The Sentinel, 1882-09-15, Page 3A 4 4, N. 5, `zt 7-' -441,0151 4 7 ark Is: IF* IVALY-LUIM Itew - 'The Ivirat crop .01 age-, EG John CIOWY 0 ey' istch says,ji 7 th �ALTer -plaidmg,m bust -of Long 0IIQw,11I W S.1 York bb fout W-educA 'AIRY. A. 'Cown't Zen to elope. witti, -aiag-:,betopk his RA -ters from ARCIOVF e A. 1LAe,- A- Teheran, deal -Be dy, tbt& evro evening. BEIM Russian 6 ers are: ro- -a - h ad giate - that t # 84i "I fiava. bare- a littlelthingi a. spirbait �6'.C&jafoitmble'be -6 AJ, Bait Ham 1119 Veshi Buffalo eit4to -RAYW� sts, all t Merv, "a t, it -t tieto I VO h b -0 )drts t e. crop the. buggy w Bakst, VOR from Bi Ing He slept soun are CO orchard, rej h tOta -a "to- bi h expected the test Nx -a- uite'touclX, he All L mpletely uuaJ:er lbattells6f ptAin-g:VaW-& 0 -1 to take aly. OR 14 -mown, bay; Mania AnMesmeliot nX 9 p 'no "Over the - w6jad 661ers the Stati., The couati ---Orleans, witching At 116i'la 4i5OO por� cattmihmof ima , . *hole' ;ight.througl the MOM- The deaths from throughout The, bashful maiden!g It si2d in, The eiiesee Livings us' - disease rin roe The.16wing6ftlickine, ing found the buggy over -him We- %Varage- Soo- asi Y.- Niagara, G Mon -magdows, spangled a er w. th g the Chautauqual­ The' y(juhg- people had, t ibaotberbuggY. sous have Aied from the --Erie, h -d last fortnig ly pro, uce e130119 his- Uhkeiml Oneida will bare -0 the DorikeY %a. named-Bobift Marshall lit, and, a Are also,pictured, by a use' th and, 'd- by bei' 9 pettime oral this ftfi#46t4 foi earb the vi age im Tot-willbegiaatoleat that -A. *11 - '- - rkelts. Alt :t Oftofdj, sounding word-s;l - 7 Dich%rd,.edit6k:Of the- er led- by Xre. B&kQr -from August Was MOOP611yinjure a , r-` -o fought, A h ar the -,r Ing Protection Society!, founi Ando.v -all'thera comes, sfavorably. The� struck ou the bead iiid jj6d uridei-th editor f tile' C677164 I 6 DeWimassq, kn.oc time Oft qye Id be LOW witkeri d3rib-bridge about' -5 at Paris ye atieerday -�wi d 01119 Till I to t'Luu y a- oil WOF- or st t akilled. very- indefstiggible,msli,'Bud train while pa awor oa nas'Twe;s than.tly spoker tbe'sditor: D abarris- good,fil, lief -said one: no market The qonduotor� t t -be trified- with lightlY. Some JbIclook Is t f tew been, - our scheme Ituea mi- first to Miles northo its `On the rippling water racket, were rather -hic -but fourteen cari weut.over perac 3' Or 6 really quitti,ttbead,' erry.ai his. exiosef" but -,,Faio -hai tot a yon air ske ibeniselveft 113 ovv., Win- fall t -a oromo Ju ie- County grow in ln� - -, f )00 m6aiialw-- -9, 8, Man& have- while, the But the spangled meadow business ne,of these wouldetbo'-wits 00�� -him train. qQ­ I . t' id� he- shut up 0 au"dresied he And- ilie-161ushib -coui n rymn be of 16,E'Aleg. T lo wl­ oot d up I Ile, public the-othei dsYl th'04 Since bi Gany E6, a Aistmu66 - . 'I the -a way in- t6i''theexportable st6ok-'alo survive. c6pyrightek been, completely ja 1!m afraid seems to be. easier. Ile cannot rai: aw- now heard, the last 0 be the first have acigygt - has oand er mi. t will-nQbanswer; at your a or _Xr. aker tb6 pub io &I X6b On 612: thi matte IS con� gold Aheiri).rodui But if -you cou d, IV maxe� thei-.serotury beer sold in !opened -heard. that yoR havabepoin ger .'The the cidirlaill lr.het maiden a eepA aPsylOr A. ssatou of 6: -the h gil is -p ytv� it e;cixkell Mblitre ureralcolibl. :firms the anuoulie&Ment of ontief, this 0,11. 