Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-04-13, Page 3RSIM10 I QN-;-PlII 'fouTid "blin, ve w1th, 'ANENTLY K ''PIP agreeao�e, I?ft.40 to, .1.1 A4Ji1VI*M)'$ Ile U, 'IrIti- ,;,a Vireve nunie PPIKE flt MS PO.MPI �R IV .,. """ ' - ­ ' � r " - * . r ­­ ' ­­ " I N S, is W 01 1111' bile. fonlol of Naij Nj�llIlill. Oil- ,. towlitiI �RV ` d I , 11 If You.,wo-did'. o ;V 14 81 his 0116tairliozone. Cu' :Ho S.Iew HIS �,Mtlher or, Dianner, thOLIKIP 411vuy 0 t,. id Y ­ The ab!-upt, VV48... p nappol' at .1 of O�,eobe, less Years' standing Art9r. li�elur Poetors . "I" 'I,z r0und QjW.gX, s0n��atlle�ip !Txll04-Conv­,ncq.n ost 0 a - Qwnleirothed That Ca;�, P;P has -,yet Dolt I Er- -;Proof- ns- ra se, L tO4.6hed i I'lld de. rt-ld, DIP Y. -It T� Oil ilapproa,04 'Itei n4 P; WbUL ';kit lible ol� t y, r 1.4 � OliOIL11:0'tt Tile-- I h tj)i� ty we;fol'or V4 S larlinI �g`�rcjj ns prt. .0 "S "de a, e (I bY4 C 11 A et J uring Writ", L't, 111' -E 11 OUT -'A CA.$E, QF -'Q 1, b, �4 hQu. 3r. -l? t 1 8 OT T H�­ U�66: Jitfil, 'lit 1i LXW SolrviI .0id Bfirlam, Surprised. EI), I , it W I to III - sekeo�jy , * , "' 'i E �llr quI1044; ollI 01!aCtic.q. iiiis 04$r 611 lit';.hom Y. t f Q AT. - .% 1r hay h' e, liaol, sonfe, jeen o ]lle 'has., jqE4­o4jl to tahl, sly oIjjj.mI,,>-bt, find , Prout,04eAsa; tht, 7 6 '14j'a baQuli Shut to 1111! :tile po "clavlIV Ironed; "XIII U46",had, ilhaved Imallin.'s, put 'the, J16 vi 1011;S3 ri4 and- fi, Ilse, llo,,J 6tJI It Four 110��'. in al: jj� t1OJI P�II 401's-d1il not. livnenclilky. .14 tboy p.;Isl, II;i, fe 0 serva, "a Ing: lteeri f6j�d Wlao, or a ance iI tj Its, looking, Ily (lIl1`lgP"Ojt'$rIjJd�q'­ bIlli these, 0, 'ut it Alfrieult T W, Nvas am, fr Did Irlieltioth t tj I rooin'b lit ViIar I _,I 11 �Ipllk let, Ell 4fg I'llfired. hill likb f only U ('I -- 'It I II b el� it" I Z(,gh) to S 1 a "e. but 1141.0, WaE it PlI101nj uon)� figure, lh� st, ailo-re, tiL�4 oiod",n4r�, �f�jltte:lili�lt to (')'ell, '�.).rinae cQ114,1go lO Tl�!4 - ratheAl . . A 'LI lot � I I le Prtjlaj_1' tto t M I V 0 Satele vbofl amp VoI, _.'Mrb Vv F-Lilre-ol, aaLd - Ln JlQ`l'1rtOQI t be (g), h 'jr�,P4) JIV Is Or, liler, an jjrjICq(I 01 fj-61�, A, ufft: led: tho. k "Old W 1111tL dl ot Upo) tr N '" I 'f - 'ej,ablaildr S&.Mdl,,a t .. . 4 . 0 1 say- 1)". ftre I -t was A JI ill lie Is to 14F .al; I. � "' A d aeon lend tile tre 'AW41*t, 'QW -104I Qa(il r-omerp a plain, er If III , days it], t5tighalieu, 'r t lijf�'. t imSL,�,ut,juji �,4,, 41 r "r have jI jj.jlj�ljr �6'y 1 1- felt only 'yIl'-VL4 tha'doot�, oDI What (10'yoll, SiI ' pit, Jher i)%v of, r � Ile took -it, ilm'q� t Oi,- 4 'itj; , nd a co, Xou,rIjI to (I&III t� tO:t e ol,.er in -the offic, Oo olnI 1;rllkililjj"� J. a, yl y Tho ve �to L N It thallf: iiOdbns; Vi Of J 41idiP, -arad Is sii�h V "WbViltil th It- not ;11� b� fa'Lhj,f- di ZO`1Q iiein-" knoxyll 41 not c a a0e tj)S, J�Lloilo;ljis ro, :'"y to Ilse ia(l '(10OSr Ajj'tjjjjr fil ('�Jljijlp eol,ge the.. Zlitto'k tbp -011, If She. could oI 1t,:"!T IiIIIA., The i L I,s "4b6u . ZO jadeM,, OlI to, jl�� 0 tlWrt,�, , 'ej, anqe Wyo A&I,' In r- f .,-,I mviilri - t - � Ine V haiLtSe, liar, ),­ . �. ' hoi Ca!Le jul �her� -1 ".411 t 'u.'AP: killm"I, j t IV. -�bojit lev, chver !Iol�vlilg t weir kliew; 'tit prod, 'Paine, e a :JI YoRing ma s .1.,e. rr?,* Yi arij old; ars I I , R" 'OZO f IVlioil Ortchin b6�46lfging to, one of PI; ab�up 'to .151 , % ' .. ivljo. be the sti:r e., firl CATAR V I N M or, 01 bou ;S A'QUARANTPRil, iI bol-re.:�(4toeS 119t Sat!,111 to 'J.L1CJJI to nt jj his life flat if . I ef al-- FOR CATARII MONCIOTIS, ASTII t4 -be V.0 - a., p-,. 4 1 n r 1 ls,.T. 1 lip 4 ....... . . . . . . till Imore ajip� 8 t 440,T'Anit Niras � 1 1. five YI;ll more �hoit, y C S�S, I thio dell in a 61 an le i'll"a is -Plin (10, ;Ind "It" 9., 0 lino. ­.. . I I= Anifilla, I ed, pro Mul () r ' I , 'j, I OU. Which fla Oi je4 'Ine Lila Noil, lie Pri.11,1119411 'cook "ClItM in do�d,)�- scho%, "Was back ill,, t , IQ, f -'ht tljIlt' t rl'1M,; for,,. �Y, �ajj ILLIJI 'OPEIW.tlo� 1 W-5- won ar rl'6,%t. eitylIjlbj ' 'A roe'lOWE T Wiracter thtt, a e reks0oniled, ry nd, Wr T.44,wsI e I id ia . .. P, > �aplt�til it! 'e .b, to DI Ing 1111131 littationS46Kardiii, these (11ULtSeR. Itarit I, W. c One. nalcouth.."Pur 13 t of lilkh(Ige I I t ' I , 'r I , f. �t� 6,1;v 01 gilt to �Sjjnply' olf I ltyj�' otlick .j.0 ". surc'IY-' L C00,k &lid 'Der, Il -thA*1ddY 6 ppystel" '111110111s Y� enou gb, no e theni b, be.' on it OuII r ltdr(�,&ent - e l4tllitetr, t;llI 9911111 baok into: -be 'A' Cjl"W�` .811(i itiI '4&1 ei, jnel,.t. th,oilg&, '6f. 