Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-30, Page 2Ir -7 "_7 1:1 111:1 1 !1111 low I As 'k W%,,W'W Rb Vmil lir-� dh mol, ­owi. rw*;A M!tr-_ Wriumv- i Y_ n ii rair n t4g, "Qu. n 11 lit 0 in 'I 64t P Oj�pav ,Be NA -0,Y 0 101 allm , he. " .- _11,--1-I.- I ­_ anij fpuladly,* rlsi Ira, all 11rolplAC00 r.. Y 0 alia"7 ossm, puphe land Y, $,hells )qsela: stand-.1-igr'' "I d 1, , 11,014 Gl�monts, cesAll Flopher and Wi . reqPee all oyju thy rom r all e'� to vast.0111111tiNcIA a e CIA Wwv. Drs joey, a= entire JQI,�q: oiy' t thrt�,4 M10 be sac-, N; as ln�orpivted: fat Into 6sta ri le IvIll I -in to povtllair� tlipin.addrftles; of thet y4rious. ' spe4k, to 140 plopilkitwo, of 4yons. - i ' ' , , I , pok er0r; bu'o it ly4a qvid t' -,whIch ani But 11 _ptfl. , that, ' ..MT. jup�, caus 'golar fourid, " It e ty. Ostrich W TO,, E -F N 117 TH R,, E 'i - I ' ' _you,, 4, Krurger'. W41A fatiguell, caulget for Fra4E:LPL. an jQr,'gjl'E uropq and strIle to,,,con Alle, Ili, up A o airea, ' strain' -to. to low ther ges'.. 11 -tegoo Lin , , - - to� 04 Xd.r 1 4 e niQ;lgt;?A .0110, A , dtui& of tho prel; nt do d ceal r QUO to firm, In'the Coll '!of OrMOI rd� 1 Qu �euls -SN1PER$.,,0APT 4111rW r& 6�eaking a lan' vlctiqa�L that pur, lipplep so he UUer ba�uoo 24.�Quoen W DIN I Q;' those a, Iti lllglbl6ro *o,- jif Nvh I gu!xgp, will be O -d.. W e are. hoping -Wjtlj� �rou,,, hW'qyeq fr were Qqqo4t)y' T de'scendwl to, tile, '114 0; '1 iroanadd abou�, tho_rqqui� but 19-11staii-.. fro] message a Lord 1�jtehejlpr 4jtojj*iVe1 f� and W41ked[ V ic r,�j wita�­fllff ch of ro., t -a tation,. )6a)m that Ito, 66mplete4 W V0,' "Ah e. -d ?, Krq ]I a �ha� sent a t 'Mr. tru I his. c4rrlag Isaylli to all P 11 -aging, Y, with' 1 1100.. to his d fig that she I ne vrar i d the en rance of the ear 41 Dr.- U d I lin the gist 'iOlich,.caused' *A,'e, chep,m, I �p, '413. re , Y .14 gave I and, 1.0 111 gald _Ithi. All�e' CaWnet COU11- W, 4 ot.Whrlt,, had" been said.; Eventually, dbubled, T -Q.wd. suit, T.e�tort)Ay 3 , t Pro or .eventually, , broke of h- i6o' fiailkulnc, 4jus, this: d �hpell be66iiii brougU Ahe att igulty at Savage 7�,r P011eb -cordonii.. and Mr. ask.p. -that the other 44(irespos. . ))q -d 'b1s4L*q j, o1r, tqllyi� d Krq01, It early age 01-50, an :40, n -pr t h _eI In: - writing. -antl then dif fie withdrew ltnr to .,his 4ptdirtments. que-er, -itibb-Islit Q pqp� 9 This.' �%,j t, W ed tit q�' in ev'ek I�ba w To. r k, NOV, -24.,Tho: jp4rnal e Tio, one., r, ydsl,-r�-prese"te 4 Its h 'h I I I t 4 e iq I', e 1, t Q.� Ortlty� and W I 0 ay, pi ... . . . . . . . . Paris desp4 A lVi. t0i lyhli5ll q: "In. 'N A 4 ha;Iiquetjkj� i. -T; - T, pent." Dr. Loyds,-reAd flio. Toll I'- X Kryger, at -the, celebration to*, 60' kill.9fit'; �jajkj�ej;6jltlpe, 0 of tll( I I ., qlle�ty, dII& I ko n % he Old, &Qreat; 66in 19r'i afiguedo. re-pilt(WOU U, elan —Ap exerclso, mqr�il than never attend bUnque0. Q is, -11 �k vo Ild f.tin 0. 'mourn 49. 