Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-09, Page 6. . . . . . . . . . . W" v, r� Ile f V1 N A M aadl ti -Q, "Ito Apr On a Ift and, roll, W1141, She all ould Ito 403. 6110 �"TJINV�- 9 "es L 90, bep t116,0ljly m440him ouft, to �Aq W fig, � - I[ I X Tille ',Is 14 Could bo co" _I!, , �* 11 , : � I The Il!Iv.4bytQr b!?t, IW ? `HT' htch povelopa wo, w ke 0140 Qt, too Of! lolivy 'And 14 -b. hb W40 ii�ltl* .. ' � .; - 3r.e11I4crV, "ever; §qispected.IZI erences. jyllil� th 1, r a 4 6,S, t L, �p h 1181EAS ' 87 0 06s or oug ow W_6�ke4,­ like C 4- I � I I .. tilt. al4d 14debe A pio. 9" ame, Was to 11) Q and.'' with, 14 Adva iq� t4o. Oliadl!esti and me 64, time '11ro.411ceq. IR 14 If .7401 Of the Alarl nce and lot Illb o have a Fore- st t JPL'io' b rPPOrto, Viat T141P tAgIrle, W4sa, 1A Ste, *hat' I el v -to whicli", ew 0 ' ry pyi ig girl AI. �nely pse. painful. :malad, vv,,Or4 or vallvits6ing h t #44 Recov Clara whlp Your own except aq'! t -IM filankincl is sobiect,� Dodtt'� We ;W 9 DOW. Tbe PantrY w a a fu 1�idnOy Pill% Wilt Cum any tically coullileted, all �l th It In, - 1111, as'Talk t CID dn!t Q. fro Delleab I . -L - r, Home Thirt- t, Lobe le�i'supfi, as,. f Briktit's Dis Ibe- v r; -williarin 4�6 t -ite Ve got*, at e. E r;k he Hotel.and, Tlic!y ha Mile Sarklbe, asvb tievIi�r,fhileit in WrI6 G 'd-; W90 the -PO oTh one sing.le case, 1 .1 next, Xwo III TU esmd�osufts,, I$Q a wililui tbo� only reinedy that. ever, oni �0, itU the. T4 prou .4 wais away it' 41104 1. t �Irq IIIIII3� has cur0d iti and the Common 8 , , to r q* - it w h' 14 S81119. a It� by r6r the Only pqrpedy that can. 434049 Thos6. Present, 0 '480 . I to' understa. d ealtz -000 from" Outa adrIiiii0rto -wa's hard, rep( t�e litly rip hadn't Marr. ondered� of Calling on. A;ro,,, WAA. e. There are inittatiorls _ing Otrls. 'lot as he Of been, q $46 -t r, d, 9, slow, In gettIng''Ou tq Dodd'd, KiOney, pills'plil,, 000. from tile, S),19 t h91n Or Aceomplih I egionq Wes i had Irmiker,* thq, or h 604.411d PaT or, flit; Wm. Bar- 9 "abbed off ood -P I 0 W.Qnder-. ie -b4t, ithita- -or $-10,006�16r. th Wo Br R;,:Mil 13, �A Well'known, a Alredd �J it, it an 'and ti.ons are dzing!orou§- the the' -baby 4ll The d lanin any Shik cer- e. rld'. i to 40'4s,Qhape�olloo.forl 1tainty when 4 dozen. Otlhep our 'io'�n,� i�',i a. ongina, an Qnl entline.- r lklmo".0 thpm, y The niqq-, Oie 0 Ou r rl lit a isease is Mire, keepirig tab Olt. turn, e, ntl.morIo 0�1�, c. mi It tfi ropov pry . Toll wer. w. io lat.. gh. the 14P een WOrel a Toupee And ded 0 Of, course, IV' all- the Is 10111d hdvo 1) Tho lt',s E, 'bro;ws 11 0'. 1, - , I I I , -1 t -�fid And the had, boon tOw-fi, they',: ot, ier. Irl Church and ti e hi I n in pain. 11141-, Pink Pills. Mr.