Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-07-13, Page 67'. =77- -77, t"It 0 "All b j E NOS of0ar Boys lvuoi. tire, Se;vlk ovilkloil R 1) lit too 6t's -9 4 15' A irsilaer "Nails" TZ S.t 2%n Wod WaT T or u4 Ili It, Up'. d6tectW4 o. I iie Uaiy� ?444�j Vo 0%. f Is bp1levok1j, to puch tjilla"of eln IscQvory Of ceirt,,11n, url- n; Cipre� oh ros�,the #661)15 W MtIn1,;" -for thrOugh 014o% Aftim Ith . wtur;= o P ` This qa*e ail , Z - the. ` "" 41; 'don't 1n­Sw1[,SQi6 e ;Ia4a in -yel Igor iialls. -n 4n,04'WhQ, *00 fi�T-411dod WU.,.-With 4, v mitt4a iti. is J R '10liv, -T*roxit W114, Capt. 4h!i; r�prq.4clivi5 $0-11oNly tri phij�s f the organ 4�rioqv��r tuft. ;k vo� in, t1i 24" PM -DEE Q� 62lia RINI, HOTE, ed by"* VO .1 ga r IB. x4ght liandW or. left haildQd" to toiis�mail co ti Y N Inai-rch,: ei�e -ot t16 flilgeir IIiI.1181; o� wa$, threat P gNeyA -)Drw '01 : I natloo qx 'Ath --h r, 41dn6yls..� 'aban., ur,., $oil# AA.-, wen 40s, will throw, 4azl, ..I I pplut, Dr, It I. ,bout SCA. fqver. Ligut.' W t .4il this illlii had come upT.' with g r9gk i . h 0160, r ap I , I : - opt rings7w, I. 'str isprdiaripthq. - . W 10 'a. Iiiht t s it Per 04d' x, Tow% )rt, time,beforO ho, logic a' -40t fire %rinj �4j� d- before the. Al I I _4i;,, oaclety of Ision 10k children# YQU­ o` 'gu. �49;110A per*4w Ail nequa, iq wid prpvp 444 bO c9r"! ape d Pa- tbo a , t;ctiv*.,Q fqkepoo 'betwpon. thp nik-AlSi Of tire'riglit hould rikit (OFA4 t at ft r 4k the, .11gut '-Us Lip -at, MatshAll h Ire pace. of 4.0apt k of y re� )US K P othe le Qh4 �06 PQ t I -the 9. to the el -'-of tj ave,to, Grand Hoteil; krv3ho officers of tit -the , d than Obs 0 what, -child. must h. nvoy� went" fi priditiop reverij-,, Ir "dijrlea T -A company 'Pott 4 . part, 0, 0e, Lnd,e so: or -of''tho,left-0 - Ol)PQI§lt0 A04 4A. .4 CQ, .., a , . . — ure'tbo - , bones c0a gooj 61 khmlxplty� whore 40, �es fi.Mrfilt dii, Orders Pocuji�k I' 0�' -the case w wprn,-,Qut­ Dr, A. . Min.Akp teetb., 16. this fohning Vim Oo hnu t) j the -To Sundayt Ma , glinen. PA16 yoong gi. Is'. %do further' IM erY and,, s19XeTI.0 V, late In thQ.' mbther�# researdhes in same v Doi .4tiet. ortly at Wlnburg� Until ocurcc th6 after tkil settled b th and woinen,;,en crip you wantAbi. Ii 1 atimationi that, Pon %Ils rg. the right nd')ef all qrdiI4 the iffoT 'land], It., In. the arrival, of, tho. draft, jilch, the BUD, of titel, ILI a _title XA�0 I &6,�Ing bodies! mus( he. said roo.wag aslijg� 1 t a and varies. 1 0 9 �:beprt oil h riment. for best friend -it,- r4m ne-fouith'to'twO' 'Juit thjnkt 4oW it tho'se rare �ei,..U�arint of :4er explain4d VoQki. N almost'Jor"'V, filetik 1 UP , DIV , . . t iande arp sed e hko u -g t d, uu&i cupt, carp' ji'-wIch bo h I -qxjAlly7 . I "health t b h �Iiat he: staff.'offikeiii 'ofto. 11$h' ikls cum 'd noIThe "qui holo house, kis -d D d I ter, Capt. Winter pA - Capt. To k.. theX6.wwe, 21 e nce In 0 ze countbrba- ance'.thle-no, less than .6gr mbriail