8 It will 0 aliefy Society d yield Of -my' dear fel be, Woo Tl'r d siaa* Out, i hosti Was on. -the. Grapeo-Ttir "a Livingston COaut'vo A. both sides red ?" -on �gatu'idi� might. farmers any Impor low do yon, 7ma%, to O;.wilig aemr,� sh-Ir ge�tlemsn Kingston were near y The loss Monroe- rgig much downdat, Bsy, the The registe Alexandriew to date: is between T1 400 his qkc a t ok is -�at t As ns -fooketbo, -:o Prime b 0 olltafaiiig 41,300 all 5 lled and' ill Ilot ieslize-� ThLe_ an drowped SAM money., und it any, ara aOVTr6vwprope: se� L :- t 6r rtv-.- -The­Ken� 'wo L�o a Mug e a -ne 0 two a George Terry,, a bra ow irel; 86 ligh. Madoo.,. on or an ver -beeibi knowzi� is, small, which was sol �U"& -bought by I!rincOAIbert sington.- property 'by'his agent s re, as.. deof the hoilrB atL'th& asturday pokaing..- be. body., ws' Cov. 8 or it orted'. t�t Penes y V Stpite over.. as ne- -%He, Ilan oxPir so- so. - emg 9, befor Potato �b e 0 ered. hatty -qssip of and 5ti of'thsle of nety- i a y ar with Vey Notes. and. C OU ase- hi it a 1 1, - I � - i- 0 -4e recorded'. as f Ad-, i Township ol he bastf0i'the f umew- fu NOR PottLr-vr&fksrreated-st:-13�ra�utfoid on -Ribliard -Nartin -op,-the �imr,will hardly er Uro- Sit . ard&y` 6LV 13g:A 'Thurf Aboat: thet L-a-crid%. E -of firi D6&f HI 16d'16 Xi6h armbr. - Cons 5now.'to,thefixid incomoof.--theoth on 4 -charge 11 a ids;- nof t is large Cities -it ssistc There in Steals let' 'into skirts are preferrbd, to Crowned heads. Tha Emparot of -r Iver Mrs. Forde 'nikhtpof genuine -tb Nill -be princip evo an eld of pearp, of Russia, 21100000- the. Fainjeror of Potte f shooting, Georg in the Icin fferen, however. - -The yi re Miles lu are no, other -caseo or 1. .; - I it is Much beloir Ink to disarm him. peaches and 'all binall.frul -ass-.. of WeatmAter, wit 'A -the* Enip 'rof Mil a Was try During a drunken- brawl yes erday morn - T he new Duch -ustria, 2750,000 of er� the thigh. e the ave -tile, King of. Ital, 1550,- er ragei� Pt Gila, of-ther ri6hast meix itt Ruvopoi --day's' expeiiance in tho free, ini� ti -t Rockingliami 'N. L C I C Sta Sultan, ;e356000;, thi The �a4 ­ gn King -of 6,,the.l= t of:CharUs- pos deliv, toarried in a dress. of -v lu, Fbito foulard,00sitAng, OO(Y- the ary at. Kingston is satisfactory. p knife In 1 a the Kin H 9 SpUrr.. Z200, -of' Portugal 416'Iet 421 1 -160,000. ot6iis- and 'tb- Ohly;",fourc -11 OW -20, I -bl- t These ounig reoresenikthe Bbg- oo1 thr had the. little. ba f _th as ys, and Mashed 'Art ina Add Wn'_ Is e-ques qa�ad rer ur, t ..mIr .0 ce the young sohoohnarmg ho r6-turueil kthe post - ffi' 'th sperswe re - - 5' laaation­ofhet�-q 004 1 �-oa amg- -Xoff --,sgreo� Xp b �grumblex­ ­ d of Guelphi Boa -,'Of rt�aoej 'm jump h bzl-� 'from; % ommion; 'an Thomas: at, - 'ger auln 11 represent a forgot' that the PR 00 94 be -emu gap votad-thib sum ­of 9350,000POky6ar a or 9 teaith , If- t &-there. is- a church i#,�&Ient to -she on es,- are.--of-Ilip,oplul. -he , sfuo� er, of - tow- ll�slbimbii R-144 bug t�h iW filic brats as'tft bl Somewheire in a totbeQueen. as all which int ta feet distant d all relinquW 6 -�Qwner-d aev,ec4 4whidh la, called- sisters,- Church, h a diell on, a pile- of mmlafla.� 119*11 1 , iONj' But- amillL.