Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-07-27, Page 5•. ." a ...-llaa. .r,h^.n i•.: _-_.wtt+^t#at;M 34yy� � 4711;x,;,741 • • 777, 0 h. • t s. : ."e". Y ha Gloves . for. This is what you can •get here • on • Friday u and Saturdays -4 But- toned White Giovesp with black Paris points, in. sizes 61-4, 6 1-2 6,8-4 and ; 7• 1� True bargains, providing the' style. and ,quality are w; , ; ,gyp tri the, standard � Better._coni:e gine . P. s a a • Store closes onday Ladies White -Muslin. Shirt Waists, lined'• With white Cotton to yoke; `new style collar,;., size '32 to 40, regular.: price $1 By c alng or Saturdayyou roan, t- er-.. COMFORT AND $EAUTY LINKED. WITS ECONOMY Ladies' ,bjack_'brocaded Lustre Skirts; Percaline.,.W • li.neings, velvetine bind- ing, ', :.box [ pleat back Regular price : yours while they last •$1.90; ednesday ,and Friday evenings at; '6 o'c1oo•] • WAlaiANosa UOunlcr L Council inet • according to adjourn- merit, . Members all present. Min- utos,:of last i ideting read and approved: -Tropsure's statement showed bal iince • on Hand of $267'. 53,111ed'. Greo:''Stotliers'•was. granted the .use., of ,the. townahip ;:Hal'l while •work= ing•at:tho: school house. , He to. be re .poiisible for 'the same, ' ' '1 ho following checks were issued: Agnew,. gravelling $'31,00; J.. Bill atrick, '-Bridge,-.: $33.000; -Mike-. -; ; Ledds brushing, .53;' C,- Donnelly, grading ete,,' $41.50; A. Jobuston; grad i,ng and gravei-ling ,$111 7'?,. ' tios liolierts, cutting snow bank and• •re 1 airin 1 � cu err ,etc. ' a GO'' D Ten r. •g .V , � t 'ned�•_; ,.: cuttiti •� Bill N. 13, $61:00'. Gela: S ,,Taylor; gray.'el $, OO; . Miller, grad ►ng ;.$65'00;,Thos Miller• ins ecting,' work $5,50; Zum.+ I`'lucker„shovelling• gravel:,$o.5O; ` 1Vm.°'innigan';• plank tt cunei aTjot rnet. to meet ,again on August 1st at 10 o'clock, �' • aV, ;, \1tGiostie: C1LI:EI IE • Mi. Tan' 'Glazierr:7•GGcottiiewi': Was visiting friends. hero .1ast' Week. Her Was trying to. -buy a farm out ho ' went back li"oine without purchasing. • Mrs:: Onley, sr., •Mr and Mrs J•.iis Silley and Miss Maggie Smith 'of Cl4 �-c ago,arevisitingfriends around here: for .a Week: ..Pas -t-::?' ; ..kiss Anna 'lie=. ' 'Glory, who :has been in • Detroit 'for soniotime•canle portio Iast:.weel Wo are sorry to Boar that ,Mr,. Wm. Pieree'is .very unwell'at present. •Miss•Lottio.Pierco:Was not well 'last week, but we ategltid .t•hcar she' is soma better. 'Steve l)evos' iS'finishing Mr. -1 astyls this'week ' The ��'hoat about h.ore•is all cut,' It: telt. good crop in. Most Places: Mrs, W 111%suer and daughter' wore.. visittrig liar . mother,; Dlrs '';Jas .Me Donald F''• • lir. Ravel McDonald a;nd daughter,. of *re 'rit Mrs Jas'. ` Mc lyonal&s.. ' A. large' stdclk• of Laflieg 1.Zid .Blittoii and Laced Boots and' Oxfords in' sma111 sizes, especially Size 3,. Will '`:be'• sold: far' ,below cost and. gill odd, line's will be Reduced.in i. ricer Also Me1's fonts anti Orr fords,in size 6 must be sold or: , °,' ` 1 i n co t 1ve:Qt,t>irai}..��.(li,all..a�a+~i...�. off.. \•in:ce(l: , Tohn fear. . =—'1!ttFs week wt5 reeeiViid a .largo. Athol( of•latlies' hoisor3y. anti vdst4t,• o 1L iCetinig't Gru4dy.'s si:ttbti, : d tt tt st si is tt �[r�RalrsihMutu u�� tt�.�K ®kE �f3EB003t3,EiEBFIIHttupE3uc3r3FBEB ee Ltt ii M , de to order .a S ecalt tt e' have`desi.ded to make .a �s•��'�ecal r of.