- Clira Of their:coont ;low that 4' ThOinpOOR kindly,. gave,us the f6floltom .Re. 4 EY ve 10119 befo�6- it. -ra afl, mat - of ihst'the Friends ug, le .;.a -..for tile ;illroitten Vinteh for he rd. hQ.,v6 fdrmbd Iher­Ybu�h *�re pieftt probabi.V, they would: P1. dqflcIebo,­7' ro -1146, '44�, -decided L to Foot hed -In 161 es ItSQ1T: "'Abe -half ye4rq "d rust L I , : Ji 16 fat xnak all the . diff 6re- lli** And a -Ir. I LL Irilet. . break 6.'am at. lerk he RAOW�'tllail� It'neli up '01P Play. But ot five hundred oove.d, othor �.COI!Oglttlons WbQ Ihave Oven Docicl'� -killney Pills 99 my. eld w were Var.. the - Old. more to c 6al"Garne who. to hr"II6, Cato* on b6for -the :1 than ti,6 y . cents bok ;it a en Innion Fund-. If, �,a:cli - of Ye4r's"oldl, J;oqk',, what, I atart6d,in -Call h#r',Auntle, en �A-nd the. 1814minari Strip.lings. t-hc�§e should roflse 90,41510 W!, it IS 'not tOL lqiStS. er and trankfer :$2�,' 00"t6 'be"i Clara 11 a' b iiif6rred that open, r, told, With, no DiIin and hve n, hid Jqft Und eed:�'Of'Ibqr Interfering or Blocking, 'He *as wr a 00I �,'200, _p JP -.a . .... feia* the, 'and, I eft hollows a jW, I 4dvised the tO­take.hIm.,t �nov'or was ier own �,Partrnent, ac to 4 phygiclall* S, BQId Rt9k. $he had and :if '6116 V eII'DoW;A­It debt to'eblnr�orl 1�,..un D to abillt, not r W Market. fault;. "Besides, she had cor, ing, 4 Ye Opecialift, Q,an rpg on t sh did, only -to t4O I ent all hebe a Hop,4,he didn't I other' Admii t QUO of thern VM,61d know th dif forew.le iblit"he ... I f ero. se out as egoys PincApple n lind' 6ut lost I the Sikht 'that as. ort had, D SaIj. the'litirdn Or debt, 'and the $ucceso w and. Ladles, Choice ill t q e4se order to 'I - nL Q prove that 11 hei did gractice, weI taye. lea m -Ing oCompletely— Th dis' Ot"InOn Fund woulil pread, " light- t, mp,, L the, Mazy.' b ar, be-appreclAbi from III Ili fact, AIR h en: PdY e So a helped,. 4dolor an rve.-a 1� but, pi�r Indlitil, friends L ft ' I . I ow mem ae- 's eye, -.d or Pi-PWilee, T11; e . TreAs p here of" our III o10' wbich be gaged ju-.,;, to wtist, the cu came greatly Swollen an(] .1 and, g -h .3 had colltical family'. Win fl�e -apples., gone.,-. rocelyed torj��,. got, 18 at Of f6ra from Soome layge lillinedlf salt* wit Was lgne,'64: b6' loss than el6ven, IMOR ( in old arm, was coluJIl0t6li Use' Se a ver BacheloroL ellf d greeable er theyear Should' t* Of Alla hold,zlp w �tO -Give III and, m lr� Counteract;, that 1,Lr be lnjerp�e`torl i s` he was,, altul(,� PrpotAng Iroin'Force.,of Pripints,' feet -of an 461d. ;III the rind -for. e t littl ' ' " gets' fa nut'. suffering Was not Lout t which Call TI:id one ot x r4 ecinti Oul.blS Wrist, it or 4ay III&I, He Aoves to tell Callers. -how he.pr the mouth and 'lips Sore 11 0, qr tlle n raeld Down elsewhere. JP !