Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-11-09, Page 1w,TP: ,7•:- - - - ' • .ead. 'Offsi.,', ' -, ' Hamilton. . .. , . . . do,pzizi ;Da: lip - - 1,703,21.2 , 4 egoitio• ru;34....':. 0 -, ''. • 11034410 Tota]. .A.590iii ... •,*: 14 827 05it IVI .,, . ' ',.• noixti,l'or blinctorii- 4 ' , PrOidelit t ' . ' Vire-PrOide4t • . ,:i OH ti' S,iUmit. " • : • . :. A61,0r;RAMSAY. You N. PitooTan: ' : • Bo. Ito/ton. • '' A. 1 '. „ Woo i), NI. P. A. B.Inz. (Toronto) ' •1 " • Wm, Opison, M. P. - ' V adiler, , .` ,./Ni..- .., J, TuairipMw , . . 'Oa Ca314 kr , , -. - , • : H. B. STsveNg inspector"; . -. • • . • . . 4. M. litrArsoll. . . Ageneles, , 0, • . Berlin . Listowel ' Owen Bound ' Oarman,'Map Lucknow• . Port Elgin • , . aheidey. , :, ..,'Manitou; Man: $ivacoe • ' 1:)elhi .' • ., : , Milton , .',_ pouthampten. 7`,,, ,i. . A ; Gogistetdwit,--,4--Moragen, Man - Toronto • • - ; . • ' Grimbr• Niagara Falls, Wingheinrr" .,., . , Hamilton (Bartonst Orangev 0 ' ;Winnipeg, Man, .Hamilton (Bast End) •'Prstvellera are notified that ' the: Bank of - . Hamilton • and its Branches , issue Circular: . Notes of • the National Provincial ',Bank of, . England, Limited, which can he sashed Whip aut. cruses on rinensx,ii inkling TART of the . westin.. , ‘• , • :,;•1 „ ' •, . • • . , .• , . 401IN SPROAZ:' Aden. . . s_oopt ' FIRE 'AND MARINE 'GUELPH r. . 0:011$4VATIY,ge,'..•'s . ,Acliliegqi.71-•NY' .4.5elt;*`$_*.,,l.,,,, ....„. .9 .. 2.,axiir,..maDomosliwcitoota.;,popoed_, ----,,.-„,"!7""-""' .-..,7'-.,, 1.4.•...:..„r-• •,._ -' - :- ,,,...,.5;2:....",•:."-..-;,•,-..-..; . 7 •H•••• • 1" Brine'OL•Oiirgil - - ' ' "'-'''''''-'•'''' ; ' ' ' ' '''' . .41C00-1,1*-fii.4•Hs•-•••,":4;4i:',41•40,::-:-.•-A-41--;27`13•4`74' "-'l".••-•,...•• , • • • • • • , -$0; •sh ih' • • 4 ' cardwo.4..0b0f400.,,,.•.,... „:, ; ..... ..,.. •(i ,7 e u -ne, imams -Fielding • . ' 185 5 • narreouthIiiiiit ••• ' ........,,, gleeted'. Carleton -Kidd..................... r Kidd • ''' ' Elected '-',., . . . :,,'.; • .. • ...' •''' ' oo. • . - ' - • '' ' ''" ''' ' ""'-'. •Tiotoriar,,,Ross :. , . , ... , • • . ••• • ,. . .. OornviallaSJOrtnontPringle.„.*.-• • 200 - .. . . , , • .t Dendas -4-Broder. ; 7 • ' ' • •. .20 ' .OON8itor,ATIV93,.., Durham, E. -Ward...., . . .. . , . ,. 200 '0.01clieliter-4,4Otrley:,.,.... ;..•..., ,180 a Ora .- . , .. . .•DUrliam W-Thtirtitmi.. ..',. Elected- i*Halifax-Kenny .,, ,;,,, ..: , ; . .. ... 71 l .',ElginA-4,ngram;., ..;. :::-..."".,.. ' • 82. IiIiilifaxaBorden."..: .. • .. . ...... . 40 7. VCKNOW a• .7.7,.. ElOn;W7-..R,Ohin.len*(Pitra4„. , 1. 48 tainonitirg-7,Katillnieh. •••,•:',.....::;EiReigni , . .. . . , • . E6.7.42ThisHED "an . •,.' . .Fr9.00n40culv14. • .,... • ., .. .' 340 Plet0l4Sit'll'..TOPPerl Belli.'018Puted • • • • Wo:do a general banlcing, 1;nsiness.' issiue Grenville, 8--.17teid., ;......,...Elected . . . '. NEW. BRUNSWICK:. drafts throughout Canada and the iljnited 04.0,f' t-t•S'peohle. ,,,..'.......... . 260' . . . ". •• .',.. . • . . • . . , • States. We realm collections On all pante... Grey, Sa.--R,10hart1.0.00 •.; • ., :,,-..Elacted,. - , ., tumaArs• , •..inc1udins.1,---WMtern.844e0, Manitoba end Halton -Henderson . • • . .. A Albert-LeWis.::„ . . , , '.', ...,... 