The Sentinel, 1882-10-13, Page 8llw - 7� . . . . . . . A 4 0� rs k, N of,ouk-read Qk ­ '4j,­ 1*40 uJil b ion 54 qTW, "'Iest'li'l6t omas" 4 OT !ih 4. h to of i� i, 14 ...... 300�e L 7 i, eau - Robe �FOR ALL KINDS OF d azd surr6undinio,' Wuut* s W.118 i # 4A 'mi ­ - -an 'iT We at lowest P , es Vi1*90;§Q14( UP this- nionth:, ready to do All kthlit f ilibrk 112 TA'Y' JOTS I "N.1b . . . . . . . . . . . . n 211 Y4 ja Jr. -Z� 'htenm -ta- Yeunor,,prei cousisttait, �f all �u�usuaajy with .rdlow k. g; --was killed. fih 10 n", itodtober. A j -, �!,,� , �R " - _ . ! ",�, nvij ing'. and, -Enlarg_j6g a. OPY :ThO amiet 4Fj*0nsl3j0',jadies -are U0.w a Ov W A. j, ith�-, Yj, - , 4"11- 0 ow (!Zr WS f -i- pairing ope,pro ptly S ad andsoho- no aoA�t q, 1 _4 .� ­ . y,, FrItt"Ots- . - A � ' ecl.,04 ue rstyle e 11 NMI, 41ab 4'' jai 4 �,;Ai. Re 7 h '80088 atw colue B. it, and 1ve, P -fhat e - jj�b -?t­1It-iea;4rbm be4 Snemreno ays, oft hand, to,- hsv�, occur�44:inthe "of .1 1 ;,� 11-1,� �1,j­,%'j ri FXITPLA sic Lbsided; its divuions- haVer beek Op TEE,, E. 1. J[0UN$0N- have t6fturear p grim. N _ort I -st,. Luckiiow - 'R a e t )7rg#­1(- C iRpbe 1 h in .1;m�cknow,, §ept. M. healed iis, jiuckus, ]a now-, c0A,ddjis4- this� �sv;�Nn tig applw orcha el!Yowl (if � ��77Th place --for. goit and its':tZ­wfa�h- My m�us Of is the rd.t the'fill-vig. Kinl6ss, --to -1 n- -i�fp 61 via e� btoteyths ever. gale ee III" miles lo tit aess ind T eed --mg e ve esteen. 0 aEd ht, 'of West ns win Gaivi SO-TT-TH ]WT THI. uswormy, A le PjgS 1 M E,'.'T A B LE., rep Y. -d t1i Atthe W off RK 9k9u: Y g aSt ee� _who exhibited his f me� fl6Wctf 6 nosh Fair _7 F 6 e f X0. a" at�hekt m t suri6unliffig or es� aiAl. y was swor h on,- ded the first prlze� Leicester sheep at he: W _LThe: fall Agl`e� Th No. 5- 2 24 in und h- RiVos q forin wand N�b. 2-- 3� 0' atry as'not auc OIX t am I*Mjp�, eek or OWW e, Xjo� 4-10 8� No. 7:-'5 0 for agged ram and third for r to 't w '�suiroun ing couk��' Y�- were While in London two of the sheep, ' . - -- ather, There -we K, RUff fold �s amb for 6UT -tlp a disposed- of, a ram I however, -and� there -6an be.: no. ds]qger open I t amine. shearling raim for $35. IAC;f RrLmaway. 41 -Why, aske,4-wgoverness 01 A 7, IL- . - 'G - I W1 souk dail, ;IUM G. -Kar Makeri Assoclit rY Iii `lpharg& do we pray to; God to, E f �-Q-k 'M th 6 d6live _ TUTC o raw ion. adjY while 'illop ddnt Ub Rei&s baker- Why Y- TFgswA,1r,,R Oct V0 t�6nvillls�Old eeting, of the Ifarnesp�- Xikw was standing in front -of the -residenca ays,or aikeek?` er we ask for-' fo�roi Rv� d t ciation hela. a af 'h this of Mr., R6bt­- Proctor on 'Ross- street, Becausa 'it res Vqp` Robt... Proctor 'of the neighbiDrs, E syj�- 41 X1 8 elect �dog, be longing to one Of %the iiig6nious -chilct OF FIR S ­ ,e !regident. -ALL X ed P- _P' i ­Alex, Shaw 4AVVE that, locality ran at the horge and . in er, growl becaus s]R$P 0 new Ve- JPart t _V S . toq�-.