13',ei cl�leftaln lllO�',b %firled d foi Ir . . ..... es.'to ,a t piees. on I hansiwit,ti vers: kruger. should ba;ve'llk6d Meq 3 or 11111 W, fellOrge.*.. I.Q' G If .11110 ir, Usk Penjo, str4t a t i;1I Visit - Parlsi `13 C .1'afts' Nov, 251.,tz"17he warm lon t Lop do Oom Paul i III - it, Ij probably n -New papc.rs 0011110' 1.14v;e had,,,in your, bea�iltlful ypo erday 'to recepil�n of in ba. kru r,,� o eftkii, Out -for 'to I 9 sulp�, ge e TrajjrSvaali who Is re� lC4 Lite. could llav cc' five v ere its 'tire MArgoIllesol, rov. 22,.—, -Pie le -ihe' .11 1 I.' , pdjcd;.ptev�nto this. jthisse,d, all d It c Q& . 0 even - roni t gave, �i ate travelling Ine6grilto, o0anpid heko' obliged to f fie -,,, c1ty. which 0 6,6tel, - W.erb x"6dod, con �France'hcy national hL In en'thiisialsihi-wbat' w theli, doors. an atti this 'aft�rn ymn, tfia� "Mai r. as w;pe'0cd by morning firbui. the,, his friends. dh unfriehaly :m6l) wa--§ still.i4tationed. sCIJ1cs,'-WliIcIiJ0'tfie song ol'all peo- He has kecelve(l o­atlobs eO pie 119vo Independence t1kre4ts4n- public,, eqn, wt I irm Y J.,A)adon qe pub Ishers hve. djn�r-, which wais J8, from 'the wel- ------- lo.tbie taxt pgglIng against. oiroger" I' - 1=11, � I . 1 . 4 o Lord 'the bull ed "and' w coined by the cit ' by po top. to era, ho Ail2i, str yofficials. bee it, I enger3*a'4id.(,'reW- Sj� -.9 doci Thr unfortunate. Occurrence At. the the - — . . 016. , _a eelved With'.11OLnorO at -a-sq' -le'd to exile, oor 0 I�r lia ,"eLh hat I oLoubet, Sat "''ItULfik he Preelde'rit, of the,War- 'hotel, oo, the Inalri boulovd,rd 1 alone. that you� 4amatloh lfrol t would, Allv, j4u. bed to �-but the.. ino; oellles� coni'mitteid ari'd the Protilden r'of the'' demon- could,! have,, been -Ar4 erithusittsti6'.orowtl.tissemblecI igrV and Oma. red the characte he4rd,' by' all at ipr hafi) Is ell. t1on.',Th& thIro, ng, ie c Its n arms, IV o are encamped !it raltway. littiOril-Saturday morn Old, and Exp9sure-7N.' o, Contral 0 the. In- 6era I the C 1101vi 1)""in st,ra W1 - of ti hi penlden6o ot th, Boers fbi� theii, Lfita. �he eroWd,as Mr,, Kkug , er. s. opr ing.. The people waved.Fren6h and, crew an I d Pass I edgers, AVIto, NN ore '0011t strong Loo ns. They' 'would �tjiajjk thank all. -this i)o Doer color5,, a4id.sang p4triotlo,00rigs,' Pula,.tr led acted like. magle,11i c-pinjuring from. the, bottora - of th-sir Rd-- 'assembl6d 'in- -great,cotooU 6 oas nritigh outburst,. whielf.-It,ipe harts.. -I thfink y6ii in'thel 1301 W, Camp A�oiy O� gr�ot niti, for alldipugh I wear ed, all the, promptitudd an ie ergy, t Or. -President arrived., U11 "C61ild 1. lidNe t'beq Map mourning, -for tba. nitsf6rt unes of ...... --you :Quebec,: Nov" ,5., which the ex-8itdar. MY olice', -a Isle' iib'Duld wittl. to 'WillitaInji.1 00in-I r V JUlIrtbc t the It& .1yeat beb ffith' -,exprossed my t p_ pro 0 ri �61so have bibugh r, bave� nati ous disturbance. The -hotel o,. couo _nalfs s -and- Or a pleces' 'I de idned tllankssl t os ti as gone Fuil were present; And, r6ck:4 at tllre oil of& fqr' the resi of-, thb,day:in aj�s ate 6f' have. raised st 6 �_myo tily glass in Jionor, Cept with 611 ifiy th6sd �ac-' train entered. the Sta-, f S, to: jsiege,' While at 6pel.,Itiffib worthy, 11'reoldent; M.