The Sentinel, 1882-09-08, Page 8ready` tksvdd) art Cada 'orworkin inn loweist pitscea-., consistent • with good. work. et, Eti-e4lopying and' Enlaces% Specialty, Frames and Sayre°. :ecopes always on hand. tictena. -0 ,E. JOHNSON; '1111VTE TABLE. No. SOTTilk A disgraceful row, occurred: in the neighborhood of Snell's hotel on Mon- day night la,st. One of the parties paid, eve -dollars into the village treasury. . Miss Minnie Walkeri, °who recently passed the intermediate examination. at tile Goderich -High School, intends leaving on Thursday next: for the To- ronto Normal School.. A Generous Friend.- . Mt 'Webb, of, St..- Helens, 'paid his usual yearly visit to this office wa, Mon- day last...and presented the &inters_ with,a bad. of magnificent -eating ajsples, for whiche.' he .will aocept their sincere the Reform:, ca,tiKlitlate for- the Sbuth ., iire,,,Spent arfew days in the 1,111age Inott week.—Mr.. Ekfrid; the Conserva- tive mminee;„wakalao in, .the village On. WedheSditr lag. a, teem of. horses. .belonging to.* wir. D. Murchison,' Of AShfield, while being _hitched 46 - the -waggon at Shell's, Hotel, inthis village, aii. away. The waggon - and harness ere -considerably damaged, but the - after the great gathering of the clans, in the village, has, been proclaimed, ,by the ReeVe„ a...ei,yic holiday, and all the •*places of ,business will be Closed.: -Note This. A. Macrutyre has received the most. a his Fair Goods and for style and - variety cat hardly be beaten. - If yen Want a dress., suit, bat„ hoots* shirts, under garments, lh, short, if ymi are ih need Of any article, calI at Matallityre's where you are sure t,o-get, iti Fi ne Silver Ware. Mt.'JOhn Wallace,,jewellet has just. -receiVed one of the lergest end finest selections. of silverware ever brought tO the Villaae, all new designs, He tillieent -.silver-mounted shoiw, case, *hick tor• beautr--ancl. design maid hardly be surpasseck . Mr., Wm. Connell, who is at -present visiting the scenes of his youth- aznong • the Highlands- of Scotland, sent to Ma. . box of. heather,in full bloom. -Mr. jag. a hea,ther, Scotch thistles, eta„, 00111, Et friond in the Old Country., , Wanted- tee See the "Devil." ' " Where are you going?' asked one, he entered -this offiee one day Jest week 'with arge basket under his ariii. iiiii intruder as, ke advancect -towards his $iitanic llifajesty -and presented that . individual, with. a. basket of splendid pearanee in falt7:wheat, in some parts of Ontario, and considerable alarm ii.felt . "thereat. SUggestions abbut how- to prevent the racragea of the fly are now in order, and the following from the, letter of an old` farmer in the BoStom Expositor will be of -interest He saya a *.'" If fall wheat is not Sewn till after -a frost the denier is tided over. The. ily,yaust dpposit its eggs before- this, _ occurs and if farmers will stop sowing - their grain in the very early; `day,s a- sept4aber,, and wait until say the-LOtL . or 15th --the plant will make as, -Nig-- • orous growth before winter. as if sawn: Serious- Loss: - A. valuable horse belonging to Mr. .Tohn Gamble, of .Kinloss, died in this of the StOmaola. Mt Gamble. Wee off- ered $17:5 for -the ailinaal last spring opportunitrof attending the Caledon- ian ganies on Wednesday next, the merchants have -decided to close • their respective plate of businessfrom 11 . Auction Sale, -There will be sOld by public aUction at lot 22, coma, Huren, on Tuesday, September 19th, his entire lot of farm stock, implements etc. Sale to coin; 4rience at o'clock mt. Mr. WM' Harris, proprietor.. Corriganak Purvie,• Beadles St. Catherine's Nursery. Mt. Peter .Mtirdoch, of Ashfield, is , taking orders for fruit -trees, ;shrubs, bushes e‘tc.. Parties in need of , any of the abo've should. reserve