Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-04-06, Page 7-:1 —V- �j ,7 P + 4. -A - W F X. -W ;4- E V"T �Z a m1pe this- Matter. gnel,. in rd,4n %'church WAY - r 0, 900 Mark S 1=6" -O�EY. gs *Illell­ hill, times they� call, them charade& t1w th" times they call tbqm magic jqnt,= Among;, many 14 bs there 4 re drair. Soil JAI' ;hjJ?jtjo4.s—�pntertajnme4ts for whichyoll ar- Q tIlq..Jjevelopn3ent, of C'bristlitil ell pay. 50, c Ak gnts, tho, 50 conts,to go, for th-q gotier zVro a�e espocially, illirtild': Qftn� 'Vt I :of . some Thei 0, §upp ollarltab and j4,jjArsh,, un, aritable Art extenitporigeo IQ. Institutfon. iqqjyj ted- .4 d ithp Qrawatic Insitin Djl� stage, is, put up. 1n, the f;%:Ith, In 0 qt in ?ftn:Wg �plrjt. The, chtfrob or In the lecture � rQpm,and- there 18-c'-$ ltatt.-, -4-14-. --tho sei�ixid;­by --jeaallig and binders lit our relation'4A) 11in LEAPIN0, WgEAV UOxgTs- 4, Sb9old 130',$01�fjed Yo4� go And see David and- the�giant.13414 a With' lean d -:, � � �'. - atirrulf, -41d. ar�- the, AqAft ,,p 'A ratna an --Follow ,Ig �4esqpft pol(1.lnto'V.9ypt On little, Sam- itd4inent, destr4YP COA;L Lmp6jt nt-.,wheat cept;rps to, -day.,. n9.4hol rag 1' �j pet-aw4ko, tbe Oe.'b tWeen Pli left iex� ? ol, 'Oevvt- q. 'a gqk UcP' 11 IPM At ash., -gay; (i' do to y�o4 Veit. ..so .. .... t; M. g icago, "so 60,Iw2 -444� oul 01a, Ide lls" In 0:4 r �l -be t thb, exhibition elk, and' t bat rela tl6n t& fliom. t e e 17 New Yoik� ... ... a mQr]P .them. )fatt., vii,. 12.� prblQit r . o- jjij;v lillitltutlql�, tile celltrdA-iVq -it I& a, wj1en V a h i exhibition' Iii jil tI 0 t I y�b V arnind. agalbst IiArsh xbIbitton * in 'the ti�eaterq' be Ar What 1�3 cesk;ary,1 'a :'Iilll!�ngtpu repor sayo. tllc.gospel:� It you ha;ve,,thlp^�diarnAtic, Now let, in 11 hit W? ,ne h ti wa� vjil0h,tlemdeth.unt $C 0 703-8'.0., 69, 3.8 6 I'fLL "bup, Warp;4$,'4,ga�u"'ptl Louis �Wliiw the wiible cotintiy'i"Is" In Coll,' With 'ex�purkated drama; An.4 w th,6 ifty . �o 72 Njrhat js t)jc,, ..t ic*�t j§a&kijlg 41jj� At cince I rn, ii, olem-�nt� in, ybili�, nature, uga'it for'Clo4. Ith jhk or ell- Q,71 as: -iieV er b4or4 4 0, 'bliftie n * surroundings: 1, havp�ispblgen, of-;�wran In, tollialning a. eeng< it, which Dotralt, red ... .... 0 E, and IkeaVQn,: .1f.yon NVIll gp Moug. slAr 0 12 e u Alt� in w judgm the th at6ii., dud,Poi1le,)pIa)rs.are beini� litit ttbii wfilch we can: Without a.9,phis- jnA!6-.­ , , , , lips Ij6ti- l6ok over, thq -history of lilb, -oh0rch, 16 tit upoo� 461 ", iva" f6 , filte . ... ... 0, 1 lxrreked�, D noAihera:are �-ilj. fln&;itha�, Wont' sqlf-dece on support whavu. tilb outihie �,1'11 i. �1, E tjlo�e,, tg. and wi, PtI Aiwvn'tig, cbj�, qeter 'in 'I -men have Du uth, No.'J� north. 0-61 0-4� 06-34 help"' 4stIall,people, I. accrullig Imperfections e - ig�'p4troblsed by -Chi 'bt*qught'More aouls, to -Christ wliq Vqyq and patronls( n so uncomL, conc-.i-nin Otbors,l'-- The niart Ie6g­ " e(j 0 111111 Dtiluth,' No, %tAturd7 0'66 1-4 tills. 0e;,MQAAof Dr. Taliltiage. Is,of �much $rom.1aftigly, good 'tbatw6paii attend it, 'rJie ftith.�rijood, or, Gdu afi the sess blepil -a, di ge�es Koeli� in.�!othoxs, All ptlei 11inneapolM, N6. Jliterest:,, The text I -Ogloui�66n- hpo of, inall, I ',�IVQ no .—an In6titutig C lia4 sp'li Is 1. Corin.thlans','vi 'Matic; Tbonlas GuthrliK -to our it bTotlibr a' ir , dramatic; John, *Ithout, hn�r shock' oees is- dill, "'The ore lored, by the rhe ni'-tbr u011 r 0 64-3.