'SOL, ond gi, Oil , 4re to Itt'le"!sIgh. II Ill to , look.' Ing wts led zo nix 0MOWleolgod L 9 tit, t h al-terr onot'jillil --M*n6 , .1. 1!, With ',ill Its,. 11 -YOU have told me that c1lallIgeS. for the SMIC of ft - e - Cu 1,e� oeolI j-.PjadjctbI �j y Du the IOU reputation fqr its prelfWitm, U-83, 'ajojig INtith 7� in, nW, Web have x (I acted, by. CatLtI.rLO2)jjQ' t die' ciIr­ddjLby, lit the 1� & j3. Calls, a,"a -j�a' no fandly'-Nvithia - - bill 'llmd i . join, i you. 11. Joatk" fiona %I T) sifeaS.,ju tile; or. "or � QXpQ r if, '$7-90 ii-ajj, race,(),tI,4n par;. ditlohai ut, tile Itdii lie usual inodle-of, servin trie meat Aulliteatly e1q, as to 'ta: k rr., niunt oj� ag tX W art - , . II "T' I c. ql'soI.6yery,.' NV4 Of t.l lan-J, does' not -'i nLs, 1�m-a;�Payj- . and, alnE6 tile mil 0 , Ouse 0(�JJIS.17­ POI'Milt s6lentid an lin i W-1,04 (-*MiWfrfd��, Ana "Y 0111 to, tIlI L t -erborall to. Vvboi t4act.," 1,11.. if VaLILI-60Z011e I h nflicb.cdl). & 19h t PeA GN�bd Kin till LIII ILsjqij-lI "but 'i n(lD(!P thin, I' V not )be world 3 new and �tldi pilwWrIll, . li-� h aA 41 fo! I'll -uljorj� Orktin u hey, don'66 ­ "the yvu 16W i�ittny de prea 11, ttiko olkes oU daj,QrS,. Ito. room.! clesIg Vic nia�qj, t6 't .,s, fur ihvc. I Powerftil Ing ile li 11 t, tbe IjLt0VIjIj of athe In ayto",her ill L-lon tile house tone cAirt w* Oiand It ayl.r- (in ne,:!ol b Aitiy I a th, tZe re ­,,priv4i to:,y go' Polige, III'Ll-ther --Ilia Q01INlea pu,ro, e e 11. goLn g :,13 a In4allit'ni- IItried I 'ShEtilos More' kA tey* '*iti -I 'I Imbo altd . o ricl . kindred ollsensell It Is at1wir, r NVh a t If their loi th ry, jile fic, Corurol,�t, 1lef, ruddy 'tp Ilse 3r b d� (1$4 as theSr CTkI thij hij ��Apr tbls.I�Iri- Tile JI tvii-1 olo, 0 1,161it'i like a' c6liffiI of old cats, I tlt�- . II 'Weil oY inaJI. a' a** she u tbI OtufflitI lavo cent trial aije 1,0� tary row h, ih I) 0 In Im t ed herse to Awa louse and it therall 0C in fr(iu ;�J. of the - re on Co P Lt ills, CDjulDI ljo Do YO�;t 'e and R o JJavi I q6p them -I'll 't baW me U, a PDI)Ulaj7 b. Did, n6 -;r :)t., to tj t' d forni of g( In engage g forgigilaltilre tbo' UjJJI 'YOUL tit 'a the"01III or kjg�G; One of 6� nLoSt gkIII him t6 idate III to -good hattith. kilteli(IM tt's,con I forIvard;. Will DiL 'W I any L i, wi wect OtIS 11rd," T11 Lh mii­con a but, aS th i esotllgrQtlglllv g[)- ni-jr V 0 Ili 'I I Siff nj ' - ' . 11 yheher ljjl� to t'ha'.Cz'ar-- t6 Ingol d d". flu., lli; C el, lettid�I,%vag J= be, very tfint hings ot, go 91 'tr tih6, id., not� 'reI ress JI able to e4ive 'tit Ill dsby,, 0' of OIL tj'l(j after hily turn&l,to hur' w in S jismess,all'tansotae and I I, Ork; Whilo, M )J.!ct of runking'some, ceiviI tf, blice snItI on if 11'9 eler POW-11WO not been, returnillij u -St a&sert. )tar lylthta quij, far wJI asul,lig why If for' :ill', and 6 �0`74 t r. tItio) (Ar 1ps,; I a-ve ,Lge,�, Wn ",00111 to rest &f. , r ll , , , , . th fhor- prep' to lit that Uasc,­ u tinderstpoirl 1r. 0 UP her a liatary tor W td1kb-­,,,'ow1P lP a company 8 reed pt.l. kyute.3' the enQounWr. ovay1w, oi- kIrg. or "tile nc LiudsayL1&.'U.jgIjt, OQI Ity till -an. i -no -Lho ny n th [is 119' another certificatj "Inient bell ' I ,r * ttfl Ivell jj�j attblid, tow, Ill after that; for )Ili 'p �Iorneiiitark and takin h10 �9: mMil find I Trills Coolt,"' 9- tile-clin front thelrjp�,- h- 01)l %Vho P f klutil bo r to tile oelle rlaufe tha, tlffolc;�I fin (lit , If fer,' took poases.� fluh Of rom. )for 'an d' r. eheek, Prince 'Da bly d' vid oilori.ge 'e t y., pr d L,:,,q stay uncl' "'1' 41 the letter- atild' un.wittinI T ry . 1,b rem4rked s; could b I , quietly JI Nil. It itround in, his palckat, for nie 1 1 ..., , 'a' lil w iAl r., Ills order. jif b if roof, -and Unt thaj.,-6 �rtItiilj ly t I14tIG and 110,Vrek iient III nod, a*q even ut.t1i lL 'Or' b lte,d i�n It t ta b.' .4 S -do ell (lied. P Vvrol & "., :0 P ana� t'20th. 'till ­6u'va th, 'DiMly, 11 'd(,f!o, 0.1der: bro liar. s 11I OT Having . aifybod v 41,f �i,- , I -, - his �%r, . 