Lucknow Sentinel, 1900-04-06, Page 6ti' U., 11U ONJ4 WAX XX VR iMIG.- jL:1 (I KIM rea'Only, by r xot ti f N It ese,; No LOA '4 -Study.— To-day no 0 1 a, r9p, 1) .�-,rederlck W. TFue,, of tbQ-$nlIth- Att A,. -Fierp 4 IT r 10 a 'Plou 40494! by, w -ho 44ft 4,v All - Per ts', The timp, WlIe4 S 1 ' ,A Qlllan� Tustitutign opsO , regnl4ylty� �41! w4al.P.,4144VIng In Air"— 14: Si ltObt JF91,e Wit, He­Colll-, arrangement was,­,oQPpIder0d - t -DO Apme., of: elegance, 440 -yols" Bay, - Oil Tile, 1wr"Power4 coast OV, 'ild, yeports.Api 14�terestiug' qt;e In Its Place ds; coin -wild strut. NeivIOU11014 per1qu Poll, )He was'OeAt '00"W, tile glo' aft6r: the unipx�eptetl by; those 4rtipt,16 qffcbf is ltatloix,,tp statly the It a ilist ab, �, ek rhos6 ldpa, ;�Umbhoo �To to Ill , JI tbl' matob joitg .,at III -elght' 'animilo caught rture(I 'd d vo�: 0 any ety Tedrslln�]Hls, p 41tblit, elevIenw9re,ol thts.:varlefy., Tile. oc,t iAbootonlen P %!Ase�T, �Ue welvd result to . stor$l-book Joma;nqeAiap,ge4e, entire produce '10 dil their jalltlrf� ly ircoted, 0 09 0, to (Ait of lwhi� the, V,,tiro appreciate, � 0 �,Iilig� tgo urgAe.cV., bY e 'fact'that h 'Ithougli. Tbepp.is no' ft4fl Point Qbarlesj'�Pj 0-,.MaroX 26. -,At A9404must I a Newfouildlanders,, , I., .. i r I 'Uniform. ruo.. 'eyen Ve' Q , Whaleba4t, with tile girl�zlod.old, hgr W0, a 0,r6a� dea Ity liAs' been! 0 PQQDP In, "wen. ere� m"t b", 0 se 'we '!It the r. -,bow, to strike tile wilgle, 1.1t, 11 Th i� be n' scjlerne.tO. which 06W Sao -it Ao but Inhtead. a - little 'Ote4ux craft, g4ii: T.h% b Iges the;q�.toris is WoO: 6 1 X, 'od, . the, , general t6fie of the pictures., 'Who.. n o s a , l, powe n, Wee,346ptir' lives, to tho should"Oduform�,, A dark, qarl:I64 in -Wy� a often , to, Ithildrm� T11 Is 1 911- s;Xcr .. . .1 , ust i1iro ,large; Irea'harl;, est Y.. 1- � . not -ha '�,an etching,drawii' orepale. iiindthin.: ws .4 111 oh"elfish *A poall, tj1ey An'-dolloAte It caw w cOssarins wlille'll. a st , Anda, thp hardships ',tQ red, by a nes, and barde It.. w4te tllti sh, attl it'striked a P A 13,00?1' 'ate continually oplojecte broad' white not eniby the soon: tV All colors Ott lioni ft, tiAts elbow. oil pa n nei and thon. projeo, t oq,�,,aud: imbbd them, t ivith 'their. so "I "hoiDd;,nei er. are:, e a %Ifie fr�qlleptl� dilbilelilligs thpy Jill- � wgs � h,. sewes-, Fllfhe7liead o1.Jhlp:hitrpooa'AB W4 t their t. g- 0., fit by'SC1110 T ped 44 . ' '�U:rmar- Will b.., fac ad t bi -Th t� .1 -lie latter 0 P.0 0.4 414)4," -AeVp explo '0411 umpag anai Oth" Qc Ui Let, it be-, 9T.&SM'a in" Vie fir 6, be g6ftcraUn ',I gas,, will, -are iodeed t itie ut. .ell set -vim t6keQl)' q a cQuImen-fey 10' Ill aTteJ`1,ill"VreQk,4lg'L Lumbago I f6f. the Pltce,. that -certa.Jn' things may go 4. t herels, ope, T1 M effect., of, t ie- %hop h together, k on:j -it 3 interual-'� lie oltprs o a has. iieft It. a� lifeless asj'­ nt ill as�bclatlon,. �olllligs,, 'T114Lk is why, go', many gAlla red, r� 'Ale no harpdOnj �4ftd by thel.wht still �rou 16' ii; -awings, so - oil. Q16Lbuit of:l Idoldles Axe .