lo always the broadest `4br:'PAI0 'and.. its, there &r6 two eds case llaaw, pin Or more men -ILiad -to WinbOg ey, i tho of adults,,alLd' the middle Hgran evident tb t, W room, W1114 's in. -tlI hoiise, 4 �qy �o I bedrb= h caiises�. bbink. batoric.. dysentery, sore 7. has alway 14, wiaO There were -were geSt -wily. digested'dian th jildi otherr comolainis Ineld t. to it tu -Ordcr� ring evert more next to. pills four-, other newspaper- mtm who had Lieut. 01and, I �4r,: the lad&x flhger* and'tho little c nisirig ho�. dillf qu flug . ream. It's.,.sori j aa� dong them. Wng the. mare I. $!A had -=tayi ..'rooins..,at 4as socured 'ftaa became yery Lord., Ceell norg a d Mr. Winston.. e 0altegns had� lin usually, 'quite. Ila 'lit, the case of ly I. jails of tht: right . Itand with them. as he g for ger. The I dren thrive wheri� given it.. a wi. t. -both :.repro litlilk the -4r- back.41Piederick it White, -handed the index, fluget. Don'tkeep thi children livingoll fov. It ThW�, Oher 9 t, so rl t PC. om� '_ff,.6ttjtU'do tt.,WYL for, Baby *Boys boorAtic morning Post. We plebe. "all th "fi. M n_ed a, ;very' sti thulUb being; most markQdr the, edge of ikkness Makt (hall pro - on .Pect....( , � p lifrorig an S t Thos , , - , , the clilldr mufft be )fi." left,handed er,4ons such. U. colored gh1gliams or bro r0fuS&I to budge. Noth,� Stot(!� mul- of ')ia! d 4 -we had got 'rooms fkom,� the ]all will flat nails aro'i�rely, 'it bVer� seen. Dr. �BR ISH�q n, or da,rk blue duck. Ins @e.o IJW preoe&4-by lord � and we' 1, Id: I ine M kovvr flrially� saya that­tber6 i '- 'h I oll'ai lump and hearty -liver,011 and _Mpepliiesa and a ag s orti'of the might of the wholeL ..their -play ho0s- 'Yet, wbn, to' be a curious, - cozineatloh,.b­�bweien �op of Cod the� "ypo ed by� a "Eritish rmy; r�preseiit Cori- they ard -constani' exeftlola',t6��,-�kqep dinner. 19 '.6 -Daco­of � theefIest'arld l(e5LoILJMeandSodAwi do veiling the the circumf6i poral's guardi:,couidi The. Cilre4.' Just--n-'-Q'u16kIy�-a phosph Jove S. 0ternbou.. promenad.e.'you. c a , but breadthLbf"Ifie finger, nal3s, h1q.,nuiner t. Ir, ­, ; , , o or lid' aopeitit�� enenity were In a 'somewhat. -weak, Ilite-P �.this-formthem.' kone,6n 1UjPAtOm% lim4tion. R`w* redepri 'I of.oUk' .110 IC01 low W -w t &.and Sr.ao, and Toothache by Ng6n.s .-tDh:.;`0Xp til all an dominates iii. the Costume. TI 0: broadpy W �7.' 9mia 0 F ger ,,"As time �pais�d, (was. growing leaV 7 Nerviflile,' naus: a -4hey"c' d,�Yiot`�vlth aiiy ad -f lea 0 tie , Morning ost Vdmitbig, of fo9dL :Bet in P'Nt e re ------- -or or -N -pale bl Olt, p red otte' Mich. d '-, M-M-Plolson's NervyillnQ 14 applied.. �9, tt - �-*e W7M thirV �udge 8,ni! n,6t- summon, Vik or L flQWe as so penetiMing, and, -go 14C rmer[awddfd action is soothing. but ve'ry or striped have L 6=,� to,, d o' ejidjrmInfj�,tqung.;1:Nqn4t t.her�pa4li-roMedy-Lgi-Vea--,�tI an, w -society belle, who 70lszanct hout X n To' -1 . ofi ;., "It Is ton timea stronger thai� 'wa 'in, r, Call- eprive Lord no vain or ache what,�Qovoricalrwithstdlld it. nlorcIp I gs, t6. 