- hopes f ellow fe d hiii or -of-, one,'*ho from! the fact that. noariy m)l the Members- Ambuk the reported- 0ohemes for the $tons here ar ICS:new Cases 6 hs at oVi ed of his, recoyeryi Ile. rray. and 6 doat rovot ee the M6a 6 doing good erice. I,'too-, have -the rh if the b n cured of 11300, :ivaofoa� o -Chinese*- Imlaigration Bill, is Pre e ace women. th ended'- Aug. 31 the -and his to The' BOB: swronce, girf,- *h�i- w" 1hat up. -tile supiry " --During. - ar hideigued to k 3 were -matism by St. Jacob Oil, E, qqp r med to, hxva. be Ve(J. hip have in- feVer-is absting-iii.Matamoras Then uR e -1knowof seveig othe'll ea- relio out, wha son total nu -,-aud the Grbat G &IWSYS mber- of 'immjgianta.arrived Sea at Fort Ma t0hiness, wom am ay ion. ter the. me t number shows a four deaths 1ut no new 0. our n. :Ot Mia was 237. - This feicently by tl­cur� at"Old few in number -in proport who en the fait beside inyself isse compared. with that of th B Orchard, has. been t& -ken To all iusaue asy- These -women are asid in 4lifornis to be ore a rown., h' LO maniler ;it is dreadful ailinent Wt a sam for 'proceding., month.' 'The omplishe k a t 6 -Friday night af m lanit crazed by her raft%iou* excitement.- -boughtand sold as..slaves, and should on�nown upon the'*ater. just as- we M robbery over L the-'Divad S -he land, ma ii court their-piiCe arriv -season numb ieditaid4ked an iiivalumble �:Is for th6 er 1992 Thef. faoti. are-, ssi& td have. been- with the proity in :the supply 0 r�xc'6j; of the to about 600 in, e talimmigratioiL 116hon'stkeeti Brooklyn, -op site the City- emed r Ores at the. Chicago, picula. for 'Nfould be likely to: goL high fikare as, - -of 1881.- Hall, and --slghtt-o h ipeaker'whor said ins e- for he 96 1 on' lthough- t- As f: t . police 16a& the-,beneft Of joh�a Rr sak I � 'O'L o0600 to- 61,000 each. ]�'ut the Ch improbable that.the' number ofarilvals- for iiiiced'�o e a the, safe of AM rejoiced�-to­say that I haveseen to -day t ders are likel around- th qu -from the ra y to get eim r will.eq"I Going that -be had -idobn gration law by bringilig-oll every'business the revisiningIn6athai.of the yes A. B. Dav Of the. gL months, 16 large 6-61 -ister,lieer r any, state t 'at -coolored men andOhltb-girle,ana white Mtn �et the ai Ict­ ebeig, G-erm' trip two or three women spiced frok China those procedib a un thef. day0illt F, 20 comp g�nd color.o&0irls, danoidg qn. thik-floor.11' ill pass off SaLtheir The total mumber of irrivals for hen they only s d P.- ;tw6nty cars -were wiveis ecure -the catastrohe 19 strewn wi, lMMIgr& 104, more dolibiii those �of` -b e. whom"theiwi _ofarrsts have Miss Florenc6 Terry.' the actres , s, was of merehaiiits. and their,f�lni-- C0111011t0dr -will than een Mad :The cene of, -the bodies of the victims. Tli law a tram,was MrseW iao�mrried Qu. August 10th. tq, X, prolabited-by the d last y Sri -the, liea i.8 not Velegrams have bee ,to thi6wn.ovir the So: far ZS: Uindon solioitori, 4na,L like. her sister Kate to' -disprove ' The' - aZonima Capt is tae itmoul& be next to imr am aiu,.MiisShirIGek,- leading -cities OA,' the 1 and bodies'- been lound in the ruins, and aLewia),.bas,*quitted theprofession. bfod- ave brought -over MI]grookly L n, an 4 the claim- that women so vea. at.. Londow -requesting - that trai and at is edhXiss Florence Terry haa I b1tie-yosral, : � - - wund m& tw� the ad iumbor 86. & duly enrollid la'wedlQok, It might assumed controV of --thid: Salvation '0my -bed -for'Majo '..PIupp9;'-the- - otal Wilies wive u ties wi boats be seiric tof career- ori the stago.