�cilfo elleO :to rdtlkq� iiihile photographs., di p gray ig Sc t118 wJIM ago er pole them.'. ulay e a, L b lert8h a�, JtL shes, mad).y b seembled oj� f illendly till, t t has*. heloed s tbrough"tIle"ivatei, Ili w*aia �fort th 0 U40 -I. theill for,11 Even theii.howLqv,0r-,. here mus Lich childre (�r*. h I.t� I 'n �nojvji, enemy. DeatIIL 'bo judgment exerc* Dr. Sloctim, thp%, fain6uk-scLientist, Vhos6 lectures s k Doto escape I Kidney Pills are 4'613clelflojor t, 11'Xew Ybr arid London this liviAter: .;�.vq astounded nledicat Or I the P06itiV`6 hli4 a olut6,6.ure, of ar,) In the way tiley pvc -ter. of a r9n Lit , , L f' . pidly nsues, unless, 81 Rorr;etinies 6 the natural r , r L rarj� atlast perfe9tqd his new, system of treatnle#�. fdr"'the.ab ute' il-dark� tub Sol cure, o, through projec e oes ill pill d, --j ro.in sid( Dodd!�'Ktdey' Plll�. drive Lumbgo should 'not 'always littl�g:ln'the y ercu. monary isefisps. tar f Your'doctor Will tellyou is and to ldoL W11611 in, 'soiil( 3 reaching� in, its aeco d. Olt Out. Of 'M ontirelY by ill"1611ge�t llght,L but shoUld food and medidne Itroli e or their'is'ho lonj�irootlff6r,doubt thAtthe gifted sp6clillist hos� strengtbentrij Cutd, stlilluilttiligt .,th seek a,01161tered Position to pick up at once undeLr 10 - us. wed. r improves, the-fli*. .4D both sdieufiAp'and'p'rdgr' i'blood- for, the kiqrlslunont tile ll�lit may bang-lthe pictures ll)Lt g Wiens ofp�ecio Yven to,tho w6rlil ab6on save.. nl� kidn6 Is- Then the, kidneys proillde, froin tile glare of the e. s nlorg� arm, 'At weigl�t essivi :8yptem of Treiltnieni is ioxii7,.,asit-doi�4to.t4��v�ry".66urce:of thedise e and pe;lformingt4e� cake, FRO IN*: TOL.�ffLEALTH: of the. fainter, thits; the subdued -Water.- all 'the full. I fIe ft 0, the' I t le .Mak Ulda -colors,'the line engravings whose best Ir -SM K increases and top., KI: C strpy ng neN falte _poI �igo(of rhil ho, Urro again Md' S If Lumbarb, but orvic, Wo0q., -nts vhkh, in d a9q Aey� cure ayEometimes.: pcon be reirsed' ',Avll druffIrlsts; i�Toaing. the e ire pyste id enin t goc. ana A.w.' -ed.mpldteiy. cornor farthest fr' nisto, Toronto' f d s6. I -, Chei erves� llingtl;o vei4 fingli bippeWa� W a. l8tory IF SCOTT 4:, BOWNE 'Third 5tcp,;;v;-B Res ',-an tif (I of Ightening. I . , I . YL 1 .11 . . tiCapt. T. Afangeu�, 6t No. 9. IT, lid Still- shows, a decide'd nee bbl on,; this tow.il, says: .,"I suffered.. light Pictures, !Vut at ays. the aiThe -nL w attac horrible tortur frb.ni Lumbago, and gradati4?' of, tinid slio�i Tfreiiime�i is' d. be boilirle in eir. 