The Sentinel, 1882-11-03, Page 4. tite gacititont ATo ire tits tfBmt1Tt `'1`l errsR AND TO ARt1.thE l71tEELT Accofl.)Ii a 10 THE 'MUTATES, -Ot'00;0101-B1I9Rtit`E etIZE, asova.ALL emliErt LYBEtiTEks.. lail;nowilisTova 8 1,852. ADDRESS_ AND :,PRESET TAT ON. fes _ _ 4 oro- ids. M. 0,.. Rotes • On Saturday evening last a cumber of the members. of St. Peter's (Epiaco- piai) congregation assembled at the residence of Mr. Wm. Turley and resented ‘ mrs. M. C. Potts :the. late orgaiist,. with oweli-filled parse which Was• accoin_ panned by :the. following address 111'rs 'Pott. ` D*As, Fntratn,=-We: the 'undersign- gid, in behalf .if the Con gegen. of S. Peter's: Church,. beg leave to present you with this purse; Cut regret thatit is not larger. e] owe': er, we Wish you to feel assured of our appreciation - of your valuable services, not only hi the Choir, but also in the Sabbath School. Our numbers are but few, ;and. there-. - fore. we f, -.e6,1 the -loss: more keenly.. - Parting in nearly a'if cases: is more or less painful, but in this instance we: hope it will :be for your Benefit. In 'your new home it will •be a source •of • pleasure to- know; that you have left behind a number of 'friends who - i� ill be pleased .to hear -of your welfare, and who would-. gladly leave you a nwre tangible proof of their good will-, were it not the - finances of St. Peter's are rather low;. and Will require. our best efforts to _ meet the demands: that. will be made upon us . In, conclusion we - wish you to accept our best wishes for • the- happiness. of yourself and family. Signed in behalf of the congregation, J. Rtatuo, . Wardens.:. Dn. Gomm Em. The presentation was trade by Mr. John Baird in behalf of the, members present.: LOCAL CHIPS. . Chilly' weather now.. —Beech nuts are :falling rapidly.. _-Carpenter-s are- now busier : than • ever. - - .This is an off winter for apples after all.. • _ : Good whiter apples•eirea:big price this: fall • . 'Thanksgiving Day .a-' week . from yesterday. Summer i dead and. the autumn. T . a are -sighing.. - -.:-.Husking bees Are crow in:• vogue •axnong the farmers. ' —The putting up -the stave's season is now tit full blast. • -Ther wheat sown this - fall looks exceedingly well.hereabotits. Read • Alex. Maeintyre's new iic tfertiseineiit ' • - ' —The .• `widest resident"t , cannot, reeolleet as fine a fall as the present. —Our Merchants are ,thus early re- ceiving their stock of Christmas goods. Mrs. McAlpine, o% Kincardinet, is at: present visiting- at Mr ,WM. 1 Allin,.of this villages —Mrs. C Potts.. .and daughter left aix.Tu sday last for Toronto whee they intend to- reside for the future. --A team of horses . ran away from in front of S. Robertson's tannery- on. Wednesday last, butivere captured be fore any damage was done. ` ' Before the 'weather breaks up the Council would .do well to get -the old rubbish and filth: cleaned from udder the bridge on Campbell street..:. • ---Some. of the girls of the period. now part their hair on. the sides b cause they dor hot wish - to loa like those soft young men who part . their hair in the muddle = Doxi't' staend a month looking after your stay animals- Advertise n 'the SEarrx tsI and anyone who har- bors them afterwards may be prose- cuted according to law. —Hamilton .Times.—".A very hand- some silver urn, awarded at the Luck: now. Gaines to Mr. J.. A._ Mathieson,. of this city, ie on' view .to -day at Messrs. McRae & Mitchell's boot and: shoe establishment, King . street' west. It is creating a great deal of attention." —Here -is a good thing for our pa- ternal government :A convict sayshe was sent to prison: for being dishonest, .3 : - r ; et he is nom .eked everY day to cut. LADIES CLOTH FOR Jlicit TS:O1_ULSTE1S.Tt E ARTIC •.CURL FOR LADIES JAC�' KETS y P y• out pieces of pasteboard, which are put between the . sales of the cheap - shoes_ made there and palmed off: on the innocent public as leather. • —Men who advertise in their home papers are the men who do the business ness of the town. en- can pick' tip any newspaper and iii five minutes tell who do the buying and selling and. keep' alive the interests of the..: place. A newspaper invariably - reflects the worth of the community in which it is published. • ; Men's' "Aima" caps- at .65 cts. worth 9G cts.,. made •expressely for A.: MacIntyre. • T TST -'RECEIVED A LARGE A W.:4T4v.. T O •cam•-+.. m 'af,. cn t1 �� 1cr �Y? ST> Tri, `7`c%�; a ®j r��t ✓'�► . /r . - \ /may Wheat . - .i �k. ;°I r-� d:Iic•ed iii .oc ds' : aecoi heli I`aIn sellingoff at v low prices- as wheat s e. ell e IY to .