131.: . time, . whether note or .account,, Will, have Hamilton --Barker and .BrucebEleelt5mend7' iceis.,;;;;Le441,w, ; ;., ...,.... ; . ,.; , ;,„ .000., th0North-West Rro`vinees, and, all "Collets- GlohecesterLaTurgeori•....„.:.... : . :. 569 ' 'noir attention. .: . - ,.. • • : .. • Hastiogs,. E._ Northor.p., ; ; .,. "''.' • :1" ReiltigcniCheaa-Reid..................... ; °. .2 • . .•'... , 100 .14.°tes' mu4ted '1144 farmer's sale' 'notes ..rinetinge N",--Carseallen,;........- : 800. • .- • .. . . . • , .. , • . .- • , *01Z:to.farnier0onz.doeld'e or singlenOter ..1414.tinis,' N,i7,..CorhY • ....• :'• • . • ' •• mortgage on farms or other reni eOtate. Sec- . Lanark, S, ggart-,...-. • 4 • • I. • • 890.1 . ohn. City ,,.., , ..,„ ....,..... , 37. •• at from one to twelve,montlis time, and at ..Lamliton,' E,..,Siiiiinons . ,', ,..:,, . ,200 . StJohniCity 86' Cou..v Tucker. .800 rinasonahle rate.of interest.' • .•• • Lanark, - -m-__:,...pq,,,;„„, d gi Weititoreland.--;Eme,:'Mm.....,.... ,' . 800' • . Wo loan. small _et, largo ainennts"mi•7•0-addid, :-+,-,...-9.,...On‘.. - •,..,..„-.......................„, '-''' vgtoria.-,..,Iolin• Coatigun.,... .7-..: .. . Aec:- . :UritY and On first chattel inottgage 914.1ive -Leeds.'grenOillei LaVelle. • ...., ,' -82;?..".• .7.. °.i-'.11••••4:111,)00•'; ••----•-•••,....:. '. :...',.., • 100 , ,.stonit and. imPloments and crops,' . .. • ' Leeds' ...S....TaylOi.... .......• .. • .450 . . .1 ' • ' • '667'ili,4vrs.,'1, 'L.: :We hive's large•amoent of funds. to •advance ..., sio, ,) ..... , , . ,. .. ... ,, . . :,,00,1fitr.otT•neertrgategralgrroats.5dibopecroordintnit, t,,,,,6 ,Ltie::00ix.,,wlisee. ...., ... ,..... ,. ., 100. 'Clarleton-:liale ..:... 4: .; t,•:.•,..e.sl• P . • 00. • (plots, eed,eiee of the loan required. • n•Niagara-.4.,ancaster ... • 107' Oharlottis..-adaiTOng..-......;•. ,'..:,....,, • , ;500 • . We represent the leading 'English and Cana.. 'Ditickile.sext.E;-70ilaP7nr . ,',. ,..' , • 773 King -Fowler .'....,;,..."•..,; ...: :' 100 ',4la0 Fire Theerance • Companies ,ana • ean Middlesex; N.-:-..gherrit. ,. ,• .., Elected NorthninberlandRohertion ..:', ::490.: . .effeetinsurance en all classes Of properti , mii•ocoki4 MoCopilick ; . „,;;;; ..1),ouhtf01 ' • ..',„; , st ANigptigi: ••. Stoeltor•MiltuaLeompanies.ati desired", - • •• Our office,houre are from iq • i. m, to 4 p, m. 'Norfolk, .8.-t;•Tiedale....„, .; ....,Eliete0 . , -tni$itaila .. . Mallongh,, p .Wiodyi. .L ' Graham„. C. ,GE0i.:,A,'::SIDDALL .. ' Northuraberland E•-COcbrene. Elected. .)„, ,Ontarioi F----111cLeed....'; . •'...'. • • .300 "g"-rti°d°11`-1164* '''''''''''''' '''' * ''.'' ' '.. 300 • , Otte,W4,HBirkett and.Chariipagii, e.... i5'' ' Ms,tqUotte•HThompenn; .;',',.'''...:Alie.i.' Liegar-"Winkler . :....'.. „. : ...•;'.. -72 limning ' W Bryan John. Reid I . M MANAGER, - 1VIcT,e0d, ,W Qhlheiser, T . • Burns; -.R'• ''' PeelLa-alain.' ... . ... ....'....... ad Perth :•N,-;•-l),IcI a e ,'. . - . '466 - Selkirk -McCreary , ' ' . Ahead . McKinnon,: E. Murchison, Jaitee. Reid.' ;$11' .1.. :PeterborO,,•W•LLKendry , ,••••, . , :354• :.'' , ; : • ' cOngss:Vi•TivES: . __.,.. . •• . ,. • ,.Fairar.IE '. jthustnn; .: R.:GM:dais; ' 9- :,_„ .PrinCeEdWard--,Alcorn...........' : 73. ,Mattdanalcilloyd''..; ... , ......, ..gleeted • Jr ;Eintauee-HExeellent--114.,. Mc;:: . I. . ' ' ...... 