Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-07-13, Page 7vi llpii V z 7 Oil lift 41 X ............ 14 1p 7'� 2 *nl tn Ory theIr net f You Want ana'&uppl�,, of emVt Should 90. -to, U city Stands, AU VA E E CHO Mat t.oday, ypq, iwoplo '#44 _N PlacP fullge 1.4t Wei' ally:1, thb' 11 Rhemnion aro ory, T41le0i,ithini at: liei are clearl 'JU.IUY faietiq on th I e rocks where Ah A.0, 11)00. y. for, Goiji 41,40WA in the inc4dient. e, ROW and' SOVe 101ty Of'Tyre 'o ot.for Tartar. and NT."NATioi mo a 0 religh the grace, iqf� G JQV , od is �DA ,,,,..,nce Stood R 0 ARK OrIc And ;Saracen dryin g their On the ricicksl nets ..As well. 2. That we out &b8i qay brilig ulwaved'ehildrou ''and (rili says home and one). ."now, 1, am read" Jesus, 411. P my a �o to take -the New T Th pr ni be.. etteceegfull as �0. The tirlaraph',,ot;lm Th from, the ' hea' Ir 'OF' to believe the proNecit li -P " W , 4shi rt, of. Chris ..;-X k 7;,�A-3q. ago f pr�� ngt6n. -0idtp, e s in': Jt �y 9yldence�, Is be' The -,xt t erg Peed. The cU YQnd �llldlopute. 13 help, me. �_daii -xvii, �25.: lu ghters utif� )IV lit re rip'g, a,, are, Tiery" L tl 9�z4itil b t� Ins -ation �an d J ud e :(�WL, q 1pi I r )r great as, tile, m Lra Txtitill , b I ItLeadWig W� lother 6, or heat M.arlEo persolaq, With , , C r to :bei a0h, jql�'. part- 'or the 0)11, book.. y, se6 - . 1. 1 pecill of TOPUlse to hai q, 'it is the very , estLi T01110 7 -t , ect us old ri l "Matt. xv. 23. 1t Is t ()I, , QO0I* R6 905% "tbat., the p,OPhec I Iqp are, only. a 'tlli�fis, te. no. i'l Ito _to� believe, bi ihe ask itiearn0st,jilid not at -once re. NO*' York' 1813-4 n 1k, , to',,, Qu found o e of rit, an' 'I ani Privelope' P.,qutlinei fil heAthen,, Irolo 80 1.2 good, -honest. letters In` Your 1Vha7t'.1S, 4h a w1iihilittiOn report in' �t to,heir li�t w6n, expel 0 *uk te bOrdi 82 great furle 1114 or twenty"ortiel Il. A 0 ommun cation th k :78 '2011,10icturel the cause. aAlK I WW Afinue-APO Y earn', noth TO noNv:. a�glng IV. Faith -rev -arded. In at &II, . she is 'left, to a. They, had',no c lying, ill wontain's IrSiqui 0 01i demon- frklmheje- daughter, she Duluthl No 8.8 t Ith each. otheito; ong woulo You, .41IOLAV It this Puropip iWlW W I Iqters,,,'hoNy Tithe country- betweeit Q�hrlptl4nit hey dId:. that: -honest le�tor. to eta y . th A was th "A ... ... Of' Idea; as"t"o-Wliki-was the, 11alf"; ` I y 4,14 S, U7 exi�?, jv I -May, think, is St. 1,bute, %'G 77 5,8r:, chief de. m hute n oi ln�4& 'Q 77_B.9, M Dr." @1$4. of the' Blble,�, ind Yet snatch it ou re' WAR tile Place.? !rfte bor corded Ill' Eilil, life -JAilwalikee X41injie has takelk Y 1; Would elther , ,' *%­ -"7-. , I .. i� , nCe-Tal thel " w4pre Joi t Po or .'you bil plidesiJ014.4 .,, I Inch li' the whole' eri-�el Isible, Suoplkl� 7.- C ares 'PUrays-:011 ec;cle SAnd; and rrom,: 411 'these dIfferplit IVOuld�., destr . " q.