136, able. t6 ea- " L , w Ik we0 h ' !to 694U of 'pique, -or '.attompb.,. 1,begdn an �lb leasitnt toLtake inwardly.' oil, Cool days; of blot!) or flann6h affa "See, for -very- ",kee eel: that �T­eould tiot. - Ity it, ore but -,to alloW.up. to or TQtab y t,� nain000k-,,i� in high favor: however, was put on thp cer ijit ii,*.. pr.ea6at condition - 1 "was stop �kw,�RHOZ NE oures Catarrh, -to 6tocklw,,� Whit ' o hats and Whl 71TR 5"Was fouti(I inildler::` a4fp in, the dooi�, WIthL ias�rUQtions'to.preveht wo ��jho 11 -- 04 ISBIGS 'big 6usati WA9 eA in�:, - 1. 1 -,�- Be M hr*00in. -brother is-ldreI4sod-fitwhl f L _Prof�iislou for 14�qxqqnf Tho, little personages; ery The --Oko�� FIT,CURE he% -oman.', o Usin4tick, orplain. white iftien. HIS W14 bUrt 4 if Fits, aedlugs'It was found that. It would ..,BA',curlous profession or' a' AS is wil e.1. t'vitusoAncoan fal this., I �hact'trled _th t 'L a 4iistok.' Slid is' udl6rd.. n ever i10 �. to� leavei,, thq la of, dinner advertisea medlcine�, - but All,thip tends to.produce an lrupres�., A TRIAL BOTTLE of his., W11, bftsiuess.�, He product of Pdrislan',refidem�66t. and, was A ie to an sufforer sending slim a a p9r lon ratu i ti 'I day, vialtr �Auy - benefit ' r�sultldg. I d kon. oi�-c dolnies@-, nd, spotless 'cle ' an LL C"A Ir. name and addr.033 000 �chilrgo(ently. deposed. and t 'A WO COO FOR box bf:tbb Villa, ommq, - place. �The asting dishes 4n- �oess, mentioning ls,paperi NDERFU1. foro 1, - felt any lleneti,� but, frolh undertook' to, supply" his Ilia houses and 4a sThel LIEBIG Wi ton ook recovexy was rap: 4 i, I urope.. 11W division .'Include&, . *ar' I ded for dinner., She, suggestp Im- ISICK' KEA0AGH15 ills, and hayeIl _pus ref W fay -:B6 �th% t, hothe, c (;o frLS King.St. ments of qaids, t %he gent, Q provqmen �! ,and' Toronto., The most, wonderful effects Oroaucedbr.� WDdefj a m­ WXPA of the P who iJiudert6bk this,'eporlmont' new :ways ot lireparing diAlies-1 The. �rdpns 'the.'8 Iy'or d, In kitchen g tb, rAn" lite. that:4-1 o -hotel-k6eplAg"ar6 MID v "aud tlj� Com- LIVER -PILLS we Dry credra are pleasant sp I riculture, KIIIV& LITTLE IT" I V 11 ls- ecra ly to pro 0 ag. o 6dv. Of �iety.' Indeedi that as' jj�at 'ance' the Me t A Ida Vfille, t in 8161c &�he, J31116usness 'Coated' the only cream.We ha(Firn, 46tIol 'eultilre �of -fruit'.* vegetables and dwa; Tongue, Nervousness- Dys X ­can 6njoy lepsiti; -L'Iver-. Rldney-Trouble, asplacea,theal'a Linimen-t ur`66- de, id --could,.. -not b'a used $or.. amell- Ad Colds, PtC- ers..Tfie'iI�hdol 'gila, as 0i the c6u`nv& and t It *,places 01;atilig, t ie tea. 'or ed --e',� r. swit7oixinq are loti0d- hL.rellsil my wpjg, , I 0 I L� Me -night und ma& Tit 6. ed,. to 'k Pills In, a bok 25 66r, .89 IV6,. heore t .1 lef the rie* rdina V�d Xc(,1VlijJJd ti6al, "tL raInIng in itp atall.Drugglats or The ;first' 'by F oW,: more 1B. o . I g ". tor eiremein Lp.dA It, Ig n vie the growth of the most:,*,ful, isina I dW tbiubd thoL agem.en on The. following, a cry. pmes, from on, bergd-. 