3301and 1' .. 4 Howey, ...! Henderson, ..R. , !: Siniceer•Bennetty. ,'. ..... ...., ,.•':., ••• 35 .1:ir,rivennher--.1)a Iti,Viere, ... :-.. ,.'•• Ahead . finer .DEPART*ENT-.17 ..•- . „ . . : . Toronto, W-,--Olailre and Osier 'Elected - • . , . . ,. , • • , . . . ".. • • . .,7:7,ratnnAi,s.- ••• • .. „,. . • ..• . ,.. .. .. -I • SinicOe-,•Letnai:.•. ,,,,.„ , . i ; ..,,pRIcE.EovbrA.R,D.,ISLAN.D ' • • 'Allin... , ?. . ., , 0,.....±....•..,16,urier, '.:01-,ivernment X-0-; Ch i'elf'427"---Aserage att.„.10: . Again '...Retiirlled,''' ,.. Tor6iite:c0,--,Brock •,.,_., ..., ...,,, ,;:;:::.... . . _,. . , . . , . ...T.00.610.,...„Ep.,...,:,....:;:,..:„..L._;,...., ,..' 500, . _ • , . „... King s,-Ifirglies;t7,.....-...,.. .„„ ..Eleeted7• . • .... . . W -McLellan :" ' ' d'.. Elected LZ_ Junior Leaving Pt 1--1 :0y. .A.. LARGE ,..x,•..4.3,. c,..R/Ty, 'Victcrik-g-:-.VrepOintin--.',.,1' . -: ' .-;-000 Prince, ',T, ivr.,chiiii,.. Painiore, .17.1. Dough* -• Waterloo, 1s7-.-L,Seagritin':•,.....,.:,:.... ,,...ACo..- --.,44444012'fi E---'5,1"eKienoa',;'.. . c.,'Eleated: • ' M:1V,IeMillan,'..,31.1.1rrni;:.K,CarePliell...,.. Waterlop,..Clare..........'.....;,...•*. 364.: -`•Peen's Nv Piile,.:g Davi Rc ''. ,.. •• 700 ....pecid=t,NottheOtt; i Douglas. The The•••elections throughout; . the • Do,' Naningt0.01-_.Q.414.00iriiiii• •';'0)tect. '. • , •• •;• . '., •••:.°OsiMiltvaiVn's" ' . :, .• . • • - • - • • .• • ,, ' •,...Wellingten 1s1Taltois..„. ,,...„.', 400 i"tine;,-B,L-Lhfurki '....,•. ,„•,....... :. 200' :.„ • , . • . • . minion ',0... Wednesday reSulted. itn..e ,Wentworth; St -Smith ...., ': :. '..... 100- -.7 ., ...7.• BRITISH cgT.-04i3 .4..., -F§tir...=-D.Mcf..1300.,, M'.Lyons. ....,..,, '.4 L. • Pii,' 2-L4.-',neellent.7-=A .D4•1C44- '*kt;tirjr .Mi. ti'g'...Rel'ili Par44.4ntl'ilig'• 3Iiirk,• E..;.4)&aeleirin,„ , ';•,.. „,.. ;', 1,40t.iid, , ., ,. ' ' : ...: - • ' • • • ,,...no,n, • ,. ., .., , ., ., . '- • , •• ' - - • • : • • ••••• - , • • •,,, ,--., :-..- -g---7----A-New,Wettininster,---MOrrison,•,,,,..-150.„_ Laurier,GuyerumenC.:will.:•...g6;betV.t.o.., ...Xerk '• ' . allaco ' 900 ' ' :'''''' • •', • '•••." .' ..• tii3EnAig . . I •, . ' .., . . 1 ... ' ' .• .., , , • ,, • ••. .1 . • Good,i•-•G :Oanterott,,:0•Brawn.••.' 1:16`.0ii.,..vith.:.1.'; i'''Rioi'itY.fellY as large. .', '-' '.... -.' ' QIJEEC,i',../ -"- - . .t ••• oortiltsfaTivng". . • ,,.. ,. . •,,, .., • ,-as-they,had in-the-hiSt„.-Honse...,:,fflie ,.. .. '-', . .• ..: • iip3Ett,,ALs ., 'e - . '"ViOtoritc4.---Eatte-aratPritir12ygleetedt *" ' ... - ' •• " Government lost a. n'uniber• of slate .i.P, .4rgen eut,7-7- .a ,,,t, .„,.......,20a ..,.. , . :sii,1'.,.:Kfitii.ileEx. belle.p.t-4.11.eld, - . ., .. .. ... . . ... . . . ,. . . . , ,. , ..,, . ,. . . ii,oRTH,vrEsT .0.4pIT94i45...,.,. . 1.1,•tobertion,1:. g Cameron,. T. -Thonv.1•the rirav.ince of-- Ontarnbnt-.-these--Beatuie-.T.---Go bout.. --.7.-.........,-,r.4,200_ . .. , ....„___, son,,M WillaCe,,M. Barber, A Newinpi w•Pl'e 'Iliail6 410 by the Liberal gains in 3:8,14,11,1r0018-4DrilT 1-40$: :;":;..'.:..;,• 2,02 . ". . . :: .,.:,. •ilinirT4e.: ,7777,- :77' .„ Bellechasse-0,E Talbot ...-i.. ,.., .