'Kidney tl-Oubl6b, 'till illy; iid. mind. Juht,as:in'L,ftLW6ll7plAhn g IS. the., revolutinry. be�aus� it pil ides. 0,..new v doctor _6od bi M�jll q D ddls every. stage of.the disease.' . Th� fatlu' re of inoculation b viied me f6. u id entiAs are. over 29me.. through progilessive drug force.% t est coI6r.Jsf. "ud.jn the, car t)est sectirity 'aga:Lnst.otIier.,'.pWpIe14 Iste ic -been a; hibinber. of, the fire' p ithtt'weits Illom: tbat'tbrougl iers.-C] if Id, The4 diseased leadirig.to cpnsuiliption.aro aI§O insister6d'. s6�. that bn�d tile 'Suffe­�rc "I c aet Wkou146: for -billgad6 ibir'28 years, d coalo:­ shudes of the,curfal easeq, till est 'nuance -in the -wall, Y6axs-11or 311qery-Fdttfter At- *ave me It. Tliree' so tile lowest pictures',pho�fd­bb' more t Iungs,thqre remMus no, other germ-bieedin' I get relief from. these dis the'�Ilght 1P tDodd'is'Xidife Pills bo±es System �l Thoi RM lr'�iiir ii-d-Its.pai0til afl6r.effect* da 6 A�ed by and. S,tonl�cll.� ured'.. me,l, to sombre, upper and tit Uftt �Trouble'.­ s iodId. lead the Qye6 unconj JtL:6jaICjs' 6d olor deepest tohe, tol t 6 highost light,,- You can't 11 w It out tr ying C tI h dry knowi.n form 'of P` onkry. br.onchitlg�,a�dy jisilaswi US COUO S" iT Ulm -iig&n -'against any oideali- sounsire them lit 1edleal Prac c qr,bk a par.. a -'s Bazar. fie& hbil&w b' edts with Z The, u f medi- Haiper and glv6il endittlatice to pme, inherI a se'.0i C tfie'IrIon'g.train*of attending llgegs. h Cal treatment if a .,new% one. HT To enable� -despairing sufferer.4. tve' dy 'Velp '24;� the :yii, 1V Instructlons.. The,Ne* 0hernical Compound. w6nd6rfuhr a oi Chipp�wa, alia' light, ror.exampl'e, Dldix!t Folio ywhere to. a tai hae loceii, rece 3ethre In- �buriiig Rheumatism, Nei Umbw '03ng the Nid rontier, there, is anti smallpox. . Jean Gadd i6re�consftinptii)fi, d6h't you? RoreThroat,�, filithe lb('afoie too: late, Dr ille t of filciasles Indigfiant'Patron-You ddoi�rtise toNilatica, PAin intbo Back ano 61des,.L advocated in reatmIent rIa,, Frost. intes -l'oorall e0den' cured pro a son b bi atter khmdwri,q re§peq my Instruett A ERTREATMENT.. of snialipdx by -surroun(IIng,theprWeeL one -tire followed S�ld III% or from, t of Xtilg of Englaji. nibver fall when. aclie. Wuisee� olney'and Bladder. Diseasea; rug�ists at 2� Ce o, every, e r( avid Pittron-My .'-son took In'scarlet,' 0ab d :ndiimitn Chemist. Port Elgin ne L or, a., year a, Sell h ill .our. medici' f are 0 rmau. desten as ell U. 11 his att;enddnt : , i' I'd thell' bAmp wr te, to THET. A. Si s, an hvndt, of I tha t .1 old . ashion fiang.Iqgs'­Ia Toronto. X -Ing. pbos 9i 'and express olac e�po i dore., and tllq ftct,,mcdiciLle (T e and.d died slocum, ture) wit T11 Dr. Quapk-..M wemll6t E TS NVANTED TO ."PRESENT U8 erers, should,talq.- i his generouaL,1? L hUstant Atd4aul�je of t rop S n and when foliud.'inL� the, record s -to take, I .1n 6 mw -dust cleans ctrPetof gi. o L' ice�-,iRted' �o wel(, 04 b 'face, wits Oicifloor. llfi,,oti)fli6LOloulai-a;'The��Specialty writing for them always'mention this paper,- rollolved.. I tol&lIffin' t-�-f or- Persons iti Canada, seeing 5locum's free off flin Ameridiin papers'whL f a t'herla nd. To 6- corresliondoht of Ilot -even ocarr, �ye4pj.­Ofi ):','State Journal. AT file g C plSase iknu tur U 13 re east. -nd for samples. ti ratories Co o., 17� a (111) qUO04 . t 6t ieof the Torbnto labo ki d f fro. ure',a, this, St., GWC,441nes, i�ta� wh Ye. Toronto Ott Ztt no previous discouraget�enta preve;k'yo�!r ta ng f� vapta I P1 fie offer befotri too late Veq. t4 3 a em i "axatt -Bronio�Qulnln e cently called at kr.'&h�a, Ils.'h T me _N_ R-OUR-T-W-0-NEWO YL YVLllg books, ... Tke Librar SOU 'S�claib-�­I n�lated the". fjjif6­ nilrod bbil foi- th Milled, ny oa of Catal,rh that,eariliot be 'cured by drug stg ref un'& the Money it it-fai s C 1all's, atarl-li signature IS on'each box. ri-ono);--drid !�!Dwlkht­l�-Mcodj-, S ii� told- CO., Pr oledo, 25c W. f� rove's 70�r­bo6ks 4 0 The Manand,'M4.AfissiqLa the bo me, I': :Iiid'�h�ar6 disease'. 1' have'll 'OULD, SHLOO'r the uridbi lit nown, F. 4. A IM written and up-to-date, 'and are not A rehash of I bollbvib b rouble pa'lpit"a'tion iNe.ro;.hasl; been ibadiy..,maI1igri;6d y t'' d Cheney for the 5:Years, an( 11d - I . I .:, , L. , I perfectly honorable- Ili -all' buslo I CS§ ranW, b old'inatter, are', lowIlind, the termi or th,e historlmLns. 10direftil-rese'arch'.1las TED 0 F I �',�Iie' Work. 'of the. Gunsai�ks z�t'Ma isevere pai ,,a carry 11 �My g! actions and financially ftbJCL to' agesbin makW1icneylf thei , f Out. a -hea' t., Olodo 0. -en, d'� most ci­ extra, 11b8ral obligations Made by their ffriii,, raved Min to'ba've bi, r :waul ahnost ceas6`to bqAt I -WrST&!,CRUA-<,WholesitleDriigL-istF3 T vianplail'y charact. )� � I L ... : I . t: talce hol(i at dr,66,and '3611 our books; Pros� �his 0oldiling w' OW& &n 'W holesale h. :'Ifl'ow abu;t ljral oJe ould .'beeph�p� dizzy, tres, less N§ free. f you, -,Son t �6 �0��ibiy: 66 NY t�l and nDrug&ts.,,1Faled 0' Ped mcanbU4ness, t erair* 0. :for Mief �w&, n` which tgiihniirs; fr�ightnf6d. A-t'':Gth'er itiincs I gleolt Hall's 'atarrb. O� *n fn6rn I ally, . �t�L wiling i Ing' directli upon the blood and MUCOUS Stle purb ini as an Briggsim Torouto.:,, ig6rved, our, fi6ldpleeds -throughbut .,tile 'A scon"p -ton. lle w othodist.,bo6k J1,60 ...... Po nit6 Y041y,-LA�1 -4ad iroubies,6 in p6r bottlev, Sold! ar UMQ a ex -alig4p 0 ,a In ;pany, No. th Ill d f -g.