The Sentinel, 1882-09-29, Page 6Ili .ua 8D01 N Ras pleasure'in informing the citizens of Lucknow and surrounding country! • . that he has opened out in the shop formerly .occupied by Jams' PEA1.T _ opposite the ,Whitely House, and is prepared to sell: arF.riws FOR Bora c Az - s , :_ WOOD, ', Cos:! .AOilc _ and Lamp Good' Also Wr .O • AL�I1�T'=i; -Axid" ev rythilig in his line, at bottom. prises. Eavetroughing= and Repairing • promptly-atten ed to. An early call solicited.. t Lucknow, September 29th,,,188i2 DAVID SUTHERLAND.. SPAWN . QUM. r"r i x, ,drat' Sou. '171k : m Es , suocessfu rentedyever ' vei`e . itc i* ctir'trtiti in its .lir cats and t) . ittiste , Nir.au (.roof bt: aw; • KE CALL'S SPAWN CCRR. ljew Hamburg, Ont.,Dec 28th,1881w /gr/7. Ii McCallum,, des sir--'1'he bottle E.f lir. Kends- 's: Spavin Cure bought- of you l k5.t summer nave rue the utmost satisfaction anti per[<trxn d a wonderful cure upon a mare fitit',t<en yeT.rs lila belonging tit nlc,whichwas buxlt-y spa;; -,:r wss tut lama that 'could hardly g.et her to move. rho. lam&nesis le entirely gone after using ;half a bottle ttf•the care, and she is like a young: • !hirer again, Yours truly, J. F. ROTH. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE End address for Illustrated Circular which - we think gives positive proof of its •\_' virtues. No rem,;cy has ever1-naet with such unqualified success to ourknow edge,for beast- as well'as man. - . • Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for 35... All druggists ham-_ it moan- get it ' for you; or it will be sent to any address en receipt of price, bythe pro- prietors, Dr. B.J. Kendall Sr, osburgb Falls, Vt. • SOLD. Br ALL DRUGC-ISTS. LYMAN SONS & GQ., MONTEZA P Q.. . Wholesale Agents. UNCLE . , 0OR SALE•_ N IMPROVED FAR- OF' FORTY Seven Acres, lot No; 8 O. concession. Purnberry township,. county uron.. Also a town lot of four acres, with good house, at Lucknow, situated corner of farm lot 13,. offiV •wanosh ; and several village lots at Blue- . v The -aforesaid property.` belong-- to. the elate- of the late W. Id. Leith. All of which will be :1401d. by .public auctif'n, at Binevale. at 1 o'clock p. r., on- Tuesday, lOth day of (,letober next;1882.. Terms of -sale one third - - down, and balance in 3 months. ' - GEU L_ETCL Executor. MEAT MARKET I with to inform the citizens. of Lucknow: and surrpunding country, that .I .have. - opened up as BUTOIIER SHOP LA R.:G G. Greenwill's Old Stand, 1 will keep on -hand at all times ALL E4 SIN - •FRE B .KI.NDS O �F SH- MT. A Meat : Delivered- to all', Parts of' the Village, on Shortest Notice. - Give in:e a call. JAMES LINDSAY. ucknow Sept.8th: .mpgy: TO: L :A< i_ FIRST ()LASS JtORTAGESat-7to, Nif. -?t} per -cent interest payable yearly, +thargea very moderate;. Apply to ` ROIBRRT MURRAY, St, Helens. Secretary of the West. Wawanosh• 11lutual f t o pfarm Fire Insurance Com thuib but f rm property insured- Parties wishing to , insure_ in this_ p_ ,pular farmersoompany in the._town- shii.'s of Colborne, Ashfield'.. East arid West Wawanosh,_ I3 inloss, and Huron by' sending a post Card. to. me will be oalledon-aid every l nformatioii given. • ROB( 1 T' 1117EBAX, St, IieleprY„ 0.. �h1041414,-1 ALEX ROS: Manufacturer of all kinds of Harnessr Satiates, •:Trunks, •- Valises,' Etc. Ha.vin9:- purchased the stock -of harness, .etc.; belongingto•Mr, Wm. -Grassick,,Iam better prepared than ever to supply the wants of my cuntoiiters and the'publie "generally. Remem- ber emem ber the place, Grassick's old -'stand, next - to Tenant's -drugstore. ALEX' ROSS. Lucknow ,June 9th; 1882. . GMAT' S Ctf[C MEDICINE IIADE MARK.THEGREATEN-TR-ADE MARK GUSH REMEDY: -An unfailing cure for Swain- : al -W a a:k n ess, Spermatorrhea, Impotency,. • and allDiaease•= le forTakitgthatfollow as sequenceofSelfat& A use ; aglow.; of. Memory, Uuiversal, Lasst- tude, Pain in the back, Dimness of Vision, Premature.old-age, and -many other Diseases that Ieadto_ Insanity or. Consumption and a Premature: Grave. ?WW1 particulars in sur pataphcet;which w.e desire to send. free lay .mail to every one, - narThe Specific Med= ciaeisscsldbytill Drug, istf at. SI .Per pack age,. or six.packages for $5- or will. be sent •free by inailon-receipt,of the money` by ad dressing . -. - - • - TUE GRAY MEDICINE CD., - T'mato. Ont:, Canada ter Said in. T.ncxnow by all druggists. 