Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-09, Page 7"V g . . . . .. . . . . 777�,� .4 4 F j % A d _7� _T _-7 4 40., end d6clde� 'TEN tf­ Whether :1,1 --------- 'OF, GO Z1.", Place e, or no e, 41 It" -fie P Whethep UNDAY' OL I's. BeTerejy -,Id. Tfie re's rebuttk urrecilqu E 4ehQqheba'. Anew NgItt weli-i aj OR not, yet' p�a �pd� for the_ th,itt dit' t Uul"s, are still , 41vp ana. Y- the young lglig, O'll the eart .1g; but I --I-three diaemboq., Jere are "he, -would hever be- i6s6tied Was rescU6d -1XJhEA,ffA1kjO led spirl e, E URE" HIDING: '.,t t��,LAC king Don't djfiturb, big vO1ItIOn.1V' at ON NO VI. _40,1111"A' state-tv, en 194440, reason wk.,don,t .'NOVEM C t 'eps, pili I tell. WO- W_Ahe 1 3. 0L.- -YOU,- 1143r, Irl d S. e reclalrq our chlIZ J3 ul IA Iron fiom w One. Ill, wrat, fiery., oildiffiess4s cliedness I because .,tt, '' I � I I ­ .: 10 rich, mauld-AIR Mud� WIlesA . Narkeits. Y'd—begin � too, late, pal��njs Tj tire '4'ult:d Walt u ill t Pt a 0jogiiig n - heir children lie Oefo6 they 0 "uplipse t lit it aie:,th each, thqqn_the� value o d ruq.-,Ljj e-10: ThOMI, We '.0's none, , K t k iarac- tI011e to -day erminatiori 6.f.,RightOoi�sn fwalt�uutjl t f OR They Co ilder th* how IlVanan ;:� n 1941. , , 0. Aer worse 4,, _p1r.'aiii lyI164t heir, i tr jut im phil4reh Aw6ar -b are doolned t no, VP Mfit 'Writaill r16 4tj�ln - 11 si they, Th we� teach , th righteoug.con, em - 0, I'm Owever, that IUY --- HiblpfW, L.' -,4,9 nlan-Jesw� did ftot Siv A, Intl% ian es$o th �0,. ''. r -441i.ofte�i 6�e was. 4' Inwiider'er chl-c4go Dec. Ili Pro 11111 !nawe.� Re' his 4 M -,wrap 0". PiRrpI6.'aud , fine "I or. INO 11fork drqA are -a their Cliff T 4 Called DI* -ft i for '�rlch..'- cl A L Or filet 0 or a Bi 'had in world biejolve. t linert"Hw. uo, P04011 gumbler�' $0 7,24, W041. Abdu &RP, perr Quter TFA-1 q66 I 1� so -b j) 7' 1-, =-7 :77"' "fir ......... TqR late 0y0tia it r0lu The !-A, chbritabje 0 76 E %.With 'r6d -0 7fW' care Upon wh.i . el bm4use. - .1 . . " : 1. 6 he, 1410 e . ......... any-. 0 cI&rgyIFnaft,,s between 4 and. 9? ible, Dr.' sell are' t 18; Whk � , 6r there. t our Children, bet ItH 'W6L9ht,At1 �gold.11: -t YPPi` benledl I yagwi; Is sal-d-to'have 414; at. fjig g - j 1191.,On' . RePOP 0141 dia- 'Other children qtidfi. YOU Put Itil Sold"I", b Man; tile beggar Cdtirse- o Oil t You ftnfn, for t a'neglected"Ine,ldeiatof o,;- kill M. 4,e, Probably.. the 'ternAl' ' d,sf6.n rown all 0ah 12 OU. UOUOIY wdl;p C0uld-L d(j beiLt Talmage' drMwi�,Aqm &l;O4ad' t�jqii 4 this Io. net,p' .. 416 lux� W-A&e seha Ut'the� chief UfOug and bofitl InMiner d d t 6" an -arq n What, ':that ail WlfC eosh t MR 'feasted at#! co-n"Sigi enj. Id his, tIjerR'.q.-%­%, Ar' lesbbns and vhq�* ."Is too law 16very � day. el�a,!W111-:onatch. Ixj,m. up Whati then. are -the sinii, dIctM&hj; around to repair ARSPQl w4en ij harg�d aga' odpl iard:.. 07.1 It It out 'man, that' iiera- i' eouitts us are roy4l� that v drozp. the Pal of the,dry.dock la.bu,t 6ue INT UX Inst. 14 too' pj� ....... . 11114i help, -, , '; , . ad will ruit -a. . 'BOO-' to fie to ID was- a JrlLft Rja deliver.: The text X-Inp W.I,th hi -Toftiih "d-fte-r .late, to,, save rid hill .!in 'in -to itjje� It en� ?