Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-16, Page 1• , '1 4 • A °KNOW ONTARIO, FRIDAY.NOVBMB R OO. ` IAMI•LTOH'1. Lr - bad,flea' t: , '= MUT a Capital pa 8, p �ii080P0 Fu - nd- 1,234,118. , Toted.gg5ets .. •14,82'7.,337 •o ,.: Bgard ofl�llreotore : r 1-+,61dent" �• ` • Vries -president •Y ° ' , . itareiAY. Y ,, '�t " IoiiN Szrr:tit�t,: A.G, n, • Itoeo ., ' 4Oli. . .• '.GEo. Y,. l Pito tl HN• ' E °T (Toronto) ont 0 ... A•11 Voo M. A Y it 1 M. P. oN • �k... , . .war, G1ss ,, . • tlaehtee, { d.sat. Casklee•'; 11,t8pectur, • SeagT CUNNINCiigM, INSURANCE •: alt+t� ._ 1Nr�1 GUELPH ' A 1R :• �� IDL , . Bankers, •' • .Y E4.87 A L UCK1V zsss We .dongenera l banking business• issue drafts throng, • - h'out Canada and the 1Tnited 11:S. ST>aVeR. including :--Western tsa d all collect- . olleo- M. WATsoe. the North-West Provinces, tions, whether note or account, will have prompt attention. Notes discounted and . farmer's Bale ' notes cWe loan; r '•donate or •single' notes. We loan to farmers on d at from one to twelvemonths time, and at 'reasonable rate of interest. • We loan small or.large amounts on second _ .mortgage on farms or other real estate sec ' • onfirst chattel mortgagoa on; live uri�y and stock and implements and crops.' We have ailarge amount of funds' to advance on first mortgage!! from 5 per cent. to 6 :per. cent, The rate is graded according 'to the =quality and size of the loan required. Cana- __ event the leading Englieh and We, pr , .Insurance • Companies • and can' .u; iliun Fue..,...._ -: p..= r. effect fneurance. on all:classes of property in• Stock or -Mutual Companies de desired... Our office hours are from 10 a. m, tot4,.'p. m. L �• Ep •' A. ' SIDDAL ,. G • TunNmist. States. W c make collections on all 1)O and Agencies' • ,Berlin • Listowel` Owen Sound . u` ar Man _Lucknow Port Elgin ..ChesleY,• Manitou,Man. Simcoe ., Delhi . Milton' ,Southampton G•eoigetown > Morden, Man. Toronto ,mio" �.ia araFa11JWi ngham Hamilton (Barton at__..Orangevill e inn, Man.Hamilton (Eaet End) 'Travellers are re notified that the Bank , of • d its- Branches issue ;Circular. Hamiltono.t_un... Provincial; Bank. of _: England, of . the ed, whieal be cashed Wi'rH- , ous•cnaune on. ' Eo land. Limited, which can ROUBLE in ANY PART of the • ORaLD " . w AGENT J0HN,,SPROAT, jWEDICAL R. TENNANT, P•11 Y S I C'I A N Surgeon and •Accoucher.. Surgeryur over 3. Elliott's grocery store. from to 2 a.m.;. from 2 to5,p•m. and from9 .1 7, to, 9p.m. Molt,GORDON,- ONe- C NI : F.T. •M.S:,M.C:P.s.o., .hVeici n Sur- -sou and Acooucher:Upstairs iu Sur- geon, new block. ; ''Residence Roes etreet, hind J. MG urdoch'& Cos store. coo of Renfrew ,County, A. farmer, named Krinsinake, ...brought•,an action agaiest a thresher, who had. disap- t ° o: a,elrl.; exp. i�azzr fik..I gone tm h . making ' all preparations. for the hreshers': coming., The judge' de` sided the, `.plaintiff was entitled. to dams es.! • This virtpally.'means that wi.tl►lithis'judge'a lurl'adictton,threah- ers must keep their appointmeot>t,• no - it matter how tempting a job offers his wa .them whileon y of: if toone, 88 to work" for,,which a contract: baa al - reedy ,been lreedy.,been made., , • , A K*tap/,Remombranoe The removal of , Mr. Chester Mcg Laren to Walkerton is, a distiinot':1'oss. to our.":musical society. The 'membere. band recognizing hie worth and of.. -,,the. ha the interest he' took in the ' organiz- ation.'sent, hii i this week an' 'expres- so . i n of . their good will in the . shape of . a. Pair of gold, sleevelin links, ha n dsome- 1y- and: L. p.:113: (Lucknow: Band Boys); ' an: appropriate address accompanied :the •gift, -z • LEGAL, ARROW BC IxARRO W. BARRI fere, Solicitors, otic., :Goderich, Unt.. GARsow, R.r• CHAs. Gannovv,,T. L.B. • A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER, e Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc., Ode of. 'Ca'meron, Holt & Cameron, ok, oderic ): Office ; upetairs.in Altin•e ne,w 111ORRISON, 1sARRId'TER` • . o :Solicitor, CdramiBSi0ner, Notary, etc. Money to loan. Office over Moody's Barber • SOCIETIES. 0; 0.F, . . OURT SHERWOOD, NO 50, MOR- I./ now, Meets every first and third:Mon- daymonth in the. Orange Hall. day i! every are brethren cordially •invited. ; ,, , eo /Imo; •A1.ACINTYREi. - _ ypi,: ORANGE LODGE 'i. '' M4NAGE1t. Y, W. C. T, U. . ' A social meeting'.of th'e".Y. W. U..will .be held in . thei3Oddfello a. 'lo H�al] ^;to-n� i 11t (Thursday) y) atNso'clo A very interesting program 1s be PP re tired and all sten cordially inyi T;l Wes C. ing:. ted. Ifir' i ElU.ORIA>tl In thio village ort' the 23rd ' day of October, in the. person of Mr. Murdoch 'lura,, t„ee a eob1C9t off men. •'uG• o� ��e. i;.zrx�� in the Parish of Locheerren,,Scotland, in•the year 1817,•. the eldest of eight children of the :late, "Alexander' Mee - Kenzie and 'of Mary Murobison his• wife, and was'-'- probably baptised.. by the• Eamon . �' s diXns ithe. Rev, Lochlan t ininiater:of MacKenzie •at'•tkiat tiine •:the Parish.. When he was three years o intend.. _ _ A New. Be The',School Board' have had a new in the' tower of the Public bell placed l _Urger :than school, • ' It is:'a great des g the old bell : and its; tones' are inuch; ie an ' be : distinctly more: musil,al. and ':'e an; the school -section• heard"tint � , - LOCAL ITEMS. of age the family emigrated ' to Cape Breton. _ . .Fifteen years after . the e re family removed to P' E:, where h the father died. l":rly in the fifties. w with ii fernil the widow •�..,, y removed again to Western Ontario,: About the time Mr. McKenzie took up'.land inthe 6th concession of Kinloss " he. was united n''marriaee to °Miss- Mar Y. Beaton whoP predeceased •him:coupara. tively YnunR, by twenty-three years. Like ATralaf"of old, Mr. MacKenzie 'in ion feel' sa tiafied' the.. new 'settlement ,without a place: of hi With suck assistance as he. worship. .. • . could gether,around' hiiu from=among the new•se:ttlers he set about building a log church • on the' gravel road about mile and a half "north' of Lucknow, a good deal of . the wor'lr::: with winter' was doing a =I looks as though G s 'Owing to the` in - ,r•, -7. own' hand ., g here to stay. - : ,.;. . �;,.. tercet• ire ``took in 'it, it went; by the eturned• .. -•�Mr, Roberti Hughes has r name Murdolh' McKenzie Church. TO w,00a: place, m Collin t from : imitive'buildin -the First :: \Viart n l McKay sj�ent �fe yQ, :of worstii built in'the-tcwnsh-iP, the,. iu Wiarton lgst week. ° p " •: the .districb- worship-; •. -�` Presb terrans,,of --The 'first sleighs ; of the; season ySome years g severa1 ears: Son ped for , . 