�n.y pain. ;.Fr went to W16 had'bet Tu. to' his, Wife iii. In coutdbli, with them.' It is� 0017 d W6 r in her food. th"e The, Akent re r0 IsSom �lilq ' ; IpOi'whlcfi� was'also lanced a coli- 811a wanted the Wght Rind,' and: She aild' he,'Ooesn`l� know,.. Jo t Impossible t the uld his day o peel fruit t)orthi that I el ut.without bringing'ie- the. Pickii1g: OU dl i Iii h times b hrself� thafi:.she RXpecting it. P Of this as JiLeqp t i fTh(i,�ne t' li�llig ma'do'. Wril siseminatilig. tlils, Ad. 11 ng v�r waZ' going"to do X move of the trouble inventory of* the Mora F - Ac. proplised., in eve 61i iti-s-either h6rfood tery bu,t part th67 h 'lot Yyws,,.to the. POM as he-, b6gln� -to' i P416490 rontcle r e'sby .91 -Upper ; - Air, Q eg Tlrea-,, frequent- RS, Lin uart� hala- -no surer of the: &Y broke large quantities, .1d 'Vdctbr7::a4d 'de- '110110% measure him'.jq Curs '%,cold In O'ne 'o P.11e L kInLwIth_ . 11 . . r t ip'. harnesss iiO.laittOr running f )m the soi6. 'All ed' that h' I t --Love h Take Isli-x4tiVe Bromiy Quinine T tbere' i'6 him- ti a e could r. wee d d some urikeift need, ng hat t lu ''With h bo - was -almost' as goo o's slRnatuie Jsn,o.�c t G"t.", the MOneS" it It- fail" to chre I* Appealed to I * lie.intere;3t s 0 -she, hai s ore in tha looking s01b Q or no effect Ille C01111non tIind.. The P telto 'Qat'.8trainln I h t at fo 6n, W lue' my -boy was under the best f liersel I .. was. about 'Xreatmellt- I eduld'ptocure but ',Iler Age and 6d t noand. hiLd d od -Or, 0110 '141101 triefid 'In Otiitwt tijo I Prbse6ts: ;ont qu �Pt -would be' ar was on -seven P ife 0 e, years, little dy.of hefs;'and that, IS' hcotigreg4tion vh *81 b- doct ver,- cause Surfer& firglir 0 ; u bo ors th4t rise at, ibedl $5,0'00 Iast,eek- or. a-, fad roubld -ano Sir "I'll' P61)(3-Hn des8�V: began Ills u, waso very * keeil 'wx)uld go 70n the 06nipetitio BroAch!Al' t 13C no case he, was WIMry, trylalg th pub to life, Iri­tIIIo Ho"o, of Cum ks, starVing or' at- 11ke-it in fl red., When-ail�ost o �be a could scarcely 'Speak Unies at',I mons wil; '6 0'. of 'a; .one.,, ..e I 1 1. W blind And fric f as Of DISraell.. He -'speclai t god 41114, , not knowing ry Gir knew : Kind :Friend to e% .. above. whu. stl scribbd $I.,00 what I he per..I,got,n6 relie from anything. till IlC ntlenla'n is'death 'b6 -�quic:kf'. -pla-y;Ing,'n6 'Af terward ved, Her* ajesty. ith gii to do, fbr,theb,�st-�.a but' Faviirltids rlend'of.ni . I kept I* tried Yoni'MINAItDIS. HONE WII9 Rkoilses. on. oi. ifwu tllo�s I.ne the :Pareiits guessing. . Til Y UAL. great dlsilli6�JoIii. at; the SCOtt of SIX veyeidl 7S M n e me to,- tri Dr.' Treas "rer SAX Two .'b' overhor III more, if Ilpilk saying that �-of the, Slide, Factory *as what lany ottlee gAVe rbflef,,�/and suc(r nei�Osarv; 0�ii'o otbt(ters of e e ,edre. h 'GreaV -would, h L e*,. can:. be -had a son, who. Soclot rosloir '43616uleii, and.w"& I �pected-- Fin Cis , made'. a ', -conipi t , -m - w lot" good tbingff -Afflicted 'With a s6 Paper., wouloi,. call a - Of Coal- I ar, e x a -ga n A e SIS' III 'L _ jtibel�. of bile House Liver 0fl is the. f t S mewhat mi- - Catch eartUy recolum ad a letter I* to any- f oln a,'.Ne%;r �Gltiliigoiv. 