1, 11, tifiq ust Wit on;l for. I . I . a d' E ObI I , - '.bu 1`1.0,5�t,rlrj to' roll -P and d nW be ra3ioh! 9 'Ili;> er t -ld bedut , 0,11 to 'it,( tness to it Ov. a Nvaltress 'I `oyoi Iog lg3t:- 4l4btl-u tO, ot' h a ve, Y -and br�p, W the falA Wia I orted 't] ie heNet] 148, c ol� I and ro6i "De0i avid Nvt �e rnln-�". fonder 111Z fig 'I Ito tile (ISLnL ,SS of --OIL behind t lWartill n ce� 4,y ts P"a t .'The Irl harl, was' gl>oid' for t all or 4W �, Air; Piil'f i, fill' n0t.t)Q,,or - P uP 'Nviiil se-c6nd -art -e ?4 a-th! f 151IPP<`�6 lb bl' Vit - thry; -t e -too 10,nigtrk on ��t 14 1111LIc inq aeon y an-, y :.&inbi,tI6LI best. ay to: reca Lo, h, I If., r, at'd the, yoII.Dl 6C- tc) tile n. pass OU'r ji er girl jj- , n ad, 'NvLtfi i'andAII C&I rpl;l, b ef" ;'Ilful negligence vv�afj -out ifi bqlt"It'ri�l')!.r,rijrl].St.,.t)l(,, 1 1*01) Will I6"lle P91311PII&j� 66 PISA 0jr,, - 'it 'thoi 0' "I?eb' unrlftu�4 tp� -be eq ua I t. Lt.;; class INI;tl- -,GeArudee ulvt�ed,thl. 4�`%'U,V- t%vO hours. afterwards.' wj)jjId,, ot. 'et-)hle out �afi ad.., 1 'on t:h!�,.�vjjy .1.5 lii�m . to t chd'-iI Iljg to f Vory: - 1 er Ili r iTed nhat ore or,,.i, boy ljjI N 0 , in-, al er grade 'reallliiad,. tltie, t tie d f. do hili, `�there no )UP1181n. tbat cOlintI �:eontendfd th Of had.'Dt�ver beon Mristat4ad. 421d to -be "it li.e - t o, ft�l, undoriitnd, toese two whoi appetered 'to . . 1and' t " cletly. cut and the I It er iov a M o -do the Ivi t II Leh.. �o . trujol n -a once. o iilan Puffer tail 'heavy stlylifee had oiden h "T hL -,'and' to break off, 'nit uddiW, dis 6 Urg her You f lie 0,: to i'meet In W&Vainba ilOdmjon' for ar urtir ii -de. c6littliu.col tr6, y as- ever., Ned �Lvppal�ed,' d d,' aftex a II I,, d- directly s -did, OVi intion of'� thip 9 - Ome' yu can &0 courteatiI 1�O' - , rainathhlj�." d c Jut e-%9 3"Off :X._ fit It You r an Ten Imn till, I t !?Td� a,, .an an urvita ONN'24GI, tb Ito dig and. E, �thp five .6ic:,i you z there any' in plati Your truak. .1 ill 'Settle to rereLvl 'go. ng Up itt Da�i,d r 'Tor -1 S to 4`aijid, 9' the'utniost -distress 1 nglin, of j3jfJLjci6- jl:itaJi�b4 Lid it�JV You can' lie. or feq.jv re�dj� t a I,, it _u Up, Lh n'� IV. ]get looke-a mnslon 11'e- It t6 be 4'ndarstood,:tap t'lley for t4I ... agreeable 9 ri you, A! mom Ell, Groatb, defe4d.4 hat wrel goillg..to. do I he atle, nd her had .'fl -b toge.th,,,, th -9 guP- wtherton out )f her. gnI so, David J)oXt .Yk;,ti jille I t, and. Mis. t. Nvou:d be ^t ple f -rt 41 il �jc hot:lt aol '111 hd ton 1�aljgl Of M01100 10ii r, ent, temoorIMY. She ad .. : NIEW 01DO. th li then btlI for r, to -ryrli�' -9th UT ON MIAS PLAN. iffidstrial hur nked I Did -sod!)' rallie(l grew Strait e-21,11 fr flIle I f this k.iiid:y eturilI to the each other mk>r.e Ai2d. of, attorriey �to her future, iylilc he li� v'lidd plfo� ler% mt:i (I ol . for' he ii I Th nitWill.to Ok oit 6tig�d Jusi'ftb-�v S Passe t ha� �tp a T. ligo, es -.I n school,,- eM11- �yo ya t.Lin fill be ome-dut! tem u a. ap.d rdn nil zi j. r. ­ a a Y are Interested fig, In, ,os oil, the iiujh!ueJI spej�t' t neighbor, an. aeXcitedly-- - -.1 110, 61ttile"Pr6perty vorlite ii Pr OW4 thall OlIg let I T- �the:­61ja� anNe used t. itIber tk 1 if t r SO a r , tiskl�,,t, alcy I 1'ent to her tile Mde III, N ,d:Lng.- 'gilve 'i , _h 'i j n er,iz a better a, t n docWed ist 116,w theit fa.voritO Sillax..' a!thaugh tlLt I 'Serva re., --fer- ivk I lit ii, cottilge" s are. tf t a) e lin.� IProKcrilea,to opcilpy ivi:tll ati n g '7y 1.J�,.id l -0111II nrn 6�vf yez ell but ii 0 notII6 Iitn t im qjj 1i;!� 'was t 1) ilmstor -ioltit' Was it I atd. of �o tie -w, nio( e-fo, 't.ag e IV h, -a teJuln41 Id NalitiW :of lil'6, art( no rn bave, u If t a c. torm'd of a 1, mnJI qu-1,61l, filr"Irmo-1.1kel'i., he id" uJore, Myt out; but 'd' cou., not.eLve, np,,b tile Artie f stjy the l4t�Iitejyr Is. Ito. 16r- - th ,�r: evon illitil t t LC,::t' oof IllAv 0 btvi'bird, �tlle' U7. jr, b:-1 -V� it it ittj g cl 1�: b j:i ra I),-, Iin ell' as h..a,l -on 3,6 L tj a.gain, nti.,c.t avoti hand -of .011 i I I-,; nil P -Li 4:rNr_f" Otte- thl- fairn to groi d ilOf g a va) 4 inr)ilg, 'Oillt it s that of tll�, be, 'a V rf 00 Ilb011t d Jed.-, ;a bolrl;., ri Li.,III Whilb I I cil, .. 