. old' hoar,„ }t1 Canada. • ' A tamer 'reached the .oata, of.. iiii family -that, •Lie bad ni .i'ut d c 3iti. t ktfy a6•ti rst i ould' lie' r1, "rte' ii tiot•be tie sn,i a i tr tr�dlhle` 'stoi . , . '1'heytltoii,;;ht th+t ,the hu,lrand "end, ,father, 'afro• i, ,..0:;a)} e�iuc. ted man aricd a: scboi t. t'ertcht'►•,' woui;i 'nit' :fury t his 'Obligations aliens in that. wanner. ' Ac corci,in„ly Mrs. Miller sant:.her daugl ter to- Canada to`. inves,Figate. ,•Ac- cording to,' .the • .daughter''a,; •testimony •this: morning she found her father li.v ins •with another, '.woman , whom he' introduced as itis, wife; .• The daughter wa: too astounlled.''to,- .icnow' wh'1t. to • bev;tsirle•Mi,cl r�?st,cl ht•r:in }r1E�sooafl 1 bhp. "uuC1t° 1, he .w.ii.. to.it'rnttl •agaitl•,' • 1}1.d .'EiI lr.t' �1bt•t, .1 t W11 'lir a pt,w • that h*. 14 ,4 %t t+ If ,'r11'd .1rt,.irtitt ".She'• ap t vsli d • de alt, is tl'n“hi, i' tinge Lluh-. itert • t1, A n'rt !.t`s t Yte ' 1'•t.,cr ubon t y. r.1' f r11n:.,1i.:0 •la?;. r.•t?,_ • 'o"c,ut'Argo issortrnetic of Ladies' Fur Coat a iri 2;4. inebe 30 01 14734 i1lcb.t's ixt; Our;. hea e3't e.oat is 022. . We rive : ou an• o. cl'le t Boat. at $25. aria $27' (10, 11, r• . • • - 0tll" • In` Mvii's; l:+' ti. Coats :we h ,'vo g', O(1, Coon t;ottts ;1 each -.Corsican Lamb, En lish;d..e at, $20. each, . ? e ; eli � 8,.5Q. sit ' In' 1\4 en s ' -nderW sir we - lve ,the •olob Tito B Infield 5 U11S11rinkable . l. •',: : ;.-Wirt-get- .,.. • a..__ ::_ , _ - , f :mail:buv he' the•tie.3t' moneys:worth c�,ri.b'a.got m utiderwe,ar. • them . r1,;ot,... :Our ;;Vlrllriery'stock '1s well'assorted wifili.•the newest goods in , hereto do business and keep what ou want at right-rics. and Mac`Intosh A,circnlar , kem.the . Century Fund, Committee of Asreimbly was duly: con- ' sidered• -.Its on-':sidered;-.Its purpose is .tp,emphatise' -the Spiritual ritual 'asct 'of P e.this . reap :. .. „this g movement. Seseioni are asked' to take into: consideration.the whole question • of : the spiritual candition._of_ hose ander ,their care -so arrange that the last Month of the' year :be set apareas :season i8:which.-s .ecial: rti :ec..shille •be:' made ',in the •.congregations and'. families o ei cliurchfor theou" ppur ins of the spirit• of God and =the deep - ton, of 'this. pity, and sister in-law to the well kno .vn . architect, Thos :Fee, .The Jerenony•:was performed; by Rev:. R, G: MoBeth,' pastor of the.. churel , •• n the. presence ofheintimate frt t s ,, of the 'bride: and groom The bride ',looked harming in a dress,of silver gray silk, trimmed• ins embroidered Chiffon and pearls; 'with hat "-of "tucked" silk .19 , match.., . The ''bride- carried ;a `shower bouquet of white' ohrysaathe ' ium, trimmed with maiden 'hair ferns. Miss Ella Paton, dressed :in cream sa- tin with"blade' hat;and 'carr'ied a be, Aust. of .carnations ''.' trimmed.'',Withd Maidenhair ferns. :The two.maide:of ' honor, aittle Mies Olga 'Fee"and. Miss Vera Hunter '= who • looked ' veritable: lairies,,dreissed'in white silk and carry - 6 1' roses .and ferns :►les ors: 'Vernon .Tswn and A. Htinter" 'acted as usher9 The groom was as- sistea by T.