Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-04-13, Page 2Twr_ TT:77, .. e"- -M , -7 - �- - 47­7-ril 777"'T N n;la _Ati 44a twQ m 14e, st beltly, ebo forlifter IIQY)h- _10 x", T. 0 E, e,; _;wZ-0 1— 4 :�14 X_ i7 47i ."A Ila wap, W1014 'Yards, bet rj1DV ng' 04S. 4114 efit,01 0 0) oic4stirpmont; Oxap of tile a oed ir Pile, 110, 114,ire Of tile en�klo,, w1ton 11rqt sy As PlIened all olt., thlerip" the. 4pohil-wItnios 074 tite: I' 0 U Rfl Uge.es, WL 0, TV k1lix ul:l, Ai Of C ROME It D'and. 0 being Jitoom 75 to elk OMMA: N,01 id are i LIP r renllerp Yards IRtalit from a subaillliar"V t;viteliq In, P littion. e 4f XIq A M .�IIIKU formed f tille, Ion a rolouig -t lVaiso kop, Toot�lt�� 11,110,_On re6olving, the eilptilylIS, vest,pr OW XVill Ito-11ne, at �oitee, laid. -dolvq: and- r.b. -reajiliera . Qr� DIIN ar The rt n t.-&Ii�d it, �jvjllje the It 9L ly bq'g'an_'40, Ontre-11QIii..; tjW,,tI rfi adeii of A.:� B 011doill, APM 8.,Tha 'mitil l4ri.1, - le ow Plaardeberg. (,t 41L� �.Of ed I� - 130131 THI he right begli q b' COU 5 0 tioniph. oil � i j Canipbell,.. .:tho, y 0. patty of tile, It Avas 100 ya from t T 40 elleMY I$ nearest . treimll' and covered. by Ox. and, H,Compa B ..,PIO. tII0,- POnoe -Af y N..Y tra :' ' - A on, a6 , aki Wftf^�nibar'.of tile ImiierIM, RA �ogreSq, 'bij__ 080 bol, C,, C9,01PIA, oin D ti �ie 14, Q'T tile gal"13Y thO' OQIQ;l `P pa dW- .1, 1 1 , not OT, th Dr., Bprolgon, Alililistei, �Or Ajijiti4 �4ja rap! TC NS, E , Ior. t: 1'�� ad I I, .11 LIA 9 ,It C�rps pI AU A cpll 09, Its. j 4411.01i, Rev.. 4 a'"Or O'beiLry )Vito advzl�nbe, veilly CP P0`0 for Scituth,,Africa. rbilt. LIbut.'' par V rplad-tho, following report f waq. pi:esent in, t1w field, till -day; and,- battallow,had- b' ........ ..... . ..... 0 0 Pool', Coln, t line two"Ji.ty. nianfling eeU Ito -Col., Otter ill, I _r 9 1, attalicien e (1, - In, , tile flrjag line,'; nlup4, PS. under III -one I M �Ome ol, poer Ledd�rs;l 1L 'j, I nadlans'Afte ana. II, Ite 'IrlAile durlAig: t Iiie. lilght. lie �Vasi- prorror kxtdIVh,.l. � J , 1 1 called Ul An authuritatIKO., -13.I0�tDlJ1lOnte!n,,'A ;1l,,7; ­The il'intll-4 Mat! "A'Aarclobar rift, Fe-Ftla -tile Search fol .Of th tile. wbuiloed, to "re.t, -9, alild'ill, 1 ino - Vo balik Yotir The.,: 110ar In r vljsion.� IPQO; tile, II. jj� ludillg,�,4.la, Ci-madiansV t Me p4rt t,a, on lid tip well. aia off"Iciatilig. 14 thc; 111trild Ivounitied', lif Wis. cil -whicli., Rivtfood�Itiin y�"Ssta!r a tile dead.. Saver, tj at of. tI1*0 offleors- 9 lie left !VO Y fat Ill tall t -to llilquth rePC);?,tup1wl 0, t in Pf jed Ao-!�Pslta X1 repoilzwd t -Ill li, , I C 111, Ile e ��ijjfled ont U themseIV S In it, o nei k therlepartl0s," Ill) to 4�jjfj-. C M P "o:, t +h- It trel C09. le b t4e,' I" . .. 