4,r. disdasti,and -h end It liOrifi up tb'tll�'ttme of his &6th, On6* 8cllo' -X. decided with herself' 'and troubfe� d'been eured,by, one, suffering from: thioat or lung' day there w d take; it vVil'I isAve i - aa got buqk solne:I-talk about 01, Of Ode hundre to give Dr.'': 6elloldr Wll� hateliedo, W"'heme. loll-ali*he Smart a �,,twO, ' objectionable th.)t In' 9 - p friend: who - h A ''S not given' to th )Vlnk�PIIIS: 4. trI111; apd'sedured 'Set got NYI * KIRK. -pe aliArItle 6. the.Y'had ai,e The' genuine bai this,pictu're on em at,ih' away for the, Freder cto". IV 'S0161ar' I dollar I, It, take no other -VANBUS, 6 raged over o6a; ready to, piki6 , , L . : 'L L en's Day f Ugh,their. Clill If Ltou ho Ve ii;t trie 0 drug store,'and' tir6 boy IIadLtakeqJw0 l llec� 0 '90111Y 'It nHleated TerN, Clara d her was for je t d Osi Piper, mu,14 ._Iliin n eattl Herfifiessy, "lie Sp9ng t brighten tile way,for nd� &.BOWL oming� back .,to remain at. HoineII It w' 'llessing:,that;'sher"woul cOIle6tjb.ns­' Su h as- AIYQ4YO�,horrowlng inonpy., I tidings e ­ I �rlends -bY-.Ik cro 'tastewill surprise' 0 as 'a ervy', es E lor� y u. kii'lid'ilow �camp le k1oh and'.116ted: a Think. to 'do beCauseLL At[ the Social upon, evOrYbOo Ioxc'ep i It , If may lWiVe -goodL 661)o that. 'SO . . OTT ts N t:JI So ch angw or'Ahe better Chemis 000'ishall:ih tile end Ve ralged�-riot:`:2a'' oRe'. een, kilce -were -Aupposed.-`to flit ofr'to, a IFHD: 0." wc�tt Went. onthern, and In, a few. W 0 Could'Commaild. ther Ohl, ITororito, taking _4ren'J3.dx7l;6d.tJnd�r: itteking. 00 in �r 11110uths-trom,the timb he T1311F T $I. mndlan—Eng bil I .:11111se-1hem�j 1. ere IL._ pe, Judeiing;.. pu. ---- -- .. ... hie wong. you- .In ",Veranda and try -T6 0 think -they We" -Qalcutta;­sayS--tIf not a J "11I 6ani�da; -, �1' . 1. appetite.. go 'd ­ except, hILS­ OfJhe dis T . he wor ne*e igestion, Arid- do, as-' 'her Mo -the 'r--s-Aw.,sIIch:an exi 'b 'C001pound: 'blind eje,, the ease �tocubprqtin.-.. -Of children -to b h -left ,I ury undei Id ight. lara W14 r to, g6,, �as datl6ns of -rall;w-ay. bridges, has iron riafln'd Cv— Of 4 ' t IjIIlL . ' ' "' which . I L by 1% L ., d e Ali these., African war cal to' -use he pills eand b pazilon. to p ... Pil is -car , do. rise � a ay; at''.Hoin n Caused ilbubba In ndi, haci latic`,�ekltimeilt 08 before, he s Cc Ci f-, suali but -'she would' Ft -_ it1011 of p�Ltr h4sinowbe' a Coal] por lonesome Spread to China, �'A�nd Js lipiv. . ."* __L d. 7 laying d Ofte it"'ll t it Wor)Ebq Wo number'of p' leshy id n'the: wor quite f ,ind considerlilm..- the: wen -rarely bidit-.1" t' trallans� ''ap ld Is Something' wondlir.� one 0 ,,e Wax n the agil to esorts w. hat, countr* *itfiout �jlei ndid -yout h. of Natal f9 0 1) 1 .. lcilltar�l L lonla pol the, With their. Cameras and the dibappearifice of �ful. and Witcli Hazel; and: with the tritish.lea- piant.� I f6ur - playin - card &ctorles, Tal6uln Pow several chll- by.side-.'- �ortlous;.of'Bel� nt er Of' OBY161 9 community.