1' b i Nvc n rjcf,,j, to till A, 11, itg to- the I Ma vard inrl trruc li�, 6tiler noiv have s6in 1a' till OLA -1 I it v, h Olr L ;. iit114,1 .1, bile a--.; ag in,. n�l L V. U IV' jIy Ivol I �1�y litof tl' ­110ever he. P*roil (I Of Hq Ind y t togethZr, ail(! a :cit Ira rrat. tS Or Voila- d a. r Ire, I, Dot Iie7-, Lawio"jl. tile hou" t Ice the lid e9AVe ;�Jjj. "I't .,Nan, rt� i>iv er t Ilrb for Vvillitirl ItO --do fol"tift'A IN'aMthar, It' to Plill"'yt ry Of 'tile foll-fth §t or 0 11 t he firlit floor maln YOldgelitIcIll IV Illy hI78baIfd's,::JianI0 �tjlat is; tit is I% (JUlte rild not :till� C6 rt If Pin toi,j)e equal t I y`L (I t- tit'( :1 to �slt to ill on f 1 lie. 0 - go!, felanded, at noive,kI was, IJI Old f tertlill"i Cr yol a Id and kj] Iji;il. all. tll-p Pot. Tit() pi jr 11r: "or, o-Oul-Re P111 nr Iray up, -d unil co Q)I floorr e hair ill, sillot; .0 thlit. I Fj� on (11 oil wh Dal (IiI tha d bL 6nder. to, ar At. - to Pa SaP1040an tIry.'; ri�vvliuo, Ila le 't, (34therton. a] -which t volj'� tq amnd, It b a. tri. I rough l -Q , Yet) Yet b' .0. have if w. a 0 get 6rm, t-,tbat lip urilde Litf!Iiiiii,� do tile. hr -new to [I 'Nvork that. "I Mar 111") N"It I -I r r Ila Ou III goln befolliz., , tn. It. N, h11NIPI, And tit it a. fq tn'ght, q 0 in t he 'i' Ila r W ­90t,' tlic,' dbine Illiel as if thIlt n6thing I.., e obeii if seen jil-In.,sin-00 Iaa he future, rolared,f-clo r stopped .,tal skld(lelnly- Afiri4ih all(] yild In 143ill Buliti-III !f., %Y,� Still] tbolft ny our: can iianitlin It: 1-611illneration' �ro 'Ot- -tiude's Whr) IIIIld I"T'l to bur ilof oItY' from: the her tier dog Io, n' 6ff Eecras Qut. at th, ti t, for, . NIL,. r Inaigbiad that �an fie 13, hpsshe. - fI r I Aj-r, -,ha(l 0, '111113 - . ll, , ItH :rb blaolc .1 In ilI till), y that'll tit I�Oln, I*, Cent.' 16h, if III- j one bIt'jn()jV a nOre 'a, zid he , in,,;Plr and-' iritIl pill, 14 eptiln'IftiI hljt delil, 'Plaid RIJI I.- as if Sit -old 110,1110 su ple, t telfar- (".y Ivolild 1 io�us tretuor v(,,6n le ithein: I alk) 'It, it Have y6ii tj m; Is e do�d endent pecocic.'.'rrjjo filld -it' Tho,.dtowd ti I'tipll ou il, irr k! In' IIgtOma.ry:. to�, girl' Jll�t IIIISre- Ind' Nol lo:A (,1,. t 1, 0 hIf U OXI an it, nno'ilt o t t9a .4100.0,0.00 r1ggs, tilci II' erp io n to Sig tels ro.A, -no' er bout Ji. yoll', t IsIle-enInb but. doc er to bor- ;.yii,6Iti I w I I M . eair, tit M�A.tftrl shoi: had- fS p rou (1, a not tinle, ovr t told, IWson's 110 it', IV, thra" Stroetj I -,found 'I't to coll to will I lot JIIDI Atood 9 f0I ry 't ... . ou t knowl ItOntire , tt�o `iP Ot)000 tic r Irdlit ndj1p Va... heIg;,( o$20,000., �A ng -it Is and n go I,aNvson, itevCr ba.olk n ber IflI Lt for- a Of U -111C.11 If I'lall lVild 131)�, the is and does follij��In-, alld Ivilo to -lifelf t- $1.23' r i;�rant distivess Ofi,iI 1.1 000, t1lo not;. trtlilldblvd Ski t, 1749v -till at, It is hal flush clI or 61 JI On P�iit 11111tc(I thn't liat. altiro nsas tycok it � u,n D re, , jyj Iij I Ilit" Ili 6,4gq 6f h fib. lie Will till nvy,6111d be gt iyoll:16r JU foilr , Jj PDOI)l �Ivo wbit -corthnly l PSI bc . I iill'otit, lie 6 hold. I VP to'J Democrati . 1, , . Is been to Iit"E� WI th.4 Ijet Win greatly, d 11 _for ti i. tit.(,) 0 ii, Story, t1j#, Mai C royed, fly ste iehe V!, tg3 to ge r �:11, 011 ialij it "1, 64, - '. " r 1. IV it ti, nioniont (),T 'ean P it"11 Il her (114 not ilbII-nI dttys nwiet 0 ii -(Unlor IvIltlai'vil 4 Jilt, a, Ili:, r in a giley she Iv: going out ')lip I -M OF a111i06k t from n �nt." p I, t -r- a, fig 1; ; bli If 116 Illehlit W tica'd of it be, "k T, hal she kneltili that gb0 its niI . dod Min 'Ind Vic eits tVe*,l I; I,,, If �(Iqkty to do ve t �on t I ht.:Yo 9Ne t6 t It ( mia t 91VV, All ?f it till -oil it S t%- , lip, I t, r 16. ow.d, I tit"or',r turn t<l, Ian( r u 'Il � . siliz, In Boston, .1 ct IR f . i _j; I fI l� Von lich qr fou-nd' It 1. h remaltir it 1�1�.o U'S nii, 41 ii us .1,11 1 Dob irl it'a.t od our r-6- fif W etOil I "llig Illy, _6;�011.: Ntoun th',41 Ih.t ah d 'A fi -t h Victi tM, d It Ito 'co tbf Ne'�v I th 1.8 Plo�tra,ibn This Lady - a foJ:rj`jI8jJ&I; but tlt Was� d 4 Int blI .4tiilly, 'Yor: I lill tb tt for, -;6y It Sun,., dh d IIII! Itfy I, 11 vl 0 Heal, IsIl Lrengrth emvO int b Y, U I I'll rn� h I, d liWot,-A bri og. orvd Food'i ifV 1. bilt It. into and 11 t lllt' yr ill It exper V4DII 4 . a-Oli 0, till (&I f, Iills' tO 1,01 1!113 ttr it `C J i1tb!i d II IItVw to Ito b ittaitrl th IliIf", r It lug. lie Ito 'Mil �Iot, 'J� ltII I tit, till lw� jilpilthl, t,Yl ttlf olt t ieIt it iS? 