Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-16, Page 37`7` A Oil V: liallista, whoo,showed JIL hill, bbw- to 00'. . �. .1 1 1. popu" -X d,, in _J, . + with corneW)14�t of tile. 41�70 ILI vert. h.W A04L. Y. or pa �qqqjj`6rs a up looklag, fit t to iiiv, t - w. , -H , k - T IE .6 .0 'S 1'- 1.1 -A , tinod,�txn U Ate W4, QW "'40 , ftr�tble, in IM'3 91 ialtive at 714t blea, - --a 1 - Pao to Re i + + 0;�fik a, large "i ot- Oer Pop - via + "o, -d litre�I ar do rk objX-t, eartilej Wv MA All0h, � I ; � Ix , 01, tha I d Got, d co'' 0; HO .1161 e I of burnt . plo.ffit'joing for;0ffl.p0 nO .1 lh b, An. 4 of iI r -6 tIw,:i;'004W 109111 110 40 worse t _ YR hit Ih tux viv;viorld.. 'full" of the r� wlkno%� I, e,,., all, e.010 - Ills. ).?Oc. e �10 H 1 & Leg' ITO It! -; too, �.rujled ��aw oir looklop; Igara - thlit, hoyise. Tic), girls liurrL: had NMI leg ,%v th a Pair A 06,ivp'totbe� )l + .-O.11ofetitiallee, and,althost as 4001 it it pheket One upon a time the 1�111g_,Vlna of remove romi h to.' - -t ley, r * e ' aelli�d, it Tin, ixti tUlul 1301- . e UY ,qf. TIveverg, 'lid r the crowd PP e C Writing tlle,;tllk .1 17, t-ile f I'll- a Grea, T he',itioudered if the ot. p i Varty�ad. ided tbAt 0IMP ollolllt lkol;. were hot be elbctq4;I poii t,hfiq 11,14 ;Illy- 90 s which, had toou �IIQIY :WPP14 giat qteR- at ' In, tter r. Ticket could T Be glatCred lEittiliO, r­nrlmbep&l� ap3oryig the I-oxie Asked 'BlAtic e, tl, IV o Recognize the The vlloje-lw�, o. r: Re It 4�' It 46d,.t tbl.6g liaprpe"�id ?" beet), Te dr lutvlYt qecl be 11, j direct.,. v' . ehi,j y to If 'it lia n -to, ad "ad, ."alliti,ght' W- jjj�r)� t '..failing, ove��Offteh�Othot opid vullep. to 'Inen when the.earth AIX411t, the Aibboyi Yon it'll -den, They ., (zar In th-ir Mad 1�4ill 6, g.jt.jfit(lI Litic or, thp 06dr with the I . der jva4.� turh6a up. or w4em� they dilfit the N '111i'Ve W' ��, f lopfIlug �0 Iald 01 t1b L er as happy. WIfIl MM& NY 41vd, and kin Axi, Miss he. 111111, ' �ttt anoic GID t1livy tia o, vorking for ILIMIr R to ift the.u;idlAturbe( W110 LIO. tho ri t and th, 4,'mpa.tily,of d Suppr>r .1 o qtgck 0. _thjyjCjq fpet a ieavy,a . gono, to �11P. D.OYS Ills ly, j The ni oil w6S, shliting brightly. 9�61 I - 11 1 %ttolu orf,beauty, and gi-ac, :ipi, ' WatlIerl0d, r0telf, fulln T -tro jyusi �told­ appliielu in pbapo.d. obj tiger x, glint I oplodbod defacied b -y thno, but befirIng, some, w-11 . "Lt. ar, PA, , In to KTIferr4n`­ AbboyQf,�1141 alao nt411141 T6 the t le Pe Air. Wu WOO;, soid: Win 11'1� Vie, ruiltS, of a, ­90sliffelice qtrek WIkIcil. had'. Two Difell WIL' xgl . lip, , 'Xilferrab, regarded e fth, -I)eCli- mongtyous� J)krd Pers ?" III: VIICO­I�.lq 1111f: 0 Iinliitx i1vt toese bla "'J.CA4110 tell, yet,. jt��,-Nv )Iialt alla, whWh 1144�d out, th Trodetlilyn,' gi laticha ilmii, favor. They II&EI" f(I'Llad � Oki t ifith �eak Ii.11A claitys andt9ii.t-strotelled ustl�put lit, iiksr 'w'51dow 0 . f helr,-�Ivii iii66m,4iCthe hiaw- �On- a loi:lig tlifte'to d0cipbOr tit lkva� - . � *%-, si�rl, 14 -Deer ill, eyer3 CIr'hI6-qf 90011 lyfoud, - rjja� x>kod' at* It, 7. Fiojit- tll�� lt'6urtli 111('I(IR t 4.�ov'Avvl.� - wlio4 I'll I Ifid, I 11", Ohio, unjr.tjur6J__ iii'ligil. 'A", -w%-, Jor_J 4C.ast Iron, t b.d J._-', A Iji,A$ poll j4OlG4rp,,n ced') �OL'�'tj,E) Bceliq� Thb 'fi 14' t 1111.11's expi 1r, �mg, run.- WTt T". eauty hieli Idl(I to. lncrca.L;6 11,telt,11111101I INgtenitij; to A �Znesa. impresro t d otif'o, 1jivi, ot, tlii�co papem thr6W,',a:IJ9Ikt'u* 4 f emility of -it. grc;it xhapge had fliliell onto, In, the :mYthni�iWIL, Of tilt, th.y #6�6tbht? tam onji . to hri fit 'this -of tbo, -Abbey out. d Wore NO�;O- ( le wa,'I "IQ 66ple, �Nv.� When' had- emptied- the p8hd pal� a VY:;' j0rCdet.jiI3,a Cast sionable and. Konlatitie -P 'o. . . I k atj '!ar'A Y y PO Or 'NT�11 1�� Val ii,�Ie ilide he j., if -hp ald n,6t-:JhAYG- ip + tie 4" , " , , -lot har& 1�,Ir 'BernarO, died jL. 11WID 'hld -at. narwic-v tileir own' In.% the, pla6e known"as t114 F -r W k. As L�50 01 nevfY Umbrella 311kdf�.Ii` )liq 4'rin: li el was, or�;arilzed a 646're the 'co iiiina, tut assoblaf;ea NYA4 InIscry apo, �.a, the rheq 11;oiind'a�b the ., U j:� , ,v�jy 'other War rupleCon. of, t1 Garde . , .. - -a U S z 'KIlkerran, tvw -enco. It, quitritity of "at Blaitzilei's il&ds6r`a Sion, mlfVIIt9 rover rubbish, dlid.iio)MLJihe&vy 'With . the PQ I "the SaLaO I laid qdIlled . ! I it� to. Ilim, atIolit It,, - Ivi 11 lie jl:Ifj Cun�10tiolYS On �ised(itlllyll *EW. j� At Mr. Y'lt1I9ba;Q'J4 ritKItICSt, lilitted, -gave thf 0 retilovo them, .1 1 1 1, It m Lill :ard bef0c) 'Stolies. �khL�, )U's4; Trq _ IV rittil; alld. ITIIIU.Y --n �ttlj(l fill' Issue, apd had w Tliriy. miould,: giW d Qjr' ' ' " I the National . (;6. �tjjjjes a all e4t;, -,and, hd it. up th9,:cASitIe- )on,, of "the 100pt found "binjiva0l them. ihis.-Stli go deAlvq ft., Ill in a MID ioI tilt) taak,'6 bceji.:Pjaded�� tit DI on Muni - i alid �,ndfoi'j �Vith -the On() or twb.l , . 11. . r u 10 111 objpet..1. 'Jd0tI ILL. tinfilie's 9119-' knowing �"Miol piwin Letters. t Biel Rcoln an I their lCkILUS It. WhIl.e"'Ole L BI 1-1 111�- 'f6ir';"an. unlimited 'time-$ but`+J.JIL� ted at GeNnilatt'g.1v"a tili, postill, tb, Pieces, IT I I' p, t elpi ['Dw4iars illj% g?�7iod imitdoivil.-All" l6itl-piug-�_ kee!niaot -intei-est. 04, t _'�bodo at bught we ed, a* BID- his By'SOMOL'Ch, liep a ha(A.Ln ornted q X 0. '6111 � Jlfr I f': tilv.,in bi lee. "Elfilk, . 