- . * d, ad t' Incei, Set up r Wrlt'- of the envelo _9'. litio. tried o lie'is 1aith. V, in this,mer 9pe. di -NOW,r 46'.y6U 011o, we his: unyayeeing'bellef in t1je* dl,, lands &lid all these diff6re re"the. P_eraoqis`.!',,.i Th� vii file origin of the all -thesi. dIfter, n, t, suppose the SqPPly Ot -�Avllodf lit cjtL. Text: would 'allow tOrd God Als6ipieq and, the, Ujilted �t�itt es, edming these, The S�rropho�WeIA k M w main. re- ther� Slit, centurl Pure It ny. n, V, I �' 4 0 t? 1144tlt�. f the Opinion' o thes4 'Plibilhe Pai let ii bul� o9i ma Prophecies, Jr. 116 i�kiond I' es, ogetii'ef g ke a �156rfqqj,�'ha�mo the hk ili -IV; thq iti aflo "T 11 -W -that ples 21.t . , . A, , tilde' of the U14- '48 at tioi s 77 Pea 0 thorna?," f the 'ver'" t You -, admit 2 lefiiiii "Corisid Y bqsj;8ch6Iars III have come frqrn;tfi6 hand of 30imtl cage against 77 124,Qq '0 any l4ripe on 4q 0A*xfCmPi of the'triumpi faith, is, a ',Week,. agq,.�an, Not this ry. Not in -115 not- thaV'a ZtI6�tL je'_ Glid�, *.from 6vine Inspl Oftor -Chriat'ie disco' b44el d 00 SOUntry. Thoi stlii All lands, ering this �Vllble 70, 7 0 ;1A mar able fabt?., -Y, n --- do '�Tou thl&,bread lif '-accualullt ing' held, 4 suppose, God, 1, . Of 0, Was - hear the f, . ear' ag)61 wou d ..all'Q Alftictiltlee these iat 0, but Ail— t pure 61''biff Itiodilv46 'to, tho thorn -Infide 4 041116i M put to- vehem6ntly� charge Pro "hi Winfebri It wAw fime. 9 tila r never _on P !R19n, t 'the :atil. Sides, to, b.O., bound ude :,T.9rOnto Farmers? llarket. for tit w and_.put east of the Passover., ai hostile � to July an the " same f I.QfIn * produce enve ope With tb Jefusalemi Ift site, si,�-.-rather thai frie 0 Book ces Yielded, one clus4r of hat thi Bible is ani Unsclentihe book. I e Catai or grapes Ci in 8 Owed. you:* or Job,. 'and the Book ��f�lpsal Q - the bli pt�mleecutio, n appotint hilly; thUW ghi 450, bushels. gral abella 9 a foriner ;dIso60rs4 -1 h brirtgIng into min -WhO WAS't4.e,mAst6r of that f, were 11 apt and in$; And quee It* Wb;6&t ­ 1. potent n. ,be!j*een the.. Biook'�f D44ter'iono lt y, 4 ns' ' Jesus did' faith, , . 4 the, although 66th 1.4 thtis'settijig. forill scl4i�ce, arid revelialon ir nd" Gelklo "i _�,therq was no olylslo went greater pro ou ar What �from.,pol,nt, to ,and Aber books, if th -ra Ole. lls disciples pbeady. a sq boo 4"Jid Fair 150 dWQlf know oi -tile just folloiwo:� whitQ6.1001 get that W 'that You cannot- Pollit"i cussidnii a b k hiCh LjS Pleas the d 00.. ooks?, busbels Sold t now -lot us ha states I 'ire -is ho resentment authorit 1011i HaYi-Eig'Ift Joads si an Besides till *J" , z oad. Hold 'at 76 Xnt alKlibidth-' e4 In this , you, mile 4. '.From tl Tht bi I till', And gQod. from t matter. I.. . t' remem 10 anger,'biit, sliatchini'at,feveq 5 . that thl b I a eigr , 0' right, Shei bad. . Yolk And, I ber 'after discourses. jtlsi' eq lik plea. on 'tliht $9 d 0 nnot give 46 � or 1 19 ook hits bderi u CA find aer 60,years ve y to -the at n4or flitsLi fi�r itj.pqrl too. a Ound I' I centuries, nd after referrei to . Yagloj, and on �that biisl� shi �Ztra,,W�O Y d1upter of grap 'Of -Science -764 ud all; the, bombar& take that eq,' 611 k It was: t some men Men no ne load sold at. Lei .99 the: skeptics of, ail Jesus the t I ­For� VrQ4Uc b Us have,'ailth thd: cen-, im we vo apostles wi 'aayIng,,Xo.'tIi tom 50 9604 1 'Vinq 'and orlty.1n1his matt curies they* have' not "Obk6d .6uf,.O MtJdlat�ely to th iti country'- It. y hat frolh er.: 0 Way . act, slhei..betew- science a to �& Ilk, there was a Stiort *nt of, vlcto�� Pit arket.,. n , reAii .delay in, t'l cAn-shoW you ... ge � as July 5 ;L tanglie 69 Canada , thistle. pollls,on between 4, 1 To- Iii ow i� Whomsiiys 'Pie a plece'as IbLr 10 otheni modern' s6e)p�r n118 many,a ro . 