� , lls� 0 Alle, 11111 H epp., .......... X 2; -3: -WJ6110sheba 'tbe; daughter 6f Lord and Oilers Ws,:,-jaot 'im Of, t6rii ciotfied, jn-� p'* Pie arid'11 d' b, t 3. nu Ing' she. wjI,I hide 4f for,, Mar -far�d i6ni- broken In. tie 41nen. 4 AIX -Years, f Xh. Illiken 4, is It ' ! I ,.,.Work, of BnAt_ all- & Ar He Ml a , ter. f; A aziah t 'pt, A PtuOuslY� e,�erjy day�- 040h; the..,son . A n, i: at the end, u he. waa. Proudi.. hazlith, and Stqj�, fie,'wIll :conae tile. ching, royal bo -XtrAvagant and, worldly, was this fiell�cd fai th oi�th for Your- 4 '' 'L . Ills from' .1 . , - ith -W�ftro'njffon HO lived, tAijbiloice,or ethrone e� gra,tITI; 20 hat he did. 142A.1roM among, khe,,L-kIX' ind 6jlt�eratjdn.. en ;oil In ail 't a_ he third t A 0.6ttiiIII cation, or. Wheat�, pit e0,11clilldred n, and. thek hill'' him, even'llim nVe'll IiO�ght I hand' or this. Was t�fi,6� jil;Imat. > Aws.aRrip, Which.' po ; - bogj;ar-1 ' b L g L. bo Y'.QU:'Ia , .. U=n Nam6d L ..terAlly, a, whit6 sold s� nur in the bade b S..good bid- ou&-'qA form -did- hIfI What to �68 And-bi le, , my frlands_ JVSt as that the Church bj �God Is Lazdr he t1ch hla�ivq' killfilment 3W froin Ath arg r I t1h do,60 IvIle woiq4 ' 'I. - ng. Place. I puhlsl� b.u$jIejjt 04 j6(j WAYS rnakL% of God' 141611t consist -WId 1-2,s go that he -was Vtjngu:iejVjilg : rIghteousUbfis hen Jefioshabj my, contrast. jgo 7 -1 -'In th6- And -he W Roe the nursery, o higher,. aj 68 Wit rWshes,juio or e. stil-lion-tils* f -the, kirii and, pic6 in,)' the'll 'no, awaij uper W great tbele 1-2 to. 9. � 60.0,bu Otlbllc pr t-wemhIg iiiesei state and b 900,30 sold stelu mit 67' t6,- house, her bid fif thi t ea.* Ther ontrast Of the Lord six Dut''an UP and' sa�s 1-1 -Will just, -TOAsi- Whe� she -da with. and .1 lQn, for tile Poor.. is 6 it d yeari�, "4 �t6L shall�' him? vhan : d ab- 11dr'Andm0ther' With tj Shal she t�ke' him to so 610d n' and oad 2c, a are -ore jenleiat gloni'q Doin�l r Serv&n tfj 8 to �e had ever]y juNurys and one Villli,fitbady. '69. as room, in e gat0s Of the rich,'. that. til6y. ready,to.do s010118I�ild bu ,On �Iew. .40,000 -a' Palace9 NO, for* ill mi9hb'rb(*Ive Md.!, bid" hels. their, chIldren's children I lie, DIO, d, 6 And itb�i 4deg. wIll* h 42 to 48 ban, 'the,* slew 8411I)DO Ch�lsilans cletia a Officialdesper- ding. NOwi torril- t d 40 ye Y e resi-Cowl he desires a single Oat iver theiiii, OvVn.. Ara. f unt through puill of, erl e - b�, hec L'4 with: itors as: persons'Of, s -Six hu of. Petsequtfo 'nook - rp likely to':b� Iber to. a tL-ady - e -bushels a h drop of,w� iidr d ge of 41fAcipline be -as beel. and corindii(if that building 'Shall she his to necessary, clias. '-tiseme;ii Willie take t Fo;n 1108.1 _ngue. b to firmer used,,, but nd the hilh 0 'the residen ec.: and bit 1, tit evenitl 4 At 28. to �;o 1_�� - at 76 t d illil, -le,beggar 'Ray thO ziand-* �the 'iUFIII-Otk.ne' ch'ozioed, wea% ce Of ilome .. I t la,14: at, Ills �gate anti d Other, lobking ui)6n.-th ' 4. , , n 2 ' I IL Ot-be s 4 1, M M119136"'Olor groan' d e Izen 0;- that Desixi �t& bring thislIttle ar8 e but n . f , d 26 loads"�oltjkLt,a.dy �j t"b, 6d -it js Pab a, t Probable e r at 'the grintichild, is -d'ai,6tP4iLi-I)or,-t�e�,iuiit4ve�'.1 th 0 fallurfis- ­ 0 per Von. Nu� traW, was Or.6 odfd,lfie�'foes q citlien relief. rIst 4P..Ologeti'c an '1116 d But, she 'has t6: bd6g of Tture-_,w.oe_ fill fL disposed. d -.to substitute (14.4fectloner�-for� eped,..but It ro ea le, h .11� -wet Theize Is nothing;.inor6 hPAut,�.rut, ,t She bears 'the, -the�-b a$12-.' t cry. of th-e,mob, In the ih GrAndmoth and tihe Scrl,�tu opreets:., she 'heari the shriek un, a or', thd dogs erj 4)ressed HQgs-��Tlie inarkbi takeLs out,' thrown: Into. reis, were. The dogs',�a lie table Then as- memo 's, eri ancl. hogs IS we& ' r4nipl,6 Met -The' &Wnerless' and, looks' Y were,..pIled e room Of_th tt 'street e tfilnkLR.,6f i"Ve �rdtfi_ "rii jPfs' aid' not IT ' -but them ()it -and the urito th, '014t. roaiW in t"" L - 'th tile' rptord'of lower. ReZe� or '6" ..1pectacles and Puts' 'WIP .