0 red,!- Zko tak6l, dP I ' I bod (i�4, 66 fit tt -Si; but, oll.(i b a3� from i.1116 of qn iti the -they -e-lY,IlPX1',tfi6M. out 'Whi kL -a` xie* Spo . aradil ".'ed Man 419*tlle Vic 'I -IN IIU " W thIll to th�, 't,wiluxe 1. G an,. as kio*., 11. 41n6Yn. 4114) 'thiiilt thei-*was "ai Iy, a mere. h6�, tlldu�, INN 1 0 It! ra� In it, Site talked Y OP at- the -ened,-i�oiisti6u:�-roo1ctil�L-I IuMP,O -oTV. . hit It'a" f;incy�i)' tlin-for the r . I -as' th Oum , . I Ii I f 11 r1i rificec;, ThdY got o -r` . alid Ale, jettfi,. for, 00. Foling f Oft ��vai h'fl(I,4 to' Say- cou a . 0 1 -unreftlittinglY, and jf�x life, so' long did -not Ilk : 0 &�,GooSl FejIOw' -1 At 8rp denjina,'. itjj�d -, Mri Vti-ughati, now .01, Y4 -!r3: - Itillia e4me 'jjlCie. 8, to Be ''a Vegapil6i 6 . �'ili jqic� I n. U; Of, tlkEY A D, lettem. from i;ed it,, after It, lAef examina- I 'go thopsan( roi a t ar V 011" 60, a lectolwh, Of uiLeient foi t ie io tuail., had ALS stan'd. In ki rlvfW The loneli- ralfy,4� thealibi rut and emithot, Willch had Oiliqv,�'allfinat6d, tilt) I Bretich 'an'd take the Q6rnei wItjl-�>ut any, J-1 r 0 e. -in s 11.4 the zlesi �or -th". glace, tile si�angendsa- of 'e6civeid,One by every ihnil,'and the fablijo atiLd I jjaii,o no d6ulIit 'th'at,it 'jiteno In'ri.-hicii _-.4ho took Such 4liOlt J11VA) ifyish-Bone. if, any rut Ill liw; 11ug,11 Bill. 0aff, right '�be lintiffietl Nvitil Hooks, to e part of t. is tjl,�, MO. ili6re'luid 6 vilarm for Bltinpfie' bi bpleit -Lla.),B of 'her life, %i,bra tb�glq� is, it lectern. . iviLlvh b0l6ll kl! 001 &A. n6 4fort.of ber1lilagtitaitib.r.4 ll,adi to gubdde(l f-'Vofies a' a. Ono, had, . I I i I %* v 0 ro Aortic t kvns-bettor to h r sorr6W, � art,,]' . igh oh Which the -4a lettars, drri�cd,- itind tillie of- 1110, h4i , J Or I: lon t. 911 uld, b '0100 .( ;ame*., Xosida%. I ill lit' tllb� Slight i tile, e.oinjumn oat old Alk6y'lill. they brc dtlii�tll Qu bf the y6u,fig TnLstro�s of' KlIfe'ri-all"' ill �N '0 , aftoi,*�Liql (Jls(-us94,,d - rs', alk�'l 'that it lvam f1filig. W " Who CO the, ba�k 14. itli caux Fri a whlich Vimghain nuI,;Io'to*1LPrI; when upri gilt '0,ut4i( e�r 4-1 88 11411 in. d arwji" of �a heir o, -;lJ 11,elp ,,In t d, no`dis'w -lie -rivals zind disious- the 'the Xbhe�' te, that nIk Yarn -ilk �e al f ItR. T I its klilli hion-I t linto, , 1, , -1, ]it jaci suinnione rist tAq .. 6 �ozi(:!artt contritst,to �h, Rioneral alons h4fl'i�� (]it- It -iolfg tiline thatill54 !7 -6e hd:', thei 91tor t Ohiin�e tled hls[ I . Man. who dehit* i trit I L,5,.4 redeth, t Vou -IliAdlng bS- 116 P out an Int to. .. .116 tho - Bootle, rice -of Sore this, be, Peas, C0. isunt,hier id, Y'g' tit, File lla�ia to lated OIL. th viovery of, ��.O valuable. tlible on' tille, p,�richrnelllt got the Doq�- 1 .'Once or tv; . fort , Vc. 1 .111,1, 11 -of -95, per e Si!.!nce t1i6se sunny Ile *a ' [it. 