Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-07-27, Page 11. &AAA -T SIP! 77: Z Ar" V� A -W N, P . rp_r, j _ =7 + 4� N4 g, 01 -1 P K .4 V uc�K TO: p, -R .0w jo 0 _U_U 01 2.7 U1 thy W110 0! 1302' ............. W 8 -,Xathesw gol 69,,*,;W do tion, 44 1 T�Ucknbw PaM1c-*i90hOO1 .,Prymo Eitaypinatiop !he: followjiig%.4Aving, ..paoiod', 'th' RTTABL I 'N 10HAMILTON'.... 'CUN1114 0. 0WP 'High 86hool Enti "etamivation,ai-e promotecir to. L ud-( th& Junior .1iowing agis 46' the reialts fthe,.-examina ions recently, OP& as Flood 'C 'all P tolore; R,. Douglas, t1ba�ihg; D.' 0 INSURANCE vi io T ,44ing friends amilton., 0 INC 10 AWMAR111 E, e hoso'.'Vo wun i in ucknow''Tees er, R p, Glegrgo -Bur nd' 0 ild geqs, A� L D jrjpnl'of 'Woodstock are vi 88tGro, High, Co' 't )By.. sAtine friend F ur Total :ju in require How,14 ke6p-cobl and clomfort4 d' T, e: A IR 4. elcilow 67 fie, 'Indei) n, eht: in dis - 5%. h Ism 'Ilyi Robertson of 130aed Gode-­ Hig4 of destion dui, r-11, �V�cc,PrC6 ent ving U, A,. G, AKOAY. ng at th rest e?,qt , , a er� of Tioreaters, he j ilidtotion. to&0�rwith oqe�thirdin su�j�eapp� jft,Wnal P d Ord In aJOHN STU,14T, R H, C. 0)V. 7 yer, Weatern 6&460i, will � meet in ome pa GEo.: ROM) n dates vvho oobtaibed,'More. Jukiti 1"itooTOR. esideao� of 3i di" Sarn Robertio, tlla� direoti6d br M. 6oh c4n -be:, done, in- ay'and Wednbas than the nto) 4BLISA'9D, �088 �90 646h n �ue bhb thilod- Voon, M.P. 'A , ',B. Licz, (TQt9­ _sd We do a t� 4 so proper e: W�f, qIBSON M 04 8(nith MaLean a I a of 001 iianlciq�! linsi,ness; esue a'the '2�tli, -and 29th 'of A"U' a a 6reac 'the reqqip Atafidard i'n mal gu for summer war. load: Of Cho'* a draf to thi hout Canada and 'thd ice. or� cattle to Isia e*pe6te4. tha t, about. 250, Attst.'- Gaahier� S.�BTZM. includin 7`Wpotein�� tes� N(Viijito h, this %Icekr, TTjjts:ouLL, st&t6s, � We malce, rtpresen one sabi6ak %beenlAwa4 collections. cin all- dwito, UT P "a 11�.ight�, weight 9'uits,. black. ad'ja�6j ta, na4.,MI.,WAT8OW. Charlet is . Ini t goo an u in . g -Went-Proviii-coi, and till bollec '-Mrs. t ndii col the Wort :Pirber w .04 �, � . � I . do t �d' swloDuvene on., 27th.� -e rea'd` -shirts, 'Ane Bhlbiiggatl undo'r. tions�.whethernote�,�)r The,coadidaiteW ahowers. wer w W. wti. ing qm,are vi n Ali US prd ndswear, pol, ri,,.Be i ith gr 0 and eg armerva, sale ''notes f Oftivid-Or Thanlis; :the l6je.' y U§ at- price I Ob Man Luoknoi . . I Bprlin �istowol. Owen Soinid h d as and,'L �cknow� are off6rd, b �:Rotes. iscounted 4 eat, ftre, 4nd were revised at psi ew. T. V, Port.ElgI4, 'to farmers .0 T�Wresult.ia hatii- any more. :�Mr. D.. B, ate W to tfiaa� h on double or iingle notes B dy d, of he Toronto t &a O'hesley MAultou,.Man, Slificoo ish .011, ould 6X.: 'the'.,citiie6s i of factory..'