9 were out on Wednesday after being —The Toronto Glob coveted the high ground 'on.: Perm' n '!� the Patriotic Fund:and 650 forwhichAnow the old.: church,•;atande —Mr.: Angus' McKay, of Cockburn with tike intention. vil- the ,cemetery, Ing .-'•''is,'visit--' friends in.'the i n there " Mr:;Mac puttinga a .aver , ire. tnzie`stol a 8a oil..hi'fu'byppror — rs; d.' S, -Tennant: and Miss .Ag., �o v rnment ..;.D'1 from thP' o, e .WEST BRUCE Mr Tolin#e's Official, Majority 684. THE. FULL' Vo'lE, I'ort'Higia NO is 2., 52 92 • 99,• 166, •. .' Majority for, Tolmie 67 „: Saugeeu No 1 '... .. 22 1,g : • .17 41 17' a 51° 4 10 46 } . 12 " 34'' p; '.rx+. 78' 19.1. Majority for Tolaiie 113 Majority Y _ • 13•� ' 94 Bruce No`1. 4 24 6 16 , 469 -- Majority for Tolmie:29F' �o Tiverton a5 Majority for yTolpnie 1.4 ' l Y "'Kincardine' Town: 1_ St An a 59 St Jblins. .. 4.,. St George's...". - 32` 42 ick' 40. St Patrick s .. 26 144 - 222. Majority; for Tolmie 78. Kincardine Tp Not. 62; .68. • 2. . 12345 ,3... 55 53. 0 3 4.. 1 "100': &tore ins -friends la: corms the land a1 Newie-Tennant--ere-visit a avid°':Thom ,son has opened 8 to the . name Of : the reebyterien. 14Ir,.D P : • :,. ' ., , ' :...� -this tact of ---B out a; grocery, store + in the ;building. next .door to."Berry 'dz Son's drug store, in this village, where he ...has a now and com lete' stock of, allkinds of complete' .. groceries; canned goods, fruits, . cakes, candies' 'etc Give' hid}• a call. meeLing oY Curlers - • • . DTS;,..REGULAR A;tneetin vf4 the' °metnbere ••of • the• -- m Y k .p uu..the .men �� d Lucknow ;y., .•,(.amp a re :, chand every n Tuesday , •' the ams will, e•- le., dt`,ht on-thoing:.b d hr.en. ..r`r,iny- n- + 11i"ovember-16.th- """degree h - ihls rlday�`} eveiYog, . following.. All vfsitmg; -• - • •euwiui--• • ► " '- � i ° h eetin0• ht' Vi • ., . ''ILi AN. DAvrp ate:, ., i� Vf.• Secretary. onthl maetinga in the Grange a all ethers , Curling, Club.. and 11 t et Luc uo , b h b l ld of i.stedin , In ucg • T 1 y e�entng ,l nii� ted to. nR • �V A'1C(1L A LD LIGHT'., LODGE c c , EETS EVERY THURSDAYNIn tine' L<� GT on or :before- the+<full moon, i Martonic tau, Havreet,' HArIt DAYS,, ISec SAAC 1VtrtibipfNl "elock st. Secretary. `jTorshipfulMaster. 77. • O.O.Q.F. T UCKNc)\V'' dlJ, Council,' -C o -o. eiditin Order :of Chosen;' - Friends. Meets 1st and •3rd !Tuesday evenings, 01 each month, in Oddfellows 'Hall, •,ylsitore cordially. • invited' D. BATT ERsoN,°"Recorder • , I. 0. F. , 111 Mr. William A,llyn's shop; atmg election.. of officer's ' and o'clock for�the nth ,,, other' in,p ortant busipeas,; " All the members: ate. urged to be -present. < , Died in the Went. r 'Tholnas_Stev_ensote, of, this leg e, received the, sad intelligence ,yµ , -: ' letter•on -Monday last,' that Mr:, David Martin,"who formerly lived with Mr.' Stevenson' in .'Ashfield,`. "had ,died -1 at Stratbcena;' Alberta, on. ; Friday, Not. 3rd:,: Deceased was well known and. highly respected,'and his•m^any,friends in this section Will regret to hear of his death. ' , 'LUCKDI`OW ;LODGE I1VD1+ENDN� Order of Yoreatere • meets in the Oddfell01 & Halton the fourth Tues• day, of each month, at 7:30 o'clock.t Visiting rethron cordially invited. 