'th-A -1nastnuch As� Ohi . 11r� toLl find 4nioresiill Ilakl'out, �ogotllel!.� ith rinelples. ; In Tredethlyn, , a ' 8t.iia.rtge a rat!ion weie . . . 11 1, g., fllobjiv!� juity Ill. -I said -wh!ch. made , it.,, I. ut-till Buell it a "' , - - . . we .88 on ad Declarei: for In, 'had conle.ot-fer Blanche hrunk fri;Im th )LL you]; I)fopr Y. Iooge shiTts C In, The -of 'tht� Sevorail d ble voters,", 11 riting: -bey, called, hit sityr, of Uough­� in his lf� did nt s& the 9 w _.Th Was! all.0, III jt tile' . 'Ito t 1 ver in. 7 tt ALTnever t her' over, 0' 'iey 'talked'it,o a Wjtld -y. said IYC acceptod that 44 , f a spirit so fpoke rc C, d hands sa6ok- inew VxLItjhgo -1)ut they:,rubbi� 'illat �t. had it Stario looked askajiee, 'th fi, : 'k 0 nnd one 'R m: 4t tli�,reax of illb Olym': 'd Iiii.lSbotil- joytil -and -so frank, very far off -Ii. In;S61LI--A Y 1114 lyut th: hlwas reported rdeb- for - 11i ill. it 'ROr., N61tlier, . And -)r td" 'his -he,". lie pus, it. and ay. )t p6wier to eMb`,tt6r;c wh�`gllded near i�). her, li� "Binne t a, IYPO ot, the 01. nols, was her 'g,rlei foi her It, oMaof bq g a "'' * , tilo, a. nil: and I sincere' .,.as X w Nvi th, 710. Is it ? ikrrjI It,, wre of"the'abl)e Lily White, who sell:10111, sto . od bY.ttle 'Spent on void 1 Sj;�Iglit Ticket that-' lie 'carried a, AedomOlices 4nd fail of the e i:iig It. RUtli'vell oa) 'Lt luinp, of 0111 "No. a rea t;reaBilre­­a, asure 33 pitunt Lo'zeng,s rebellibus. ls'-ay was Ixg'':11111.11P "or, COM*1119 trL" jLtioilIs:'Oe- 1;e.Aord of Little S4ck'� jot him, iind re IcIne ness,- - was I pbt of to jcW4,IF� nd Ut. a to And ci cTigI411r! ti or, vnigill,1103 :t1ned to fdIjbM -)':6ur jt mlilf` interpft i'could-lial, and Itit lie W 'il - ' - new - 1, d pa.4ited tha ana, put I a t1la GIMI's III illindQstan hf�td` buen-, Bitoolo i6ter- y bil, 'It it, tby his' -V 0 ano ter or,g call Adybqd.�_ ell tie d pald for, 'It they took a Ifor ttver, )IS Prorno6, Vote I he �U*Tltlxlp `h, re%,Qr woveh with the, -�torv' of' Qui; own. ffin'though t In he.Wmz t 'Roo and'- T, S. Art his ..the twOoi`-­.t.1r a rul 11 ling ati. na ex1 be +6her Innke tia U111110iPa t I tbell1g, very Ilaving devoted as e tI0lj bo� in Bit ed: to, hW Library. 1.4 I'lothing, �t of'�'AP' veiy - .-Her pro-4pec F4 fr g emi" the 0 1 ildlida,. an a. 