- O_ vu 1, procession -'V.ep-Lqlan*d4 Bay, oil tlie'liorth Qoti.tilo Ioll for'. I ..know th�ay - are- 'several thousand strong, inartilied- In' -Dr. Ley& -then' saW_ - "In The. railway. So ys, voy"alge �way :troin dietat Ions' to� 6molloin pled, by the Boe-r ot. tire. Gulf of. St, Lwrence, a:nd re rsl,ripe Is, the direction.., Of the British. coniiih- of PridbIlt. Xrugeio, *I litiv Vresl:7 fia8 tfli�t i i I more OVO 'the ith, floworg. is belicv6d tba' f hich' are im9pir6d in yOul by Our a2e.,, shouting own w. or' '0" drink -to (Ife 11 tile Ile, 1 1) Ith tile t ot- , 9 flerit was filled w t 0 the IS �UW C0110tigibit' of big o irlals, and bk Youlr,l sympathy 9 . calth, of , ir ., roof - of a building 6ollapsed for ifid raln. i.eatening t jPr6sidpint- oir-, the. French w odo ItIt tll?� 6f h -is that 101'llberty, am I tiuly -ParL9 at�j es. til, it ri tild ",w h* , awakened was, C q arrival 6f`thb,Voer trr6W10eiit_ far off lisi Vr hlIe­'tICe­6t6ple_Woie iting to wit- OuT -;Anse, W 1011 cri6s The resuitgI=hatth, a at In I - Kruger foF 11a4 "Irvived to tell' the, star om-polled. toro hfl�; ja rl�tjjrntl to Ellgfhli�l says hie ill, leave Y(W., , . of., poitcL dis! ..,9 O'clo-,k tQ-morrow morning, proud and. IrdilpX, 4i'linvi,rig clAosen, : re- and several rhiIwaY­fiibn -were -hurt. wreck., A wolnaiva, body, washed I per$e the�, deon0trittorgi- although - it mainilig one, 111, 1, Dljj liner OcuiL u g it en rout On.- resident Kruger ld�i the, �ar bp� as, iorc':yVstpr.day and a in y for, 4 voti r. past I t'. that b. lot of inding a �Po t '. in '�as MY PQ r was oot�4ound ocess4ry n$akb .,A: 're e rix Let rano( . P 'Ion is le rig W I - F6 Y, e cries ix t on the be. id b was,, grebtel: w Of let licit at low thle were Duidl ifl. colbily , should. )i tO.set rook cin free soil,, and,, -more'than aje ter p r r arrests' c a ree, man'. ghlqu ­'tb� The aib�' ­Xtooll:[ -to 016 �-aburtx-4 6f. Cape- Towh� e. recei*L V I VrItill nIq .fir - . Wt. at tilitan y t evehingo however. len Kru­ Of 'on tf-R of th�- tragedy. Lpexu eut for, all the . se 11 io Cos 1. of Yur,W urney rofut iiarsei 0- 'po4tru4ster t: � 0' n o our, la. hands, of-'stu.40n:9 ",and 6thet jo n�llsfi Va. 11 P. E, Vigntiultl; 1111106g,l) f tha 66tit I r , f =1e. Parl�i hit r6s ti f tell him.that: tly.%re fighting: for',': t orth all* Islands,, wired'.'. nlY` ently� it,. nern, at keectIffig. in iljt6lll'i,'ty It' at a a' f Anti -Iiiiijec full m6tit,113 yet. turie ny- ',ow be.half '6( fli,q p,reti,,11 Boals of b6lieie' thing pen( tere- er Ifif6im, seen iii. this coun- Ott t;onfirindtion,of the 0 isastor has been e se to iv. a , IIA 'She 2-e b, Itry -during a I- -ed watro,of outlook. in S)lith! Art lolleb Qomfiiltte:� :Ni.,'Cr4zI r. the 4 04.11vould. never hae CO t residoncb of ':eighteen rktor qf th,� Protocol, perforingo,,ta recen yea icil at nsented' to' It'throWs into the Tbe Iiii(Ison Bit'' Or,'[*' lell.t.,will supfl then iia Prom- rorl war, "I ,pince the -exT:leditjl&n, OWtho. :similar of �a .