--on dogs k -the street -for the Y; ISO -she jru&heft;-v�qtb�. awge� lie I '4,re 2.5 to 5(jo J�er Pocket handkeiqllipf and . es her- t a . the . #,,oil 'P past'and fAe'.. Of p I t I eastern' Ma. of an : . eavy QW.n f , ntfa, the tell . *hoin h t -a are *gQing tdowa as and an 'A&f on fire, t e earg� thro4gil Ill$ 6, t -h e 15 and. Ato th6' f d-dL -,ZfiJr%mpf,e� W 1i -e ,Am P dL her rnischje�ou ubUc s4uar�s bblliie eavangefs I - .. , aLdVanc6g..Q, rebellious. dete L . I W av ' bef M; 19 - . P e, May be led. to, that, Ill Ptaltions no le season 'T don" 6fiddnt'-,and sa a: of Du` a 111n do She -knows ore,, us the :eh -terij I - $6,50 toL. $7 W 'f ro y ns n,t At. %nd liv6s...of.'t at" ie&'ot jot' ran t th-In in'eaht WM� 1burled �o 'th 00 - 'IlAlfah"'and,�her, wo 'nJeR.. OcCur find 16ok 1 96 o -do it 'Let R.. em,,-'amd learned' und., - t Ick�d. dIf f oretij pbai �Wluk v6r;�! O'.Com rJ_ per e t.. MIA Off this 'time dec' no, ass ns will Judgment. he ge Pg forward 't be reled the.blbl bother.: the temple a great World.. One th L, -.,the iccuinultill; Sold'� t6�, 'tor his _�.X_sPopfflble q. Out"I of 'e Thev are not leader respio, 014 in fail- emN jd­d� 19 to 221c ror� poun behavior -in ill sPci6ti. Very.wailthi nsibility add, against' e.. lf�ping UP Of, Irafl, rolls� d" Ll second ge'of Itekso,4'r-h h .1 ...8 a future.'!,' encO Th9m,gs. 'Patne .:apt, tomgo very Much elTec ted this - mother wItW'tb A .-M.Y church tS q th;o �ay 6f­*r`dth and a Other . *"L AfOun generatl6n W a a se a 06spised.'and 104thsomeLbeg 'tba.t I d It r, A Scrptures. the.) "ill W @a hearing k' Car., But 0 that. ral afid irfi, God''dow no to 'Ask - .4ch is 11-16 ggs­�:Offerlllgs ar e bQlsterqug� ciie I'd on I Y�o Wast14 n" iOWn ilOdsh In Lazarus.- peaiie'st e ere he wIll be be sent -t MY.' :' slip'�Ose they ought 01' Upon dken,'Ms e a thoughti. Cady at 118.. t -�j c. The PlIned WorsbfPbr -Ileart, and WL Wl�ateVei, f,,L]16� Opmand JSL Only. 6rte and"L hilebut I. can 'to be dis- LL toe, 0, T AM the Year: there' s Year 'afteii 0 Wat'll 'tli'Qse 4zietflrea do. It.: Grand� of Qh' caixed 1�y MiL never men on �g C a. will breat eart, fresl 'L Inothers are.no - , I h' mllor thin b :4-11t to bri e. the odor, Pompous extOrlbr. ring a or wo children &,J' Upon jtbatL Tha.b*gar died-1viHis without. repen I tallce. , it Ig jin ow more, tlic' Indjorlty are Iri .9 kn UP grand- imy assEj It the,golddn cens4rs; In, th Mid! 86 at sa& But het,R in 441Y 'text - w e V-the-bostil ed go ijitret"Idi! thai- 0 sales g a bit jj&N, � v6r*' iarlry, secreted -until ihe 6f: it. sade-Around 2'0d* 11 Of --a- gay'L TheyL, I I Um did hot'- ­VQdItry_.A 'a�led 0 filled a P4, per a b , not believ t ave a r fidinother: e e . been IX . Years have pass " d' - I made grea Ve not to be' , . . H e or hey Will' 41fre�ent' Cre e and he dome to, Was pareA. With. t oln— enthronem ried 't6 a. pa-upe and h0130 c6nv OffOred i94 ' hhvp bpeh I" be hostili,tieA 6nt 111tedi but will HYi'Und trade rs was! P