9490M. ­ Upe, * ` 11,Lirdoi ___ __ B_ it h, Tt here.. 1krilved near ij illoeuuforite4, API'll, 5., -'TJiprO has" The Q.f t �Mtllllug;- Xo. 7,43041 S-irst.. 14 d h lot '19 11 ina -o;. old ti Qw tit be llt,: eve4t... Va - No.. 7,fiag;, s6rxt. 'Aucidleton V dependentlY.,. Tjj' ln.4el of tbe'1jf4ish,, and. _t V t : bill Vv lelit.- fired I.P' 1"Aardeborg D j a gad Agg v'yielded. 'Iill�,ish Illi. I ti, Alld 1311PIlan- -'b6in& tilo ij. 001 ,ot.', 111tv- .�58 pt St t�11,94 ey a Ing, loluneci tlle� r att.", IV re ill T.1i a(] �fj, bri- j 'a JI lit, ound, (x:, an(j� kfe E 'rexir 'tell he dfd­by�'tli nos OM4, TO, Png, gtid�.� In 11S I is 4-�LA 0 'i!Failpiyi eii" ai-jol it. 11q,40 ax-L!,Ae,ily th:6tiv )se it" (0) .' I �` . lie, 'Collsi.411toll, bf.nlig. et ­rlsonera I front KlIp, I)r W ea rb Doers, Wit if la,� ijiS Iras f T)y DI'lle"; 1 .41 -likisjority :Robertw �llt titis 1pPillt, ill' l9QXt-hqsed,,z%Jj ApIlt- a's' thus -plac'ea u1ndeIo t* therd_,aro jf,,,IjC Into, the ie newy I S c ollu m, I r, v till 1. onti-Plitill with tI tjic P0111911it'LIC11 of. Gelier.tl GglillilanjIlI a-ILIl of I. still P r: of thlo" 11;91lt oil tile 11111,49 'tile -work on. It'! COMpoSe�CfOr d �1 f e6 it is Mxzit %tile -Ival of bllta 99 -tit lul;i-L': ''A319, (1,011tintled on the'- right : unt. I two br1gadesI.oae'jje1.iLg:f'Q' rov saccleed'Uf Ita It Ii a orders i�6ro Ile ;w1len, t116 one- rineo, 6�.the. Tlio" DjIIV Is- rq'oelved to ba mady to pitillade, � It t U,3V-11. Ili UP. 11 t .01 In 'tile, New." 7 alt, tile, lill#i U00ci )le"l -adya,hcod 'treilcj My ui 'Cahadians,' . , * ..9ajPM­ . I : I I'd, 0 't diffenrit versibn of -ille. Liall-ginan I A : ho.spt'al 'is clqcu�, id at 7.-2Q -OpoSaI§ .)n.:.tlta batt�Q- to. gh nial units violatian* pying, loi... lot ed t, VILAi wy. i -le "wds U Wril, and, ther Polo thO .1villtet- flag.. Ile,' Ivib b I eir s" CJI,.0 b, Olt to ISUP-libil't tivo %rtll:,, 4.11lon,'. bdilig L the' R, CM 411111131011 1114; Oqr joubt�qj i 9 bere. Thin brfg'jj�6, ll,,,Is Ubon. Pillepci tha�,. dtii,l.,Ig.tjja, &otI.3a it whibli Ila s: 'spao- lel%Y, alowt, q_njilo, alwily's T wino up-LUt all j0uw B.QQ,4 IT,, tile L'T'liu, xwl under the 9 Polninalid of"Lleut. Boar hoisted IGUS 4nd at,ltract,l-ve �jljo" niet'Liltinie, he Moil Ccin, bofifin, lRellwa I Of tho. pi6pu,-',& 'to COloriel a, twhitio; flag,:'-, cla flb�ached .in t1jo wIzilig lo�, kikray Ij 7,11 tied ItAloir w6rk,,,afid tili.. "Hutt6n Ind' lnIjjjqj(jlatQjT 114d 440, a biwitit ziijd. ad tho'-b4ttaltcid .1 vres(�' Ice 01 All lilt idu 'of the nrilitla, lOro46� lit QhIlacla, ­tj th. e-n,,s in the,' gynijila-siu a.nd thea--reciolieLl'tha ,),to r e - the 141tO 0intuanding gelleati killi)(I oi DritlAli Offir*rI'alld adds to it- 'The"e �*C fifty' ii'�4' 164- 16adi-041 -a tea. Ifardly 11 L rji�6rtfwc 1*119 f0l" Ilearly an hoar. At, about, 6 Opt, ai P, in f d er IVIIS