their - orders till Mr. Murdoch calls upon 'them. Trees supplied from. the St. Catharine's Nursery. St, Vitus' Dance. . --The Brandon (Man.) gun says :—A young rnan, named IlIcKenzie, of Lick- - now, Ontario, on Saturdaylast was ob- served acting strangely On the street, and the:police authorities considered hiin dangerous, and had him handed over to the care of a doctor. On Sun, - clay his case was evidently a very bad one of St. Vitus' dance. Not improv, - • New Firm. AS -will be -seen by advertisement in another column, our o d townsman, Mr. Thomas Sell has entered- into partnership with Mr Wm. Holmes, of Wingliam, under the style of Relines Liz Sell for the Firpese of carrying'on the dry goods, ..grocery. and millinery business in that town. Mr. Sell is a live business num, having a thor- ough lenceidedge of the wants of .the public, and the happy knack of inge-at- iating himself into the good graces of, the people. Mr. Holmes,•though per- ' sonally unknown to us has £5. first-class reputation. as a business tian. We wish the young firm success. LOCAL OHIP, —The open season for duck shooting commenced on Friday last --.41iss Lizzie 0-ordon spent .a few —The -oyster season='covering the months with an'r—,is now 'with us. verandah in front of his hOterfitted_up. —1The noise of the threshing ma - Chine is now heard thrieughout :the —Mr. John Walker, o Wirmipeg, Manitoba, is: at present v'siting in tlie —Master13: and 1Vliss Susie Walker left this. week for the Goderich High a few 'days in- WoodstoCk, `1/1:cr although given every attention, • • • - was decided to send kini to .WinWpeg. ;Tuesday morning last. There is every probitlfflify that bar- ley will not command ,, ery high prices this year, • It may go dOwn to 50c. per bushel. This year a -large acreage ' of it has•beeu Soivn, and more Of the grain will be reaped than -ever before. E Ontario's crop -last year wes 11,900,000 bushels ; thia year -it „Will ., be oilier 15„000,000. bushels. Last .year - there waS a great scarcity of barley in. the Kag.gle Murray, there is no . solf001 in State& This - year there: will be an.-. the junier department- of • the :public. abundant harvest. An these thinc;s school. , verandah in front of his_ hotel,„fitted- up,which . adds Much to. the appearance —Mr. G. W. Berry:and Totaily,,whO were. up the lakes for - the past three, _weeks on a pleasure trip,. r turned on .--,People returning ,home ona their -Vacations find the weather !Charming,. It --We regret to learn that , Miss. Maggie Murray, teacher of -the „junior: department ()four public school lies in Mr. -Wallace of Godierich, spent a few clays in:the -411a,ge kat week, ' visiting at present the gaest of Mr. - Walter --Mrs. David Collins, .of Kincardine, ts visiting -in the village, the guest of ' -..---We are glad to heti,. that._ Mr. FergusOn.who had his tobt 'amputated last Week is recoVerind- riq:ndly —Mrs. M. C. Potts arrieed home on Saturda,y last after an. extn.ded - visit to Palmerston and Sebringville. Owing to the serions - illness, of 1Vliss will militate again.st the price. The following from the Norwich ,gazelie is just what we ,want, as /ecal 'born,. not made; local news this week as to be made since none of material consequence exists. The reporter who hankerS after news., evens as the' hart panteth .after. the waterbroOks, is a-, „melancholy man these times.. Net !even a case of partial sunstroke relieves •-the monoteny of the week's dull record. !Thatiestiorelatiens are tooliappy, elope - Merits too waive, -tragedies too eenspic- uous by their absence; in this locality; for a reporter of enterprise to succeed. in eliciting &bait for his effortson be-• hail of a greedy public': Our readers will Oblige ate by- doing semething, even if they only