11 lome...Some ladloa made.their' appear- promote -a. -'�16t. ad the The L sentry Ififormo �uslfi A arpo, 'tlfe- !to FOR. 0 awed, whisper 46' 'We OUj h lov'for, horticultu 6 and: idi�Ll :iocu . ff,-YAN And a* I �havo t aacie at a papal roCj6Ptjon;­. to' FR t f1ho: trouble in h4t 0TE D 500 136YS �ND, GIRLS TO %WD ha I preparatory to entering giiiT��`djspleasurebf..the -Pope, in hall - In W fe&I'vate In' saying 4 Ili our bobk 3,009 Lots o -room. X at, e e 'I dre 'A well-'kilpwn cardinal One �i the fiziest -in the.." Kiagara. Peninsula, at perimment-A woald'ii�imgly .1 90 ug ro*Qm �w- rgot the dining h �`We L.., XInard's Liniment Qur6a. Gi ol have 'the 'honor oX,'dialng wan, Whion es from Hamilton, on two ley for, YQII.( uring the holt� kL the. gteat, 0 ya; cres, 45 of which is in, fruit, m ,tz d, as It sells atEight. PrIce r6mdrk- �.b Yo' tD tra I Ibeial. Send, -pure these dV sUfferingL �fjbjnf� BtIcniae eft iiobles:;,In larit Tfib` tendora of' their braell uette. jive ill be sold in l6tiAo suit 'or In n The cartil.&I 'his toma-L trI Ittee of" h4d in- thus 'fulfilled 11teforriv N eedbil. FA Comm r Address ly. low;, rms px Ile to i Ion 2 -cent -stamps oand, Tlkli - - vited t e What de -i iiLq8 AN CARPEN 20 cents in or� a coin OY go- -anvass any, ior � opy,.I�rt. 4, I ed, does P.O. Box �59. wino�;i, OaL,::. the, d1soaim They "The pope.', 'OT'e Duke' borough', other lie:. said, 1B old_fa I Shion & dete. sample c d a roo 'o re.. ry,.persoa yozIli know will 'he fleldL Wil 'but' I hm� They lofty erso6iiijes-­*6 injier,, and In not, fte &coljote dr6sse, ca h't eu)oyi, it.' X4156 ha ve: A I I 1113 re 0 Way women Wgley OulldlrLgs, Toronto, -boon av 60'.much 'among savages W4 rk6m: heystem. Avolid imitaoN Alhd�.'biill'd' up 'the "bloodi, and. cop I! 't lit th 1 to seen a.lien peck a pres6nc6,-6f these -wa. ha(IL' to 0 atch 'quite - ac6ustomed,�'..to thein, r t %�igriiln -of cb�, 'ph! -b thus di�ilng our little, sha0k. Dli,,' that,AR th L - peck r, " BrIgg on am Tridi 'eompls.�'the attitement that when 'each ther, and 'thee they" call V R. 61 . , 0 �by � Inslothig' Wit ev6jry box you . do, not, i -f distinguished, hosts had �ztot cat.; 'Mind t 'kiwi If' IR,- riot: the re �,,,thlng,.� op hem.' 99. W. U -119D-131 ave, PER4- 1n; emcl6ised a, w eking, doesn't', 41k the Great Nerve- Restorer. No or -10, _,rapper -the humd WWI as,the PC even 'uI1,.tka46'-znarkj Dr.. WIP dred for., us in rum iyuy to a ii- — I ja-44ors;'l iIj flts,,or fieryovahess -after ilret da7v 'friendship it. should -IrA I wa;teri climate, resoqFC04, Pr 'du&, fruitd 'ample, there -nothing. in the, 0. use. , Send to 031'Arch � street, rwyk odedf be ries, m. c Sent P.M41ald at 51 For sale by,, Y�A. Harte, 1780 Notro Dame str 'PriCeS CtQ for treatise and I r 6e' v mr dealer do04 not keep thony, they as be-----, delphia�'Pa reb'$2 trial botUsi table but cake, ae'dis a' bread line on.'thc b 0, by wIlLnee&'a long tr9ining to rboon4. MANIA FARMER. �Serld.'roc.,- Mon cal,'Qe. ,,,,address-. re and Astill4 -in, oij Day adinj:the VI tir Pox it it Brofteliltis a icom T411 or -six boi&jor $2.5 tile . me to poultdcake'with . Nei.