-8 .1.0, 68 Aflimeapolis, No. 3, -abusing 'drain 'Christmi When, was t- ell) Y'Lthat use this World' as nbi stbillkle ugh 14q Sabbath. bet Knox, atic; is Illyans', the Moll lie 'dx*am&j6; GeoiigcP,WftItefIord, diarna . tic4, We batl-at,the holy', sacrament. he flille? I? V� a6hing. il�iis", di ' ­ ' . . : '., bvktrjuttioja4�cop r0p qO 4 0 65 �r$ son, or pre, -pr'j'R6IbLnd, Al)) Th q;6rui-dg —r� V ave be6 I"- Oh6yno, " lde;amatic` ilobeft an Y.ai!6' ey can I- I, Va. iastere, coursb"Ai.'that I It drama to;- -Robert! Me p.amUsements "of Ilfet ai�.e� beautiful' WhqkP,`jVa8, Xb10­1)W-W�'7XM1U ut OR Hall",- 4 -the valuable, b at, WILI be.'r t, b IT, 0 N4'TO, X.tRXIER$� XAILK�- for the. loss a your,soul.f 'a =us &� in , . 11M, ary '"rheat red .13041101TO, 90000 - Teu I two of the leading new tdramatiel," Robert -South,.. drimatib-, Iff � --One hufiA f vi, by fiot 'pay f th to I Pont qrt ..On YOU WhD.w;6ro't is. r 131LO&LaItAte..14 'essed of- a 10,ficit; -tell your 6beiracten X c. , � 1+1 .-T- A—. 1�2e� Nv�jik t I cou ould ad po4 a twottif thepopplar plAyp',ofith ---to 'inot. tell your, op t f "One hundred 'bu ..i§Dld .4y . mat o; John 14aspilt.;, diiiriiatl�. eq s: . or. this, 'World jVhat .are tll,�77 IIJ199 7 0 gw weeks agQ 4 t0jC atICI Wh6o Y Or the 'next b7 g,'particular 'church. ij)e0i.al te NVU, fye-- Wago, '-spe Ou got Into the ministry. lf,y6v, on� Oats� hbob .11.2 86 Fer t1dise lt.- Qm.'- -Luke. x the drarna, Quo Vadig, -Attempt to otiltivate that elemen. I t. and 1 -.yo4 attofidv -,bu� If'you will tell me. 1,3 Ill. fes;s.-atrd' fbr§dke,.1h.1s own fahtfa­ �U16 :IIJ it. a 9� I 'effect and to �r.e l4it lip iitie4i��ry., a not wltfi,'�espect to its mordii f, fy must'! "See, CWT-1i"O ,to, io:db0­a for- 13,arley—Oue,, NmAple'sold Ia., to wield for, God, Where, you wc Ight and" *here hundred U will mea ituii6, n IlArsh, ftnOliarltable,% he 1�1,qw,.�Y.otk and StFel, -the drarild.: ere th6 night before and' Where Jlldgnl�IW vt f Weaker, at, 44c. With Allglity rebUff-'and cdiic ou iv e gn substi 43, eye ,q an,,. counsel '-wil I you. -have been th64iikhts, of''ibe jast'i ing &I "whare. Hay, and:'! Sitia.,W—Firteel ci*&s6e ns; and t ,�L a�, rld&clear p 4 ''ektse n' ch'a e, And, t a' u , bliq InstoilLd" of','# h y' UnQntfi," 1; think -1 could% g orp ing It: accOrdi k,-Xiarie. U117' t 7ii4i sold �4t $i2'to $18�, an r 6 her requi ht.a 4611 - Bon, Hur, an.&Nvilte niy.o�lpien'pf,At fo 'think I a ro;l aj�se. olng thqt r rg ueda., wh' I slieak i1g, Ott a toudh, elm, on 'd, two loads serrhon �o discuss. .Vhat , B�fthe. God you W-111,spend, et . .:, I � e, Irl .db-har i. put You doWn, ernity. kind, Qoxidenniatoky, ithealledrfor judg� of 'straw at $9 to.$b,. DemanO 4p:l: P,7 sball -do. with" the'drarnAtic eleniqAt a Qf­your pte.ad of,goqd.A&I�ho wduld deal with we 'YOU dr a g-.weproo mas . - k k0u.'-Will �bqjp throifib,; a eat A,�, � to. th life. anct wnt,% vHiiell'.Are lLeither, dicti,ted. by stdqlg' irt adfiUnWei-In f t'. stfaw wa�; Well" tity ;,W4,1ch God* hadt Jim, nor infited by loy�,- Lange, Dre3sed" Hog's— Plrih;;�at' $6.40 0 plarited Ari �m4py 0. IVIII sooLT nd�- There.will ),)a. will 'be 06'eternal rewairds fo s I I d pro haf c I:P,4,t r spiritual' -si-esight",drid on- -t; $7, -C Opir. na urei,.iilioi. In 10 or 106 or 1;060. but sUluo, usand, the,.pludky no encore 'to brWg' us' back. That ye betiot jadg�e - -it is per' .6�k. tive hogs will proib4b y be t A�: the, d'� h6 pre- l,igbtenbd n1bral soil�lbillfiis. 