•40.0 z Aseintbaia•- W -Scott. . '', ..... kleeted. ••••:, w T. iyfoTapi ..w mmiciy; • s•iy.....Atcte,iin;:. Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brkinsa v•iiioir, ,,• .. . . •",••:. ' ' • , ,• ' ••,,g... . ; • Beithierl :E, Archambault:..:;. 250 , • , . . 1 Good -M .1VIcOlure' ' W IT Mei:nan;.' • • •• , '' • . e 'a.. ., , . '•• ' - . • ... -Bonaventure-.0 ,s .... ' ... „, ' : ' .. . 'c'°NsEltvier'iv ' • r . ' ' : All the Liberal Ministers have been ...B.rii.iiie'llali-S". A. Fisher . ••-•;:•Elented,, --'21.. ssitiboia, ,E,,I4ake,......-,..i.;:Elected Iyi.!Grohp.m. • •• , ,, . .••, . • \ • •• 'Pot...pi:L-1i; AiiirchisOn. • * llticture • : FairJ.I.eying.,..,S .Mallough - • including/. Sir.' Charles '. T)1Piam•I'lle). Hon , ' Chaniplain,....a.H, •Beseenn.;'.'......,. '' 272. • , INDEPENDENTS. - ' . ...,onpuno., • ..., , eleeted,', but. the Conseryaiis,, leaders .0liamblY 4, 'Vercheres. Geoffrion. .500 - • ..Oharleioiir--.:Tharles Angers ...: .... .189 Elgin, w:..7.,LRObineuni.patrnn,!.i.: , . 1-.itigif, Joh.4,. McDonald, Hon. 9, E. Viniteiauguay•-•J P BroWn.;;,.-:•• .. 450 ,PrainottOlaraii... • % ; ,'.' ...:,.,. '... ..945: ..te•an,...4- al..it0g0.di.u..• .,:k1:341.0004, yir • „Fo:ster; .Dr.,.. Montague "' . and '..A.,. P.: :iphi'0.00t:001..sague0ay•s.airttrd Ei-ectct . J.0604,•..t.s.iod. 0, ..m Yuh. , .;,.. • , Carron have been defeated,.... ' . P in in m end, Arthhafica LaVergue Ace ''S.i°1'' '. °('''' ' .4`°- . . . • .11e0arthy ...E. ' . ' ,Bleeterl • • „ ; . —.G...„0.04„,..41.., .,00,_althei.,,,, it .. yul0;0.,./ ,....*Iii•Benee Oennty. the :Liberals_ car- ,1Iocholaga.-a,4, 4 C •Nadore. .,:. Elected . QUEBEC,' A •'941ctiatithiSagOtitiy.,*(iiiattILEk*d.. -78beriif,',!1‘f ii4t oily., ':' W.'.8e.ri-Mgoiir.;:,1, '''Pd.iti.%'-'0- ,rfae:, John '' 1-r°1113-iP-41)°,1-01k. .Y-rttl,?&•17,8-..t."!`e4tr.n"r;teriEs'ij.. • .. • ,`...T-.---t•-•1‘14,NITO.9-.A.:,, - ...''•,, . -7 :Ifisgar-o-.R.inbardsen......'k: . • ; . .Eleeted Winnipeg -Puttee. ,. ,, '.., .'; ..... '863 •• poor-,-..--1)---7-ivieLeani...m- Nit] rcf)i,4 i 1 : AlP2C-• .., 1VICNellt :111. As North.' hy 92 Liiprairie,,IsTapierVille,..-D. 'Monet ,,,119. .. ., .,' ....,. ' • • . . • Mix, McLean,M Graliam,',M Anal. ' alaPi. OP In pq,,,Ea.st Ri.aipg: gptiq,...:VAssdnnitu?tr-ttr;161- Laurier ... ; , 390 ,. 7, .., , . 13 1 -T -IS-.. , ,.,...°,,,,9--Li...u'A.._ .. pi; .A.... 360 , . . . , . vancouver-onutn • • ' , , .. Cargill has.,:.4in . :1?een,.,eected by •26 Laval-. T; Fortin. •,..-.,......, , ,......El_ected -.,.- ..„..... .., . ...: . . ...... .. ,',No. ;tiff reit 52, Average att,;49, ' •... • '• • • Levis-S.,.Demers ... , .....-. , . :.. ',4oq . „ ...,., suipiAnx . .,, , .• .maieritY,•-• • ' ' \ . • • ,• , . • ' ••• • "• L'Islet-LA It Deehene • ' .,., .83 - "actin carried the'lf17-1'•eis •iel`f`-si 0 r .alititnen;liP-refente- ., 10_1000eity0'_•4i_VI:lk,w64,:a..,!,, the.,.....tailw-vi.ng, -40; .A0 . --, li 94,,,,plicea-to;-,.„heitr,,,,f - ' ''. ', . to ..preas the :retitins • • Tri 'Buren" •ContitY.,-tho .Liberals, _,L0t.bini„..,,,e,,, : E.F0i.6101. .;; .... ,44, .,, .. , 1 _ .. • • Hahneibeing- elected in the West by Maskinonge-4 .11:Legri,e ....•• • ,: ' 600, etandirig of Menibereelected: , 27::: 7 tiiiijoii`y; Dr: McDonald in the 14883.8.quc.n*,-4) P ' 4.51g8.