�red in. this stat(W uiiftl I �.,win by all Druggists.. Jcstinionia,18 free. as. Hairs Family Pills are tllc,b f te ey a got. Ito, est. -A AND BO:WR- batteri oe-Dth t r m 'GENTS a6ld- affeQt,64 he J�Iaiyed for' British War b�- Hopkins iscs., ne..Elglit tlinla.lon thb 'in 11twb volu mes,, is a U ]BECAUSE H As'. B ED lk' pr6strab- r6ns.1! Chidako llaNtoad- n, d �ec�fid and . S6'ventT-fifth lim�- my, ki6ays "and tgp re aNi�fc � all r d up' eaf o'e.fock, all MqVQ( �n D n jy: peA 'd e, 'me. he §pl e eFgYMP41 called' u Pros, Nvheri - they see, ours;- Jai -go book - ela- A,33(iffa !iilg whe te joratoly illustrted— elegantly, fir To, D *her per Null, Lo ..'they were well uWZIer; complaints 111,r't�e:t ggyavatIla form: a marriage eraniony fory a ino; 17- Years, o ia lifig "gold leaf "; ageni s on oy. couplo­ in middlo life.. " Eldv'6 Y'Utt-' rfile, Tirej 6Lnd even - tJIeIr w6re' 6 s�t6mach -kru'ubld "I !oil tb e d ilinnons sccess'lIvitli oiir pros.;." Standard by 913,.'C"ada, is the la�ebt .,I I I evar� been',married before asked The howitzers,, had Ner1c," very cheapi big'contrillsain fi 0 1 , Moto � ulust or.8 Gin tllljlg�. o6d allid Nvaa' tile clergyman of.. ilid b6degro0m.' itltrt6d `dt' �s �m� OOOL. dI C:O:,R,N'S f fee, �I-Ujgol, pttl(l. L Jal'A N- Id uL­-Nicho Com any;. W d a ca:ma ill> �at'$ "to ce ro, L (1 21750, a,Yard� Ili get &,more "-act bride. ell; ye,;,. avex Iii.,again 1-��.was- worsp �Iie bride, lac6nically but,- It'xk-6. tatlDha In�i the D benefit, V' L�YS- range, oil �the rbItiollego wlille, th6 horse thad� ever. V inaiij,:,af tar �all hoTre was, 20 'ears 'k1JlcdQ,)n 'Cal":,t6, Buffa ::*.,,ftr%116y-on tllo,rigbt 16 YeAerday af, ns d I go ',,su&, of 0 in' title ;nprice-which gave 0elter to ap�arenttly, uLL1t5 full ul, accident. - When we'd' bben married .: SlIght(PTI17 y terno and 'whife, it X : 1; ',on Ex w. 3 L 0 rlt Contra irour.: cav niomy had beem tthrawn�, Way fo 01 a.'.w6ek, so -it -really ain't worth 7' Wirt diciiiP4 tha did me n-6 good, 'xtra6tor' rein a1t`51, kept up p *right arid. xn� Cdrli�rand chan street,,. asalifpl-acheol nIll a, in litiol,133g.,, s of front, At a, randic which friend'strongly'Ladv,ised -hao to try D)r.. Fr,anPIsco,,WAlve.*, oiled all':'sort -,It is.1mliogsible xeS . Of warts -and un'ibns 1wrout,.0ain in a..' ith T-lieY IdArn�d to ink Pills, � Itiva bo ureis "blir s,� etc, fe, days,. theL bi entered iiit6 .;tv6rag6d'1500 yrds. b 7lon, w,* 'a nui-ilber of yaras in ard's iment, brough t 1m6 'at the: lie - w were, =rthtf,e la a, no r% �ive'the ex" ot ard for thlrty'ydars. '1�6witfe, of aeldfli Llagh, or,cat. 3endStAMP-L .�vas from' but of town"'6uggested,thiLt Path ca86, becafi�6.oiir guns bad'410- ELECTRU the summer of 1899.'J used He., latic Revers. -eaijig,' dangerous stibifitutes 'tor catwo �olut,*IT no t.3rget, *6re ir ug ginting _VAPOR LAUNCH 90 '-the' town. After tlibY.. shoivEid Johns them . '.and -my. - joy � hotibed. im- f the nat he koVids now �ab6ii tiyo 1.'CIiI4chIllq� is b ten 'Used on- 'dark -and Insist -'havin LTOpd. HAM lo' of or :dark -,blue�gowils-,-�-Iyc j- Pdin'azn1i;. safe, 1 -gray lgfIlll, Jie owlik. ,ay to, a salodn 6 th(�.�mldt *here gunners. Imagined" the pillis faithfully-unitil L hiid'tak�n imidiviriter sees it OTUT�IoYed 0 S kill', V NTLY C URED 13Y DIL . s ustuff,, --P;Q A tb� -,4G kept, � If crVe' 1018 66rer.