1 -Tie IMUK In the Ttigj6rity of the hin-n4il' race, Jellows ro'attive �of, not 3�ew. Dr. B at of; New York m bogirming of� tb I. drama. of stood Fly g Goit to in-.,,- fir r neki, Week. some people: sppAlr, of" the, draltia- As - - , -, I a, cradle, at� thlb end of it willTotdrid h Va: blindleol biy' self4tllnes�, jj� me yearsiago, . n a- very brillian t; b t'n'1104. list expect to be in,te�rt though lt'iyore soMbthW-i,-.I gr ve. welcomil. WQ in rejudr;dei ;Biitter­­)Palr moddr� sit: �71.th;tt 16okth6- p6 or p bidit iipout- arltidised swimbil, a The flrat act,' The Judge otherg at r6ceilits mOt's'., judged by our lots U-111,'4160 Th., Ii6rhoQd of Gad and'k il,�o demand' At 24 t&. ��60 for side -of: ourselves by* the Congr-eves 4nd -theater; Might be * renovhted*. And :.The o., i4termediate, the Mat il&.' �areN�ell. .4'e,'bro A, be judge --d by"God -hbiood, of U 41 rolls. the, CAoldsmIths.'alid the Shakespeares. Mad -y to ille! 6huich. Many aetsi.,.'baiict�et-'anitt battle,, pr6 an, V5'. '7,4- Th ilel�,r I Y cessions, e auxillai bridal and fun6raj,''songs alfid tears It, ishall be in D you; akd1n and the Sherldaits �f literature and that p eastlired. t ifig.,-.thoul M -of voirqpq 7 to�jl,-is'tbai deinand-for, strictryl;l Chrlstlah.peo ie are of the sarne opin,. . , . . . . I.... I . q, �o .17c. ttune our'ti t 't In the ihbral..,order gs 411 God, is. a, izlv�ng, tte.rlidpar fathe,r.�.".N.Eqn )aid the as es, o correspond n IVO Ion. I do not"agreq, With them.� 1-h&vq 19Ughter and groa, of th.n. are. eexhortled Qoi:i,, With with burrian jpventiqn�, ot a all. no or g a vith S linju4t )yjll recoll,-on'lilln who: bAry— alr­rocelpts met a likes no idea -that �kuccoiss Is in this'direc 1:19fi., It WO t I i"I h -to c6m,6 uilt-O 9mthe feeling' The I ., Il'ime-said—hereWore on this Ty L dirafria Is, Art echo f r hen,'.h dell 'n, 1 were wiellanged. eivagi(lll that Ilfb �s a Uxdst gra- ',wfilch .064 Ill'our . Im- -and ail -the -men, omen. mereb� ttr be moasuree]l to"you: ;Our judg� fe '61 subje'ct, As far A$,, �'rem6rftbpr,. Is my us -and 16oinpagalonate;, paioe�f, Who 01 fat chickeng were quoted' mortal �8oUIs­1t*, Is: seen firstiln thd db eritinlent iioiv, td�day, I- take 4 Players." He rit it from. St. Paul,whd elii Of othets fr6qxlently conolem aklly 400d poi�hes all beai�mi� 6nd;,e a0 circle, Among the step In'l -before, that. bad. Written- '�Vheat w dif ddvan6e 15 centuries khbWa Ivhat "i's beeetssa:Ty- f.6r plii�ch �.Ofj 'of my -former theork, o ll=drf�d blushlede., or four years:of.age, playing,with trjelr Is -g-bing -take 'full po's re madd 4 ,,spectacle iinto the and- Es 1hVif eige at 70c, and one. Chrf6tiafilty to. 3. Tjiet'rtiote, e`tc��Tjia. 'splinter' FJ ready ol�d tmch 'it's all with -side 1-t.() �0tirLMii;a1citfia that (hie:y' need 'eIr raeand their b4�ts; Men.",. I _ io dolls aXd th sossfiln. oT this world, and, control Ito world'�nd, to angels And to A opliq-ved',to the -,bpAm �f r �,-seeri ien'.-years:after I'll he, Playhouses inAX 4&Acle- In 4 coliselim 41ghtin g1es, its. -love;bin. _jW Id tlkn� ait �02 -iis­aiTfusemenis.;: Shut -oui, eater, thk,self. ds us to lnost.� M.'an. has Lost - God: iiid. Ro'gle.