-l' A a 11 be a *0161- Bev :even pay Chinese traders td make trips for Corps operating Jil that city, taking the -fligitiesuperinitendeu Cquu y 41m*,� 'vnth been recovered, headless, mi -the. aevoted servautof Radhelfhas die"WIXG 4fil 12 1 ah y ereaf ter be houib, Phils wh be�z bmen 'n this special purpose. place of Captu Ad A large. niAmber -of +1 The believed to exceb jst died, at the gof 91 yeam -E ad -their- '.1imbs �ye 'A ian Minpress. while on 0, I1ttIA ia in' c6mmand. A, 1eporter who are now a soon up6alliiice a. "Sev-� yeara in. remainecl twenty-five, he serm.ce Country excurlion.,iiith, ber'usaallretiatte viol a ion � barracks Iast--,ni$ht 1housand. dbIlars'. V. -1h eril of the ctims Were prominent cifizeng of the great. actress-, So6ompkilied 'he' Bei crowded. -that he was- �Of -ore st6ppiad at an inn' for refreshments.- nA found. f1i e.'place go A Kingston, Jamsois, -de There -w - persons iii, -and closed I -wheir,#he -took, off bar 44"ludow. Captain oVienna. Ove re, ier ey6a -hestid *he -bouliet and hung it obliged - ta ol ims OTrienj on leged :the,,j bya raa cc u a' ident. it wi died. R-achbro two, sister Dinall ind. on the: -back of I% Chair, whore d playful Shiflack b�loags to - the advance gusid'461 Which had "been Iitruck by -i BVrke; is. in murderers of Cavendish�- telegraph- pole Leah,. at her death, took Rose. to live With- it b6for 'arrived � in - Spanislitown. He h6res to - his lightning and fell -"acios t1 ade sidch- I mischief with. the Salvation Afm�y,. havin PUPPY M A ­ ' " I ke trac�. them, As their friend"it companion. anybody's.Attention" was attracted -as to- Americs - som�' uyears-. since. -- Three L threatened confessiqu,- an several ti were imasheiltb-iiecis-or ' 'shof; mg6- she organized. forde, iuBalti an BUIO ad M A woman'bithed ill' a..red'fl nel Coo;. ronder. it unfiv- for further 'Wear. When doVa the euibsnkm�at hit6 a swamp, W e year ide. ­ asleep he is to-ladyia the party, offered her moret--where -she -has been- engligild up and rmveol �xc I e y. tume: at Ryof Beach the otbet day,. and. a. course every t dl' He. iheivm6ght - OIL tholm- to ginkI. A -tele - iii the'placq Mai 'The 6spi cits -of his allejed ad cow in a. neighborioging -field maide a, dive ow.u7 of the on that Was �Wu rep that gram fron Austria.Astes' that, Vat the preseuti -has -revealed -the names more, :( ious OFS in but they; are ri killed- and 0 injured -pe we 'army is making suchi good: Vrogr for'herL and for eo, time -there was. kamaged, but the - lompress took tb� *him the tothe sithorkies, .100 10 -near H They nish London -that Surf than, Xaptiiue had provided. - ey �t enough to - Plied � io, -tile kept secret list. is that. he mQCOMMO No -kil had,, toe the -cow. in- order -to got the -head-doviring thmnL that. suppliec -by -nature. &Tge a -by: t -by-SOM'er ha&simethingto ith - ragedy. T a6t.- 11t -dwelling. do"cupie he search A ack to her': b"Whod". Being observed ii his hishion crowds Who would bittend the meetings. is i5sirmftiid -to see. Ill M'' Phippi, 6 11 ' the excursion the Drill bi I- the - Superintendent of the , Aluit, 'of killing the;:Iiidies'dfthe.s'i�liali�wbrld,.wh-6&re'eagerto That- was, the alternmii Ali A of imit the Ibi aw. e, -�isble'--excitemeut -prevailed in d w9lahn to got the cow b!(ek. to'4er-9TUSS. ate -anything -that r6y­fk-ItyAoa8, ifi� desizt6h :si%3 9 t a. towo Hong don West on 00 worthof goods were t hat LOn Glen,- Montgo greatly Sftiornoonj ana eW practice of appearing in public witho lm6rk: Couni sLondon 14 It is. always the bride, Dan di olical f olu t Ilan een. - to 66 attempted shooting of Mr. t diAb ka, including o ton' d 11 e illl- or bonnet csWq --intor general vogue. The tirred by the isoovery -of a groceriestc - n ins. dru eto, groomt+ friends who. t%keL tf, ti&t'Ve' cam aikod-by-­C011 ntoufid one of his b01q �k a ea 'goods, �i6me"dei­be a cher who- n -the presnce a niother would write both to and 'b im"due puni attempted. t6,'viol a the rsons of two egon giving Ptoba elegantly _the lady and to her mqber, and m little. liter. of numiroa�6 Bh aff air was veral employees, tbinking.t a years ola,: d ieiabf John LGnaon -sand.to devoid of any cover4 12 as sira;n&d heads of hair re .