0. 1pr f; -� the liefOre this,' mo - this Y of that. thle'Holy tlori W 011- gerb� AMR end of iqedl? or nei apernauin.. b d Jill . L I ve. g '' 3 riil�ti grand frtilt;.s one I on ar .o ulefidid y All old book.' Sh together. ted:, but�thla Is ca d Mm P; ert D.arwin." the how efo e woul W rei a III 1 60 .0-th Un A qniiiii -fairly Aea IS eL They stfck� St tiag. 011D. Borders. of Tyre And sa Un- R �A;Way defea cl-ti .66 ad-'LI'3rr to pull A a cast, coast, of fit,. 1K�odlt_ Rol, comp, t es; iraspberries. a t Ir Is A-hAt-'Tiolence 'Ithat . taketh Uy (;o 1.1y: ati 5 IF f e conclusion wev an All the: arguiis ela-tion;. 1-!-0 re t . ut I will br6ig you bOOk. Of.. Ge W ey bei 11 a Pf �hel'skeptle e n A e . fo , not b'li6vb it,, It Y Lh eiranetta SIM the' priri­' ent *Ithcri Gon_.' to, 12c chOrki(mo. e against it *h , , of eit ho have a.' UQ e int) -v a, b I ad 'boo . k Will dAnfiot Be-, ti 'allial 0110 is gIvoIX, the key berrlj4 ad to, Ooseiiii peiii g a to 8 ow swas llg�t before bitlea Of,1-)I1OoxUcIa,.ia coil of- God's fftorehllilgc�; ani j 406. per.bask VIf t' Set - accor bietwepri'sicl rle lie e d. rey-, sun ntry BeAt unto oi AtIOn- e S4.0pe; it, northwest h inas much: h o �%Qf C4pernaum� dild. li'M'tho twJf,t,,-iq.,t eell varleti!eo,, -for, lb� __ , 6, "Tir, .- VL.0 I' U -0i a-1 ch E Lr. g ab E A -tub and A- 4U -t"- th no a- book- of� r tr Dr bd-n W OM olj�'pk lid, :.'Yield good. resulis!? led, as -the Alps" .4ount Oell.i6sl 'i, per' n"wh% Anc1­CAniiAI&n n ties,- TvIth gre . a Was In fich a, nd they- Ildve been. pulling a housel;:­­ In and ey w' test_ -ptato% t; &M -Ohem'e'nce d and th(5 HIrh!IaYas., arg. here, 1�.,fhe 4.11 p;robability'. Tile house aili 49. im,to"$I�pe busheL -Bi fs-a- y i6clare. lit b, grc-At. book "Of erehelm thinks, H 1., .1 . , , r, _9 or .Tile bulk of:,Wr,�Wb .. I hat ill �rpiel boilikil, Th the blil Of a'JBIV FAI a 'Must, . I 4ek.. your li ey b Standing "Just -NA-her tarried err 031 Lad thd sto, V i*h 0 0 oUsei Pr of t "Stood It HIC11, KLOV111111 DX) -,El cid while, weit vIrACA-0-1-9-11iorwaird in oss; eple 19 ��h -19 E 19 ma ch t ­aRaqnI,tdS, and Sa e -earth W fied to, be t lit Poor conditidit, 'and jji�17A of, All the - �Alifi n. MY bo ha Vhen'' a ev -6-ra�§d­­Jtl - '-but- pliqld,. i and: orfi`tlie,�hfsto J'.- Abe Plbie,' from not, 'Would Augg thi6 As4lze­ res oc Of DAvid anti e. compart hs and, Chancer�!Sltli 4L pronto 111des an&Urbol. e drd of G t�V r rer Then all -the un evout Judged it. pri t tie� Bible Is I 19150et lie q oper to ':retire wIjh,._iHl*a' 1 daily by oiners d' re IIAllain' &, p,,favor of lap- P Xly". Went, to'AV PHce, IlSt, re Ise, &; . 1, . late Chancellor. loshua ey corne be! en. we 1mve, no Jilan. kno T Sion to the-toncluis. eAn ;it' Ile Will.bb th Jam'eis eratfion' And 'Slaugher tO'�Pull away the ii mQ,;6 "region T6 t ey say, Mail -an Mas-, Owl .-as In of,IToshiiii Th ith it view' li111,East* Front, haire,falied "That '' to. coripeal,)41juself Onday, Sapit. -17, "Cli -a . . I - i . annot awhile' Street, ToirOnto NO. W -p ng.aborve -Gib- ting. 21, St."Thicimagi. jtirry� o IV I re .7 NT, r proa eon, and! the' MQQnr over that'.the Bke'is An im;uie'.