� bit. it which.caqaed the a m --m' al to run, fail jje* _S0, g y a. to lve bver scrap o n6.. f -Me, re hiSecoul& be, &ot- were only, e Were,pres On S,�ndwy n awsy-,, and before th6 long as� Paul$-: 0 91"Ve n Sli,or e L WeIjj' M onsery nuon, w- preae Drin�l the un. dontiol the' wagon Was biroken 'torinfoimation,TU average �el de�. uluga amedjUMjL or �pea�iu ere to but ers present �,th Ue&o 0 mind G Ve a ca at. I in WAS_ a e th6 LLLLL T. AijCtiatv -gate. L ne - 1 z r wi juit the same: as the. 'The affair co t 'S We th6r wiU �1!ea As. hj$ L pablie _aUction joig.hiSr , i r �7b *7 'JAM V8 LIN' ngannon- There will be a "TjIF" AJ�FOA* MDF, D pumpin 3W M E 'lot f" of -Mr. DavidBladk 25, are- publish ;In t1fe-e, . ��h 6 or, some 'th C! Vurter� Attdi.nt'on tr �,Aownship of Kinloss, on.Tues-' little poem, 0Thej �ept gurg mg rm an iti of theCurting0lubvd1lbe Y, ()atob A meei er 1882, his'entirolot: a; ge�itle,.L Lights; of home, Oh;, ye Oie ha,14- which, 'a Jarg ete;, Sale 12 on-. -:filleid A/Ir OV hold in� erVqleta� offie . Yrid&y. offarj]jLstobk)` imple �_eyed.poet, there may �toithe`-doou or h the. l3th. inst, at, 7- eclock; CoMmen -w u are Ce &V-11 ot�dock a� r' a at. hoijiej:�,biitj yo Auctioneers. Iivegs, to, e�a ve -Basmess of vital impoftsuce Corrigan &�Purvlsl or gold�n-1alred �.gr,4du- dd(t t46 pfi, -q pal 0 sharp. 'y a ted ter -,Was Tj�� Lelitly befo the dub� Mr. Archil�§ld YcDopaldt of -,'Your sweet. -We *J the I 1*0 going t Yl quegJ ugh ro A- eate! Y04. 'can bet 0 i1try M. hpi ause D.' A-shfield t fWjL Otendance isre%ueste& half Lot 92, con. 13, W -wont�- be� one of --the No by -�bursts'� oL bitead _h 'Muc wi I ave an auption sale- Of -stbek, Y Anj)L Sha� O'n-Tuesday, Ot.f., 17th -0 remm pleinents, etc. t ''. * -- 111­�4 �Hb oUrL� aj,jenj r t of Toroni AL al. -services -at on k' p,- John Tk- eleaven 'pries of sl speci raviv P- 160 Issile for us to receiv'ed'L it simPC will 'be' -held in th * NIethodist Church— e: t Ours uninter6st ngl-, call at, everyhli'lSe-Lfor"Items�*or -name,%- the *(h , , 'I nxt; week� in this.. er,L, in � N�hich' War-dhallenge* 'Of V%it &m W6:aie ilwsy�jrea y- mann. ervlc�s-at. 2,30 and 7,30 P- e, mee pl�g. d&in od h ljf�gglbd fh6 OF m. each To the editor- of the. SENTINEL In.. arriva, ,or�d Lv�'flling to n an commencing on Honda Sever� d to am uc-. ow an 'd ke- Pupilsi forjn�str 6t- visitors d het regard to, the Tag o k chean;'j War that c laoff IL* Cj'' AG tA 1nisters from- thei lifstridt- 'am, 0 0]1 the. 13th Sept.,- therl6 has'..been so. Bruce: Reform Assoc,._,_ tion t -1ch-dty wh6n`th6�-are-supp ie us., S'ron he .re are G Vigorous, ach, -:Wdnot on13 cHardy; W mention this s 'that uiords- ftift 911in r by. J6h�n X -h,4 much w -,by le oil ar, Y .but si - rehson. !spO$. ", 'ra, ihat, I feel lef t dn'the- the full di e. gi - a n. Murphies, -o omitte.d` will le n -DLu -e 46r OV shad.e after getting -the reputation ��Tees-water . -i.