Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-08-24, Page 4r.: • • Y • successful in' obtatning the .degroe r;oE; 4.D., deserves special mention for ::his voluntarx._,attendance cLkind ministrations during, the .g eater part of Dr-..Mc1,Lae's-allness, ... J. B. sW'ay,'station'lnaster at Sault Ste Marie, accompanied by his Wife,' soli - J'ohn. `aud . daughter "•- Btlatrico Laura,,; recently 'arrived on a visit to, •rela°tives• here'..,:r.. M- Wary' left :for home last week,, Mrs.. Way, son .and daughter are -extending:'their' visit with her sister, Mrs.e, T. Little"' 'Pant seem',to be'enjoying them elves,• R,: Clendegriing, . now .ol• Goderich, un`' for1?yy. ,ma ears a residen'OfD gan-• . 'Of •THS tiogitri"T0ATTTEitANn-TO ARGUE PRSELY' OOOOiDNG' ITO TSS" DIora•r e . OB ;O0N60I' NOE iS PSIZE ABOVE •AIL,.• • oTHSR LIB TISB *lop.' 044 ator;-and-=that in,_'the event ..of•,Mr. Purves declining, VMr.' Peter Gorman be appointed In -his. -'stead.`. 24th,i 900., •'•n• noka4 r The reports' of the entry ; . of :the al= `' e.•'e •fet of the - � • .: ,. ` Bna the lies Into rek}o., , \, Y -Le ations' are- now-offi.ciallj :confirmed, Soon we shall begin to get, • an intelli A•_-g"ble=account o. f-the.hiator _ands use i_ Y. of the trouble. • • The ;Boer,'war, says', the Chicago Britishsi�lefact, .American,'is'wortt;;~all -it has • ..`,'' „cost;the British, . inthe.,• demonstrated to theworld, whole thab ''' the military:federation di<the 131 -41 -he empire is already an, accomplished fact:. Thecabs are by the lion's, aide • Peter Ciir'riganTreasurer, present- ed his half' yearly report which',' show- ed a'balancg •on'hand of $1.3•79.37, on July 1st A by-law was passed'- levying the ollowing ratest-County'. 1 4-5 mills, on the dollar, special 'aid to .schools 1 2=5 milia ' on the dollar, Township. ses 2 . Ilan' ores; 2' m111s'-'on •thedo purp The following `• accounts were paid by',cheque :,.,.— E. Taylor;100 yds,µgravel $5.00; George Malcolm 5 . ards.gra... • France's. wheat' crop' which We' have '` Spred would . be su01 bean as 11 along a .• cient to supply, 'her own wants,' Is now said ;bythe French: Miniater. •a Agri-. culture to be 30,090,000 bushels short. Canadian.fartners: who hrave;lighct.•crop — will�sti<11 have much -heat -to sell,=ands it lsegi as` G ok--Eike higher --•pride :,:.ahead: • S111QLOBS ConBicIi{. vel $2.5.0; James Young ,115 -Yards gravel $5:75, .McBurney 75 yards gravel' $3.75; John McKenzie lotcon 2 104'" and raved $5:2b nTile 1. 90, john $ h '80 yards travel $4.00; • James ;:M Xin- c�-•'-Alex tc r re c ulver�-50 Caen, >� .p , ,; non 23 .rods gravelling::>$f.90 :'•Thos. :Wirehc3nse .g>i?avelhng $10.b 0; , .•John )!..011!)1'113i 2 `days work ' $2.50;Jiih 'Kennedy work !on,con:2 $5'00; Win D* inpsey gravel. account'$12 :65; Jdhn McNiece: covering bridge ,1.0th side orial ditchin' line $1r.50;.� Dan 17eD.,o d,, 'ditching Kinloss'Counell Met • as per adjourn - meat. • , Minutes tif; last .meeting read and • signed, the • follg,wing:''business, was transacted. viz Report of Jas, Mar- • shall Esq: Engineer re'repaira td'.Kin- loes:and . Kincardine drain was: 'read and considered ''and on '•`:motion ' of ,.Ktirake and "J, McDonald; • the clerk was instructed •to: prepare a:. bylaw fob; Xtnneeti�g of Council • forte the. carrying out:o'f repairs in, compliance- with report. ' p rt.. 