- , t,'25, 136IIevil al!t, result- 61 book qktcr�. o",64 book vili Pr6duce 0 prove that the 131blie la'a criel b a gree;ii &'b k� t the So hal' froin, the harlr4ei 2,, IF r1day,.'. 8� A; '061 book lil 00 �againu -8, Tueodity, (luce A ciuel result , . J., the -Bible IS a M ea the. vall of coUld so th 8 hides, 'N 2. . liteadiCto'r mio f b e It- seli He 'wag pler' .. fiii-Titesday, io mw that �e boo�, tha Y Y book, .-t 91rew Ou -have triend' e. -Possible w s - 'ha Bible' is "'A" I in -in n ungelentifib jbshua :Ory, �w Ito. had often, na_ -240 70;'h1de3,N0. green.. e babli of 'reading the,13ti might �nove� a n And 'they pull 27i Na. .5, 'book- . f Soi kUdwh- 'to many, ttry,,; ve: , een st-, 4)ull , thai , bio-ok .0 e Tuesda..' Cobourg, , rippa, a�. great onsulvin this CjSeot away. You, ndticed 'a fldelfty- the a4.d-' he4id, Ttij�e h plaintiff, ichris- ;tnd they.,Rul n .. e a d 7 to away. at it, n nou-jiiiiiy 7 111onday `calfsiG 'N -c`U P'ndenck' t6!` 0 0 of t V16 ii c11436ins, (d41.rie§% You eVer heard e, t_Like thig will dir N. .,-pruelt_v On their- Part? arilty.,, -the.defendih'f­b:U Avifai _%ecome t ron; oi,.� have Ah�ru dd anyi of talce advaniagd f y, O&t., -b I of of tle daughi ' ' ' -to' 7 �_un_��aboy:' 1beon , 1. wier Orolito, if0 the Z wer Orne' Out fcir for _6th to, -Y tayi e -'t e., moo 1ave be�n ri%iover fh larAbskii -Boo... pelt -Ay .25 readibg the, stor Y about say e va ley, of lui el]durff, Pa.t IY Wei 2 am I are,grea in Y, �Pt-­L Welland -led to 9c thb kileitter't1i rf-t �hold.' prop jury' f 300; that We ar6iii a gu I;bIe;-Peopioi nhe it stands. I J, -A Ole e: , ktiltrinJnatibri-of "the' ana'ani goes' On"td sa A:Il Ilig",vri-didi- n ore -e'�Olt�n does, that :Vout and Y,. as; h gs"� otheiS 1, Thiirsa Cut mprobab Of� the'* b 6rtlon, to tile' d TIOn-Jury 2, onday .06 ulknd f 5blzed.- �upIltn With,- A �dlei Physloiogist�' tion to ility the'�_morei Of. i And n t�`l Tb- -and `�hey p 4M. . . I . a. U .-awaY.an flick t 'them.- knocki � - ". I That I'V-kreilit4im-filffteker on� slash.. au`d� W64'11k6' to b elleve It: -'-wbe ,h.'anil lnurder�landt' %' IT. he �. goe d a a on I to'.�Ijyrtb t say_ ear 11, 'Was Oct. 8., -216; 1tatipAvil 9, can lay'iny, ands on a the. Bibla is in ' ads lip Of' about" 'Jonali, W ale uncI,6,lin­ Oct. rult Crop,. Will, -be hild' . the C, G n? t d p Ot Of. rhanuserl P c e4 . .6. here7 arid; I'k be,. tru�,, very itin lrl , t__i yo pts,,, one her up, S-6�atford, jury .5 i4oada'ys' other a ly -for that Whale Wap -l'grievottely vexed', Wit Or it is 170M.' Some I of r 4 . . $ec e tiiiry of, An dleclpl eei,"Thris' .1 at i . Jr_ tueedayl. NOL f and they Pull. aaY .,book; of' - His, f on ws, 4' Taos4dy;' Oct, 80, and rult Growdri -A' ur frienle' &-proportion as - jilother 14 d 'U'gi ct 22, Toronto, liec6rh prIi and �an AN. liarpi � espej I' n6h� Bible, studen t Place. an'd 'fliat th Fell At Ury; 7 the', Ontario - F d' es,Qf the'Clitist of :Whole- e On the* Bible of an imposition ;on. Vi Is the b 'ok Oi,th 'to - ha*6 d 4f) are. .,going a 'tendeficy, toward maish- th ho e P of Jonah a' IV;Aa-I1 , S'lle da- uon�jury Berlin, :V011. Says �w .d, 1. Ir .. ofiday. -Nov.. ig Brampii� j et, uman: race, I, 'must been..aii ultudic". - I It -Pei 40-dayl -... - All �Ouhled the most lol�ily And dud Tust, i cl t grandest. thliig' that aff She appe I a . Poe.