-. o, 16d da so, .,of'w.00d; fen.years after In the Par o hith lV0 , 1141 cionce and the difier, -envy it it Ilia 110e, g to:33c. �after in 1;om. tllL- 11�ahn Of Chrrstlitnit� any- qiTr41ii6,9'4ulJ;'IoO lnj� d6w.ni Her& vie 6uld "ask" kp; Aray bUk.;.,�.'geekI' -11 d -thj Cpianggid lit, Impersonations in the,acadentles. of mu' thing and� ypq..gi-ve -I i si n And "de6trok Ueizi we grappie� *fth, Pla ilikently� -n 5 load �Q-idun a iin' 'a -jlidli�ioi� I �,lpo' 446. sic. "6 A��hd�n Nire iall;: devils all ut. Miall we'iidppr�ss it. You P911 aS, It.. ClIr st"la'nity.-iii mighty. VvhenAve.iiIse,-'ang0ls sing. 4 A specacle ye4 as a� 1fay .'and Straw.—TwntyAoads of enough. to. d 66rrb.cV 6th rs, ea�ily suppress its CreafO.. You. may, mariage'ev'erythJil-g- -but th' Ilery aboe?':9 gaher�y 'tldg,to reprova.:gn. - 8 z h,ay, �old, ati $102- to.$13 aped - one lead a amusd,.; -before ga alleipy The.two ways.' �Vs.. Ther�el' 1.1 .-our i an Q on `ilure;' direct., It, 'you ingy, educate'it,.' you,rnay . Jnents-'Of.,the� wPr1d,.th0n'4t. Is. a y Galle'y'of ..our depwzzted� P�Imll,:knpw defects b4tt.er n' WAY to ou th' to..fa of straW . A.t 08.' ety, above -neos. than iV.'j a. knoNr thosebf,-p'ur n6lg�h- 'way: �to'� "'ispeetabiMty* A6d­.16nojri 'fettli-el-Christi;�n-Ityi-;''It Ia,-capable..Of kindred lo6king,.dowh to"seb lf.�we� are 6* + 'Purify"It, you 414y, 141 Dr,,e;. �s— ir .'a $6.75 t a '$7 I It to MOO" do d tilat it is. your �P! potent, zsdlfulnq�.% 4h worthy our R al. Elbr.­ keeping aceount,�df,thoS fears of - the. a�d :A: o"disg-racei- aid' 41 3.r himadredAreh, du.ty.to,j o Man Ap. vatie!the, woi ompeWnt'td: mak6'riscord, ory, want-` 4. In' thine ,�,h -1d,,aiid ino anddstrS,,-hopin0'for.6u0;i6t 'L Butfof�� -arge a It em, f4ste ot-ithe bpatitif to- the- -am dfath.'-Succlss 'and at' 94c to25c'f1orA'airy-, pi6u�nd,- ul and thdoublime In. ihol:b1o.rill World,. the'lpe, is a �v4y to thii itig -to illro* us of its smles? Is it good to follow garlin W to ly. u to.:point bit�d It p, 'h r e a r%,Vay aunted glen nd iioisfering childreh-nitol' ?.rents,"Vlt he�i on -W-�Y, -of-, ilia' *11D* is, hilusel not',w6n, in i�e 1'roaid �Wav'of ffieltda-. r .:by .,cataracts el 4uneral, but -dumb, a:i the' World p pla$� bf.angels, in r f, !walk ng Ptreahl- and' down. W up� tcheer, urging ... corift,61 all the ot.her eleffientsof to' death.- it lie-'mo�sed r on oT our nA urie' .10 -the —clipruble, soK.ap 13ggg ockg, ap.d . t ' but -the. &aMatib �eleinent? oklng,4oWn bl.c,, arch in -dmand a.t- 160.1or aotri6tly 'day ]if ting. Itsbanner f �ietory-'Iri , the. jTgdI le Tlios,6. who otlicis' otlellt� 'to ithout �g' labo'r."-,11-e who' Ide"'of Clnilstlanit)�. is, 0&:4 t callt -their wings, At every -0 th61khigd6lli 11' evetythlffg, on �be and 'iiarinles�:� iflem- W. t"NA tb-diy Iazia'- and It aAvafit6go -,e, gain. -Gallery. 0. q: as plen r east, * -' ' t en. setting And, wlil� conquer' everything, In' 'the IN fire. aslt retiets� throug so es diiiidad'goo,44: Cbiiikoasi, sold at.660 t It -the'gatea,bf d it V'�orfd calls ed, enter in zit jhe g%c me,pomin`0,, Which th s.a�qcarr the Aust&litz'and the Q* 0 tile' and Ill, -.and-''6bj4',-tVhIbli thorb'.comes.a 5; Thou Iii-podrite.—Our. Lord tears t be:' and t4rr.)ce the Svest *-olden-4j�.ej 4 dL,-the:,pcibt,the.'�.p.lysiqri, in. y.6 Jitt. ifi6d' -kilguiq thundert stoilri' t have pos ive announere "falt.hfulunto d ''tr' illZi'llo blilzing that intd, "A 'agei and the Christian the �Mlllenfilumo, th leath,'aftd. I'Will �91 hei"r. bat:16HOS' V6 thear rig it. name.