'n t itIrot tor nso rit IIo . It rT (in P tim Itlie IV;, in, VY 4-W. t h V4 - AhId 'tit pq all ell- to.div L Dr. X"119 wiparzitcol' tti froj� 6 (Sly Ot" Mlyo 1 N . Wwji 1,0 ollift 11 1 . . Ilia' rno & o4ita If On f tgt Iro; j.,l, At till ub, '06, Tar ooIr 7A� 4 11 , �,1.707TPMWP T 7� IVY WIP 77, -4 71.17 71 RSIM10 I QN-;-PlII 'fouTid "blin, ve w1th, 'ANENTLY K ''PIP agreeao�e, I?ft.40 to, .1.1 A4Ji1VI*M)'$ Ile U, 'IrIti- ,;,a Vireve nunie PPIKE flt MS PO.MPI �R IV .,. """ ' - ­ ' � r " - * . r ­­ ' ­­ " I N S, is W 01 1111' bile. fonlol of Naij Nj�llIlill. Oil- ,. towlitiI �RV ` d I , 11 If You.,wo-did'. o ;V 14 81 his 0116tairliozone. Cu' :Ho S.Iew HIS �,Mtlher or, Dianner, thOLIKIP 411vuy 0 t,. id Y ­ The ab!-upt, VV48... p nappol' at .1 of O�,eobe, less Years' standing Art9r. li�elur Poetors . "I" 'I,z r0und QjW.gX, s0n��atlle�ip !Txll04-Conv­,ncq.n ost 0 a - Qwnleirothed That Ca;�, P;P has -,yet Dolt I Er- -;Proof- ns- ra se, L tO4.6hed i I'lld de. rt-ld, DIP Y. -It T� Oil ilapproa,04 'Itei n4 P; WbUL ';kit lible ol� t y, r 1.4 � OliOIL11:0'tt Tile-- I h tj)i� ty we;fol'or V4 S larlinI �g`�rcjj ns prt. .0 "S "de a, e (I bY4 C 11 A et J uring Writ", L't, 111' -E 11 OUT -'A CA.$E, QF -'Q 1, b, �4 hQu. 3r. -l? t 1 8 OT T H�­ U�66: Jitfil, 'lit 1i LXW SolrviI .0id Bfirlam, Surprised. EI), I , it W I to III - sekeo�jy , * , "' 'i E �llr quI1044; ollI 01!aCtic.q. iiiis 04$r 611 lit';.hom Y. t f Q AT. - .% 1r hay h' e, liaol, sonfe, jeen o ]lle 'has., jqE4­o4jl to tahl, sly oIjjj.mI,,>-bt, find , Prout,04eAsa; tht, 7 6 '14j'a baQuli Shut to 1111! :tile po "clavlIV Ironed; "XIII U46",had, ilhaved Imallin.'s, put 'the, J16 vi 1011;S3 ri4 and- fi, Ilse, llo,,J 6tJI It Four 110��'. in al: jj� t1OJI P�II 401's-d1il not. livnenclilky. .14 tboy p.;Isl, II;i, fe 0 serva, "a Ing: lteeri f6j�d Wlao, or a ance iI tj Its, looking, Ily (lIl1`lgP"Ojt'$rIjJd�q'­ bIlli these, 0, 'ut it Alfrieult T W, Nvas am, fr Did Irlieltioth t tj I rooin'b lit ViIar I _,I 11 �Ipllk let, Ell 4fg I'llfired. hill likb f only U ('I -- 'It I II b el� it" I Z(,gh) to S 1 a "e. but 1141.0, WaE it PlI101nj uon)� figure, lh� st, ailo-re, tiL�4 oiod",n4r�, �f�jltte:lili�lt to (')'ell, '�.).rinae cQ114,1go lO Tl�!4 - ratheAl . . A 'LI lot � I I le Prtjlaj_1' tto t M I V 0 Satele vbofl amp VoI, _.'Mrb Vv F-Lilre-ol, aaLd - Ln JlQ`l'1rtOQI t be (g), h 'jr�,P4) JIV Is Or, liler, an jjrjICq(I 01 fj-61�, A, ufft: led: tho. k "Old W 1111tL dl ot Upo) tr N '" I 'f - 'ej,ablaildr S&.Mdl,,a t .. . 4 . 0 1 say- 1)". ftre I -t was A JI ill lie Is to 14F .al; I. � "' A d aeon lend tile tre 'AW41*t, 'QW -104I Qa(il r-omerp a plain, er If III , days it], t5tighalieu, 'r t lijf�'. t imSL,�,ut,juji �,4,, 41 r "r have jI jj.jlj�ljr �6'y 1 1- felt only 'yIl'-VL4 tha'doot�, oDI What (10'yoll, SiI ' pit, Jher i)%v of, r � Ile took -it, ilm'q� t Oi,- 4 'itj; , nd a co, Xou,rIjI to (I&III t� tO:t e ol,.er in -the offic, Oo olnI 1;rllkililjj"� J. a, yl y Tho ve �to L N It thallf: iiOdbns; Vi Of J 41idiP, -arad Is sii�h V "WbViltil th It- not ;11� b� fa'Lhj,f- di ZO`1Q iiein-" knoxyll 41 not c a a0e tj)S, J�Lloilo;ljis ro, :'"y to Ilse ia(l '(10OSr Ajj'tjjjjr fil ('�Jljijlp eol,ge the.. Zlitto'k tbp -011, If She. could oI 1t,:"!T IiIIIA., The i L I,s "4b6u . ZO jadeM,, OlI to, jl�� 0 tlWrt,�, , 'ej, anqe Wyo A&I,' In r- f .,-,I mviilri - t - � Ine V haiLtSe, liar, ),­ . �. ' hoi Ca!Le jul �her� -1 ".411 t 'u.'AP: killm"I, j t IV. -�bojit lev, chver !Iol�vlilg t weir kliew; 'tit prod, 'Paine, e a :JI YoRing ma s .1.,e. rr?,* Yi arij old; ars I I , R" 'OZO f IVlioil Ortchin b6�46lfging to, one of PI; ab�up 'to .151 , % ' .. ivljo. be the sti:r e., firl CATAR V I N M or, 01 bou ;S A'QUARANTPRil, iI bol-re.:�(4toeS 119t Sat!,111 to 'J.L1CJJI to nt jj his life flat if . I ef al-- FOR CATARII MONCIOTIS, ASTII t4 -be V.0 - a., p-,. 4 1 n r 1 ls,.T. 1 lip 4 ....... . . . . . . till Imore ajip� 8 t 440,T'Anit Niras � 1 1. five YI;ll more �hoit, y C S�S, I thio dell in a 61 an le i'll"a is -Plin (10, ;Ind "It" 9., 0 lino. ­.. . I I= Anifilla, I ed, pro Mul () r ' I , 'j, I OU. Which fla Oi je4 'Ine Lila Noil, lie Pri.11,1119411 'cook "ClItM in do�d,)�- scho%, "Was back ill,, t , IQ, f -'ht tljIlt' t rl'1M,; for,,. �Y, �ajj ILLIJI 'OPEIW.tlo� 1 W-5- won ar rl'6,%t. eitylIjlbj ' 'A roe'lOWE T Wiracter thtt, a e reks0oniled, ry nd, Wr T.44,wsI e I id ia . .. P, > �aplt�til it! 'e .b, to DI Ing 1111131 littationS46Kardiii, these (11ULtSeR. Itarit I, W. c One. nalcouth.."Pur 13 t of lilkh(Ige I I t ' I , 'r I , f. �t� 6,1;v 01 gilt to �Sjjnply' olf I ltyj�' otlick .j.0 ". surc'IY-' L C00,k &lid 'Der, Il -thA*1ddY 6 ppystel" '111110111s Y� enou gb, no e theni b, be.' on it OuII r ltdr(�,&ent - e l4tllitetr, t;llI 9911111 baok into: -be 'A' Cjl"W�` .811(i itiI '4&1 ei, jnel,.t. th,oilg&, '6f. 