.. pec, to pay,'. at froln one to. twelVe mcinthj time, and at, Milton Southamp�on roAi4i).rkablori�ieof,tnierest. ob I open .ing D 1hi, d anow Oreo'l­btowa.' Moidon; Man.,T6ronto'. fe weeks with ck neirih�ois :Oicl 'thd'� The" y re:1 3V loan or largo amounts. on jeo�jd' nd . ; sa.qdchers,'aee keipdtfull m.or gage on farms or other 'real estate 000, fl� , ierids iw I" cknowt boundary A`VECIAL, OFFER" nG i*,,L k far. WSW to continue 0 vork.'of :Orangovi e., H=. (Barton ot) d rot chattel mi)rt on live ad now, od_ ur;ty An on fi .1a Barry -and, -Mrs.' wiliniptigi; gagoa, . J. --irxitilepentHantl 6ropm, bhej� - hay Own' t roquirlo pupils to' do -.811. iheir-work 'a, aio a 1, 1.- .9 sto0c and W-71 Arrilstrong spent, unday with. my�14,t6 6�. htWe 11, %rge ainount of,funds". to advatice THIS.WEEK George -aad�.to Mr. The-' -neatly and, gy Vravollom ate- iwti tied stematicalily. This J8. ,11 first rom. 51. ppr cone. e. -to s. gra . d6cl . acco. iq'6 Per. 'friew.s in w rding to the ., V., I . . .. who nar-! a,mdoU ight.,.% t I rqVired. r. Johii Hil&ed left, on Thars, ed,h* . I f ' Notas (if tho' Watibiuil Pkovincial Bank df nd cont. The m mks McDonald, a' important part- of e� sig t. Twed Suita� at 73 qua i Rot size M dafi be the loan . .. 1. 1 1 . ' im as kindly. and tenderly is his� S16vonly,W&k Pd. Limited, whic cashed WITH- o . s . no' 0 �toi Lvid (MIT C)1A`sGL�OR:TAOURLU.in AXX.�IiT of. tbo Warepleritthe-leading Eu�lks Can qhi 'd ay worni nee P. ey F. A.; UvLeii- qQHIN -SPI And iriiah.bolu W a y an IGAT e or Iltu A M, X a 'hi al o panic 4 e r :for. jeneWly:� &do t'ed:, is, both- neit'.'an'd �'W itis-..sbirts, (un., ndredy. th�i6e, Oil co --7 7-7 Master Lestei'Mor-iiso' Ali for their dfdl� visit, to him 'and p rs �ro fro, o 'a. n eir, eames I reminde t. ap, bout, t e. t uk,teRchera are h '00. e some �seegty v). b is-. -little MEDIGA . I L. . 1i , = ih ilk4d hiija a h l0gible, b d KNALL a 'at iilv'� OLQ�, a lior it should, be livertidar Straiv -hat and �c ps M -oil su rs�' A19AGER an nar -party -�-en iio -agaxa V. A.! On IG TENNANT', AN Mends an &a ward uni.yersoL f 01- urgery.' k /,Surgeon 6ild' 16dotic.6r;*, S' day laso. An AximiAt game. 'by'busiless Men,, an Of J.t Elliott'sgrocery'6tore. �406 lidurk d should not be� 0 -Miss RuW.,.�q Aster 6LAA eld 'R 0 41i hi fr in'!) to 12,a. rri.;% from, 2, to 6 in. QC L., race'. M gist'rate -86ag6r. Th ames are, ei rand -father, Mr.. a n d call"y, notln� orde n n KNOW.�'; a n yre a u 'et arlan au AM I t UP 6h were. visitinj sbsfoke�;Police..Mi 7, A alph ��Wha M D on, on ay oh,& chargo,d a;, hysloian, Sr t is athesc do' ;Dvl g.i. g ih xalsh- this4e0, assault upon Allies j taid Aanclir; in NV Loci Dai- -ixbo�f it? LUC Mr.. �0*en` of. London beh ihd,J.'G,, & otoire;ir eepdr;_at Unev,,. 'and, 'PRICE' CASR.-STORE ch Marks. . its' ..by, the, BlsbOp' PC,, eksmith iving ta is ito�A 2-o! �,M N h eft. appoin Rou�e� 610 the' A10xinder ne:, me L s Pa 10 ality;, rA*is appeAr6d a 6�r�t'e- i'.the"Ehig Auii'n167��Kineardine' uron,. t HofI3611j; bf Bilid Atltlto 4ARILOW. kAURiS Aish Chl6rch for.ihe! brown A�ad' Phillip Rolt, Q'0 Claiii4ron d 0 t V�Isi Ing, 1-1 in T1 eq,.3 ennie� L L B is tl i Oun ary west' 662- n 'he b d ihq , a enee, un -Hughes Marion solicito�g; eto.: Q c.r,� 1. f trg nin. s ende:the'b argii, by agree.:- Romp " of,'M 11's , h �itchell, ii of hQii 0' ay ast ia',black d h M d 597 SA. AT&LCOMOON, BAIIIIIIS91tZ. ienb'between' 0 De V an aye i. (lilts ot f by 'calling' f &6K6nzie Chrls.�-Xci 5, Kine'ardine 0 �ape,� bh&OyV-' c h counse was changed, t sik: )ot4ve orgaii 1o' r..sa e,,,. at.t ib. Sentinel �flibe one. 0 COMIUQA cXebzio-,j6nie"Xo 12'Kiacardihe- 640 Camerjon, I 'ivhich� t1fie' V 11� jol t Me enzie ena, -1-Kificardine M 9 694 nins oil, zn� riends- of','66 jaulilj 929 aify tkato'fined bi M an COC A a67'0 s.-Alic'e'Litt e of idgetcown '$2 'd R�=-Ki d' 'M S" 4 ivill 1;,09rot to learn that 14'. on 5.1 �-!pnor, Not, '�e8t-of - Mrs. Qeo Siddall,- ova�l poiuiow.i t 2 r or tj- keep:the- j4actv'for -t Richards i0ouill-I 553 to eaven o W welve� months figafihdn,.'w "k a§,Ptrio, an c rdine, p I i1a X i . 461 Ru tell.Fl6iren e-��Kiacarjfn6 k a p28 KING! M1 G 1' 0 W, aralysis ri.Tu�8day last 9 -Ruttle Sarah J -No 2 Huron 57& g IsOM-t 1�001E-TtES 11 nest of M ieiry GeAfiide L T P �',SM ITH n-� va 't Blyth;48 S' 'llEthel go I Xi'k 688' '.SCIENTIFIC" OPTICIAN."� ani o y4j ari n -Thutsday fPoltuile Geixldiuie�Winu 0"ne. 'T �+Vcd hobae.,o h 6akt4e.*k- e cs;�i M 8 �.054 Ilig.. Iss. i1orni M oody1A the News' ."Of I . - , '' , i . ­ . 1 .. . Welsh Lizzie G�No I Huron,, 589 Graduate wi 1, of - ew Yoriki. Philidelph . 11 �pejlj iuli obat,%Ihs, ;" . evening.. of last liech-, in 66. following i28 COURT SHERWOOD,' LUC 'W S; DeVdf, of Ntrit-, is ra. illiab!-Xineardlie, and. To to t e"guest 0 ith 'her' parents an g . , ­ I renice' L i a few in ntha d fe' ;'of. Mr., Wi i 0�bhyl;!Idre G�N63KInciir&6. rozi 06116 es, 11 be av nqw. Meet$ eiery 6 hird:M9111.1. Of �c � I to tho' 582 dy, of overy., mout .,I a range, frien& ih. I ;:inlo9s,, f a w: 'BOYS.: - ; . 