'JIM. bad boexiablP to Thle, �tr, 1 1 tftes.4'. and of Itillill- at "I A's lie' Saw �oiilance melt lli� iar?, s e . e I lill-OL I t! -h to Fill. 1'. Used proal \'Ile Table,. had IiVi famil ore' Wli mile ratti�.q -bond all lip fly the"kn6wiedge" ring, ver ig % carried:InIq bult, Sit hdi;Q 'The who carried.. Ila 'but t'here -oil the 3 t In. -Iter 'isweet., low Yo �c Liberally I- Will.toll Id get- It iUac;c severa � joate ..over overWeiglit �d-,-:wbirc- Vameos woul k- I liter eYes, fill a"L.0ay' Itlig Ian --,v<,r,,. livilic.-h tjlol�.Ic a ljorne n Salai,yr aOd. fob �was, a t e es,. nd, �rllibably big' r r -away loo illitia, ill t 'gotl Office, able to i�iirn -a' few Tr c 'a little finlal tl an t' I a Igo find -hli6vj'd '01 1 1 . ' , .. . �.. % I I �§ on ihelld Mind ale Spa 1-4 to exam. for till lh� sl ence. arde �Uali t tat' ust bqfor�e WI �t T. oli e sk-LI irclejolA k t , Veryb6dy run 'of Is tlif� Or S-� up , so ILI in' rativo and it Be 'd and f were. sleli' �arond 4n it QL -AA busly. caret f r or� of iLlwA rolnx lizi Iclor"Llk. much rubbing. w.6.111(i he be, Illeir u It lety to nugir4 bra,.,;6s,,aad ilu� bf thw Or Cnij -190 It e r, lie e It- 'sornt, wrq. b*ver ol. hall fCity Clerki,:. zlippod to Cou he 'llaa. 8 art girhi watched the 6olnin�ad int\,UP - IN Even the 0,4iiddn ,Q,,eed 3olkini. who' had yu-, w"�a_p no orl i0piripanied perfebt. ',T1 t Domink-k i t w in fall ear kepC oPulse, r, IlLo the. Y, not,\, more iz Ali i 4`1 teb" eim. of Pr of. Miter xill, a. ha. 1)ebple at Bittr- Ine-W t, titn" Ih :11 tlw' ferent, alone. wchhe wAs'ln0rel Ifew r 17otea� sit" 'If the:.,, 't e 6veiit W oi�d and,_r t-6 iihibi,floor th-� loont, failened down iimujb� tilt to - Id ge u ill III's 01 . fi.- 3ve t�n 5 Is mone oil on ber.1 t 4, cl or lie N tdM7 rl rul 0 jilako-him Ci f Clerk, mitee IUal. oiisol tellT.) ni poun Pd. an& the ori t It IIU16 r Ali Ill. oll. of -Iie'r` in cl6hied in, S6, in h i I., d qk: o I 1, 0, i 4 tog -befofe : n.d 'two ln�'th Ri; nclw (Oillialtild itip: ere had usbd to be You arti4ollow gligh 01 d U ties, Garden k*c carried. She lillb itot 80 rij I how- a IV. I:Ward a `_ "VILIPU hd .4rid, the," o 0 Ito tthe ition T res 110 ,Pug -UiLp Y. la. cv. i V trustinik, h4:' ain OrK x1j11 Ilu UUM W1 P Ias:.- h':) %, ter' I;ILI 1jeLl wa X�el �71gh ws bi Were .7 1,1 . d s- �"O. -eozr o F, C.0 C At elerop o'clock oil Election.']. ..kft, t'd. Th, ted figh loiyer en r thii tifilo .:11. sx. ras :sU -eff t. estor re e sat at IElP + in " a t DID, arru jilitst, s - lar uis fore her . the nfiiv, -I, ompleto-10011c-i. niqrrv* a poor girl, and I r. d lie 1\OmI­" I hg �atid . be bi; I J.' of �Ile if 'lie. I it cce VoUng Hit artUtic I . . I. . . . - I ev, I urn Low -1 6ut.tba�t It woiild,,r e -dno-, -Chil P -,l lit'411oll lab hcoc ttlon T, U6uli Oto-deci e.�� e. till' :Tru, a k c*j( not Of dr�li greensward. -it is a but Y. 7 'Wifet -s eel. f and We, old ol'q, abbey; yta, rrid-ated' tsk,,,waii i,&niplet4b.'Lil-r.:.