Tertisiloiq where tl GMe book. L, S 'Id gahlst 1that ore wegrave. , tbey 66 Persuadd brisk. Thmere' is -no''chiun no flo' Ale tL whieon, YOU were ai go n Pr &Xt. took pli e. a In 14 1 1 ��jd c� rrende f the . , litfid away mour this '.un be; and, devpenaflon t not be -ong -And it n" ShAdedn0a,&, 40 ot the wh01 IQ: his *Ife. -before' en, Ph ruing, soufgi­­�' If �tlje due '40, Win Ir 98, as aft 70c as olng ON aln ... ill be a. SatL)Isf CLam, to kiag� - gels 111111ned to- 126 T lb., e; eemecl spirit home ..re e t to' becapoe 'y L 'j �r he� _�Iteof d t16 the' i a - ' P r You no , ! �'.. " . ere. was; a rich, an -and I r ]pair Me WIlle I "You -must rusjjj6k L6f 8 Y� IVY 1 .0 scene feitine'-irivI411y. Nrh 6, nd ot Re th See; YOurlehtl' e anciL-nt t way frop Oil, an(j., the Prophets how dt�en'ln Ohrf�64 t' God' -E' e-ple' and climbing the he, y wlun:f,;Ito , d I a'rqe M.;Sjt L OU. w ere th' Hades 11lese n::- s larg,-, 17ti. e,qqj�tL,And'6J71arjngs, :holy.. s4crini6fiIJ.' -6t4t668�Tr,"d e, Ough. In' that'iatble ws, I 1 !:.. owers of a, a I hat .,gr - Do th M, dernh4tion. - text -be. :it, '-of lthie­'d`�a h is IlaiPP- -side restj ��the�,ion Y. chil q.. .1 y e"'gaints we�e Athallah! till 17�garded r e old I - d d, anLpe d _;_ever- 9LVe A ` theirn--te onorable.., 1, t8 40litenits �Ou e- th6--bo6k 'res LnEg e t oas a -king. tj I'll -to. the -fire 'the:' 'And stirred ft in dde'lh 11 the COM109 tq r Ch "as Her --hus-band sOrouto Ll T' ,.Wag Was �a­k1-ng7-­U6 Itongs 'and sacr4::Ppecpttg- When You 'tie T1, ­ ag 1:13dKed S'QkrU Till. P00j., aA&�-W lere kD I �N JVAR.� VQ MlObk i larket. Ekltor.t. Id n YOur'dyttg. eL &XILd we' find bi�er amd' . aa proQpas.lbin- f.-Itbb r son -and �ursi�d' It OP t 'on 6' Will a king. Xnd yet ; - - b "d 111046ral c. 0 cc�-Iiar c%yt tire- royal 0 P Ot nvee. h t tlli6ligh' Ifflistory's lzv�tiu Export cattle light, Perb­wt t tiz19'fOr'tbe, extexminati �Nre �hny.' 'a n ot'ifie en- 'Word''and 4 00 0 - stuff here-, bae Our last*, 8. reets of the of 40 fai-Ally, includl kjntoe tyt.ejr bew erusulem. U16 Picked - P" croWd, rjlI0l,Tob,%i_.c' .. ........ 4 35 all faQes,. hired m6urners, tile sillbe 0 PlaYed 41:10art 4 00 t to ng,.her 'own Ildred Butchbr$',cattlei Pboic 'grarf x Ildlyidu -`Thi) first I�j k PP butch W,Mank 1 era 325 0 -3D n veSL are- Th tt ELI -and -orgazised, rrier, w to. smo ed was 0 m9dium to Ie Ing hisf body and -tile cost. been in [It go I - used to or cwt... 06 to. 2.7 red WI-thi e, palaCe_ is a-, -L L iade to Mkterm, ubrt- ps, thf) red -Indlaii �vll(s Butqhers'� noaq 2-75 to , I rpened. *hIlts hav ly POPUICIire-�dn the.'Vj"rtues of, 3 2 he, btwd of'pninc e, Vhat.,,..Blbl ln�..­hft hard y6u, are' t-110 (ToP;rtod n rIn_. -,;enemie:s 't re; $that IS SO; Ills Bull e9vY. Per Cwt memy, S,'exp Are aan d 0 a Tnan� of the - OhliLIlaw--k:and' then oxp r f. 2S. A Vs�des cone it? This U e. t1l. pxtorzqlr t d w-Orld: YODrc son progt gllttfi)Q� down, 9DE, Per.c1WL'_- 39 - ands', thr 1, umukhter and' e4 (>thing,, , -,4 aojDtjjlIjg 6 or� -34.% o ? .4 tm o6ath Sty d. - or -in' rc 'fe6zn 9. r, He re 5014,946 Jot rL: b6pyl �1011 hiffiL. a- oil t 01 'tife ,e sh OU dty I- re. ofj '110 ­yV. 100 falldle serted" ei era '3:-00 B 6 tt W It 11 c,, e Ivo ess yo -to Ow' 100letyll obJec- %hd re0d t e. '71-6 Said Bible# I OUS?L, ole MY ble* rc aited . s !,alltles O-r"p .0 lors in a it: LL In 2 25 only, Object r C U! �� ons tto e chlutech. I "W 6� fle6 101t.