- A'hybecrite is'. opa who T6.y 6,L T o -ST6cic pro esSQS r Da NNI al!Cernoojl`,� ai,tol th. `M6 atilusemefitia 6f tfi� are to be -4 tivown, of. lifei'l.' -'.Expo aattje1,'aj0;ae1, ho"Ho' World, N�,et- on, the cheek. �the, Ch .. It I AiXirs'SiAgq,:. T r A, de,�otecl all -.2S 'to,'.$4.-60 tills Uness 8cene. The -last. cialms,t;6�b6 A Jejent. Jain expOt u e 0� its lear is s.es, sa s, , ile. 'But, ixf thiii -Jaikse ft way.,,)Y� -cultivEde out- 'o� ar: Dukes, lordsj kiii9q, 1" 1, t UrStolng IrbaC Still Roll �ciattle,� I!ght, Ile 1��allt,fjll: rwi he �bells to $4.10 nj eat th..' E niL tas beggars ;eIbwh'ii 'fiffo' sWord�, No tin.-; P;erio:n,, IsF callodl ".t hpbarlte 'AIR nig Fa %,Or.. foi�, aN) sel. "No cfoWh,.' Fdr ootlight bill) and sub ime,.,go Jh 6verY I -fu e,'to cult'va iyfe tons of thovsaleid':bf Chrls-� oev. not a ply to himself liemmea- -loads-'.6f-good-but.bei-al -&iid':ex-poiters: �vay Wdai; 1. Ir f a - The 10ndIthg-flantLas-oft a World our n6ture, -by 'tioll. ore es� n- I ed, ZI&Alghmw t1fe dead. progreis- of. the riIh&6entl1.,6entury;. bu ilieral- 6at� every. staccato passage -in by, hip held bacit: from -dr6hi&tId, enno, tia: Th;, tiumpets that - Wake 6 unto "ill, , 11 . � I lt4 '' terg 'a* ]told, For a tlei- picked-'] p0lA;us&: The . clappin Au-perstitiquii bellof still fia ta-A4.50; h �her go�pd, .$3.70 r to $3 go and s�rith6819, by vry ti r aso. g floods of "dogs butc&­.1 t a me'of,: . ' V� not give 'the savilfklarl, m6 ore, than-'a.law of t ese grc pitaikg.e.1h, human',; life.., 06i'curtAln.` the-himveiis'rojl-� jqovv�,:v toll' you not. c IQve marr ag, 'a!t- G6d you Iyould say are.. gOod:rreasbns;.aiid -aie7d'rtq,'God o the alic, a d I hf� Our ll��idofis blitch�L-r's--6attl��.,,iiiedluin inlrY,', t1l t :ed together. �s For Irag6dy'. IT. been. c6fiseex, nces ed.. th is dramatle.-clenfent not 16.6- be, -titip p . T; �Z�, onj -�.q() _to 'niMttfted for,- the- of pnst r inferior, *'�460 toi' bill ' D ' 1 is IN, ' ould s4y. are. potor ie�apdris,:'bu "The. Dooin of'the;' Profligate," For the dpgsr.­' G' not 116jy :if f ed biit to 8.65 butcJ still held f W c. But ofi:the. �eitablisho. last bu t I. lid .., in I enti Of hvVe . to'll scene bui4hialo., out, natures, 0 feb of nations apipss tWatage, aom4-6 th 'cultfy�l ttlfeel' lie arrest.'6f thdtli-- airgleties: Ind' 9 01- 111-tist', to' u7nlloly are N-eheilwid',qui e its Mitch 0 feedose In the �Scrlot .,a to �'c d6velo6s lt-..� IdWh6t, t ent a tipy:to deeaoy the it - re but in a, $4.'1.2' 1-2,; 1 dcri,' Ught, $3 5.0 . t4 f jilts "ilght, 'o.ther - to -the �jeft- Then. the 13 We ould saV.orl? the e�tabllshffi care what :of der -%Vill. hil,thd 6harattifts blf others'by :$3r '75,;'atiacke eb "llew In ad tutl6h,Amllich the rs $21.25 to $3.40;. Ifill :6 you,bpan� ihe - Bible; - Y -Our xv lastAllun, tlie',E aster b6 one" bt the' IIer6 It Is, ATh I ourtath' will, drop., n od, t1l] I '6 fli� iree, the for.�', 11" �? . iw 'We -of Ji t1 hudes, g an �28 to ­.$S0';' eye wilil.fECII up.on'a.dratila bokkitin A AlAndering. foremost-obj6iitO' of Inter Is is �vhat` co,%V% be the booI5 adgPla, a to th, 1110 er.. ae,7 iei�'� as; I. a 9,-: that. f_ �gu 111naturea'17ri �iin( rie�s, 'bplicf holds aand 't b mind a� n nibeit 'and -Ii to mus ear. it tlatubisr, -:60 145� dr Sho is a' coronation, nd w-11-1 ifeveloP, X'm;ap.t ve., some. petirf�-L-Preqldus. t islies' to' $5. 5 Iii Afflptirl ieg�­ joul 7 'all lil� to "zipevcli6s- Then 'Tio Insfitu tjbfi,� *hl6h. --wls77, at Ole cfo�e V ion. eV t At, 1, malc bueksi,, M bs'. per awt., the brabibl� s-.