&lid I Mer'L Who adds the must ld invite won )the young lady, either a ins then plitum hio'coffee Slid L' Ug tooLitir, interfe d Mr.� Coll Pil i1ohist -nngshm- or accompaxiled. by, her par enta, thiar latter and On Sunday the sqme. fashion waig 901 sloe leive L- I es sk( a in a eenmal-- a louaky t his- beib-- prefeni . blo. ft possible,,fo, as to in followed iii* Church. To such all extent w -a - ad it hot for the ciowa., 'mad Samuel A, flea-.-- He. hag for --w long Mack drew 9, revoivbr: alid illreoened:to Is bell for faMily.prayeramor b000ming the rage,'S-ayo theVienna treating the -older female- it. e w 'neighboig, inoiderathat.--they may bityllis sho' Collins, Nothing -4untedi'-Dan -Tagsfblatt, that millineri gr6r mimii�aed and ot !ried, and has tauglit dool la Glen i�at under the i0i; apt- aisugar. is, forced the.figbt 6ild ucceeded-k-6 Ili ffeo imil his A Paris thief,, in opening, carriage d6ora -oreupon aurilig- H- I woessed'to be clamored it court about it.'wh a a w- -they are purchasing a genuine for. Isdies, iavgiriably maua revW6r. Tust then Couxity t0otivo pression that gdd to taketheliL the Do v0* E -8;xld' had.. confidence* of explanation of.tha.- -cause f the Empress' y- re %gious; , .:.. . I.. -f a --mimb—not0fibus somLetimes-even t1i6ir bracelets, and Babcook;-oams along-, and ogether they. r article ; and When I in hatlesB excursion wits tbobornmunity. InaLS promotor =ad&- for, the nearegt, police Btatio oucceeded-in taking and haiiacuffirig- in the Cit 13.1L Mack. y as a guinea pig sources and published io the social world.* Fred; Angd,61 Bangor, e.i wias - riding iwhere: he. deposited the Jle was -taken 7before �w-advertising, himself"_&B More igious. in'. with'his name, Peteri, who-, &VL Tbii put an end tothe new fashion, hat-- 6 yest inorring. than all othe �on the Loyal ask -myself wh6tlibr he iS.- strictly.- according to the regalittiona"L granted 9; remand till -the 5- insf MaeWs. makers were 'happ'y o Wll*fe assIlIg thoug� w` to luspira a belief in his speciel n a More &ud ash. h api 6e �f OodB he in the'"bit lived on the momentary grautuer generated the story -is that be is. aide of no ice a man, 11311'.4ho silly �peop -a may pay ionable circles were agal'a at p auce walking to ataa- III n or said, Say 94i 11111can-y ange him. nioney: to. look after- theirs an Ju the- in theowners ou,recoveriug thuir property; whi a "working � t* , ­ ` er thi 3A b .4tearryigg. a, revolver, and- � I i I give us ch me no came but St. last aL lady caught. li�m &,ud he was Dicidloval in the, yaid, withl other. " n Colli ie which!he is pro. bill-." Ango ibpl a ould ihar6s of . the - lie Beviaw.) Came 5ticking.-Out thst­hd� c given. into cust0y- (Oatho &IOugand.seeing.tbe-biltt i Iii4tolL Out Of- motingorin-w, chheisspeculaiing. ocket grab :and Babcock- not, whereupon subtherm. hi. Whatgueer,,notious hese Boston people- -t was- on bed the "thousi nee= 0 pop Ar'In I had, Mack arrested. 'The na-troops' .MoBtly A reol Fria:r Cuthber a -of tbeelass of &Ion tbaWO .*,,ud.stbpp ng -u? With.