-hpir a UI se tHides Bill _jvor.6 oil. to P Y. Mp�es' attend res., contniq ii urL. Words. Sh 25 oo to, id*.to mu,-, 0': 'Ose'-inatiters Tn ydIf dbn, . -tile do sieuc t4bated ':Woman,. a,! cler or- tj I i, t, it' "ThO' SCrIptu inglIsil met! to' gin k' f '1 0 00 atlid ver W e ex ........ Yin �Oadcasf laro d��:*h'e. aregol 'VOrq On-., Tht V,, g -r-e 9hpe 75- to, Wif uh -a v r 611' irk akels';��eji - " L_ 'Lli oL d P- C m t 25 --- PreaLd U t e -Imperl I them th -3 2 LL h' world" br11zM_- O� I'Le ...... . .... :: ' - '- 42 be L 011 -record thtO, -t1reSi- di't1iis' to� miti ;"l. -- --3-00- a sh Shooli Gehenna d. S;"t.AG ___2 50'AO se.zes uPon't, have. xterx�l all' uto eral, 'qre to ee an Thrtar he. 0andchild h had' 'stead ';Of one- I o nate,d. U'�tdd�L them.' T. 1 1''. 1 .. I I I --d . . ' '8 efol gdtO- t116 sufferiiig§ of flunger.'t por� civp .................. 2.35 to. g 80 somehow �j6 w� 6, m,,ver L� � air; off ap'ed znassaceo�: Of ithe " I I � - gla AM Vdiry a, wor ............ -ad.'' Nvanj -he e(I'livalent -c ad o8, wra0p it, Bible in llls� Irimsides 300. to* 3 65 9uses We.bave elgIi.t d Gteek *6rd and� on,:ill ......... ...... I te We' or. though. you' 9 'is' ed. by C iffitileig, �Gehenna, :Hogs, chOldei ver cwt tenderly but,jjl'�ha�t� biluggles it d' , amok d C&Iv0s, Pet fi� 4hinst her, flies and M,a It groun s -of N,% -Il fr Y ave ndpOe "liam,11gi -ni,my 11, - H IS to 0 0) e. 'palace P11'e thqM Up LtJIL �te cor*e God, and IS, jarge Or acO.' of -retrillfitliDn. �Ti ers-Of. - our Sibbatfi ichob.' tPg X -Stat 098, f4t, - Pei ci�c ............. obilris, her:hCArt''in. hiet' fti�oa 'iea j -:- , . .--I ._ �.­' It P b' ff,67� light ' L .... ; ........ 5 50 to rOOM9-'an4 so-mebli.ne� j,.rtar a e b - I I ; per curt., I een Ila py ........... 5 50 0 QJL vered In this coinj �boxes�OfAhem' JiAson. fa e A, t bei: disca ' i I grea t'n 4% t e a b t h as, c urch of' -await. jhplr.,,j -Aa-rijruck IS- Your- n 9 . en, InL thorJ4 525 to� o W er So. an war, tll;a;' 'they get on� ssL Well'as Qet' -her out, of it Oom as n a r., , a Your 24. Pather,�,Ab;ih r the way' Its. d e'th t .1 � ; L e, stand- dzil, ft s" a Work of,extelimlinalid-h Oil] L b big Is tbb kra U sU., can,.I for she ca�rie O,a�fn t -h T loped lnI;o`.'M,. lioltd O',not. know but, that ou�,.dhjildr 139 All itheir' lives IthIn n, even, as a Y,6ung:kIzlg; 't�g, of 'IVjnnfl)�g* Ref�o ')s -throtigh f Fren I d re�orded rOOA i m ra,-' W st G n a eril h this Youthful �-prl,36­ eN) See4lhe mjilena4um" en ncib red, "or L9 offered salnt�, 'and Chi rf'Mouth. Time -Staqdards laoa- W 'as' froin, lje�jl 'd �6 kd�� coCjude;d Into 8 not grant . ed, erMaA gojler.ul�j jjr, their, discussi . o . n the 46on, f there should 6 God P ed'd ­ f 0 the' anclenE' temple- Dr& d,j ji'e of periecutl,61f ould. hat a Merl to ('er- a.&IsdbiIj-y- -yesIcirda.y, on thii . the 6huich' of Olden tiMe-, Un In Wich ill 1he W,6e." � y we' w4ke'. fill. aa� H14 Calling aih sinO lliff.-The lack W that., t.be to a C Of f Young king a "'-should' Ve' -the 4Z urcb�of G so -06, indeed thKZrade4, Of Afi:Rltoba. sPrin r?14 Sound, .,. - L4 1. 