�earclilfig: I�Ltt,h-fier 'to any Ion'gth If rece t*' orded � to Ito ill' Of-41LWeso4.` Who wished toselze tho 4cc 131chil.au-. dent tobbet: Cxrebliuvl, durinE libitab o or, Ii partj out, but It 0 trauslent. PoTlularity: ,President- of th­ 'Municipal C.otuicil,' r twit R,6pu,bli 01thout,'the ijocq'ss'ity X [W E13g] -are any,:'& rviN,'OrA, f6r—thd there t Stepp I -'for rifle' 84110 - t I re- spon an3auti, ed min ate of fijiflg h ve n per. anij me and u Over 08, hro a�,Lli a Y,,, than the greetings must ave I, oft Ad% President Kruger . , � ceapod to: d' Wationst gi to ate tocQui Is AT arbl-' tile' Enip or' "s Witt lip,- WC.1116sdyl night' earli Yly a 'm e rur. of -R fiv, -�or each 'dddr It Ink Y has- alm, jeyen ,J:n _&lnLj_.1 Ilia n( Jicv' . ivas -bltblvip d day it on us 14, t,h i't 1-: travelled, to -day ftam a . 71-. uying fir dris IUC lids reaciied sr�lllje 3a )0, - Its.: Ot, ig era "I L u, my'llfe'A ho to fl paslsed Sholilrdk6 o -meating-of AfVil era Ve lia mallyll ex 11 allslyqr� lig, It LimesAne sava, es of 't eUA;,.Krugerj:and-it wa� a I�OdCfkc!d tit utt the tribes the, I SO mil�s from 0 . 0 fl� we- have, ral pal Can C shL-taildtv to, alitieir It AfricA 111 ­jIt Jolirrily, likei Allat, Of a= -Islands it tfi do d returning all 1061trt� �q..Ilgh� - ao�%v I a;re. r -from great victory. k ly" hil(I 1410 tilouglit" that of JIM i* W'Di ha�i jile, lein Tj_g�VI EM hes; -They qyepnrnk:��ifr wajR'E6methjng.tIfat SdDrlilflid ED Y the farmR a,e 1e.- t U i call o or: Ot V11 n tor e AM to' illstruct 'and r e.. r eturne�l fr.q Eiba'. alit V111 W Ovido he tc, tit sone"rs,: , .11 Ithd L to -day of hor T too 010, 8ay th'it I I - �Qwu, - P -%.UL KRUGE more lie own, Ov. i- . of Oil he- jilstik t it bread ea ohw l Ito 'o it ct I t tteverjhoy may db.,,vv ,tjL:HL�p1(j incidezit tit iist,(,,r f thi e -will, tiD -ilia was given a warm,welc6ind.' terddy, thp 'f ij, t -I t - Our great imperfeliable. c6fiff_ a' lap , was - at. Q l, was'. ti r ,enoo, r ernal up aad�&Own` in R-ruger's, ovati he 0i*kiiey Islai ter Of for t .00. Ave k e Ie 0 n6w uu cause,is Justj and fibat of Air Kruger's hot A and of- now. g1j,C13 til, Ic -ice, 1:' jilistle or -itr6n;t , d --t motif I's. WiLlIIng .0y at by the U, teivnd1j.;,.Wljo to� the hotiol as �thel� sc6nti� of beganle qp rent.. A.§ Out. -.t to -r,u!) on - , A orain ,it), �tlb.e unjq VIC gs, 0 a lf1(F--Tan'!acwr­t3tt1' -rs�. all - ml�, wll'ofm belon chorus for,Afr. I<ru,46r qp3the'TiansiF (liel '2 3100 lfuturd, wil) .