1 1 Liick'o' girmer y 6 Baintoi . i.Frank- 'i�eivie� ARY DAVR Diiitg Sto Visiting br6thw4- irii cordih invited,,' ' '.I I . .1 .1. �1_1_ I HA 681.. Babe,, MbDonadd:'�l-'eceiv'dd frow�' IT agg: d -two of bar estekabd D. VUL9, SQc 'Son 9 ing kinep.,rdine- M. 608 JOHN MAqTNTY119. lat, is Matir. 6 t to hel �m I 1. 1. �' .. �;� : . . , ., Y y�' OIN19 DAY. ONLY,!. W B6yei..Georg6 �,621 g- _pepp1b,, 'the iNiagmra FBI A111 th LODGE' ve i won., the, meda'l and Miss. Jennie -]�[a;milto VUU NG. E The,, peach crop, in a,. courre DAY GUST10 ift know for daileing ue Aistribb Oiolnisos,. to be unusaally]ajg�, IT g25 a :,ear y and a HOLDS S '.REGITLAR nstoji,Aj 6,11 -1 W, '14110 air ivailyWrWit is -1 to is one, a our most: e cKay Datl Mee tin hitryea'r.�'.. ekvid6h�' Oil lacLeod'Aluriay-No 6 Kin 571 9 ngfiam Times. d n lit 'the �ectind 590 uslnes� is. pickin ki� men, t.-fLuld: dsiuia: -y - moll g up -At, r� Mai btraines her 'Xincardin6 M S - 50 ZXAMINAT Tuosiday c, inp of c And. Vol t4. rMiss.�e'ssie GrAY -And Mil4s. Lens McPherson Jo"L" U015 a ogn on ][toy" 10 -FREE.." Degree. n, boardihj� holiie6. d halU, ogb f uc a -V I IS n ltlpg coal g ntic Pow wX at. to t ear y. goo -been! Beat. u nd'-fibral rl lived At d Ll IR16. �.Mfiq§ea L P as .,vagran jwexxow ST-.Vb M.. ena nd 1�;ll� 116bertson id gro0m.'� px ee 9wering,:B,A,,'thi happy bri. q ve tetfirfied"from t ir vilit Ivith, e.. BIairjhhoI'!=N6 14 Huron -pastor 'of the.- t church by_.Me, t r �C re gan, Qf: Kin- Walkerto, .Ont: Is re:, n Do4lis lxabel-'-mUucknow F. S' -�540' Flood Loide- Criknbr lo 6s th Will to return. hom'e this ev6 -Methodio. take a eir resi end . e,ort 0 -.558 ED, "t, Oak `B' Q.: is. sion d And fri ad6l. hia 'man is, fn' The Nd 8j, 50 bneriTy. assurie-' him .,13pcc 8, In. t 0 p h 3rXi6L6iid Dena­Nci 0'0 p I" . I _. L_,_.__ N3 , "I . . . - -With- ripIff- -iliss 11d6v �f Oih6 i t ir mojnt�osh xjtsl�fflolyi;�d P A ,7 L r n-, during, an. meets clr4ij 14'ri(6y evening at S., o'clock in d -perfty." BOYS nii Of our'brighteit &14. M ul er bl de ay ohalsh* thi t6W ..All. brethren tyre, L heavefils' At OAckerflohn A-�Holyrood P 8 Carleton George H�'Hblj rood P 8, 647 1111tiAi9a -into�ihe For to Bryan, Melvin-Luckfio* P 8 A obisoil, dittIggist; of rs Jo r:'Bi . jkt,.A1o0orv!P' Th� 16 g. go auttral'. mbnuine 682 them. York, Is spending his, h6jid n Lutlknow, P's, '689" ca; at Must have be�' Mr.. T DoUglijaL Robert G�' Hamilto Stewart, of 'Y4 AsHFIRLD, 0 f 6 most extensive Manu ctur I - Donovan Chirlee_No 3 Kinjost 751 o verf6d.,, 0 th f io�ds, in Lu'kll'Q%. X1 Win P -G-- c nVOU -Jff oljyxoo&1'1_ -riw-In William Xi f ey eelvir. T. P. Wit h, MdCbirles'Johh--�-No li- Arrdn to L Is 8 mow" is h -dt, "'* Mr. Thomas j3ta�kle"bsnk� a' OLD CRT-Lobae- h yo tosh Tictu Th, visit �to 'For- . McDonqld-Johil A -No 7'Winlog d iait :*eek uOk" 't d�'hom:6 of role I!.. �1, , D I�Rossl. Ddys',brug �tore-oii'Frida�y, ai-164d- I" t Dedrent'-:-L�ckut4 P'S 110' A., 46 mor.t be4utifull Mon ments" 4nd almoll Mo t oil rley C-Holirotia is todel'i6k -M.6C erg one, jor some ays ay 0 r'store. EX . jm.-- A T- sveitaigg., a fe d of 0 fr aV. T,�R 1,�S W, t he'home G d a riden frot 'tbo work kligust 'ioth Re will -be h 705 'd a'TH 51V eek. -and: am .0 USY lio, 01�111114-Liilq�-14eeswiitbr r s. M r nation of -the og - 'T S V E 1i T RTI Is. I'l 4L 664 ry RSDA1YXXG11T .46.5- -free -in the .. cemot Cronin Wild" owson J01*100- T M . .on or befoiV the full ipoop,, in o. :iad.a*couple.of.h brokdo. vjolni. 'Tj "L 14 '.704 n6ek 'lath con, has le mcxa arlbtti-�allo 3 Ctil"ro­i arn on li -loi, 11 - . i lk L -,. -_ ity'to the'meyndk a6ed.feierids Put_ MoLdon la8t,Nve d �ected a n6vj, 632 el d qiWjR6r P 8 Tem WebsterjL 13th -con.., McDonAd Flottince-. 11ARRi, DA.3i On, Sqcretar` chased, 20L Ver a, export 4tee'rs from. n 2nd. They,� pr L am IT nes; an As 'at all - v�iy And, jjo 5,93 se,tb raised ii%neiv'bain on.hiff lot.' 'A I bp be tee town. of in oss cemetry-to 13 k. fling 46r' AZi, ,6, r on aii Many.;_Oad. horjej the'nitmory. OfJOfikj.j t �Lobsingor,,,; 'f�yuicrly Ye, never be. om U t that bit u ar W Harris;: John tana'.Afi� 'Mrs, Camp- Vt Forest 0 .01 ug 4". COE i appointed i�re ,amongi e M 626 "ingba In' WZ. Fo*lor Grosoit-�eeiwatet' 11eeve of':Carrick; h. Ore been in bell h cat: in the; it N W r, , � hilfross - . r 1"im Wa erogn. UC p ikoy,'at 'the jji -this' Year. 11diumoson aluqs�446 3 I Coulkeff, 0dinetery - - They. also plwed, it. hind -n 'Kno.Cilblin C-�-Toes water P W A.10LY1106.0i 'Ordol, of of the aoln'tf one at- Kingsbridke'Lf6r 'S'. SuIli- '31ailiners %ws;u-- 558 .713 'join�t istied, Mectq lot. a, u( Q u 0 t a c6u 6 The redent'raiu:g are k' f r h �Ahdfbr ov' local.: 6in 'they kobe�t :D 1,3ra T., Q.� d. it tho­hodI64� rity "of MR Ing A, won - 'in. �toa will'be held' its f6 rec a eautif '43 nu "n. in. the Thurt6ll Walter -1. 3 Ilowsa (T .17, L p. 6 d4rful impiovemea on e 0, at An i 1 77,1 joot Cro. 8. etoile at p (Yddf 11 *�g Oulro. OA V 191 oro oo 8 no' ept6mber -116h; a h coal eta an :66,rdino� hO boen 61 Ues aTl­.