`ordered ._ tt nd :.:have •�wor put s•_ r a m - th -neCess • _� stk e , y. a H v 1 tt k r • er ` O.C.l- fo st ss ••••404•+.,• 44!• Tr. hour Golden -Blend'' Ceylon Tea. Try'our ' Englisli :Hop Tea .,Try'our 25c Japari Tea Try our ' Pickles in quart jar's ;' r �” nd.. ,Try oi�r' Coffee; Seal J3ra . . :Try our 25c Coffee:' Try. ,our Paradxse• Currants, xrrants, recleaned'_.: Try' our Extra Selected' Raisins' •Try our'. California, Evaporated • •. Peaches. Try; our Ma �e.;yrup:in bot'tles'. ' 'dry our Cheice- Prunes If you have • decided " t buy a ` good heavy boot Call' and examine our :ma terial and work. REPAIRING NEATLY AND :PROMP'TLY :DO`.NE B._it_,if ttc�t3Et, TERMS. CASH. fruTi ;; '{mrs, iiii",ii a ri s u • T:ou,Q 1 `), E0I)- • st tiitii6i3 Ei fiid3 E� §t15-1: e ppot 4. LUCKN OW. tt tt fe•N.0►404 . ; t►Ni**NN N• HIGHEST CASH °PRICES Fon BUTTER*. EGOS . • Having. purchased' . the buss ness; lately run by Mr•.+ J. Skinner; •vre .; :are .:.prepared '.. to pay Cash :for .' buiter: and eggs. Your patronage is. solicited Yours ,truly;.; GOLLAN, Luoknow .. -Ont MRS ,M.: �l ll�, ARMSTRONG.: Ti iCHER OF `-:' Piatro; UxaS., Violin, 'Voids• Culture,` Thorough. �``>.Bass Harmony` -and ---Counter. po9n� Pupils 'ke ared for` Conservator ex*minations• .• RESIDLII' ' CE Camnlell ' stxact: Miss Edith .Smith Is prepared to give lessons on.• PIANO .,A ioRGAN . meon'" C rn `7)ell t. • �.:. �..:1?: , At her bJ;- • L UC.h;NW O' #....104:0•„4•40;.••••4,040,04.4••••••9444.0 . M SSC TA �#UGHT Lessons in Vocal and , ; '" ,instrumental; Nfusio and .Harmony are taught by MRS P. KE.- ' st x %sem tt�t ��?ii�'it. �' �r.6�1�•`i?:u� s tt _,�'"i`is 7°' . OF— teak and �.:[r►,�. u re . Toad Liver. -and Kidney.,lD•iseases,, $.-Feniale O'Omplaints;:etc: • Ask,Dru gistor•write diirec'ito J. M McLoo , Coni itIon, Ont. Sold y �Hiirry Daysi Lucknow y `Y. mi,zi'i3�.TE Ilu .• ENT2.' °i1.• NEWTON, ;`: viii nor 1;rn31tint� su ,li ntitrsiare�ito' Dental Oo11ege and 1)i,e tr of Dental Sur- ( -tory, Torontol'1`niiver4ity.• All n ttier:1 Lsliurs^ . nfo3,e'rntinnhntl ditra,nitintni. inot.irlinianshil,., (lliico.in•,Aljin'slilocl DoY inion ..► v."a�t,tii4fifA• t_e-E,0o Wil7ditliit 1 '�, fine ofS41j:hips Wbopcan think' Wanted -An , Mdea Aoni� A►tnpto 4—p..�.+ thing to ratetttl'.' • 1'roteet' est, Ideas: thee tiny tit•litir y'oti Wettith,. Write' JOHN, WVEDDERMJRCR i ittoitt;dttOr. • ll ; LIr, A(0,,,NT , swui '1'fisu unu.ad its oO uiidcrCtotw eft. AT Allan tile team sh>,ps We have a 'large 'Stock: of .;Fuirnit ui including Bedroom wits 't Palor Suites .; Extension Tables'. ` Sideboards $all Racks `' Dinin4 Room„ Chairs . Hall • Oliairs . Fancy Rockers Wind ow' hides Ourtain.Pole• s` eictured. ra nes, : Pictures C� r �t?'ndortaking Derpartmett� Is chip )leto• in •:every'line• • MBALIWINcii. tia, _ ~ cci€�1.t.:.C�i llsiatted:edtc . drt .:'oiai law; , _ _ : , ori tort's next i*look to .lost Nice; r. _ The Page. fiNire: Ilene() C,o., 0 Ontario, Linllted, WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO.•: a! YLOR; A. Agent,. Holyroodt Bicycle rtep'airing SNELLGR•OVE, G Yl Thoihlpson's , Old.- Stand', Is prepared to :bio all finis of Bicycle ,: ,iepa r ll and en- eral lac s liitli it 11' • est .• :iiotice..., ar,, a, 8pe'cl� l S�" ' Te PATENT Good ldelt. dthtir awaidti'. secuAhcIrc rt±d'bys,• Y,FIE PATENT aECOIW. • , 6altimole, Md�' I9NEY �4