µ ',` Paterson; ; secretary- treasurer of:the C .P.w;L Co.,. of Port. Moody... After • the• wedding : the ening of 'spiritual life guests " pa toe re iced .the rem of t k°Libi01115t M T7i0B,IST �@3RClt�•, ..: :` Rev A Ci Kanritli;, Pastor.: SABBATH; 9.45. A, ti .FellowkhipMPetin ; Aiiniveisary.'Servioes;'Morning and Evening, coud.uctedby •Ptev.'17: ROgere 9.45 r.ii.-- indby Sehool'and.Bible Class. \VEE1K•1`T 1 lir SN'ii Vll;E:i. 3..14;114-, r- n,-,_PlatfoM rmoating..- :Admiss ion-15-cent3 Wednesday 8 P u ='Pr�Y er'Meeting. SEATS ,FREE. ALL WELCOME. PET•ER'S C.R3RCN` SU,N UAY. Morn ag • Prr.tyer lit 11 a m: i;w nin Prayer at -7 p m Every third Sunday in the month Sunday; ,School service at 3 p rain place of: usual Morning Prsyer :Hyly'Ccmmunion• first Sunday; of every,' month . ' •..' Bible,.Class, and. choir practice Wed; neaday evening at7.30 p m.." ,• !ANVIL'.o!.;ree01nweeisdm m r.'o'■°a'd'is°r n°n°a a'a1'u°°°e eftea.t ,.any-7w.*b:E2'se%SM �na.dw i4... mi'te ;..iv=.41eispiwllplllgl -- ► 1r91q 1 Iilh _r ,7 %'i 1,r t. -;T :. s .'1. J I{ Illll i I illbll j I! ii 1 illi 1,11��I� i TI i 1,1,1,11,l _ �il11111 Pik - I .lllgt it 1,..:!all--14.7-----r-rovir,‘,14%...„Lkii.iiiii.711) ��1'�mliy 111111`�lin /11°?®7li�� lt.\i,/ 1`fir it P; � IMO 1. .G-�'', ' .Jlbi'. LL►AA ii ' ", n '4 t®®11 '1i °r "i cls . clic.Not all made art, • oc�cl but.all�'�ve .11avt, in cc ..� to and. ,prices ,;tire .'comparatively , low. Maybe .we...ask _4t - cent ■ or tw.o•more for:some articles "but that::cent''cr'two ;3r't lost;':' ' ,'. . • '-1 e___ theatitne-'our- Yf7ud s wilit"--oubiast -"in' T Qvrll-c�o�t�e: b��,cl�,; -n-tixn � � �'� n ^.� nom: all •others.. .; Here's items to' star t ho crowd'in-our'' direction. in ' • J ilga of t'�tvny C� .ai.es of Vi1lage,MVCark et The following ire the market quota.:; tions for this' week.; • Wheat. ,•50e to •G0c W , Peas, 58c to 58c. Erle ,.39c' to 39c Oats, ^ , 23c. to 24c Tito- •--icv a stuaets--4: • _-That.ihheta.lte:helEl. Qp,the 6rsft: gall-.� ,. IN' her was served: `-'Tlio-- resents �wece ` communion . Service at' which'- the: nutnerous and, costly, showing the. • l bath;of 1901 in every congregation, a p church throughout the Wh•ole Do high esteem in which•the:happy coupe' • minion; at the thresh -hold of the;new ` were held by: their .many_friends. `The' century shall 'renew ire 'allegiance. tb groom s' present 'to, the bride was • a, gold, bracelet spcially-ma.de of gold dially recommend Sessioxio,',,e;, far