-.-• • • • • • - .5 - .. - L. cdhi:rod.-- • - • - m t al -F G D rms. ' 150 • . ••• • . . • Ease,. and htir:.'hicEren in the Senth..i P -a• P P.' - 11.... • ' • • ' • • ' ' Onts.rici•• • - • ' .: 35 . 50,----40 ' , .-,),..,,,ct,iitr. lr-r, , . . ' . • , ' • ' -. • . ' . ' . Moistmagny,-P G Martineau .. . - 15 . . . . ' . ... The follavzin 'TVlieteth - Quebec .. • • • , 53 '7 '<, 1 • . , • I -- • . , .. e,..Com- Montreal -St. A..4itte,a._ Gallo 30i _ . , .........,, , ..,,,; . p.let,siet,urnn as .fur , as ,e0.12 be lett'ined.:- MontrealSt J• ames•,--Desmarais••Eiet N. ea"' Praaa-wlair .‘•i'•'' .•••• '' 9. '...5'•-• G V6Vrit Scetia • • . - , •15 -.6... • 0 .0 • the.houi,of _going. to.p.r. 048,:. • .Montretil,St'Laivienee,Bickerdike. 996 • 13... .......; ..4 • ' i ' 0 ,, 01, NOVEMBER 9th, g, • .1 v' • WHOLE NO 1?98. Inverness-MOLennan... , . 755 SMOUS, band of London harpers were Iiings•••:-Borden • „ .Plected • present• and delighted the audience -ATO -thairlr'.f1(1.181(r Agga. Valf selections, recitations, etc., by MOSSra. 1,111ntqp; Mtir- dech, _Alex. CI, Lochead, Joseph Scott, W. S. 'Modrostie.and :the little bafififiec) Ireii Sheriff; Helen Warner and Jen- nie SchrimageoUr, blade ;up a very enjoyable arid •pleasant evening's en- tertainment. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed throughout, and When the returns of victory werereeeived cheer after cheer rent the air. • ' , Petersen; D Gru'e4; g f9r thP: 'Wes0 b*Y"..796 .11°a:oriraikh 6;;I:oii • ang. D..Ca,m.pbel defeated tiii30114•31./.. gidarassit„,...; ; ; ; ioo • . . , —,-,44,rmlonieyTwIrus---:•-„, . :The' eleotinn in pnied,•• State*; on •Ttieklay "last; - resulted in a big ' victory torflie.'„Reptiblicari Party,: and , it is belie.yed that • PreSident. McKin- ley. will -have at Nut ohe'#fihndied• ... ' Majority in. the .electora1..eollege: The. . Vietery.,,complete and .*,-- It.; 4. . oNT.Aft.lot• ". . . - : le.yhq ikert his. pro,•Beer „SyMpathizers• -11, -61i-r-P-14-.°11'talla'-`4.1.'T. 4tta144251; Manitoba ...,.........'.-7., ; .......1 .' • Portneuta.-Shnaii Delisle.:. , ... ' 300 : , , . . • • , „', ' - to Istiried•smdeep that .they Can,neVer.. • LiiiptiALs. • , • • Quebee 0--.4., Malouin ...'...... , • • • ..53i Te.rritormw...... ,. i,..4... British Columbia • • ititaiiveted, -. '' '- ' •• . - .13Othwellb...A: ocirdom ' • ' ' 50 Queb -i• t' • S' W L ' ' '4500 g• Bruce,,N,,--,1-,,E•Qattpbell .. .,'•:: Brent; S --.0..B Heyd ' - 20026 Quebee,WHIlon it 1Debei Elected ' : . * ' ••••'4-- L-• • Qttebee, Co -Hen 0 Fitzpatrick 1,500' . „ . Teta' 120 73. alOns illy 'Report rot! 0, ..etob,e, t.,,,, ' • ., , ' • Experdinenter In: AgrIcilltnee. , ..Brute,' W-Johii .Talitia'..,";.',.. ' 7e6 -tiChmohd-Nithlf•-r--TE-.3W.--Tohin...-ry21-8... . 1.....4 • • Fougrh• DEPARTMENT. ' ."1. Ddring the last 'over. three Durham., •V.i•._41;*1)eith, . ; , , , 6 Rimotuilti•-4 A Ross , '.; ••....6 '',...,'•:' 150 , The .elictione, inthe:',,,Villaite • on . . . . • .Glengarry,j, T Schell.,:- . - . 