'SOL, ond gi, Oil , 4re to Itt'le"!sIgh. II Ill to , look.' Ing wts led zo nix 0MOWleolgod L 9 tit, t h al-terr onot'jillil --M*n6 , .1. 1!, With ',ill Its,. 11 -YOU have told me that c1lallIgeS. for the SMIC of ft - e - Cu 1,e� oeolI j-.PjadjctbI �j y Du the IOU reputation fqr its prelfWitm, U-83, 'ajojig INtith 7� in, nW, Web have x (I acted, by. CatLtI.rLO2)jjQ' t die' ciIr­ddjLby, lit the 1� & j3. Calls, a,"a -j�a' no fandly'-Nvithia - - bill 'llmd i . join, i you. 11. Joatk" fiona %I T) sifeaS.,ju tile; or. "or � QXpQ r if, '$7-90 ii-ajj, race,(),tI,4n par;. ditlohai ut, tile Itdii lie usual inodle-of, servin trie meat Aulliteatly e1q, as to 'ta: k rr., niunt oj� ag tX W art - , . II "T' I c. ql'soI.6yery,.' NV4 Of t.l lan-J, does' not -'i nLs, 1�m-a;�Payj- . and, alnE6 tile mil 0 , Ouse 0(�JJIS.17­ POI'Milt s6lentid an lin i W-1,04 (-*MiWfrfd��, Ana "Y 0111 to, tIlI L t -erborall to. Vvboi t4act.," 1,11.. if VaLILI-60Z011e I h nflicb.cdl). & 19h t PeA GN�bd Kin till LIII ILsjqij-lI "but 'i n(lD(!P thin, I' V not )be world 3 new and �tldi pilwWrIll, . li-� h aA 41 fo! I'll -uljorj� Orktin u hey, don'66 ­ "the yvu 16W i�ittny de prea 11, ttiko olkes oU daj,QrS,. Ito. room.! clesIg Vic nia�qj, t6 't .,s, fur ihvc. I Powerftil Ing ile li 11 t, tbe IjLt0VIjIj of athe In ayto",her ill L-lon tile house tone cAirt w* Oiand It ayl.r- (in ne,:!ol b Aitiy I a th, tZe re ­,,priv4i to:,y go' Polige, III'Ll-ther --Ilia Q01INlea pu,ro, e e 11. goLn g :,13 a In4allit'ni- IItried I 'ShEtilos More' kA tey* '*iti -I 'I Imbo altd . o ricl . kindred ollsensell It Is at1wir, r NVh a t If their loi th ry, jile fic, Corurol,�t, 1lef, ruddy 'tp Ilse 3r b d� (1$4 as theSr CTkI thij hij ��Apr tbls.I�Iri- Tile JI tvii-1 olo, 0 1,161it'i like a' c6liffiI of old cats, I tlt�- . II 'Weil oY inaJI. a' a** she u tbI OtufflitI lavo cent trial aije 1,0� tary row h, ih I) 0 In Im t ed herse to Awa louse and it therall 0C in fr(iu ;�J. of the - re on Co P Lt ills, CDjulDI ljo Do YO�;t 'e and R o JJavi I q6p them -I'll 't baW me U, a PDI)Ulaj7 b. Did, n6 -;r :)t., to tj t' d forni of g( In engage g forgigilaltilre tbo' UjJJI 'YOUL tit 'a the"01III or kjg�G; One of 6� nLoSt gkIII him t6 idate III to -good hattith. kilteli(IM tt's,con I forIvard;. Will DiL 'W I any L i, wi wect OtIS 11rd," T11 Lh mii­con a but, aS th i esotllgrQtlglllv g[)- ni-jr V 0 Ili 'I I Siff nj ' - ' . 11 yheher ljjl� to t'ha'.Cz'ar-- t6 Ingol d d". flu., lli; C el, lettid�I,%vag J= be, very tfint hings ot, go 91 'tr tih6, id., not� 'reI ress JI able to e4ive 'tit Ill dsby,, 0' of OIL tj'l(j after hily turn&l,to hur' w in S jismess,all'tansotae and I I, Ork; Whilo, M )J.!ct of runking'some, ceiviI tf, blice snItI on if 11'9 eler POW-11WO not been, returnillij u -St a&sert. )tar lylthta quij, far wJI asul,lig why If for' :ill', and 6 �0`74 t r. tItio) (Ar 1ps,; I a-ve ,Lge,�, Wn ",00111 to rest &f. , r ll , , , , . th fhor- prep' to lit that Uasc,­ u tinderstpoirl 1r. 0 UP her a liatary tor W td1kb-­,,,'ow1P lP a company 8 reed pt.l. kyute.3' the enQounWr. ovay1w, oi- kIrg. or "tile nc LiudsayL1&.'U.jgIjt, OQI Ity till -an. i -no -Lho ny n th [is 119' another certificatj "Inient bell ' I ,r * ttfl Ivell jj�j attblid, tow, Ill after that; for )Ili 'p �Iorneiiitark and takin h10 �9: mMil find I Trills Coolt,"' 9- tile-clin front thelrjp�,- h- 01)l %Vho P f klutil bo r to tile oelle rlaufe tha, tlffolc;�I fin (lit , If fer,' took poases.� fluh Of rom. )for 'an d' r. eheek, Prince 'Da bly d' vid oilori.ge 'e t y., pr d L,:,,q stay uncl' "'1' 41 the letter- atild' un.wittinI T ry . 1,b rem4rked s; could b I , quietly JI Nil. It itround in, his palckat, for nie 1 1 ..., , 'a' lil w iAl r., Ills order. jif b if roof, -and Unt thaj.,-6 �rtItiilj ly t I14tIG and 110,Vrek iient III nod, a*q even ut.t1i lL 'Or' b lte,d i�n It t ta b.' .4 S -do ell (lied. P Vvrol & "., :0 P ana� t'20th. 'till ­6u'va th, 'DiMly, 11 'd(,f!o, 0.1der: bro liar. s 11I OT Having . aifybod v 41,f �i,- , I -, - his �%r, . 