� never ablando the 11th' wera Ir. Otter,' ev 1) uti- NOI,alid delldun,:Ii�g- 'England. Vhtese 'Seen in t tassure You that if tfie''Titinavdal P two-yeArd a t 'dem6instrators'were more noisy thz�n g xiehr'- thii:w'1.0ra,ngeFre6 Sta must 166e. dan rugOr.y par'. -Ile wolcodied on Loubot 0; 4 oi! Let webli. Quebec of it . . I -rival 'not skleftT, iju h' V 'that . e ger6w; �&rid tlli�e p6lice vl�jsely left� �h W'a I tlhee�endenqc,' 1 wx I be- bli6auee u"t them' t Q__Mieve . ieIr fee'ings..' by.. tho' d. mlls. Amc'r- ...�e octal Of' U113 n who frelluctit d' tWitliefir women-4:nd childr � Y' thern, n I s, and was recolv6d. at; Civil off, tlle'� Colonel a people havb "eti-di6tirb 'shouji; 'interfering lclx sr... but Y, kivers'of L-abrador, K d jv,.Ilcll�,Xhight'liave created'dis- roger plivered Ills in the in a. ordbill 7tjI.Roglifle'ri,of Artililer.:T46ke tho f The fnotl�len't jile!maln" tntL, travdIllng incogrino, 41-', CIO P.J18111139 g'roxinds.�-' rov'I low voleei..but oi e,, Magisbrfflte- Qlaj., weo� used ii'for r ell e: vbra,�in was one inxenge,,-th�111ing �11 � , P�ctoVla Na 9" ouit' of o a b' topic Of* 'aclamatIo4_a't.Avig `w of'Lu ndla. le v energetic Conviersatio tlils,evefi VnI IV rich s though 2,1. 'the-.. repr6t�ienta_ ing,, and indig-, f)Zie)r -.11stre, her nder, Roberts, t the r�t r�ac le -tire Ien't -L' tLein, gesturdsiot fi,apd.. . I I �d at 1�.111 0111111, .0,111 finiverfially aud,vgorbua�,� o qubet,, w wlis ey' mail, JVbII.LkD0NVjI a, Lt 7 let tilat of his dechlra� res J sIrp 11, . st nation Ivas ' Jers ritencols IY -expresq-d "bt en't �Of.;fndntry fq;rji . uttpred w Igor an the adult . better' uni navigator. no: let0es a- faltIlly %V4 linabro the. jlji.� -i par ..� n Montreal., The, X Other Inembdrk of fete thoy� lort_Ls mpiciltite- toip -crew w re, �;Oak td- magpif'y' it rVon wbre d classes did"nat took t I A, squiudron.of dlrzissler n 'be ich I - -a -d--frgm 1'91011 will -bO M it inthe'! atio-I of iron will', and trembled Elysee., A batthlion' 'of- ,,jnfantry tQ1 'QhAtIdii t, Will Occurred' With, joy, as, with bax-ed - ead,, he W QSAIrrg Itis appfeeiation of Whit P�oudikilft, second, Vicei?0Y, - ex pr Otobborlt. reglAd,iii0e. y,on 110 , arihing to c0fir ard of of their i)r 1. 0. rug' he. gazed thrOugh'4,111 t.) Ic jA- 8 'heavy gold-rlm�- f ' di d pro'$oLlutibn of:tfjC- the palace pald lim f t voyage ex scovery an Wvm4l4ty, Mr. Kruger, bore th r- tire spectaclea hand play,34, the 001r_;- Art Q spa at -iliose gwarthy, 'Thai ir ce0dingi, I ilitt jrepr 'while I L ,,, _ .% .. rom OfIlivirlefids . . I o If,r dv esentativos of. tlh4& ri.icrigh TrAntivadl, il`Atli� t) 1 16 lb ThIrty flan be asa lie, looks'" vorybno: ex e, n -the'. b better hea fIstonishment aryiy nal dntheni.� Kruger Ith It !_ or, fore Ii : ..'' . : I adid,'blealthy� pI I I . 6. left Pretorlal. )year-' of th ault, r7 T, 611ecn a or. miner; Joseph E; ll� The heavy.g, anco -of'w.' nger,� consideri Legion -of Ron III ve roligh 0, ng lirs Ur"Itish, Cries. ress ross ou tral*.aavanced 'north, he- President Loubet ujrn Visit ault, :cabf rj=,tp: offic6 it 11 1boY,;' Gus, 'Lafl '011tY4011i'liavq, which.tife GeIderl"d.e' counter ldlftanced- age.' lie Walked. ffirmly, P. to, r-randan proV. nPoh'- "his dot - I-BrItIs,li,'nQte . aftli6 gel��at the'llotci Scribe , oom. be EUgone P loan ourifey, Oe� . r"ident KrjU r y U)"I f., r rl'ilef cot,pritill' the MbdLte ed: too,.Mu6h, 1'�ji cdilie' C �ngl the' arlin o -the, -distinkiiished t dri'116 c' a d theAtindiji.ig stage.