- -address. ipg i td, Mr., John� Graham, of the bouirary u's _ : 1. -1 1.. , - �4 . I -r_ -- keeping it up, Mr, rV Lealb� he- tudiene-ej was, IC Wswanos so Ion h, ruce--up and :11 ate for South - "'Ben Xinloss and the Conservative Canc d jef aree, ep - iii ht.;roao 'y s -le I at sb� e Wthe So ab e MsUV ap t umo -this officela week ).sk t NO"W4; Brucej'advertl�ed,snd intended -to hold-' h take� ten, men froln-r- Bruce and 411& t _t to gest potatoea we hav6 ever. the toVU.h lieiO, �YOS us, p� rt ar, net, nintroctude S-911 d' e t is S' ewere r agains Shaw,'oi� y eenhi d lir. A -,er' qua er, of th ten from Huron Walk6rton�: d th6gamep. 1-willplsobetany r plyl- ita Mr. wel ss ..Year -.0.6nnor �ag I,4sta weighed nearly, R. Meredith, X Pi 94� Ros 0, eW and �amouxit, ta--giee brooms, a ditexif au- v&­jounds 6ach. L were'. t London leader Of the OpPOSI loll weep� I hold this ffien6e to that also present to as d,, but open. till the. 20th 0 e- fr6nt sin 6hallenga -n'( to heai thm:.sJo u6 t4ee c6 laat,: J tdy come A' Hoping y no N R -ilitIc -MYOA ouraber-of art this; -mr, . Shaw held that yer merk Oct6ber. ou. -will insi. -was held. - 111a attention ng aAb Jbf at-* ph; �Fngqj he';Ij*am' weeks issue. -but a jay. =e. c eawng &W$4Y--.t in challenge in your ne one yer, was n& an&V engagel 11 L th T M�� - a won -mill - tfuly LLX­-0URA-1%' u6n, pond� At, A ------- -a the ending to thd ant . B t Head. KINLOUGH4 nowhe held. thst- a 39 qr- alone -The,'Gotd- N[OClatL mee of th6 COUnibill as, kn bed competea om Luc Fr�nl, Our - eoi-reopm otan- of t-110. C II bein 8 edn sday f a J Brucef. Ok -r - -Wa-lsta in" the on V e o Is t week ames '(Mr. O'Conn(r) also'show ,T _j' _ �rl .- ffi, ob, f as Eckf6rdis� e -ed Is ge y g 'hat- Mi�. 19. 1-Dicksan, Esq. Registrar, of Huron, very iiied sftil socia, suc presinit- ed t U� 'AV urvi a. esl season 'to u k 'al r eZ '�i 1 e at the -residenci6­6 b:" b." � � ' f "�- sti'o! t g-_ -ed the --gold medal offered by the -P" A n ot or �p t6e enti m- pa ft Most SatIS al gacultral 'AAs- Association of 31r. M j- Stewart,. Kinloss, on� e 'A -a- .491 i and f, -tory A er -best farm d ersed evening of the. 3.rd inSt L foi----fhe three Purr lisp I- jVr. ve prlS�n�, Now SO'EAS �-amblathrough our vilagelast' 'No.`3 com- the counties. Gus cheer& for -110n�! inesOnth6 ViltagN Ontario' for- the' 'ientin Re fi rst ol pre g 'the, For- ian e6hurches Ref OM d ee for their- Candi the actr Dufferin�Peith, Huron bes pastor ofthe Presbytei Sabuidaf evening, revealki of Wellington, gOjUg 115L r u-ce. son- . Vjith -a era b tailless, men erpare no e on aming 'ace t ' J ' - - - i ..1. t1i.L to twenty- Pura gPI4 Mp is -of omoanied b MR b of. Lucknow I've Grey and B Mr. Dick forjh K to do business and' that, th&r Stocks of .1 the successful go etitor $120; 01A goo ee first n the six 'thefOUO, inv: -thr w aiddresi - �retuM% class- - armer eir candjda;ie� bl,,a-*ge -arriving d% are- suffiai6nt, to ineet the Wants ',jr in- tock and more -o 0 ev.. ority efdr a J.e R A. pountie& m than. b e.. of t�ejr Custom( in -every line