600 "'''l'atiges-'-"A"laatbcainaill'a a•a• a '200 liard 'all day„, and ;W•hen ,' the • pelts' 0101.11,r xiMinciicirsilany,,• p..m...litioatif),E1..i..vtir,f5t,, ,•.. •,. •• ... , , ,thousand, fitrmnr.i.,• in. ,Ontarici. • •Inive Essen). N;--,•I't r Sutherland .. o', . -600. ritoktvillP-ii P Brodeur ---------1,4 • •2' Wednesday' created little: •excitiment,' , Excellent --4, Cainphell, E Irving, , , . . • year. • . • .. ,Eseex).S-'---M; X COWan ....."...., .. , ,0a ' St, *1104:0e -416u 11 13erniPt • 1$22.. `hat the •ftionfle Of both parties worked G MUrchison,,M Habicki.lillf,cLaten, . been earrYing,on experintente in Agri Orey; X -E allotaei, ..,-, ....;,,, , • go St'lahn's-lberville•-=•Dentere' Electesi Culture • hedei, 'the" anapides of the 'ex• - p,Orip3000, in agrieultero II 11 d e r • tli oij gloi,pand...4S, T.Thotiiple, .• • :-". • 'IrSti:i.ilinisetdeoaudiL'-t611,,1*.vrtIAL,GOvaovit.leia..,,,4,.„,,,...•42,559.6 ,, : „.- lic Ixpes:yd,, , aivi;vabeig:IO:vOlootpel'ii.1_641;e,ttiti.tet;on had evening, , . . . ,. . . . . , II McQ41.4*.J,,,,Patterson. , , .• '' aiiimicOs of eXperinien-firtTnionnl. Hution`.11--*-17.1raideliiildT-.'", ...Vie Off* ''' , .,the, Ontario Agricultural.... Cellege; Huron, §-7111cEwen. ,,....., ... , . loo. • Terrebonne. Prefentairie.. , , 329' . :13,nen. Polled, and when •it wee..letirhed• ...,•i406.1=NIT-7-66idott,77 47-.4afiGiii-:,- 7 Three:Rivers and St: B -Duval' ., a luajority, of • ten: bad ; en ' X Or.inicly.„ a Stewart ., • • ,, • These experiments eaVer.niany.braoch-: liur6n,'W;L.-R Holreee,..': , ' ' • Kent -0; Stephens. :::-,- ' • '150 Menrine=4.•Bareau . . . ; . . . ,..,... , , 441 t a --ii-er ligriniiltrritY'Workjit-tife-Pre, *ICingsted"----wl,4--.13-iiit-oii--=-.. - 103--, -:-.T.we2hiountairit-A-0:-:'Ethier..,' :,14.1, "e,flOured far, Mr. Tolinie• the. ,Liberals - -,Fair--.C. Gedd• es ,• IL McKinnon P 11.'4e: _,Thi reault will,b•••iieported•'at.; Lainbton W. -7T J •Johni3ton,... : 500' •VaudeenilL-,4 $ Harwood..........102 gaveVent to .their. 'feelings. in hearty. Guest, F.Siddell, 0 Northcott, 0.0ain.. , , . . . , ,rnieicting.Af the. Union to bo held in, London -0 S. Hyman , . ::. a ...... 546Wright-N On.„ amPagn6:.•.a. a'a'...i"': '436° "cheern, : The best Of good feeling how ' Jr .Pt 27--EXcellentaLV.,Marrieen, • A _...atielph...,dotieg the---mid4-into-Agin• Middlesex, .S 1!...ivje(lugan...., 500 `V,64n.aik9:---121.t', M.. i,Taillt '''.."...a ' '• 11,;.:12 ,eY'er,preViiiled•threughotit,ithecaltte.st, TreleaVell; ks goKai D. e' inter All the prOininent hgei,', ' Inandrial-x, -117-.-W a oafdit ;-;-•----;' 69 ' - r'••--7"•:••6CISSLIWAVIVE1—'-'7--..--"--"''. and nover-have-we,seen 'an -e action :.,..GoOd..-A .'pattersnn,,,..1, I; jusznt, 1:' Muskoka;Parry Sound, Watson Beauharnoia-LBergerma ... ..-.''.:. .••; 228, pase,soff mote;plehth4ly in 'the' village. Cook, • 0 -. grertachei W...Ii,, town, L Compton; -Pope.,......., ;Elected. :'''r i. ... ti . die evening • at,ang:enie)i$ : had Morrison, Ern .13arlier) Ec-13arber, W. i DercheaterMorri,.. 44...,,, i . • • ' 155/ been, Made to.. seCtit6- the..: returns. af Boyd, 0 II6Wey., • : , "••• : ,...: -.7 i. ,:- - — :' , • hihotieel: gt• Antnine.-40ddiek :. . .: " • ,• , „ ..., Jacques Oartier-,Monk... ...., : • 4 mottiftii.-eley;_cttsgtaid , . ,. election's from all parts of the DO. '13t I--.4„kcellant-D Dodds, , -.xi 66 minion. Tl?0 Liberate tottaetheir Litilefitir,A:MacLean, DMacKinnon, Vientet...