- Was of e tho Dr. Williams' clue Co yMini&rd's, Liniment. 115 s —cr I I A 5 It It . . . L., .1 , , . . --- I _ L 'f r 4� i n- R -o:; ��t 'the Wit 'theie,� any potatogs ;L a. - � I . .3 Iiinf', Syrup should &I- r iiblebr:::�Alt- th -diug --T o - cure.- '*ay's re used for Child Oht�. ts refund ther money if I fails -t ii -each Pox., r6n cething.4tsootheii: 25c.. W.Urovc'ssignatur6iso the e-hild, softens the ims cures wIn&oo lie hibli no hdn'est man's'dinvar table. w 1, is the best remedy ori* ill rrhoaa� Twenty. E I 'Was cur o a severe i Empprigi, Vg TH DONS. Is eollilj>l��td� Mif%' )lot on odr-t able.. Do f; ittaft of Chicago . er: Co.,. Spelling R _a bov.0 Rhoutma in: by, Allitlaid's Lifilinielit. w . ..... d IT ow tha accordiing tio'flbe�, OUID, 'hjo *orld Rays When gently asked I .�We­ -,get -t �b one, these AdmAW-ba - corumon.luxtitles, I the 1,a`hdne, 33ay­ of theiwor& adopted by.-ithe' Bity- were none., jig vs�dlteri replied that there 1, was. cured` of -a severely. 8prAlhO ofXhlcag�b,for,'fefOrra Jn 15 Mr. Wifiston C Vrehill, in hid ac- I re&6t.;to say that aboth oil 1pg �Py- e % th t ghtlhk befOr- e. �D-uke!s-table.-Tbo*Ll�,tliere-�iv,aig,'Itn: ' I ­ �f I I Joshua� W oaspoki it 291 Lon on . newspaperp. upraing o he com, It , -; . '"! wdnder how that WIlI,a feet — ------ Vait Mon people,'.� ter. 96wa 6P;y0:,: 'Sinith-Dorrin, com�­ olii c6nversatibins with' the "'MandlngL t1le Infantry 'Vivisloh,. dl,, Intendedl for.. 0 er, ears, h'dd. a� -dis-' �firn e, cOn4 paitig t6 make a; Mirried exit?"' Oil. thii lefti, 'and the -Vives -across the wa'y.'N6Xj lj.i 'the ftlga& lbel ght 119 . ...... The, grouuA..fav- prayers of the common . a' Were heard� Aill"Reliners Oes,- yea aiRkq- 094 the­bafei 9rds ad, -bibad �aud t t PO, a 6pto terminating it!' ro,6ky' kopjoo �tn even, cabbage.' On -slim jhdII,,, d* Cho Whole, -tell 7,011, the time ere.,, Is CE; SUO P. I --we.: So -regre, that ..Water 6d te ate (t ivitness)-i lliider�� tb.,­threat!en, heavy,,, su,--* ol-, G Is griA 11agltir. I ceivedp, when we:�­. f :4t6nd that -'y irbeard tho.qua;rrel e attac k W#s wel, . COU W , tI Ift, to dt UA OL 'gues of !t1ija nobility. Indeed,, 'advance of' eyeo,' yon A' pr bitionist 7'.1 asked EFINERY Barued a 11. a- - between- th�' and W ? , ­, [I I y by the jVjin k- an: ehilarating' ysthndior, t4k ng h me r t at L L ny yi 4on on the A 44 I . .. . I I 61glo to* seo ozio of' Brltln's* 'prbod- 'ha if 11''you. C40i hat'l lb.00u him U& Tell -the don eAkened the o o 0, but Peers lustily oalt! w -a E7 to th the T. St --low—& istatti. Your- c