181lieL heat.jildin 111rionch tro6l rm, .9 W eat. of' . la�mpa Of life 1 -t bi, -f--.1, . �s fgtL y L AUffiojed W. n g.' li ngL S hd .1�,and. uucons�l us 'the tha, � Perhaps - out, plaO Th'e that, lie was -a. T14, f6110iii esolutio It , puts, I d demtroyed. all d P'Arents took Pf It is: f Inger-That, It 'erdble Anii-rest -ha UqPdtfJ -. ' I e A a-, 0 Tnn.v � W, to grain' 9-e r -there'. for the 'ver a a 'a kllnajl-e� �posjjpje Isco ell thatLar years, h 6. n Manitoba WIleat w6te em. lie a ceeied :in W 0'""' 'It 't .0 en-of-GerMatly and �inlbseqdent 'endorsed at vix -y day, thitAllildel froifn the and _bid ug amono- th, Ose that. church' J0 'llee f, saw t:h, IV Meanwfii1d saiv tLh. �0 d At' e t ineethig. Of. ifie b pLpartment. 1�110uld -be holdtine. illabbr-Loll .- JI r )I sn'and n,, reme U, jot "Aackfi,h`er lips With satii� -NA11notlo, U -and, PaiM N -Olt. tiev n re -would - be In �Th� L , , L, 'br' r ya e ave'lleen nd.� in 1111ro, oi e his ta:to - ar 'to lig ani-, ead th4 six' yeard secreted. dop�y -of 7 -the griefleoh familk areL d sur4r' 'W, 'h affild ineillory brotlietos we. Wj hallah versa! - e tfi6 Bifiles: T. e' book. i6416rIflod . dl '110fabillon 'and think ' emn adeal tilo It'ls,th a that all the, 6 '- 1: 'some ' '6100LA - Of "iu backwoods . Of 1:1 e lbl-e -ad #t4l1lag 'the d -we qePsers &ttack at Balak -;;a C 0 19 ordered toba m.Pire,, and 'It is' tIme,for.yojitig Joaqh' Joa9h-Ot et6rnil Wotild bo -e e_s utolier 0 Come and takd­ Ou,4.and corne up e e,e-n he. thlngsj__�He�e. was the� ch t the throne said LV n he Xegimenthl DeSt 86rved',jI?ji@ and Lu4te the th altar: and- We� 111 -ave, ati I I ni He ba, Ins Fig ged In dressing. a- anges in,thj6 ..,to pus gra ar A' 116iving ?0-� H� Wab sluokIng. du eth a' WIllch stir 11 -el 01 to d Co. anded' am'd-tho Arha,liah he d' P1110YOd the 'I L e VIP6 in - mouth h bac it find .'are 1) j 06 welth L -ji N, Th4f th bid At ia ljh� and: we of and -the ji0j., lie c grUdes -o 4 n , �No, I -til fly .06 'back AV� ivelt; I Corp-st afin Ilaild, I ther Asoli normit e arrange re, a u t ii tbing,- n a'lace, jLnr1 �A_ x ; , - d' returne ed findek.: the inngi-�. , or' �i-Lazar all,ria I16�foia Of the P r of a d f �ne O�r Its td Vhd­ffie r _e . . . . . . Vf;�i RR 1104e, swear loy Ity to ropert Ir Ibf I a -the, Yol X_ p e a boy' i10 h, Jrr here P0.6gible W110 �r Pe Chris tftill "Y was -hardly anythhn� up -leaves till$ World,wj U Y,' Wa-9 settled a perqYw6rtiI t a, arp' burnish, ' "' �4` l. . - te kill Ou ca.Wn the all 'PL nd,stalid atiound for his'defensd'... Se i ':ntocl, 'uq. ever galhiii- ened swords.and the' APY PnOW-Pd i's �Wdth d slifeldsl Everyt The: second 1 -him "mQire th pro cilia' ru L L ;..Pa&dise or (iod. God. il Of -'L;10,' 2 nori-bb hing is ready� 'NoW� 'JubJect ij d *du frbin an Any gar In- -No. pa.us 1se sibin, be, A!i,..Irnp 'Sable thef e -that- as 49 lilt or �ovf filed TI Pie, A41d -17 1 sr Cell4t,'. of lie and n I wheat at 'thd-, aimed tes.in which W6''I�ay sav 't etc-�140W` '4liate hahothat n not, less tha Mi. when day13 ! . pray t coule It., t., V!Bd; At the mptat�on. It.ave .:Coirne INSVY does hlost desire to� L n 58-', e e with stoi theie 'foi Ila and tj pou-n 1) et qtbry this at d 6111611ed- train'# Of his defenders,,sca. You know' th� PrOfarie . - bf e roy gonC-, per bus) 'voc fera, , , is. adrAr nt, fftr6ugfi,L- upon, inly, Soul I I tfbn of �h. theie fti, of. sitinged When forth in full re shefte�, and - (1116�t �ran`ted ag, ienott. It t a* 'The'seroll of iti- Areba, 4nd, of,.yo" 1 ae gon assall is,- OWS d It :goo to. ority 115 �P.Uida� g prifices It 'Orr .�ceillce.bad qo Oubt led-fils br' r, mean. 