The Sentinel, 1882-09-22, Page 5• �e,�c_ �.. easter. s•' s» .fi s•itr. • Wishes that It . r-ence' oto `iiiinfhal hitt ntimerc-,te •'customers' liar litetved one d,xir- f ni`'1 ..Laws a. eI'fuOthop, where 1!!t lute der`keep• - .j flag- a Eiret-cissa stock of - - £:.I fu canna tion with his Berge and freshstoekOf v erA RVCERIES, • 'which he Wendt selling CHtAP- L !V MVV GOODS..: S. LIrrLE,. • A qui ntity of Drypork always ott hand. d.ttci how At list . 3rd, �' , 1.8$2. •s • To D1- : &Sr CoMPrrelrlrs and Aix -warms - which sovAlto's `Yst t.ow OIr.. is� igftraria•. teed to ttire or ttlieve; either in MAN or BeAslt'� $AICEIi INTERNALLY FOR- .. Cx s _ - a. o : NR.I'T S3' d. . HILOA1`` 'COL D4 APPLIED rxTERNALLY FOR 1 ItlIZT1414178,1t, GRIL 3LAPTS, • hilirEZ OS* L-14 ` Ss,. CONT ittbrialt73 ziar.,23 GO, n>rAPIUS. s , 81'Rr$110.., ,IEDRALGItr CeALLOVS temps srrer JOZ? vs, FROB`:3n3n C01i1,s, .rtattzszac I101', - Px_rN titer, FdIA'an SIDE, air. 1;very'tattle guaranteed to give Subsist. tibaor.Money refunded. DIRECTIONS WEEN- EAO}I SOTTtE MOE. Sam.'.lIS 4317711T 4.00., Proprietors TOkONTO ONE: • • t.ttaY'r s Civic ltEI)lt1NE tRADE: ma 4k.1`HRf4•1ibA'L` ;# TRADE MARX (140 as 1ti it c 4.1% 2r n nut & inn etre for Sa aorta'- iiia r ett:knass Spermatorrhen, ImpoteJ.nncy-,, audallDiseases # Takik slat :ollaw.atra senuenceof-Self r {L use . ash ss of Aleniory, Universal, Lissy - truck, Pain i. the back;. Din -mess of Vision,. Premature old age. and many other Diseases that : lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature raur . f? -Full particulars in Heir oft atplu. 't; which we desire to -send free i>t*niail tit a'eeryone, :tor 'rho Specifie Med,- clue s 1d ' y all Druggists at' 81 perpack- lure, or sic ackages fore5 or will be sent free by mail} nreee pt of the looney byad- dressing • TUE attAir 3tEDIr(;'l1VE Toronto. Ont.; Canada tril'Sold in Lucknow byall druggists and everywhere in Canada. aant1the-United States by %II. wholesale and' retail drw:mists. SPAVIN C BRE. all's Spavin Curt::! The most suceeesfu 'retnedyever vered a. it: is certain in -its effectsadd tot ' blistler. Read proof below,. KENDAL'S'SPAVIN CURE.:' /Taw flalnburg, Ont., Dee. 28th, 1881. kr. F'.. a, cCallum, dearsu,.-:-The bottle - ` • of Dr. Rend IN Spavin Cure bought of you last sumurer c, are me the utmost satisfaction and -perforate skv.roriderfulcure upon a mare nineteen years old belongingto ine,which was badly spavined- for ten years._She was solane- that Icouid hardly get. her to move.. rite • lameness is entirely gone • after using half a bottle of the Cure,, and she is like a young horsegain. Yours truly,, J. F. ROTH* 1 "K, -NDALL'S- - SPAVIN CURE. Send addressor Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof - of its • virtues.. No rem.nly liar ever met: - tt ith ueb unqualified success - to u r knowledge,for beast . as welt as man. price et 8.1 per bottle, ` 'nr-sikt bottles: for 8& A11 - druggists have -it or can ger•it for yoe or it will be Seat ta any t.dd"rite$. ern receipt of price by the prn $tieturs, Dr. B. J. Kendall & On., En:••'- - sbilrgb,Falls, Vt.- - NO -14 : IV A LI, DRUGGISTS. 1+Yg4N a NS & CO.. • gIVATt}PAt P, Q.-, • Vi 1}olesale.Agent iP, ` • i 0.= THE ijU•QKNOW Harness spot, -FIs ofartng_'Great 13argainaln_ - linirses ,. Mtedel[errr Tranks, _ Val/ iee;, lLObes,. blankets Single;Haraeec, from *1l Up, . Tenni, 'Farness from 42 ape And everything fa -the Line . cheaper than :the cheapest for, ua' h or otherwise.• sans li,i}1nd' -not to be undersold.. A11 work warranted,as I keep nothii t_ biit frsk-plass Stock, ,and fist- cIaRs workmen. I defy oompetitian.. Don'tforget-the place, opposiW - - . E. MoHar • dy s Back Block !it ..P.I30C O R. Lucknow,: Jnnuary 13th, 1882. • wieli t, inform the citieienarof i ueknoq- and- surreeualding country., that I Lave nnened up A 13GTCHER SHOP In 1Z G. Ctreenui1'sOld Stand. I .will keep nn hand at -all: tunes. • ALL KINDS 'OP FRESH MrAT. Meat Dellvered to all: Parts of the Waage, an Shortest" Notice. Give me- 8..tal. JAMES LINDSAY. Lucknow, ,Sept. 9th. wroth Collar LEX- ROSS; 34anufacturer of all kindscf Harness; Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Etc, Having= purchased the stock of harness, etc.,' belonging to 1�Er. Wm. Grassiek, I am better prepared than ever to'supply the wants of ml customers and the public generally. Remem- ber the place, "Grassiek's.