as yin with -diamond setting,'4n_d . --110.941:400$14 `de of hoar gold necklaces With . • •loCket attache with sapphire settings. of hist:year were re...ejected except ail, Arm chair uPliolstered in tapiiiitry, 'and, 'yeller of ...,ComMittee on Church Life 111.0.1sh'ar!cl,brockatelle, The happy , „, 'and Work, initead Mal- c°44:e 1.eft t4e IsTbrth*I5acifid. amid. ooho, who wished to retire. , the best ,ivishes.of theh. friends, Mr. .",HePresentative Elders are meMbeil" Mrs, "M.etetinap will reside' oa Eighth'avenneL Mt. I'lea;ants, on their **of' the committee oi; irhich, their' niini- being Convener. • Finance-r-Messro.. MacLennan, MacKay and Macislabb. 24' Augmentation-Mesars. Ross • 110 -The above gentlernan.io Mr- M• McLennan formerly pf Con, 2, 15.th side line.; 'pr better knawn as Clover Valley and v6;oll known in ember, cy the Rey. F. J. Oaten Neil rk, eldest daughter .of John A, Clark. tWent*Y-Dier yeasts 'V -Pii.cresciiiiiie has: ktcnsively,nsed tor ailr.to sof threat and f croup, vhooping,togii,.tchtt..ecylci 1.3y* po•Cresolene-,,they13ienthe it. „, To PATENT idoik THE PATENT' RECORD,: • JEWELER, OPTIOTAN,. BOOT & SH4 BUSINESS FOR .,ALE .criiing, to sickness rind no pros - Boot. atti. Shoe ,baSitess for Sale. Stook knit ,vbry "%yen asSorte'd; Anyone •NviShIng. to as td terms; ainount. of .stoek and discOnnt, which will be 'liberal; .,,for.I..iidtesd, to sell at one& Good • loarienhouisloslismisminsoy.. • TAYLOR'`: HARDWARE • YtrYe'Ya - iso°P�ii'i°°Y.W.W. d'.Wu. � m �°e a °■Y i�.'.Wi�o not ' already ' .ter t , 0 JL1e � , case. o c in Plain, ers-�ro-es and •• �an:, enc11es s �.. and: Rubbers. •PR ;0��.���a are' iQol�Y�.g, fc�r, I�, r O �1Pe'c # ssit- Te. have so will. be� m for lines Congress bo h.. me Feltwomen: Also 'r l e :' .he _ 'c: r . ,,��re sho�C)V��°stac., lug8 s variet- or Lumber-; a 9 eU,ip��••� • ' Dont. gorget'`. You u bbers The ; are the beat Slipper', lapItio; ,Brilliant-, **Cottons a,11CY , Work Art Linens; •Piniins and Silks; and Art*: Embroid, try SilkO in all ohacies.at' • • SECONDogiDiTION -.AT -YOUR- pan- OFFICE; - :A PRIICREitlifE• AHD PAPER.'. tiriguished for enterurtsq,.,afo'hasizeon taken from the beginning; Oareer, tO admit •nOthing to ifis..Colutans that WoUld. 'offend the., and ansWers'Anilis,elate lo diseases, dr an imals,",eecie valimple home instytietiou for tbe•farmer and Stock owner, ,. rind' ,eretyl6to with. Ain afmni. and Pro feseldn 'Skating; Horse;12,neing,, Trotting and * preVerited it from doing justice, to or men Of hotb.. pa 4 Avtio do Itls• the organ of tlfe.peOhle, irrthipective Of party, 1,4 lit fact, the :Prim PreSs is the inest complete and up:to-date paper' wee .Torento ; Tram .8 tO"; -12- pogo'. throng -1i "weeic,1 and •:prrgos bgoitid Widen at*•Your post Of.fiecler '82.60;lier *car. Now' is ilia ti. • v.