eittio:qed.. Mie. inedal is a aq. h�n The'- feelffi6,& vith Tg, dS , We. aro safe inL S&Yi 61ne 0jje,SbOV.b the, rij6L of a $2,0 R PA that Piece diiii 0A.one-1ace' is 'the'in- there,� --aOld­ *Wich� �ou withAhii-adL A -U X- IN :--W jg� not. pJaCer Of its size, Present E �77� ar*m . --soription, possossirlll�eqal advsntageSL thsitlfiesL b U dress wil well u age 6 - I -PREMIP �-TJOM T 111 _j a 3, lamlas Dickson, -of t nitv. and m Eg� or potsibly, surpas true Group,, No. column Ore. L-_jTRAYZ-1 And will ike6p in stock -all people his f '0 of. 12' ,SS; the a4vantage,� being 889- T'p Ituckeismith, o. especially membersof this IBM-. by th6 Ashfigld, s.bo Ok P 1P, 0he loAt we 4u� r8o tio b d -Kith- U -'S bys 0 thb �yoarlijog nVerse, al e Re's jation,. being 'three year ng-- Steere re -.and white. Ar y on gi om *�.th,4 tmu& of A� thriftyarii enerr siaiion. esig., b�jjs- _ an-, ei prs rit, trI ni", surfoui�ded-' th adom us W r re ov d, -t el tirly cord to- and Arts psssed -aw4r,he., 'g' kept in a- lrst�,q pec -e -hahesr aLc W -j -11-r hs �pl ,w words -",A geikeraion And Prythin 91, 946ulturf win ber d e, app -t SUPE of Ontario. ifiemory of �th of AND EW -1. 7 -, r', - Chit, v4t, and gy, Association -the h' -y uni n - , Ui St ford 0 F Ore. Give me d to tndticf1ojh Servioes -will.be alloe uai and e6ple or MtiMation, iffie Rev. the ATe�n -OONE-Y,,: Accordihd -a;nd diin, or -0coupy, Im every -.1mal ecomes D., 0'.- Ct=eroll left for TOXQtlt( -was you laW' f B IR - - - ellat. Joilh eNabb, lepxerton, Myer- -ame hylast w egam J eek.—M d. It i -inf I at' d ls P la� TH P RE NT, Ajilreves.Churl&h seare an *1 jTRAYE'D. ITRONM �SL Hod, ve d e con on Thurs4y- the - 5th inst. all -times to- Part . - I P 6.fthm -�na6rsij�id t�t Ssny.and JamE of this-.plam' with thoser 'S SdayL lastfor truce Mines.� R Tit Trie Mr. Hartley. of F e- with out -SDiritual loss, on ojr4Kktt'theltniddle-� 1111e; speq, Mg SUO, The Rev.' . X L etej , d' and mote e lo-ng-4pEq,e( Yearling & Li dsay i -,turned home on foUn&tion'" T y t u 0, anitubly rawae"d Y 'ate discourse.on the occasioni� He ta. go: out and ini a�iiongst a, an al friends a he IS& been v.i ii- fo r th An ap So ill' b Emma r *ho -has bee in KinkstOr%,.where: &Mer was followed by the Rev. Nklr. XurraVr show, unto us -the way.:of life, for t4e. thre 3in 454 F Iliat � I dine Moderator tw6ntfyears; we, as a, corgtekA� in an ot Kincar W, hiS anL rurnis es dress. to 11' ',UeN-abb On the. duties of tio h hebllE�Si-U�S 'Of 74U avq enjoyed a fit- e asLMoVe 0 eXo.. "d Lie 00ive aNrednesdakyh N rL Edward ifels.Tfn Sh re,he Li; when, returning -from Kincr- r eived een his -new chak03,,-aftei­whichhe reo preached Grospel,, 4nd you ave - t 'iU 0& o the right hand d fellowship froni all the hotlorodinstrupaen in"Godal1f(41 g. �121ilst-class� t aMOATAGE-S.at Tto on, W ednesday; ka#, was met at P' that gospel unto u V .IT the members- -of the PTesbytery resent. of pr6achin CLA iere 1�y . . . . . . . . . . er Of the ched that g 61 t6r at haye 01 per, clmt. aJS te I age� The, The Rev, W.r.L: Ross, of Brussels, leve Osp was bel' d you prea in;r Peforj4era, Of t�e vill' 'charg�g,very.