lniniedla`�eliy t3hot.,, t re., e deslptnttt6d�oth Ile 4rAke'l IV4,W1, 4 0 tile has, jist f �,,al -t ew. s, (,a r6, pi all it' nelmY advanLyxi arrive'. at, tit,), ront. V.c: 4-0,1 'in :t 4.6 * with- it- whi to: Move to t1latil'i " -Ind. alled I-Ipoa. ary, 4w, to flilig; when I 1, to, tile Diily N6wS froili,, atijo,", f rlag"CeAli.. -169 aal 'ia eliCal ' b Vile -s"ondlijillghda, whielfj,4 �1'3,slld,�i Llilg eross thet! rivcr. TbIsIvas'dowi, ancil thi�,- 0 anip el, that tlio )�oer ilosItilorl Y ogan to., ociato Ili up of. r6mlar ait%t -.Ittj rj� at tile, Ppiat.or V It Ot WrikeP, 1� 10 to 'tile hum, ber, of Coinniand of nine IIIiICS ll UILLJ� Oil il)(jil Lie' 1) VAI be"Illid(Al t 01 lia dii,i 06 water Nvps safficielf,tly Ae'ep. 0.1, to U0.,ull,t) 01 60ing Ilij ."tbolit Oci ruciiinted lftbiiiti -o_-pes � of Lo d ur. 'd. tell jilt, to> tile I . Cet�(l . r ked -as being, st�gilg� tli.�t 'thf.disposal iDf -the Two Robprts' arlily prol3li.bly. t a lid ar- sendink 'Y 'c I I lOffljQer Of E! ti),re, ll 9 G - '109ft eq ali Portlon sfiotilcl ajj nt,,Xenient -,of the W. Y6 been 0 US30, 1bont 5U n offlo,�,t apa r t,. over I - of tu" L',*U"`§,.'Lr,­'yuLir' tile -11011*rest� �!trt �f. One a. tLre raut' ti - I . Y 4, re- Stretched, b' Nvfl!L ie11 ritish iiriny PApodition. With- -]I the ineii pussed aager - to, -,illitka. ter'nis 11$,Y me 011, to leL, I"o - ILI Smallness f. he re�lllt of-.1VIIiell a othee nio 0 -and the, Wqrk It' IC) aAoubtfliether the o 1 '10 doing.. -cre.L.,, Ine)) '6vbr In. fbitirs , wj gliard �'of ffli�er kilibil orms The con1parlics W9 A 1,.'-,L .01, ALS. w1lole', fo tile is h n1afax re U 1 of,44,;000� Pglst Do IlIng'. 11.) V. the Frenell 4trat -front flue'umoill; d 7 lcountry lit frojjt,,� of le- 11$6bols Marianil. to anil, The Daily 4 Telegraph and- ad�a lor tUeir pPlrUjaCItY_ in - hOld, r an in army clurring fill thikk' uhtil IfIg sevent live tIDIVIS cOrrou ap-( Ya it. the enpin.j-, Ivilo.octlaploo XLUL 10j), till- did, �the O,w6V r. Stato reqij.lt or. WWII U ildoaZ 0, as tX " ' �a' 6 * rds iro., IJ at it Frenoit - Offle wark, ta �J,; t4lie had'a efrim"t 0 tin- iwaid,-tD iter edge of the "the Or, 0 t I :,r" Ing -tho'.. n ttfairly rPport.6f Ills death is. �lver, -biit ilwjI,P:re, it Iflicl., 'Co -r- ng";bogan bo'dJol-'a �ctifi jBoarS as it fact,, `p tha alid artfu2y cc' .Ug basil opt'llar that Jtlwlhg the of tile onenly the avorhbie, &itr- encik6d' 'tit' told V1 h .9a8Q, . I h, 'front, not engaged, III. paig -iglit, do--rtat Idlixe to in Xtohgerit. jelt'. It. I B- eveoil I ­ pt pruKs. fhe hold ba'ck� I Ili] a,161 rin posi "Tho attaci, "which' foll tr>�A6 �O. cris fo,r t lie frVin' Oil tel'O'ev011i Ili 9 of IV" f6l -a's g r . .-Moning Posils UO *. a r, It V IlluetraWd 'at jBushtzn�ii for6a vlilow.-,of 11.16. bat;UtIi I'll'o froln I tit y kop. telifved very Our' The ad- at "o a M of the h nt6. 