-­ Boil FITS 'ItVs Or 'nOrvousne8safter first, davr f 'I, TWI I whiskey an 6f;abaut,', W,en said 16's low, t1lat"Ahe � 6 V r hoiiseiVork, 'contrast 'is rat In-Xew York last evening'a, use. Sendt to 631Afell. strcct,.Phlla� t6rid to:aIJ 3� ee Ing ell- I bet striking' library, tirely, I ciiil4id.' IL thave' nevr had' b6t- for tbe red deeper wie color 1'talll� copy 6f ile fir -dolphla;Pa., for treaie arid free $2 trial bottle, of le.* , first" AL 114a T Coneonirat6d Ir b on tile St 'folio' Sildkol. Y, n hnt -1 am nbi 9 Ire. t of thIi, nem 74. a hold ol - 'Sin.04' . . , -with cibudy sperb was sold for J. A. Hartd, 178d N0fr6 Dame street met �ergt. P. I eni4iii9i for the blending For Sale bv Lter Jbfltfi 7, e chlhchilla�- 'A 'collarette -.and muff T5i4UU- Tho, pur-lias i�irociiiet;'and'tol(li.,Ii,iin'lilti.6toi , ng. the. greater r w n, ankl. diiscontinuiti14 th Aloqtreal Que. e I in-whor Vien Mag,�Jsfon in- VI.. . � I . d.," toms of - the r IWA inuble t�). point 011t'Lthe nic ha , no symp old � collawl, alid-licart-shaped rovers,ot the'dwinty Ellsworth; Mrs W unaer life inslOVE�S00thirl Syrup alimild al - fur: are a formal order diLyiding. the Philip.' scil for Clill5ir(in, oethlUg, It soothes r red. A long obligaltion-ff f the 1-henefit' pi nes int m -Alp lb, de -[drunk tha - ie serg�a t decide to C r 0 four millary-departmentiI. Raft6he'tbe gums, curps Wind co OPed- hini t6 -buy di-flikis- so', lraih)'Ill :the, April I ner's. fet' tl 'n d,; r Ink -Well people,, 'do �n. ock lit the., charge Of xi. 0 rived ftoffi q il IlIM8?L'P th. best remedy for Dlarrhcea� Twentv & W at Take -and is th fttlon -iie :'%V., illbDn.tinue to praise -them nod: iron Pi —ba - is arral-opol. before ille.T's Uompo 71 We. Zodg6,Gr. .ift tho-Sunf.lse.C, W4e'0 poilLUni�,y:-'dtfQfg3.1 .11. 50 doqeo for, 6L, qua t 64rt, ivas, Dh TOX111 Pills ClCar.tLI1011 er, oblood. of. di-tase,gpillus as, there an. p oand, ughly'as 'Ing tile mo, t4�nsgfi,oqtc!otir.4,,tlicnii-of gnats. 1�o, boffiy, 0XV in riuy. be. cruptions, nbr.skin dibases,, no olysponsla, Sour 'If the. Child is ess lit night,, has, lo A� COQW!'TTE. bated' t6fig'ne', Ildl'b%v .00-N-0 -Momow, C don; a A Itil b e no to' Ioean, exist hen, -Dr. dose. of Worm� Powders' is I In6t had yestcrday-�? I ol *'.8 L eb pllls-hr�c' lisp Reg' in'go\ rad fark r licy that t is requirea;. arnt- 01. the ftltur6 ifte Is naught: I *O*dld Cille 1, wh, pledsan't, h , -um A,yejars of,. ugo, At all thiliggists box 75c, small, box 2.564, less. augh t6r f r loorrow inellielne failed to;ellrQ yQUL7, OT79'en tpaid on recoiot,og i)rice. frorn the Arriold' Althougri! I ilre, -.Send' for binl 11.9b of teitirilon �tak" an o6ossionill-c0ul'sp) Of io-iil6 , 10obipo�a(j Xon, clirdfl, NO� FAA,liLy CIAN�,AJJI FORD TO BM (Ffill.idal.Co.; Lindtle nada Life Building,- " -: Gen'cral