-old stand, next tip Tenant's. drug. store. • • ACE • RQSSa Lucknow ,June 9th. 1882.: ; • • Ittrvuuve=• R oI P Sults from $5.50 THIS EVENT 'UL DAY. 'WHICH ;IS 'TO ._DECIDE THE . liESPEC- .. Live ;merits of British and ;A erioan- � r } Museleis•�at hand, a e d -':•all true men c f.`every,nationality ,-, - . '' ... - i o y are eagar, �E�spgnd� o`rthe� am- nitres of er � - � e ur blorious ciAilizAtion, by honoring the day; and recalling the immortal exploit of. and Wallace, in the''sacred cause of LibertyBruce. • And in Order to sher all due r'.espeot to departed mi ht�ari.d li �' the first thing you require is u _ g b worth, Without .' tb'� us always and absolutely indespensible•preregtisite, all you to -honor the day and the cause, the -land -and the people, will be-,sadl in one -great symbol of loyalty, ' Y so :dear to the Scottish heart. The SCOTCH BON N T has seven• primary uses. in the .economy of Scottish Housekeeping, and shall be happy to explain -to non-Sootchmen who may to limoand are -desirous of initiation into -the 'occult, historic,:economic, andW 'Utility - of the TCH: BONNET attempts wanting which ;the day, practical'` Do you enquire' where these « Bonnets" are :to -be obtained ? form you that 1 have on l andn 'a vier"ynice_selectiol ofPermit ate to of Bonnets -and ��aps, for menand, boys After these are all: sold you Will be at liberty to. go e sewhere► but in' the meantime reinember•the West End Brick Stora - -Oome a..f lir' d. m� the measure with. you. • Is ;now Receiving Daily- Supplies of In the neatest styles, and will be sold cheap, ID . all de art.. meets. , C.omprising. DRES$=GOODs, - WINCEYS, CHEOkED AND PLAIN, FLANNELS IN ALL COLORS, - WOOL. SHAWLS, WOOL -YARNS, J WHITE COTTONS, -IN ALL PRICES; FACTORY r`COTTONs, IN ALi, PRICES, - LADIES'- UL$TRRINGB. DL>I8'. J-ACKET{0 OTH {r'ROM 4BR11ZiL- The' vc;v-Compou derful affini>ry to t e Diges ive Apparatus and the Zi i, increas iag' the di aiving,�uices, relfev- • - ing almosti stantly the dreadful resultsq 'Dyspepsia { adigestion. and the : T ORF.I.D L R z�tak Zvopesaan every defy necesst Sze, 9eiy. house. It acts genth* and s eedfl Biiousness,: ,Cost ven ss . I e : ache,," Sick Headache, ;Disiress af= ter Eatzn,&'Wind �on the Stomach, Heartburn, l? ns in tare_ Side and Back, Want _0!A petia�, Want of . ergy,: Lovwr=Spts, Foul Stosu+ achIt invigorat,estlze Liver,;:car. ries affall surplus bile, .zaegulate.9: the Bowels, sad gives to a• whole system.• Cut taus out and ahe tt to your, Drtt ggist and met 410,,a::0140.01± -_ ora Iarge botale r �6 cents; t i uzneigltborabout t,.. -: cart & Corrigan will take BUTTER Alli :EGA in exchange 'for- ore and Parties wishing close deals will do: R;ell to oall.at~ OS SRT; MUM we •: intend ' giving> bargains DOOT .•4RTb SHOES. --• before raceiving..our-fall •stock:- Harvest Hits sold whdlesale-and retail at PART & -CORRIGAIIT'. STE; The subscribers herebynotify the public.; in general that they -are preparedto execute - all"work in their lineal a;superior .style. BUILDING of AL ; KINDS contracted ter and finished in •the latent nsai ner_and with greatsatisfaction. A'e keep: - on hand-alarge Steck of Seasoned - • ].umber.- All sizes - DOORS SHAND BLIT 1.11 Ie In .,-my on hanC nr inde to order.' -at -short notice. Yes, 'I We guarantee geeod, work at: we -keep none- :-'gni .e but theibe st of _ivttrkmen and material. - Lucknow. it'itarcb =22nt; I That cannot be excelled` in Pattern, Quality, aria Cheap es In the best C-olors,.made exl ressly'for my own tra and Poys. .t .lmi t Caps in every -gl o .. VERY . F1 rson can beat le °in Teas and Sugars. f