1 WAS. PAT1 018, W. ° A, I,AtVRRIWZ, '�[ ' Cti'ief Ranger. ' : Recording Secretary' AOUW U.0 K N:O•VW =� Lodge of the Ancient Order ' 6f United' W rkmeti, meets in .the Odd ;fellows'Hall, 911 the last and second \.` • Monday evenings of //1/41„v . `,� \,• ,each month et eight 1 (J l • o'clock, Visiting rethrea cordially favTitcd. P, 13.12•Kwxzt-, i . 1� n.Y.vLE, •. -,stir Workman Recorder • 1.0.0 F. • LUCKNOV ,.� •�..., ,Lodpo No112 theeth ck. in h,ir.�.hallryCampblleVestreet • YridaiatAll8obrethren cordially Invited. ,Totts M0INTYRi • P. A: MALCOMSON, was delivered 'recentlyby Judge 1?@u• year.: NobloG 06(14,"I%ecora'ler; P Y church ef`daaada. Y ` - —The' Presbytery of Maitland will ° i7see�t•'in' Wingham on Tuesday, No- vember :20th. The attendance, batthe ;Ontario :Agce ltural college ' • this Year is the ri g largest on record . :?attics wanting Karn tiinbbrii can be au lied at'Todd's Mill.s,'SbHelens PQ if orders'are left at once : -Mrs. Davis,' • of Southampton, • spenta couple of weeks hero the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R ,So.mdrvilie,"" '--Cutters iiew ' on hand,' in 'largo • and se' them. Our varieties. � Cal1 and e, rices will interest .yo „�, d. Hildred•, P —FOR ant —A quantity of hard, wood flooring and dressed luimber,'pine siding; etc:', Apply to' Thomas Todd.' • A Cavalier of, •France.`• On Wednesda ovening next; Y Nov.; 2lat, the Hissers: ehiprnan avi11 prtrse!xt do the ';people of Lucknow, and sur rounding towns their .massive 'scenic success,.`" A Cavalier of France," ,a wonderful rmmantic drania, the ,scenes of 'which are laid' at tae Courts of Henry the 111,' o€ Yreiice The c puny is the eaino as is appealing in all` the large, cities: They'travel in their Own cars and carry's carload of beau- tiful scenery and sixteen of.: the best artists, that ever left New "York and Boston. They . are, coming to 'Luck,." 'now under., heavy, guarantee, ancl'as: the prices have been• reduced from 75 uenta. and $'1,00 (the regular admin- pions) to 20'c., 35c., and"' 50c.,., a•pack 'ea liou'ee ,wilt cutely` greet this great play on Wednesday' ;evening Asia in - 'sr c M'$d�a •I s ^' `Mo `d. attended ilio- funeral --of their aunt, Mrs.; McGee, at Auburn 'on 'Wednesday. _: ' •---llemewber. the,' Singing, class in the Orange 'Hall� next Tuesday even- ing.A' full attendance is requested of all the'', class, and all others -,who Wish to'join, -Lbs r in the village ,on Election day, an opened faced Elgin'"silver watch, with; .engraving of• bicycle •on -thebeek--case, The'finder will oblige by leaving it at •this office. shrewdness .•he:frustrated a foolish' scheme. which ;would.' 