-ni(ioeiate.--'�I AAY 0 UR alone Wr 'A called upoii to iadr�ss- the congre�'. r afty U t 1W UC �rt emp.ad-dressed a arge d SU reveal the happy re It in& Secretary -of he ncardiui�.the gation on their dutie4 to their pastor lusia.itio ii, in 10 -hi-ve manyt Tire I e corse- fiour it, WeL to each- oth r:,, and 'in the ope- you wi k eVIOU& :Propertyina ithhis i�rge andImih,600 4 - in connecti in thi -P()Pu of his r6mark4, reminded them of many asa, crown. of iojoicingiwheir Ile cometh ar UrMersw .4 w Ves Wou 0 We. 0 '0 0- E k his,-- jewe a. -of 01rol 6rlie,-A at. wi,-Il It JS ith sbip's bi g� thing&whieh all Preibyterians, as. taMa L e:Up' I r 04 PR�� -of A4� altioAlli-Kifildgkiard' Ill iron -b t ay. a - hearL fe lings OR t ragrei that the I�appy- UM.011 -- -a -rm)t. Card ttt Me wilIte. -R 0 ery Thus -the a% th rou -be udsted th _the best Aluell int4e�,t was manife gh- xisting' between us is sdoofi to 'Xifoinlation giv 'in �HFlelqq P. was- evident- from brolcen. God in his, �rqvidenceas-.seen jt0.BFXT-.M r�qi &�ty-� �Rebec& out the ceremony, as ands at the. larga-nuniber preseui� and th. ear- fit to call you to i�lother, amels V E %T- K Mr7A r 1v i0mist ixest. -tothe Teryeloquelit or, and our heart la'b' d ep. . j' Y -AX, the -she and ni v -Mo 4 ths,11 aY--be W xr, reases given by- the ifferent- gentle, V t -Y u. ev u re s ccess il� Malin "thle sij the -Rew iNj M he,-fdture thm YOU have -been ja wal ing for men. Before clu hat"is e W GOIC a eek or d d hn )avicLon, of lahkiide at�yqu­,,may -be., lo*g ,i. wu appointea '14 0 the� Whffkrt to n,Sfi '101 t is Pare, I IL life as 11 S. oth. b� the Nioderat r' to- %�are& ow , 0 o sh un peris g SjUnerS ail -10aves abb, to� the maiu, entrance Of tle thli way of eterva Drlsiderable omiss- We* Would" 4190, 0113iov Th a of, , of �jde c chure-h-, *here h46. receivell-the'ssIalv, wo "40 J. rth of your led out tionS of the, congregation as ey pass e Y'- Chureh 0 k,." has en, one W84k for iming to prolu -.-I%d ed "'A _er the congre husband or offic�'beftjrg. 'andL �Man- our. trial dispers2dithe shops, beside tar leitd�u he pit ant -1t,-kk�y e LIT 4rej�afikL r" I h e ue le i r 4ge sted-t qns- u nh J)cy Wrk' _jd* 4* thait, has: no mut usu -W1 rej je.Wg� :'� a ui T x "M � - mark if� S, man alkiag t86,ently, with the jw0ropX0 ft Varzin, he-- rMany Sul his guest 6r nor any of Having ln;hb� kly owned -th neither he -the rudiments r6ceiving-Her iren posses NOW -t then h6 aid f3tati6n, af feeling. and t, obrjo�t �to h" �ng a good. Italian hand... a. Dundee baili it as - for- orohes- ofLgr&j)esY and qor4e*n,, bi follj*ing perib, prime dodie-bah I the Q1 ad ut time to -waste Over aueb. n6ii- featly unW, and as for tenor singers, ov-0tighoM �ljajty he could notX frol- Juto ecitaie%. ;;nany *ant �-�ura them.. 7 -a_ die