leave town, to give us. a Chance to, work them. into our " person- als." We thought that Exeter people were- pretty-lamart but the following leads the -van gentIetian from Exaer, so it is said, daIled, on Clinton pump_ makerand purchased a pump -from him, informing him he lived in Exeter and wished it delivered there,. Accordingly the twain set sailcfor Exeter, their ve- hicle being laded with a. fine new pump, Arriving at thiiplace the alleged Ex., eter man got off the rig telling the Clintonite he resided on one of the , back streets and.tbat he would. slip around_ and see that all WEIS The Clinton man didn't wait ever Since for the return of the purchaser but put ,up at the Lorne House for the balance. of the night and returned home in -the - Month earlier than •fisual, this year. This is considered by- those familiar oltahatellerllia8bpitrsin-ogf.the ds.-. as' a_ sign - --Mr.. Ewen` McColl; the( venerable Gmlic poet,- of Kingston, _ was in the, ter is *the author.. contemplate holding a-,fiunistgr stration et Brantferd on the. 20th inst. •nouneed as'a portion of the program- -and other decorations will be erected' in -the village in bonor-of t4gaines Wednesday next. - We. truit the .citi-: nient Upd -rnake the, village appear AS .pleasant as poSsible ..on that bocaSion. Eigh3. Busy Times' Our es- • teemed brother of the Teiesaope has *lock, the Rev. J. Sreith wAs open- to editers ,only, to aonie off at aroused by -the presence of thieves about his premises, who- were bueily engaged fillieg a bag with, apples. 1V1r. Smith did, not get near enoegh to arrest anyone, but he knows the boys,- whei.are three: brothers.. The elder brether ,InaitY often be seen passing, brOwn curly. dog, wi_th, white - breast 'and. feet; and as Viouglr tlioy must be betra this -veritable compaiiim 1-1-*hb depredations, itild barked ketty, ifothers were else born ; twelve lov.tily, as, its comrades. -Were Chased rirmorttlis, taVo • _others were also, bern avvrty. Irt their•ilight, the bag, (a new, :•-after, ten months, twe etherS ;, wa.sleft-behind;, and EtS it tot -the lithe space- -of five years ...itta fonr. name ofthethievea,..it roost Wily ;months, she hadfifteen children. stolen property too, - The owner ma lather "woman had' twelee -children after mx years marriage- ; and finally another Lucknow on the 13th .of September, We are *sorry for thif3, . as we feel: sure 141c1.• extinguish: himself, far _as ; —It ia. reported, says the - Quebec titierev.M. that at St Priome, ?ut of a' -iilation of 1,00.. 4..Woman after ten :months marriage, gav6 tirth ,,..to four escape the danget spoken". haYe the: mane by/ c.s. thopar, cake bad' m tinttemmonth, not fail to visit the -AND men Wingham, September: 5th, 1882. CALEDONIAN JuSt recei‘red direct front the . - 'balance of our -Bummer. - HAM Expressly for tha- grand ga cling :o the Clans .on. the 1 8th. can afford to be without this d tinctive baclgeof his nationality. CONN L goods muo he §-ail:Ito make room. tor Bales froth this date at MRS. SMITI WESTERN ,general that thepare prepared to e - cute all work ip their -line in a superior tyle. - B UILDING of ALL contracted for and finished in the lat 'man - net. and wit4great satisfaction. W keep -on hand., Or mp-de to. oreer at short notice. Wft guarantee good work as we keep none lea the best of worhmenaud roster 41. Re STRWA that -he has moved,one door west of T. Law- rence's Tin Shop, where he intends kee - 'in counaction with his,large and fresh stoek of' ICERI which he intends selling CHEAP Opap WALL N 1.1nOknoyi.,:Angust--4d, 1882, •The.firtn of J: & S.' .11cEaclien Diltglass. otherpreparstion we can recommend ith,ae. invariabl'y gives- the hest of satisfaction:4.J: -,`"IlEnBER,10,,r- the ---ramerkahle little now Outirely-well.",::