% ver, -have#- a freak record�& from that jocular �reacbersL EL -Give us what you. have mills MedjWVal in his hand id -ft' !e entered ag iag a rn-Greece;le thensioreri villed Nottliq ol ow.: �y 1,� times. They proulied what. was then.,' An: -replied Can't do thati" -Mort 'revolver �and­ tbrb sliooi'. Dan 0 34-te�to foil et vacation, �Iaaed -stening --to'. a -Sunday going for bor�summe -,Ri�ga Pmhalss— whereupon the first -man cornie.homilies. for . ofc�� serva4to anaca, �Thelr..-works.ave: -been, the. C Ilins, ofqtidon-Wes d- the seci at- Augo. The h rr u'res -'Lt. the ma -mail- fired printek an t J a,w-- all d.'Xr. Bou h k, etift e I ely PAST --@P- I serice of, a num-bet of younp, ladies from Three* burklari. attioke ar first bi t 14 TEO t5LE �tudeilf, of -early MannerSLM&ydGu8UIt them xlletto6k offe I f [op theL-Bogton University, and sixteen_ irIg -th is-limise. on- 8unday night. in kiJbEnd, the Idthsad anw-tier, in the small fin . l -advantagpi though *lid may'lie repelled' in h ger of Wee 'S'L -therelo, near Noutieml,,-injuring* him bidlyii� Oil haCJ aL del ghtful time'. by illeir 'coarseivesg.- The* *ere bold Afigo h The-highwaymma fired several shots. Tony Padori of New York, %V OwL TbiB�ih-ski-cartling�inno.v&ti6m�on-therogW&r��'siti oto -hips t;o, excl ii they' dizoampod, tml;�- the alerm being.give times inimitable variety lug, par., ueivaly r a- a without -With his aturne rp.- everal slifei; But, t rof--the-uum-i Ali o; tip the. houfae and. leaing tin with iliews custom of looking Ut f tion ind oaths baser. aspebts.of- human apparent effec. 90 the a . Aga on -ad C er cogulzed the -le . irik` aiAct g tbb-buggy-au, rmer., of itto dust, rats mucl burglairm. -shall best gie the store fired and -variety perW reader gin idea of Two mqp, whoantered the jewelleiy d handed the m I - we an who fired vocalist -Q 4QCulAr Clergy kv r ayl the shots. 1is pocket- -hats 0 Worn 0 quoting 'a,- purloined a Tbe high7my the. Woo this airti Court..Tourna.1- 'Ik It has. been decreed adopted. by thes 16s'rerancet at Montreal yeste d book� 6480., theUnited'Stat�g. The writer of eof Mr man then too cle Met Mr. astor re - are to b a, few sentblices, from a tiermou ostensibly to--purb hii 'good d' hini as ge- -size, profusely trindmed. wivith preaelled, - by -worth th v ti cently and4ound .-,Father' Onorato, . t6. box0lf 02004MA-wil aciT(a a .0 drove where t6 I anifis- portentous rings a- -slid- in uial. lllprivAtb akhels " thl L f birda and vaiie-- Gapu�hint, whfolr we -with it.' n. iiiast -his- wo.un It is -thought b patrich plumeo; -t fiave 'come-- aord8ls liberately' surgeo iod ia, the b -bi ape. 0 Videstaud the. crowns of-, the highemt,- while course of the- Bar ro into the, ason 'Guiteau'a. the Uppe.r Voii, a6ir 2r'on off yes erday ..,The case a - pulpit. a whi -addressed as a fl,L'-.M ch- he 0 U. S.. ated ribbouB biims- will 'be; of- the Lin Curious old -Italian. work. - 46dged in I f The polie. Alittlidaughterof (IiQrje Cadmore; of he, ullet has of velvet and felt ivill She sii ;gdi befor th -be. the favorite In to Sj71 I into thoL river sis a e wa esquid would- as morning 61 be ass h -speak Mong-napped falt.and- plush, will- speak,"- he Sal-, ted Condit -Vital. ofl� 13U lementmlr� ea t rial. eib Ion and the h h atill[L be gniployed but.moro rmrelLy� Double. -tell me whether you. were. not' once. -the- In an - aug or W I3g -With Tli to. en ral Swaid., "The' spark was -only returned. mft. orki from a lied that I .