'War th t gVdde an, 0 1 t1he & f`,---Vva--y,_ ., . . qlIoh�+ng -into upliai� —1m is put on'his, brow Pe - 1 Want -to live,, rno - Careless, 'land.' tqb'a - .. of government 11.6, t orb W, , 4 .. ;tj -- �6th,_ 1) Rye 1 16 �a�, And J.3ut Why fie Ila 'a rin in Should - We a .' Wing Iva t Before that oFily� tile Workilig �j df I the pebpili Pdridr our time IA,pr d lived- Ve alsing coronatjo,h. .. ..... .11148. Last they a] C ftpped and Wit, d of eipediio, gf�ojvg of that terrors and, -huzzaed and 4ru t '06ry nd this' bt n NvIleh Illora interest! in them jjojV thaIll,he, till,. E_Aer�'riblo catup MPe ed "Wjlaf� is ,Gc,& MOte'-flhil tf�i'j Conlnnedtloh� jV that?'." aid At asks. the iarne,,hin 'a you ,yd u rseq f w, I Ll'911. balfa�-. . I ** Of jou - and- 'van t the If 'Old,, tile as. the foll6w, 02F . nd' 4 thatj f1,,1Lr0tU.n us the tChurch for Cart) wboll 116 oil. til, on 1- pyer �knd-: S)io fiteb Imperil6d,'chIlm 11.1ding. PUoe itild 'tolacp the Mort dt6 b olleci Or�-Nvay,.tl Os- tollgIl I kling-�'- The'r gagels P pi and o bd�, 41e. Ai Olin of,,Al- Went. wl I' IV r'(t t e n, an SaY, ­Wh� ge and Minz dried V; halren1j. you hL-A ITO anhood su,dd,c�ly claqp o . OtA -The 6 wheat V me- r mighty Parent -11118fi-ter, Just 'bl6o j�il tor iho wa,14- they I Moq.4.ari proPh cc e to b.y* Af 6jos and tile. IIIL FIn lie qjr othrond� or .01 , . .. . . , , t1le i118006t6r be� Illi .0u.' thought 3�ou a, cro�vjj,'Jf 0 h r Ilarids, P),et. Pro., ail ilePllf, n Lot C1110111., a 'he' old� 0 cin Ile :slain all Ah out _Sln� - - - W P ngq g&P eg lorth to tI10 *al' in. on Joash has -bonle to the rnasAa.cr n .11t.troillile alks till. anti lie, --60 n I Then"tile IrO.�OaPrnurderes mujrd�rpus �feftl'Pta pli 1 12 1Il(11tI1Ick*of.jb,o*rjgIji w1le 'frail t1ofis ol d Ough, the ih6ti61Fl6,tIOqg 1.0 ti a a, -: dre;out fOr,tbe aisaSgil 1. . -.gl� 0 Drift in jg? �qrg ft� equal IC with tagb, grabbed he� fijailtle and th nation, the sitting .1, 1 1, n, Scrip, t �3tafi( nd j h In and the 'ni6k 9;'4 �od'as b - . Lqrdg of fitich. a 1111rlery; Iro, L9 to' appI-y,_t6` C miel lord It , 1:6'tatbers, and orl iva 'that ihet In 016 It Il, they'roughk-fight- rolal ed until she �Qffiq�bod , ' e I�,ant s6rne -anti, tho Ilg -f l"le PlPas with the, -in h6lter -f, eg f6aMed af the mouth: y , l: .6ni -clip, t, j.)r had If , "VOU'havd no Ar'. aalln� Who W6 All I '' ' ' - fitllpd to .111lit. to &,Wbad 'front h� ti- Th� W:e UsurD ills throne and that n run fir C-ldnge, if' iigbt to. cro*n mY gr kibe jqjm* it(' I sum- Of du, lhaLive- - b66 'pTnl)egt, salvation, ail U have t;he M 0 b Pon andson.'To 6 b.k Carried �out, - no right to ti:j�o Of Y'misfftfne ad'.trtall 'a cred llis..Vretfirp� I an- who, shDtildii bq be lost, 'They,will J; -grading e 'the tile 9OVqrnnj'nf 6om' ydo,ydU of -.of general oulat shF lslast. )Ulders. Treason! trea.ioni the fd6torg r o. jl1tO Ithe Shelter) ?Ijent-L,_,j-j6 n is the Did andr th Who, le 0. od t _had fail- t A eryl againt it t1lollgilt. it j everybody to her -in ary startea foi e, arrest, andi she orna aud-buried,her' o�ly son Iva's Ifffic, e also sees t'll whose na !t�p 'n a.6h me Way t6 a�9 ns IN, th, T, 0 you in 1*4 inell BIT Ort'ctit through,a back.door' bF` hved-i's bt, n', '06, ternl5le �.afid .'ran 'epj e t 8 sl�le''r . � It lLans Di, and hundreds Of thousand d d1ofig 4Velflier Avill t V Well e. at ill 1W -he IssitctI, all apt[y1ty but th through. hoping Is t:t b 1 e,.q, e by tha� long 'leeabl 4r %rak, t,II n k battledxea an' ed-!