1 e, batifill over. perrectly., iF O�ItPbst, HILO: oS1Irqb]SIlIr6 Ughi'-Infant Ithe 1 1301210. gax. Yeotnalirjr; ne - St a tr 0-c P Lietaile-il. fbl-� tile . Clitirapped..'' E-210 so %lodn'ted Corps Who weirid. asCO&L" open n 4CIVIC11cpol' e ry .011, thoe- , it .of-Yhe *agow IV lat .'ubduJdt1nlgI;. with:' 1.0 �-60ver r d v y -at 01irth Z' 9 . I fflUigo- 'editic4ly 4ollla' I ihe F tho lrcilr� Of �.the -Doer lf r our attioik ks -mpoaort OWY 6f Artilleary. 9qll at, "the a as -of the .- gr6lilid 'of no,Arew es il cir.sn, alins. works, Iva hropShil: y s sho 4,� few ager, the 6 -e C0oM9ldla-f;lb1e ailt'Alillis". fMie�. firing lie 'and nia' rially aslsjacto�lcl A - IR both a POsltiblit 4rciji( the' I froun, and: Will dr, Xchu nd, a" , baIjjg,6Ij otir,ri drdoLi ;lit . I -)-' ..Of 4.0�1,6tu )D Ymant.' afid t I ilat... t that.,mey have rollcn,24' fhYaucialoictus wo moil of �tlle flila.sit , EST CLAl' 0 r I oft. Th6 tjjjD grollu. oce lVallm .0, b 'gil t: Ila oil battillioll, Avxm ijuitei w 'r'os.. IY an ­of Aft,eitkiPtlnv allr. ion: in he� extrei'lio 8- ii6h, .4-00i Yar-64 6.1,1! i'le, r1g4t 6n,oii -in :W01114do, -Abo t th6 F ' Ihfi� . t, , , , I ;, U, selvene ition,­ "itatel is'. CO c) '800' yards P wiffl�ated. M whe�e. it W6lIo day] Ig it all(] M6111ed. unt'll kA sent, tt116 �lliin I -Aish M lid -slight) V. roffill 11ial oil it' ree;. or'. The Ie'46M�' 'tile, anthills The in it wore aM.y in Bic GO. Brabant ni: o this I L -11 0 vknoli pro Ably- th 'can- Cull.. en lniellt�, or the; �wlth' PaqUIV in'(] nva ..brig otrudtiag to ille -towll.' Other Bcler� ric', r� gonio nd bl&'mit b elleniy!S"'fil"01 fd w4th tea go, Free State A x OuAi. 4ti ni: rell(lered Us `eV Th -scitith. Or: Ron ti -D, -0 lid the CO XVIIIe.-:: The DtItisfi ery, Gunting Isome of thir hig, 0-pr.soriers who Were-captuZd t -Capt.' Arnold, 04 tvagicin arid,water cart beig% bi . . I I - ' I I are -Ork wil riling leaving oltional s6lovice Our first' cons;aquent 1, ret' a Z d M 06 -British ys arday IVJI b.Y' le itt 0 Withill"12100 yards -lorI6 'b 'were'­br6ught brougilt, t ra coun-try ill a ve rb. as -z -in 1 -tally to dbonit OD lent libro, or the reqei,'v -1 inittOnt 411; 7 morl"Ing. AmOnig the eapti�,6s 11 Labor', where tllej- fe I r's day, 'until Rev. sixteen rille fire jiBilghbailhoeo cr are ii1lany,"French,me, on ttle 01 waA TI cc GAierak Alothil.eit ehi front AH-wal 006D: �bi IPLINE NOtIM" that of th,D d u t) . n -M-CleMplinjntec -inore-asep, hece I�d '<>lit 4a;00 tj tline, Vick-' men" and P61II1,6ol 'a I es. th-ree or f0hr', �,lebi . "PQ ..I)rjx st 6d 'frbrn th Emptectle'd" Rev-Plit' coinan t That 1) Kns-t&'bovI6arn, . - InIL gij V, y, Nvilro ni-porn'!" was, St `kJ1'ffj(!IrIt of., micidirn -rirlo � fire'; 1171te Right, Hon. 14`011116-6 ht�- a..'distalleei bf -O"k! I` "Pon "s iio' US no blle::will. M' oil, April'. 