%"dilglidiI de 1'94� t -If 46 ael ghastl��,- but yet if h� ne. sec r Ix' w�iknq itifted I 6r�d nitilt! ted'pew 1) e us prospereL �ar ae ahelid and still' Run III ng. 0 the f .,taking it as. a, 0 e. tIn y it t '.'r itiAti'tu'do o ug' pol- zo Inste".. o a �'ip baye jdulid -Lupe sit,. 'I�eople dId- lie got gore t -.De� tora �n th.:, real as Oth�r -(Ireaihd,. -ed, 0 Whitt". p6ojijo� Lin 11 t Universal I.101,13 ot� ,that, 01 'very to, knopli - Uid. in.. Qqn6,riij and '�61ned [1�6 of ill �qn, Whtch,had"beento on Shall I r PIC suir, 1�3 gill! rl�lit e4d tU quic y out fill eentiell a' itt' to -d* bou thie�-monev, 0 1111 1 11 St re The -y: � J, . 'Itartl *d-�- oppo t t W, It.1, ninch :ri6rllt,* Third (q] a - Of bug!5 VIA I'vIouid it e311 pietation ? Thoe iI:ro" a, :SM01 ori- &)jjdjti out(],.- me tere'.- in this, Work; difficult -y' i,oil -Orintlhg. They an ang/. Ton e [)t ll� P601 �rjjjj ti f ore' than n my olidlionif fice, %rons" - a -d.,with: Aji.)ron t loll'.. _�ret 'Out- SOme 'N 'or, ryo!� j Q� 'a -Re ne *r bonkfit, the now y1'46 is 1-hiiiiiii, theilliours WI&W -ire lit h -W omhe Uxt Ide n le -bry, and tl "Ison� 7. 1 1 p vaq e oll 4 and sik k 4lin _Wli6hce-do:�-t1IeY_'cOme_71-' nd. Fill to i4fil"t-A abo.rat- Library— am -'not� dtse4m­j�l; � kardly .",now Win 1:46611 rilljg.� B) ey'both the Cook J61leved.1111h, of 'Go ib. n Fables. creasels. tjlet �Ge' me ? :%nd,.,,iv3iy thore anill more con- itroadered j�: nd ho hat In idree bli, tit. I I because So tlj.:� bee of the urnace A'de's ith ? 'd �.thoth., JAOP 0 is ab nk 'an tur l6okf)d af1`111Y --made;:.Und P 0 n from .31ftif acher. -oidd bei;' and of �ez, ttie figp. the. -h to 'this nifist no What. W tfie_hlght�whiirli -Y Gold t(j oktle tli� r: .'Frl6nd9 lie 'Ic'etern. m. all wbi' ­fivin the. Qoa)- I` No tio'n q, bobs t; -applug tlje_. -44r- old ft". I - aItl been "n t t tip, U Is I 77 of the, 544 61, t I, e6e,ia Ift.jIg we have How GI6m, IntOntAon. 'kill 11, 1. 1 t 0 I.jco� :askibd froth th),19*, ii, A oes 014ety' b6tter. if.. I ( t and .'.,the about it: but , e, a' rO All -1, -little 'ilive, seqn1l I I k of ry. ma,WU­toch(j$-.ljje,, and 'Mr.'Vaukhan 11 n A else oetird tlemen�. lnse�ts, - �.jjj j, I is :qry o �,grea, ull Alim 0111'. un. t '41fing for' -rpd',As ra, L-n6w - tbiDy -itre loilik".hil- fearfulli 'for' ofie 'mind iiout, tilat. �l .-Is C, p. of tilt! �y one 6!,er thiijuilit, oU w beew adaire Lt' must,. 