- If : Aily, person I der dr(* from. tli6.. A'Of k6oWjngL desir-, 9 uni'the* wo, k Perforined 1),y woxuqkl, st Incifidel) going, to the packfr' . he meritsf of Dr.NJI Clilra;t- was, loft., _T a -:and - India.,'- 'Year produced':6,I260,000 Alone lin o w,n - rinks, the -4o 0 horse Iiiiir tII6, plough 6 -JIAmP' Phik-Pil lie, Mien. It.: ^ : " hile Can all, Syou ludy illrect� them, T as -of. Coy- tfi` 1 llilona,F-Fuct that tlmge� a d V.-Alliler's Wotal � Powders. cure ll hil- re6qui It -is ag-Trw ,a a4lready. th r aid' op, tney worIk,, as the th,l re a rdinody for cornala' I heis 'hard and rec e —Tpwxi d rr lack luents.-of ildr mend, !! do;s In, Oln to dny.perso at I worI4 f.icted �Rnj a saro, painlesgis ��"rid J !I] e1v xt'Metor. reen it pr It makea no'sure apota la sagreement' L th6 Same wage no the inkir. e .!Is Id,.,try tteli:II4 my ays. Bdt there is nothing."', to; certain AFutnam,'s jrairileRs: corn R te . - tea riverchii ._�-Dr. Willi t t ms' Pik PJIN ;,u event -a Br.lgfit QU-1 trom'.Staiting put and* acts Tr�r (the .7, re by. go- tctor.--A-t­�dru ing-Aa-the�,roo" ra 9a 'er t -Of -Sala now *Ith 6 -m& . I I00 e CliInaI They I I tl' Ll Snow. SeE _0T t and".1itfild lip 'th blood, and Oil of, t1lo, cloci of"tp rJ She. stocked up the 'RefrIZ6' _M at r IP rengthen the nettq)p� ldIe-of4he:;r&d ml�n"�nIre'bnl _t Inbrc�se, -(Ili -hus-.d vIng- HnmIniob te e;% report of the rovfnI6 fence-menl� t a, are tiyo, small 6Yst8m. GaWI1 with The' on �Lit.. 'The IM Board are wai ing to's6e flow I no by Insisting thai eve' ra. Around'- of L Health. for t 'tlIc'cat,wJlI JuimpI I'do ?lot .1 9x e Ir a: 'Chai. ryl,b. ung 11e& n' e h 104t1i fl'Om: .11 -a h ard sh er OWS a total of '2,400'd ths, 1s of Canada,we pray' Pnou.-h tO j"dilitt _Gdod Thing anid no one ha Lade I�of I chosen b. iave same as year, pnist rows as nest . Ing, p 'D Yet 1hase. aperture.-� ;have ee In a wrap- 7YALUA13LE �LECIPE to d to'. as, da t you, aid tear t1leir Garments to jiidtio�b them:. ill .1,.967 tile. he BtIt1Shi..pIafit6r-,, '6D1 ;Ior bearing the full trade mark, Di ti t V ForLCQU`lrh�, Coldtand, L6n 11 liams' ' Pink -Pills'tOr Vale' People. W come. in-' laceiii, Your, del and ` j, C[IILn if ), IV � li� frequI Y.­oe6ft L Take a half eacup full Flux. %I6r,'*d66s...,not . arrived'at the rate of 3 crease -of 523. �Ojr 'JI: - 6 1 i they will'b6 sent keep thlam" reom even ti: Volvo, a, Nig. tip * And 10.3 e;* pe A le o'djor. StuldentI; to: and fro ifeed Te.i-lwith Postpaid at 50- dipped 'Into Papal C. -a doso:of esy,a, cents in. thAr strartga abode oil regardless. Alm t -GER1 AN ki igarw and the gu Ar."bigeting of' til atiollsf -"the sp4 row.- �tlo no xosand. ls� 13i and -resp are '11l'Otly r0spidlil5IIII airb of 'the Unlversij�,. of e Se 'BRU ; b,oxes for* $2wft by; ad-, Liquid'. oper r Toronto it appear to haVe-Ifffebtedthe ti.1110-k a icine though, Clara had it 'diphtheria.' wa.4 deoldbd W ST '13ALSA the clock. -'It neiver fgils.td give e of Dr. ked owl" 'Whooping* cough ,Ind. typhold� In edch allow all -tTOckviiie Ont. Ama'ffied in 'ql� ble",for he 'incr6asb are 11,01ii, bl. five tlrrl�s a (lay. rits of 19 "Cur to