7.—., . . Hb.. that 6 Gif tit ',sp. es IV ;but, 61-tunIttelir,' l�ltjlb I was Orc. Oil At abo6t no6.n, -D ftddbd� to Gen.�'Jloberts' df. tulles rb' I ol"P-IDY TO- -to' tit, 16'ss oess al at a]] eff0l)t OU'th6, glint 0 104VIO!", if tble Ili qlf;:Capa 'CA,011-y-3 rting 'n;bt' taken. at- Iringr lijIP,.alg(j �h�)� il'a an n-j)4ny niforb it' Worded thir atta�ok �4 th6* -iforeed. tile A tolegraip', jrb aY; AVII9 Yemalndpr of B,� oil itaP0,41tion 'Afflkan or IllY octh �.r, a IIStattS thAt 012&0�;d by. th Conl ire llaN�e -roops capturej TIle, BrtjtIS 1. ir tlied rom J?x'-et sui)jlortos, in � b�, toriet.,, lieLd f011., ed Ill'. bt one ­qC I , tell 09 IM Could be, tirely- arnon tile nen ift 'the jle,�prvel- 'a Mont, Captaiiis 11 nif) t lonsailds,of k at I Oi were, hill. t1p. Of P ist or Ilieve"t oer$,'whol rqC expected tj I at, Iva. so I.: g t i I and frorh Capt'. Mo. o 0 oC(A�nliindaut. Oil- B4311 6�1 Ivi Snors,, Zavolt- tit 'IS also col�-\ vniebois "Ans -tile- C of Sol -00 11,000 'wII116 0.1v with is, llothiitg �1 -11; would the 16,ft I strj"g C- -6 C610il ravol furtl a diStall being 11looit for, 'Concerning tile overnipezi, el'J rl tho Irf,&nell offile 4.� Another rle�Oatt, ;r h'fi ipcs ae to "d 08 1111110.,1 -ng 81 Ill OJI tile Wttbl' forwrard ti) the alcn,', e piloin, -ahl -:'A it who etachment vbO liverb, r I IF 'Pa b on) �;Norvt r., t ta r ax-jill. s a Olt ur I f IN' n. t 1p,� f I 1%.) 6 j th Volk� t, Tritn8i to bring th a oil- oul�dpftl'- r g lie lience i o, Bloealf ix Still HONU 01it. I �Tllo., t proeveallig t 1 iv C h: In yed. cart rwnl� lllt� first ha,viD tII6,j1 a At oC —eTc­n. ent--o-nd Al batfory, of riela V; U d id n v�ng� l �h ere I ill, the 0i'dilge to tile tile the (I:i,-v' tile La "s sollthlvt-st, b e it Interred oil e T('I firt6ell mill �3 llt�, XTfftr -m-cl- a it) et t �I:L%. tliL fio- in te and CleiLipa. I tt r as Shut as.'theica of, thb- Ll t6hod to ',tile onxiii. lonocoilp!ock T III tof- the Irish The oibi aing 6ont., por. q the' bL" mid e t1W was, nillitair joly- lie , t , f alit. sequies; wit, I Ivy iTaratively Slck it�fid thu,sd' To A. t6 t`Ih bat, im (I It. 'I lsifi ge he, gealer-al Ths. e4ilenq the ran ffit "et --- t e)r tile, 18th, last:" to J� Doers 3-n va-rious Y..�500 grey -bearded 'as the -cei The of the a ve t st hasasW. D ot� Irbice ot of f6Lrther,'d1sianco f-rd,111 ii_h6. town fOught ago lill-de d ions In the nefghborhoc�(J- ir fire Iat -tain fie to on ilje­d.� to' thr'B ery 11.1itonable b;y- ;not t lie trlti.4h tll:eV Loi All. Wit 9 1, - S. qvgon, April S.