The Sentinel, 1882-09-22, Page 4Viiithum *Mind, '1FPCE, lirT33a[ITT TO, TTFER-Nap TO 41,11OTJ$ 1111i~iit ACs(>ROYW1.4, TO TIlkDIOLwrEFf-OE'a01te_8IS1t0$WI 13aizt1.AHOVE ALLOT i 3RIs1BBW1IE Za'6Im11�ioW i a apt. ig Mg .• • . TlittrnsI Y'S • t• _ii - y ltiostt of tits Steamer °'Asia • l.trry Sound.. ft fE. II2;1lti}i Ii PASSENGER$ 014 nbAJ D, Chins\ Gov OQD, •Sap 19.--A tug sent from :Perry Sound brings -tie news of'_ the loss of the stefliner Asia, and men- tions: the arrvs,i• there frons Ail Barrie; (:l5 miles distant) of: Mr. Da Tinkis,.of '1'f. anitowaning,. and Miss Christy Abet: 1.lorrison, from near Owen Sound, sup. Weed to"be the only twO':survitors of the ill-fated vessel" Mr. Tinkis says the steamer was crowded with:passengers. On ¶1 urs' day. the Asia encountered a terrible: storik,and became unmanagable. After struggling" far t*eitty minutes she was stuck by a- hea y sea, and at -half past --41 a. she king for French River.", •four foundered, going down: With - : - vas in er engi working. The Asia, - h' Tiuki4 says ". I saw three 11. -eats b veered K; I Was in the first boats: Aborts eight ``ere with me atfirst,more :.: stat iii itil_l. •the boat was: overloaded,and •rued over twice._ .Parties were hang- . ing, an to my. life preserver; which .got .displaced: and I•threw it oft I then left the boat and swats, tetlie captain's boat;: which !was near• hy, and asked` Mr. Jahn McDougall, the purser-, to _ -help me sir. He said it teas. but little ., use-,- but ga%e site his hazed. When I got in there #*ere eighteen in the. cap- , tains. boat, : People were hanging on to the spars and other wreckage. Our boat was fullof water,and tete sea was constantly breaking over us. • • • Our iiumlser • was soon reduced to seven,= five of whom died before reach • - _ ing the `beach. :Captain Savage ' was.- the . hist ane;to die in my arias" about -.the on' Thuriday, - The Others were Mr. John Little of Sault Ste - Marie, the Mate, .1VieDonatd, and two others,, , names unknown..,,The boat finally' stranded near Point au Barrie about daylight on. Friday, with Miss Morrison ancf myself the only two sur- viving,: I `it 'the, bodies-otit onthe-. beach= and pi ed the{boat off with *an oat:'- About 8 oclock on Saturday morineg ; an, Indian. came along, and I engaged hin to bring- us to Perry S ound,. lie w old not bring thebodies.? ' The steamr Northern Belle, of the saltie -line," -hick. reached here this :.warning," ha been furnished with icer, etc., and has: left foe the bodies. Miss Morrison an4"Mr._ TinkisarebeingwelL- - cared for here. There were probably • about one hu Bred: on -board: the e' Asia. _ va a who losthis • •. " •• Captain_ _,S a , _ • life � on_ • the.ill-atel Asia,was the,Only y soar o>l Mr.' John S izagee,, of Lucknow and brother- in -1a: to. Mr.. G. W. Berry This is the: econil:sad drowning acci dent that ha.: ocurredin the family w-fthu i the ._ast-year, the eldest sono," Captain Sax: 4e `whale skating on. the river. ' at arida - last_ winter, broke through the ice and was: drowned. The ": family have he heartfelt sympathy of the comma ty in their sad. •bereaves . ` merit. SOHO OL BOARD.. • Thi Lucko t chooi Board meth( R. Graham'` office on Tuesday�'evotng, last, w hen. tie following; members Were' present ,- D Nagel -minion T. • .Law- rence, Law rence, Gen-ouglas: A. MciGrory and R. Graliam. • meeting was adopted: T `department Murray had was discuss -not advisabl at present be'able to ' :1: e charge of her: depart- ment iiia w;" ek or, test •days. The fol- lowing bills: ere presented : A. Mac` . • Intyre, for brooms, duster, eta, amounting 4. $1.90; John -Crawford,) for tluarter'':, salary, amounting to $30.1 and $4 --to Campbell, • inspector, -for superannua.s fuzed, per G. W. Priest. and Gr'eorg:;_ Middleton.. ' Moved by George! Dou -McF ory-t The minutes of the July 'first read „and by motion e- vacancy of the junior, of -which- Miss Magge- harge,ancl being now sack, and it, was considered 1 to advertise for a teacher Miss= Murray will -likely fAR MOMNdk ;' .. Art oar, ark iderrespeadfmt; #tehum, of the threshing machine is -now heard in almost every section of the • "L 7SIrs. Pritchard is: slowly recovering; from a- serious fall from a load of Peas about a mouth go: miss Rosa -.and .