�.Pr-o ss'.new irlstltution;�- :0 The' alic'muAt Wet to soTrapill.le.,the y.*Ill r6. . _4 ; $4, e a gran ai�a desp"Ise tu, n thVIE tip 'her,j%red Ilogsi'choje� over .160 hd v -Is�a ',political' dimv it this"! spoictacular, b r boole Bi .1 rnora A., to _'afi. Unholy. account., qiyig*: dy, 'witlibuV fail. I stice" In' the - flist! . - �: . . . 9 I, ip�.. to..200 M Qp lajr, social anc -ess. pou no, so o", and..9olb. lis -,-e Se OP44 Z 14 '�Omiitlijlljv and, sometliing!'I�cw; The' 00briini),' M aryl -and b el 8" �..Short; 7, A�-�ook:— act 4he -Roll at ing orrowe an adinipthing poun d d un4or 1 'o 4.' of the' In -160 dh el I -dry 111portant. d ro6ilohO. in to -7 lelbsing act of tors, NV --hat, sermons, y�ayers, All& t101gs� CO d, 2 119v n�ypr rind §rupj�l a- oN,.S, di-niba lIs tbrotb'6k�of'36b! ct7tir'ss l.npients� Work of Him-,: pciy till y per lei df all Aqrts 0 Here It is, it:, 4;oloinon' aro 0 nll.totd .tb The 1�i@ollxlty. At, a. reasoilal.)16, ho.ur: aiii fro r. Ge;x1;�;­.,lk?I-r,th'en tw4l 'Lire, lit g 'ring 1.1''Unto or, ti al�e ui-finger is, equiva en o re itishilig In Chici�q' "C C �con 'Inu pqmag*rin.it(,',;v,! of' ought to-dr6.p;ev6,y 4Z.fiurdll, tl. I"' t AS SOLT E D G [R L VA S PRESENTn tho �6t. Ivor. kicht; T& Idi;6 �t;ji i'den of M11,00 ;the 'door of niercy. g �ease,;the.lfisti-urnek � r 5c' - I GNva 4l, I 2A.0 flo a at. , ' I` ' ' -d &.'I" XI Ing, Ought,mio' Afd'..; 'despatchr, Lewis 11 ar- do r mes oo: 100. In qu What comes'.11ore thilithis :oo billds 111111sqlL o. heAr Eli d. ter brIiig,�'uiisfO'ftuhO to-' 'the boo� of frioll s risf a begro, who Wds arrested .'here -ady'.a.t. *4..95 a Cli"r at'. alid the bpolj�-pf LU10:: So'nig. n the'. Wf or .5a, il,sii tforin of lj�Lt as clepol llas SI Na tile TEL -6 6111.18il' ­ , , .- ' .'. - 6TP t tile 'Ili lii, owl w 11 ig- ))right _jlth illur�lnatltni. The .-areq;i�oiilert: in 'the 'Ajj�0. -Atcllva li, wa�s.takeu I rom One of Costly in th of with'a 1184. s 'S61he, coihpl( windo, the' 'nten with' u6, not tinii Aiaa- 6een received lite with the of sen ju costl tell% vIlich t -4(b for. br al' whil rad6 this . �9 weLlk of.the b� 6s. of bilsiricidi y ganir 10 n that 11 otild be.-ulifif f6r it par- ter a. brief IS.1161f f 'atid t to of Avlij�h qoI,',-and 'I f 'lth;r are, 0-11 Y IP olc 'y lot, ttitude ' mit1f: tile The :was 1-t to, recon sno d fou- setedr at.'*6'tZr' in 11 it fitt�d, we'�6 16C ti6h n.tole. t ie "were'not, inatI6 for. he'," jiticky�shades� % 1�)A l"Welity %alid, unhp b th t "wbIlia offol nyojj,j­fa�njIy efrcl' -d ali,atfc;mpt would'. 'T ouy, in e ­ I h6clrdx�bdtp is tljor�e.�dr roads at nll]�' poin s'a)most Impd.§84. ley(W podt re�df OU No. onO AAC *JCW in'. orr 00,nlrL NVIY e, i -in po -,-oitry, as law df tomi-nou sense" or'Qf mb-; tile of t as, I 11s4 such a'. When h0'wfts4to Ire 1�cefi 'broil g UV, up. There neN-er wars -time in the his - v ritc. esses ate, bo�augd- they alT ralit�; does that,,Nvhlcl� is n9t. to be dlilld ia * k. dr we ug 'NjrIj,r It! at4, to f 31131011 I g, �.but tl I islivre r 14 ry I III or­�Fellow� Pink by five 'peop e'bec.ome lit, ;kfio . Lor.d �_rzn,. ui 'b' on. 4nd'eN 1 eined the old. stokk of or bealid byAA06.peqj)la. Oni necessary. nd tor!0-4; alld. Injils were, Ro � usy qU of ils.qoil?s %1-111 t d ig It- dos - not alisi -6qll stai u our.. goo. 111.1 bu' tabular h0f: the�. 