'Report of Tames, Mar= shall re•extensiton ; atnd ; repairing to drain Y rai . under:b-laww''34 wa. presented; .`and on motion of Kaake and- .James 'was instructed:,: IV1oDonald;the clerk , Y a'o ' noEif ll �wheics of, lander; aQsesped in said:report'that' the came .will be°ream 't and considered•by the next Council a 110 o'clock' a,m., on Wednesday Aug, yr,� A .. ' .. ...fail, agkin . • . etrtrdn Was. presen it a: p '4' grant to aid in opening part of ' boun. '�lary line ' tween`Klaose a lnd - •,, ., be , • iiie •townshi p ijs, , and on'motionon oofBard ' ai that on con: 'J 'MeDd n d `�- ,Kaake• and ., r di ` hat Kincardine .supplement - ' tions- that.' PP..._,. like amount a grant of , 50 ,be ke$ bv'a7r ) made to meet, '.proposed grants Count]Coamisioner•Avery ' .` of beintnunicatron from'. County sola. • star] . otts and - , .; . . Bland L.T. Pot w __.... .Y c .., - acing the} C'ounr;zl� t4 appoint anla's• a g •-4 1 11 h CEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALKS. • and rep'' 2 culverts X6,00; Jahn •Mo Ko'nzie,"' gravel 57.75; A.1ex;Patterso 'balance;on:gravel account{ 5.6e .John McKenzie` con .$j 51 yards gravel ,$2, 55, J es • as e.grave and goVorin ;•f, -bridge 3.00: Jacob bullar 8k',days' grading :$42.50: D• :McKay, building; non left' here on Monday .‘`tt•r :a.,'short'. visit; to relatives and; renuti' 'iig'fl ntiin.=•' her of u• former`'acquaintanees. 'We were.please:d`.;to set' the, `venerable old: gentreinan look so well • John' Hiles has returned li me from' his trip to' Detroit. The boys:are' quite glad tq• sec him b ack egarn.:" James Walker a'nd=wife left here. -o n Saturday last: on 's visiting to'ir, . to' relatives and acquaintances at Giorrio and .otlher ,places , • T. 'Wilkins ,and wife, f'oi uicrly os :: dents •n of this and nevi: of 'ra ton •.N:.Dakota Are visiting., hers. and:::renewing fotm'er acquaintances,. amongst whoin 'are Thomas: 'Pentlanii• and•family with '•whom .•they seem to. e enjoying thernseives bridtre and gravelling'..$ 56 40; ; Jacob Millar grading $42:50;' G', Stanley bridge 'lot 2; con. 12`$16 25; A.,Mc- Gregor gravelling and culvert• .$11:00;` James Marshall to sur`vey'.estimates' and report by-law 39 and 34,.$47.501 Council adjourned to meet August' 22nd at10a;n. • George: (3 Moffat, •, Clerk.. The term' OCpublic school work c6rnmenceo` nMon a Oilrinst tis T. G; Allen,has• resigned,: games 2 A cgertis in• charge of Dungannon public` s'chboL•as'•principal, .The 'new princi pal is a; studious youngman and •coies • 'Mended a `a public se hi hl :recome p, r , s hiool g Y teacher many f • the. a ri lo with' h y 8nd'' We,a n„� �, and ac uaintap.ces of hr. J, T. Me- q ;, ae •. are leased to knew that he is= .iso' Rpleased far recovered' rrorn'his recant' illness as to ,be able to resttnig hie profession. - al d rofession.-aid uties, Miss Lillian Bowers,- who recently w s indisposed fr`om'a serious attack ai of inflammation, hap recoyered.''