-Althoagli.ijo "i'10114- troun s ing,t] , le� garkils t le r, corainot k4oeS., Sibned 'keveral tile,, n Rf-g Clit, 22-nd TILLS Morn "i'lisent' witl t t" ri to 'bill-. fire 'T, Rbb6rtsi d an fired in illJe �W'h W. tfi T IV' V ot ;-0ef hoers werp, thsonip doiells Of.94- _T; V II U, 7, report%l Tharsday R Pound-ersi bilt'thir - prIAAI(�d Irs _,vors, 11114 �to st61) firiprig- 61i he T lt Of vjsit C Inert in that, C Ing, tll� War,] r1hZbal -all e, r afid.flfp British stlffere�l 116 MIR 7. -The 3( part ivare lo elle g 01 'tho front thjille, front OUT' 'left. g 8.1tiroline'i . I nb i:iotors at str on Fo.,,utg AIT ij-0 tq tltj Was $.14rgest, d' ktab '.t filo Others,: re rep If tho orted on )us sidrg llip pyoc"Cl :-*V-Itl,l -1116 ar-C-1111-plt ill Ind, 190o -ailwt oc6ip1t;d1).y h fmo r the of the eltY, willei II10 e I, it'48 Stipposed, they y- 't: Mid I cir 1. 1. 217l. It t sv1sit io Jr(­ i6h �Bbp ,wfl(j z.y. atUniptn Geilerl Roberts is Too. atfroal are ot"froul-citir t h 6, tit a I i:an Tire.., was an, 6.,nibIt v0tte!r N -ri-I Fal— C, h I in to, Ibal6k' flit nd r Z. Fl—avffig'59011, U V� oCuhlillittIng 8uP* illf's, bit, -sit.ys n t aboirt .4 jf,� M. thi-ee (,oni'P h of i.ho lbrifflij� Post A �-Mart' 0 CoIllection of h1littfli, klit, ally, rsf,.li'oM` -trrV%vf)lng Iv faliti. pl*eVICA ro Y. to" vittor6lot 'i'd lbad o,fc tit t 0 MIMI Mobil "It I to fill. 1, nd apikirefitly. Ila's lip, itild this o2fjwr in 0 ,Can I. The Cloll lit. '111, tjI&-.CA%IaIry' 'a ' � " ?13, The -d6cidiall'to a COMP ' letba It, d I I nied,l nP'-,. : 'bf ' stir'netare le Iof tdn(I a t 111,4 b.11 H 1 I , 1) to n w 1 t I 11 it t I I'll. fig h f;,r, 11. 1: . ),y totj Ty oIvith tile: to wa n to ID0 . I i,f 1, Ili,' Iri is n 011_111 01, onr o%Vjj C 1), COD'. Of Iftei_11 11.1-b of tile 'C UM,' OliVing 0 0 TI to JI'Itel 4M lli:y, � 16 �") t Ill y of, Ottwiva.,, 61110. ho for t IV!] tol�lt lie iigoing nIn 101i1q. not -on i% )late n .0tir by tile 6thor t��.O,. ii I Clio �-)fjo : like- all t Ioft to' 17 I0 0 0 t of, L to, m I 14. 1.1 ol�tt, Ig Oil '101. AJ'I' fiof t iofull tit i.ti, oft T r el rol-I It V 'k.) IAOr fr*11I fj )f 8 1 om t fitta ta 1111 Ill r L�v Imil 1',i I ito. V�l Vic All ip loS.. bo If t(j W �Vlll ;�jn . , fl11 of I)IS I,wiiy-,] 'lit t oInd j ( if whivill tile t t"', on nil ot'lit, follil i(INII. - " Afil: NVI J. Ivo ltPori P81 to, it, to 'lit (I. IV it �I; ol, in t 1.1 ol ellohl, roal -,tiftio 16cf If I oil t, 'y a f�",O 'of 1111joR" 'Ilp "tim lft or if to I I I I 11; 111; 0 I OOtor Pbr IS ilpj 0 f%vru any I'll 4t I] ovtf 6f if clo , hry I lit) O'jilt- oIlfq,l , "llfifl. VI I. I I I, I I Inn, 614- fie tloaaff ofilk fUn t to tile f ill, t 7,()�jb' i'll Lil- I I t e0 1 ito I, Nr ci 14, ery, -V toil I, OIIlrI 'for "tli(i tjjp q" W, ;, I- I IV I"'?) to, Iitotw1f, LIT" f iif)r it IaIIitt) fititI IT 1119 oil oif.;,I fit [IV ollit, Tlrllqrnly�rs ot, yon 0 /tile boy., !a I I ,I L, (N * I 1, tl dtring. ported to li�o Ux C rr v d 0-ro. rceny n d y t 9 ud to !fig t i.................