-ta- , Wore'.aula in-Or6 marked. �iftouts lasted �0,mhiutcs. it fasald thif tile, on'. ro kre I ame -4 . . . . . . L P o0,1�111011­ urope h of 4VIVe er, represitxitilig Preitt t 10 shelling ON I .9e:s nee he rWLLjt6cI-j 11W . i ­wRYT c.nCe_-aFjuost as. requent rn e was'.-Ise"Ick B I)r jQyds I nd i%U f as Ahcitie'- Cl'd'zi t7en(,,r:t At Mr UgL dwit, . 0 Boot! I;' ..ger -showod, little effects of to] r. t tile t5t1b6t,' liad,prcv�iou8ty�.coille t ' I'll rl .11 "'1 . -it, Or see,, n. 0' utk;lclp lttg6rn6ar 1, e 9 part In the�. Ova- .'Dr. Leyd.9'at 116 ickn6s: 't-o�dily, and iit6 glinent4''fkin Or, tli6se. carrulges -ban tf-ifni'lig. Baer .1 Scrib hearty, 'Officials, tiOh Weic tII0` I-st, gjed I in re.. 0. lofidhedn��WhfieVward. recelved-cldjo:., Und these were foll6wed by 'flIrtIle _ ", "I I ., crew, ,t Cast .-are ljoltrunteiii gar- xr, for. file ff-d RVOWn to nam6. e to clieval., W-11 11'. We 0 tand hodfeilqs�'[' 71, W111flovirs 0 the hd,r i o idtia In (!� �lb� t'i Ullielpal 0 icers, of,t deld�r- V, ,I ir the hall of tile hotel-.— eiii-eld Of TjWr_ - 'f I . I a' r, w.loWo body w.,lj; iq pro -wero ffled ThO mob ITh' a sovbrei' tilal-,'as oil tile L, :[.. . L I , lb Comillittep., athouaajl,,Is,6f red -.capped arill t bach. with a Mr 16ug6r,Aid t6 liste'll to a,nu fo�l 'in, oll her of ttidr' 4krid' sliduit'inj" enLjljj� o proccl�'Sion, I ari obeeiing T (116g'ron, of -ch, but, to Otis societies wLtt!j Ost, Nrpi, ni&i!ly, fta�p6omo banners, of the hall irls- and escorted'Ity'a p6lice,Lfo It, illo.� on' tlie� itioll;ll poll .( . I I , fif r fa -lie let ree. rhllitalr*Y'ef�ioent. was je 6f the ci�)wd madju add St, 1611fils IblY'fat t) the anc nen's, behalf of.. -Aho Irish' iiie OF. 111fantry. At' baledDl6s' �t tj Davltt,� dell ns of the .."30tli abd erj' lit, -f 66 gu. iii as'igent fbr a ..,men 8, or a,j "W41-61ficors 6 _.bkgB JU L Liqd.jiiii 'ifs _!gi s ", . T Alichil'ol Iedged 'lot'll, ne., 'tire It r' . ,�ercd a short 'crowds that fillell'the' kildowitiks' I' 104th. Regil, hwas te bousps,',bldck Alal6bn" th ;�appi evoked', mb its, night I Wise 'afght-so'ei7s w4,vjng� on. n_d`r_CTireT6_- . libovAL'Con t 11 'In i t and- iandtt� _#_ L_ 1, orlds, Of' "Vive 11rel . a , lide!", reknuod. FieVerpt Mints, . a . ong4 V11111C. all(! hefll6ra t I.qt Old I e dv, the ro to "I Of. ute tV towns, t.jalij (lia not 1sto T pr on ted to It 4e g1t oi Mri ras t -the 1 lilip and on Ile L i--rugeri 12, -of roat ;at$ forturd ts"they COUI(I tp' OL this morid t tip ar of, :1 filell sta� y C gVol in gula unik ar. I t Ing or, III the ball.of tile fvoulil be Will p . L I, �: 1,200 tit - or' replied R, W110-1104irtilY joined Kx�pge r's., c 110ring, to the first addr4sii, -ation. Oil aLtr1,ving,4tLtfiq' is no -night's t .0 rs were greet.;, e jdn, lij9111t,; O�, tile -latest, DY At. 