=-B011;: ; ‘a ;•'.:,, a.•;.; I: '• I, 'ElOtitei:1::'llead411611terB- in, ,the.: town. hell; and :II, 1,.enuto.,.. ' . . Sherbrooke...tat:4i J McIntosh,, , 32, ..the'Oanservatives received the returns . : kal".'--,,.•E . McCoy, -• F Graham, , F. . ' - NOVA. SCOTIA, ,-,. at their,Oommittee reams in.the bnilda Snieltzer','G Elliott, 0 Agnew., . Lintilits. ' ., , ing. next door to /gr. R.W. Mediae/fa , *.No:;:tit„-r-01 I-78, Average Litt!. 74,, . AnnaPoli84V.41•. ,'.' ;,..•:. -..,. , 160 stoic. : . the gathering•in the'; hall Was Atitigontsh.,.--Sibliaac,..-.:a....:Efeated ,,,,tciry istgo...and,ttto 060y, f.ti. th6 ev,,r„,,,, . ..s,ramxotmeiit.,44 miff; 3:1 m.00,itt. . . , Cape, Biston.Kandell ...•„:"...•.';.. 41.8: cape. Bretoa,„41-Otifiston ......., , ; . 453 „ing till ribptiti."midni,ghtrth. 7' building nem, A, 14,eQiiatg, .0 canipbeiv. il 0tinaborlatidlogsh.,..;• .... ,,.., . 100; •.'Was 6.1Ied to the .doOts with mithtisiat, • ,,, ,,,,, R.. 106s;,, , t; ylatiotigh-i• W. , , •1)10.14-0opp'... ,... i ..... ..: .... 1.3•; tic' friends of the Ociternment, net .•31.11"iiPtY:i7 c) neatly. . . , . 'GiiyiShoro.,,-Fritser,;,,,,::,. [...,,,,....-', 321 i only 'fed* the.' io,illage. " hhii• 411 • ti wehl. Go'M' '4,-' tf IA li 'lq.'fq la''' Hatite.44400e.it •- • ''' .'. aided 'itittoueding 'toiulipoitis' , , •• ,i ,, • 0 court Or; Revision " His- Honor judge Baerett,, of kertOn, held Oc nit in the Town Hall , on. lgoiniity,laSt for the revision of the *itcrs' list of the ,village, arid ei4ht new names:.Were. adfled:te tht roll, and eighteen ether names struek off' •• I •• rlenePtion. serviee -,The Sacrament of the.Lnrd'a Supper was'. administered in.. the Methodist church:on Soinclay• last at lhe „clove of the morning service, and in the eVen, ink a reception service Was held,. when, eleven n'e‘x Members Were' added to the membership of the church. / • Rengloint .T,vtint and Rook', Societvk • • The antitialliteeting-of 'the;Luckneir , Branch. Of the Religious, : Tract ',and.. ' BaolL.Saeiety was, held in the ketha• dist ,chureh, Tuesday,_. The: Tiers. . and 75intennan: :conducted the ,Devotional, •exerciaam' after. , the ,Rei; Moffatt, Secretary Of the Societyf gave an rn terefithig.,.`addreSS on ‘-*,litit ••• shall` the. Harveit be" shroxifig ., clearly , ',the ,Nortr-done,-Lby,-the-SoCiety-Aihici. .eiieh year making' .marked • progresS., thirlb-cittilfficers were-7te-elected, Rev:: kciemian,. "Pres:; 'Mil.- G. 11 Douglas The attend- ance :was the.. largeit,..Sein for, y !years; and all , manifetted h deep...* 'tereat.in; the -work . . . • • . • meeorm" meeting • • • tae of the largeet and inplit auceess,- ful pelitical.' Meetings ever held in the village,. greeted Mr John Toltnie, the . Liberal. rid idate, , in the Town...Hall Imre on •••!)torid -Was' orp vdei) "te,,,tite•-,- doers- with an , . enthusiastic , audience,: including a large representation of ladies; It was . .ekpedied.'that:- Dr. Stirton, :of Guelph,' . . . would be. present, but owing'to'Other engagenients he could ritecoine. The , chair was ably filled :by Mr., R. I). meron„ ancL4he-s•eakerti-o evening were P.A. a cornson, ohn Tohnie, 'J: G'..",111urdooli and P. it: 31,p. Iconiie; - The. best Of