1, 11, tifiq ust Wit on;l for. I . I . a d' E ObI I , - '.bu 1`1.0,5�t,rlrj to' roll -P and d nW be ra3ioh! 9 'Ili;> er t -ld bedut , 0,11 to 'it,( tness to it Ov. a Nvaltress 'I `oyoi Iog lg3t:- 4l4btl-u tO, ot' h a ve, Y -and br�p, W the falA Wia I orted 't] ie heNet] 148, c ol� I and ro6i "De0i avid Nvt �e rnln-�". fonder 111Z fig 'I Ito tile (ISLnL ,SS of --OIL behind t lWartill n ce� 4,y ts P"a t .'The Irl harl, was' gl>oid' for t all or 4W �, Air; Piil'f i, fill' n0t.t)Q,,or - P uP 'Nviiil se-c6nd -art -e ?4 a-th! f 151IPP<`�6 lb bl' Vit - thry; -t e -too 10,nigtrk on ��t 14 1111LIc inq aeon y an-, y :.&inbi,tI6LI best. ay to: reca Lo, h, I If., r, at'd the, yoII.Dl 6C- tc) tile n. pass OU'r ji er girl jj- , n ad, 'NvLtfi i'andAII C&I rpl;l, b ef" ;'Ilful negligence vv�afj -out ifi bqlt"It'ri�l')!.r,rijrl].St.,.t)l(,, 1 1*01) Will I6"lle P91311PII&j� 66 PISA 0jr,, - 'it 'thoi 0' "I?eb' unrlftu�4 tp� -be eq ua I t. Lt.;; class INI;tl- -,GeArudee ulvt�ed,thl. 4�`%'U,V- t%vO hours. afterwards.' wj)jjId,, ot. 'et-)hle out �afi ad.., 1 'on t:h!�,.�vjjy .1.5 lii�m . to t chd'-iI Iljg to f Vory: - 1 er Ili r iTed nhat ore or,,.i, boy ljjI N 0 , in-, al er grade 'reallliiad,. tltie, t tie d f. do hili, `�there no )UP1181n. tbat cOlintI �:eontendfd th Of had.'Dt�ver beon Mristat4ad. 421d to -be "it li.e - t o, ft�l, undoriitnd, toese two whoi appetered 'to . . 1and' t " cletly. cut and the I It er iov a M o -do the Ivi t II Leh.. �o . trujol n -a once. o iilan Puffer tail 'heavy stlylifee had oiden h "T hL -,'and' to break off, 'nit uddiW, dis 6 Urg her You f lie 0,: to i'meet In W&Vainba ilOdmjon' for ar urtir ii -de. c6littliu.col tr6, y as- ever., Ned �Lvppal�ed,' d d,' aftex a II I,, d- directly s -did, OVi intion of'� thip 9 - Ome' yu can &0 courteatiI 1�O' - , rainathhlj�." d c Jut e-%9 3"Off :X._ fit It You r an Ten Imn till, I t !?Td� a,, .an an urvita ONN'24GI, tb Ito dig and. E, �thp five .6ic:,i you z there any' in plati Your truak. .1 ill 'Settle to rereLvl 'go. ng Up itt Da�i,d r 'Tor -1 S to 4`aijid, 9' the'utniost -distress 1 nglin, of j3jfJLjci6- jl:itaJi�b4 Lid it�JV You can' lie. or feq.jv re�dj� t a I,, it _u Up, Lh n'� IV. ]get looke-a mnslon 11'e- It t6 be 4'ndarstood,:tap t'lley for t4I ... agreeable 9 ri you, A! mom Ell, Groatb, defe4d.4 hat wrel goillg..to. do I he atle, nd her had .'fl -b toge.th,,,, th -9 guP- wtherton out )f her. gnI so, David J)oXt .Yk;,ti jille I t, and. Mis. t. Nvou:d be ^t ple f -rt 41 il �jc hot:lt aol '111 hd ton 1�aljgl Of M01100 10ii r, ent, temoorIMY. She ad .. : NIEW 01DO. th li then btlI for r, to -ryrli�' -9th UT ON MIAS PLAN. iffidstrial hur nked I Did -sod!)' rallie(l grew Strait e-21,11 fr flIle I f this k.iiid:y eturilI to the each other mk>r.e Ai2d. of, attorriey �to her future, iylilc he li� v'lidd plfo� ler% mt:i (I ol . for' he ii I Th nitWill.to Ok oit 6tig�d Jusi'ftb-�v S Passe t ha� �tp a T. ligo, es -.I n school,,- eM11- �yo ya t.Lin fill be ome-dut! tem u a. ap.d rdn nil zi j. r. ­ a a Y are Interested fig, In, ,os oil, the iiujh!ueJI spej�t' t neighbor, an. aeXcitedly-- - -.1 110, 61ttile"Pr6perty vorlite ii Pr OW4 thall OlIg let I T- �the:­61ja� anNe used t. itIber tk 1 if t r SO a r , tiskl�,,t, alcy I 1'ent to her tile Mde III, N ,d:Lng.- 'gilve 'i , _h 'i j n er,iz a better a, t n docWed ist 116,w theit fa.voritO Sillax..' a!thaugh tlLt I 'Serva re., --fer- ivk I lit ii, cottilge" s are. tf t a) e lin.� IProKcrilea,to opcilpy ivi:tll ati n g '7y 1.J�,.id l -0111II nrn 6�vf yez ell but ii 0 notII6 Iitn t im qjj 1i;!� 'was t 1) ilmstor -ioltit' Was it I atd. of �o tie -w, nio( e-fo, 't.ag e IV h, -a teJuln41 Id NalitiW :of lil'6, art( no rn bave, u If t a c. torm'd of a 1, mnJI qu-1,61l, filr"Irmo-1.1kel'i., he id" uJore, Myt out; but 'd' cou., not.eLve, np,,b tile Artie f stjy the l4t�Iitejyr Is. Ito. 16r- - th ,�r: evon illitil t t LC,::t' oof IllAv 0 btvi'bird, �tlle' U7. jr, b:-1 -V� it it ittj g cl 1�: b j:i ra I),-, Iin ell' as h..a,l -on 3,6 L tj a.gain, nti.,c.t avoti hand -of .011 i I I-,; nil P -Li 4:rNr_f" Otte- thl- fairn to groi d ilOf g a va) 4 inr)ilg, 'Oillt it s that of tll�, be, 'a V rf 00 Ilb011t d Jed.-, ;a bolrl;., ri Li.,III Whilb I I cil, .. 