-- Buckle; e zoft. S Mary's, West:blis:sour1 are at. present' the guests of Mr. John 1kt Kenzie , of v thas`pIace. The youthsof this :place are talking of getting up a. squirrel hunt, which; no doubt, would -;be n good idea. ' We think they should have something of the sort to, arouse their ambition from a' long and steady 'harvest.. : Conte boys, now is'your time, so drive on• your horses, and make it a success as it always has been. - ASHF1ELD, gram Dur Own Correzzpondcnt, Farmers are sowing a large acreage of fall wheat in this- neighborhood:'_ What is: sown is coming up nicely, owing tis -the good growth, although a shower of rails: would assist- consider- ably. - - Mr. and Mrs, rss, Robert. Ilariisoii are at present visiting the Provincial Ex- hibition at Kingston, and taking the opportunity of visiting friends in that airtd other parts -of the Provinee before-' they return.' Mr.: .Samuel Cook is progressing„ favorably jest now. On the 18th inst. the amputated limb bled profusely for a time, but with the timely assistance of Dr. (writer it vies' soon. staunched:: On. account of. his' sae_ his. case is more precarious than such:casea generally On the 14thhist.:the new- portable saw mill,beloriging to Stothers & P©iut- er, and situated on: the 9th concession was burned; together with the. build- ings attached. • The .fire spread from the adjoining fallow.of Mr: Dalton._ A large nutaber-oflogs and. quite a'quan- tity of valuable lumber was also burnt. Mi. John Murphy is the heaviest loser-. A $20. BIBLE REWARD.. The 7publishers of Retledrte'a Mnntlt-• Ty ofibr ten valuable rewards -in :their gm -tidy for October, among which -"is the following E” We will. give 420 .its a gold to the person telling us which verse tithe Old Testament Scriptures contains the greatest iiuinber, of word's -by October 10th:1882. , Should two or. more -correct, answers be - received, the reward will be divided. The: .money will be forwarded. to the. winner Oct. 15th 1882. - Persons _trying for . the reward. mustse d 20centsinsilver no: postage stamps taken) with=their ons- wer, for which • they will receive- the 1rTOveiuer fforet1ll.. lir whiC_ it—tTie naitie.: and address of the winner of the re- ward w and the'correct .answer er w-iIl , be published. This may be-worth"20: to- � y. you cut `• oiit. Address U "L • na y , ids _.A.. ctr,_,s R �:.� u.. PUBLISHING CoMPA:vv,-,-Easton, Penna., . BORN, ' - . RowtisTo+L • -In Huron,; on :Sunday, September 10th, the wife of Jatnes Rowleston, of a son. " Gnu:gns..: In Lucknow,.. on Mencday,. Sept: 18th, 1882, the wife of Freder- ick Grundy,- of a daughter.: - - -THE MARKETS. F01- Wheat. .. ... 86. S.pringWheat: ..' 000 . 00: ' Ylcur ..«: ',« .. ... 650; .6 00 Euler' .., ... .. _ 060 • 0 70. Onttt .... . ... .:. ... 0' 34 0 40 060 0-65. Potatoes --per bus.. ... 50 1 :0 50 •Hsct_--per test ..: ..10 00 10 00 t• . wool .... :. ` ....... 0 18 0.20 Pork per awt ... :IF :. 7 00 7.00 Ems: Batter' .. retie*— Apples-...: 4Y"+H+e • 8 ieepskins s.. ...: rt. ..« ... "018 .0-19 .....0 14 015 5.00 6 00 40 .. 050 ;.. 2 00 .., 25' '70 las-and seconded by Talloi:.� .. 7 to -dicta t=tbe- a1 o e--aeeou=nts --be . . Moved ; ,ed. seconded:.. that the- . regulariu • the.: first and do now adjourn until ins night in October, being esdaY Carried :Count fairs¢. big pitnipkins, feet# -horses, peri cattle,and prettygirlsa everywhere ,i nd our=country friends are -having a jo wtane. ,rThe deser ve el thefuw the ,t'or they hair_ &ns grand "su aner'avdrk.. per, lb .lira remedy f. r Sea, SickHasa, for anv irri- tation of the stomach and bowels; for canker of the stnmacb and month, fop piles and h, m- orr ge.