aas a uOmpWillion. - to it '.Of dnl�eislt on Service the inititediate, relief .,was. noticed". wheri''blie Ila -there . was, an increase. Canadian -, contingents in Lond6hom, R thatL d all all Deujrgls6� - or fro Deaths -t roTh., tuborculoils. L nUL A L Prominent, F., F -13Y. Chexplat, Port Elgin, oht� . ng,_ y, In -the Evenin their year"I elxamlnfi�jlon. ebntradto� The: City the Compau mb�retl �riea ridgIel unt-Brydges, says- I took -Papa as.,ciorrpared!�with '190 for the matt�Dr'-was mbv, 172 p Londba, co ara an 'Area elthr bad -been Chloroformbi-I and puit s' Th V4 ame Month lagi ell. -by the Chancel Compound Iroli P - ills, f oll One Snuare, to, Bed or' else, lid liitd his'. Orders, too or'stonaQh. ti whether'L.Ally '18 Ooubtf ul, seconded by',the V1,00-Chandell6r,' 'other mil StIlly,.,Undoi CoveP. ! -, ' . I t ­ t . bl.. n carried uhanlm - Qh I suffered for*. two beattilfulTurquolse br, o.0 Lill1rilLent jCur6o�Col -Baugie Ringo, Of the globi Much I - " -send br----the_-T-r6as_ lWea t "Althojgh�, tile C10, has not 'ob Factory, Sji ' . . "L' . I. I with .0. reprege, ..arranted three lrea Loverst.-Knot h urer (if the Sh e, knewL niment Cures 77tZ�r­ I therla. Dreadreal I evellge, Initial engra,ed and a)oremimm abso. unoarles better.. than I�!ph 'by single to after her Pr lutely oftre.. Send 10 cents to bell a owe t. he he I Ilo y all ey., the knilp'roj'S Wads., "i6d pi -the, C,;D t his Way to QO -grond during the'llast. flity She * 11 d Count,'.11will you, wreak "eligehnee and, ill though Its, resident llopu_ the Honse 'with tao others... When he t Cou d SpetLix, Feplingi v lie many --fads:'of Emperor Y. n that timelias "Her Is man d ecting YOUL Sity" gav I e 'to the',vanishl to, indke bbots a a I Ca 1 11' ill -WcoiIvaLfd-,' latioul - wltlil divindle 'Came Ae did not - chide him f Or' fl�lllhg Mrillia'm IS -his passion, for coil -FRUIT'% ng'.p01nt,-:Ij#' fils-Party CalIL; ni6lther did 'AhOeS -of famous 'pep Ptty , �broad hint. that he' didn'ti edve"'I all r0pourcesi""llevve done on she rush towlards'liftil and pie, Ifr FOR irtioular ob-. y6u..'coming h6re,a *venues I . with a Lo*' Ills lelition of thesb�p. ali Aam the door real, Increasing. Ai"cortIll g -to the. an he?" ny mor 1. d. Ha d Cry JOY. thereby. tipping itei Hand. Jects, of attire. "constl Cut in' ba. I laugh." Ju �sta the City, dha nual k 9 it'lliting go. M10 Of the III-,* III the Nfaq4-A . rill"Insula, At en pendant 40' Jill Jillakd's Vint a front 1:11), on' in Of imberlaln, Sho. new" that the Tkeaslurer-bf - the 9 huge, museum (A ui,,-: .,,No. iO, R width,',' pond m9fit Cuies Garget n' w 10 mile n qdIt..ron the :in M briefly ires . 