8 loit ti: ni a !Is fiae ad - 610 tform of that spee nlosg or proinp . elivery . aff`� j6y t his tne before nildniglIt:r 11' t us, "And r�' d- is'. oAy looked III). tears. df the drarna will be they he e l.-oCI eVr all t,,,i,, pr Svc: A All i it China4' lectur E V:� )a tit, .. .. . - 1. es ropeatcdly,�,, bu�- on, , ]'I evi —Sinful t1lat l,ar ric -a telf, N oVon in onp of. hjg readiregi Is, :I�mtt -trion'.by gLye� heard as Nvas, ev, a e by L fi. V., I t on; i IV fr6 barolkn'. popi)le Are ready a' I �, I � toi S, :, set W� 116b&ts x Reft, on, the 4eind -m 9110 11 -aama - on j —suclill, of-, 'th -it �cneral movethent kn o w , to s6b.oi Ia - , , tk-L of religloillhave starfeu JUKL UDUet* L11U Nvelcorx�e'� al 0e; 1 11 IMO It L i'Vomen as:Srqu wquIA, iatural tr 40y Ure -ready to' freqjIbn ly 9 to. inpe An 4P Wxy was thret 'Soil eee v g I r rl eV6IUtloni6I1lg ieading a, � 1 to yourrhomos, en " a peare 'q e of .1ftQr th6 'dr 11 ws, OLD Th6`pl'o�ljgLal Son. r .1, i ji -r - - or, w) attq�ni, W s cd. 'An�, i, .1 pi nee 'Here ­$t is In dic, �dok ( deAftea, -,n o ore either 11t- �.g -or over i try, Ia LIS lill. ellade It' 9 anu, )f �01)1 ifiai pi all: ee 00 no ftlebrlaLe,',.no. cyphlail, "'no; a fr 'js 104b hidden,., Whe I cl last 11101titIt 'was a 1� Cr�stalllnc aca, W! Y, tw, n th eriff, fo6 'of good'. rijtisculinb,di,.fem�-�, W A101y Jiu-11t; for I all(] lie' lue, reat the. saris one.liaad, Ahol river, arnotlilystillp is ihf lilitely'. it r than for Odr. things. to tj �?, , , ; Mine. gald we have no' 41, hu &1 .0 ut Incaoia- 9;1*0 1 e'i n' t 1. i t flnd�r hi ied, , it ILI a, One vial resiflOig fit coronet lticl' PrIvafe m6rals'of tho Mob,, -a' rymet) of li(!av- 80- the '116k .1in oi-id.ieAt;n glvos"�ton6s a,h.&pIiy'W'Arr'1 ef rip 11 r is jke' thti. ` USI ,SS JrA,.Jl;i It u Ago: jjin' in s b voixiidin�, of ol;ert lle.�, BuIV 'of h t e 1 Ite ws. �A, en, kall,of)ing on, Well, do as, yoq� tho id "for; f albtit sthe Likt .'Week.'� 237,- iiilci triifixroil. Aberdeen, .16r.- broad ai.i Lsq. %N4Ith -.odier iiistittitti5n's; on tho i tIfls,.pIhe6, -e all dox(')IdgY., tb' 6f PIL God . ftevo-r (,00cl olle; g Ra rcN`lQ1ls,'iwe k I� _)� jr, tr t the,. le�e OZ thaln.i .�p d n( 11 woe 19 itution w ifnip c5ould g�o' (Is Oct ML of 11 r I r e rs the dra d Nvp-' IVI)o jaili­dot�rs were'.dvontually force them, halleluitil, shall have ho, corr' oSiArit. Ali I)t 11roVin"Ph the ..j)aj3 l. sense 61,, and- 11rris '111 2. you, e ot lo'se� nsoci. thd Il'i-A JM1161NO, 90 It C) wa6 takent, oil het4L!r' to her s,s6dn as tile platforni, I il (h) to ly ton ario nd War, 184111 and. -This '18 "tho, g (I tIj I. :T -in, one CoIllp .Just hands of mi�b les" a fof.,the sj�pe,btc M mv in(i -3�6u; when 1. awl irly a geqlu�-7 who' --hither- I di (I it; u,ns drunk bands citItbr .,ho t. reloan idllot� know w-lutt - Ivas ea, 'Alra er, as sizi hth'N ek of her bri Wmau i-500 Ychr� �to h have: no recol leftipil.'GI! the not find tljj�'re, S cjr(j �Lkatlso .,he t a14 eh'D Illob htlifitIod 1111m to. a-'ricighbor. It IS, - tQ 1lQIXKI t110. tJi neighbor and, ro.ader who Tlia it I-arga poplar' ing y iplacing'it' noose Around ffis the tl wionab, gift' of olowt, ka;ftek. ..'Xiahts of (110 th'alf naine k)lo* for ��oryj but I inean'. wn W, other oil(] 6f the'rope 1.4 Iupon 'the, loolikil `jg� El W, r." inlortilli. ratio it l,gc'80ftIo,., Col_"" I do not odl)cl e�beon tollfng� the 'world 6V6ry Who �bv tbe it (,/,�rtaln ftod I �,.grdupj ?I g., ovbr lfirili, I V6 ktiolvti 1,0 fa V I tile t;,iith* a.1lat r the