&� no jur EV& �Nti 1 Hliko a�i4g d invi 6d. octod DL T S Wre Me,. jils, Pau tide, efigusb Nellid-No 4'Hfiroo -591.' arvest is the o er of the ''A ; L' ­ puty We �N& 5-.:Ntd 6nio , 1 0 ' aj�, �,t I ;. , ddild Xeitai,00nie�. Vdinber 1 110UJ�tcih J%filnjiL 564 bridge, blonday, No, %64 will -be, hold. e -No 1-1 Hurcill rjq�,j '8$v, 'the s s ji tit :excep. �18 rlo Golagedal Idon Luckhow", SWair-Afink --R 0'. 0 of Otterville, A`4d !ploy ti6il , , ally 00 Hilliard of ac son Ito 4-1 t, the trjjiicdSL IV is -can -the'following rah n onal is be . Id a1T10 Ic LODGE M MU A 1.1 Of hilthami kpro', Thursdo)�_'��ening� when A111180 ing.,o ..pro W 0 red o -8 '1 ues.ts of Mis ra ey. lapt� 9 7( t 'XT 0 _p Ir atwhich it, wa87 decided tb as 398 com PRO HADIA, givd,tho-do e repairing o M e S. 0 ",u , j g l" A P 1) 1" s t, o9' Visa, Dreany' h 676 ntrict,' fo'r th �fie f a- ot 0 O"follown, A in'th .4 the Chillain" p A of ih:04ohool., ix V P air b I -to be hiade�j it new', flooX is, to se t X" do'ubb� the improve- ments heconcert oft J�qsiklead, Co�l ng 1.4 t L 1. . j.' t' �0'. put 'in, 6 Y 111glit Al wafi arge' y s'Mhs� Gkaoi a Stewart, Ldl�ei alla. pupil' rt of 6r oth#rC;4,.cof W Vitr(l dla:lss .9tenogta"ge, men wi o'the dd�. of 6ach !uvlglil�. ot V�utsda succ a tend6d an solo e,�. J, A�116id of this towfi6h A 1. 1 1p .': t6i CUAN. P'ATA It!, AV,. A', LA�viRyoolo;. ptoirain: tend dmas No; Rvardiqg gte461Y apptecia q -W000rdhip, to the li 1� "Phle.f al. �r. t d b Y: 6 u r all tw?, d n 8, Ito 164 Advo. 0woring on the Thg,�qjjft wb yX Cate" a gang 'Qf'swih is' t1-1AV61 ing- . ..... d)ois 11pCi election Y july ane 'Examindtlo n" aand folaimi aeAheir' results 4nd. sdilid of), WhQ have Twon tt;- y a t *as -tied tiWt ovet their trb by, ey.;Yi J, Q4 t U:W Thej father's re'sid once. Thp "kno in& �aut iorit O� 6 1 Inoffiet' at ' am ine tf I r e,wator InArtimenitar_ tol hng tfio, fujjjo'�tj 11 j' aisifted t6e -number, of htillit�i' A'A vor the so XMI are Cope . . r 1 .1 I T NOIV hiid jj)3d all it "h'- 1 .41 h I . ' 'L for h6rce n d es- a OI&A bi R Wha 6y,� BA, in, b No, 3. An c! on t drd of 'tile I Misseslhrty. a rms, apormi Pdiir6, the high,8tandtng t1i' eybbt, at the.dont ting par ic6j to num or,- 4i t ron 0. �OU t 0 Are p oa LLto:l�ej�r. h. 'W' S b of ty" I" A okett a�d ajkd Recop(l , 'frionfilyce in, ran eed wai ex. Viank ptioaiii) has io that will al�vays )�rwlt p n it justr: n W1 The3r spich, ar6 i Ii d A V� c I I i I I g�14 of: 6tran at ol �Adin(;110� P -t eight The fright.' 0 11& th, of' tlaiil� pply,eor, §he S' -0 air tion a t li� se d ore L. a.Vo r twi,4tor o ka: jrdc�' P eti'g Methodist 8h carria, ROn6j6 or I so t ith tier, to ther di taIlC we,4t ..... .... ..... ...... .... . -- - ---- --- . Vb, &Mai