• ' W ikon Rev, h e 't Sabbath Las , of�Glencoe, conduckecl the divine ser viee',very acceptably '7 i • 21isccurse was founded:on the• words as, contain- ed the' ith chap'ter ed in�the.4�s e. chapter from, which; he deduced of 'blatthewf so • 'ti good : practical, .lerlsons on the m B p dut' of rate stirs .,of religion, which ilk: lon be remern;berotl-•b�-thosow re_ • :I'as ste and 'mode of reach. cent, • ] y, h i.ng.are'attractive end interesting,: • 1 Collins of Kin'car e% a diseiplc„ ibt• loculapiufs, haying, . recently. peen • r. car load• of, this Well- av u t rec.elved..anothe 'We h caJ s '' rs 4' nd f farms • , • . � tion. o �`: cement'-�t s 'r(�tzld 'call tllte',� �,ttex► �} that. . ,the fact. th ' d d01n anyconcrete wOrli:,� to t , others,: who Trite .. � , th`•, 'en satisfactoi it usea. m the construction o, his 'cement' has 1 e ,h . _. Y in i3.. 1890 unu�el'��. . • 1 nk Brallway. Bride near . (,,rand' Tr y. � Bi ", d • Iariar�, : �olutral. Rail�ay •bWell.t nd'Canal... 1= ... under �the Wel- , (xral,icl Tr ;k. Railway '.Tunnel N GTIuL'' is herebysiven that a ;litlaw. Wes Passed by the II'unici])a1 Council•of lowrt- ship of •Ashfield on the 28th day of J,ily A.D. 1aaO, providing for the issue' of debentures • tt, f re the amount uf; g1s200it}0 for the purpose.of. . buildhig a se Tool house in section 7,rn• the! said 'rcywnshi1 , slid that sitch Bylay was registered' in the.resrstry office of the County of Huron oh the ;list 'day of July A, 1), 1:100 .: Any motion\to squash or set aside,•the sable Or any ,part thereof;, must' re,rnade .within: +t�hree months from the'date of•riigistratinn and •.channet •be',niade thereafter.' • ' .Dated,the'10.th day of AisgnstA. I),'1900.:: ti1�. S^LQTJtER:S,,C ark.'. ft_ r ' , , hem' tl au �` t to accom "any . t s .. ih, 'p�tan _.. p v the; township; •and on motion of'Kaalte . iancI A. .171' •M6.1 enzie,: Mr. Robert; P arves VI iiti appointed assistant v t TE1'+IQERS WANTE SEALED 'lENT1Lit3, addressed to the I'.ee,,e of. the Village,of Iruckrww, .will }se .re` ;;eived up to K i,. uv. Wednesday flu{ritst 16th'. £of'the: cq,,i4ruetinn of sdmr '31i,ri00 w • r • ,, e sidewalks in c, c,r,t 1 "feet' rf, n ft. t .dt �x square ,, the said v 111agi;.' ; Spet'lfiCatirrnv may. he' seen ..at the, office. of I l3rydn,"Vfllar4e; 'r,T at the o1hLc'`l,f the Village C,lerir, Lutknrlw. , . ,r A marked•,a;lterfu'is for five -pip vent :of`the arriount of contract,: payable to the; order of sit the Vi1lat;e; 'f'rr asuret•, must rte;co,tnl)any e,ar . r il '•tenrltr�thi�ssnrf�;t.b. forfeited, if. t ....1. ,Y thr�. contract ct o:r'fail Irf'b?,t erf+,rfnance eclttsr cr nitra thereof, and will Fre returned,'in uric /if holl- .fit eptttn rrof tender. • The 1hwea e any :tender not nee'es�sarily F accepted, Y r : a 1.ttSo ,• 1V. IJ bA1%I:()ft, ' IfiJ r1r 1 J (dlerlt 1tNeve. •, r icitnow'FJil*1y j8, • •(;1 &1IAM,• t ON.V,J YA?v}<JlNG;:: r• •.r.r. -Vil1's r, .'; �,is r;citerA mit fuFthe }Yitiiis+t.• tl r µ . r atsAl s irk « afracCo., n ila,d,. restates ifr I 5:14000,000 Stt,rlinff., Also:at1/rtfrr*:the rCl • reliable Star .Nurserft;s. IlaVe 20 vears.rx- I liNr cis, l mitt'_„frllitr 1L' air )orf rst1.! s, rid dowering, Fliri)1Ss', 1'srlttik1 wanting lni ,i 40,4 ye dine, 1. will .la; •�,ieurterlxit any lions, to ;.{ive fo11 inforin'atiaii whether .fhsy want, fp,ipurchase: now or at a futnr•,IJate. . ty 1 .n11 '1 is+%:.