elevattoij. of the drarda, Will 10 s �llolst6d from in4 ct it W. a, 0-od- inan a .'that ,,Itc vill (1hnkra 'from, t 111�111 Ss vp up 0, 'Id 'and In s Stiff) over�'oTl that platt-brin—such wo­­Igi�ol.ind given, wol -reqod ig- heaven oo if God lt"Clio corj�sp er n si , -,j( -upoir, ing 011inIft. nt6ri ablo Mi illnion tp, of -oods con he ItTlarl'oCch'6, �a� nglllr ft effersoft, of t -it I Ing, Nvllell,� it 8 tRibe. to J."il or ho at 1,� NO 'V olft, q hd q 0 go, t is'draill, Me t eon. n r bi raig it d and d YUU,, it flit gqto�, r! tt4 t1lo 'jt,St knd It lie 1) - as 0 tho '.coil r, IN, I IL -4 is t1h tilo-S Ith't,116 'ivl f6li, tll 1 �w -1 -to Mal. 6ccp ag I Ofltrl,,.'ttt"e.x,i)tl�,�i�to�l- dra led ja ng tife i-roqe f1jigtir, for he- recogh" t.'' -od, 1"'161 nig illof, - tho Old, Mint il'iieiVo 'wellt 111 10 -pr 't Becauqe tile drafnal fit n' � on b:V purest of b imark li,l, y ofiA jOyeel tot, nien, Will: dra-W' to Itself 'millions of i t1le, fourth f-Iligpir to tIlLe"lipal't. IV "81"win �i d I mep agalit 411jo LOfiversion, �lt 1.,4 tit froll b'®h. o' 1 tof, P0000 V110 inevei -to s6e�,tlle. in tUilcd' In thert' r tild In gle r- wo retold tt�� enter - Llike 0 ti VIng Ileat t It Men (lid i bb ior ne -ThAt-An- is cl U IpSt�11.6, (oko 'A g deii0tes the tjItution V,� I �inbino the bost'i.,in are" ai d. Ji& d -till el'il(l `Itt till" best genhis. not, attirt ork: at the ted thile, io64� 4,000:;Y0,oa on ted visit to gntr 1111C.Npop A ior. of. ciffie to ?0l1tllrq1lr.. Illosin oil' 1ho of,in- �j WIltl 1110d Trio y6d r i11, V (e,6 r..' T I 16 blo-kndi, intorforod -gall bd it' -.1111derp the yolvielt life this Is C11111161, ealight of 1 tho art'lias be�lll 9000 it. ' (,, with lAtknoss' Arainj It te it, orl ),its t "ill" t to lo* g Oki It only r -iA - 'r, d iiefe �),,'n� (71. not 1", 1.11 goo And if, Eagt6r dcrea d not' -about (110 ,mirows of thf. and *XtriLm-s"'A It 'tif g,fli; iI)' 9*11,0 It, lit Inti t "M r 'I poor of 6109aht headgear if Iiii 01 linvol tOno till! plj6l'y 9trOL oA, Igee, j)e die 9 116 poll-Ia do 'to tho ot til()' it: I,,; nW TJ ie, f oW 1116ro, good than All 'the n.0 diiplay6d indeli enter. Ois, tlli bimill ill, the 6olintrlv Pii- ;00 Oil It" Yok hf Nvotl atit, . j1IG or ain rade, The Ar not I'll isriin'to Itho colorii ' 1% 611 'b bioling it IntA Iylth it- wiji :or faOijonabl r. anitisp We to, 6 to P t -doll o there in,'alldless pro us, o ­ T:si, ro f 1g, f.l. 'j, 'N"I -oil Ilti'm p4l 1 ort ih�b 9j 1. The An of jvo','�rttn guiltiv tiofflod to 0r 4o 1. �,iq: floweits And f6iii tat 0io trf. q SI st Oro iges ana, IvIliell f. I i t ie atm cs Ao bd T 1161 -red Mill lip fill ),,A r t i�;116tild ,),. ron,,( Th,%t A nd thn Vs. hilusbir, f1jj.!i it 1) fItoi 1111�r],I)NIr tliolil ull,t At, o:r MV tit lt,: fn aj T lindoke he Millinelry'op6til a,t 1� z�f L �i p ae: e. Vw jVitT nery ]?�rl�rs sj�rhjg ollVixP I lTq t 'ro' 11flet! it 14n; I 'A et". or! T onn; an 4 _L T 0 SA rday), on, b t, t1m MM is Inty -pp0hing, at. Mrs, Murol `,Son's Aji�iul,l b,,I od� i will. It of' 61t, Ali tin1y, w wit 0 irillio:, 11s of Moo 1, roll, (11'e,peoilil old I ntf,l ,Ill h), it 110 uni,d) 84 ito C rthl tow or h; tubl�(v P thein All -�nxi p NvAtA Iffi, - 'tilt� 't plilldi.ett ; of o � 11 I spit ()f. lqjr,'.11144, to 0011- , () r tfi(i Jg I 'Ir' 'It fillet t h'& pt t is to —TIle )ill.,, t tw'.'r votl 1, 'N" PtN, t j lip' t Wh6ft will hitNje 1.111.4 (1 2. to kAyt otmdolymiaont of ettil of sat rt