seemed the ljstetiin�.Iv It has ebind dlsadvahtdg0%.; -Volunteers, Who -The Greai'baoi found I ed.iIs Wet's cn a.. of th' On tlw night that'my bedroom' candle *eke the. Ichding battalio, 0, M 2poi 1eft, attack, were' sharpik engage0,, burned du, dnd, I could,; hot stimmon o�- IOURWIT011 1?1)14� only 25 or 50 lor t Pu r6,' 0 -go anc as. the Duke "the 6ldr t6 Palo cheeks and b1bodleph of 0jr e Imt. mo*-Itf,* forward' �oltk r -p -ab t 9 k P C of 31. po- nrlborougfi,for indsh � and fvigori ',thqy pressed ;.,the;., We6rtminster or. ll� drove him'-fr6thifiJl &'�-Isubstltuite. Ther;efore, I-iventdarkly. 'A!� Impossibility.. USE - enemy har4i An htt� *or.d, in prdifie 0.6 ly 4 .61 to flint PAYS t, 40 on i t iv6:,k Why don't yoii )ilo pggltl a hi,64drance f the main. t bed' I Ong t I r - a of the managem��fit of the bar by, MajOr hobashfule . is inall.'sfie, d ain ge, e &unt)ry! �jmet. . "' L .,. ' , Ivolunt6er, for, the irfL r. ? Th of tile on the righ ULO fljhtin�, -,V&S Mchar(l.sbu, Pro. , 4LO11al Uop. It-li"thief, the peopie, -Ao," Imsaid, tenti, will .166k, after Y(, in, V, �ld you ere., * The Gordon � Highland, k1se. froltj '.1DDn' YOU, beli6ve i,! duv"aiw.' )More sev rrj, strong JYL ttacked. a.. kopje, -and Who'were turned bowdy from 06 lfotel, Ively tif, I W0 "But I. 'tell yon - it wi ll.. of"'LthO,territio fire, which he. rbspon& and could not find a placi�'to. get, a it 1 11 aLn4t'1o1rrIed.$ -d heavy losses., ca irs - monoo�' 1 -1 really 'don t kiiow," 's leause iled at mi�,al, w.nlle a dozen -offi&,L c , an,. the Point 01 olUbd the hotel, i� Xf9dustad, edj With ille,alwas-bowltehing dlffl-: Pu * itch the bayneti with re" di ed such cireum­ �Mlnardls Lin -�to W k about fidgglill, hnd the pure, Impadonce'. of some stahce0j'411b4 unji" The supl$orte(A Itity'Al4t ibu� were it ed to 411d this doi And toIs ag ec=6 061 general -ikr: The; st04mc�.. Assri rive at now-, h t a has ar er VGma. t6ur d w a allfa It ijil.8 Imm gtantfi, y thele guir, but- the woblej of their that' Were =16fl -fell In 0 the of the, finest gOntlefilLM 'went-' Out. Of- tho YOU al0a Wed -the 1 pritish, and -thd ftomjy.*era 'dtlVeij Was a gobj joko,-Detrlt. E lorct, to i4bk4ln passelfalop of his own.. pounds p6r montill is the I thIIhe00 'usual, increase In. 'Weight ien taliffig RN "d cannonade eontluited.aud the stub- the �readei* of this paper w-11 be pleased to -.80 sIt t! tomb4tanta, fought �� fot. near. learn that there is at leait oad Areaded di.qewe­ 011J - e -In -W. -1 NYi 1. . I I I ­ I. I I . � 9 Cata re- s� an fit )ef§­sufWied-b-&vE i I r ter Irty# - 'atarlh I)eIn"-cohstjtu,: aw Ik ly Tee'thim-, S stages, and that is Catarrh,, 1�dl Fss If Cif 0, 11 shells had se� In 'their r, busi- yru r P lo're y �,js iflit0'.1d' AroO ional ,e -I,es&'J!4j -ehould be a le tc r7to a*.Ljffood, 'le sletreat,. and o�ai Pa blvouackM o 'General Ha'mlltda spoke a few Wor -xt -DgllBn" wil O'goo 61 05 Ong V 'a and c61ntart at An d -giving thd, M ding.0 'tfic-dotip! VIV, f4ther' commanded, hhl,' rdinaty 1ba C, ue. C&tl&� onpt, JtQZ ble;.110 00 IVELY' P VIEN' O-Gorde -�Iarffd ma- o disea4e, an h by bull 9 IT RE TS :000LOA,;NVANT �atl6jit 9trdn Ating nature in ' oing *ork. Take it, t the �prbper 144-6 In flio The proprietors hatoIso much faith in its cura­ bank to It c 'I C1. 