1� cows. AYRA. 170 acre.,,45 in -��u ,the e aU, to 'of or_ -Shoo. Factory wits next. � to all these, "for" 'iftat -blitepgo Tribune bell. 12.000 �t�.jn a 119111 It, 1 collection s kept' I th I'd the' Young' w' e were I" Pf. Boarding School' Tactics - and.. 16 'n t%tIgss a 7AXI 0 -Cauct is rc asl �ur ago patk�ot 'tolls coated teII4_, Wild n; r with- ffde ara n e 0&116 Ire n J too N T A IPLENTFk 19'reveflue 0 br-dtfl�rit in -go- f slipp, a W 85,o 0. .,7 . ed to P at' the f X26,918, While tci-dav .,had enJoyed about tell years ­ " L I L rq- it unot 40 Ila, gilt.. E x 1) e r I'. puted to h dose of-MUler's Orm 4wders'180WIt'at 6'tars In t firia'a lu'pdt, P.10. 1310. q harmless holl" I at flit i ellot in handling the Crpatures, and' et., th ()in' In, re ill 9; Wino to of re aliens e! re fille had'. learned' to L and , to dwfavuo Addl n of :p e.asant, of Peter am, after all. AMPS. PersonFhavintol(i colledtionsir Iment Cur6s'L.Isto _1V4JIt,l- $ho Ithe' ill nil-itt6thelo nto'the.*CIr-- !Gredt,, o - Frcderle a and,,� Bo f - -t 6,dVanta"_ -- - ---------------- - 010' Witt, took' hL . a Eh F, ljaloil�on _ N s Order'alt(LY1,11owed ast!Y, Of the f r -tile tt when ! ' " L ' ' I ­ . king. .at the, a NN'J k'Ly C,U Nzipo" IP I st ]Pon. That Is t d ght Ilm, ta� sit th an&- ore'in tlie'dloitrning� You. look. RED. D)t -DR 'h6v� NOW aled p:ihitin, abro -.,tire bred.:,w�-� for &,quarter. Mill r s or ne:sta ment ?��clli Elin I now. ca,96 Timps-HerdidI: D' it r. Ormolldy hig, dioco aa , cess 9 yoi TS' erve.,Uestbrer. e Cow- 1-wilo -,Votl Tound� A a or nervousnes. afW lmlirltiri8e bmp� (if op be- -Next to Bit, J& the ILtinnibok, with' olti lIreF"lr(5Fn-1V6wd- BUrd., find er�,; are PA for treAtIs6 and free *z tri glai3g with her. It', lbork�d for.'d Whije 'Y;win Heddliglits 0 1 ill't, iooeomot ne,.er saW a. danset Ilk a won er medicine 'for alglass,arli P'that "I "th 13' Flir.sale byl AI Hurte 17so Notro,pi, ,.,.�.btotla Into ves conn rLF..' fAxontical, quo, converted to,gh,6 011i, Ci)eck,4, We droh.. The IRC61110tive'drawl ng a f,".i. tr-*.,,' "rviciiable tnilldlr)g� matiori� .1.1. Tile "'lie "tin -r Latei that between Netv'Yorkr and Boston is fil'I' oothirr Syrup 9 . boul . d it .1 ways 6 Well f H r . 11. h r the nlifill'Ll �siift eli eetbink, It, 800thes, Wind it combin6d light Ig' focussed fortu 11g. e D. -D tit M CP fiI[idn�Ormai i L' ot rodess Is- 8111d,la,bo Q00nomical igtthe' Mon walked-.1lorne- 1�6r�ntO Police MagiRtrat and chetiti, it ' ward'togethbr: they remarked t ai ted Out with twirl heddlLghts' wl,to. At yle ove nd 19 one t, the many ItIt Clara W.-J"I t to 0, Oln the e presen in L g r t1losd'inj t I . : � Oil 'the raill, while'll6yond, flint 110111t, MR tits clierhlNtwd, "IV albbu.�i Next' I'lvening tlio'T�easurer of, tilp Ige in Such voce Of. wake hiat6lial 4v;lllabi for, ILlin r thi Va'atory wali'llack on,thp Lawn. on ill b u V111.9 ------- tl at' at f01*14 Of Inca. 'whpr ._You cot! d p ay , Shirt othe:!, grpt 1: 1 ' f _�)rftlst AlAn tro�s'anrl have Ont�, C"PoIl Great Britain, thor6, lkr, air (*Vldciice.fpj RV&� body. an neciftnulatlen-of JfIr V , . and,.Irl r& use of b 'it -lenity Q'u6pll in AV14e, Ponie n'd NO 0.110 can do, ibt- NO . 