4nd . every wherein Canada and the United States by el wholesale .n i retail drnevists. 1882-3. : THE 1$82-3, Pall Importation of A THE PIONEER STORE. First -Class -Cutter Employ.ecL Suits from $5.50: up =to $: 5. C.A_INTEIBM .e T, ins EVENTFUL _DAY, - WHICH. IS TO DECIDE- _ THE RESPEC- - tire merits: of. British and :American. Muscle is at' hand, nil all true men of everynationality eagar are gto respond to the:amenities of our glorious. P ciailization,= by honoring the day, and recalling -the immortal explo is of Bruce and Wallace, in. the sacred cause of Liberty:: And in order to shew all due respect to. departed might and : vimg. worth, the first thing you require is a - :' •-r. Without this always -aid absolutely •indespensible prerequsite,: all your attempts to honor -the day and the .cause, the land and the people, will be sadly.. wanting in one great symbol of loyalty,so dear to the _goodish 'heart. The SOOTCIIBONNET has seven primary uses.in the economy of: Acottish-Housekeeping, shall be happy to explain to non_Scetchmen who •may wish to h and: are desirous of initiationinto the 0=11f, -historic, economic, utility of the SCOTCH- BONNET nd - which I' nor the day, nil practical • Do you enquire where these: " Bonnets" are tobe obtainedl Pe it me to in form you 'that I have on hand a very nice selection of Bonnets lid Paps, for men and boys. After these are all soldyouu will be at .liberty.. to elsewhere! but in the meantime remember the:•West End Brick Store. Co and bring the measure with you. ohn aa Is now .R ceiving Daily: Supplies of ITE In the neatest styles, and will be sold cheap in . all depart- ments. Comprising DRESS GOODS, WINCES'S, - OBEcKED AND PLAIN,. FLANNELS IN ALL COLORS; -: WOOL SHAWLS, WOOL YARNS, WHITE.COT,TONs, IN ALL PR1c a, FAOTORf'COTTONS, IN ALL - PRIc LADIES' ULBT7 LaD138' J. FAR"! ' FOR SALE. - QEINE CENTRE PART, LOT Ir, CON. ,µ = p - township of .Kinloss. � Ad t uiW`the 12 .,owns village of -Kill ough on Lucknow-graveL?old;' good soil, best-- nf- water, large -orchard Of apple-, plum, near :and: cherry trees -frame- _house,frame barn,. 54 by 32, stabling beneuth, ten acres- of fallwheatin. Apply, on preiu- assail - JNU:1VICtlOLLS. EEDS' That cannot be excelled -:in Pattern,. • utility, and TAM. C'SHANTER RINGS �CKET CLOTH. a, 'a± Peart- Corr n'$ Peart & Corrigan will' take BUTTER - A D EGGS .-. in `exchange, fur coots and. ShOee - Parties wishing close deals will (II)well to call at PET &.�.YrAlr' B -ntend g1 in ; - bar ►a rib in BOOTS - D SI oE5 - before-ceiving our -Fall sock Harvest . Mits- sold .ivholesale and *tail fit • • PEART WEST BERN : • I_ - i The subscribers:hereby notify the pudic_ in general that they are prepared to execute - • all work intheir line in a superior style • BUILDING. of .LL-gINtS_ eQntracted for and finished in the lateot:an-- -_ net and with great satisfaction..We-keep'- on hand alarge ock of Seasoned Lumber,- :A11:sizes DOORS, SASH AND- BLINDS on.hand, or made to )raer -at. short nbtice. We guarantee good_work as we keep none but the best of workmen and material. J:71 S. 'WA%'' *Lucknow, March -22na.1882. eapness In the .best Colors, made expressly for.:iny own -tra and Boys. - Alia Caps in everysh%de. e. for Men A -VERY- FINE STOCK BOOTS. hW SHOES T . o beat me in Teas Sugars. . i� person can and Sn ara.: ♦ . - -- .� - GE+OR7s..?rI-. Wishes to inform hie :numeroo; customers that he has -moved one door west of T. Law- - rence's Tin Shop, where he intends keep- - ' ins :a first -cuss stock pf - - inconnectionwith 'his flarge' and fresh 'stock Of - ROO.ERIES, (which he=inc, ends selling VE'_RY=CHEAO. ALL_.NEW GOODS` GIVE tilt 8-. CALL. , S. LITTLE, Al uantity of Di11y Pork:always on hand. Lucknow. "August 3:rd,1882. - = 7 TO 'll THE`'LUQKNW- -I - :Sane Depot, Is offering rxreat Bargains in �— -Harness; ESgddles,) Trank*, `!Mises,: Ru s, . Blankets - Single 1 L rnesa, from $14 up,: - - Tesini Harness froom $88•np. -And eve ' thingia the line cheaper than the cheapest ,for Cash or'otherwise. I at$ -'bound not.to be undersold J AO work warr ,cited, as I keep aothmv:but first-class stock,- aid first- . -(glass workmen.. I iefy ompetition:' 'Don't forget the place, op site: - . . Moll ad Brick 1 yek .; J. H.11� y's ROCTOR 13th, 1882. - - - Ludlum, Jab