6 O'LIP DIARA HCEA,., OVS�ENTEII.V,, t born Ir4 and told ihid.lb that a tion hni 011 ria that they ofTer One Hundfod Do]. S and W61410 with the.-tales,61' tive 0 9 CURES ",their. deeds. t it failg w cure. � Send for Add a do mii' .6t, fl ilre -ES, Ind alir Tt HNG TA0UEjL99L." HIV lijtdj =n1a1, and, abetirately, TNA?4 icir o' tt *EY CO.. Toledb-O. '.%fake ont.-Lan ordinar a6006lit..'. T1 e Is �no d ubtthey f -o th� f1p6t Addre4 F. J 10ff1Z SALE IN, DIE IOU; -atke, acidso the, ijaked V-rito an at,di!lary -SS reglilient fatho ivorld. T r un It ol H Ir gj8t§, 7, AINLE a s I 'S a:41 plat I Fami Pills are the beis air the drom V6 knolvk, bo of 'Irdn tal t* adlolt, rW, *Wfi Opi�tted, the 7 LONDON. NtW -­�ORONTO in itroun'o on all siaes' Vr)th :bull6tej Wir �jaybook 66 nai� cYORK, 0aUzV flow utta, k closed, li.kict theltjine elirtrpp� 6f flit-petfori as tho or Milipohonre th4 nat- .1w t 016�� CL lam 'i 'y h. t`�6 ongitilt'Q Tdllelr. !Ipeddal' br'aid. clif fjj;6,jjf q-1he 0quai of, W of- Tli�se ha�e no agtd or Pargal, appreclablo Weikii ar;e relief, Van do; Ld, rnki�qa liep""y I've t ty 11,uk.: It ji6oi isbat 'a sp?eles or. torture. Wdble-facod 1, sbbuld h, ISht - to 1116� root 1) Patin, zilbl­.on,,boir.q r14'fatirs -of, T, thiri. rui" miit� trouble and will'reffloVo t n%veVer, Vttry - witli the! putoll"h lock' ad. W,wliat might b6, rUg sltf*%&0d'h arwi pso; Bola 1;,Y dkdtm�ht&', fe ar n ain, 6 few 90,'yl tjio 0 4 witent It ti go Chia that tt rolli0jp, lL tj �O that are on the-inirwtl, idderedl An �ad. of 'the iffties ought t6 I* soft, 1110 201 00 VO4 S F PA 1 W? If I -m with dvelrY ehiot that, I W"t WL ako, . 11 ., . 1i ajj� It, thick that no Of, 1A) any .1) V I 16" 7 e eIts -drt- - - - . 'Two 1�rlfl,h , I 4miid , L J, to4iiiji--lit . � .. Oc. 4 ho, r -jig'- may b� ald (bd to SL i%wn ott �arcufu, but to th(sin With' sh f, or lumoago'MAX& life M inigory? TM,184� 1i dAt'OUt b rt I to iro-compd1led, to auffordavin 'i. 1yorl I b a obecAofp thef are, uW41191ked t?1th th4 0:t- otle, of' t 0iofflil the, %galn8t Aard or a Matting. 1�11190 ;ought, full'anidtilit, or o r h' oth. -a IffitnosIi in til trOgdliiiry pain 0 ItiF In I o -t% bi� l6wel, - tolor 'Itey, tbAn ' 6 6-41 Oil � powtt,of xertll-. der iidv6rt1sih4 good ()tU6 root% or-th6v 0mn to jullip Ilp� Ide-the, at nory n, eur44, N6011II4 thogn h onre. %�"i twi eufeg tooth 0 e.L alil6tig, their jtf n a1ko a tho9b Id 1) pl vas tra je"i �jj, 1 UfV ft6? r I I ri O14 g, tittAt-the it III I to Thoge at 111061, Idorful m6diell`16, for, jig 611��t for t h ond t4 Ord nal. D18ttmptIL. E, L -------------