order prevailed' throughout ',the Meeting and all the speakers 'Were beartily/applaudecL.:The, ingitig of the/ National anthem and -Cheers': •,-brought • th meeting to. a•close: • ' `,.1JcitNocrar PUBLIC, ii1C110 OL xamat , . • nr-goods bear exainination with inagriitYingf,glass. The More they..are• thus ekatninecl the more tbey satify . you.; . We want you le examine too, the Styles and, prices we offer, Alany, of the attraotive things we aro showing ' fee, Eall•li.ye been m itch apprecio.ted and have. been quick Sellers: „ • We wonIcl espedially, like you to see these this , Our large rtesertmeui of Tweed - Effects in Dress Goods at 25 I • • 40c Fine Quality, Merceized Sateen . Turalte_cl_Mais:ts $2.`5 , Fine: Freneh. E1anni3lswith spot ;, • • in, Cream, Cardinal, Blue andBlack at 50c twitee' Silk Ties in black, white • and ItelitiOpe .heavy knot Silk Fringe. ...• . • 500 LETTER • • ' I • 1 • ri,tre. otipry henie. or • . office With articles of sunsion QUALIT)t•.. at Small Cost. St • Soo -our invite ton - ionery.- - 'WALL , -For- rthe' „Fall -bruise. cleating -wt, havecpened out a number.) of 'lines of now season's, paper: • For. the season the prices are so low that it hecomes a ' plonehre to--praetice economy, . MUROIIISON. culturists in Ontario will be present. and the discussion of the experiments will andotibted/y bd of: very consider- able value to the tarmerS of the Pro: v in ce.' Prot HenrY, of Wisconsin, will aisoie present at the .1:fleeting of th,e Union and deliver•addresses.. Norfolk, I1= -J Charlton...... , Acc. Northumberland( %-a,-.41/1cOoll . • 150 Ontario, S,r-Witeee, • 90' Oxford, N....--Jainee. Sutherland. 2000- (31.1(6rd; n Cartwright. Perth,' 8-raP-IC.Erb.....4 .1ieterbora, 506' . ::Elen,ted -The'rettirne-.0t thebirths, deaths Renfrew,: 107, . • -.•and.,marriages of the pro Cince for: the •Reilfrew, A Viright,....,; 300 • firsb six iliontiig of 41.010.dr have Wee 13.fisSell-W .600 .548 - prepared , by, the' Rtgistrar‘General'S 'Victoria, McKay .40.1Artinc• ht * , T..41;0Otal. laPieaie: In Welland 7.* M Germain... , 'Elected forsix'plcititliS4as, 496; while: Valeioreli; .„563 '.tilarriAges.lbox4sda, 4, 669.. 'Deaths ' Wellington Guthrie., a„.. • 113 'Itioroaseri'S'56; showing that the health ..weitt"vtl:'14.13PELtit, l'atierson 450 Qf the,prenieee' was,,particularly good. "'York', 1•T -:--,W lattleek, 350 0•"- , TIIIRD DEPARTMENT. • 2,0,a W'ebater, 'Bruin): .1". VelOnnon,.• 13atte, :0 R. •Tolinston,' Northcott. „ T .1-Iendersen, ‘G• •'. f%1,cteecl, JutEx.cel1ent-13; • .Troleaven, ter,. C Trovett, .74 43oydt .A Cliff, J, Quest,: *.J).ana_p_belL.4..Berini;,--,:,--...•• geoht,. 0 Barber. "• , Gooda---G Treleaven,- C •Moody, Forster; A .11Sston, 1.1 Webb,' (4 John „stan;..1,11orii;.,,R_Olitheisor,..4,,-- • • II n ter, • Boyd,' • W.' icloise,,'ketanre, 11 McDonald, J. NoWa ton,A Arrnstiong. . ,:. NO 06,011'65.. !,,Averago' att. 40. •• s•gbo'No• DE:pmecipim. Mdidenh; G Me-;" .Itay", 4 [hbick, -P llendetson; L. Iteralettnit L Troleaven, K '3IcIntosh, E Ti pgon, A. kcal:Ito, • isl" StOWert. : • •-. 'Geed --=A 't.) Taylor, la, Joynt, J ..13ennett ' Fair.a.,-.L„'Webster, 0 Ilminett„:.. Wenacha .Prown,l'IcLftren.,),"V" lluStOn. .: Wood .-.4f LecIdv, 11 Newteni , 4