•la 1"l'ttir�.lr s arid Seturtlays'": )444 • ;p across' : the ' • _landCanal.:. r 'The great.Sax%1p Ste Mare L,Ock' (INA ft long.) Id �lcto �T ria` Tubular'.triilge,' Montreal �' k No 24 (This is ., a (,l and Gana1.T�oc ,. � portion of • the Welland Canal ' which the �n ted to blow :Up -;i .short: d •ilii iters��rtl;E,xa n. ,: ,. Any • Into.; oi,r Store secs. our. large' stock aY'Ior, e • iningRoom'Suits. m Al go, Chairs of al. kinds. Spring: .30 Mattr'e5ac3 1 a1111,acgs,: Parlor .& Extension Tables In _fact (we'rything to the found in a 'p'c t,-�`it7ss FRitgicuro. 'l��a�;�ropzrf; And:lil'wa. s,at hock, ;BOOM ]ripen ' iIc' il£ormatic _realThorold Cement .::. will • be cheer' f ully given S0 E.: AGENT • Place to make'• your Jeleetions 1II GROCEKIES C .PROVISIONS C�.ASS�1lRE . K R`� GROG h '.]die's' kine" L,C K� llsertd 1� 'k lue C,-1ur 3aSr r rf f ,1' o w d e r°s', Ilarleyf, Pot. Ilat}i llrie1r , I;"germs , • L,, rr 4 , m fo l • is ki terr s Ilrusheii �. r I3igrtll't: ('',fits,;' " ' • (;onfootinnery, (landed Go(,d,1 v f,hocul}tte, . • t,!srtt. canner? Coro meal'' •f'urrarrts Cream Tar tsr Cocoon tit flat I have'•in stock the following Soda ?salts Spices .])lee Starch Strawherrles .oannt Sit i t l her , l 'rapines. )ple r lomatres.caithod. lana''. Vshatiodoe Verriicel Vinegars Wit sl h ho rd a e Washing crypta W'ooilonwat<,i; . �• whitin6� :. UfnditrSets: Yeast (c(1Strq 'Dinne'rSet T Sets 9.rn'icts• r W atr•i' „Sof tthlriairt3litt,st�- -"Dried Apple "*. ; iN'tit3leg Extractsofl .!Oil „olive i?'itts.. , 4Weei Fish, aitned r ” ;.Ull`icastor .' fish,dried• •Oranges ino • Ont•Me s1, ' (:1•clot � ,,.. 1af :.;rs is . (singer , Pe : 's. r lal )es J nay Ink -• Pickle • • I tg , roarlute` • tidll,t4. • ti �. , 'e f ens cana'o " r, e'� , i Wile , , Litho rini 1'eppnr • Li.lnhnH'� , ' Raisins e' o' L irnp4 ir,fcc • bard disc Yt•lonr S leaves Tyteat • Balt. '• hirc£f1 . • :. iia}t icon. ✓ lNIfirarnt f ' ° Sarditlee • �., .�Lliatsr� - `I'+� iia,,..,,;-.,:,,, ,• t .ate t;t , s.' r' 1\'I,F(nlrjal1 .. i. `1';iliote > dyrans Oh �.''an• • J". Borr Undertaker'+ 4150 Embalmer' J. a,r: MACKEiNZIE Fire! Life and Marine lnsurande �. eata��t&tin Dan ASiti • s3EnVIE, '' orrrAyno: • Agtint for tin; l,;onclirn bintunl tireIni,itr• anee :•.Co., l3ritir+ll Atnerirs Insurance Co., 1.'ariiiers' Central Ilfuttialllire liourant:e' Ca. and the Canada Lifelniuranoi (o,r also agent f(xe.iela, thnet' c Ti:r layergs "Accident : atd • ,sstrnft(uinitrylf London,. eogldnd., • .• • Insurance oti sill r lasseh of'l;rtlit rty protil}!t attended to. . ran; .Tproperty nSeiaId fi tr e .ant1-:.A e slh l • choice farms r sale intnwl�aliistf,celetc ntlosy heli, ,• A lari,E .anieuilt of money to lora at:or nnt1 tPl ta Ars, ` \1; Nh.liw t no' lisn i."a tif1} nt, Trnnrl tg4 air B rit•e;e ri lines r':.. pleaseoh Or address ,.. c l f . i I,, .L[til5's Dail, ()cit, •r ' Look Otit dor `iCoui!atylt ” .t a s• .. . r 1 y, ,you-t;o. gel, otr"rvoodv<'ork '•fetid• ittintart 1 'cal • },�., a. t Dine ty a gdod; :praclt TITi bitlitllCr', tit` '' tvttrk • in tho' -..41St i p • :ain.ciryrin i orx, t. g` .lx,.I�u(,ltnaw, ittid giv 04..,.satisfrfcl.rtiii �.r ain • now `bet;+etr i> , +dill titan . ,. P�VF'r„tai do'.F�illlciilils of wood•.;• - t3tt'ri'.'�1•_:�iio` "��(3•fl•St1r; . 8N•r, M ,over J ,gq,, _ ois ltrrei,;. buildrn,u up= qt tics; dll. work .uarantee(1` and my .. pri e art r`iglit.. ';1 01111104 0,r;