�;,'Jille 8cript In 'of_' t to _'thitt,ohe Y in7t ,more,, teritin s oyou th'sd w1ro *have 1j,84, ke anan Y -thalt..?" it cotild "'.9 largo, and tOr hialY a d In Its d4hunciati6n. It, b ' ' - 'Vlrhen. s1% Ile ­13rdildhing Will fiOt ropei Thit FLY When the; fijajt�rs.,n I noi S1116 orses-Wer.6 boing unlooselled th- you com Ot'how yo'u spoll t bear to but lie e ourname tha after-1fra`Nvjiig, atli young, joash und iwon" It's ier Its, Itnife eart Is sodalik, Mt -all't Uence that-1,16uld strtogist, ifoltIclo Li'st eY steed un er its bear�upon . b t, 1, 4`1 V" tIl -that snort Und'. rear unde�,Ifs doom,, nl6ej there be 'LhL he brIgh r ot s vorl as they -PAssod th�. of' car' d ft Jof, 1 3871; !to j�fjllffpjj: hr of n age. - n Obtent'l`ellef brough,L'to' , to 0 , ',If oi Cioikh the dark,6ned S6hl' Th 'hqnd yog fro `nUt, blo.$Odd be God, hea TECI-11140$�_Afcn. gjaO,jI(l *0e tn h j; k. All(T)IIP a eatr a ware for. it t­tII(%, subJbc�f -is thae fIuc a thing as dpliVering a,r yitl do yotf,�, PrOr"n' 0e.f)ri1dIng'tjjp (111!4 of, tilo 11, go I, tod F1' r of. Who NVIll toll a,wgy joagh, awl,ng tile d'd its �ki I. ss, n6t, (j-nio V,cs '111 Th 4111 fdlPO,-qs11blI,1(ty. �o judgpd'�).� out Prifill, I after be powy W-Ilen h"VOMan -Is goo This art i 11 11 10wer Shk Is a rhoon it from ivall �t tbo' 110fir 0 of to Cain e., c1lbbli(SH, be-yetiri -Ood� f', ien s e 11 -bad she 6* a. PrIhOe of God Inl- Iit9V0011 1k 6.4 h, . OWh,,P(,O_. woll g I" *Liz,, is atldAhls Alt- al :, '* I IS alpb 1-6 be very' a- ialife 6110 -"1 M 111fty'Yet Atah,11`4 ',one of forever be t6r Nylf;d rore thd tt)c 'there., k�ol Youngest; and' 616nst aff`116Q�(l WOU'd exteenifiltte th:la8t, 's 'In n�Who firi A 6or- ri Orn la. the house' bt j>avId, 6d thelr'8a'o 0 t N6 sit, Iron Lor�f tion I q ankldPlou� And njjkjy�. .'Tig t 111po W -hum, 'IL U to cl.dq"n.e.- There' VVfi0r(Y J6 abld' hn j6 q ash 'foub4,jt­LIn iliovolif IF o nt 'ivab ple,ji,ty One In your: clss Wild has, a the t&X#Pje.1 tnk-ing '114 Itlly ll', I, I V of Wor"k othi ty ill -Ilry .an(i illothor n(yt cnFi�v I ! 'I I I ,,, s, abd �ij,hA61it riodpit, i , n',., to ill(' riglit- c6nor) r land or. IjOW: to ti�ay, gars tio.i.st there� wi I I 136'some, ant in ll Oj� t God foaring, a*jId. 00(l I �pofjlp ltf6 J&rOjIty to') -61i -ng pooiji.e. P ca1010 -ld d�,;tlned n R ek, command Can a ),tpf)j,t, t N as 'Would PIDCATI end' to,'OV617thIng, Tlio th', da 1.� �: * � , t There' ltre leeping ttd of. , col P Of 1141. 11", 0d I!n jfitet:fere Nr'fth by hIght -th��& j tYO pr, nursotic ;j to It e" V,Vlgo Chr t ;A,n (I Won, anti I Inl!' Its to I ,b, tile, Cradle t)ldy get" pt y1lil6s of k I , of el J'Jl� tjjjrt'A j 6f till tho, men .("n ur n P 1. � ctlell One t'JI 4rd lose ithe krotfjj,�j t)j, Avndln`�. dllrox, sc Oh 111o,6no slaq pl�,f IOU 'Lt It s(Inaroly Aoatl in 0:11 E; ,Iohoshe�14 the, otl Th6ro I is, ftlj6 h , , fay. to it I Orod, to give, tho ao.j*�': P or 'c 'use of I)btl (11,10 01 JOf lie ItIUIllet o k 10 It I 1,011g1011 fllqtrll(* I the thp, chlof O�jhp tho I1116(jor in P'I'MV up nd -olloogo t f, ttflng,to �l f))rotl orqileInj . t st , 6 IVO 6- 0 I . 6AIRIsh idol at I,Y,: � *11;61c, -h , _4 8101V lond1l) ero With, 116t Me gro l016h, voli om" It said to SdIIO$hdba,, one 11 k 1.1 Itaq 1"11 4hd doeii 411, (if I (" T t, I� Ia101d. ",with tha aLot hiffi, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 MT7 liwic Mpt un III as d 1th f, Ch i In t and i As) r b