'have: preyed detrimental to•the; spiritual and moral condition of settlers at that time. He was one of the lkst _ councillors or the township 'of Kinloss, and the first` Postmaeteri:of the now Holyrood of flee. - At' this early date it is easily seen that he took • deep',intere,lt:'•in the d temp oral ::prosperity of apiritual,an F -the- eoPle. Conbtned.._:w.ith t'he'wel- fare of souls, natural piudl?nce and Pretty • . 'fair common education; he was better qualified :to take the 'lead than,.. an. :good, peo p le: ' who set-, many of those go � tied over'' the district'at the tune- , ,. In politics he. was ''an inflexible• Re _fs>rmer: :TO,religion a Presbyterian of ma Euro Exarnii e• Them:: • oods'bear examination witil Our, g9 ods rna ni#inn �,la�s: ' The. more they nee thus :'ex inined the morn' 'they satisfy, ou Y • We'!want"' yen 't0 examine toe, LiH St'.les :andr prices we offer: 111any of ,y .P the attraCt'ive things we. are showing muco appreciated •-foe-„hell .Ih.:xr. wheesi meal,.,,.._,_..,..»� and have' been`: quick Sellers We would especially like you 'to sea these this week :— • assortment of. Tweed Our:large;'ass • Effects. in Dress' Goods at 2o•; and ripe_:, uality ercei zed Sateen Q Tucked. Waist in' Black: rieci l• value et $2•;,0 Se_ a 40e 326= F;nfiar a dvFlennels with spot 2�4 or Tolmie 52,,... i Cream' ' Cardinallue n �: _50c r� + - ;and Black at n N o 1..... 7 • - �`whlte-, . 2...... ,• 85 . 36., Ladles Silk Ties in black, and Helitrope' with heavy,• ' • ' '”' '• knot Silk .Fringe at.: , 50c 64 65 3 70 •. T rr R.DAMEF 380. \-Va-hili£, for or !14 • Kinloss No 1.. 96 29 2 3. 24•' ;93. 20 .. 43, 236 :,282 Majority for Tolnlie 46 Lucknow No 1..:..,o 5f9 55 37'. 51 T9i3' 106. —$ev "Nits flwene, of, the Blood Indian Reserve, Alberta, ; gave a very interesting missionary. sermon On the Blackfoot; Indians in St. Peter's church • -on S�1n,day morning last —To DENT. !� 'good frame House • tin Campbell street,,. belonging to Mrs. Hambleton,' 'Ventral, location, and .modern conveniences.,: Apply. to H. Gallagher, =Scotland still .pitches •quoits. ' At Carron, on' 'the ;20th ult.,' W Shaw, 'the Town • Hall; Plan of .. hall .now. the old sterling school; : ai ' tom e g.. ing sectarian or narrow minded he reepecited all who loved the Lord' _. it .-ht �Teetis in` eldest y; no -matter what ,branch of .the, church he belonged to.. At whist period : in his life he became the subJect of saving grace; could not, be, positively. stated. • Ile. was ,,of.euch retired. disposition - that he: shrunk Ifrom. making' positive' etatements re epecting personal ' attainrnents. His• saving change: was to all apps, aranCes.•: + :'-- rossin the Atlantic- emilgr to C11s, c g ,, when a child, though 4 an 'actual fact Ite could not account for it in experi- mental detail, His useful' life and } blameless. character,' proved his' con- yersio Ile, was one of ' the 'first batch .o ldere ordained in='4he Kin, loss congregatlo 1;. Y, i •n• thirty-three years 'ago; Rev. Alexander Grant presides rand Revs.: John' :McNabb .acted ' as Clerk at the. ordination. In his office I';he served faithfully and diligently land kept himself unepetted from the world to the last. 'Ile visited the. attended public 101'61 p and `'scarred at the . Lord's table ;