- jury., and, hon'�jit,*r". 9iT 4r la)nei lingsi Tol101itid, yesber- mur er, and manslaughter 7' reply, tio, 'tbaj� e tIme­it be -to Hiia warcy- en, �your obseiiva on The­BIbIq'IS! 22, - hat has e th Y. t41kirig. to t N Ilort'ju .; . - been,r theL en Prov at When GP IVIIA a fteek IE dayL' NcV la- 1 11 culture about drran -efrect 'upoa and h Se 26"BiP6bk'V1IIe- no yoll e: d gull ew, kic."i Jews - meal et IIS'thilice the eStaiilerlt' caled.iliosi gem, or ekp3ti. -YOU d4' not' 'book? : 0* 1 . T4rshfsib,..Ik odto: top III get a (,r,3 Gr.*iAg, oi� GLatllea to En ohlld� n T r w"Testament hT.6j. wh weXQ Mel * t redit Sy6nitint, of krapgs�, 'alldWr the- b6ok �'46 WhS, id in has. tb I, ", b I b6lieve A under' Gi6vernffient" R9 Why. ad iI !take upset tile Xddftdr�alltoa 'by.. Monday, .8api controli au 0' To'llgilti noh� willell tfidire IS )ri ydu��hbltsoIboid,. I�a�. _Ikto�niy.heart? n sea, vith P nation -A iorL. can clone a,cy- jury_2nd .*eek!;. 2, Tuesday S- t 2 been Ahe effe the oft Ud Ilit -ail A om4p_proA4n sw e -i 'am IV ;pi e, part nave bi trylb a. art -,g-rapiesi pea tes ay, oct. .23,, e dan' be a usenoids. wherb: tho W�rd of Just i6lf, I, arelirfai and-of''godi qt God I' t Y. as that, at 0 ull ft,ay. e racies," pulling holenicia:11 -A;� Tiicisdy, ,oct: 30 e 64 q honored?.. a're at door .91 --jury od. d Away 'at the ap a. wom. Wyugi -crUoJ­. b7bok ' g lat -aisle to reel 'the E6Ujht Him -12 .13� cut 5, TQrbazo; 5'. :Flult of rea Ing his :�hn'� J.Illdlr"d . . . 1 r ' '�l r, Urnift f , -43riminal, , Tile Joi maIak�t' b �,t r to pill �dr' I . . U, P. the ro' 9'cruel e t,, tit inTwDsdq y een -�oir. "llilo - . wrra!sIngvof ji, 7, 1 o -�a_d 'spir. '6�e wa,� ..an urgent o 'U, P6t6rboo.`l.,no Ing IT forth with W me and hq, a Ings, a In azar 4d -Wr . .. S615 r the 5it-ate. ZJAUI the L:,C-- . .,hoppers an& b., I* gen Y, in e a �Blble f h cli r An� he,,,se x6b.:bi cond_beu�. n otl r - 1 _t ... " . ro tood", iii or --one oi rds� ziests., cque&t. -T lion- turs, it d ier wr ters in th miraclois ha jfla,t H IV 1. d- ti'fortlf; 1116nda Dec'i, A w leat has I T-7 cruel, book ought$ to, niak� e, 61 ee ra e _�_Shebellerdd Aq rd VOI!t.- Arthn'r, Jury ju�lr rl�h_ hat)( 0 thist jury - 9 adyancink pilliesi ro In prs, only. X_ cy�. on me 0' price for X0 responding With th t I Ou oil bf DaN d,11. She pl' 911 1 t ";M iiit rt crue peopl, and' fourth', cen,furles. -POW ary6loilsly - tlie,,:old book.'sile Thurgday Peeii,,13,- Hat PortAr I 74c. a' week' 690,.Yestlird gave kS %V. Test:13�nlent Writers �Jijst 4 'of 'A] -ptrikng at J; jury r ently read' it and,'gi All- Is daily, at, .. ogi� so r! Its, principles, that'_cau sn produc4-that effect. our 'ps ch4p _mi ' In deepet, What k tbaf the !same N they, are� linchi 6ul%ihe tor m eri 4, the me c1iiiii up Ito% t e Gderich -J' tedchings, ew Testa- r .8 ie i�ouid rid 10 I)SP­Of Y68terd tl , ga� lid, you notice thdt� �he�ledcMngs, 87c; men have- jheY ammers he Wi' 0.: his Holy.. Bible - crtiite th'. �i Ir th' id In: h le An r:t4q--:bO6k.