80II'S at -vot! and. liot:-II:L�e �Ndrvllinej foi- Rho been tilliclid, in, the Market, 1)ugh. �f Fol being Idded to ut, he f&te. t'O dilY "ticket:' They CO'nnosod' 'In 100 h0ttT0-4; it'st to givo you the 0 funity opor tons a w Ilatt- orted1w its, NVodcrful. polqViet, all kindl3 0A.T`ARR110204E,-. 6ring, s about till, 11110 '9 1 hest Y 116 oil cionty;,foi, J�LAIN41.Y. lo�ed -LE5 YWHAVE ISon oil call lry foil 11 S i'l Ua ri fit thee o -,&,,I duro for eraippi, headhe _Ur g-(, to�,�yqt he, colds, 150clifig .40ift Vicinity bsdThoreisonis-ohei that -floih 14 f III th ljortinif of city, 11h . . I e eant,l P, iho Ot11" heir to, Goott to I 3:rld NVIlicii'l I' P C Sugar jjljjtt�` if,y WAS'to c ire ilest out , I , 110, gbod to, rub, oil Go to Possible, Adda 6) r rid., anit thitt Jq by collsfituo I' 'le or 11ovorts W'Prd do- afora,anif hily a io ociit 6 1 a Venal ra In - 'Oil of, th N1140, tin t they could, with,, Lb.rge bottica. 25-echk9 q n pio bottle. the optiarit 'of It 0 lie c rdid 111114 of the 11[gh "School P . Sr for S t 'ati Vc.4%on-Will! b "Thkoat ..... ..... a5. I bftVo A ruiliblitiggoilticl, otit� IlatF4 ng, 0610t is ennycly rerfeft licar- Vit �oscd I, go out In V I Porate liter' iflanivi'ation.can ll� ,tr OUR,GRAN an(l iylel.s e Ir the -co 9ta of Gal, Catarfli, I op f! al and win tho Hone : PrOVertles "at; the saiii 'A kah oil remin, 61i, .14ho v8ton, rogtoring tft 109 dfsaktocable atirl 6011. 1 t'lig tu6" I`04tni'ecl-to its nortli e't file one �of the hardest to 4.9tropen Of all tner- with, all, the corrun( a IL 4tjifIg t0L ThI.4h a been A III. mcCailuni's k-. no es o f, -1i 'I aItY- Ofigigod In tfie great woi 1001f aff ten 'n're the C III coho Clarel;l SJ, lothlb biltani th'is thribi was of re, I.obd s I H iperation, iN*Itll tile pol)le tj or inai f) " i),y - it sk in g, k bawlced' ni" s(I 11voc, Willi ad f epin bata'i ulill (I floul Igivoolid: iftindreff DoIl:tr,4 ?or $I' 4;1 to, robplid, their c0119110d. No I throat. *118 IIa a 6 of ho, Trerurvil or t1i- I'dctOr to And'ma'lco',th�1r city g at; , - 11 Corni� (Ild lint 1101, Sulid for, assuried.. During til flic In the 0, Ott d N- JfW I'A ST, J'", A W R t-:, P 17, to. the Gal ntil ftG A 90141) R V r fly 111, Ire I h0,vA or. b I,- T'lg inot Not only 10, 011141161111 and so I, It NVI'll or podple to.'Q&t_- an of flil Long TIrn6 atflrilifd8 to,all: ok CrIorl':L ainplp, v if(Ir built -n fit t arid tllf�y I ho kthi I n t 1tile Th el receritty f grfIat i,,t -i�i 11 llavo,l oia SU; tft��0� II,s elthoeld o f, U ti, 4 f,. irt iif,4 Ji 11, ,fJ tJ w tn ri,fl irl + A' II, 1wgrilining 11,'vcrSr %void AARI oo iriltel, athe An 11hAbItR' enrCli, 3a h co ,* CIo.'s" t'llp t Of 14hr fieof 010 9100MY 1vi'll �6,on PtIvef of tild Inliq hiliv Fat.f4fV 011t 800s arelvo flip I IV, rl�,nllf owat tolf (!ATAUIMQZ0N1E be 'Ill and, l0q, L'fJlrJfI$J'Jo(t�'W t II(I pro alilIpplyfrig s d6nd ot In Ilairrip�rf'o 111,10411 fro- to luld Ordpiq. ­ 'L " *,-' ": ' � ' ' n I W. � , tVC�njfi L,, 11 � . Z 0, 4, ;I vo, 110IV all 0, 0, Aiit 0 g one o to AitOlil flx'IV8 rei 90 gind e to wa t A,