-Was we 'ther in yelvet and. ifitiaorL head of SL Magistrate? Youdou"banSL r is in' faced ribbon, a! iVel. -nearly au.hour. Ce to t ljir for report refereu scasionallyl -about- th as withtheTrRal n a on counsel r 'wr k and will be: almost. exelus ows euti,," 6 than placed 821 a � $t . Cous stabbind'affray took r to used, for bonnet strings'. don the bead a 3,udge,B cap, exclaiming A. - L" r . I teithrthensultbfrheu�; - Al milooLfroal Ploton "Ou. Situ his 'release froui - Albany Penitentiary on L iday. S-., P. -or colds, a U not- often 11 matic a tbe groull 4:0 Hiss Alice 0. Fletcher has, recently, takea at. -th me time, �, H ve. yo thaWarden -.on :Saiturday--evexiing sUt ally" C Aloe for'. gold ? Have -you not Often left Picton. iold j:W tw Carlisle, Pa.,..t.hirty undertheinfluence of. liquor,. and after- -fined. character ne, x-Oluah& Indian. I boon. in liaguewi -the advocate. ill 'Order troublehita-long,as he, -ra iris. -ran. -h" home went to- hadfound(lut a remedy. child Thirteehof.-ih@' party aneighb an rless of o. 15- years tho widow d fathe to deprive n niga A� t Williams, and'got int( a- quarrel ageono .age and ar& w bright, hear aio�7tedv�ha the reined- -oil lot their tLighto ? You don't. answer S I' ty- ima ? ncwhich- r autted in thestibbiig ut Williams.: b than� Boli itoist ad we", n laidL down the are not a dh the. 0 for,. a. shows cbuaeat.'� He the a lied, �'ST. JACOBS OIL.' of.youil tera,'.Thoyenter�thdschoo ted and"16agbil in jail on -Site bkUll Werdea was arres 0 Pastor said that IFFIetcher &lid took -up another, to -.0hi6h. be: aware that-the'ir bhildren.- re in re, robus Of GreatGermati -excellent'. tha legs scietitifi keniedy An -.D and- med,-11 Were youL asocie- Prepara, -every The- worst dr hoinse . in d' to Ai for the. Ave yearal course. Miss Sunday morning. .!Williams wi-11 recover son selecte te not.the-nead-of onei Sittibg Bull, in Aptaf* Both paiti�s are. iwealthy ma belOD ta cure or relief 9 -the only f of those light mincled d maels whooe rhehinatism, for Carlisle., Si a-nd.th it.waSL children from banc hi&ly rosl5eictatte fami ies. a. tOL have all the children -thoudht is given to theik, coquetnes., Airiviawss owteii by, a� ting, Bull, is. anxiou thing.pse amonK pro essional PeoPleJbk:th9t ur me: ules bf it -with sleeve he A comparatively -young woman With, all' -to wl, ness ng COMplauL - He to9k be t call - from his r -medicAl: Club supping on vill6d" crab and' him N of his party plaided id ludiistrial, schools. :'Khan aking the inf till 1�r minis and Bluf children vhpliever -he -went traveling, andL would- -placed it' upon hideous- rblio of -an notbe VP at Newport, R,, has, it L applied at, %�iflioutitiaud-t:ii�-.%itbatit%vas ry.p9plVe hummity, crying, Miserable hei oll6wing at. her heels, 8810iiiI. lobster salad is not- a reaiiiiiiDg pe5 -of his Own COM- rei& L - ­ s h Umber of. f ers 'leading places ofb any. - T)i&fd mvherein -Y.) t h ai, been starv� lat with� it n �Rgaug;-Trorn the Vrooklyn Q wIgsq 6 T., raises.. n r the BOft, lafiguid-gl6nebs t 'at to -the. trus. u lhe� h' iased UR111588 on-Dundag.street, ta turnout g-pl� len W ae my Be 01, lug: 13 Ing a rigs, alid val ere"is that Lqndon, yegterd 1* aousy.- She- iX Mon 8 ihad dietary aY 000: ill all. ar to Captivate the' unw�iy? W -H th or %gk,.re�dlls':tb,,ouk�niiiidiLitite 'in the editor of. the,c - Sun; in paying fro (1114 Evoling -h r husband,- cod tribute to the eilterprih saratoga'can beatNew Jormed sUch t -�ort Long Branch -beautiful month which fascin- -emya.that 'sbe, and &u. ele go,kgiii g- h elf with sail d all the -rest, put ve v oss:,- y oeeConey Island., att have lust 0ri hope oi no-dri says,: which, 4M the sh a- id in Wher now pism ly Brennan' diLd'-famil shing his. b in with 1, phon. e b d,t So say as. Mrs. ML aa ore r yoUt f sin