-.-!T iin'.thb,,�ri �fburtll tilt, . life ol, Pea',,' and, the 'sticbri Y 0 ')Iintil -go ng,,t( 'A r - Li eorge cehtu keeb Irl, t w a)l rec0i as the 1ewi�h, Jury Aronita 9 J .' ended� laft.nitlit orw _Y, Selit'. 04 1 >rOMT0 d d, eenturk.' he Ill, I ie� or.t I ll.i5, Isat..d S1 EX r and No: body" of 31 Iss- Dhi:, Florence Night- and-th� firs a Ate 4��41 I,e(l R I in "t6rd e I n d 6k -, 4. A dy Xbrithei.in are -2%c under century dott ' Lin lndl?d. c iOtne of -the'ni 11.1 �be on b., r Davlq, tt f* . . I Top 10hit'RoNvard, of .-Tolin IvIleee.did they of th h -ingale W n'.. hi 8 clistinctive- Tet&�bbri Jury -'5, Afo d. ttire N�eathe� has red- Ne T �Ong. slae` lid., l2day, Oot� been .6 rick .,OVer ly Jewish Thb,'dtn1LoI1t of some �off ih lrenaeus.. Whr rl-Here,-19. t1i',p ai strair htforward li'tiesday, Noi 'Wind' pre ere H ' aveyou noticed IA -reaalng the biiog :He UZ StIL.11:1.., -n 'fln Alzited'diii r got ft.,fromt b:undle. Of loose effib apbY, of these, p'eii - Vo4.16arp,,- � rrianu§cribte easily, . to CON;6r e' that in �propori- F I Where, did 'Elie r Vuesdhl-i' N-bv. 20, 'BrAlliford continued prevalene consumed 4-y 1116., WhoX­��t 8 u es d lC -7, §t-. Thhtiez* d Ines -he:- up 'the Tamil, of 'the irart'-d �ea IVI Bible'they beam�. Ao ivas are Indled, Some Will r .'that 11011-Jui y Doc eek the, peri make it, ap I veCfi­ 6n6infeS jo tY? humani. �a te -0 0. -111 -jin I eL con-rr, ward lighter �1 -.tb--re; - ifavor.a a-vei 7oII­,nIt­oh- Q Ift6ticed that.�� YP grandfather -Kevelatfoh.:and "Otlictis WJ aff.77 ilij gave 'A amilto, eon. the tuilpna' book -to. my faL -burn� 27.. D ble oe on. this side froin 'tioll tit i aid- SlIffered Fi'�� t ireirely fro' tAa..m rout .]I, in, two ye V_ �hj M-.' - Is gemen Is were, mericy �'estab 1. Itshed W�ioro- 'chIQ1 . . . of 'ther my' f9t ­ ave I �t to me', I gave G evela are or Y suli� L1.1 ones and- t lorted Ef�� , of--fhI'g'b thma.any,�drfff6ulty 'way iley roll oi,, 11 or tt on-� t ''I Alon [14y, �"24 ,but at n gain, frifideldi on I and most al :11; if.' �he was 4 - heath' ck einve-i -Ill- not'-flnd a Sfti�le �chal)ter,oi in tracing this lj�;j3l? 9-rea Her advalittigeg 'been/ a ngid verse Out'bf Place,' `iV ut, Loxidion, Jurr Tue-4dy Odt,' 9;. A lad �prnlantly charge that tills 131hle - com In u b ]Ids tliere eep, sue Ia. .�ta�i the lit, an aff' d i-thining' of: th6 be�_tbe firs f e Maillis"Of even, b- if n, 11ii ; 4 IN't 'icid.hibifiatlon. .0f -till in ora ble" that an. aisle, apdd t1nle Wer -c Of t Toront;, cilmst You all 6, do t lie I Of tit Jury, -56 5, Tit�Ldai s (11110111M re, b6qk,.IIii60.uc6Sim urerresults' Ill 'Pass alon' first Jesus d _not i _>3' 0 ran ' gel,11 11 is present P er chat 9 he, without the Bibi.e. . I e lid fte66 tl d Of. the :aIsle - Will to' t I do hiotir,think we Will f7 fo� amdaii, or b ��Pp Ply--tQ T on-Ury* o - fill a th, i Ay. failure' a Ai aIJ late money Could hire you ficuit A6--trac'e� a t holy We will %Van es bee -J u ry; Hat YOU Alf . , 011gllt-' Him, to; sen 'fix IN-ov. 27 �Llnds IT -At. onco,:,,wIth Yoidt�P NdiMcultY at all, THAS the Bible in hioav IT er a Way. MIT * '-foi read ,an nk .