The Sentinel, 1882-10-13, Page 5m.�„ y r T,•.• 4' aving received my :complete} stock ° of IANTLtS, BONN: . "HI ERY, RIBBONS, _ FEATHERS CWWR , LACES;: _ ST, ETC. FANCY GOODS W , _ , - -- ..• cordial •- i n rf the ladies-ofLuckno an lir invite the :�n$l?ecL o � surrounding country. Every .tine complete in all the lend ng Styles and Shade's - My y stock of - Woollen Goods is unsurpassed in the Pro- vinee. Come and see for vourse yes. RADGLIFFE.. ' Luckaowt next to *Post Office. STOVE: STOVES. tt :341-17- !IT .. HAVE A •#FEW~ it.TTUBS OF 31Trx. Ei t . EQ' SEi,L, ND IT IS e r Both Sweet Mod; oFl, and it;inayire yoit intend.fio turn =�sto in -on e cunt," .if such • you -:have, t Well, .as . y �i have obtaisi d thou goods at such tineei and -quantitiesas sui cyourrequirement�sisit; not r senable f or you tobringyour tater ngods;se0snbooe _theleavethe markets 4 --Every storekeeper' consults the _ interests and convenience of ilia, 7Ousto13iers. Now. if you keep yoursButter=until Nevem'iigr =or" D ember, the "storekeeper may have to keep it Over allswinter, or sell atAo loss, I take it'that you 4lo� not wish anyone. to lose oniayour butter." Well thzen br;• " it along ui reasonably `good time, say iefo 'e the. 21;sfi- of this montlrioff October: ` No'mer chant;wants more than his:own money out.of your butter Every Tub costs the merchant 50 cents to ship .Theretare the: - ,Haas pleaure in informing the citizens of`; 1.ucknow and surrounding country, that the. has opened, out in the shop -formerly occupied; by Joint PEART, ` € opposite the Whitely 'House, -and is prepared to'sell. ` TUB; TIIS,t f'3LOTH, ALT, _ fiE: ING AND IME.` [valises, Ftc. ; Having purebaeed tiie stock of harness, ,etc., belonging tolMrs Ww-:Grassie4, 1 am better ' prepared th'n evert° 8upp47,the Wants of n►y customers an 1 the public generally... Bement- - z . ter the place, Graesiek's old stanJ, est to_ .Tennant'8 drug_ atere..; 3 f,a ' s ALS ;Lucknow ,Juae'$th, 2882 ' sr. STERN , ,3 Now.if you get the Tap :of the, market; the mere .ant loses 50 cent% on each tub.. Please remember,: that all' the hard work is not in 1 falcing fthe utter. The hardest thing any one eyer experienced is to." Work and Lose Ma=tey f0 To be idle and lose is tolerable,_but to put in` time, thought, capital and ork,and lose after' all}:^ . the very consummation of human misery. But this i Very often the experience of the-Tinerchant, find more,--he'_l as•to--;swallow it all in Sileitee.: If the farmer's. crops fail there is -universal sympathy,but where ist e sympathy %for :the merchant who fails, or loses his Money .t Would you help to preserve the merct.from loss'1 Bring in your -butter early. ' I O* aO711 - COL s ly woOD;_ Coal Oil and Lamp Goods. SFT'. .1ZE pH .A. L1 XI MS,j And everything in lies line, at bottom prices.. Eavetroughing and Repairing ! promptly attended to. An. early call solicited:. DAVID SUTHERLAND. lji:cl;now, September 29114 1882. 1 • a: Is now Receiving Daily Supplies . of in: the'neatest styles, and will be sold cheap in 11 depar n Tents. Comprising - nsssi cone, WIXOETS, . CHECKED AND PL.1114 Fr sN Ls. IN AI.L CowEs, Wool, . SIIAWLS, WoOL `2'AN2f8 . ' ' WHITn- Oo'rroNS, IN ALL PBICES, FACrowr C0!roae, N Pa Contains :Seventy-two Columns, of _ Reading- -Matter, eading-Matter,_ and is admitted to be the best autiffor ity uponAgricuiturai and COm!iere'ai ratters In the Dominion. Subscribe for 1083 ,'stow, and `C 1' B&LANCE 01 --18 8: TREE. Oraers,and remittances tom addressed •t Tliesubseriibers 'hereby 'notifp puhlid tit; general that they are prepared to exegete; ally workin thezrline ina superior styli ILD'G of AIL II contracted forand finiebed in the latent man- ter and with great,eatisiaetinn. We keel► .on hand -a large stock of Seasoned • Lumber; A i! sizes . DOORS- -SASH AND BLINDS_ on hand, or made to orcer- at short notice. • W,e gup,rantee good -'work as we keel! noise - hut the bestof workmen and material; e•,1 Lueknew, Marab 220,1882.. �ADI>ZB�' ULBTERINGS sLLDI �s' AC1{11T CI+WTH, .That- cannot be excelled. iii Pattern t ,Taut an a„ FARM FOR SALE,, p(�BING CENTRE 1'ART, LOT 10; CON, 11 1.2, township of Kinloss: Adjoins the village of Kinlough on Luckiow gravel road, good soil, best of water, . large Orchard of apple,Plum,. pear. and cherry trees frame house; frame barn, 54 by 32, :stabling laispneatli, ten acres: of fall wheat in. Apply, ion prom - see,to 1 "9 JNO. NICLIOLLS • a Peart & Corrigan: will take BUTTER AND° EGGS exchange for Boots . anis Shoes Partied wishing close .de•Is will do well -: Po sail at-. 1 'HEART: CCIZZIGLIT'S :ts ire 'intend giving ' : bar Tai as Iu BfOTS-tl. AND SHOES 1►efortei �ivtng'tur fall stock. H lives t; 1V:it sold ul,;alraale.aid t t,r it at f t PEMt`T &.`CAB ;heapness. T11 the best) (,olors;made 1 expressly `for my, own xtr.ade, for s4i mat xne;tilf l en Y-'