44xv o-- coin oid d., was 4 lie fainle' 110 If'w cllaxilcl�l �ilzw lir 1 r a tf, �Jlv or but iO ojitw injoktali ills t bel" f ea tracoslof WhIll e' ti * Am.not "Any why pot-,, <-'elillita ?'IVJIV lin or P..Ck.ehiI a;nie W0003 ,-know" - ley tkm he -Blit 111 .118 �ns, dI6 I not t( 10k 'its PI' like Witir F.) filtil'thifig of' the kill I tl�,t,:,42,3 T04L ethl. AS: It o -C if- all(] co star. cisat 6, 9' st:reet alite -1hilIdng'- wolild- -111;e g od as ve and I't. mll hao� ap otra p. Ifk- .plied It Ptent tir fe Ly bitf.s6, owh--�V�ith f thID' lnv�iitor rapidly passin 'It!, aiiii ir: defai,r fattier, it but T fool no illness. no Pa -1 (161i't 'd,.t r.9f 060d lie: cAlig it Uhn "j) yratull rLp,. advor ISO tire: t;W.6g Its Recently aft mj fro livI13 -on �'.711'db fee in roof 6f. a tka. Inplilgil,mvviould twear!;nessj It Is tl L'dyf' to hiliv. "Be&Aatigie it. iYoulid be� wrling or Vol); ith III, ore � bciBh �klng what' as, o' SOL111(" bs,. itd off ju undpr't KI, hn for ever. I lore -11 -Ul.tn infloor -and th Int4 tualiv IV "I'o1w I.. Iffindy, hot with alLmy M v dvarest itl-No, 'bot thorlil lf4,' ("116 iof. and. of rne', 1011 llla� III IJ: is lotifr j"fulturil "got beIA il I id it td. -ft, yotir ell, of jAill t to- top at Nvit'll oit:cry ebro 'TI141% or , "the fitit your far, t pasis .n.g to Ahe uld, not lia re 'tnvo P16tlgi,�i­of .911plior f6rg. ngenix ;,,giiudgi.11g hotni, �-(Jil took �-6 sdreen- n,one Ido Oti surely, or :1 co t �Jlol)% t w Ir% ''Illp ais for t -40rt!, Elf I I n. WWI` %ii,111611. B,Llt ex othiliat 1'en heshe, o'Ell M, bill my.�plf I eo liI& ii6t It, P not III W Will Ito �11601g- I olle 11 fjhoi� )III's ! -t inslile o it r Ivri-th 'cheer fulAlope, of I think, considering tha to et Or tilbip r tilt, Ifir retur In, a hit r(jit'sir I f0c )1016N � luin" I IBut .1 do not la� Ilit r1,11so *Irk*., ois L1-11 of 7 w1iieli Nity' DID n,,1 -'xny dre III lilfoll 6in" bo o- on . v ong It gelip, tl� It', is there -it al, Ing tjw. \1, 1111; I'] tTlie, 101`0 eX -br. fill! It, r nIt hoults You It ml ot) d��Wft I, j IJ, 1'. jr, n_ n! me, 'khell 1 t Efe, -wit-1011 stIIwl fII , It hilt ity L Imt, t 11 itl can lot 1111deFli 11( 7 011t 'of - - �,; L o' ---------- J.,tr6uld toll', MIN sto It 1, lIff U -T At kN_��7 N. -ill ](It livi 4 o, t i! L i �'Il Iii. lih V ve -1.11. kg� I ks 117 of I ;Who tole] IIIY itstoo. 111ght .411 - Xod Wave 11 till, �0, fio o' ALI Ni dolle Will, 11 the, r),(I Irot I v tj rj it if lit( vt�, 4t Itgill he-ni t v the. nolitivolis F�4st;� IL their -no ftVioitv 011 in rld (it I fo d tit infIt %,Oil O'll I. nTilt' o0 1 ftaltnV 1.4 r I,. 01' 1)�) l'ir 0 rk I1in, 0. I�i go V e. lIZ64 of1pt �44 qf greh t owx I N9A 0, lit !tgil lq I,, t lit, 11 !:11 t atoil ell! Ain r iva,4 W v hit No Iaft fay TI 1ttliIr b" lip: oq� 4 \oi.n (,oil 11, e- a I to U0,1 ta IL T 0 -pit, t dial's 60 '0 il' Wo le k1ti �ek4uil aCIO aro nd d t it- of. th d red e 9 of' rice j p t h Ale ? IV I -low ar a tire a d Ced I0qD A 0 ..... ... ...