-Tile clean book. a farcibleL, Slim. ff� ther'Bi one 'reallk think IV -hen, Jesus� (ILd'speak 'Wer. �,therieaffer Oe m- p u'r e b 0 0 k, Where. 'are'. the t I Ivill 'say gave, lt� to tbe. itres'Of he last da�k Sebnk'd to' repctl'll,�Sr bring vie n?,s Wul not t the ch crops o' On e," and eonsume the !jai 1 oail. and I go "father'' that 6py for o'bufr' :say, gave d bad in ke :the f ilar a2 v 67; Inalee t read _fIlled_ , - - �_/ - I - if rnakq:� to N1,111tex a. I i ! , ie_c If=, 'certain' Your nIoLh6j­iibad' lt� ead I ldrdh C Copy 11 r .that one."' But th t 75 t we, t _�Iot; be Ust we, ivah't b n� a line.- is. tills, to 'tile th d ras first to- b IT 1, eni d"', 10 tile Jews'. - .0 June 23rd.. . :Just ovifern It Is edsler to giSt Sedges', just th' lem our Your trace the and 2 dmalce'ller bilid Nv , p eg e ersonal T k Witter, flkfi�tin.',vears ln� heaven �dled ItUt to' ..it Nww -the fact." B yrolnises, Which icomf ion Ues4ii Out, 123,`Wbiodstoc orted tM` lfe�e ffi it Y f 29, .4 rado'hag bpen-'qufjot th the. dark" da strieted,?'%,JcstIS .,Jltry.; In, of this OAP61 did lt:,,de� 'is bind ut you 0 Intermint T opoll her naiurb? Somi paY the�re a 6d right �doivii-' in thj�t:r will: w: . i and Ile" Jury. k over. ji,ltl' e. 18. are.,200,00'6;000, cQAJes of the %,ay, who' knows.. butthey Were I�iht ant: to till Wore for file. �r 'The] iii tit g I J _jbl6 im postol.s?. tiahs 12 cii0les - - sinibb: have bad 'trfals r4e!. For it is' not, InIc 00i , copies Bibl -Si and We I- w zii to' Noy� In exIstenc6*,-: Some -Ma� th ari HOW can. YOU -take their -and 'a 10 �11' Avv.�k 0 in tile past go the' pr6fiei, thing. of lost Thy died v to, :'It __,the. trUthJItbeni the prorn sea dip -To -take it '4i2l- veuk-; T. 'a. Qlt". tile' id 31) dle I that esf)Odlally, re- 10 cIAldr6n'.s b,'Oa( urate 9tat- 10, Ireshed. Us To t�tk& tbos6i�_,bl Oil. 11011 -Jim u6t' be 'as hn(I 'ITS t oshlngq 1 t1titt'. -belo think we'sha' nk 1 It lid TIio 0onations ot the d I- 1 n 26,, itlillilton td tile whealb-,' 4yft$,,'�htit Suppose there Y and t ull. no b;d re 200 000,,000 it, ley the Bible, 1 0 t tra(le Nverc,. 4ot lying I � , 1. !. .. I - 0 00i 'the -Bible ab Theydied ITO' a to -hear Da Nroiv [a A -I. -Tali. !,'fq0 a bi Testn, ilt New iown t6lcd t? via, witli h t o9t On,, . '.& 4 more road -his. 6116 in 'frlu'mph for 06'jr I. wart, d0ks7-'This advrca of for illIs Tli6 -Golitiles Undti, nd' it its! r Ps are. stcaLly 'fhai ihe worl Od TI 10 -co de 7ed ' T - , , I LIV-q- . 0 - -" , _--shopil _hY-Lt-4c:_- �t _-, , , - . +1 6 LU 1:0-W - U, . U i -one, i "now hearl-aul With tJ1 er 1I 1i qt4i - - eall 71", b Sol, Ill art anlip; be 'unto t6 lit) ot(nis Jur -a] 6 tile Vie that tho Now. redatr h. t, ?'' Shoil, moil ckta-; d6ar that"giVoth It forni or spfi ment of.Chr 3j' .4, hnl� 600 victfail be an impure book..'shoAv Ile ebut tiltYii'! 1, biltr"'It 0." 