1' b i Nvc n rjcf,,j, to till A, 11, itg to- the I Ma vard inrl trruc li�, 6tiler noiv have s6in 1a' till OLA -1 I it v, h Olr L ;. iit114,1 .1, bile a--.; ag in,. n�l L V. U IV' jIy Ivol I �1�y litof tl' ­110ever he. P*roil (I Of Hq Ind y t togethZr, ail(! a :cit Ira rrat. tS Or Voila- d a. r Ire, I, Dot Iie7-, Lawio"jl. tile hou" t Ice the lid e9AVe ;�Jjj. "I't .,Nan, rt� i>iv er t Ilrb for Vvillitirl ItO --do fol"tift'A IN'aMthar, It' to Plill"'yt ry Of 'tile foll-fth §t or 0 11 t he firlit floor maln YOldgelitIcIll IV Illy hI78baIfd's,::JianI0 �tjlat is; tit is I% (JUlte rild not :till� C6 rt If Pin toi,j)e equal t I y`L (I t- tit'( :1 to �slt to ill on f 1 lie. 0 - go!, felanded, at noive,kI was, IJI Old f tertlill"i Cr yol a Id and kj] Iji;il. all. tll-p Pot. Tit() pi jr 11r: "or, o-Oul-Re P111 nr Iray up, -d unil co Q)I floorr e hair ill, sillot; .0 thlit. I Fj� on (11 oil wh Dal (IiI tha d bL 6nder. to, ar At. - to Pa SaP1040an tIry.'; ri�vvliuo, Ila le 't, (34therton. a] -which t volj'� tq amnd, It b a. tri. I rough l -Q , Yet) Yet b' .0. have if w. a 0 get 6rm, t-,tbat lip urilde Litf!Iiiiii,� do tile. hr -new to [I 'Nvork that. "I Mar 111") N"It I -I r r Ila Ou III goln befolliz., , tn. It. N, h11NIPI, And tit it a. fq tn'ght, q 0 in t he 'i' Ila r W ­90t,' tlic,' dbine Illiel as if thIlt n6thing I.., e obeii if seen jil-In.,sin-00 Iaa he future, rolared,f-clo r stopped .,tal skld(lelnly- Afiri4ih all(] yild In 143ill Buliti-III !f., %Y,� Still] tbolft ny our: can iianitlin It: 1-611illneration' �ro 'Ot- -tiude's Whr) IIIIld I"T'l to bur ilof oItY' from: the her tier dog Io, n' 6ff Eecras Qut. at th, ti t, for, . NIL,. r Inaigbiad that �an fie 13, hpsshe. - fI r I Aj-r, -,ha(l 0, '111113 - . ll, , ItH :rb blaolc .1 In ilI till), y that'll tit I�Oln, I*, Cent.' 16h, if III- j one bIt'jn()jV a nOre 'a, zid he , in,,;Plr and-' iritIl pill, 14 eptiln'IftiI hljt delil, 'Plaid RIJI I.- as if Sit -old 110,1110 su ple, t telfar- (".y Ivolild 1 io�us tretuor v(,,6n le ithein: I alk) 'It, it Have y6ii tj m; Is e do�d endent pecocic.'.'rrjjo filld -it' Tho,.dtowd ti I'tipll ou il, irr k! In' IIgtOma.ry:. to�, girl' Jll�t IIIISre- Ind' Nol lo:A (,1,. t 1, 0 hIf U OXI an it, nno'ilt o t t9a .4100.0,0.00 r1ggs, tilci II' erp io n to Sig tels ro.A, -no' er bout Ji. yoll', t IsIle-enInb but. doc er to bor- ;.yii,6Iti I w I I M . eair, tit M�A.tftrl shoi: had- fS p rou (1, a not tinle, ovr t told, IWson's 110 it', IV, thra" Stroetj I -,found 'I't to coll to will I lot JIIDI Atood 9 f0I ry 't ... . ou t knowl ItOntire , tt�o `iP Ot)000 tic r Irdlit ndj1p Va... heIg;,( o$20,000., �A ng -it Is and n go I,aNvson, itevCr ba.olk n ber IflI Lt for- a Of U -111C.11 If I'lall lVild 131)�, the is and does follij��In-, alld Ivilo to -lifelf t- $1.23' r i;�rant distivess Ofi,iI 1.1 000, t1lo not;. trtlilldblvd Ski t, 1749v -till at, It is hal flush clI or 61 JI On P�iit 11111tc(I thn't liat. altiro nsas tycok it � u,n D re, , jyj Iij I Ilit" Ili 6,4gq 6f h fib. lie Will till nvy,6111d be gt iyoll:16r JU foilr , Jj PDOI)l �Ivo wbit -corthnly l PSI bc . I iill'otit, lie 6 hold. I VP to'J Democrati . 1, , . Is been to Iit"E� WI th.4 Ijet Win greatly, d 11 _for ti i. tit.(,) 0 ii, Story, t1j#, Mai C royed, fly ste iehe V!, tg3 to ge r �:11, 011 ialij it "1, 64, - '. " r 1. IV it ti, nioniont (),T 'ean P it"11 Il her (114 not ilbII-nI dttys nwiet 0 ii -(Unlor IvIltlai'vil 4 Jilt, a, Ili:, r in a giley she Iv: going out ')lip I -M OF a111i06k t from n �nt." p I, t -r- a, fig 1; ; bli If 116 Illehlit W tica'd of it be, "k T, hal she kneltili that gb0 its niI . dod Min 'Ind Vic eits tVe*,l I; I,,, If �(Iqkty to do ve t �on t I ht.:Yo 9Ne t6 t It ( mia t 91VV, All ?f it till -oil it S t%- , lip, I t, r 16. ow.d, I tit"or',r turn t<l, Ian( r u 'Il � . siliz, In Boston, .1 ct IR f . i _j; I fI l� Von lich qr fou-nd' It 1. h remaltir it 1�1�.o U'S nii, 41 ii us .1,11 1 Dob irl it'a.t od our r-6- fif W etOil I "llig Illy, _6;�011.: Ntoun th',41 Ih.t ah d 'A fi -t h Victi tM, d It Ito 'co tbf Ne'�v I th 1.8 Plo�tra,ibn This Lady - a foJ:rj`jI8jJ&I; but tlt Was� d 4 Int blI .4tiilly, 'Yor: I lill tb tt for, -;6y It Sun,., dh d IIII! Itfy I, 11 vl 0 Heal, IsIl Lrengrth emvO int b Y, U I I'll rn� h I, d liWot,-A bri og. orvd Food'i ifV 1. bilt It. into and 11 t lllt' yr ill It exper V4DII 4 . a-Oli 0, till (&I f, Iills' tO 1,01 1!113 ttr it `C J i1tb!i d II IItVw to Ito b ittaitrl th IliIf", r It lug. lie Ito 'Mil �Iot, 'J� ltII I tit, till lw� jilpilthl, t,Yl ttlf olt t ieIt it iS? 'n t itIrot tor nso rit IIo . It rT (in P tim Itlie IV;, in, VY 4-W. t h V4 - AhId 'tit pq all ell- to.div L Dr. X"119 wiparzitcol' tti froj� 6 (Sly Ot" Mlyo 1 N . Wwji 1,0 ollift 11 1 . . Ilia' rno & o4ita If On f tgt Iro; j.,l, At till ub, '06, Tar ooIr 7A� 4