-and for all varieties of bowel com- plaints, Dr. 1 '-?wler's Wild. Strawberry is. nature's true specific. W. EL Croykerr-, Drn gist of Wate -.town, under date of -June 1st, writes: that " 1?r. Yowler's ;Extract=of Wild Strawberry cannot be si,rpa.ased, when all other remedies fail *ben ft -conies t'. `the rescue, and 1 find the Niles large and increasing." . Wild Staawberry positively cares alt•bawet_complaints. " • am offering_ every, a' I VT FROM 6 -TO Factory Cotton 5 to 12-i cents. ayort z =� mmense - a_ntit.ies. t-' es 0 b CENTS. DRESS GOODS g TO 25 CENTS.; The e. b st assortment o: A fine asmen t of Boots" and Shoes. /r+ .NEW Lots of Straw'fats, Just .opene LASSVl AR Felt Hats. from 50. cents %p at: Tweeds in town, at the lowest r W� Lases of Ready -Made Clothing, 'ttLENGARY,•MAR. UIS ry N:E, TA S S ALTEi:A D -B AL2ORAL, Scotch Orna men_u to Snit t ► COMPLET TOCK OF FANCY A 10 E3N G IDS - OO' :AN Y'FORGET POR $1_b0. Alex. Ma&ntyr-e. I'CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN" S. WORM ,,.POWDERS. f „,Are plesaant•to take. Contain their csvn purgative.. Is 'a Safe, sure, and effectial ' iifo`rtry er of worths in Chitdrea or-Addlt&. til C' Mone On Real Estate, at.rea rates; on terms of pair suit Borrowers. an. unable ent td ELLIOT TR ' VER: OF -FIC E ---Neat to Po t.OL.ce' LLucki,ow,arch 11 : AT.� T•'LAt�RENt,ES QI�D STAND, AND ORAZINQ LANDSARE ratite, OM THE Northern Pacific R. R. t IVi3NNESOTA; DAKOTA, . . mid MONTANA._ B1C-;CROP:AGA1N LOW pit s; L:oNO1fME:; REBA1EFOR IMPROVEd WENT; .REDUCED FARE AND FREtoHTTO SETTLERS, - ' FOR FULL INFORMATION, AOORE$S ' HERMANN TRo •r,-.oew. LARD Aar. -Stemma`' vas PAPiR. - 8T.'PAUL. MINN& EED. WHEAT. � HE SUBSCRIBES RAS FOR SALE. a --large quantity 0:T -tilts and -tilvei,- - Chaf Seed -Wheat ,- which ;he will.sell itt'the' following prices $1.40, $1.25 respectively-, at Lot 17, thin. 12, West Wawanosh. t - -EDWIN GAUNT. . t will n t pay far • dt,lic . 1L To e • mars andahe general.public. F Y you to bur anything in the Hardware -Line till you cal at the New Hardware Store of T.. Lawrence. Campbell street Luck---, now, where agreat-variety' of goods is now opened ou ... New designs I Builders • es n Bu s Hardware, Cuflery, Plated. ass,.:: Pub Manure and Pitch' Forks, lines Eckes and everythingf nrst NIP ae mild ,ware et ore I will " still continue to usual- a fine lot of _ Granite Wares al Parlor, �o Bog Par and Cook . Stoves, f All of which r 1 l are marked down low.• - Y--I1BLI( NOTICE IHEI E$Y NOTIFY THE " PUBLIC against negotiating a note drawn by Mr. Murdoch MvLenuan, in ravor: of (ieorr a Tovisb, for the sum of $1b4, dire the " 20th of; o r•Uut be ue xt,;asthe-same haslaeen etherlot� or destroyed. • GEORVal McTAYIS H-, Lturon. FaTU RENT EINt LOT 22, : ON THE 1ST CON. cession1) ► culars aPPlY ort shplireleises or to. ' of Iiatron T< wnshi containing A = cf 100 °acres, in' a good state of condition. `. There_` is cn'the premises a -large frame bared `40x60 -feet, with tinder ground .stone :stable `;: also good frame house withstone foundation A first -cease ming orchard:: The- farm is - situated_ five mi from Lucknow. For firth=: as l . Locknote P. 0' • Eavetroughin. and• -Reairing "Proinptl.. Attend d'Toi As none•but Habit first- 1 � workmen- • r ; - cassare employed, , � c►d arta � 'fa Y.-- . F orilh us: with their work., can re,ly upon haying a gold 1 ob' `done,and. at as low- rices: as can be done in an first -ala shop. P' p, in • the Country.- , While returning ni thanks t • Y F • Y the pu he for the, liberal patronage e bestowed nit lite in t.l,e �a tits .1 li e for F l 4P the ontintuance of` the same in the _future, LA:r7 REE E1sTACH ,Wishes to inform the public thathe bac ;constantly 011 hand a FIRST-CLASS STOCK- Oj ,en's � t _ .: 1Nonien's, Misses' -and Children's -Boots. Go al t'x,tutnr 'hel}' :Gisler , t.,.li acrrc.kanru each' cla+e espsc�,m1Feashis Buff Pebbte.4 Whose -Stock Bouta- 13 i1.eat leirch=esing. &Iseltheie. Nlam facturing a- Specialty Lest year's stock soli . at- a ed _ - 1-I':2ge ant - for g�ii1d .. tweak. $12 a hest' bonze eaeity fp: made. Costly sitilltftve. Addrese 'Rus lt(U , Augissta, !fi i••