6611 -cry, offeli nA I''Ifl-i The. 64,J90 d, hoNv'abqpt` 'the 0Id,'Testamdnt?,­ Want to 'hear., the. b0lug,pald i6s,pilflbd 6&.1114 lJIbI6. jiVeiliabrgidl 'Play to- tilt% 4, t by Pauli e trade''In.. t I� at) r � �01A shii in� 10, �l b arch .'Of Old res ct,'S me TShow, C), T aTo-k-e— ad, _11,1 tali OL for is e, a 0, 0. Tile JbIrVS_(JI6"'�(IqJ Ttile' 0 t I ook foe IOlt to :tile Impurity a m. Sed good ones 01, .7, Mo. OtOld even IiUlidreds blessed -..book,. ravihIr 2V and thods I �11 III) a, a Impare.book d, To. fall t ut� one rinds bf, ye 11 -fur earth g1l, first., I IV Y, e 4. Nor, 19 kwyery Well that It Is loll i_oh)y� .10 9,0(?tl L hIch a f 'Ir p I or bovell;_ JDelt good etiou 8, x6tid"I Idy y A 1.01 _1C 0 --' ­l-bw5 I . le, blo and -y - a ti It a eb 1�01-,Cdn od �f:_In b1z­ t Bible b. _-1)6weJ' that -ther you see fjI)se-b ok t1111111]", it e 1W licad 4 hundred froill eOn )a most rd; Years% can �prin I Ld s I�T. lu "-ere c0alfill-ted: Hunlan, pi,ophecy. amounts liftild' OC Y()Ur ........ . e, I.2 ISLY I Urr r I M", I to not ng. � I ,, ic say tile li Is 9L a" Oi 11cfe these ch1fdr 21,11111 .2 Tiwims (Q!iOr contradictions- find. tb6y 1;u, old' prophofs, stood the !m on Ilid'' pa y, in oil t s t. prophet lanall d the it�e against a Put To-) to lie �r 1118 80aolt, jt, cvangdist iYa&, and, they fore,tpid for YOU - bi io apostle, u're contlij ptlt It Under a Cs . 4 on In the- Tit your ](last a ''itrid cy th . Jos, be tPue; en, oan ou 'Dea? tbgtlb� ti,tii iiida 0 " A Were ,In full. Des it. to s Ill �01 I wo 131111 , " , , I., . ti r hl,Lt IT' h i1 l ld Avas,a I t !Rend'of the my P�renfi � C . ... .. !pd not i impili TA1101 J'n It (1,; o*tleted 86,000A Irticrtnt rel tl� When- those prittph& t bo to"Ilybdi Tho.4 difilos A dllirerdh6d kjot and.' falportan7t differ- to I" f; I th 016 Afrfori h" 0 (1 L el t ugois, of, 1V 1811,111g! conditi6n, you'61ght ex ant. ated 11i 016're III 'ftL 00008611 to it fiect from the fact *6pl, t 'thAt; the 0ook. came 10 a Wili gh t to Ings oil, aniJar repore: -Advic from gpheei 0 Iroul g I Sti,i arid IcIngsto tit tljl,� AtIon to gondea(lon and AM8 COPIod by, salaii, -"Tills. Iits till got to bottid di Oil) bi�i 4a,I, tile N Ti6rotlt' great matiy �dhd d' �t I Putr It I otir 0 t vs ultillAti I. et ("ON.: Ot ulatf"t6 fife lost 0'), going to be le'voled-11 CAulftello, recen si. n I all 811061(l qtalr� IT oil the tlip ill rninont biarbre you, this, It 'that, all, Capi 0 t ha Bible' vvrjtd�s. the,, t6a 9u bot lid, ilay�)� No ll t tafth lit Oil, Ina I 11,111 be, 0r0AV Aver IVIldraver 6, Tues(ii NO on(,.rR. It IE Who `O.p IOat tl10 ofi T Ign, of 911-" V, ANIt paLloint, Just id ook Iol, 'be 1�,i8 Govel t1ii.tri(Itlil Coil tl6n athr t)o' On her, Ill.- nyan IV(Sulli 'eent. t' )?"1 11 1,41 it I r 1 v _q. tfilthol for 'unbolf6r ..ro; Yot the. 1pr' forifte.lil W(.1, oroilto, IN. 1-n tp 1. to" heTI, J!o8flig. all th� )toilhets old r6actilnk. illni If havel'I , I 11111'fl t t �11.jlp T' oli, (I a N', Q PIT o IS lit n and yIlu, tfin'! OVOr, tile r1fin' all not r S,� Of Rabylo t, 171, only tho A 6 Vil n d ;i Porrap bas 1` .4 r so, b�ok� upo IVIII sllrro� O(q)R )Christ or gra6s blade ultifilitfill, to T tIRent t0.:,kc4i gardens, ITfurnD off, 116 Jun ITXoj� . I,. Ifi &tird In ill(, sililtion(le'r of itol, tilt four great d6etti al 'ha'allmll'Or th"a tha gr�unid but niot 00 Tornto, no the, Plilde, T18 lllthw�till itit 7, 1 Palworl -disarrost d according 0 I ptlo� An of i0 "to, NrOn Ir 16 ITt 110' Ll I r Who.ro Ia Tyro? yloiI4 ila of is I b. A ituth(00 of' 016 111bl' It 11111V T re t dgeil tult, I t t I�lr tog, 4th"I litiaqt pt 411