phorized- foods"t 0 which the iattq If -ten a the- Saratogian sties froal Cork, andie�41apletel z�per sustalnedi or _tee wheri the rouge, Wherb.the Co. whole o into ilie'-wifa of- the St. Louis., banker,. is -at Mee eked ei with w.hicit the face wa's sO.16ft6a-pminted.2'1 She is thwinother of 'eleven children, four abou tas mueb:.as' is, Congress Hall, with over 150.drasseo- - and O'f-the larger' shs� ieces--al1except the ST� JACOBS- ()IL,adVPUV1SL- Aud- so in this'straiu� t -left afthe hotel -and the, The, he -Ompuchin IPI sin the a O�. IS 110, closing 14��ku big diam nds, rubies., eto.,,in sets to mmiCh rangifng. frdra A .,to: hdAheL iinued d6scribing-mllthe various' onditions other seven.- w in Scoftland, va uo�,flqd. r 6ou lmo ind f, the, wiexan are a life and,, sharing the - position rs,�- follow her The wornall and furecin�ly 'in th( grounds of Bell - the. diamanda'sl=e ourpassipg JUL (iftho yea 'breached the, an, Remedy�pnjo 3 of or OlMorei -A temp orary pu P: was Or tve4yhere,: of the New V belle's co.m-- wh lialid, according ";bildr are comfortably- Clad and rem theatre remilt skull,. i6h he held in his ark T 71 ay, was I P -Mr.�Spurgc -thin p1qte suit., -J, ii -whif�t the -,Pl w- lady, -al had to �demlii ably- Clean and .y- oo, 13g. of th tq� the subject with which he' ar aaaressea, an ainftil-4ishap, the lawn, id which' _f&ll dontinU6:t'o_be. sion Louis XIV.�asked-B jj�Tly five� th On -one oce& open.ad n os.- Thelero of tliOlece ud our lib cam Me'. 'dalone, the famous� su and people, W 4,. toM of the recent: Cyclone it G �tho� 'of. Notre Da ).m a 001211 oned out to one of. to the nion of as' -the There has beenA-hemivyga e. .1a �V' 9143A ring-wboftfe of ST-JAVU1W- 1-� t, One -of them speaks ofw w6man: living Onormto. Sire w no walked over: -1b 197.applausO thiOuT --hont the --en ire persons Thethun. 0xin thirty Mil _aw- in that 'for the- ldh �roniptly �f 01,016t 4e t]11R ap re prei d -fro the town, W10 rjeriqusly--de-�qigfi dg the orops.� 4 -reacher tickles 'indeed getit h house V, W L. -T and recog.. ad kec g ear also pricks the --_heart. a.t the oOr0.bmt1QlI.-"!Of puritans "bf tbi� mr . S n uninistako 11up on her Own frounds; People re It is stated - t -of qptla sermon prdielice M aIs, i1hi p ear - ear, - proof urses - thdy steal- vkc6 llikii �naxt OCCELSIOn thatt d,.-, he: picture o 36nal living. in Gi 0 willmot tgko--- would regard -driving dfi�: u6 -9 of JJeIIL jVh6 nim'su, d which, the, gall& athe- ill in ell(, -a Sabbath ost mine.. -M as .4 t 0',,- rtig g'age�n 0 a u- hai-iidvised the -Zidlu in m the black, Chi , . I - . I ?Vy thisivonderflik­% brought. -to her, together with- f ather �ohu Dun a irlE�§ -A. Whi Anied walnut: brings folir beds and other household g60dB fro icali me t1atiord6re'd-the -Park 'Garden M'l to,,give'v maly 'welcome to --C�ta loiah cover--belongingid lings-p6rfoot-inFziglaiicl,-p6ikcl(6naft The iad. infl6all" -13ame ty. A piano �edrsl 11 threel -no r,,y L enip. ged many., u -Vsget q Aran ine 'agallisto v Q91- - . . . .- I . I _th mi es blac -til espatc uni to-Zululaud found. i�i a to.wn'si -d. P 5, 'A'ja the Wdod of this- free Henry Irving. George Augustus, S t und-ul -11940�- e u 'eat Gefin[ul ell MoneUre C na ives and I IL' 41�, XmIta mild Cyplilaii h �&ddqd their from X911JEWRtObtes th ST.' In -Nol -the father of 'Katie Me- when'gr6wn in ih cold cli ate -is of-- bot.tar vii onway mve m Grorty �Je Pus, a died of -chole ou- SuAdayi q'i _ Europea liaes to"th6 list of persons in fat r -hter iatei e& id qU?, I F - nod that his dau