'Thou oeb IsIdet o n to!, Tire f th e Un r- oer lymn. 01ILf. strains f ii )n,t WttUC,'wIi(3 preae'nted the, "thi) to Mr. J4�" a nd on* tho, hil offlell. "'Me beferico of i0is ilro* t IV< t gymb6licid mbranze Plu�..Ycd'b 6c0"band wfile tij-0 night,' Was, OjX0nover`t6'bq forgotto . no, Is 6f P,' eniltled'. t.0 , N. -it! erl -it, 'tile and f w Hom Olt ranks', nlitbor- j_, , .1 ", '' - :thb�-standjzyds, ad t, 0 bdre'-, ra.'6cj.t1s1!: sklobt r a -passed I betrween fV1 -PUrty- Of Intints.' (I'll bxpregmd,ln IALq,9pcc6b,.aj -f 0 -his dpait-+ -tilLt III this coruittry so-�(Yften fl,11 00tine deternifnall6a to resNt to., the headeaj titallil If( r "ding, one great obj6c-fw . jva t( 'old goor .-Pregi- �)artj� has every W48 ter Of. rugee CO otl6ed tbliti a said -the situation r elt THeoloir j,o ii1s, that the' passvrIU6�s alld croqi this rney leatl.At I ij Av, Von, I rlblc the 13 ed lflfi� rot*, but" 'it soon after.. hi" ires that Aft. IC wpletelycap- Aho biffekoi 6heor .1. 1 If, X patI,j)) `h(t WISO 16e able Or (let him; At "Ise to a thu- I W tile. nitive. d, oon appeare ie "VO4.6 offic Ual' :oCiI tbe.i oft' all, tfid4, TheY now" h pp. eared. to be er ed poople'. !"no is their herp, their Ido].. roecpt]'6h�'j, there. vvetb 11,;�v num" bOr6, ut"Jilo vrals; Hot balcony and rep �PtjsuTO, and tha:t tj t I eftifedly howetj,; bu.t,. 6 t of s, the 'rely t,)w the jVlt, altdr tb IIas. f1d te olln'lit6s thre egal-08 lIaLk ofWar.L. + to *Cibbliles."by the prefect I I L hopeL ale blftp�qcl without of'the, l4w6rd a Sign of abtbinont in the entiiu-; and LIC . 1Mer and CIPMI�Y "of Rftrlis; th iikc lo'nt Xrtl�, is very delt Wbll�t nihires Ht n n-sation'ont f�e nd I tile f '8 took tbr. long -be bVdrth owil, by he .,,spoke a,. few wor �tr,,,Lnds� - or'i do; wh ;.ift crj v( lie trilli" 'to eX act 0 11,tOTI`&i OIL by .-Dr. hilra. era. of. 6iL pull. of 1, dto r rhep t,.Y. Nt ova7 ydS,, and Were follovvo(j. IvIlat thcy'&011�ld' tInterpreter rmWill nility or the 66- by tloh% for lon from 11' IA, to 11 j I§L helrerEf. to. testify of Air., . ru , 9 , Or . a -spooili NVilat tile h'lltwmil of, freloy. wt ation took- it . Ills Atnds t lit, by i6meiir VAtWide �' Ion; othlo t0col Ilotel, da Were 098 rig" Vol.. never _aXpectec say'' that 116: �e wppld Is or.% that tirod. for to if L froin he balcoily between' a attlaoto ;of the hotbi be pecolved wl till qvl�ll On, IfUld Preo Ile early to.i�'6r I I'l 'Uri 'it" to'IlIA levseiritfliur 1 arid Tran,syltal nd 1`4114 to' alilliddy.the o, fl I t'llklt tile found loo wl1i-V'om.dn 'o adgar'l ro- livellis, O -n Ij (-t r till 01h In the I tjj�, I r In r)le�o f lt Le e, M. y eloquent I T till 1( 0 tit I , I j ll, tn, r f . I , , 11 toll r"'Ith o'tIlk! (,It,y cWt­6f 14 bA thtj htii�d or t 1 1`11 I, Ord, ked t I l(, si lot 'a 4 tn lie rb tcp In ri t_a a z t ec n9 up n. I�ee ,gy On....... .....