Do�,C'. no .01 lie AN Onto. liou, ai ar �ricity curb NO 1OYou,s1cop,' ACIn,,VTSWANTlEb. The - ku ests ra rt Toteh A DAT11"11IjEFT NY11Y Dh bror quietly roadl.ngi their l6tters 'A a -s 0 ;.rb eml 011 t OI May 1, OXYDON Coy' Ns fi, d et� e � .1 an, the, T I ly n -IX r 8 Toronto 111 ree o n I en, c. o of a lie," tile and kIbstaiitI,'e�or,,/.hqad of t Ill every ifiait ali'd irom. 1 chair tlie . that wiLLngt�y, Is 1 Xl ilVaL Ail right, bmil. troubled livifh ia tllp,� �poculdtlloa. back for fifte an, i)ttt, lul clork a, iildrii n nounced the iac(Adent haplioft to -0(i .'in tive tor-ji7lly, 110 ,You ell.�got,u L4 0 Y, 0 r, th. Ill' `Xr4%4AR18 LINtME, NT a -lid am, 4g6;g-l;; 'A re' I thell Goritg. 'the' bot, lllft�y 111d Ivirri. t 'fit at onuo Ilse to' the "Stitlfwe I"I'l ftr but PI le Jonlinoy'.11 If, lIva's liel .,Or - 61`110 , e gre,,iit.,'pleftSUi`6. to ' I J ' ' ' . " If h sal d, thili D ,r d* it- 'tlib bi, ill and you, tile, t, libe;r�y to 1 n- a Nei tliv F VT 0- g! f6k the: fd�t- tht IQ '600(111or r . I t the' 60, of iir 'I, -HIS' tries.. it o Val Lvc�j a yon never c. flat nro,19 to lfid Plain IS A MAN'5-8SST'F­' flp� t�,I, t for otho; Air it bit fn (IL, n4 gr.(Ltlr y, IL iller's-Cmpound. Olrc,4 widlotit oil lwhl'. dL ni 25 s -lits -for 50�(10868. lC A filitt.' ob ain th4 0k, oil, and J lo 9t y ing, (Ji nd b u It, 6 gJl(ljtt�qIW`ee,4,t ft) till: off A "vegetab os, It JIq We n c6ok nO.*. that..:nearly 'all 'are In*. St Jared by, being C -0 a or*'tlle. iriopt sit pcos.� r mea itaulren n wlili f resh I to sTlt6 disit), abI6 6dor of lobilig cab- sbit v itio, Ili L isto. 4.1 oir blidoft bago o"r onlons"ina'.vo be Aesselled by as'b ll!a gypsy tetrt, rt,,,tretl tal the,14lies tind I(IS OfL IPutting ai:vbry , �'siftll alil'.)Utit of'caymmo Quite pPpper Ili tile bollln�, witltek,. a 9 r a r., books -%vitexi #511til io, tho, Nvou d1i't b1i a ilpffo�chr; noural. a t anti Etlill Minard's th1ment. for h, hat j)nr pi. oil L, 1, NV 0"Ci �7 -0 e'rona" I1f6 r C 'till nftiOn is, knrtk1pd ollitlouna iron Pill, TiIc dior'ninin a6vo,� t rts to suppro'.89 thb slave A 'I t I y wfty,� NVIlich 8ald tho Ve iv, 'in the, 'Oerm, he-Afrilt n 'o at o fif fils',puipse, the,- p li u of for, f Ili 'is I reports"'Ot'. fmily ft, lo%v tild, I ligh rough I t, Mit� boo. cohdildemiloly, aug- t Witle's 1) 1on tIld �Onteaxy; men J (114 gj% "(1 nrrange( so OL 0"'ho..re, ffinily f.np�lrtieq who t1so 00 onrlkoo, p ax un JL fite:f re.qfflts thin are n. What tInI6 Is It? i� y a tiriditt t eilrul iilk,dic e tot Al'an6tits of, CIII nar(bippo 16n1t !k n t V (I ya I I t ............ L ilia yo I NV m 0 1) bp LL MUD 0 t1 T�, I,: "If J�f Nv Iq 1, I� 00' olon't meAll to 7, 0 f) 20,() or DIDN'T EXPERIMY.NT Wn umm-o'VIA ),:I oo I I t, t t 0 �q t1l j t Bit too. tfi 0 gfl D ft I T U110S W i9aitoro a I n h � 19.11 .1 a, g000l' ULI " all 'MW v bof. . . ........ ......... .