-meet the Jarniers: Lress. Good for c:e is per yai d, Worth '15' cents. AM SELLING THEM 0 'F FSR. IN DAYS So as to give every one aa, chance a 6 see them, GROCERIES. BOOTh 'and. SJIOES tile} DT-MkDE:• i LOTIIING and. %IWWCKERY IERY CUE on the remises. Call and see ui. fine `astortment. Tweeds's�.s :ecial . Dress'and Mantle Making. p : ; �y _ ..� �.,: {,. p„ ty As Large and as well Assorted a -Stock _as' -you will find iri any House West -of Poi., nt& Health is -Wealth DR.. E. C. WEST'S'' NEavE AND- BHAT1f Treattnent;aguaranteed specific for Hysteria,. 'Dizziness, Convulsi(nsr Fits, ;Nervous' eu- rat •ia, I1eadAche,Nervons Progtration.came 1 by the use of alcoboi or--tobacco,Wa)c efulnets, Mental Uepression7Softebing..of..the -Brain,. resulting la insanity and leading to misery. decay attd death, Premature old agge,. Barren-. near, Inas of rawer in either ii ex,Iuvoliintary Tosses and: Spertnatorrliaea, caused by over- exertion.. of ver- e,o rtion`of the: brsiti.self-abase or over indul- gence. One box will cure recent cases. 'Each boic contains one toontlea treaturent. • One dollar a bo or ai* boxes for five -dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guar- anteeeix hones to cure anyr ease.. With each. order received -by us fi r enc. boxes; acro pan-.. red. with five doil*rs,we will send the pttrchas er our written =gtnarantee te* refund thejnoneT if the treatment does not effects cure. O..i A. SHEPARo`, Sole Agent_fos i.uclutow. Jorn - Wksr do Cc, 'Sole Proprietors, Toronto, Ont. • --This is the, finest. fall weather in in . the memory of the oldest`. inhabitant. —Fbr being drunk: and. disorderly Duncan Boland spent: a few hours in the lock-up.: ' • . -Owing to 'the scarcity- of apples the `'` paring bees" are very infrequent this fall;•• - ,—Advantage is Nein taken of the - continuedfine weather to put forward biding operations,; L ---".Politeness pays: Politeness, is 't the name of the average news ap--- ei subscriber: . . - . • • ---If yon, have, had animals lost; strayed_ or stolen- from your premises, advertise them in theSENTINEL —Mr. Malcalm Campbell is having hisstore repainted -and otherwise im- proved-. } Mrs • M. C. Potts,who for some • time- past carried,on a fancy store in•I this village; left. for Toronto on Tues - ,day: ; ---Mrs W.: Murchison is. agent for the o Prem.ier' & `` Royer liieycles, • and anyone- in.need .of ax bicycle should - call on him. ' H -•Read Robert Proctor's change of advertisement: in. anethor column. • Specialr:prices in robes,: wraps and horse blankets. . •- --.Lait week a strange sight- - � •for this time -of the year, t:ould be seen on the farm of Adam Thoiiapson, SStf con. of Huron.. - AJIeld of peas -.was in full . -bloom. A crop- of peas diad been taken off ' -during the summer, and a consider - bile quantity of seed had shelled out. we will pry the above reward for airy case of Liver$CTi ut. li int, Dyspepsia, Sick- Head ache, Ittdigesti••n_('.•u:a.ipatian or Costiveness_ We cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the ciireeti= ns are strictly ow:Kili- ed with. They are purely Vegetable. rani never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coat, d. Large Boxes, containing '30_ Pillet; 25• ten '. For sate iw druggists- i3etvare of c• unt-erfei-t s and imitations. The gel.uinc• nrtnrifactueed only by JOHN 0, WEST $: Ctt.• s:. I`hr. Pill Makers;" 81 and 83,Kiltg street 1+:aat.Torr•ttto Out.. Free trial package- tient by mail'.I.ret.:cid as receipt of a 3 cent sta;up. C. A Sx YAxDr Sole Agent for Lucknow,, c.int. -• The .in the Ma:eke . Polkadot Silk (Handkerchiefs, .Fant. do:, Ilk Ties, Sati Opera Goia s, Christen3_s Co�:Iars Kid Gloves, K.id Mits,: